Last class hour 11 scenario. Last call Class hour class hour (grade 11) on the topic

Scenario for the last class hour in 11th grade: “Call your memory to follow you!”

On the slide there is an epigraph:

"And in the classroom the lines of the classics are treasured

Now tell the other students,

We must theorem of eternal life

To prove your destiny to yourself.

The first exams await us ahead,

Everything you and I dreamed about will come true.

Only we can’t bring back childhood again,

Like the first waltz it will not be forgotten!

Classroom teacher:

Every year on a spring day in May we gather at our school, saying goodbye to our senior students, school graduates. This time you, my dear guys, are the graduates. I can’t even believe that 11 whole years have passed since you first crossed the threshold of the school and came to your first lesson, 6 years have passed since I became your class teacher. And today we gathered for our last class hour.

Good luck, ups and downs,

Life is striped like a mattress.

My peak teacher happiness -

You, my children, your entire class.

And I turn to you with all my heart,

I catch myself thinking.

Believe me, I'm not pretending

I love each of you.

My dear guys! This long-awaited moment has come: tomorrow your Last Bell will ring for you, which will put an end to the big chapter called “School”.

You are a graduate!

And I didn’t have time to look back:

And there is no teacher’s pointer in his hands,

And there is no friendly hint in the ears,

And the chalk was erased to the last crumb...

You have become quite adults, and I am very sorry to part with you.

Let's remember how it all began?

Then one day God woke up
He perked up, stretched,
And the creator decided to create a student palace,
Populate them with schoolchildren and stick them with kids.
Angelov called for help, mothers, fathers little by little

Those who were idle caught up, and work began to boil.
Yes, it's hard work -
Screw up the school people.
Our creator is tired
But he is persistent in his work!
Everyone is ready for the birth!

In 1995 - 1996, 22 bright stars lit up in the celestial horizon. 22 babies were born in different parts of our city and our country - smart, talented, amazing. It is you!

And then there was kindergarten

A kindergarten is a place where parents drop off their children in the morning so that they can live for their own pleasure until the evening. Come on, raise your hands, who did your parents send away from you?
Let us remember this glorious time.

Remember how you climbed onto a chair and read poetry at matinees in kindergarten, and your parents looked at their artists with tears of joy and pride. Who wants to play such a role?
(Children read poetry while standing on a chair. Parents also take part)

What were you like 11 years ago?

And which of the parents, just before school on September 1st, honestly told their children that all this is a burden for 11 years?

The global work has been completed.
Let the angels rest.
It turned out to be an excellent class
They won't find a replacement for him.

Look! Do you recognize?

Slides with photographs of children (grade 1).

Time moves inexorably forward, but the amazing property of human memory is that it is able to return us to the past, in which time is calculated not in minutes and hours, but in feelings; thoughts, experiences.

    How did you feel when you got ready for school today?

    How did you feel then, 11 years ago? Remember?

    Do you remember your first teacher?

    And your first deskmate?

    Do you remember what was the first grade you received?

Classroom teacher:

And then there was the exciting transition to 5th grade, when a new teacher came to you for each lesson. And at first it was scary, because it was difficult for you to even remember their names. And they were so different. Today we only smile at our fears and fears. Even those who worked with you for at least one quarter, six months, a year - no matter how long! - left a mark on your souls.

Presentation about subject teachers

I look at you and remember the days
When did you start fifth grade?
How we were alone for the first time
And I, worried, studied you.
There was interest in me in your views:
What is she like? What are they?
I was burning over low heat
You burned like field poppies.
Days flew by, and months, and years flew by.
And again we are almost alone now...
Well, what did you want to remember today?
How did you make noise in class?
Didn't you go to physical education?
Didn't you study literature?
How you covered for each other
And did they give nicknames to all the teachers?
Yes, that was all once upon a time
And you also had nicknames.
But I will remember you guys
Like the coolest class in the world!

Presentation school years

Hand class: School is the building block of life where you can always find an answer to any question. So I decided to offer you different types of quizzes, and you will try to answer.

Round 1 Do you know your teachers well?

    When is your first teacher's birthday?

    How old is the director of our school?

    Name the number of teachers who gave you knowledge for 11 years.

    Name your class teachers?

    What is the name of the teacher who taught music lessons?

    What color are the eyes of the Russian language teacher?

    Which teacher has the most perfect vision and doesn't need glasses?

    What is a physics teacher's hobby?

    What teaching experience does your class teacher have?

    Which teacher has a catchphrase, which one?

Round 2 Do you know your way around our school well?

    How many doors are there in our school?

    Where is the electrical panel located that turns off all lighting on the 1st floor?

    Which office is the largest in area?

    What is the school phone number?

    How many “fire evacuation plans” hang on school walls?

    How many tables are there in the history room?

    How many steps does the staircase to the second floor consist of?

Round 3 Do you remember?

    In which class did you study the most subjects?

    What phrase did teachers always end their lessons in English?

    Do you remember what word you wrote first in 1st grade?

    What was your favorite subject?

    Whose portraits hang on the walls in the physics classroom?

    What subject has the thickest textbook?

Round 4 Do you know your classmates well?

    Who is the youngest in class?

    Who is the most athletic in our class?

    How many people in the class have the middle name "Alexandrovich-Alexandrovna"?

    How many people live on the same Kedrovaya street?

    Who in the class set the record for the number of missed lessons?

