A pregnant woman has a stomach ache, what should she do? What can you drink if your stomach hurts during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is not only a physical condition, but also an emotional one. While waiting for the birth of a child, a woman experiences a variety of feelings and emotions, both positive and not so positive. The same applies to changes in her physical condition: in the early stages female forms noticeably rounded, the structure of nails and hair improves, the skin becomes cleaner. The beating of the baby inside, his turning over from side to side, constant tickling - this can be attributed to both the physical and emotional components of pregnancy, which bring a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

However, pregnancy often does not go entirely smoothly. Weakness, fatigue, morning sickness, problems with stool and much more cause a lot of trouble for the expectant mother. What can we say about the pain that a woman can also constantly experience while the baby is growing inside her.

Pain in the mammary glands due to their growth and production of colostrum, pain in the lower abdomen and back from excessive strain and intestinal problems, pain in the hypochondrium... Unpleasant pain in the upper abdomen and under the ribs can be a signal of a variety of problems, but most often - problems with the stomach, which almost every pregnant woman faces.

How to determine what exactly hurts your stomach?

Stomach pain is unlikely to be confused with that which occurs, for example, with problems with the pancreas or gall bladder. Therefore, if before pregnancy a woman managed to experience it on herself, then she will easily understand what exactly is hurting her this time. It’s another matter if the expectant mother was healthy before pregnancy.

The easiest way is to try to understand the location of the pain. The stomach radiates to the solar plexus area; less often, pain is felt in the left hypochondrium closer to the center line of the abdomen. Based on this sign, it is quite easy to distinguish pain in the stomach from pain in the gallbladder (in the right hypochondrium), pancreas (under the ribs on the left) and intestines (in the navel area and below, in the groin area on the right or left).

Various stomach problems make themselves felt with pain of a different nature. With overeating and indigestion, heaviness is felt, with heartburn and gastritis - burning and peculiar tingling, with gastritis and ulcers - dull or sharp pain. By various reasons the muscular wall of the stomach can begin to actively and strongly contract, which often causes severe cramping pain along with heartburn, nausea and more.

During pregnancy, all organs of the expectant mother work more intensely and experience greater stress. In the case of the digestive system, it suffers not only from stress, but also from close interaction with the growing uterus, which puts pressure on both the stomach and intestines. The relative position of organs is disrupted, the shape changes, obstacles are created for normal functioning the entire system. This is why pregnant women so often experience nausea and heartburn, feel pain in the intestines and stomach, and suffer from constipation or loose stools.

In addition, hormonal changes in the body affect the functioning of the stomach. Under the influence of hormones, the work of the gastrointestinal tract slows down, which is necessary for the absorption of the maximum amount of nutrients into the body. Hormones also affect the muscles of the stomach itself and the sphincter, causing them to be more relaxed than usual and not preventing the release of food and stomach acid back into the esophagus.

Morning sickness, vomiting due to toxicosis, as well as a general decrease in immunity during pregnancy often cause exacerbation of chronic stomach diseases, such as gastritis or ulcers. Women expecting the birth of a child are more susceptible than others infectious diseases, giving complications to the stomach - the same flu and others.

Acute pain with nausea and vomiting, fever and stool upset may indicate infection of the digestive tract or organs abdominal cavity, which, due to reduced immunity, is also something pregnant women should be wary of.

However, all of these are, although not isolated, but not very common cases, while the vast majority of women suffer from heartburn, pain from overeating and indigestion during pregnancy.

What to do if your stomach hurts?

A pregnant woman’s body is quite weak and vulnerable, and any problems with it can affect the child’s health in the future.

That is why a woman needs to protect herself as much as possible from intestinal and other types of infections, some of which are extremely dangerous for a growing baby. That is why, if there is severe pain in the stomach, deterioration of well-being and general condition, a woman urgently needs to go to the hospital, because these symptoms may indicate the development of infectious pathogens in the body.

In addition, severe pain may indicate the presence of gastritis or stomach ulcers - diseases that should be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

In other cases, pain and heartburn will help stop and prevent the simplest actions:

  • Proper nutrition

Since a pregnant woman’s stomach is already under heavy load, there is no need to overload it further. To do this, it is important to eat food in small portions, but often enough (5-6 times a day), that is, eat in small portions. If possible, exclude heavy food from the diet; in extreme cases, consume it in the first half of the day without violating the split-meal regimen. The last meal should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime, since in the “vertical position” the stomach works much faster and more efficiently.

  • Diet against heartburn

Getting rid of the burning sensation in your stomach is quite simple: drink a glass of cool, still water. You can prevent the occurrence of heartburn by excluding from your diet too hot and too cold foods, fried, salty, smoked foods, sour foods, as well as coffee and strong tea. If the discomfort associated with heartburn causes too much inconvenience, you can consult a doctor and undergo an examination to find out the cause and prescribe the correct heartburn medication for your particular case.

