Carriage of an intestinal infection. Intestinal infection: the first symptoms and treatment

According to statistics, intestinal infection in adults occupies a leading position after respiratory diseases. Intestinal infection is general concept, which combines a number of pathologies caused by pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Regarding the causative agent of the infection, methods of treatment are determined, since each specific species expresses itself differently.

In some cases, the disease is difficult and manifests itself rapidly, in the other, the incubation period lasts a long time and the disease itself is not particularly dangerous.

What are intestinal infections, what are the types of diseases and their accompanying symptoms, how much the disease is treated, is it contagious or not - these questions concern many, since no one is immune from the occurrence of this disease.

Reasons for the appearance

Fresh vegetables carry thousands of harmful bacteria.

An adult person daily contacts with various microorganisms, sometimes not always harmless. Once in the body, their activity and existence is neutralized by gastric juice, saliva, protective forces, native beneficial bacteria.

But there are exceptions:

  • reduced immunity;
  • useful microflora destroyed by antibiotics;
  • not healthy lifestyle life, a person becomes an easy target for an enterovirus infection.

The most common cause of intestinal infection, both in children and adults, is non-compliance with basic hygiene standards:

  • Unwashed hands before a meal, after being in public places, restroom;
  • Buying food in markets where the goods are open for tasting flies;
  • Unwashed properly raw vegetables, fruits and insufficiently thermally processed meat, fish;
  • Very popular, among the adult population, Japanese dishes using raw fish;
  • Swallowing water from bodies of water in which (due to the mentality) defecation other than swimming is the norm!

Types and names of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Intestinal infections are transmitted by the fecal-oral route, that is, through unwashed hands with food or water, from an infected patient to a healthy person. Pathogenic microbes or viruses may not affect the entire gastrointestinal tract, but only some of its departments. Once inside the body of an adult, microbes actively multiply, releasing toxic substances of their vital activity.

The lack of adequate treatment threatens the patient with a deterioration in well-being, symptoms of dehydration, which is a high degree of danger to life.


Each type of intestinal infection has its own characteristic signs during the course of the disease, therapy, and symptoms characteristic of it. Below are the existing diseases caused by pathogenic viruses and bacteria.


Acute intestinal disease, characterized by the occurrence of hypovolemic shock, a violation of water and electrolyte metabolism.

  • Pathogen:
  • main path bacillation of intestinal infection is carried out through water: drinking, bathing and washing food with infected water. In everyday situations, the pathogen can be introduced into the body of an adult with dirty hands, through household items, food contaminated by a sick person or a carrier of an intestinal infection.
  • Symptoms: profuse vomiting and diarrhea, leading to dehydration of the body of various degrees. These are the main signs of an intestinal infection that occur acutely, usually at night or in the morning. The urge and the emptying process itself are painless, frequent stools can occur up to 10 times a day. Dehydration of the body in the absence of treatment leads to loss of consciousness, asphyxia, coma. The course of the disease passes without fever.

An infectious disease that affects the distant part of the large intestine and causes a poisonous effect.

  • Pathogen: shigella bacteria.
  • Ways of infection: food and water, infected household items, flies, soil.
  • Symptoms: cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea with impurities of mucous secretions and blood. Clinical picture an adult patient is expressed by a lesion gastrointestinal tract, intoxication, dehydration. The acute form of intestinal infection lasts from several days to three months, then the chronic stage begins.

Another type of acute infectious diseases that occur in the intestines, affecting the digestive organs of an adult.

  • Pathogen: Salmonella spp.
  • Infection: sources are humans, as well as farm animals and birds. Infection occurs through the consumption of meat, dairy products, fish.
  • Symptoms of intestinal infection: intoxication, nausea, vomiting profuse and repetitive, stools are foamy brown, yellow, dark green. The disease is characterized by an acute initial stage.

Acute intestinal infection, more common in children than in adults, occurring with a syndrome of gastroenteritis, gastroenterocolitis.

  • Pathogen: Escherichia coli.
  • Way of infection: dairy products, vegetables, fruits, water.
  • Symptoms: cramping pain in the upper part abdominal cavity, nausea, accompanied by vomiting, stools are liquid without impurities, stools are plentiful and frequent.

Rotavirus infection

"Intestinal flu" is an intestinal infection caused by rotoviruses, characterized by a combination of respiratory syndrome with intestinal syndrome at the beginning of the course of the disease.

  • Infection occurs through dirty hands.
  • Symptoms: the disease begins acutely with a sharp increase in body temperature, vomiting and diarrhea occur, a runny nose develops, and sore throat when swallowing.



Despite the characteristic symptoms, many intestinal infections can only be determined after an appropriate microbiological study, although cholera and dysentery can be recognized by symptoms and by the appearance of feces, without passing tests.

Prescribe treatment and make a final diagnosis after receiving answers to the analysis:

  • Cala (bacteriological examination);
  • vomit;
  • Blood (general detailed, biochemical analysis);
  • Food and drink.

How to treat an intestinal infection?

Acute intestinal infections, both in children and adults, are not subject to self-treatment at home, attempts to get rid of the disease are excluded using all kinds of folk remedies. First aid for an intestinal infection, before applying for medical care or the arrival of doctors, is based on a hunger strike. It should be aimed at replenishing lost fluids and salts, it is allowed to use sorbent preparations.

An adult and a child need to drink more liquid, the temperature of which is equal to body temperature for its speedy assimilation.

Intestinal infectious and viral diseases can be cured with the help of medicines prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

Groupname medicinesAction
Antibiotic Levomycetin, Vilimiksin, Norfloxacin;Antibiotics are widely used to treat intestinal infections in adults. By acting on the causative agent of the disease, they contribute to a speedy recovery.
Antiemetics, prokinetics Cerulan, Raglan, Melomid, Cerucal, Dibertil;Tablets for nausea and vomiting stimulate motor activity Gastrointestinal tract, relieve the symptoms of intestinal infection and the condition of the adult patient.
Enterosorbents Activated carbon, Smekta, Sorbeks, Atoxil, Benta;Treatment of intestinal infections in adults and children does not work without this group of drugs that act against toxins, poisons, and bacteria.
Enzyme remedy Pepsin, Acidin, Vestal, Creazim, Panenzym, Pancreatin;A preparation containing a pancreatic enzyme improves the digestion process, eliminates heaviness in the stomach.
Probiotics Acipol, Bioflor, Hilak, Lineks, Bifilong, Laktovit forte, Subalin;It is prescribed to be taken after a course of antibiotic therapy to normalize the balance of beneficial intestinal microflora.
Rehydrating agents Regidron, Maratonic, Orasan, Hydrovit, Reosolan;The drug is used for intestinal infections, with symptoms of dehydration, contribute to the rapid restoration of lost fluid physiologically and pathologically.

Prevention measures

Diet and prevention of intestinal infections will help prevent the risk of re-infection, the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms, the main thing is to perform and strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • Drink only boiled, purified, filtered water, use it to wash fruits and vegetables;
  • Eat food that has undergone proper heat treatment;
  • Properly store food in the refrigerator, not sparing to throw out spoiled provisions;
  • Avoid eating in public places, canteens, cafes of dubious reputation;
  • Wash hands after visiting the toilet and public places;
  • When swimming in a pond, try not to swallow water.