    Who was the first in the class to start smoking?
    -Who, in your opinion, will certainly become the president of the country?
    -Which of our girls will be the first to get married?
    -Which of our guys will be the eternal Don Juan?
    - Who will certainly cry at the Last Bell, when they will speak heart-warming speeches?
    - Who will come home after the Prom only in the morning?
    - Which girl will marry a millionaire and not, like me, go to work every morning?
    - Which of the girls, even at the age of 60, will be attractive and charming, and men will gasp after her: “Oh, what a woman, what a woman!”

Round 5 How well do you know your class teacher?
-When is the birthday?
- What are your class teacher’s favorite flowers?
- What do you like to do in your free time from your favorite job?
- When was the last time you were at a resort?
- Favorite male name?
- Does he like animals? Which ones?
- Are there any living creatures in her house?
- Does he drive a car?
- How old were you when you got married?
- What grade did you have in Russian at school?
- Favorite school subject?

Round 6 Assignment: find comic correspondences between school concepts and the names of literary works.

Class teacher - "Tiger Tamer"
Class – “Restless Household”
Class meeting - “Much ado about nothing”
Begging for money from parents - “Walking through agony”
Office before cleaning - “On the Count's Ruins”
Office after cleaning - “Virgin Soil Upturned”
Two points for the clue – “Woe from Wit”
Cool essay – “Notes of a Madman”
Wardrobe – “Battle of Kulikovo”
Sunday – “A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom”
Disco - “Brides Fair”

11 years, 11 long years, my studies continued. During this time, 150 kg of chalk, 2,300 pieces of 48-sheet notebooks, 2 million 300 thousand nerve cells, 150 cubic meters of ink were spent, 880 thousand rolls were eaten in our dining room, 120 thousand cubic meters of compote were drunk.

SKETCH There lived a great mother near the blue sea.

And every day she went fishing to catch a goldfish.

She caught a golden fish, fell on her knees in front of her and prayed.

Empress fish, I don’t want either palaces or nobility, do this, empress fish, so that your children and wards will all learn “excellently”.

Here is a week, the second is passing, the class is even more furious. The cool mother was saddened and bowed again to the fish.

Have mercy, lady fish. There are no medalists - and it’s not necessary, give me a small miracle so that they go to lessons.

Another quarter, another one passes. The children completely lost their fear. The cool mom moved towards the goldfish again.

She only had one request left, to save her from her torment.

The lady fish took pity: “Don’t be sad, go with God. When the exams are over, all your worries and anxieties will immediately go away. Because your children will leave you. Then you’ll cry to your heart’s content.”

Once upon a time there was a great class in the world.
His mother looked after him
But as they would say in the old days:
"Gendarme or classy lady."
I looked after the children for seven years,
For seven years she was sick of them,
Raised every day
I coped as best I could.
But year after year flew by,
My kids have turned
From gray ducks to white swans
And they decided to fly away from under the wing.

Presentation 11th grade

Dear Guys! Today we are broadcasting the decisive match between the teams “Stoic” - the school’s teachers’ team and “The Unyielding” - the students’ team. The match takes place at the end of the academic semester. The game promises to be excitingly interesting. The strengths of the teams are equal. On the side of the “Stoics” is knowledge, many years of fighting experience, as well as iron tempering and endurance. Despite their tired appearance and advanced age, the participants demonstrate a powerful will to win.

“The Unyielding” are radiant with health and youth; their athletic build instills in them a lot of hope for victory and confidence in their abilities.

The game has already started. “The Unyielding” has five “twos” to its credit. The Stoics are leading the attack. They are visibly upset by their superiority and the opponent's failures. A very intense struggle is being waged in the mathematical section of the field. "Puck" from Tatyana Anatolyevna. Question! Another question!
With a successful answer, Maxim hits the “puck” from Tatyana Anatolyevna
An explosion of jubilation in the Stoics team. Game continues.
A difficult situation in the field of literature. Marina and Anya, having successfully broken through the math section, encounter an unexpected barrier. Before them is the formidable and inexorable Elena Mikhailovna, who demands an essay, but Marina and Anya do not have those. They fall, throwing the team back. The game moves to the center. Now the battle is taking place in the chemical section of the field. The attackers feel clearly insecure here, their movements are chaotic, their reactions are slow and reveal the complete confusion of the players. Oksana rushes to Nadya's aid. A deft throw and a strong tip brought down the attacker from the Stoics team.
Referee's whistle. For an illegal move, the “Unyielding” team loses one player.
Confusion on the playing field. The captain of the Stoics, Asiya Takiullovna, looks sternly at her striker.
The defender of the Stoics, Tatyana Yanovna, asks the judge to give time for a short meeting. The respite is over. Whistle. The game resumes.
Among the fans, excitement is growing. Parents are especially concerned. They are eager to get on the field and are ready to replace players from the “Unyielding” team at any moment. But... the young people are not going to retreat. This time, without allowing the “Stoics” to come to their senses, they throw answer after answer into their goal.
Hit! Another blow! And the score evens out. The fans rejoice. The “unyielding” modestly but with dignity accept congratulations and are removed from the field.
Satisfied with the outcome of the match, the Stoics congratulate each other. The team captain thanks his colleagues for their good work on the field of study.
We consider further comments unnecessary. Thank you for your attention.