  • Movement

“Lie down so that the fat develops” is a completely inappropriate rule for a pregnant woman. After eating, on the contrary, you need to move: walk, do light household chores, or, in extreme cases, sit. Taking a horizontal position after lunch or dinner is the same as squeezing the stomach and preventing food from moving further through the gastrointestinal tract. Moderate physical activity has an excellent effect on both stomach function and intestinal motility.

  • Product sorting

Each pregnant woman has her own food preferences, as well as an individual reaction to a particular product. One expectant mother can absorb kilograms sauerkraut, and after borscht you suffer from heartburn, while the other will have the opposite. Therefore, it is important to adhere to fractional and separate meals in order to easily identify the product that causes problems with the stomach and intestines, and mercilessly remove it from your daily menu.

Taking care of yourself and your feelings is the main task of a pregnant woman, which in some cases can even save a life. Therefore, if there are any incomprehensible changes in the body or the appearance of unknown symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor. Playing it safe for your peace of mind is often much better than self-medicating and harming your health and the health of your unborn child.

Even those women who did not know what digestive problems were may experience stomach pain during pregnancy. The question immediately arises, why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy, and what needs to be done to prevent the stomach from hurting. Usually, unpleasant sensations begin from the beginning of pregnancy, but problems at a later stage cannot be ruled out.

Different reasons Irritability
Discomfort special food for the intestines
vitamins during pregnancy Grapefruit

The main causes of stomach pain.

  1. Morning pain. Often spasms occur in the morning, when toxicosis begins; nausea and vomiting can cause discomfort. Often this happens due to disruption of the gallbladder, the liver becomes harder to function.
  2. Heartburn and heaviness. Stomach pain is often accompanied by heartburn and heaviness; it begins at a later stage, from the fourteenth week of pregnancy. The uterus enlarges, begins to affect the stomach, and the woman may feel a burning sensation after eating.
  3. Reflux disease. This is a condition (reflux) when the acidic contents of the stomach become clogged up the esophagus. Spasms and burning sensations appear. Again, it is associated with an enlarged uterus, a temporary phenomenon, the condition will improve after childbirth.
  4. Gastritis. Belching is one of the signs of the disease. Belching occurs because the walls of the stomach are stretched due to incomplete digestion of food. Gastritis is often accompanied by the release of gastric juice. Intestinal motility is impaired, and liver problems may begin.
  5. Constipation. The cause of pain may also be due to constipation. It occurs when the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, due to proper nutrition, weakening of the abdominal muscles. With prolonged pain, women develop weakness, apathy, and fatigue.
  6. Food allergies. If stomach pain appears after eating, then you should pay attention to what you eat. Most likely, the pregnant woman has a food allergic reaction to a particular product.

Pain can also be caused by the following reasons:

  • stressful situations;
  • binge eating;
  • long intervals between meals;
  • appendicitis;
  • chronic diseases;
  • any tension in the abdominal muscles (lifting weights, etc.);
  • infectious, fungal diseases.

The reasons are different

Problem in early and late stages

Pain from the beginning of pregnancy is often called dangerous. Since these spasms may indicate a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. But in many cases these fears are unfounded. There is a threat if there is pain below the navel, but this has nothing to do with stomach pain.

Stomach pain that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy is usually associated with changes occurring in the woman’s body.

In the first trimester, a woman is more vulnerable and irritable, and this affects her condition. The body is overloaded, hormonal surges and other changes occur, and all chronic diseases worsen during this period. Therefore, a specialist examination is necessary.

Irritability affects the condition of the fetus

When your stomach hurts in the last stages of pregnancy, this can be due to both ordinary reasons (bloating, overeating, etc.) and pathological ones. At the twenty-seventh week, stomach pain is considered normal. Again, due to the fact that the uterus presses on other organs, the stomach and lungs suffer the most from this. By the end of the third trimester, the tone of the alimentary valve decreases, and this makes it difficult for food to pass through.

If the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or weakness of the body, you should consult a specialist. At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, if the stomach hurts - this is not considered a normal condition - the woman needs help. This may indicate an infection or impending labor.

Discomfort after eating

If your stomach hurts after eating during pregnancy, you need to switch to proper nutrition. Because eating the wrong foods can trigger stomach cramps in the digestive system. Taste preferences change, and a woman may consume foods that cause metabolic disorders.

Sour and spicy foods, especially in large quantities, will irritate the walls of the stomach. Sweets provoke fermentation processes, dysbiosis appears, bloating - all this causes pain in the stomach after a pregnant woman has eaten. You should not drink immediately after eating - constipation and other health problems may occur. Long breaks between meals, and then sudden and a large number of food provokes pain.