Everyone experiences intestinal infections. They are caused by toxins from bacteria and viruses. The presence of pathogenic microflora in the digestive tract is evidenced by the following signs: fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea. The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the disease and the type of pathogen.

What diseases are intestinal infections

There are several forms of intestinal infection, depending on the affected gastrointestinal tract:

  • with damage to the large intestine, colitis develops;
  • when bacteria appear on the gastric mucosa, gastritis occurs;
  • inflammation of the small intestine is called enteritis;
  • with inflammation of the duodenum and stomach, gastroduodenitis appears;
  • inflammatory process covering thin and colon called enterocolitis.

Types and classification

Most often, intestinal infections occur in the presence of the following pathogens:

  1. Staphylococcus aureus . This type bacteria is pathogenic. The microorganism develops most often in mayonnaise, custard.
  2. Wax bacillus (Bacillus cereus) . The likelihood of infection appears with improper preparation of dishes, as well as the use of frozen foods.
  3. Clostridia. This microorganism can be infected by eating poor-quality food. The brightest representative is the botulism bacterium.
  4. Vibrio cholerae. This pathogen lives in water, is transmitted through products that have been exposed to drops of contaminated water.
  5. coli. Infection, as in the previous case, occurs when drinking unboiled water.
  6. Salmonella. Passed with meat and eggs that are not fully cooked;
  7. Yersinia. The bacterium is contracted through meat and dairy products.
  8. Parahemolytic Vibrio. The likelihood of infection exists when eating seafood.

The causative agents of intestinal infections of a viral nature are transmitted through household items, mainly with saliva. Diseases of this group are rapidly spreading in children's groups.

Intestinal infections are divided into:

  1. Bacterial. This includes many diseases, the most common of which are: paratyphoid A and B, typhoid fever, botulism, dysentery, pseudomonas infection, salmonellosis, staphylococcus infection, cholera, escherichiosis.
  2. Viral. Diseases of this group are caused by reovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, rotavirus, enterovirus.
  3. Protozoan. Caused by giardia, amoebas, schistosomes, cryptosporidium.


At first, the disease does not show any signs. The pathogenic flora continues to multiply, the patient develops abdominal pain, which becomes spasmodic.

It is difficult to diagnose an intestinal infection caused by a virus. Symptoms of this disease, like any other viral infection, are:

  • headache;
  • frequent pulse;
  • diarrhea;
  • muscle pain;
  • weakness;
  • photophobia;
  • convulsions;
  • heartache.

Intestinal viruses are dangerous because they affect the skin, muscles, heart, nervous system, and skin. Adenoviruses cause catarrhal phenomena. Due to the activity of the pathogen, the patient's energy metabolism is disturbed, energy reserves are quickly burned, and the body is depleted.

General symptoms

Among the main symptoms of the disease are:

  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bad dream.

Abdominal pain lasts for 3 to 4 minutes, and the symptom becomes more frequent as the infection progresses. If infection of the intestine occurs against the background of worms, constipation begins. In the future, the patient's immunity decreases and anemia develops, since pathogenic organisms prevent the absorption of nutrients and vitamins.

Lack of sleep causes fatigue and headaches. This sign speaks of increased reproduction in the body of yeast fungi. A little later, the disease manifests itself with rashes that cause severe itching.


This is the very first sign of the disease. It appears when vomiting and diarrhea are not yet expressed.

When infected with an intestinal infection, the patient has a fever. It reaches 37.5 degrees, and often higher. In addition, the patient complains of headaches, nausea. He loses his appetite. The temperature usually stays the same. If it rises sharply, this indicates complications of the infection.

The temperature also leads to severe dehydration, so it must be brought down when the figure exceeds 37.5 degrees.

Vomiting, diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea are the main signs of gastrointestinal infections. They arise due to a violation of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The condition is extremely dangerous because it causes dehydration of the body.

Each disease has its own characteristics of the stool. Gastroenteritis is characterized by mushy stools, which then become watery. The color of the feces indicates a specific pathogen. Green indicates salmonellosis, light brown indicates escherichiosis. In addition, gastroenteritis is indicated by the presence of mucus and food debris in the stool. Brown stools are a sign of viral intestinal damage.

Enteritis is accompanied by loose stools, while the patient does not have abdominal pain and nausea. Usually such signs indicate cholera.

Gastroenterocolitis always occurs with vomiting and diarrhea. The pain in the abdomen is very strong, relief does not come even after defecation. Mucus and blood are often found in the stool.

Enterocolitis has symptoms characteristic of dysentery and salmonellosis. Loose stools, as a rule, alternate with mucus secretions.

When colitis hurts in the lower abdomen. Defecation is also painful, after which short-term relief is possible. Diarrhea can be mushy and contain blood and mucus.


The patient is prescribed gastric lavage, as well as a special diet. For intestinal infections, it is forbidden to use juices, dairy products, citrus fruits, beets, legumes, black bread, as well as meat and fish broths. Portions during this period are reduced by half, and the number of meals is increased to 5-8.

Treatment of children under the age of 1 year is mandatory in a clinic, since dehydration in them quickly leads to death.

High temperature is an additional factor that causes dehydration. The patient needs to take antipyretics to prevent such a complication. For the same reason, it is necessary to compensate for the loss of fluid.

Vomiting also leads to dehydration. Therefore, when infecting the intestines, you need to drink saline solutions. It is undesirable to take antiemetic drugs, because through vomiting the body gets rid of toxic products.

Pharmacy preparations

The action of drugs prescribed for the treatment of intestinal infections should be directed to:

  1. Elimination of the causative agent.
  2. Restoration of intestinal microflora.
  3. Restoration of metabolic processes, water and salt reserves in the body.

The pathogen is killed by taking antibiotics. The appropriate drug is selected by the doctor, depending on the type of infection. To establish the pathogen, conduct an analysis of feces and vomit. The main antibiotics used to treat intestinal infections are:

  1. Fluoroquinolones.
  2. Tetracyclines.
  3. Amphenicols.
  4. Metronidazole.

The patient must be prescribed enterosorbents that remove toxins unchanged, preventing their absorption. These drugs include:

  1. Enterosgel.
  2. Activated carbon.
  3. Polysorb.
  4. Smekta.

To normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, antidiarrheal drugs are taken:

  1. Ftalazol.
  2. Loperamide.
  3. Stopdiar.

These medicines are taken after each bowel movement.

Pain medications will be needed to relieve the pain. They are taken only after a doctor's examination, since they can change the picture of the course of the disease, making it difficult to make a diagnosis.

To replenish fluid reserves, Polysorb or Regidron is taken. Intravenous infusions of sodium chloride solution and glucose may also be prescribed.

When the signs of the disease disappear, Pancreatin or Mezim, as well as probiotics, are used to speed up digestion. These medicines are taken with food.

Possible Complications

A dangerous consequence of intestinal infections is dehydration. With diarrhea and vomiting, beneficial minerals leave the body, which can cause death. To prevent this, the patient must drink enough water. It is necessary to worry if signs of dehydration are found, which can only be eliminated in a clinic setting.

