School magazine download blank pages for grades. Filling out the class log

The class magazine is the most informative document that allows you to determine the level of training of schoolchildren and the professional qualifications of the teaching staff.

The class register is a state document, the maintenance of which is mandatory for every teacher and class teacher.

Three types of class magazines are established: for grades 1-4, 5-9 and 10-11.

The school director and his deputy for educational work ensure the storage of class registers and systematically monitor the correctness of their maintenance.

A cool magazine is designed for academic year and is taught in each class in a form approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Journals of parallel classes are numbered with letters (for example, 1A, 1B class, 5 A class, 5 B class, 5 B class).

The deputy director for educational work (school director) gives instructions to class teachers on the distribution of journal pages allocated for current records of student progress and attendance for the year in accordance with the number of hours allocated in curriculum for every subject.

The teacher, checking and assessing the students’ knowledge, puts grades in the journal, and also makes sure to note the students’ attendance. On the right page of the journal he writes down the topic studied in class and the homework assignment. On the left - puts the date of the lesson, marks those absent from the lesson with the letter “n” (wasn’t). When conducting double lessons, the date and topic of each lesson are recorded. For written work, grades are given in the column of the day on which this work was carried out. Based on the practical and laboratory work, excursions, and written tests carried out, their topic and the number of hours spent are accurately indicated.

In the “Homework” column, the content of the assignment and the nature of its completion (read, recite by heart), pages, numbers of tasks and exercises, and practical work are recorded. If students are given a repetition task, its volume is specifically indicated.

Grades for each academic quarter (half-year) are issued immediately after recording the date of the last lesson in a given subject in the quarter (half-year). At the same time, quarterly (semi-annual) grades are entered by the class teacher into the summary record of student progress.

The number of lessons, the date of the lesson, the left and right pages of the magazine must correspond. The teacher's last name, first name and patronymic are written in full. The class log takes into account that the class is in classes on foreign language, physical culture, technology, computer science, native languages ​​is divided into groups. All entries in the class register must be written clearly and neatly in ink in accordance with the prescribed form.

Class teacher (teacher) primary classes) carefully writes down the names and surnames of students in the class register alphabetical order, fills " General information about students” using data from their personal files.

Every month, the class teacher records the number of days and lessons missed by students in the “Student Attendance” section. The results are summed up about the number of days and lessons missed by each student and the class as a whole for the quarter (half year) and academic year. In case of a long-term illness of a student, classes are held at home (in a sanatorium, hospital). Documentation for such children is completed in accordance with the instructions for teaching sick children at home.

Information about their participation in clubs and extracurricular activities, socially useful work is filled out by teachers and class teachers, respectively.
The page “Notes on maintaining a class journal” is filled out by the deputy director for educational work (director) of the school at least 6-7 times a school year.

The class magazine is the most informative document that allows you to determine the level of training of schoolchildren and the professional qualifications of the teaching staff.

The class register is a state document, the maintenance of which is mandatory for every teacher and class teacher.

Three types of class magazines are established: for grades 1-4, 5-9 and 10-11.

The school director and his deputy for educational work ensure the storage of class registers and systematically monitor the correctness of their maintenance.

Designed for the academic year and taught in each class in a form approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Journals of parallel classes are numbered with letters (for example, 1A, 1B class, 5 A class, 5 B class, 5 B class).

The Deputy Director for Educational Work (school director) gives instructions to class teachers on the distribution of journal pages allocated for current records of student progress and attendance for the year in accordance with the number of hours allocated in the curriculum for each subject.

The teacher, checking and assessing the students’ knowledge, puts grades in the journal, and also makes sure to note the students’ attendance. On the right page of the journal he writes down the topic studied in class and the homework assignment. On the left - puts the date of the lesson, marks those absent from the lesson with the letter “n” (wasn’t). When conducting double lessons, the date and topic of each lesson are recorded. For written work, grades are given in the column of the day on which this work was carried out. Based on the practical and laboratory work, excursions, and written tests carried out, their topic and the number of hours spent are accurately indicated.

In the “Homework” column, the content of the assignment and the nature of its completion (read, recite by heart), pages, numbers of tasks and exercises, and practical work are recorded. If students are given a repetition task, its volume is specifically indicated.

Grades for each academic quarter (half-year) are issued immediately after recording the date of the last lesson in a given subject in the quarter (half-year). At the same time, quarterly (semi-annual) grades are entered by the class teacher into the summary record of student progress.

The number of lessons, the date of the lesson, the left and right pages of the magazine must correspond. The teacher's last name, first name and patronymic are written in full. The class magazine takes into account that the class in classes in a foreign language, physical education, technology, computer science, and native languages ​​is divided into groups. All entries in the class register must be written clearly and neatly in ink in accordance with the prescribed form.

The class teacher (primary school teacher) carefully writes down the names and surnames of students in alphabetical order in the class register, fills out “General information about students” using data from their personal files.

Every month, the class teacher records the number of days and lessons missed by students in the “Student Attendance” section. The results are summed up about the number of days and lessons missed by each student and the class as a whole for the quarter (half year) and academic year. In case of a long-term illness of a student, classes are held at home (in a sanatorium, hospital). Documentation for such children is completed in accordance with the instructions for teaching sick children at home.

Information about their participation in clubs and extracurricular activities, socially useful work is filled out by teachers and class teachers, respectively.
The page “Notes on maintaining a class journal” is filled out by the deputy director for educational work (director) of the school at least 6-7 times a school year.


