Finger gymnastics with objects. Finger games using non-standard objects Finger gymnastics with objects

A little man, getting into this world, learns everything: hold his head, sit, walk, talk. And it is very natural that parents want to make the process of mastering these skills as easy as possible. But if in the first months of life a simple charge is enough, then in the future the work should be comprehensive, that is, cover as many areas as possible not only of the physical, but also of the intellectual, emotional development of the baby. And one of these complex activities is finger gymnastics for preschoolers.

Essence and forms

This is interesting. The Chinese were the first to speak about the significance of the simplest hand movements on brain activity. And it was in the II century BC.

What is important for a child to develop fine motor skills heard by all the more or less knowledgeable parents in matters of raising children. However, not everyone knows what it is and what connection this skill has with the future of the baby. And the point here is not only that the developed motor skills of the fingers are the key to beautiful handwriting, but also that the movements of the fingers and toes, coordinated with each other and aimed at performing precise actions, interact with the highest properties of human consciousness, namely with:

  • different types of thinking (figurative, critical, logical);
  • with all kinds of attention;
  • perception of an optical-spatial nature;
  • children's imagination;
  • observation;
  • motor and visual memory;
  • speech.

From a practical point of view, the motor skills of the fingers make it easy to fasten buttons, lace up shoes and write letters.

Finger gymnastics is considered the most productive form of work aimed at developing fine motor skills so important for a full life. This exercise (most often in the form of a game, so that in the literature the concepts of “finger exercises” and “finger games” are synonymous and constitute the actual concept of “finger gymnastics”), which, due to the alternation of such movements as compression, stretching and relaxation, stimulates thinking processes, strengthens muscle and bone tissue. By the way, in the methodological literature, the preliminary “arrangement of the mise-en-scene” is sometimes called an exercise, which, with the addition of words, becomes the actual game. In addition, finger games are:

  • a great way to distract the little one from whims or tears;
  • a useful activity that is available anytime and anywhere (on the subway, on the bus, in line, etc.);
  • training for switching mental activity from the right hemisphere of the brain (creative) to the left (rational).

This is interesting. Some scientists involved in the characteristics and strategies of early development of children believe that the more a hand can do, the more intellectually developed its owner is.

Forms of finger games

There are a lot of varieties of forms of nursery rhymes for training fine motor skills. But for preschoolers, the most relevant are:

  • games or exercises (finger movements are regulated by the plot of the story);
  • theatrical sketches (performed with finger puppets);
  • physical exercises (can be using paraphernalia or objects, this category includes, for example, rolling sausages from plasticine on a board).

These forms allow you to develop the baby not only physically (and, as we have already found out above, intellectually), but also creatively.

Goals and objectives

The goals of performing gymnastics for fine motor skills at preschool age are:

  • speech development;
  • formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds;
  • training the ability to speak clearly and quickly;
  • work on improving the coordination of movements;
  • development of all types of memory, voluntary and involuntary attention, the ability to coordinate actions with speech;
  • contribute to the formation of a thoughtful attitude to the words of adults.

As for the tasks, they can be implemented in a specific exercise in a complex way, or they can be presented partially. The main positions can be called such tasks:

  • speech development;
  • development of mathematical skills;
  • memorization of lexical or grammatical material in a foreign language;
  • learning rhymes;
  • gymnastics with surrounding objects.

Classification of finger exercises for preschoolers

Depending on the designated goals and objectives, the following sets of exercises can be distinguished, aimed at:

  • the work of the muscular skeleton of the hands in various directions;
  • finger movements on the body or on the table;
  • building small figures of animals, as well as objects using coordinated movements of the fingers and hands of both hands.

Separately, we can highlight:

  • fun games (for example, “Goat-Horned Goat”, “Magpie-Belobok”, etc.);
  • fairy tales accompanied by gestures (combining different games into one exercise, for example, “We bought in a store”, “Sharpening a knife”, “We cut cabbage, cut”, “Orange”, you can come up with a single plot - we made purchases, sharpened a knife and started processing vegetables and fruits);
  • poetic games (a form of carrying out the above exercises).

How to work with the exercise-game?

The order of work on any game is the same:

  1. An adult shows an exercise to a younger participant in the game.
  2. First, 1-2 times the children repeat the actions of the fingers (palms, hands).
  3. Once the whole mise-en-scene is played slowly, with the repetition of complex elements, but without words.
  4. Words are added to the movements.

It is important not to overload the kids with tasks, so it is recommended not to give more than 1-2 finger games per day.

Card file of exercises for finger gymnastics - a memo to parents

Before talking about specific examples of games, you need to specify the age of the guys with whom they are held. Of course, the use of certain exercises is due to the individual characteristics of the development of motor skills (including fine motor skills) in a child. Nevertheless, along with universal fun games, exercises for rhyming and fairy tales with gestures, exercises for the work of the muscular skeleton in different directions(left-right) is especially relevant for 1-3 year olds. But the construction of figures can be engaged from 3 years. While movements on the body or on surfaces with different textures are suitable for babies of average and senior group kindergarten. And one more thing: when choosing a set of exercises, it is worth paying attention to the content side of the task (especially poetic finger games): the child will not be able to perform this or that action if some words are not familiar to him.

Classic examples of finger exercises

Children are happy to demonstrate their artistic abilities in the game "Chizhik-Pyzhik" In the game "Raven Sits on an Oak", children not only work with their hands and fingers, but also squat. This game can be played as a competition for kids at a physical education session. Children really like games with imitation of animals and insects "Magpie-Crow" - this is the first game with a baby when an adult performs movements with small fingers of a little one. For the game "Tsar's Court" you need to use and fingers and palms

Games for the development of the muscular skeleton of the hands

Goals: bend and unbend fingers, perform actions to unite the fingers of both hands, perform simple finger movements (draw circles, clench fists, etc.).

When starting to perform any exercise, first of all, an adult needs to speak and show the action of each finger and hand, and only then proceed to combine words and movements.


We shared an orange

(we hold the left hand in a fist and grab it with the other hand)
There are many of us, and he is one,
This slice is for the hedgehog

(on each slice, the right hand alternately opens the fingers on the left hand),
This slice is for a siskin,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for the wolf - peel!

(shake both brushes, showing that the slices are over)

This exercise can be done with a ball.

We bought from the store

(hands in front of you, squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands)

Pears, peaches and plums

(with the right hand we bend the fingers of the left hand alternately)

Both bananas and persimmons

And they took it all home.

(the left hand is clenched into a fist, and we cover it with the right).

Poem about the house

I want to build a house

(Hands folded into a house, and raised above your head)

To have a window in it,

(Fingers of both hands connect in a circle)

So that the house has a door,

(We connect the palms of the hands together vertically)

Next to the pine tree to grow.

(Raise one hand up and “spread out” fingers)

So that there is a fence around

The dog guarded the gate

(We join hands in a lock and make a circle in front of us)

The sun was up, it was raining

(First we raise our hands up, fingers are “spread out.” Then we lower our fingers down, we make “shaking off” movements)

And the tulip bloomed in the garden!

(We connect our palms together and slowly open our fingers - “tulip bud”)

finger family

This thumb is big

This is papa dear.

Next to dad is our mom.

Next to my mother is my elder brother.

Following him sister -

Sweet girl.

And the smallest strong man -

This is our lovely baby.

(stroke the fingers from the base to the pads in turn)

Friends - gardeners

The finger is thick and large

I went to the plum garden.

(The palm is gathered into a “cam”. We bend the thumb, straighten it, then bend it in half. Bend again and so on several times)

Pointer from the threshold

Showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate,

He knocks plums off the branch.

(We bend the middle finger, “bend-unbend” it. At the same time, you should try not to bend the index and thumb)

Nameless picks up

(We also bend the nameless one, try not to move the previous fingers)

And the little finger-master Throws bones into the ground!