The following signs indicate dehydration:

  • dark color of urine;
  • vomiting that does not compensate for the loss of fluid;
  • dull skin;
  • no urination for more than 6 hours;
  • sunken eyes;
  • dry tongue.

With dehydration, diarrhea may disappear, but soreness in the abdomen continues to bother. The body temperature also rises, which increases vomiting.

Consequence high temperature an infectious-toxic shock can become, since a high concentration of waste products of microbes is observed in the blood.

In addition, pneumonia and kidney failure can become a consequence of an intestinal infection. This is the result of insufficient fluid intake.

More than 90% of adult patients are cured of intestinal infections without problems, complications are rare. But in children, a sign of dehydration very quickly appears.

Intestinal infection

Each pathogen, once in the body, acts in one of the following ways:

  • destroys the intestinal epithelium, causing inflammation in it. This is how salmonella, E. coli, shigella, yersinia, viruses work;
  • actively multiplies in the intestine, suppressing the local microflora and releasing enterotoxin. This is typical for the causative agents of cholera, clostridium. Most strains of E. coli behave in a similar way.

Infection of the gastrointestinal tract is possible in two ways: household and oral-fecal. Infection is always carried out through the mouth.

The most common causes of the disease are:

  • non-compliance with hygiene procedures;
  • consumption of unwashed vegetables and fruits.

In addition, the pathogen can enter the body with products that have been stored incorrectly or for too long.

If the products were processed in unsanitary conditions, even heat treatment will not protect against infection. Microorganisms that cause intestinal infections can survive even in low temperatures.

Most often, infection occurs through the use of meat, eggs, dairy products, fish, water. The likelihood of infection is high when swallowing water while swimming in a pond. The disease is more common in children and the elderly, over 60 years of age.


To prevent the development of intestinal infections, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • wash hands before eating;
  • exclude sweets with a variety of creamy fillings in hot weather;
  • adhere to the conditions of food storage, do not exceed the deadlines;
  • wash fruits, vegetables and berries well before use;
  • make sure that the milk and meat consumed are fresh. It is recommended to boil milk;
  • boil water, or drink mineral water.

Intestinal infections are a fairly common disease, the appearance of which most often contributes to poor hygiene. There are many causative agents of the disease, and treatment is carried out after determining the type of disease. Self-treatment of intestinal infections is not allowed, because antibiotics for each pathogen are prescribed individually.

Therapeutic measures should be aimed at preventing dehydration and replenishing electrolytes. It is dehydration that is the most severe consequence of the disease. It leads to more serious conditions, and sometimes even death.

Intestinal infections (EI) are among the most common infections on Earth. This large group of pathologies, numbering more than 30 species, annually affects more than 1 billion people worldwide, manifesting itself as dehydration, fever, symptoms of intoxication of the body, and therefore, threatening not only health, but also human life. In our country, there are up to 500 cases of intestinal infections per one hundred thousand people, and statistics put these diseases in 3rd place among all infectious diseases.

In this article, we will study the reasons why infections develop in the intestines, consider their symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Why do intestinal infections occur?

The fact that intestinal infections are widespread seems quite obvious, because in order to enter the human body, pathogenic microbes need only be in food, water, or on unwashed human hands. But not everything is so clear. The first barrier to microbes trying to enter the human intestine is the oral cavity. Saliva contains a special substance - lysozyme, which perfectly destroys microbes that enter the mouth. And even if the infectious agent passes this redoubt, it enters the stomach, the glands of which produce gastric juice, which is the second barrier to pathogenic microbes.

But that's not all. The intestinal mucosa contains special immune cells that detect pathogenic microflora and react to it by turning on the body's immune defenses. In this case, the obligate intestinal flora enters the fight - the very useful microflora consisting of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

But if the protective functions of the body are weakened due to a long-term illness or seasonal beriberi, pathogenic agents are not destroyed by the body's defenses and begin to multiply actively, causing the development of acute intestinal infections. The infections under consideration are most susceptible to the elderly, people with gastrointestinal diseases, as well as individuals suffering from alcoholism. These categories of people are more likely than others to become infected, and besides, their diseases are much more severe.

Children are of particular concern in terms of intestinal infections. First of all, this applies to premature babies, infants who are artificially fed, children with immunodeficiency, as well as to newborns who are introduced complementary foods without prior heat treatment.

We also add that the infection of AEI occurs through the alimentary route, that is, through the mouth. Transmission factors are food, household items, as well as swimming in open water.

Types of intestinal infections

As noted above, there are more than 30 intestinal infections, which are divided into:

1. Bacterial
These are the most common infectious diseases, such as dysentery and salmonellosis, escherichiosis and campylobacteriosis, cholera and botulism. This should also include diseases caused by Clostridium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella.

2. Viral
First of all, these include rotaviruses, which cause rotavirus infection, also called "intestinal flu". In addition to rotaviruses, this group includes adenoviruses, coronaviruses, and other disease-causing agents.

3. Fungal
This group of diseases includes intestinal infections caused by a fungus of the genus Candida.

General symptoms of AII

Infectious diseases develop rapidly, and therefore, from the moment of infection to the appearance of painful symptoms, usually no more than 6-24 hours pass. The infections in question manifest themselves as the following syndromes:

1. Toxic syndrome

With it, the patient develops subfebrile temperature (up to 37.5 ° C). True, in the case of cholera, the temperature may not be at all, and when infected with staphylococci, it can be short-term and rise no higher than 38 ° C.

Typically, high fever is accompanied by symptoms such as pale skin and dizziness, weakness and body aches, nausea and vomiting.

2. Intestinal syndrome

Depending on the microbe that caused the infection, the symptoms of the disease also differ. To figure out which microbes hit the body, consider some of the most characteristic syndromes:

  • gastritis syndrome. When it appears pain in the epigastrium, constantly tormented by nausea and vomiting. Vomiting is usually repeated, not bringing relief. Sometimes a gag reflex appears after a normal sip of water. Of the additional symptoms, one can distinguish liquefaction of the stool, often a single one.
  • Syndrome of gastroenteritis. Its first sign is aching pain, localized in the center of the abdomen. The chair in this case becomes mushy, and a little later - watery. Different microbes also affect the color of the stool (with echirichiosis, it is yellowish, and with salmonellosis, with a green tint). In addition, the feces become slimy and fragments of undigested food may appear in it.
  • enteritis syndrome. In this case, there is no pain in the abdomen, and the infection manifests itself as diarrhea with watery stools.
  • Syndrome of gastroenterocolitis. The pain does not leave a person for a minute, he is tormented by diarrhea with loose stools, and after the act of defecation, the long-awaited relief does not come. And in the feces of the patient, mucus and blood streaks appear. All this is aggravated by frequent and profuse vomiting.
  • enterocolitis syndrome. It is distinguished by severe pain throughout the abdomen. This condition is complemented by frequent, painful defecation with liquid feces interspersed with mucus.
  • colitis syndrome. The feeling of aching pain is localized in the lower abdomen (usually on the left). The patient suffers from painful diarrhoea, often with mucus and streaks of blood. This syndrome is distinguished by the presence of false urge to defecate without relief after going to the toilet.