It is necessary to contact a specialist and together with him develop proper nutrition that will not irritate the stomach. Basically, the diet is not much different from what many people eat, you just need to add vitamins and eliminate unhealthy foods.

  1. Must be taken folic acid. It is necessary for the growth and development of tissues and organs of the fetus. With a lack of this vitamin, a woman quickly gets tired and becomes more irritable. The vitamin is found in the following foods: legumes, cabbage, lettuce, beets, green onions, cheese, carrots, caviar, liver, cottage cheese, egg yolk.
  2. Helps avoid stomach pain if a pregnant woman watches her caloric intake. Many, upon learning that they are starting to be pregnant, eat for two. It must be remembered that the fetus does not yet need so much energy and the expectant mother “takes” all the extra energy for herself.
  3. It is necessary to add to the diet foods that are rich in fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, but do not neglect animal proteins (fish, meat, dairy products). Eggs, rice, berries, prunes, currants and much more help the digestion of food and thus prevent cramps in the pregnant woman.
  4. Fasting days should be arranged no more than twice a week. Eat kefir, apples and cottage cheese.

Discomfort after eating

Diet and treatment

Together with your doctor, you need to decide on your daily routine and how you should eat:

  • During the day, eat at least 5.6 times, in small portions, do not overeat;
  • remove heavy, unhealthy foods from the diet, do not eat at night, do not eat fried, spicy, smoked, salty foods;
  • drink at least two liters a day (clean, still water);
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating, you need to walk for about 20 minutes.

If stomach pain is caused by chronic diseases (gastritis, ulcers, etc.), doctors usually prescribe treatment - gastroscopy, abdominal ultrasound and much more.

Any medical or surgical interventions are prohibited for pregnant women, as this can negatively affect the baby’s health. The main treatment consists of:

  • healthy eating;
  • diets;
  • mineral water;
  • pure honey;
  • fermented milk products;
  • berries;
  • decoctions from natural herbs.

Eating berries has a beneficial effect

The use of folk recipes

In order to relieve stomach pain during pregnancy, it is often recommended to use herbal teas, folk recipes that contain natural ingredients.

For the first recipe you will need:

  • chamomile;
  • flax seeds;
  • calamus root;
  • yarrow;
  • oregano;
  • parsnip and mint.

Method of preparation and use.

  1. Dry these herbs or purchase them dried.
  2. Take ten grams of each herb.
  3. Grind the ingredients.
  4. Pour a glass of boiling water over everything.
  5. Leave for at least half an hour.
  6. Add boiled water (half of the resulting mass).
  7. Take three spoons before meals.

In order to use another recipe you will need:

  • chaga mushroom;
  • valerian;
  • Melissa;

Instructions for use.

  1. Place dry mushroom in warm water.
  2. Let it brew for five hours.
  3. Pour boiling water over valerian and lemon balm and leave for at least one and a half hours.
  4. Chop the softened mushroom and place in warm water.
  5. Leave in a cool place for forty-eight hours.
  6. Take herbal tincture before meals.
  7. Drink one hundred grams of mushroom tincture in the morning, followed by honey in the evening.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Pain in the projection of the stomach often occurs in women during pregnancy. This is especially alarming for those who have not suffered from such problems before. Some wake up at night from excruciating pain, others note discomfort immediately after eating. This undoubtedly disrupts the mother’s well-being and is not good for the baby. How does your stomach hurt during pregnancy and why? Are there safe ways to relieve the condition?

Using the term “stomach ache”, many women thus describe unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the pit of the stomach. In most cases, the real problems are hidden in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas. But pain can be evidence of other pathological conditions.

How does your stomach hurt during pregnancy?

Anatomically, the stomach is a reservoir with an average volume of 500-1000 ml, but the size can vary significantly. It all depends on the eating habits and physiological characteristics of the woman. The stomach is a continuation of the esophagus and is separated from the latter by a sphincter, which prevents the contents of two adjacent parts from mixing.

The stomach passes into the duodenum (part of the small intestine), and there is also a muscle sphincter between them. All diseases of the stomach are associated either with pathology of its walls (erosion, ulcers, inflammation) or with sphincter dysfunction.

The clinical picture of pain that occurs as a result of organ diseases is varied. They may be of the following nature:

  • be blunt or sharp “dagger”;
  • occur immediately after eating or on an “empty stomach”;
  • appear day or night, disturbing sleep;
  • accompanied by a burning sensation;
  • there may be cramping pain;
  • the pain may radiate to the back.

Stomach pain during pregnancy may be accompanied by other symptoms. They have the following characteristics:

  • belching sour or rotten (depending on the type of stomach dysfunction);
  • bloating;
  • bowel dysfunction such as diarrhea or constipation;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of nausea and vomiting after eating or after some time;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Causes of discomfort

Many people are interested in the question of why pregnant women have stomach pain if everything was fine before the “interesting situation”. Predisposing factors are the following.