Cl. hands: Throughout your life, your faithful helpers who loved you were... your parents, who worried about all the failures, rejoiced at the successes and are now ready to help with everything...

Classroom teacher:

Dear parents! I tell you a huge “thank you” for your children. They know how to behave, they are well-mannered, and most importantly, they are kind and open. This is your merit. I am very grateful to you that all the years of study you and I were like-minded people, that you always responded to my requests. This is probably why there were no problems with your children. Thank you.
These are your sons, your daughters,
Your sleepless long nights,
Your efforts and your patience,
Your achievement is undeniable.
Your children are so beloved,
Adults, smart, very beautiful.
Thank you very much, moms and dads
For entrusting your dear child.

Parents' receipt: (one of the parents reads it out)
We, the undersigned parents of today's graduates of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 4, issue a receipt for what we actually receive in 2014, deposited for storage, education and training. There are no complaints about the school.
The Parental Committee for Adopting Children Back notes only one circumstance: we deposited small-format children, but we are receiving large-sized children back - it is difficult to feed them, put them on shoes, clothe them and provide further education in market conditions.
But nevertheless, looking at the well-fed, satisfied, beautiful and spiritual faces of the children, we hope that our children will soon give away the knowledge acquired at school for the benefit of society, and society, you see, will give something to their parents from these benefits. For this we thank you and sign for it.
Moms and dads of 2014 graduates.

I am writing to you, what more?

What more can I say?

If only it were God's will

Don't release 11th.

Let them stay with us at school,

Our teaching staff does not scold

And keeping school loyalty.

At first I wanted to remain silent.

Believe me - my shame

You would never know

If only I had hope

At least rarely, well, at least a quarter of the time

Our school will see you.

Do you want to leave us?

In the wilderness of the left bank village.

Today, seeing you off,

I can't contain my excitement.

Have a good trip and good luck.

Walk boldly, firmly, straight.

Please don't forget us.

Greetings to you, Tatyana.


(calm music sounds)

And you still look with blurred eyes,

In anticipation of new paths and roads,

And then it rang through all the corridors

Sad, farewell, last call.

We can't escape these moments,

And each of us is familiar with this feeling.

And that means not only school childhood

He leaves us with this call.

Fairy tales end like a Christmas tree,

Dreams are cut off like a movie reel...

No longer relying on anyone's tips,

You must solve all problems yourself.

Not every path will be smooth,

Not all trials will be easy,

And life lies before you like a notebook,

In which there is not yet a single line.

Classroom teacher : Today is a holiday that is not marked in red on the calendar, but is celebrated by all of Russia - this is the holiday when the last school bell rang for our 11th graders. Four and a half thousand calls covered 11 school years. None of them were like the other. Some hurried you to the first lesson, some called you to your favorite teacher, some helped you out at a tragic moment when you were called to the blackboard, but you didn’t want to go there at all...

There were completely inappropriate calls during the test, when everything was almost working out, but I had to hand in the notebook. And there were, to be honest, such welcome, incomparable calls at the end of the school day, quarter, year... It seemed like there would be no end to them! But now the time has come for the Last Call. A decade is behind us. The school years are behind us.

This class hour is dedicated to those who are looking for new, untraveled roads in life in order to boldly walk along them. Today it is unusual for us, it is unusual in that this class hour is the last class hour in your life. Today we gathered as a friendly family in our house called “school”.
They say that school is our second home. Why the second one? Let's calculate how much time an 11th grade student spends at school and at home.
Six lessons daily, plus electives, plus individual consultations. Plus class hours plus duty plus extracurricular activities. Plus cleaning of premises, nearby and not so nearby areas.
How much time do we spend at home? Have you calculated? Therefore, you and I can rightfully say that school is our first home!

You are a graduate!

And I didn’t have time to look back:

And there is no teacher’s pointer in his hands,

And there is no friendly hint in the ears,

And the chalk was erased to the last crumb...

Your childhood is over, most of which you spent here at school.... Time moves inexorably forward, but the amazing property of human memory is that it is able to return us to the past, in which time is calculated not in minutes and hours, but feelings, thoughts, experiences. So maybe it’s worth trying to return there, to childhood, at least for a while?

It was.... It was.... September 1, 2006. Sunny morning, little children with large briefcases and backpacks on their shoulders, excited and joyful, still not understanding anything, crossed the school threshold.

I suggest conducting a quick survey "A Minute of Memories"

    How did you feel when you got ready for school today?

    How did you feel then 11 years ago? Remember?

    Do you remember your first teacher?

    And your first deskmate?

    How many students were there in your class?

    Why did you get your first F? Did you tell your parents how they reacted?

    Do you remember the number of the office you studied in?

Classroom teacher:

And then there was the exciting transition to 5th grade, when you came to a new teacher for each lesson. And at first it was scary, because it was difficult for you to even remember their names. And they were so different. Today you only smile at your fears and fears. Teachers have become like family to you. Even those who worked with you for at least one quarter, six months, a year - no matter how long! - left a mark on your souls.

Let's continue the quick survey:

    Name the exact number of teachers who gave you knowledge for 11 years.

    Name your class teachers?

    If you could turn back time, what class would you like to be in and why?

    Which teacher and for what would you like to express your gratitude?

    How many classrooms are there in our school?

    Where is the electrical panel located that turns off all lights on 2 floor?

    Which office is the largest in area?

    What is the school phone number?

    How many gyms does the school have?