Speaking of diseases, let's say that:

  • if you are characterized by syndromes of gastroenterocolitis or enterocolitis, salmonellosis is likely to occur;
  • if you have manifestations of colitis and enterocolitis, it is possible that dysentery or escherichiosis is raging in the body;
  • if all symptoms point to enteritis syndrome, there is a high probability that you were struck by cholera;
  • if the excruciating symptoms resemble gastroenteritis syndrome, do not hesitate, a rotavirus infection has settled in your intestines.

Intestinal infections in children

Children are much more difficult to tolerate these diseases, and the most dangerous symptom in young patients is rapidly developing dehydration. For this reason, young patients often face the threat of death from infectious diseases. It should be noted that, unlike adults, which are characterized by the bacterial nature of infection, the children's body is more often affected by viruses. Moreover, an infection in a child's body with its imperfect immune system can be provoked even by opportunistic microbes.

Complications of OKI

The condition under consideration, without timely and adequate assistance, threatens a person with serious complications, such as:

1. Dehydration - loss of fluid and salt by the body as a result of profuse vomiting and diarrhea (doctors divide dehydration into 4 stages). In addition to fluid loss by the body, the patient in this condition suffers from intense thirst and dry skin, decreased pressure and rapid pulse.

2. Dehydration shock. In fact, this is dehydration, only developing at a rapid pace and threatening death. As a rule, the loss of water is accompanied by a critical decrease in blood pressure.

3. Toxic shock. This condition is characterized by a rapid increase in toxins in the human body and an equally rapid drop in pressure.

4. Acute renal failure.

5. Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).

First aid for intestinal infection

In the case of the development of an infectious process in the intestines, first aid should be provided as soon as possible, preferably in the first minutes after the onset of unpleasant symptoms.

In this regard, you should immediately call an ambulance for the following symptoms:

  • frequent liquid stool;
  • rapidly rising temperature;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • pronounced thirst;
  • pale skin and profuse sweating;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool.

What not to do with an intestinal infection

With cramping pain in the abdomen, high fever and loose stools:

  • painkillers should not be taken. If the patient has diseases such as cholecystitis or appendicitis, painkillers will only complicate the detection of the disease;
  • it is forbidden to take Immodium, as well as Loperamide and other fastening preparations. Taking such medications results in an increase in the amount of toxins in the patient's intestines, thereby aggravating his condition;
  • it is forbidden to warm the painful stomach (put a warm heating pad on it);
  • can not be treated with folk and homeopathic remedies. The consequences of such attempts are usually dire.

How can you help the patient before the arrival of doctors?

1. Gastric lavage
To remove toxins poisoning the body from the intestines and make you feel better, drink 2-3 glasses of water in one gulp, and after a minute, induce an emetic attack by pressing on the root of the tongue. But doctors do not welcome the use of potassium permanganate solution. According to experts, the effect of such a remedy does not exceed ordinary water, and in case of an incorrect dosage, a burn of the mucous membrane can be provoked.

2. Reception of sorbents
Before the doctors arrive, the patient can take any sorbents - Smektu, Sorbeks, Activated carbon and others. These medicines help to remove toxins and make you feel better.

3. Plentiful drink
To counter dehydration, it is important to drink plenty of water. And it can be not only pure water, but also "mineral water", black or green tea. In this case, you should drink little by little, but often (half a glass every 10 minutes).

Diagnosis of the disease

To confirm the development of an acute intestinal infection, the doctor first interviews the patient, being interested in what he ate in the last day. To confirm the alleged diagnosis and identify the pathogen, the patient is prescribed the following procedures:

  • a detailed blood test that allows you to identify the nature of the infection (bacterial, viral, etc.);
  • biochemical blood test (detecting electrolyte failure in the body);
  • bacteriological examination of feces (helps to determine the type of intestinal infection);
  • general urinalysis (helps to assess the condition of the kidneys, which are extremely sensitive to infections and intoxications);
  • electrocardiogram (reveals cardiac arrhythmias that occur against the background of a violation of water and electrolyte balance);
  • ultrasound internal organs(helps to identify disorders in the liver, kidneys, bladder and pancreas).

Treatment of acute intestinal infection

In the case of the diagnosis of this condition, children are hospitalized regardless of age, and adults - in the presence of moderate and severe intestinal infections. A patient is also placed in a hospital if it is impossible to isolate him from the household at home.

Throughout the treatment, the patient is shown bed rest (and after the cessation of diarrhea - semi-bed rest). The patient is prescribed a special diet (table No. 4). With it, in the acute period of the disease, you can use weak meat broths and slimy soups, grated low-fat fish and meat, crackers and dried white bread, peeled apples and lean cookies.

From the diet should be excluded: milk, smoked meats and canned food, spices and seasonings, green onions, garlic, radishes and alcohol. Returning to your usual diet should be done carefully, gradually introducing regularly consumed foods into the diet over 2-3 weeks. Milk should be introduced last, as well as refractory fats, which will be poorly absorbed for another 2-3 months.

Medical treatment

To make up for the loss of fluid in a patient, he needs rehydration therapy. In the presence of vomiting, specialists inject the patient with special solutions intravenously, and as soon as the vomiting goes away, the fluids can be taken through the mouth. On average, the patient should drink liquids of 30 g / kg of body weight during the day, taking the prescribed remedy every 10-15 minutes, several sips.

In addition, the patient is prescribed:

  • enterosorbents (Laktofiltrum, Enterosgel, White coal, Baktisubtil, Smecta and others);
  • intestinal antiseptics (Intestopan, Intetrix, Enterofuril);
  • probiotics (Linex, Bifiform, Acipol and others);
  • enzymes (Mezim, Pancreatin and others).
  • Antibacterial drugs for this disease can only be prescribed by a doctor.

As a rule, timely treatment started quickly leads to the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms and the normalization of the patient's condition. True, in rare cases, the outcome of such an ailment can be a violation of the function of the pancreas, the development of dyspepsia or a disorder of the biliary tract.

Disease prevention

In order not to encounter AII, it is important to observe the following precautions:

  • drink exclusively bottled or boiled water;
  • subject to careful heat treatment foodstuffs eaten;
  • wash vegetables and fruits before use with water (and for children with boiled water);
  • do not store perishable products for a long time;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • maintain cleanliness in the living room (paying special attention to the toilet and bathroom).
    Health to you!

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Intestinal infection is an acute disease manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis, colitis, gastroenteritis, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis, etc.), accompanied by digestive disorders (diarrhea, undigested food residues in the feces) and caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, capable of entering the intestine through the mouth and causing an inflammatory process in the cells of this organ.

General characteristics and essence of the disease

Under the term "intestinal infection" doctors and scientists mean a whole group of infectious diseases (about 30), in which the organs of the digestive tract are affected - the stomach or various parts of the intestine. As the name implies, all intestinal infections are infectious in nature, that is, they are caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses or protozoa. Regardless of the nature of the pathogenic microorganism, all intestinal infections are characterized by the same type of symptoms, including intoxication (fever, headache, weakness, etc.), stool disorder (diarrhea), nausea and vomiting, and abdominal pain. In addition to the same symptoms, some intestinal infections also have unique manifestations, the presence of which can accurately diagnose the disease.