  • Hormonal background. Progestins, which are responsible for the successful gestation of pregnancy, simultaneously relax the smooth muscle fibers of the gastric sphincters. This leads to mixing of its contents with the small intestine, as a result of which the mucous membrane is injured and inflammation occurs. For this reason, girls with chronic gastritis sometimes regard stomach pain as a sign of pregnancy, which is not entirely true.
  • Growing uterus.
  • As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus takes up more and more space in the abdomen. This leads to increased intra-abdominal pressure and upward displacement of the stomach. It changes its shape. All this can lead to an exacerbation of diseases that were previously hidden or asymptomatic. Change in taste preferences.
  • Often in an “interesting situation” women experience a dramatic change in taste preferences. Some eat sour, others eat salty in quantities that previously seemed unrealistic. To all this is added toxicosis in the 1st trimester. Nausea and vomiting, sometimes up to 10 or more times a day, are not good for the stomach. Can my stomach hurt during early pregnancy for this reason? Yes, and this is exactly what happens almost always. Decreased immunity.
  • A physiological decrease in the body's response to foreign microorganisms often leads to changes in the intestinal microflora, and also predisposes to inflammatory processes in the stomach (gastritis). Chronic illnesses. Stomach pain almost always occurs if a woman suffered from various diseases

digestive system.

Most often, stomach pain during pregnancy is caused by a combination of several factors. As a result, gastritis develops with high or low acidity, ulcers, polyps may appear, and pain can also be a consequence of spasms of the walls of the stomach and intestines.

If there is pain in the stomach area in the early or late stages of pregnancy, there may be other reasons for this. Due to the close arrangement of organs, the picture is blurred. The following diseases can cause pain similar to stomach pain.

  • Food poisoning. Occurs when eating low-quality food.
  • Infectious intestinal diseases. Salmonellosis and viral infections can occur in the form of gastroenteritis - with acute abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • Food intolerance. For lactase deficiency (deficiency of the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar), for food allergies.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • The pancreas is located immediately behind the stomach and is surrounded by the duodenum; when it is inflamed, the pain is similar to acute stomach pain. Duodenal ulcer.
  • May accompany a stomach ulcer or be isolated. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • With GERD, pain occurs due to irritation of the esophageal mucosa by gastric contents. Dysfunction of the bile ducts or stones in them.

The mouth opens into the duodenum; excess or insufficient production of acids affects the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The following table will help you distinguish stomach pain from similar symptoms in other conditions. Table - Differential diagnosis

stomach and similar painsSign, pathologyWhen pain occursWhat kind of intensity
Additional symptomsStomach pain- Most often immediately after eating
- Pulling;
- sharp;
- stupid;
- with burning
- Previously diagnosed gastritis or stomach ulcersPain in the duodenum- “Hungry” and nocturnal- Most often sharp “dagger”
- Bloating occurs;
- constipation or loose stoolsGERD- 2-3 hours after eating- With a burning sensation behind the sternum
- Belching may taste sour or rancidFood poisoning and intestinal infections
- 6-12 hours after eating low-quality food;
- when pathogenic microbes enter the body
- Depends on the severity of food poisoning or intestinal infection;
- in most cases, acute cramping
- Body temperature rises;
- nausea and vomiting, diarrhea appearChronic pancreatitis- A few hours after eating foods that provoke exacerbation
- Encircling nature;
- sometimes more on the left
- Bloating appears;
- diarrheaBile duct pathology- On an empty stomach or 20-30 minutes after eating
- More on the right;
- in the hypochondrium or in the pit of the stomach

It should be said that clinical pictures All diseases are very similar. One can occur under the “mask” of the other. Only a specialist after examination and examination can finally figure out why the stomach hurts after, during meals, or on an empty stomach during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the range of examinations is limited, especially in the later stages. Fibrogastroduodenoscopy cannot always be technically performed. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is safe and informative. With its help, you can determine the pathology of the biliary tract and suspect problems with the pancreas and stomach.

When you urgently need to see a doctor

Many women are familiar with stomach pain if they suffered from similar conditions before pregnancy. They already know what medications relieve such symptoms; they just need to consider whether they can be taken in an “interesting situation.” In any case, if pain appears in the epigastric region, you should not forget about a visit to a specialist. And in the following situations, you need to get qualified help as quickly as possible:

  • if the pain is acute and does not go away within half an hour;
  • if fever appears;
  • if the pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting more than five times a day.