    How many tables are there in the chemistry classroom?

    How many computers are there in the computer science classroom?

    In which class did you study the most subjects?

    What phrase did teachers always end English lessons with?

How well do you know your classmates?

    Who in your class has a birthday during the holidays?

    Who is the youngest in class? Who is the oldest?

    How many Ekaterinas are there in our class? (4) And Dmitriev?

    How many people in the class have the middle name "Alexandrovich-Alexandrovna"?

    How many people live on one Komsomolskaya street?

    Who in the class set the record for the number of late lessons?

Well done! Your memory is good.

Classroom teacher : What have our graduates learned over the years of studying at school? Let's do a little test to see if they are ready to pass the final exams. There were many items. Let's start by testing your knowledge on some of them. And let's start with the most difficult thing - the Russian language.
I name the words in the singular, you must put them in the plural:

Exercise 1:
ARC - arcs RESIDENT - residents GREEK-Greeks
HAND-hands AMATEUR-amateurs UZBEK-Uzbeks
FLOUR – no m.p. TEACHER - teachers PEOPLE - people

Exercise 2:
I name verbs in the indefinite form, you must put them in the 1st person:
WALK - I walk READ - I read WHISTLE - I whistle

Exercise 3:
Match feminine words to masculine words and vice versa:
PROVAR-cook PORTNOY - dressmaker
BRAVE - no GOAT - goat
OSA - no Ram - no

Classroom teacher : Consider that you have already passed the Unified State Exam in Russian. But the Russian language is not only about rules, but also about the possibility of presentation or expression. The next lesson is mathematics. You have always been friends with the queen of sciences, at least I would like to believe, because there is an algebra exam ahead. Let's check your readiness.
1. How many mathematics textbooks did you have? – 2 (5th and 6th grade, then there was algebra and geometry)
2. How many steps lead from the 1st to the 2nd floor on the stairs to the mathematics room?
3. How many days were “erased from life” and spent within the walls of this school? (There are 34 weeks in an academic year. That's 204 school days. Multiply by 11 years. That's approximately 2244 days)

Homework: at least once a year, climb the school steps, sit at your desk, to remember the happy moments from the 2618 days spent here.

Classroom teacher : One wise man was asked: “Tell me, what is happiness?” He replied: “This is when I am young at heart, when my beloved is next to me, when my parents are alive and well.” Dear graduates, no matter what path you take, do not forget about one more road - THE ROAD TO YOUR PARENTAL HOUSE, where you are always welcome and loved.

Our dear fathers and mothers! The closest, dearest and most beloved people! Thank you for helping your children overcome the first road in life; thanks to you, they did not turn away from it and reached their final destination. It remains to be seen who had a more difficult time during your studies. I understand that your children still have to pass exams. I am sure that they will take the test together with you - you will support them morally. But I would still like to conduct the exam rehearsal today and now.

(Exam for parents “Flower of Seven Flowers”) A flower is cut out of paper on a board, with 7 questions written on its petals. Each parent comes to the board, takes a petal, reads the question and answers it.

2. Questions for parents

1) What would you like to say to the first teacher today?

2) What problems did you have when preparing your child for school, first grade?

3) Remember the questions with which your child drove you into a dead end and how you got out of the situation?

5) If you could turn back time, what would you change about raising a child?

6) What is your greatest joy for your child?

7) When the child brought the first two, what did you say or do?

Classroom teacher : Today, at this hour, a museum of extraordinary things is opening in this classroom. These things are still invisible and are each in its place within the walls of our school. Your task: you need to quickly guess these things and their owners.

1. The thing without which not a single day can be done at school. To compile it, you need to spend a lot of effort. This thing contains all the lessons and room numbers. (Schedule.)

2. A sheet that hangs on a board. Illustrated with red and black arrows, reflecting the glorious military path of armies and states. (Map.)

3. The exhibit is two-legged, but each leg has its own purpose. When one leg stands buried in the surface, the other dances around it in a circle. (Compass.)

4. The item is round in shape, but is not used in the gym. Motley, spinning... With the help of this item you can travel without dollars, camels and jeeps. (Globe.)

5. An object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. (Ball.)

6. This exhibit is very specific, it is a tool of work of very gifted people, it is a stick with a soft whisk at the end. (Brush.)

7. A rather thick volume of a small format with very strange content: all the words in it are written in two columns, one of which is more or less understandable. (Dictionary.)

8. An object made of thin glass, shaped like a sausage. It often contains liquids that are not ingested. (Test tube.)

9. And this item or items are assigned to each student of our school; they do not record height or hair color. The owner of these exhibits uses them to keep strict records of what you take from her, when you take it, when you give it back, and in what form. (Library form)

10. The subject that I will talk about is very important, it contains all the information about the students: where they live, who the parents are, and most importantly, an assessment of your knowledge in each subject. (Cool magazine.)

Classroom teacher:

“Everything passes, this too will pass,” says the ancient wisdom. Our last class hour is coming to an end. Sad and happy. After the exams, graduation party and...summer!!! I wish you good luck, luck, I am worried and worried about you. Everything will be fine, my dearest, best and most beloved students!

Dear, dear guys,

My favorite, only class!

I still don't understand

What's going on here now?

Are we breaking up? It's not true, I don't believe it.

You will come again in September.

I'll hear it again in the schoolyard.

And I'll see you again in the office

Your running around, the noise, the chaos...