(Bend off little finger)

We cut cabbage

We chop cabbage, chop,

(waving arms like a knife)

We press cabbage, we press,

(cams clench-unclench)
We salt cabbage, salt,

(we rub our fingers together - “salt”)

We three carrots, three.

(with the fist of one hand, rub the palm of the other hand)

This game can also be diversified with an object: a ball or a bag of sand (buckwheat or small pebbles).

Let's sharpen the knife!

We sharpen, we sharpen

Let's sharpen the knife!

He will be very good.

(with the edge of the palm we drive back and forth along the palm of the free hand)

He will cut supplies:

(“cut” with each finger of the hand)

Tomatoes cucumbers…

Eat well, fellows!

Cooked dinner

We sat down to have lunch

And they called the neighbors to the house.

(we invite guests with our hands)

The white tablecloth was covered

(hands in front of you, spread them apart)

Spoon forks laid out,

Sliced ​​bread and cheese

Prepared the garnish.

(rub palm on palm with sharp movements)

(rotational movements of the hands)

And from minced meat cutlets for everyone

We fried without a diet.

(molding cutlets)

Salted, peppered

Kneaded (imitation of movements)

Do not forget to put an angry bow

And close everything.

Ready, tired

They did not bake a cake.

(wipe forehead with hand)


A tall flower grew in a clearing,

(connect the wrists, spread the palms to the sides, slightly round the fingers)

Opened the petals on a spring morning.

(spread fingers)

All petals beauty and nourishment

(rhythmically move fingers together-separately)

Together they give roots underground.

(palms down, press the back side to each other, fingers apart).


One two three four,

(alternating hand clapping and fist bumps)

We washed the dishes

(one palm slides over the other in a circle)

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle.

(bend fingers one at a time, starting with the big one)

We just broke a cup

The bucket also fell apart

The teapot's nose broke off.

We broke the spoon a little.

(unbend fingers one at a time, starting with the big one)

So we helped mom!

(bang fists against each other, clap)

If you connect elementary mathematical knowledge to the exercise, then the game will also acquire educational value - the kid will consolidate the counting skill to 10.

Cat and kittens

Our cat has 10 kittens

Now all the kittens are in pairs:

(palms facing each other)

Two fat ones

(connect the thumbs of both hands and knock them against each other)

two dexterous,

(connect index fingers and tap them against each other)

two long,

(connect middle fingers and tap them against each other)

two cunning,

(connect ring fingers and tap them against each other)

The two smallest

And the most beautiful.

(connect the little fingers and knock them against each other)

Autumn leaves

Let's collect the leaves.

(bend fingers alternately)

birch leaves,

rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll take the autumn bouquet to mom.

(“we walk” with our fingers on our knees)

autumn bouquet

Let the fingers go for a walk

(run fingers over knees)

They began to collect leaves:

Red leaf, yellow leaf,

(alternately touch the fingertips, starting with the index finger, to the thumb)

One two three four five!

(alternately bend the fingers on the hand)

How many leaves did you collect?

(raise hand up, spread fingers)

We will play with autumn leaves,

Let's dance with autumn leaves.


(count and bend fingers)

An astrologer lived on the moon -

He kept a record of the planets:

Mercury - times

Venus - two

Three - Earth,

four - Mars,

Five Jupiter,

six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Who does not see - get out!


One two three four five,
We're going to look for mushrooms!
This finger went to the forest,
This finger mushroom found.
This finger began to clean.
This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything
That's why he got fat.
(alternately bend your fingers, starting with the little finger).


One two three four five -

(Successively connect the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other hand).

We will wash things:

Dress, trousers and socks,

Skirt, blouse, handkerchiefs.

Let's not forget the scarf and hat -

We will wash them too.

(The cams imitate washing).

Video: Finger gymnastics for children from 1 to 3 years old

Finger movement games

Objectives: to coordinate the actions of the fingers in contact with the hard surface of the table. These exercises activate the tactile sensations of children.

New sneakers

(we bend the fingers on both hands one at a time, starting with the big ones)

Like our cat

Boots on the feet

Like our pig

Shoes on feet.

And on the paws of the dog

Blue slippers.

A little goat

Wears boots.

And the son of Vovka -

New sneakers.

(“Walking” on the table with index and middle fingers).

New sneakers.


Snow fell on the threshold.

(Children slowly lower their palms on the table twice).

The cat made himself a cake.

(Show how they make a cake.)

In the meantime, sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed in a stream.

(“Run” with the fingers of both hands on the table).

Bake pies for yourself

(They show how the cake is baked again.)

Not from snow - from flour.

on the Christmas tree

We had fun at the tree

(Rhythmic hand clapping).

And danced and frolicked

(Rhythmic punches).

After the good Santa Claus

(Children "walk" the middle and index fingers of both hands on the table.

He gave us gifts

Gave huge packages

("Draw" a large circle with their hands).

They also have delicious items:

(They make rhythmic clapping.)

Sweets in blue papers

(Fingers are bent on both hands, starting with the thumb).

Nuts next to them

apple, one

Golden tangerine.

Games for building small figures of animals, objects using the movement of the hands and fingers

Objectives: to diversify the movements of the hands, to use the muscles of the hands and arms.


Everyone in the forest is surprised

(rub palms together)

Different trees grow:

(open palms and spread fingers)

Here it is up to the sky

All resinous pine.

(connect elbows - “trunk”, open palms - “crown”)

Dissolved branches-braids

White birch.

("flashlights" with movement from top to bottom)

Like a blade of grass in a field,

Thin growing aspen.

(show index finger, the rest - clenched into a fist)

The oak spread its branches,

And he is not afraid of the wind.

(stretch arms up, spread fingers)

Linden blossomed,

(collect fingers into a pinch - “bud”)

Called the bee for a visit.

(make circular rotations with the index finger - the bees fly)

Spruce needles fluffed

(lower hands to the sides down, spread fingers)

And the mushrooms closed everything.

(show mushroom: index finger - leg, palm on top - hat)

Trees rustle their leaves,

(rubbing palms against each other - “rustling”)

Like they're having a conversation

(shake hands)

Hands-branches have dissolved,

The birds are waiting for you.

(they clasp their thumbs, spread their palms to the sides - they show birds).

Chicks in the nest

The mother bird has flown

Look for beetles for kids.

(Fingers are spread, palms are crossed. The thumbs are connected, the rest are flapping like wings).

Little chicks are waiting

Mom's hotels.

Grasp all the fingers of the right hand with the left palm. "Nest".

(The movement of the fingers of the right hand gives the impression of living chicks in the nest).


The starling lives in the birdhouse

(Fingers touch each other, palms parallel).

And sings a loud song.

(The fingers are clenched into a fist, and the thumb and forefinger are extended, connecting and disconnecting).

Video: Finger circus

Video: 10 simple finger games, or how to entertain a kid in a traffic jam

Video: How to get more out of your workout

Paraphernalia exercises

Additional elements used for the game increase the children's interest in activities. These details can be used

  • pictures cut out from magazines (no more than 7-8 cm high), glued to cardboard and fixed on the finger with an elastic band;
  • pieces of fabric superimposed on the fingers (for example, a piece of white tulle as a veil and black velvet to imitate a man's suit);
  • multi-colored rubber bands (for lumigurumi) for "identification" of one or another hero of the poem.

Objectives: to develop fine motor skills, imaginative thinking, imagination.



  1. We fix the figures on the middle and ring fingers - "legs".
  2. The second and fifth fingers are "handles".
  3. The thumb is pressed to the palm.
  4. On the table, we walk with our legs in place, raising our “legs” high.
  5. We take steps forward, periodically stopping.
  6. We carry out movements up and down with “hands”.

"Big family"


  1. We put on an elastic band on each finger.
  2. We determine who is who (the middle finger is dad, the index finger is mom, the ring and little fingers are children, the big one is grandmother, to whom the whole friendly family goes for the summer).
  3. Each of the family members must kiss the grandmother, that is, touch her. The exercise is accompanied by naming the role of each finger.