Thus, it can be concluded that the intestinal infection is a disease caused by a pathogenic microorganism that occurs with symptoms of general intoxication (headache, weakness, temperature), diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain caused by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa or stomach.

Intestinal infections are very widespread, and people of any age get sick with them. But the most susceptible to intestinal infections are children, the elderly, and those who have recently had some other serious illness. According to the frequency of visits to the doctor in developed countries, intestinal infections are in second place after SARS.

Microbes that cause intestinal infections are excreted into the environment with feces, saliva, urine and vomit by people who currently carry the infection or had it less than 2-4 weeks ago. Microbes get into the water, on various objects, as well as on food, in which they remain for a long time. Further, when these microbially contaminated objects, products and water enter the oral cavity, any healthy person becomes infected with an intestinal infection.

Intestinal infections occurs when a pathogenic microorganism enters the digestive tract through the mouth with microbially contaminated food, water, household items, etc. That is, intestinal infection is transmitted by fecal-oral and alimentary routes. In other words, if microbes that cause intestinal infections are found in water, on any objects, parts of the body or products, then when they enter the mouth, they penetrate into the underlying sections of the gastrointestinal tract and cause disease.

Microbes can get into the mouth when eating poorly washed vegetables and fruits, neglecting the rules of hygiene (hands not washed before eating, using the same household items with sick people, etc.), drinking unboiled water (including accidental ingestion during bathing), insufficient heat treatment of meat and dairy products, etc. In addition, causative agents of intestinal infection can be transmitted directly from person to person, for example, by kissing. Very often, children become infected as follows: one of the adults smacks the baby on the cheek, the child wipes the remaining saliva with his hand and then after a while pulls the same hand into his mouth. And if an adult or another child was a carrier of an intestinal infection, then in his saliva there is a microbe-causative agent, which will enter the digestive tract of a healthy baby, causing the disease.

Any intestinal infection leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or various parts of the intestine. And inflammation of the mucosa leads, in turn, to indigestion, which is manifested by diarrhea (diarrhea), abdominal pain and vomiting. Depending on which mucosa of which organ is inflamed, all intestinal infections can occur in the following forms:

  • Acute gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining);
  • Acute enteritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine);
  • Acute colitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine);
  • Acute gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum);
  • Acute enterocolitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines).
The form of the intestinal infection is important for the formulation of the diagnosis, but not for the treatment, which is almost the same in all cases of diseases with different infections. The diagnosis is formulated as follows: acute colitis on the background of an intestinal infection. That is, the main diagnosis is the area of ​​localization of the inflammatory process (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine), and an indication of an intestinal infection is only a clarification of the causative factor of inflammation.

Depending on what kind of pathogen caused the disease, intestinal infection can be bacterial, viral or protozoal. In principle, the type of pathogen is not very important for treatment, since the treatment of almost all intestinal infections is exactly the same. That is, the treatment of any intestinal infection is carried out according to the same principles, regardless of the type of microbe that provoked it. There are differences only in the treatment of severe bacterial infections, but these diseases are easily recognized by the characteristic clinical symptoms inherent only to them, as a result of which the identification of the pathogen is simply not needed.

In the treatment of intestinal infections the main role is played by replenishment of fluid and salt losses, as well as diet, since the main and very dangerous consequence of any infection is dehydration. If a person can live without food for a month, then without enough water and salts - literally a few days or even hours. Therefore, the main thing in the treatment of any intestinal infection is to replenish the volume of water and salts lost with vomiting and diarrhea.

In the vast majority of cases, to treat an intestinal infection, you do not need to take any medications - antibiotics, sorbents, antiviral agents, etc., since the human body independently produces antibodies to microbes and destroys them, leading to recovery (as in situations with ARVI ). In the meantime, antibodies have not been developed, the body just needs, relatively speaking, to "hold on." In order to "hold out", it is necessary to constantly replenish the loss of fluid and salts that are excreted from the body with loose stools and vomiting. That is why the main treatment for any intestinal infection is to drink plenty of rehydration solutions (Regidron, Trisol, etc.) and diet. Taking antibiotics for intestinal infections is necessary only for severe cholera, blood in the feces and prolonged diarrhea against the background of giardiasis. Enterosorbents and probiotics can be taken at will, since their effectiveness for the treatment of intestinal infections has not been proven, but these drugs do not bring harm either.

Usually, with adequate replacement of fluid loss, intestinal infections without taking any medicines go away on their own in 3-5 days. If the infection turned out to be severe or fluid losses were not adequately replenished, then complications may develop, and in this case the disease will last longer.

In 90% of cases, any intestinal infection, provided that the loss of fluid and salts is replenished, disappears on its own, without special treatment. And only 10% of cases of intestinal infections require special therapy - antibiotics, intravenous salt solutions, etc.

Diseases related to intestinal infections

Currently, intestinal infections include approximately 30 different diseases, among which the most common are the following:

1. Bacterial intestinal infections:

  • Botulism;
  • Typhoid fever;
  • Halophilia;
  • Dysentery;
  • Yersiniosis;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection;
  • Infection caused by clostridia;
  • Klebsiella infection;
  • Proteus infection;
  • Campylobacteriosis;
  • Paratyphoid A and B;
  • salmonellosis;
  • Staphylococcal food poisoning;
  • Cholera;
  • Shigellosis;
  • Escherichiosis (infections caused by pathogenic varieties of Escherichia coli E. coli).
2. Viral intestinal infections:
  • adenovirus infection;
  • Infections caused by Norfolk group viruses;
  • Coronavirus infection;
  • Reovirus infection;
  • Rotavirus infection;
  • Enterovirus infection (Coxsackie A and B viruses, ECHO viruses).
3. Protozoal intestinal infections:
  • Giardiasis;
  • Amoebiasis;
  • Schistosomiasis;
  • Cryptosporidiosis.

Acute intestinal infection

All intestinal infections are acute, that is, they develop suddenly, have pronounced characteristic symptoms and disappear within a relatively short period of time. Cases of chronic intestinal infections are not known, since these diseases are either completely cured or lead to death of a person due to dehydration. Thus, it is obvious that an intestinal infection can only be acute.

After recovery from an intestinal infection, a person may experience digestive disorders within 1 to 3 months, which are attributed to complications or residual effects of the disease. Digestive disorders are caused by severe damage to a large number of intestinal cells, which take time to recover. Accordingly, until the intestinal cells are restored, a person may experience residual effects after an infection, which are a variety of digestive disorders: single loose stools, flatulence, colic, etc.

However, complications are not a sign of a chronic intestinal infection, but only indicate deep damage to a large number of intestinal cells. Some time after the infection, when the intestinal cells are restored, all symptoms and episodes of indigestion will completely disappear. During the period of residual effects after an intestinal infection, it is recommended to follow a diet and carefully process thermally food products, and rinse vegetables and fruits well so as not to get sick again and to speed up the recovery of intestinal cells as much as possible.