I'm ready to give everything in the world

If only all this would be like this.

But, alas, the arrows go in circles

Only to the right, without any “but”.

And now we say goodbye to each other

There is only one thing left for us to say -

Everything that was wrong - you will forgive.

From any farthest distance

Remember, write, call -

I can't live without your love.

I love you, love you guys

My dear, my best class!

It's still not clear to me -

What will I do without you?

Spread your wings and fly.

Your life is about conquering heights.

Give all your love to people -

Only she gives meaning to life.

And then the road will be bright,

God will give you health and strength.

Well, I'll pray before God,

So that He will take care of you and keep you.

Class teacher: E.A. Gorshenina

Then you are invited to write your cherished desire on a paper bell. Students write their wishes and tie them to balloons, and everyone goes outside together, stands in a circle and, shouting “We are happy!”, releases them into the sky.

Then the photo session begins.

2. Questions for parents

What would you like to say

first teacher today?

What problems did you have?

when did you prepare your child for school, first grade?

Remember the questions with which you

the child drove you into a dead end and how did you

did you get out of this situation?

When did you first bring your child to school?

If it were possible to turn back time,

What would you change about raising a child?

What is your greatest joy for your child?

When the child brought the first deuce,

what did you say or do?

The last, farewell class hour in 11th grade is a very touching event for both the class teacher, graduates, and parents. The script uses materials that are aimed at remembering past years, summing up school life and giving parting words to the future.



Scenario for class hour in 11th grade "Last Bell - 2016"

"And in the classroom the lines of the classics are treasured

Now tell the other students,

We must theorem of eternal life

To prove your destiny to yourself.

The first exams await us ahead,

Everything you and I dreamed about will come true.

Only we can’t bring back childhood again,

Like the first waltz it will not be forgotten!

Class progress


Dear Guys! Dear parents! The day has come when the last bell rang for you. You will never be disciples again. In the fall, other students will enter this office as hosts. And I will remember you and tell new generations, I will compare them with you.

Of course, parting is always sad, maybe you haven’t realized it yet, but for me it’s obvious. Parting means the end of one stage in life and the beginning of another. A new life awaits you ahead. Unusual, complex, not entirely clear. But it is beautiful, this new life. And I wish you success in this new, adult life.

Well, today is a special day for us

We are both happy and sad a little,

We gathered solemnly today

For the class hour "Last Bell"

And your mothers cry and smile

Because they won't understand -

Your worries are over

Or are they just beginning?

Well, our last class hour is dedicated to the memories of your school life.

It all started on a September morning eleven years ago.

On this day, overly excited mothers, looking tenderly at you, first-graders, carefully straightened the folds on your holiday clothes and asked the same question, while smiling nervously for some reason. - Well, how?

(slide 1 class)

Imagine your first interview (questions are drawn out)

  1. Did you enjoy your first day of school?
  2. Who were you sitting at the desk with?
  3. What color was the briefcase?
  4. Who walked you to school?
  5. What flowers were the bouquet in your hands?

And then there was an exciting transition to 5th grade...

I look at you and remember the days
When did you start fifth grade?
Like the first time we were alone.

Our first day of September. You were so funny. Of course there were more of you then than there are now. Let's remember our first year together. Vika Sh., she was the smallest, and all the time when she sat down to be taller, she twisted her ankle. Roma M., who answered every question “who will be?” He stretched out his hand and shouted “I-I”! And only later I find out that he won’t do anything, but he always wanted to be the first! And Valera M. sewed it himself and gave me a tiger cub. Of course, remember Vanya I., his smile and pranks in class, which would later make the teachers “cry”... And there were many teachers, a new teacher came to you for every lesson. And at first it was scary, because it was difficult for you to even remember their names. And now the teachers have become like family to you. Even those who worked with you for at least one quarter, six months, a year - no matter how long! - left a mark on your souls.

Let's look at the photos and videos

First duty


Let's check how well you know your school?

How many street doors are there in our school? (8)

Which office is the largest in area? (gym)

What is the telephone number for the reception school? (38-6 40)

How many tables are there in the history room? (

How many steps are there on the school porch?

What was the office number where the dining room is now? (thirty)

How old is the school this year?

How many students are there in our school?

How many teachers?

What's your favorite office?

How well do you know your classmates?

Whose birthday is It

How many guys do we have with the patronymic name Sergeevich?

Who studied at the music school? (Vika)

Who lives on Molodezhnaya Street?

How many of you were there in 10th grade? (10)

Who has a sister in the class? (Vani)

Who has a brother? (Karina)

Who will go to study in Khabarovsk? (Sasha)

Who is the youngest in class?

Who is the oldest?

Many events, activities, thousands of calls in 11 years, school years are behind us.

It's time for the last school interview:

What is happiness"?

Wishes for teachers

And in parting I will say...

Wishes to classmates

What do you dream about

In 5 years I will be...

I will miss...

Well, soon you will leave school, and the School, as you know, this is our second home.

The house, as everyone has known for a long time, -
This is not a wall, not a window,
These are not chairs with a table:
This is not a home.

Home is where you will be understood
Where they hope and wait,
Where you will forget about the bad, -
This is your home.

Let's imagine that we are all builders: both you and your parents. Our house is still missing a few bricks. Let's try to complete the construction today! (On the board are attached “bricks” with the inscriptions “Wisdom”, “Understanding”, “Mutual Aid”, “Memories”, Love”, “Good mood”).