Exercises with objects

Goals: stimulate the nerve endings of the fingertips, work out the accuracy and speed of finger movements, develop imagination.



  1. Fold the paper towel in half twice.
  2. Tear off small pieces with your fingers.
  3. We open the napkin - the holes create the effect of lace.

"Rainbow rug"


  1. We make a series of holes on small paper rectangles, evenly distributing them horizontally.
  2. The task of the child is to thread the colored threads into the holes, imitating a loom.
  • drawing up figures (for example, geometric) from matches;
  • laying out various patterns with small pebbles;
  • lacing, etc.

Fingerplays in English

Goals: practice pronunciation English sounds, learn lexical material on the topics: “Numbers”, “Animals”, “Names of fingers”, develop imaginative thinking, cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around.

(forefinger and thumb of one hand must be connected in a ring)
And there's a ball

(now doing the same movement on the other hand)
A great big ball I see

(raise both hands up so that the fingers of one hand touch the fingers of the other hand, depicting a large ball)
Now let's count them -
One, Two, Three

(in turn, we do each of the movements described above)

Cat and Mice


  1. The kid squeezes his left hand into a fist.
  2. Then he opens each finger with the words: "I'm a mouse."
  3. Performs flexion-extension as quickly as possible with the words: We are mice, mice, mice. We are very, very nice.
  4. Finally, straightening the index finger of his right hand, he says: "I'm a cat."
  5. The adult says: “Cat, catch the mice!”, The kid hides his fingers in his fist, and tries to open his palm with his index finger.
  6. We change the handles (left - "cat", right - "mouse").

Another version of finger gymnastics in English is the alteration of songs in English to illustrate specific finger movements.

Hickory, dickory, dock


  1. From salt dough make a clock face.
  2. We repeat: Hickory, dickory, dock, The mouse ran up the clock (quickly drumming your fingers on the surface of the clock made, as if a mouse is running on it) The clock struck one, (clap your hands loudly once) The mouse ran down (make movements with your fingers as if the mouse is running away)

Video: Finger gymnastics in English "The Finger Family Song"

Finger gymnastics for preschoolers - this is an illustration of how useful can be interesting and even funny. Children will be happy to perform the simplest actions with pens, repeating poetic lines that are easily and quickly remembered. So, these short physical exercises not only fulfill their main goal - the development of fine motor skills, but will also be an excellent way to train memory, develop speech, and also create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

In a certain sense, preparation for school can begin from infancy. And finger games are indispensable for this: there are many chances that the baby will learn to speak coherently, and then read and write before their peers.

It is best to start finger training at the age of three months. While the baby is suckling, take his pen and massage each finger, stroke the palm of your hand. Stroking should be in the direction from the fingertips to the wrists, and each finger of the child should be bent and unbent in turn. These exercises are useful to carry out daily for 2-3 minutes. Such simple exercises will have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby, will contribute to early development speech. Use all the famous poems: "Forty-white-sided" and "Ladushki". They will become the first finger games of your crumbs.

finger games- This is, as a rule, a dramatization of children's poems. They develop well voluntary attention, coordination and fine motor skills, which are closely related to speech and thinking, preparation for writing. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech and thinking cannot be achieved. In the cerebral cortex, the departments responsible for fine manual motor skills and articulation are located nearby and are closely connected. The hand develops earlier in the process of ontogenesis, and its development, as it were, pushes the formation of speech. Therefore, by training fine manual motor skills in a child, we stimulate his speech. And thanks to finger games, the hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears.

Learning texts with gymnastics, the baby will not only become better at speaking, but will also develop imagination and memory. In addition, these activities help develop Creative skills children.

However, finger games are, first of all, fun activities, and only then development and learning. The main activity of a preschooler, as you know, is a game. And if the game contains rhymed speech and movements, then it fully meets the needs inherent in preschool age, and children like it.

"Wave". Place your hands in front of you, palms down. Spread your fingers apart and draw in turn with each finger separately a wave from top to bottom. You can combine the reading of a poem with the movements of both one and two hands.

A worm crawls on the ground


A sailor is sailing on the river


Smoke billows from the chimney


The skier is rolling down the mountain


A path leads into the forest

(Little finger.)

All one picture!

(All fingers together.)

For a variety of activities, you should use various objects. There are many games where pencils, laces, a handkerchief are used.

"Bear". Slowly slide the handkerchief into your fist with one finger.

The bear climbed into his lair,

He crushed all his sides,

Hey, get help

The bear seems to be stuck!

Now you need to forcefully pull the handkerchief out of your fist, then repeat again.

Toddlers from one to two years old can perform movements well with one hand, and three-year-old children already easily cope with more complex options, such as in the game "Octopus".

"Octopus". Put both hands on the table, touching it with the pads of eight fingers (except for large ones). Fingers apart. It is necessary to perform movements with both hands at the same time.

How hard is it for an octopus

put on boots,

(“We step” with our fingers on the table in the rhythm of the verse, starting with the little fingers.)

Even if I can't

(Tapping thumbs on the table together.)

I put on two legs!

(Tapping thumbs on the table alternately.)

Children 4 years old become available games using various small items.

Little fingers can show a gesture of “excellent”, say goodbye or call to them, approve with applause, threaten and much more.


The dawn has just risen

(Raise hands with palms up.)

In the yard: quack-quack, quack-quack!

(We unfold our palms and rhythmically connect the thumb with the rest.)

Quack-"bye" and quack-"hello",

(Two more moves.)

Quack question and quack answer

(Two more moves.)

Quack yes quack-such a language,

(Two more moves.)

Ducks, native drakes.

(We shake hands, as if greeting.)

“If a child entering the first grade does not distinguish between fingers, this is a sure sign of the difficulties that await him in learning both mathematics and reading,” psychologists say. Games aimed at distinguishing fingers are performed with each finger separately, in turn, as in the game "Juices".

"Juices". We bend the finger when pronouncing the name of each juice on one and then on the other hand, starting with the little finger:

Drink juice for health

But don't spill a drop

orange, cherry,

Grape and pear

apricot, strawberry,

Everyone has great taste!

You can drink tomato juice

He is especially pleasant.

Carrot and pomegranate juice

So helpful to you guys!

(Show thumb.)

Be sure to use games on a symmetrical image with both hands at the same time. Such exercises are aimed at coordinating the actions of both hemispheres of the brain. If possible, try to encourage your child to work with both hands. Quite often, the failure of children and impaired learning functions are associated with an inability to interact between the left and right hemispheres, which can be eliminated by mastering special motor exercises.

With such games, the eyes and hands relax, the activity of both hemispheres is synchronized. In addition to staging poetry, you can ask your child to draw simple symmetrical images, letters or figure eights on a piece of paper at the same time with both hands, or try the Ear-Nose exercise with your baby. Grab the tip of your nose with your left hand, and your ear with your right hand. Release your ear and nose at the same time. Release your ear and nose at the same time. Clap your hands and reverse the position exactly the opposite - it's not easy at all.

How to conduct classes?

Before offering a finger game to a baby, get to know it yourself, understand the movements of the fingers.

To warm up and prepare for games, invite the baby to draw a circle with the finger of the right and then the left hand, a line - vertical and horizontal. If the game involves movements with one hand, then gradually the baby must learn to perform finger movements with both the right and left hands. Let the baby squeeze and unclench the fist.

After such a warm-up, read the poem and show the movements of the fingers and hands. Show your child how to "tell" the verses with their hands. Let him repeat after you, and then gradually do the exercise on his own. It is good if the child can come up with new games, words, images and movements. Having learned one game, the baby will definitely try to stage other rhymes and songs. If the baby does not perform the exercise exactly, but fantasizes, do not be angry, treat this as a creative approach. If he is not good at imitating you, help him. If difficulties arise, you can take the child’s hand and make a movement with him. After memorizing the movements, you can get by with only a verbal description.