Currently, there are two main classifications of intestinal infections: the first is pathogenetic, for clinical use, and the second is etiological, for scientific purposes. Practitioners use the pathogenetic classification, while scientists and researchers use the etiological one. The pathogenetic classification is based on the characteristics of the course of the disease, and the etiological classification is based on the variety of the pathogenic microbe that causes the infection.

According to the etiological classification, all intestinal infections are divided into the following types:

1. Bacterial intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, botulism, yersiniosis, escherichiosis, staphylococcal food poisoning, etc.);
2. Viral intestinal infections (adenoviral, rotavirus, enterovirus, reoviral, coronavirus infections, etc.);
3. Protozoal intestinal infections (amebiasis, giardiasis, etc.).

bacterial intestinal infections caused by various microbes belonging to bacteria. Moreover, microbes that cause infections can be both purely pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic. Pathogenic bacteria are bacteria that are not normally present in the human body, and when they enter the intestines, they always cause an infectious disease. Examples of pathogenic bacteria are Vibrio cholerae, typhoid bacillus. Opportunistic bacteria include microorganisms that are normally present in the human intestine in small quantities, and therefore do not cause harm. But if these opportunistic microbes multiply or enter the intestine in large numbers from the outside, then they become pathogenic and cause disease. An example of opportunistic bacteria is Staphylococcus aureus, which is normally present in small quantities in the intestine. But if a large number of Staphylococcus aureus enters the intestine with poor-quality food (eggs, mayonnaise, etc.), then the microbe acquires pathogenic properties, and an intestinal infection develops in a person.

Bacterial intestinal infections are transmitted by the fecal-oral and alimentary-household routes, that is, when hygiene rules are not followed or when poor-quality products contaminated with microbes are consumed.

Viral intestinal infection caused by the entry into the human intestine of viruses that can cause acute inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Enteroviral and rotavirus intestinal infections are most common in people of different ages. Unlike bacterial, viral intestinal infections can be transmitted not only by the fecal-oral and alimentary-household routes, but also by airborne droplets. Thus, the risk of contracting a viral intestinal infection is higher than that of bacterial infections.

In addition, a person who has had a viral infection remains a carrier of the virus and a source of infection for others for 2 to 4 weeks after recovery. And with bacterial infections, a person is a source of infection for others only 2-4 days after recovery.

Protozoal intestinal infection is less common than bacterial and viral, and infection, as a rule, occurs when unboiled water is swallowed, for example, drinking from untested reservoirs or accidentally swallowed during bathing. Unlike bacterial and viral infections, protozoal intestinal infections can be long-term and require treatment with antiprotozoal drugs.

According to the pathogenetic classification, intestinal infections are divided into the following three groups:

  • Infections caused by an unknown pathogen(make up approximately 70% of the total number of cases of intestinal infections recorded by doctors);
  • Infections caused by an identified pathogen(make up approximately 20% of the total number of cases of intestinal infections registered by doctors);
  • Bacterial dysentery(accounts for approximately 10% of the total number of cases of intestinal infections recorded by physicians).

Ways of infection

The source of intestinal infections is a sick person or an asymptomatic carrier, who release pathogenic microorganisms into the external environment with feces and vomit, as well as with urine. The release of microbes into the external environment occurs from the onset of the disease until complete recovery (disappearance of clinical symptoms). And in the case of viral intestinal infections, the release of the pathogen continues for another 2 to 3 weeks after recovery. Accordingly, a person suffering from an intestinal infection or having had it less than 2 weeks ago is a source of infection for others.

The ways of infection with intestinal infections are oral-fecal, household or, less often, airborne, and the mechanism of transmission of the disease is alimentary. This means that the infectious agent always enters the body through the alimentary route, that is, through the mouth. The pathogen enters the body when eating contaminated food, swallowing water, accidentally licking dirty hands or objects, etc.

The most common ways of transmission of intestinal infections are oral-fecal and household. These transmission routes contaminate food, water or household items with pathogenic microbes excreted by a sick person or an asymptomatic carrier. As a rule, such microbial contamination occurs when personal hygiene and sanitary standards are not observed in the preparation and processing of products (for example, cooking is done in unsanitary conditions, personnel working with food do not wash their hands after using the toilet), as a result of which microbes that are on dirty hands, transferred to food, water or household items. Further, when eating food or swallowing water, as well as licking contaminated household items, microbes enter the mouth of healthy people, from where they penetrate the intestines and cause infection.

The causative agents of intestinal infections can be found on various food products, provided that they have been stored for a long time in improper conditions or processed in unsanitary conditions, as a result of which infection can occur when eating almost any product, including heat-treated products. After all, the causative agents of intestinal infections are resistant to cold, therefore, they retain their pathogenic properties, even if the infected products were stored in the refrigerator.

Most often, intestinal infections occur through the oral-fecal route, in particular when drinking dirty, unboiled water (drinking or accidentally swallowing water while swimming in reservoirs), milk and dairy products, eggs, cakes and meat. In second place in terms of the frequency of infection with intestinal infections is the household route, in which infection occurs during contact with bacteria-contaminated towels, toys, utensils and door handles. In the course of contact with household items, a person transfers pathogens of intestinal infections to his hands, and then, after a while, eating something or simply accidentally licking his hands, he introduces microbes into his mouth, from where they enter the intestines and lead to the development of the disease.

Thus, the main reason for the spread of intestinal infections is non-compliance with hygiene standards, such as mandatory hand washing before eating, before cooking, after going to the toilet, after contact with a sick person, as well as using shared dishes, towels and other household items. In addition, a huge role in the spread of intestinal infections belongs to long-term storage products. After all, the longer the products are stored, the greater the risk of contracting an intestinal infection when they are consumed, since they can be contaminated with pathogenic microbes when touched with dirty hands. And the longer the products are stored, the higher the likelihood that someone will touch them with dirty hands and transfer pathogens of intestinal infections to them.

The most common microbes that cause intestinal infections enter the human body when consuming the following products:

  • Staphylococcus aureus - enters the body when using mayonnaise seeded with bacteria, custard and puddings;
  • Bacillus cereus - various rice dishes;
  • Vibrio cholerae - ingestion of unboiled water from open reservoirs and the use of any food products on which there were drops of seeded water;
  • Pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli - ingestion of unboiled water from open water bodies and the use of any food products that have drops of contaminated water on them;
  • Clostridia - being in a hospital;
  • Salmonella - the use of poorly washed and thermally unprocessed poultry meat or eggs;
  • Yersinia - the use of meat and milk contaminated with bacteria;
  • Parahemolytic vibrio - eating raw or cooked seafood;
  • Some strains of Escherichia coli, Shigella, Campylobacter - drinking contaminated unboiled water and eating any food prepared or stored in violation of sanitary standards.
As can be seen, most bacterial and protozoal infections are transmitted by eating food and water contaminated with microbes. This is a characteristic feature of bacterial intestinal infections.

As for viral intestinal infections, they are usually transmitted by household and airborne droplets. So, infection with viral intestinal infections in children most often occurs as follows. An adult who is a carrier or suffers from an intestinal infection in an asymptomatic form kisses the baby on the cheek. The child wipes the remnants of saliva with his hand, as a result of which infectious agents appear on his skin. After a while, the child will put his hand in his mouth, and an intestinal infection will occur. If children play in a team, for example, in kindergarten or on the street by a group of friends, then the spread of viral intestinal infections occurs when babies are in close contact with each other, in which the patient's saliva enters the skin of healthy people, and from it already into the mouth and further into the intestines.