Ways to cope with pain

It's definitely not worth enduring pain. This will not only bring discomfort, irritability, and decreased performance, but may result in unpleasant consequences, such as gastrointestinal bleeding (with an ulcer). Treatment should be approached in a multifaceted way - follow a diet, take medications approved during pregnancy, and can be supplemented with safe advice from traditional medicine. The treatment regimen and drug combinations are determined only by the doctor.

Everyone can stick to proper nutrition and routine on their own. If the pain persists, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Drug treatment

To relieve attacks of pain in different situations, the following groups of drugs may be needed.

  • Antibiotics.
  • Used for the treatment of ulcers, acute gastritis when the bacterium Helicobacter pilory is detected in a tissue biopsy or when performing respiratory test strips. They are prescribed in courses; it is often recommended to use several at the same time. Histamine receptor blockers.
  • Proton pump blockers. They have a more pronounced effect on reducing the production of hydrochloric acid, but addiction to them can develop with prolonged and illiterate use. During pregnancy, you should avoid taking them; if necessary, they are allowed only in the last trimester.
  • Antacids. Made on the basis of astringent microelements (magnesium, bismuth, aluminum). Once in the stomach, they create a film there, protecting injured areas from the action of aggressive hydrochloric acid and food.
  • Alginates.
  • Plant-based preparations, the active ingredients are obtained from algae. The effect is similar to the effect of antacids - the walls of the stomach are enveloped and damaged areas are healed. Enveloping. These drugs are used as adsorbents. They absorb toxins
  • hydrochloric acid, simultaneously covering the walls of the stomach and entire intestines with a film that protects from additional irritation. They are not absorbed into the systemic circulation, so their use during pregnancy is safe.
  • Anticholinergics.

Due to the effect on certain receptors, they lead to relaxation of smooth muscles and relieve intestinal spasms. During pregnancy, it should be taken with caution.


Drugs that are safe during pregnancy and relieve pain caused by smooth muscle spasms.Which drugs are acceptable at different stages of gestation can be seen from the following table.Table - What can pregnant women drink for stomach pain?Drugs
1st trimester2nd trimester
3rd trimester
Proton pump blockers
- “Lansoprazole”;
3rd trimester
- "Esomeprazole"- “Omeprazole”;- “Omeprazole”;
- “Lansoprazole”;Anticholinergics
- "Buskopan"Antibiotics
- Amoxicillin (with caution if absolutely necessary)
- “Almagel”;
- “Phosphalugel”;
- "Renny";- "Maalox";
- "Escape"
Histamine receptor blockers
- "Ranitidine";
- “Cimetidine”;
- “Famotidine”;- “Roxanidine”;
- "Nixanidin"
Alginates- "Gaviscon";
- "Gastal"

- “Smecta”;

- “Smectite”;

- "Diosmectite"

The following drugs are prohibited for any period of time. Zolinoblockers - “Gastrotsepin”, “Platifillin”, “Metacin”. Antibiotics - Tetracycline, Clarithromycin, Metronidazole. Nutrition Basics each case will be slightly different. However, the principles of nutrition are largely similar and are reflected in the table.

Table - Basic nutrition for the treatment and prevention of stomach pain

RecommendationsProducts and dishes
Should be excluded altogether- Soda;
- fast foods;
- sausages and frankfurters;
- smokedness, saltiness
It is dangerous to eat during an exacerbation- Fresh fruits and vegetables;
- fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt);
- fresh bread;
- fatty and fried;
- chocolate, alcohol, nuts
Can be included in diet as you recover- Milk, lean meat (beef, chicken, rabbit);
- fish;
- scrambled eggs;
- steamed omelette;
- porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
- vegetables and fruits - steamed, baked

Nutrition should not only be complete and balanced, it is necessary to eat frequently and in small portions. It is important to chew food thoroughly, since the digestion process begins in the oral cavity. This will not create an increased load on the stomach. It is useful to drink 2-2.5 liters clean water per day.

Can help get rid of stomach pain ethnoscience. Prescriptions should be treated with caution, taking into account not only women’s reviews, but also individual sensitivity, the presence of other diseases and pregnancy complications.

  • Chamomile. It is useful to drink tea with the addition of plant flowers, as well as drink an infusion in the morning. To prepare the latter, you need to take 20 g of flowers, pour 400-500 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for two to three hours and then take 100 ml of the solution in the morning, store the prepared solution in the refrigerator for no more than two days.
  • Honey. It is useful to eat one or two teaspoons of honey before tomorrow. It envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting it from damage by food masses.
  • Aloe. To prepare the solution, you should collect the oldest leaves. You need to grind them and then squeeze out the juice. Take a teaspoon two to three times a day, you can mix it with honey.
  • Potato. You can reduce stomach pain with freshly squeezed potato juice. It contains a large amount of starch, which coats the walls of the stomach like antacids.