You should not give a lot of games at once, limit yourself to one or two a day. It is better to repeat each game two or three times. And try to find a convenient time when both you and the baby are ready to enjoy spending a few minutes together for an interesting and useful activity.

memo "Our hands do not know boredom"

Hand and finger massage

- Finger massage(from thumb to little finger).

Rub the fingertip first, then slowly lower to its base. It is desirable to accompany such a massage with cheerful rhymes (sentences).

-Massage of the palms with a hexagonal pencil.

The edges of the pencil easily tingle the palms and activate the nerve endings, relieve tension. Have the child place the pencil between their palms and rotate it from the base of their palms to their fingertips. Children are taught to pass a pencil between one and two or three fingers, to hold it in a certain position in the right and left hand.

-Finger massage with rings.

We put five small rings on one for each finger of the left hand, then - for each finger of the right. Putting on, we call fingers: thumb, index, etc.

-Massage with walnuts:

a) roll two nuts between the palms;

b) roll one nut between fingers;

c) hold a few nuts between the spread fingers of the dominant hand;

d) hold a few nuts between the fingers of both hands.

- Massage of the palms with stone, metal or glass multi-colored balls.

Children are offered balls that you can simply turn in your hands, click on them with your fingers and “shoot”, direct them into special grooves and holes, competing in accuracy. Attach a small ball to a string. Let the child click (with each finger in turn) “shoot off” this ball.

-Massage the palms with a brush or massage ball.

-Massage with beads.

Picking beads develops fingers, calms nerves. At this time, you can count the number of beads (in the forward and reverse order).

finger games

With the help of fingers, they convey the events of fairy tales and poems - a kind of staging is obtained. When conducting finger games, it is important to adhere to the principle that is associated with age characteristics. speech development preschoolers: up to about 4-5 years old, children only act with their fingers, and the text is spoken by an adult; older preschoolers begin to accompany such games with words.

Finger games can be divided into three groups:

a) games without objects;

b) games with objects;

c) games with paraphernalia.

Finger games without objects

Usually accompanied by poems, nursery rhymes. These include games for bending and extending the fingers (“Finger, finger, where have you been?”, “One, two, three, four, five, fingers want to sleep” and game exercises), For example:

One two three four five,

(Fingers are bent, starting with the thumb.)

Will collect leaves

(The fists are clenched and unclenched.)

Birch leaves, rowan leaves, poplar leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves we will collect,

(Bend fingers, starting with the thumb.)

Mom will take the autumn bouquet.

( step on the table with the middle and index fingers.)

N. Nishcheeva "Autumn Leaves"

Games using paraphernalia

The use of paraphernalia increases interest in finger games. At the same time, the attributes themselves do not carry any developmental load, they, as it were, decorate the exercise, making it more attractive for the child. As attributes, you can use images of small figures (7-8 cm) cut from magazines, postcards, old books, etc. The selected character is glued onto cardboard and cut out along the contour. Then a rubber band is sewn to the figure, the diameter of which should be as follows. So that it fits snugly around the bases of children's fingers (middle and index or index, middle and ring fingers).

Game "Charging". Children choose the figures they like and fix them on the base of the middle and ring fingers. These fingers are the legs, the index and little fingers are the hands. The thumb is pressed to the palm. An adult offers to do exercises (on the table): walking - we walk in place, raise our legs high (middle and ring fingers); we step forward; stop - one, two.

Finger games with objects

Favorite caps for fingers. To complete the exercise, each child will need caps. They can be made from paper or cut off the ends from old children's gloves. Children perform actions in the course of the story: “Once upon a time there were fingers. They knew how to do a lot: both work and have fun. Fingers were very fond of dressing up in their favorite caps. We got up in the morning and immediately put on the caps. The day passed merrily, and closer to the night the fingers got tired and went to bed. Before going to bed, they took off their caps.”

(Children remove each cap (hat) with the help of other fingers of the same hand. The fingers of the other hand do not help.)

Exercise options:

Tearing paper into small pieces and creating an appliqué.

Breaking a sheet of paper. This work is connected with the commonwealth of both hands. It is advisable to offer the child tasks not only for an arbitrary break, but also along the contour ( geometric figures, objects, animals).

Fold the paper towel in quarters. The child can pluck semicircles from the folds with two fingers. When he unfolds the napkin, he will see a lace pattern.

Ask your child to help you collect the beads. Let him drop them into a box with a small hole. Then he can string them on a thread in a certain order, alternating in shape, color or size.

Invite the child to roll up balls of plasticine. Then - flatten the balls into cakes with your thumb and forefinger. You can roll up flagella, fashion a bagel out of them, weave a cord. You can fashion a carrot, an apple, a fungus, a snake with spots from plasticine of a different color from balls.

With your help, the child can “weave” a small rug out of cloth or colored paper: make parallel cuts inside the rectangle at a distance of 1.5 cm, then thread colored laces or strips of paper in transverse directions, interlacing the strips of the rectangle alternately from above or below.

- "Magic matches" (drawing up pictures according to a model, from memory, arbitrarily). The child is able to lay out the simplest geometric shapes from matches: squares, rectangles, triangles. On this basis, you can create images of objects that are interesting to him. From matches you can build towers, houses, wells.

Children love to show off their strength. Ask the child to firmly squeeze your hand, pull your fingers with your fingers (alternately bend and unbend each finger).

Games for laying out a pattern (with laces, pebbles, buttons, large seeds (beans, beans, peas)).

Pattern drawing.


Cutting out. Working with scissors exercises the child in a quick change of tension and relaxation of the small muscles of the hand. Therefore, the more the child uses scissors, the better his work is. The more perfect is the change in the tone of the hand.



Folding cut pictures.

- "Fold pictures from geometric shapes."

Finger theatre, shadow theatre.

Origami (folding a sheet of paper in different directions, making paper crafts).

Thread writing (laying out threads along the contour of an image), etc.

Outdoor games

- "chauffeurs"(children wrap a rope around a stick with both hands, to the end of which a car is tied).

- With rag balls(children throw and catch them).

- « Bilbock"(a wooden cup on a stick and a ball attached to a cord and tied to the end of the stick). The players toss the ball and catch it with a cup.

- "Collect small items"(children collect small objects scattered on the floor).

Didactic games

- "Help Cinderella spread the seeds"(sorting pasta, cereals, large seeds). To do this, parents first mix all the seeds. And the child lays them out in separate cells.

. - "Tie a knot" To do this, you need a wooden cancer. Cords of different thickness, length. The child is offered to tie different knots according to the example and at will. Purpose: to develop the ability to knit various knots.

- "Catch a bun from the water." To do this, you will need a vessel with water, a pouring spoon, toy koloboks. It is necessary to catch the gingerbread man with a pouring spoon, drain the water from it and put the gingerbread man on a tray without water.

- Clothespin games. To do this, you will need clothespins of different colors, sizes, contours of the sun, clouds, stars, hedgehog, circles of different colors. Children need to make a ray of sunshine, rain from a cloud, decorate a star, make a flower, make needles for a hedgehog. Purpose: to develop the ability to work with clothespins and create an image.

Test (diagnosis by hand)

Target: identification of the formation of finger coordination.

Methodology. Have the child sit at the table opposite you and ask him to stretch his hand forward. Take the child's hand in yours, be sure to block it with your body or a screen with a hole for the brush. With your other hand, touch the baby's finger. Ask the child on the other hand to extend the same finger that you are touching.

Grade. If coordination is normal, then a three-year-old child will correctly determine the thumb. At 5 years old, it will not be difficult for him to stretch his little finger and big one. A six-year-old child should be able to distinguish freely between the thumb, index and little fingers. The middle and ring fingers are determined only by children with good coordination.

Ministry of General and vocational education

State budget professional educational institution

Sverdlovsk region "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College"

A collection of finger games aimed at developing fine motor skills in the hands of young children

Kamyshlov, 2017

Collection of finger games aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands of young children / comp. O.V. Ivanova. Kamyshlov: GBPOU SO "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College", 2017.