Thus, we can conclude that from the point of view of infection with bacterial and protozoal intestinal infections, the most dangerous is the use of water and products prepared with non-compliance with sanitary standards. And from the point of view of infection with viral intestinal infections, close contacts of people are dangerous, in which saliva is left on the skin (for example, when kissing, spitting, trying to bite children).

Susceptibility to intestinal infections is the same for all people of any age and gender, so anyone can get sick. However, children of the first year of life, the elderly (over 65 years of age), alcoholics, and those suffering from chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines are most easily infected.


The course and general symptoms of all intestinal infections

After entering the oral cavity, the causative agent of an intestinal infection, together with swallowed saliva, a sip of water or a lump of food, enters the stomach and intestines. In the stomach, the pathogen is not destroyed, because it is resistant to of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, it calmly passes further into the intestine, where it begins to actively multiply, causing the development infectious disease.

While in the intestines, various pathogens of intestinal infections behave differently. Some microbes penetrate the cells of the intestinal epithelium, causing the development of a pathological inflammatory process in them with their destruction. Accordingly, the destruction of intestinal cells and the inflammatory process in them lead to the development of characteristic symptoms of infection. Penetration into the cells of the intestinal epithelium is characteristic of viruses, salmonella, campylobacter, shigella, yersinia, some varieties of pathogenic Escherichia coli and parahemolytic vibrio.

Other microbes actively multiply and populate the intestines, displacing representatives of the normal microflora from it, which simply die. In the process of life, such microbes release toxic substances (enterotoxins), which cause inflammation and cell death of the intestinal mucosa. Accordingly, under the influence of enterotoxins, symptoms of an intestinal infection develop. Microbes that cause symptoms of infections due to the release of enterotoxins include the vast majority of pathogenic Escherichia coli, Clostridium and Vibrio cholerae.

Third varieties of pathogenic microbes release toxic substances directly in food. And then these toxic substances enter the intestine already in finished form with food, causing the development of an infectious disease. Food-producing bacteria include Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus.

Regardless of the mechanism of pathogenic effects on the intestines, all pathogens of intestinal infections lead to an inflammatory process in enterocytes (cells of the intestinal mucosa) and digestive disorders. Therefore, all clinical manifestations of intestinal infections are caused and associated with indigestion and destruction of intestinal mucosal cells.

Due to indigestion, the main symptom of any intestinal infection, regardless of the type of pathogen, is diarrhea (diarrhea, loose stools). Moreover, diarrhea is always present with any intestinal infection, and therefore is the main symptom. Other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, weakness, etc. - may be absent or present in various cases, but, unlike diarrhea, they are not mandatory signs of an intestinal infection.

Generally, any intestinal infections are mainly manifested by the following two syndromes:
1. intestinal syndrome.
2. Infectious-toxic syndrome (syndrome of general intoxication).

Both intestinal and infectious-toxic syndromes are always present in any intestinal infection, but have varying degrees of severity.

Intestinal syndrome, depending on the severity of the infection and the type of pathogen microbe, can occur with a number of specific features. Given the peculiarities of clinical symptoms, at present, the intestinal syndrome in various intestinal infections is usually divided into several of the following types:

  • gastritis syndrome;
  • Gastroenteritis syndrome;
  • enteric syndrome;
  • Gastroenterocolitic syndrome;
  • Enterocolitic syndrome;
  • colitis syndrome.
Gastritis syndrome is manifested by severe pain in the stomach, the presence of constant nausea and repeated vomiting after eating or drinking. Diarrhea in gastritis syndrome is a single or, less commonly, 2 to 4 times within a relatively short period of time. Symptoms of gastritis syndrome usually develop with infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus (food poisoning) or viruses.

Gastroenteritis syndrome manifested by abdominal pain in the stomach and around the navel, as well as vomiting and frequent, first mushy, and then watery stools. Fecal masses, depending on the type of pathogenic agent, can be colored in different colors: greenish (characteristic of salmonellosis), light brown (escherichiosis), etc. Mucus and undigested food debris may be present in the feces. Gastroenteritis syndrome usually develops with viral intestinal infections, salmonellosis, and diseases caused by pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli. A hallmark of viral intestinal infections is brown liquid foamy stools with a sharp unpleasant odor.

Enteric syndrome manifested by exceptionally frequent watery stools without nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain. The frequency of loose stools is determined by the severity of the infection and the type of microbe that causes the disease. Enteric syndrome usually develops with cholera.

Gastroenterocolitic syndrome manifested by vomiting, frequent loose stools and pain throughout the abdomen. The process of defecation is also painful, and bowel movements do not provide relief even for a short period of time. In the feces, there is often an admixture of blood and mucus. Sometimes only mucus is expelled from the bowel during a bowel movement. Gastroenterocolitic syndrome is characteristic of salmonellosis.

Enterocolitis Syndrome manifested by severe pain throughout the abdomen, frequent urge to defecate, during which either loose stools or a small amount of mucus are released. Episodes of loose stools and mucus usually alternate. Enterocolitic syndrome is characteristic of salmonellosis and dysentery.

colitis syndrome manifested by pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the left), as well as painful frequent bowel movements, in which a small amount of liquid or mushy stool mixed with blood and mucus is released from the intestine. Often there are false urges to defecate. After each bowel movement, there is a short-term relief. The colitis syndrome is characteristic of dysentery.

Infectious-toxic syndrome manifested by an increase in body temperature above 37.5 o C, as well as general weakness, headaches, dizziness, body aches, lack of appetite and nausea. Infectious-toxic syndrome with any intestinal infection usually appears first, and lasts from several hours to several days. As a rule, intestinal syndrome appears after the complete disappearance or decrease in the severity of infectious-toxic.

Infectious-toxic syndrome, depending on the type of pathogen and the severity of the infection, can manifest itself in different ways, that is, a person may have any individual or the entire set characteristic symptoms. So, in some cases, this syndrome can manifest itself only with headaches, in others - with fever with dizziness, etc.