How to avoid abdominal discomfort

It is not always possible to avoid pain in the stomach, especially in the last stages, when an enlarged uterus disrupts the normal anatomy of all organs. However, simple recommendations will help push back the period of exacerbation as far as possible. The tips are as follows:

  • You should eat at least four to six times a day in small portions;
  • drink 2-2.5 liters of clean still water per day;
  • give up fried, fatty, salty and sweet foods;
  • do not be nervous.

Any pain should not be tolerated. This is a signal from the body that there is a problem and that it is necessary to take some action to improve health. If your stomach hurts and you feel sick during pregnancy, this is the first signal to visit a doctor. Not only gastritis, but also more serious complications can threaten the health of the mother and baby.


Stomach pain during pregnancy is not unusual, but it can be quite unpleasant and create some discomfort for the woman.

The pain can be sharp and stabbing, as well as dull and aching. This is the main sign of changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

She may have difficulty determining whether her pain is severe or mild. It is important to know when pain is normal and when a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Causes and symptoms

Pain can be a normal part of pregnancy as a woman's body changes to accommodate her ever-growing baby.

Although there are many harmless causes of stomach pain during pregnancy, some can be more serious.

As a pregnant mother, it is important to educate yourself on all possible reasons soreness in order to be able to promptly recognize symptoms that may cause concern.

Pain in the abdominal area on all sides during pregnancy can be caused by sprains of the uterus or the ligaments that support it.

After all, the uterus expands as the fetus grows, placing emphasis on the ligaments that attach it to the inner wall of the body. This may cause short-term pain on both sides, especially in the second trimester.

If the pain is on the left side, it is most likely due to the uterus tilting slightly to the right, relaxing the ligament on that side and stretching the left ligament.

Pain in the ligaments is usually intermittent and sharp, often caused by sudden movement, laughing or coughing.

Sometimes the pain spreads to the groin. Changing positions slowly or resting often helps relieve pain. It's worth talking to your doctor about whether pelvic floor exercises can help in this case and how to do them correctly.

Also, a pregnant woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen and stomach. early stages pregnancy due to her uterus actively growing to accommodate the baby's body.

As the uterus expands, the round ligaments lengthen and deplete, damaging surrounding nerve fibers in the process.

As a result, a woman may feel slight discomfort in the lower abdomen. This feeling is called round ligament pain, which is a fairly common symptom in pregnant women.

Pain is sometimes also localized in the right side of the abdomen and often occurs upon sudden awakening, walking or other vigorous activity.

Changes in body posture may relieve pain, but treatment is not required as the pain is usually mild and limited. You can try to prevent pain around the ligaments by changing positions more gradually.

For example, when a woman gets up or goes down the stairs, she needs to avoid any sudden movements. Do not rush while walking, as this can only aggravate the feeling of discomfort.

Ectopic pregnancy is another possible factor contributing to abdominal pain in pregnant women.

This is a complication of pregnancy, during which the attachment of a fertilized egg is not observed in the uterine cavity.

Pregnancy begins when the egg unites with the partner's sperm. This fertilized egg grows into a large group of cells called an “embryo.”

During a normal pregnancy, the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus and develops into a fetus.

In an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo does not attach to the uterine wall. Instead, it attaches itself to a place outside the uterus that it shouldn't attach to and begins to grow. Although the embryo grows larger, it cannot develop into a fetus.

In most cases of ectopic pregnancies, the embryo attaches to one of the fallopian tubes (connecting the ovaries to the uterus). When this happens, doctors call the phenomenon a "tubal pregnancy."

As the embryo grows larger, it can cause pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the stomach, and lead to other complications. Some of them can be life threatening.

Pregnant women with ectopic pregnancies do not always have symptoms early on. But as the ectopic pregnancy grows, they may experience symptoms including:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen, affecting the stomach.
  2. Bleeding from the vagina (small, sometimes with a brown tint).

Certain women have no symptoms until the ectopic pregnancy causes more serious problems.

For example, an embryo growing in the fallopian tube can cause damage to it.

When this happens, symptoms may include:

  1. Severe pain in the lower abdomen and stomach.
  2. Heavy bleeding from the vagina.
  3. Fainting or a feeling that the pregnant woman might fall or lose consciousness.

If a woman is pregnant and has these symptoms, she should immediately go to the nearest hospital for emergency care.

The most well-known symptoms of a threatened miscarriage are also pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the stomach, and cramps.

Pain during miscarriage can sometimes be associated with bleeding from the vagina.

Stomach pain and cramps do not always mean that a pregnant woman is having a miscarriage, as contractions during pregnancy can be a common symptom to expect.

But they can also be a manifestation of certain disorders in the body of pregnant women, so they are advised to always discuss any pain with early stage with your attending physician.