A collection of finger games aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of DO, orienting to the fact that the leading activity of the child is a game,The development can be used by preschool teachers, parents and students studying in the specialty "Preschool education".

©GBPOU SO "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College", 2017

Table of contents

Explanatory note

The mind of a child is at its fingertips.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

It is very important to develop the muscles of the child from a very early age so that in the future he has the correct motor skills and a good reaction. This is especially important for the development of the palms and fingers of the child, because his future life depends on it. Indeed, the hand has a large "representation" in the cerebral cortex, so finger gymnastics is of great importance for the development of the child.

Young children are characterized by increased emotional impressionability, suggestibility. Concentration is short, attention of small volume and involuntary, and children cannot distribute it due to age characteristics. Small-time classes, games, accompanied by the emotional speech of an adult, are acceptable to kids. In our group, much attention is paid to finger games.

Finger games are very useful for kids because they improve coordination. small movements, and the development of fine motor skills stimulates the development of speech centers in the brain. Kids who regularly do finger gymnastics quickly learn to write, draw, and have a good memory. If a child has dexterous and mobile fingers, then learning to speak will not be difficult for him. After all, those words that adults pronounce to the beat of the movement of the baby's fingers are easy to remember. For a child, finger games are a bridge between him and the outside world, because the heroes of gymnastics are usually people, animals, natural phenomena, etc.

You need to engage in finger games from birth. You can play with your child at home, in the clinic, in line, on vacation. After all, they do not require special props. And one more important point finger games - children quickly calm down after stress.

The main goal of finger games is to switch attention, improve the coordination of fine motor skills, which directly affects the mental development of the child. in addition, when repeating poetic lines and simultaneously moving their fingers, children develop the correct sound pronunciation, the ability to speak quickly and clearly, memory improves, the ability to coordinate movements and speech.

It has been proven that the level of development of mental processes is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine motor skills of the hands. There is a close relationship between the coordination of small hand movements and speech. The level of development of speech is always directly dependent on the degree of development of small movements of the fingers.

With the help of games, you can organize any regime moment in an interesting way, joint, independent activity child, build a fun activity.

To determine the level of development of speech in children of the first years of life, a following method: the child is asked to show one finger, two fingers, three. Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children. If the fingers are tense, bend or unbend only together, or, on the contrary, are sluggish and do not give isolated movements, then these are not talking children. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech and, consequently, thinking cannot be achieved.

Many children have insufficiently developed fine motor skills of their hands: some cannot hold a spoon correctly while eating, others cannot hold a pencil or brush when drawing. It is difficult for children to assemble a mosaic, play with a ball, fasten and unfasten zippers and Velcro on clothes.

Finger games develop not only hand dexterity and accuracy, but also the child's brain, stimulate creativity, imagination and speech.

When performing small movements of the fingers, there is pressure on the fingertips and activation of the immature cells of the cerebral cortex responsible for the formation of the child's speech.

That is why when performing various movements with the fingers, the development of speech occurs, and hence the thinking of the child, since at this age this connection is very strong.

Finger games affect finger plasticity, hands become obedient, which helps the child to perform small movements necessary in drawing, and in the future when writing. Scientists consider finger games as a combination of finger plasticity with expressive speech intonation. And this means that finger gymnastics affects not only the development of speech, but also its expressiveness, the formation of creative abilities.

Finger games, according to scientists, are a reflection of the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena.

In the collection, finger games are systematized according to:

Finger games without objects (“Octopus Boy”, “Man”, “Birds”, “Motor”, “We stomped”, “Fingers went out for a walk);

Finger games with objects (“Hiding the handles”, “Breeze”);

Tactile finger games ("Handkerchiefs", "Hide and Seek");

Gymnastic finger games ("Little Men", "Beaks")

The collection allows the teacher to choose the game accordingly thematic plan, as well as to consolidate and expand the knowledge of the child; develop his cognitive interest, curiosity, fine motor skills of hands.

Section 1. Finger games without objects

"Octopus Boy"

Purpose: to develop the community of fingers, to learn to imitate movements


Fingers in a half-bent (spread out) form are installed on a solid

surfaces and move in two directions: first away from themselves, then on

myself. Finger movements imitate piano playing (sequential

touching the surface) while moving forward -


The exercise is accompanied by the reading of a poem:

It's an octopus boy

He has so many legs.

He succeeds everywhere

Both in study and in work.

Because the octopus

It's just a centipede.


Invite the kids to play.

Look at my little man.

Place your middle and index fingers on a table or floor

The man went for a walk.

Show how the man walks.

Top-top-top - feet stomp.

The man is walking along the path.

Have the children repeat the movements.


Purpose: to develop hand movements and the ability to understand speech, to teach

imitate the movements of an adult.

Invite the kids to repeat your movements.

The birds are flying and flapping their wings.

lower your hands (flap your wings).)

Birds landed, wings folded.

(Join your palms together.)

Let's feed the birds - fill them with grains!

(Put the fingers of one hand into a pinch and wiggle them.)

This is how birds peck at grains!

(Lightly drum on the table with your bent index finger or

a few pinched fingers.)

The birds ate and flew away.

(Cross your arms at the level of your wrists, raise and

lower your brushes.)


Purpose: to develop coordinated movements of the fingers of both hands, to teach

imitate the movements of an adult.

Give the children cars and invite them to play: “Let's play cars.

BBC! Let's go cars! Stop! The cars stopped. Gotta start


Show the kids how to start the engines. For this

fingers, except thumbs, need to be woven

together while thumbs rotate each around

friend. "Motors" can work quickly and


"We stomped"

Target: develop hand movements and the ability to understand speech, teach

imitate the movements of an adult.

During this game, children sit on the floor or on chairs at the table.

Invite the children to put their hands on the table (on their knees) and read


We stomped, we stomped

They stomped to the poplar

They stomped to the poplar

And the legs all stomped!

Listening to the poem, the children take turns clapping

right and left palms on the table (or on the knees).

Invite the kids to continue the "walk". But now we gotta move

faster (respectively, the poem should be read every time


"Fingers went out for a walk"

Purpose: to develop the movements of the hands, to learn to imitate the movements


Invite the children to make a fist and start reading the poem.(Children repeat your movements as they read.)

One, two, three, four, five - (Alternately straighten your fingers, starting with


The fingers went out for a walk. (Wag your fingers.)

One, two, three, four, five - (Alternately clench your fingers into a fist,

starting with the little finger.)

They hid in the house again.

Repeat the game with the fingers of the other hand.

Section 2. Finger games with objects

"Hide the handles"

Purpose: to teach children to imitate the movements of an adult.

Materials: handkerchiefs or boxes.

Have the children repeat the following movements:

Let's hide our hands - like this! (Children hide

hands behind your back.)

Where are our pens? And here they are, the pens! (Children

show hands.)

Again the pens hid ... (Children hide their hands under the table

(if the children are sitting at the table) or behind the back (if the children are standing).)

Where are our pens? And here they are! (Children show their hands.)

The game can be repeated several times. In the same way, you can hide your hands

under a scarf, in a box.

Ira "Veterok"

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the fingers and hands.

Materials: small rubber pears (according to the number of children).

Show the children a rubber bulb, demonstrate how to squeeze it in

palms, releasing air from the hole: “This is how it blows

breeze! Let's make wind together."

In order for children to better feel the flow of air,

bring the pear to the hands or cheeks of the kids. Then

give them rubber pears and offer to "make


You can invite children to blow off a cotton pad, a feather, a small

paper ball, directing a jet of air at these objects

Section 3. Tactile finger games


Purpose: to develop skin sensations and muscle activity of the child.

As the poem is read, children run their hands over handkerchiefs:

Here is a handkerchief, smooth, smooth,

Well, this one, as if in folds!

He is rough, tough even.

Well, who do we show them to?

"Hide and Seek"

Purpose: to develop skin sensations and muscle activity of the child, to teach

identify and recognize, compare and distinguish between objects.