SUBJECT TEACHER, CLASS TEACHER When filling out the class register, you must remember that it is a financial document. The objective assessment of the teacher’s work according to many criteria depends on how the class journal is designed, namely: - mastering the program in all academic subjects; - density and student survey system; - objectivity in issuing current and final grades to students - compliance with the standards for conducting control, verification, independent, administrative work; - dosage of homework; - taking into account comments on journal maintenance made by anyone from the administration or during external control, and a mechanism for eliminating them; - thoroughness in filling out information about the number of lessons missed by students;

RESPONSIBILITY WHEN COMPLETING THE JOURNAL The class journal is a state document, and maintaining it is mandatory for every teacher and class teacher.

The class teacher and subject teachers are responsible for the condition, maintenance and safety of the journal.

It is strictly forbidden to allow students to work with class magazines.

Entries in the journal must be made clearly, accurately, and without corrections using a blue ballpoint pen.

At the end of the school year, the magazine is submitted by the class teacher to the deputy director for educational work for verification.

ASSIGNING CURRENT GRADES Grades for written work in grades 5-8 in chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics in grades 5-11 are posted in the journal for the next lesson. 10 days are given to check written tests in literature and the Russian language in grades 9-11.

ASSIGNMENT OF FINAL GRADES Marks for each academic quarter (half-year) are issued by the teacher after recording the date of the last lesson in a given subject in the quarter (half-year) without skipping a cell. It is not allowed to omit cells and columns in the journal for recording numbers and topics of the next quarter. The number of filled boxes on the left must correspond to the same number of lines for recording lesson topics on the right. The numbers and names of the months must also strictly match. It is not allowed to highlight final marks (with a line, a different color, etc.). Grades are entered by the class teacher into the summary record of student progress.

PROVIDING FINAL GRADES Students’ final grades for a quarter (six months, year) must be justified (that is, correspond to the student’s performance during the certification period). In order to objectively certify students, at least three current marks are required for a two-hour weekly study load in the subject and more than six for a study load of more than two hours per week, with mandatory consideration of the quality of students’ knowledge in written and practical work. With a one-hour weekly load in the subject, certification can be carried out in quarters or half-years, depending on the decision of this issue at the August pedagogical council of the school. Writing points, ratings with a “minus”, “plus” sign in the journal, writing in pencil is not allowed, since such rating marks do not officially exist

RECOMMENDATIONS It is not recommended to give unsatisfactory grades in the first lessons after a long absence of students (missing three or more lessons), after the holidays, as this hinders the development of success in their educational and cognitive activities and forms a negative attitude towards learning.

RECOMMENDATIONS If classes are conducted with students in sanatoriums (hospitals), the class teacher includes in the journal a certificate with the results of training in the sanatorium or hospital; marks from this statement are not transferred to the journal.


The class magazine is the most informative document that allows you to determine the level of training of schoolchildren and the professional qualifications of the teaching staff.

The class register is a state document, the maintenance of which is mandatory for every teacher and class teacher.

Three types of class magazines are established: for grades 1-4, 5-9 and 10-11.

The school director and his deputy for educational work ensure the storage of class registers and systematically monitor the correctness of their maintenance.

The class register is designed for the academic year and is maintained in each class in a form approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Journals of parallel classes are numbered with letters (for example, 1A, 1B class, 5 A class, 5 B class, 5 B class).

The Deputy Director for Educational Work (school director) gives instructions to class teachers on the distribution of journal pages allocated for current records of student progress and attendance for the year in accordance with the number of hours allocated in the curriculum for each subject.

The teacher, checking and assessing the students’ knowledge, puts grades in the journal, and also makes sure to note the students’ attendance. On the right page of the journal he writes down the topic studied in class and the homework assignment. On the left - puts the date of the lesson, marks those absent from the lesson with the letter “n” (wasn’t). When conducting double lessons, the date and topic of each lesson are recorded. For written work, grades are given in the column of the day on which this work was carried out. Based on the practical and laboratory work, excursions, and written tests carried out, their topic and the number of hours spent are accurately indicated.

In the “Homework” column, the content of the assignment and the nature of its completion (read, recite by heart), pages, numbers of tasks and exercises, and practical work are recorded. If students are given a repetition task, its volume is specifically indicated.

Grades for each academic quarter (half-year) are issued immediately after recording the date of the last lesson in a given subject in the quarter (half-year). At the same time, quarterly (semi-annual) grades are entered by the class teacher into the summary record of student progress.

The number of lessons, the date of the lesson, the left and right pages of the magazine must correspond. The teacher's last name, first name and patronymic are written in full. The class magazine takes into account that the class in classes in a foreign language, physical education, technology, computer science, and native languages ​​is divided into groups. All entries in the class register must be written clearly and neatly in ink in accordance with the prescribed form.

The class teacher (primary school teacher) carefully writes down the names and surnames of students in alphabetical order in the class register, fills out “General information about students” using data from their personal files.

Every month, the class teacher records the number of days and lessons missed by students in the “Student Attendance” section. The results are summed up about the number of days and lessons missed by each student and the class as a whole for the quarter (half year) and academic year. In case of a long-term illness of a student, classes are held at home (in a sanatorium, hospital). Documentation for such children is completed in accordance with the instructions for teaching sick children at home.

Information about their participation in clubs and extracurricular activities, socially useful work is filled out by teachers and class teachers, respectively.

The page “Notes on maintaining a class journal” is filled out by the deputy director for educational work (director) of the school at least 6-7 times a school year.