Thus, summarizing the above symptoms of intestinal infections, we can say that these diseases can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • Repeated loose stools (100% of cases);
  • Rumbling and splashing in the abdomen (100% of cases);
  • An increase in body temperature for various periods of time from several hours to several days (100% of cases);
  • Loss of appetite (100% of cases);
  • Nausea (100% of cases);
  • Pain in various parts abdomen (100% of cases);
  • Thirst due to dehydration (90% of cases);
  • Admixture of blood in the feces (80% of cases);
  • General weakness (70% of cases);
  • Loss of body weight (60% of cases);
  • Fecal masses are similar in appearance to rice water (60% of cases);
  • Vomiting (20% of cases);
  • Urinary retention (10% of cases).
In addition to these symptoms, intestinal infections always lead to the loss of water and salts (sodium, potassium, chlorine, etc.) from the body due to vomiting and diarrhea, as a result of which dehydration (dehydration) can develop. Dehydration is a very dangerous condition as it can be fatal in a short amount of time. Therefore, until the intestinal infection has passed, you should carefully monitor whether there are signs of dehydration, and if they appear, immediately call an ambulance and be hospitalized. Signs of dehydration are the following symptoms:
  • Persistent vomiting that does not allow you to drink liquids;
  • Lack of urine for more than 6 hours;
  • Urine dark yellow;
  • dry tongue;
  • Sunken eyes;
  • Grayish skin tone;
  • Diarrhea stopped, but abdominal pain appeared, or body temperature rose sharply, or vomiting intensified.

temperature in intestinal infections

With any intestinal infections, the body temperature almost always rises to various numbers for various periods of time. In some infections, the temperature rises only for a few hours, while in others it lasts for 2 to 4 days. Moreover, the body temperature is kept within the same values ​​from the moment of its increase and up to normalization. In other words, if at the beginning of the disease the temperature rose to 38 o C, then until its normalization, it should be kept within this value with slight fluctuations. If the body temperature rises sharply, this means that complications of an intestinal infection develop, which must be treated in a hospital (hospital).

An increase in body temperature in various intestinal infections is almost always the first sign of the disease. That is, the temperature rises even before the onset of diarrhea, abdominal pain and other signs of infection. In addition, quite often diarrhea appears after the normalization of body temperature, and in the future the disease proceeds already against the background of normal temperature, and not elevated.

In intestinal infections, elevated body temperature is a factor that increases body fluid loss, so it is recommended to knock it down by taking antipyretic drugs. This is necessary to reduce the loss of fluid, since at high temperatures the body is cooled due to the abundant evaporation of moisture. Doctors and scientists recommend taking antipyretics if the temperature reaches 37.5 o C and above.

Vomiting with intestinal infection

Vomiting does not always accompany intestinal infections. Sometimes it is absent, in some infections it can be single, and in others it can be multiple. During the entire period of the course of the infection, vomiting is not recommended to be stopped by various antiemetics (for example, Cerucal, etc.), since in this way the body removes toxic substances to the outside. When vomiting, you need to drink plenty of fluids to make up for the loss of fluid and salts. Moreover, if vomiting is strong, then you should drink in small sips, a small amount of water or saline solutions at a time, but often.

If vomiting intensifies, or because of vomiting, it is impossible to drink saline solutions, then you should immediately consult a doctor and be hospitalized in a hospital.


Any intestinal infection can lead to the development of the following complications:
  • Dehydration (dehydration)- the most common complication of various intestinal infections, resulting from the loss of water and salts by the body along with diarrhea and vomit. Critical fluid loss for the body is 10% of the initial amount. If there is a critical loss of fluid and salts, then the person falls into a coma with a possible subsequent death. Signs of dehydration include not urinating for 6 hours, dry skin and tongue, rapid pulse, low blood pressure, and a greyish skin tone. Thirst is not always present with dehydration, so this symptom should not be used to judge whether there is dehydration or not. In order to prevent dehydration in intestinal infections, you should drink plenty of saline solutions (Regidron, Trisol, etc.) at the rate of one liter for three episodes of diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Infectious-toxic shock. It develops at the very beginning of the disease against the background of high body temperature. Shock is provoked by a high concentration in the blood of toxic substances secreted by bacteria.
  • Pneumonia . It is a fairly common complication of intestinal infections in children. As a rule, pneumonia develops against the background of moderate dehydration, when fluid losses are not completely replenished, but only partially.
  • Acute kidney failure.

Intestinal infection in children

Children are more likely to suffer from intestinal infections than adults, because they have much more contact with peers and surrounding adults, as well as hygiene skills and an understanding of sanitary norms and rules are not sufficiently reinforced and instilled.

Intestinal infections in children generally proceed in the same way as in adults and are characterized by the same clinical manifestations. But in children, unlike adults, intestinal infections are more likely to be severe and dehydration develops faster. Therefore, when a child falls ill, it is imperative to give him to drink saline solutions to replenish fluid losses and carefully monitor his condition so as not to miss signs of dehydration, which should immediately hospitalize the baby in the hospital.

In addition, in children, intestinal infections are much more likely to be caused by viruses.

If an intestinal infection has developed in a child of the first year of life, then he should definitely be hospitalized, since critical dehydration in babies under 12 months old can occur very quickly and lead to tragic consequences, even death.

Children over one year old can be treated at home if they do not show signs of dehydration (no urine for 6 hours, dry tongue, sunken eyes, gray skin) and the condition remains stable and does not worsen.
Otherwise, intestinal infections in children proceed and are treated in the same way as in adults.

Intestinal infection in adults

Intestinal infections in adults are recorded quite often, especially in the hot season, when food is often stored in violation of sanitary norms and rules. In addition, in the warm season, people go to nature, out of town, where they cook on their own or buy various dishes in a cafe, and this food is often contaminated with pathogenic microbes. Swimming in open water is also responsible for the high incidence of intestinal infections during the warm season, as microbially contaminated water is often accidentally ingested.

Adults, as a rule, successfully tolerate intestinal infections and recover without any consequences. Complications of infections in adults also develop relatively rarely, in no more than 10% of cases and, as a rule, against the background of a severe course of the disease.

Intestinal infections: how they are carried, what causes them. Symptoms. How to choose products, how to cook them correctly. What water to drink so as not to get infected - video

Rotavirus intestinal infection in children and adults

general characteristics

Rotavirus infection is sometimes incorrectly referred to as "rotavirus". This infection is also known as "summer flu" or "stomach flu".

Children are most often affected by rotavirus infection, because, firstly, they are more susceptible to diseases than adults, and secondly, they do not yet have immunity to this infection. Adults are much less likely to suffer from stomach flu, since, as a rule, almost everyone has been ill with an infection in childhood, and after once suffering from an illness, immunity is formed to it, and a person very rarely becomes infected again during the rest of his life.


The first symptom of the disease is an increase in body temperature to 38 - 39 o C, after which, after a few hours, cramping pains in the abdomen, general weakness and loss of appetite appear. Along with pain in the abdomen appears vomiting (often multiple) and diarrhea. The chair happens up to 10 - 15 times a day, and the feces are liquid, frothy, brown-yellow in color and with a very unpleasant, pungent odor. After 1 to 2 days, the stool becomes clayey and acquires a yellowish-gray color.

In addition to diarrhea and symptoms of general intoxication (headache, weakness, temperature), rotavirus intestinal infection may present with sore throat, runny nose and conjunctivitis.

In general, rotavirus infection lasts from 3 to 8 days, after which recovery occurs.


During the entire period of the disease, contact with others should be avoided, since a person is a source of infection. The main means of treating stomach flu in children and adults is fasting and drinking plenty of saline solutions. As for nutrition, you should eat as little as possible, giving preference to bagels, bread crumbs, etc. During the entire period of the disease with rotavirus intestinal infection It is strictly forbidden to eat the following products:
  • E. coli - diseases, transmission routes, symptoms of intestinal infections and diseases of the genitourinary tract (in a woman, in a man, in a child), methods of treatment. Detection of the bacterium in a urine sample and in a vaginal swab
  • Intestinal infection - diagnosis and treatment tactics for a child and an adult, depending on the symptoms and test results