The child takes out small toys covered with beans from the basin with handles:

Who is hiding from us?

Who climbed into the deep basin?

We'll dig, we'll dig a hole,

And then another.

We won't let anyone

Just go to the bottom!

Section 4. Gymnastic finger games

"Little Men"

certain movements.

Under the reading of the poem, the children make movements with their fingers, to which

dressed up dolls made of ping-pong balls.

Hello, hello grandma!

Hello, hello, grandfather!

Come, let's have a cup of tea!

We'll drink tea, then we'll sing!


Purpose: to teach the child to perform with fingers completely

certain movements.

Under the reading of the poem, the child with fingers folded "beaks"

"pecks" paper balls.

We've been to the fair

And they saw the rings:

This is Gale, this is Nina,

This is Tanya, this is Line,

Well, this is for Nastya.

All the gifts were carried by Petrusha! free (accessed 10/19/2016)

Alexandra Stefanko "Our fingers are playing" [Electronic resource].- Access mode: free (10.10.2016)

In the early childhood When the ability to speak is just being formed, there is some interdependence in the development of speech and motor skills of the hands. There is a special set of exercises for training motor skills. It is called - finger gymnastics with a pencil. Each exercise is accompanied by its own poem. Toddlers with whom such classes are conducted, as a rule, begin to speak earlier. It has been proven that all good habits are easier to form in the very early age. This also applies to various kinds gymnastics.

Simple exercises

It is better to develop finger motor skills by doing exercises from the simplest to the more complex. You can use a pen instead of a pencil. It is desirable that the object is not smooth, but has edges and bulges. You need to be careful, because a sharp pencil or pen can hurt you.


The hand is placed on the table. It needs to be “stroked” in turn with both hands. After - roll on the surface of the table. In the process, they say a poem, for example:

I will shake the pencil

Left or right as you wish.


Palms should be closed with fingers forward. The pencil is placed vertically and moved by moving the palms back and forth, changing the pace. At the same time they say:

Start the engine quickly

And warm up your hands

Accelerate faster and faster

Strength, my friend, do not be sorry.

Speed ​​after slowing down

Here we are at the house.

"Rolling pin"

The palms are connected as in the previous example, but so that the right hand (or left, if the child is left-handed) is on top. The pencil should be placed horizontally and moved back and forth using only the top palm.

We bake pies well.

Who is in charge in the kitchen?

Daughter rolls out the dough

Mom will put it in the oven.

More difficult exercises


The bottom line is that you need to play the pencil like a pipe. The exercise is complicated by different combinations of taps and tempo variations. At the same time, they say a poem, or sing. Here is an example verse:

We will sing a song loudly

The pipe plays loudly

Our fingers are fast!

And the guys are all cheerful.


The pen, which lies on the table, must be lifted in turn with the help of different combinations of fingers. First large and forefinger, then large and medium, and then - large and nameless. It is important to work both hands.

Here is Olya's crane!

A real giant!

Crane lifting king at a construction site!

The strongest and most persistent!

"Swinging chair"

The pencil is rolled between the fingers. You have to try not to drop it.

The rocking chair shakes

And the fingers are walking


It is necessary to outline the contours of the palm, which is previously placed on the table. Particular attention should be paid to the interdigital zone, massaging it lightly.

Here are all the palms tired

Well, I'll draw them

And I love the drawing

Let your hands rest a little.

"Catch up"

The handle is rotated around its axis with the fingers of both hands. Fingers should "catch up" with each other.

I'll catch up with the pencil

And I will adjust the little finger,

All fingers run forward

Not one is left behind!


Traditional pencil exercises not only develop the ability to move. Speaking poetry, staging various rhyming stories perfectly develop logic, attention, and imagination. Also, such games from the very beginning instill the right culture of speech. It is easier for a child to understand and remember what “up”, “down”, “right”, “left” are.

These games are great fun. They develop creativity, train memory, prepare a hand for writing. It is important that classes cheer up, stabilize the psychological background and reinforce a positive attitude for the next school lessons.

It is worth noting that such training is useful not only for children. It is useful for adults to do hand exercises. Especially those who are closed at the office from 9 to 6. After all, exercises stimulate nerve endings, give vigor, help to escape from the routine.

Naturally, their specificity for adults is different. Here are some examples:

  1. Hand massage. Roll out a ribbed pencil between your palms.
  2. Self-massage of fingertips. On the pads of the fingers, you need to put the pen so that the thumb would hold it and be opposed to the other four. Use your thumb to move the handle, pressing lightly.

The human body is a fragile and at the same time complex mechanism that staggers the ability to learn and do complex work. Finger gymnastics can give you skills that will be useful in your studies and future work. In addition to classes with rhymes, you can teach your child needlework, computer typing, engage him in games and work that requires precise movements of the hands and fingers in particular.

Finger gymnastics: how to determine the level of development of fine motor skills in a child, exercises for fingers in pictures and verses, exercises by Maria Montessori, shadow finger theater.

Finger gymnastics for children preschool age.

Finger gymnastics Very helpful for kids of all ages. teachers primary school they constantly note that for many children the biggest problem in learning is not the inability to read or the basics of arithmetic, but the unpreparedness of the hand for writing. What are the reasons for the graphic unpreparedness for learning to write? There are two such reasons:

  1. Insufficient development of small muscles of the hand and nervous regulation of fine motor skills (“physiological unpreparedness” for learning to write).
  2. Lack of skill in performing graphic movements (“psychological unpreparedness” for learning to write).

Both of these difficulties can be prevented by doing finger gymnastics with children from the age of 3 and doing special exercises, and also, as actively as possible, involve the baby in making crafts (drawing, appliqué, art work, modeling), in household work (embroidery with a thick needle, knitting and weaving for girls, making crafts from wood and natural materials, bars, packages for boys).

How to determine the level of development of fine motor skills of hands in children: diagnostics. Three simple tests.

This does not require any complex manuals or items. And it will take quite a bit of time. I want to talk about three simple tests to diagnose the level of development of fine motor skills, which can be done with children of older preschool age at home, and in kindergarten, and in the children's center (authors of tests - N.V. Nizhegorodtseva, V.D. Shadrikov. Psychological and pedagogical readiness of the child for school - Vlados, 2001).

Test 1

The child is sitting at the table. Take a large sheet of paper and ask the child to place his hands so that both palms with fingers apart fit on the sheet of paper. Circle the palms on paper with a pencil. Look together at what you have achieved. And ask the child to put their hands on the paper again so that all the lines match.

Explain the task. Invite your child to play with his fingers. Say: “I will show you the fingers on your hand, and you will only raise the finger that I show. No other fingers need to be raised. Try it - ask the baby to raise his finger: "Pick up this one." Make sure he understands the task correctly.

Now let's start the test. Start with your right hand: “Pull up that finger. And now this one." Sequence of movements: 5-1-2-4-3 (where 1 is the thumb and 5 is the little finger). Then, in the same sequence, do the task on the left hand. Then repeat on the right. And again on the left. Thus, each hand will complete the task twice!

And now the main thing is what you need to follow when doing this task. When the baby tries to raise one finger, others will involuntarily rise. He doesn't want it, but he does it! These extra movements are called synkinesis. Such extra movements occur when the movements of the fingers are not sufficiently differentiated, and therefore the muscles that are unnecessary for this movement are turned on.

When you see synkinesis, then draw each of them with an arrow on paper, drawing a line from the desired finger to the “unnecessary, superfluous” for this movement.

As a result, on paper, by the end of the task, you will have the contours of the palms and drawn lines of extra movements. One extra movement is one arrow.

How to check test results:

1) We count the average number of arrows for each hand, i.e. average number of extra moves. For example, on the right palm we have 6 arrows drawn, and we carried out the task twice. Therefore, 6:2 = 3. That is, the average number of extra finger movements on the right hand is 3.

Similarly, we count the extra movements with the fingers on the left hand - for example, we have drawn 8 arrows. 8:2=4. The average number of extra movements is 4.