^1. Brick of Wisdom The right to lay a brick of wisdom is given to parents. Dear parents! Explain to your children what the concept of “HOME” is. Come up with your own statement with deep meaning, starting the phrase with the words: “Home is...”. (Parents explain to children what home is and give parting words. The class teacher attaches a “brick” of wisdom to the board).

2. Brick of Understanding

Next up is the brick of understanding. To understand means to know instantly or without words at all what the interlocutor feels and wants to say. Let's check if you have this quality! (the student must guess the word written on the board, stands with his back to the screen, words will be written on it, the rest explain this word without saying the same root)





Mendeleev table





Now you need to show the class with gestures without saying a word






I love my class

Last call



3. Brick Mutual Aid

Help each other draw our new school, where you will come to the graduation party! The first one starts, on the command “next” he passes it to the other!

I'll give it to the school museum! (attach a brick)

4. Brick Memories

Let's remember:

Which classmate left school after 9th grade?

Where did we go together as a class? (to the cinema, miracle park, hiking, skating rink, ski resort, library, AIDS center...)

Which teacher taught you, but no longer works at school?

(certificates are also our memories)

5. Brick of love

Who do you think needs your love most now, anticipating an imminent separation, of course, your parents. I want to give you a little time, write a few lines to your parents, they will save them and re-read them when they are very bored.Dear parents! Today you are releasing your grown-up children into adulthood. They will fly away like birds throughout the world. Send them away with a light heart, wishing them a “good flight” throughout their lives.
(to the song “Mama” by Stas Mikhailov).

In the meantime, your children are writing, I want to treat you and sweeten the bitterness of the approaching separation from your children (sweet gift). They have grown up, they need to be let go and supported in all their endeavors. Dear parents! I tell you my teacher’s “thank you” for your children. They know how to behave, they are well-mannered, and most importantly, they are kind and open. This is your merit. I am very grateful to you that all the years of study you and I were like-minded people, that you always responded to my requests. Thank you.

6. Roof of good mood

Well, we built the walls of our cool house. All that's left is the roof, the roof of a good mood. A long, happy life awaits you ahead. And so that you are in a good mood, all we have to do is pass the exams and receive certificates. Of course, this is not an easy matter, but I have a gift for you and wise advice on how to get 5!

Traditionally, I want to give you five today.
These fives are not easy, you need to save them.
We got a special, magical recipe.
Even great-grandmothers baked these.
Before an exam, when you can’t sleep at all,
And he doesn’t lie down and doesn’t cram,
You lean your forehead against the five,
Lick her and smile.
Bite off a small piece
And quietly, quietly ask
And say: “My beloved ticket,
You become transparent before me.”
When you chew the five and read the spell
You turn away, look straight at the wall,
Sleep well and strengthen your nervous system.
A good dream and a spell, but if the moon is still full,
Yes, plus there is still enough intelligence,
I declare boldly and in front of everyone:
Your success is guaranteed!

(gift - gingerbread 5)

There is a tradition of tying a ribbon to a tree after making a wish. Well, soon you will leave the threshold of our school house, onto the path, so that it is successful, make a wish and tie a ribbon to our cool tree. (boys blue, girls pink)

I want to give you advice on the road.

Don't fall in love very often - this is the time,

Don't run away to get married quickly - that's two,

Hy, and three - we’ll ask you,

Welcome autumn like spring,

You are holding happiness by the tail,

Just don’t smoke the sky.

Avoid vices

Don't walk for too long.

May you be healthy

So that troubles avoid you.

And give you our insignia so that you don’t get lost and come back to the evening meeting with these badges: “graduate of 2016”!

Closing remarks from the class teacher

Let me remind you of a parable:

Once upon a time, in one city, there lived a great sage. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown, people from afar came to him for advice.
But there was a man in the city who was jealous of his glory. He once came to a meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought: “Let me go to the sage and ask him: tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? If he says dead, I will open my palms, the butterfly will fly away, if he says alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.”
That's how it all happened. An envious man came to the city and asked the sage: “Tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead?”
Then the sage, who was a really smart man, said: “Everything is in your hands.”

Good luck, my dear graduates! All in your hands! Good luck with exams!

Now it's time to say goodbye to the school cafeteria! Parents invite everyone to come to the last school lunch!

Did you enjoy your first day of school?

Who were you sitting at the desk with?

What was the name of your first teacher?

What color was the briefcase?

How many people were you in first class?

What uniform were you wearing? (color?)

Who walked you to school?

Bouquet, what flowers were in your hand?

Who was your first friend in class?

What is happiness"?

Wishes for teachers

Say a word about your beloved parents...

And in parting I will say...

Wishes to classmates

What do you dream about

In 5 years I will be...

I will miss...

I will spend my first scholarship (salary) ...

Presentation of flowers to the administration.

I found a task

To move to the next level you have to remember the date of the first day of school.

1. It seemed to me that She came down from somewhere above. I looked in amazement at how, in her gentle hands, my soul immediately began to take on various forms: now it’s a flower, now a butterfly, and now a poem. It became easy, joyful and understandable.
2. - I took the first step beyond the forbidden line, and became a wanderer in a country whose name is School.
3.Higher than the bird, higher than the sky
A dream lurking:
I fell in love in first grade
This is such nonsense!
4.And in spring the sky is wider,
Like islands in the sea.
Twice two is not four,
Just my head spinning.