The doctor will ask her a few questions, do a pelvic exam, and perform an ultrasound of the uterus and baby.

At the beginning of pregnancy, it is not possible to hear the baby's heartbeat, but an ultrasound examination will be able to see if the baby's heart is beating. If he has a heartbeat, then the pregnant woman definitely did not have a miscarriage.

If your doctor is concerned that there is a threat or risk of miscarriage, he may need a blood test result and then a repeat pregnancy test a couple of days later.

This disorder leads to changes in blood vessels, which can cause damage to several organs of the body, including the brain, kidneys and liver.

This condition may also adversely affect the placenta.

HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, increased activity of liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia) is a sign of an emergency in the practice of any obstetrician-gynecologist.

HELLP syndrome is a disorder that usually occurs during the last three months of pregnancy.

A woman will most likely experience severe pain and increased sensitivity in the upper right side of the abdomen, extending into the stomach.

HELLP syndrome is a hallmark of preeclampsia and can increase blood pressure and protein levels in the urine. Pregnant women may also suffer from blood clots as well as anemia due to HELLP syndrome.

Sometimes a woman may feel contractions in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, that is, the so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions.

They are not "near birth" abbreviations. This is the result of contraction of the muscles of the uterus for a very short period of time.

They usually disappear after a certain period of time. But, if they persist, you can consult a doctor.

Gallstones - another serious problem and the probable cause in a pregnant woman.

The gallbladder is a small organ that stores bile (a digestive juice that helps break down fats) in the body, secreted by the liver. Therefore, it plays an important role in the digestion of fats.

However, during pregnancy, this organ does not work as efficiently and the bile may harden, leading to the formation of gallstones or cholelithiasis.

A woman may also experience sharp pain in the upper abdomen during pregnancy due to an inflamed appendix caused by an enlarged uterus.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to identify appendix problems during pregnancy. The situation can become fatal for a woman if this condition is not treated on time.

Therefore, if a pregnant woman feels any pain in the stomach, similar to inflamed appendicitis, it is better for her to immediately consult a doctor.

Stretched ribs can also cause stomach problems. As the fetus grows in size, the ribs also enlarge to help the baby fit properly into the mother's belly. Naturally, the mother experiences pain in this area due to this change.

Excessive gas and bloating due to poor or slow digestion during pregnancy can also cause some pain.

The additional pressure exerted by the uterus on the stomach and intestines is also one of the causes of pain in the upper part of the stomach.

It is worth noting that digestive tract It takes a pregnant woman more time to process food, which also leads to constipation.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes rapid, short-term changes. Thus, it is not easy to understand how severe the physical changes that a pregnant woman experiences are.

That is why it is best to consult a specialist if discomfort persists for a long time.

In rare cases, a more serious problem during pregnancy may cause left-sided abdominal pain. For example, if the fetus implants abnormally in the left fallopian tube.

This can cause left-sided pain, although some women may not experience symptoms in the early weeks of pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy can become life-threatening if the fallopian tube ruptures.

However, the condition is most often diagnosed early using ultrasound and surgery is performed to correct the problem.

Other potentially serious conditions that can cause left-sided abdominal pain include early or premature labor, miscarriage, kidney stones, and certain infections.

It's worth talking to your doctor if a woman develops abdominal pain during pregnancy to determine the likely cause and treatment options.

Even if the pain is mild or intermittent, it is a good idea to mention the discomfort just to make sure there is no serious cause for concern.

If the pain is very severe and intense, gets worse, or is accompanied by fever, bleeding or other symptoms, it is recommended to immediately see a doctor or go to a medical facility for help.

Only an experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment to the patient.

He will also tell you what to do if any serious disease is detected and how to treat it correctly (what medications to take).


There are several small ways to relieve stomach pain and discomfort during pregnancy. These include movement and light exercise.

You can also try taking a warm bath (this means the water should not be too hot or too cold).

There is an option to use a bottle with hot water, it must be applied to the place where the woman experiences discomfort or pain.

It is advisable to drink plenty of water rather than drinks containing caffeine. This doctor's recommendation complements the main treatment.

Water is essential to prevent dehydration, which can cause Braxton Hicks contractions, which can cause stomach discomfort.

If the cause of pain really lies in Braxton Hicks contractions, you can just lie down and read good book or drink a glass cold water to take your mind off pain and discomfort.

Drink painkillers or take others medicines not necessary.

If a pregnant woman is able to concentrate long enough on another task or activity, the pain can actually be managed.

This only applies to non-serious causes of pain in the lower abdomen and stomach during pregnancy.

If a woman experiences any alarming symptoms associated with possible serious illness, it is recommended to immediately go to the hospital and ask a doctor what to do.