2) Add up the resulting numbers. 3 (on the right hand) + 4 (on the left hand) = 7.

What do these results tell us:

  • What is the dominant hand of the child. The dominant hand is the hand where the differentiation of finger movements is better developed, and where there are fewer unnecessary finger movements. In our example, this is the right hand.
  • What is the level of development of fine movements and their differentiation in a child. Approximate age norms (total average number of extra movements): at 6 years old - 9, at 7 years old - 6, at 8 years old - 5, at 9 years old - 3. For our example: we got the number 7. For a six-year-old child, this good result. But if the child would already be 7 years old, then the result is too low, i.e. in this child, the movements of the fingers are not developed enough.

Now, perhaps, it is clear why children who learn to play the piano and other musical instruments are often much more developed than their peers? After all, they exercise constantly and in fact constantly do finger gymnastics 🙂 and by doing this they develop not only their musical abilities, but also fine motor skills, and sensorimotor coordination, and thinking!

Test 2

Freehand draw an even circle with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm on a sheet of paper with a pencil. Show your pattern to the child. Ask the child to draw the same circle with one movement of the hand (i.e. without taking off).

If the baby has poorly developed fine motor skills, then he cannot complete the task. Typical mistakes:

  • Draws an oval.
  • Draws a circle, but much smaller than the pattern. This is an indicator of stiffness of the brush.
  • Draws with a detachment of the hand, moving it.

Test 3

Observation of drawing and painting coloring pages. It is believed that coloring pictures is a very good exercise for the fingers. But it is not always the case. In order for coloring to develop fine motor skills, it is necessary that the child act correctly. pay attention to typical mistakes, which indicate an insufficient level of development of fine motor skills and that the baby needs a special finger gymnastics and finger exercises.

Typical mistakes in coloring:

  • The child constantly turns a piece of paper or a book when coloring a picture.
  • The child cannot change the direction of the lines.
  • The movements of the child are constrained, the hand is fixed and often clamped.
  • The hand and fingers are too sluggish or too tense.

Finger gymnastics - a description of the exercises.

Finger gymnastics can be carried out both without objects and with small objects.

Finger gymnastics: games with clothespins.

Clothespin games develop hand strength, correlating movements. Learning how to use clothespins in games is not very easy for a child. Therefore, you need to take small steps in a certain sequence.

  • First, attach clothespins to the edge of a toy bucket or box and teach your child to remove them by simultaneously pressing with two fingers on the tip of the clothespin. Ask to “help mom gather clothespins” and praise the baby for helping. Remember that it is always easier to unfasten clothespins than to attach them. Therefore, it is necessary to start with such exercises of finger gymnastics.
  • Then show your baby how the clothespins open their "mouth". Say that you need to press hard on the clothespin so that it opens its mouth. You can call clothespins "crocodiles" and show how our crocodiles open their mouths a lot.
  • If the baby is already able to press the clothespin with the necessary force and open and close it, then show other exercises with clothespins and include them in finger gymnastics.

Exercise Options with clothespins for finger development:

  • Attach the clothespins to the yellow cardboard circle. Get the sun.
  • Attach the needles to the gray semicircle. Get thorns for a hedgehog.
  • Attach clothespins to a narrow long triangle. Get the branches of the tree.
  • Attach doll clothes with clothespins to the rope after washing it.
  • Attach four clothespins to the silhouette of the boy (the clothespins will be his arms and legs)
  • Sort clothespins by color by attaching them at the top to the walls of buckets or boxes of different colors (yellow clothespins to a yellow box, red to red)
  • Build a "fence" of clothespins, attaching them to a bucket or to a cardboard strip. You can give the task to alternate the clothespins in the fence in a certain sequence so that it turns out beautiful and bright.
  • Two white clothespins can be "ears" at the silhouette of a bunny (we give the baby a silhouette of a bunny without ears, and he attaches clothespins - ears with his fingers). Blue clothespins can become raindrops at the cloud (attached at the bottom of the cloud), yellow clothespins can become the fin and tail of a goldfish (attached to the silhouette of a fish) or the tail of a bird (attached to the silhouette of a bird without a tail). If you attach clothespins to a circle, you get a flower. And if you attach it to a red circle with black dots - the image of a ladybug, then its legs are obtained from clothespins.

Exercise for fingers "Outside - inside"

When the baby gets comfortable with the simplest exercises of finger gymnastics with clothespins, you can give a more difficult task, which requires quick wit and orientation in space.

Stick on clothespins images of different insects (birds, animals) - depending on the topic of the lesson. Ask your child to attach clothespins to the edge of a plastic cup or bucket so that all our characters (for example, insects) are on the outside of the bucket. Attach the clothespin yourself and say: “The sun came out, butterflies, beetles, ladybugs wanted to bask in the sun. Make it so that all the insects sit on the outside of the bucket. In this case, you can not twist the glass! And you can’t move around the glass yourself. Not all kids quickly figure out how to do this.

Then, after a few days, give a similar task to make sure that all insects sit inside the bucket (for example, hide from a bird).

Finger Exercises: Dialogues

More complex finger gymnastics exercises with clothespins are dialogues in which you need to both speak and act with a clothespin at the same time. With the help of clothespins, you can depict different characters who talk to each other, and open the “mouth” of clothespins in the rhythm of the dialogue.

It is possible for such games to stick circles with the image of a character on clothespins, but this is not at all necessary. I recommend using reusable pictures that are easy to change. I fix them with UNU patafix attachment plastic (sold in stationery and hardware stores, hobby centers). This is very convenient: you can always attach the desired cardboard picture for one game, and then after the game, remove it on the same clothespin.

For such finger gymnastics exercises, poems with dialogues short stories with dialogues.

Clothespin games and literacy.

Children 5-7 years old can use clothespins to make thematic rows of words. In tasks of this type, finger gymnastics is combined with the solution of a number of other tasks. For example, make up a series of words on the topic "transport". One clothespin is one word. Clothespins are attached one after another by the tip to one another. The task is to make as long a series of words as possible. You can make rows of words starting with one sound (who has a longer track?) or words from a certain amount syllables.

With the help of colored clothespins, you can also come up with words with a given syllable. For example, the first white clothespin is the syllable "po". If the kid came up with a word that begins with the syllable "po", then he makes up a syllabic scheme of such a word with the help of clothespins. For example, if you attach the next clothespin, the syllable “went”, to the white clothespin “by” at its end, you will get a chain of two clothespins and the word “went”. If you attach two more clothespins to the white clothespin “po”, you get a word of three syllables “dishes” (po + su + yes). The task is to make as many such chains as possible.

You can also play games with sounds using clothespins. Then a picture is attached to the clothespin. For example, forty. What sound does the word "magpie" begin with? That's right, from the sound with (solid consonant sound). And this our magpie - a clothespin will “grab” cards on which objects are depicted that begin with the sound “s” (cheese, lettuce, sun, drying) and take them to their “nest”. And the child chooses the right ones from all the pictures - with a given sound. Accordingly, the "fox" will take pictures from soft sound"l", and the wolf with a solid consonant sound in.

Exercises for the fingers of Maria Montessori.

The games and exercises of Maria Montessori have now gained great popularity, although they have been around for more than a century. A lot of attention in the Montessori system is paid to the motor development of babies and specifically development of fine motor skills. These finger exercises- in fact, the history of finger gymnastics is where it all began. The system of Maria Montessori includes both exercises with special toys and objects, as well as everyday activities in Everyday life- such as cleaning shoes, washing tables, watering flowers, cleaning metal objects (open a bottle of cleaning agent, pour into a cup, close the bottle, clean the object with cotton, rub to a shine with a polishing cloth).

Here I want to talk about several exercises for the development of fine motor skills from the system of Maria Montessori.

1) Frames with clasps. A wooden frame is made, which is covered with a fabric of two halves. It is necessary to correlate these halves and fasten the clasp. A part of the fastener is sewn to each half. Types of fasteners on frames:

a) large buttons,
b) small buttons,
c) buttons,
d) bows,
e) a lace that is threaded into holes,
f) a cord that is wound around a hook,
g) hook and loop,
h) strap fasteners,
i) Velcro fasteners.