1. Tatyana Petrovna, Elena Mikhailovna, help us remember elementary school.

Performance by first graders.

Presentation of gifts to first-graders (23 pcs.)

The word of the first teachers.

Waltz and song for the first teachers.

Student 1: School is our second home.
Student 2: And you are second mothers.
Student 3: For you, despite laziness, we
Student 4: The sticks wrote stubbornly,
Student 1: And each - three lines.
Student 2: We managed to make it last forever
Student 3: Our school years remain like a fairy tale,
Student 4: We will carry their light through the years.

Thank you very much for your warmth and kindness, we will never forget you. Presentation of flowers to primary school teachers.

- I was in 5th grade.

-Was there 5 and only?

- No, 6 and 7

-6 and 7?

-8 and 9!

-8 and 9 and that's it?

-How much does this total?

-We need to make an equation.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna the answer does not add up. What could it be? Lyudmila Mikhailovna, tell us?

Song for mathematics and physics

    You led us along a difficult road
    Between axioms and theorems.
    Sometimes the topic seemed boring,
    And life was full of problems.
    2. But the beauty of exact science
    You managed to show us.
    For our foundation of knowledge is strong
    We would like to say “thank you” to you!

Flowers for mathematics and physics teachers

    Look at this, what is it?

    Scraps of words from some essay.

    Let's connect them.

    In the beginning was the Word... (Inscription)

    It was wild and willful

    Until Tatyana Dmitrievna tamed him

    And it became...

    The great mighty Russian language!


Give flowers

    Guys, Tatyana Dmitrievna advised us to read literature. Maybe the library will help us.

    Run to the library immediately

    Lyudmila Alexandrovna, help.

There is a very quiet job -

Walking quietly among the shelves,

Lyudmila Alexandrovna's care

Melt ignorance like ice. (Give flowers)

    Look. How many books did I borrow from the library? What to do with them?

Matching letters on books (HISTORY)

2. History?!

3. Valentina Pavlovna, please come to us. Help remember dates, eras, events.


Ivan the Terrible, PeterI, Lenin

Tsar:- I am Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible.

Long ago I reached the highest power,

I have been sitting on the royal throne for so many years.

Was I really born for this?

Should I really die wearing a crown?!...

Do you think it’s easy for us kings?

I teach, I teach my people. I'll execute him.

But he doesn't understand.

How about you, oh most serene Valentina Pavlovna,

Did you manage to teach the 11th grade wisely?


He comes out and bows. He chops down a window with an axe.

What are you doing? Do you work yourself?

Pupils of one school said that all I did was cut down a window to Europe.

Valentina Pavlovna, help. Let your students restore justice.

Student. Peter I

Good afternoon, comrade. Lenin.

Good afternoon, comrade. Lenin.

I propose, comrades, to hold a rally. Against the fact that students confuse eras and time. Why do you think I'm here? I turned out to be their contemporary.

Dear Valentina Pavlovna, help. I beg you, help me. I made a revolution, but I can’t reason with the young shoots. Only you can do this.

Student: Valentina Pavlovna, don’t worry. We will distribute everything now. Escort her to her place.

Song. dance.

History is a serious science:
Only facts cannot be added or taken away.
But, my God, what boredom this is -
Memorize dry date numbers.
But still you managed to explain to us:
Behind every date there are thousands of worries.
We are truly grateful to you.
For your help in choosing roads.

Thank you. Presentation of flowers.

1. Runs in. Screams. Oh there... there...

2. What?

A skeleton enters

    Who are you?

Skeleton: I am a graduate of 1939.

All: How?

Skeleton: Didn't pass the level of the game and stayed in school forever. Fail to complete the task. I'm waiting for a visit to the biology and chemistry classroom.

Musical number. "Khutoryanka"

Thank you Natalya Valentinovna for the interesting experiments.

    I found cards, but they are empty.

    Has the whole world really disappeared from the face of the Earth?

    Let's ask ___________________.

Teacher. Hello, kids. Let's start the geography lesson. I hope everyone brought cards to class?

Students(playing cards are shuffled). Everything, everything!

Teacher. Reveal your cards.

Students they fan out the cards, fan themselves with them, and show individual cards to the audience, as in card tricks.

Teacher. Show where the great Russian river Volga is located.

Students They look at the cards from different angles, look at each other, and shrug their shoulders.

Teacher. What, you didn't find it?

Student 1. There is no Volga, _______________________!

Teacher. Okay, try to find the Baltic Sea.

Students They shrug their shoulders in unison and shrug their shoulders.

Teacher. What, there is no Baltic Sea?

Students. There is no Baltic Sea!

Teacher. Maybe there is no Pacific Ocean?

Student 2. And there is no Pacific Ocean!

Student 1. Is it true, _______________________!

Teacher ( losing patience). Well, at least you can find Novosibirsk on your maps?

Student 2. Oh, we found Novosibirsk! Here he is!

Student 1. Novosibirsk, Aviastroiteley street, 10!

Teacher(relieved). Finally we found something!

Graduate. ___________________, This scene is not about us at all.

Graduate After all, we know geography like the back of our hands! Thank you.

    It's good to travel around the world

    It’s even better to travel with knowledge of the language.