Since there are many hormonal changes in the expectant mother's body and the enlargement of the uterus, some amount of pain in the abdomen and joints, as well as muscles, may be experienced during pregnancy.

You need to listen to the state of your body. In particular, it is advisable for pregnant women to avoid intense exercise, weightlifting, lifting loads, staying in one position for a long time, especially during high heels, and also do not make sudden movements.

If a serious illness is detected, it is worth discussing all treatment options with your doctor. Taking any medications on your own is strictly prohibited.

Useful video

A healthy digestive tract is an important condition for human well-being. Discomfort in the abdominal area is familiar to most expectant mothers. If your stomach hurts during pregnancy, this may be due to a natural restructuring of the woman’s body. You need to be able to distinguish functional, transient troubles from symptoms caused by pathologies, and independently alleviate conditions that are not dangerous to health.

How to overcome stomach problems in the first weeks of pregnancy

Disturbances in the digestion process of food in the early stages of pregnancy are caused by the manifestation of toxicosis. It goes away after the formation of the placenta is completed and does not harm the health of the mother and fetus. Morning nausea leading to vomiting, cramping pain in the stomach - these painful phenomena can be eliminated or alleviated by available means.

  1. After waking up in the morning, nausea and pain in the stomach are felt especially strongly. If a woman finds it difficult to eat in the morning, she can drink a glass of warm water, which will induce vomiting and make a normal breakfast possible. Water will reduce the concentration of substances that are perceived by the body as toxic. The effect can last throughout the day if you follow the correct diet.
  2. Long intervals between main meals should be divided into several short periods. During the breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to eat a product that does not cause nausea 1-2 times and drink some liquid. An empty stomach reacts much more strongly to irritants.
  3. Hunger attacks are not uncommon for pregnant women. Eating food too quickly can cause indigestion with further intestinal spasms. This can be avoided if you do not take large sips when drinking, eat with small spoons, chewing dense pieces well.

How to reduce stomach pain in late pregnancy

Reorganization of the body expectant mother affects the activity of all parts of the digestive system. The stomach is a large organ with variable filling. Its lower border after a hearty lunch is located at the level of the navel. The pressure that the growing uterus puts on it provokes heaviness in the stomach even with a small amount of food eaten. This is typical for late stages of pregnancy, when the baby is already moving, and the amount amniotic fluid and the weight of the placenta increases.

  • Eggs, boiled fish, raw and heat-treated fruits and vegetables, excluding potatoes and beans, leave the body the fastest.
  • It is better to eat salads without oil, which slows down the digestion process.
  • The liquid should be taken separately from food.
  • Kefir or yogurt should be consumed daily; they improve the condition of the digestive tract.
  • Meat stays in the stomach longer than other foods. You need to eat it little by little, preferring poultry and veal.

When the stomach requires treatment

The expectant mother is constantly under the supervision of a specialist accompanying the pregnancy. She must report all painful phenomena to the doctor and follow his recommendations. Self-medication is dangerous, even when it comes to herbal remedies.

There are situations in which an appeal for medical care it is dangerous to delay.

  • If during pregnancy the stomach hurts in attacks, severely, with pain spreading downwards, which is accompanied by frequent bowel movements, this may be a sign of an infectious disease.
  • Food poisoning from poor-quality products causes not only pain, but vomiting and diarrhea. If the symptoms do not subside within 24 hours, you need to call a local doctor or an ambulance to your home.
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs that existed before conception can worsen during pregnancy. Gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, kidney, liver and gallbladder problems should be kept under qualified medical supervision, and in case of exacerbation, adequate measures should be taken.

What medications will help a pregnant woman with stomach pain?

Prolonged discomfort in the digestive system makes the expectant mother wonder what medications she can take if her stomach hurts during pregnancy. Mildly acting herbs and some drugs can relieve painful symptoms if your doctor allows their use.

  • Simple, affordable, effective remedy– pharmacy chamomile or mint tea. It should be drunk in the amount of 150 g per day, in two doses, after meals. The decoction can be used periodically or for about a week. Chamomile and mint are undesirable for increased uterine tone.
  • The popular drug No-shpa has an antispasmodic effect, relieving the feeling of heaviness and bloating. No-spa has minimal contraindications; many gynecologists prescribe it to their patients.
  • For constipation, which negatively affects the body, ready-made microenemas are recommended. Their components do not penetrate the bloodstream and are quickly excreted along with feces.
  • Preparations based on bifidobacteria are safe for pregnant women. Their choice for the patient must be made by the observing physician. Probiotics act in the intestines, improving the entire digestion process, which is also beneficial for the stomach.

When a stomach hurts during pregnancy, a woman should understand the causes of the phenomenon and avoid risky measures in the form of taking medications without a doctor’s prescription. The responsibility and patience of the expectant mother will be rewarded after the birth of a healthy baby.