2) Feeling board (texture: large - small).

A box is taken with 10 boards measuring 10 by 9 cm, pasted over with rough sandpaper of different five types of texture from coarse-grained to fine-grained (five pairs of the same type of paper). The child's eyes are covered with a bandage. He is looking for pairs by touch. For the first games, you need to take 2-3 pairs of boards, in the future, increase their number.

You can also lay out five boards in a row from the coarsest surface to the finest.

3) Drawer with pieces of fabric.

Material: The box contains pairs of pieces of fabric of different textures (silk, wool, cotton, artificial fiber; smooth and rough; hard and soft; thick and thin; strong, dense and loose. The task is to choose the same piece of fabric (find a pair).

How the exercise is performed: The method of action is palpation with the thumb and forefinger. The exercise is performed with closed eyes.

After doing the exercise: The kid explores the exercises and the fabrics around him - the textiles in the room, the fabrics of his clothes - what they are (smooth or rough, thick or thin).

4) Embroidery on cardboard . You will need sheets of thick cardboard on which the outlines of objects for embroidery are drawn. With dots on the cardboard, mark the places where the needle should be punctured. You also need woolen threads and a thick needle for carpet weaving.

First, an adult helps the baby to make a knot, insert a thread into a needle, and make the first stitches. The first steps are best done hand in hand, then when the child gets comfortable, you can let go of his hand. The exercise is difficult for children, but very useful.

Never throw away such embroideries of babies, appreciate them, find a use for them at home (use them as bookmarks, coasters, postcards), because they are not easy for a child!

5) Box with seeds. In the large compartment of the box are seeds of various plants (pumpkin, sunflower, nasturtium, watermelon, melon and others). Pictures of these plants are attached in small compartments. The child sorts the seeds into the correct small sections of the box. In this exercise, the baby not only exercises in sorting and develops fine motor skills, but also gets acquainted with plants - what they are called, how they differ from each other, what kind of seeds they have.

6) Water exercises.

  • Transfusion from teapot into a cup.
  • Pouring water into a bottle with a narrow neck using a funnel.
  • Watering flowers from a watering can
  • Rubbing the leaves of a flower with a sponge moistened with water (for example, ficus leaves).
  • Washing the table with soap, sponge and brush (dirty places are wiped with a brush)
  • Squeezing the sponge after washing the table or rubbing the leaves of plants.
  • Whipping the foam with a whisk (a little liquid soap is poured into the water with a pipette, and it is whipped into a lush foam).
  • Washing doll linen and doll clothes, squeezing and hanging to dry on a string with clothespins.

These exercises require a clear sequence of actions and step by step instructions adult. They are not carried out in isolation, but are part of complete system development of children. Their main principle is “help me do it myself”.

Stages of performing finger gymnastics exercises:

Stage 1. First, finger gymnastics exercises are performed with the baby, which help to learn the names of the fingers, teach them to navigate in space - right, left, up, down. These are exercises without words, without dialogues. But this does not mean that an adult is silent during their conduct and only shows the necessary actions. On the contrary, he names the figure (“let's make an elephant”), all the fingers and their location (for example, “show your index finger, put it on the table”, “where is your right hand? Raise the middle finger of your right hand up. Well done!”). In the course of games and exercises, we use short rhymes and nursery rhymes about the object or animal that we are depicting.

Stage 2. After that, you can use finger gymnastics games with dialogues that are more difficult for children, but also more interesting for them, fairy tales with dialogues, depicting objects and characters with the help of hands. Such fairy tales can be composed by yourself together with children. Below I will discuss some finger exercises and figures for such games and fairy tales.

Finger exercises. You can find pictures for them below:

  • Bunny. The index and middle fingers are straightened up (these are “ears”), the rest are clenched into a fist.
  • Bunny plays the drum same starting position. We take out the drum - we straighten the thumb, it is parallel to the table. With the ring finger and little finger (these are “paws”), the bunny knocks on the drum (on the pad of the thumb). The main thing is that exactly the right fingers - “paws” - should knock, and at that time the “ears” continued to stick up. It's difficult enough. But children always laugh when I tell them: “Oh, and someone’s hare began to drum with his ears !!! No, drum with your paws, bunny. Take care of your ears, they will still be useful to you!
  • Goat. The index finger and little finger are straightened (horns), the ring finger and middle finger are bent. The thumb rests on them.
  • The goat is running. Palm parallel to the table. The index finger and little finger are straightened and parallel to the table (the horns “look” forward). The middle, thumb and ring fingers are on the table (these are the legs). The goat walks, stepping either with its front legs or with its hind legs (their role is played by one thumb). It is important that the goat's horns do not touch the ground while walking. The exercise is very funny and children like it very much. It is not easy for them. But the guys always laugh a lot when one of them “ran on the ground” and quickly correct the mistake.
  • Little man. Index and middle fingers "go" on the table.
  • Baby elephant. Palm parallel to the table. The middle finger is a trunk, it “looks forward” and is parallel to the table. The little finger and thumb are pressed to the palm (while the thumb lies on the little finger). Index and ring fingers "go" on the table.
  • Glasses. Fold the thumb and index finger of each hand into rings. All other fingers are straightened and look up. Bring glasses to your eyes and look into them.
  • Start the engine. Interlock all fingers except the thumb in the lock. At the signal of an adult "Motor!" thumbs begin to spin around each other (we start the engine). At the same time, the baby says some kind of sound (for example, zhzhzhzhzhzh or rrrrrr). The motor spins for as long as the sound lasts. The task is to “ride” as long as possible, i.e. speak sound. The exercise develops not only fine motor skills, but also speech breathing and allows you to automate the pronunciation of the desired sound.

Here are approximate figures that can be depicted with the help of fingers in dialogues and fairy tales.

Finger gymnastics - finger riddles.

Play finger puzzles with the kids. You show the figure with your fingers, and they guess what kind of object it is and repeat your movement. First, you show the figures, and then the children. You can create your own figures. The figures should be understandable and recognizable by children.

Here are some more finger figures for such puzzle games.

Finger gymnastics - shadow finger theater.

Very useful for the development of fine motor skills and shadow finger theater. The figure at the beginning of the article and below are diagrams of figures that can be used to show fairy tales in such a theater.

Finger exercises - some useful ideas

from the winners of the competition of our Internet Workshop of educational games "Through the game - to success!"

Tatiana Smirnova.

1. The game "Spiral" for the development of fine motor skills and tactile sensations.

The game "Spiral" is of a competitive nature - whose butterfly gets to the flower first. “It doesn’t crawl and doesn’t run - it circles over the flower. A coil follows a coil - so I sat on a flower! Tatyana took the idea of ​​this game from the book “ Speech therapy games with the ball "T.A. Vorobieva and O.I. Krupenchuk.

The game is made of calico with synthetic filler. Spiral - crocheted from woolen threads. The flower and butterfly are made of oilcloth and decorated with buttons and beads. You can roll the ball in a spiral with different fingers.

2. Benefit - track with removable letters.

Rolling the ball, the child reads the words in one direction or the other. Examples of words: Cossack flood, madam, lump, order, tramp, income.

Maria Tragaryuk. vegetable garden.

Modeling is an activity that develops fingers very well. Here is a vegetable garden made of self-hardening plastic by Maria and her daughter. The layout is a garden for games.

Olga Makhaneva. Bucket for finger games with clothespins and mosaic.

You can get acquainted with other works and ideas of the Workshop participants in our Vkontakte group “Child Development from Birth to School” (group photo albums).

If this article turned out to be necessary, interesting and useful for you, I will be very grateful if you share your opinion in the comments. I also invite you to share your experience in the comments. How do you develop fine motor skills in children? Did they do it on purpose? What kind of games and exercises do you like and love your baby the most?