    But knowing English doesn’t hurt us now

Reads the inscription in English (I love you school thirty-six)


    Dear Natalya Vasilievna, thank you for teaching us to understand other people’s speech__________

    You and I are looking for clues, but here the miracle technology is gathering dust.

    Only half were remembered.

    Oh, I found some kind of disk.


Instagram number(Everyone stayed on stage)

Thanks to Denis Gennadievich for the free Wi-Fi and computer science lessons.

    What a silent scene, Gogol would have been jealous.

    No. Marina Vladimirovna would send such a composition to the exhibition.

    And Ksenia Evgenievna would say: “Well, come on, comrades, Five.”

Song - adaptation for graduation for art teacher, Moscow art school, to the tune of “Oh, you know, it will still happen!”

And, you know, it will still happen!
We will draw such pictures,
And we’ll make more sculptures,
And we compose music!

And it will all be beautiful!
And it can’t be otherwise,
After all, we now know how to do it,
You taught us this.

And there will be classicism and romanticism,
There will be Rococo and Baroque,
You've never seen anything like this before
And you will be proud of us!

And tell our children
That we were the best
And, of course, they studied well,
And, simply, we are all talented!

MHC and Fine Arts are wonderful!
Once a week and it’s gone,
But you can’t learn beauty -
It's not good either
The certificate is ahead - do you understand? or

We thank Marina Vladimirovna and Ksenia Evgenia for forming a sense of the Beautiful in our souls.

    While you are enjoying art here, time is passing and soon the hour is running out, and there is still so much to remember...


Dash, let me write off the test.

I had to do it myself.


Dash, can you let me copy my homework?

You can do it yourself.


(Dasha turns around. She sees everything, she panics)

Oh, what happened to our boys.

Maxim, Maxim, wake up. I'll let you copy the test.

(shakes, performs artificial respiration)

Ilya, Ilya. It was worth killing for the sake of home. I'll let you copy your homework. (artificial respiration)

Where did this one come from? Is it brand new? What you lacked in life.

It’s good to have responsible girls in the class, they’ll let you cheat and they’ll save you from death

They did a chest massage.

And most importantly, we kissed during recess!


Thank you Lidia Alekseevna for teaching me how to find a way out of emergency situations. Flowers.

Together: no

    I found the Code: Slender girl. Blonde...there's a 9 letter sport associated with her...Her name is Polyndrome (read back and forth) and she's a teacher.

    Need to think

    What can I think, the task is as simple as shelling pears - this is Anna Vitalievna!


Anna Vitalievna, we are grateful to you for the physical education lessons. Flowers.

    Disgrace, disgrace (Crumples up the paper and throws it on the floor)

    What are you doing!

    I can't find an answer to this problem.

Take my advice.

Graduation songfor service personnel.

Thank you for the comfort, cleanliness, delicious dinners, not at all bitter pills, for protecting and supporting our lives. Flowers.

- Do you remember, Slava, what skits they staged?
- How did you go to camp in the 5th and 6th grade?

How did you go to the theater? Zoo? Laser tag? On an excursion? Movie?

Yes, wherever we went...

But you didn’t want to?

They didn't... didn't want to.

But remember how Tatyana Dmitrievna said: “We must, children, we must.”

What a great time we had to participate in the promotions?! “There is no dirt here”, “Cleaning the Arboretum”, “Helping hand”, “Kind heart” and many, many others.

But they didn’t want to.

They didn't... didn't want to.

And Tatyana Dmitrievna had her own: “It’s necessary, children, it’s necessary.”

Why didn’t you want to go to class? We didn’t go to the Criminal Procedure Code.

And I don’t really want to go to the exams...

“We must, children, we must”

Let's hold a campaign for Tatyana Dmitrievna.

What if she doesn't want to?

And we will say: “We must, Tatyana Dmitrievna, we must.”

Tatyana Dmitrievna, please come out to us.

Tatyana Dmitrievna, help us remember our school years if we have forgotten something.

Word from the class teacher.

It was only thanks to you that we lived an active creative life. Thank you……. Musical number.

    Yes. Tatyana Dmitrievna helped us in school life

    But our parents always helped us in everything.

1. Mommy, mom, we are already adults.
Look, we've already said goodbye to braids
The spring garden is in full bloom:
It was already my eighteenth birthday.

2. Mommy, mommy, why are you crying?
And you smile without hiding your tears?
I’ll rush away from the lesson into a great life:
Mommy, mommy, but I'll be back.

3. A huge blue sky awaits us,
Roads where there is no trace of us yet.
Mommy, mommy, you can understand everything,
You will hope, believe and wait.

4. Look, I'm a head taller than my father.
And he is a copy, they tell me from his face.
Yes, you have to be brave
But the voice is shaking.
And in youth, time flies so quickly.
Sorry if I'm being very stubborn.
Forgive and understand me, mom!

Thank you, our dear parents.
Forgive us if we offended you in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience,
For the gray hair at my father's temples
And for the wrinkles of my own face.
We will bow to the ground at the waist,
Thank you, dear, thank you, thank you

Song to parents.

Moms, dads, help us take a piece of childhood into adulthood.

Parents' response.

F:- Stop a moment, you are wonderful!

What a delight in the soul!

I searched not in vain

M:- Yes, I myself was fiddling with you while I was there,

Transformed to the core!

You met the deadline

Lesson learned forever:

Memories will not be a burden,

And in life it will give you only joy