A sample statement (complaint) if dirty, bad-smelling or contaminated water flows from the tap. Poor quality water: how to clean it and where to complain Where to complain about the quality of tap water

Every city resident is worried about the question “Why is rusty water flowing from the tap and what to do?” This is caused by poor service from utility workers in providing cold water. Therefore, their security services are obliged to quickly eliminate such breakdowns.

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The reasons for rusty (hot) tap water may be as follows:

  • Planned outages. When municipal employees at the beginning and at the end of the heating seasons do not thoroughly check the condition of heating networks for the presence of iron and rust in them, and also do not perform hydraulic checks and replace damaged sections of pipelines.

    Important! "IN metal types pipes, sediment is formed in the process of their oxidation due to the influence of flow on them hot water».

  • Poor hot water purification. Water that is located underground has a large number of metal particles, so before feeding it you need to carry out some cleaning.
  • Supply of water with sediment. There are also many other reasons.

If rusty water comes out of the tap at times, this is also not normal. Rust can only flow after a routine inspection, repair or replacement of pipes. In other cases, you need to immediately file a claim with the Criminal Code.

Important! “We must remember that during the warm season the heat supply is turned off, and when the heating season begins, the volume and speed of water increases. That is why the rust that formed in them over the summer comes from pipelines and batteries.”

When is it worth complaining to the Criminal Code about rusty tap water?

Very often, after water supply is cut off or all pipes are replaced, poor quality water still flows for a week. Then you need to try to solve this problem. Initially, you need to contact the emergency service hotline to a specialized dispatcher and tell them about the current situation. To which the dispatcher must carry out the first security measures and record the received application with complaints in the registration log. And inform the client of the number of his request in the register, and the time of its receipt. And also, if possible, explain the reason. In case a poor-quality service is provided for a reason unknown to him, such a request should be recorded in the log.

According to the legislation and clauses of the agreement between utility services and the water consumer, certain rules are established. In this case, the contractor is obliged to prevent the period of cleaning of water supply systems, and to make a certain recalculation of the services provided for the provision of poor-quality water supply. And when rusty water flows from the tap for a long time and for no reason, then you can definitely complain to the department of the Criminal Code.

Where can I complain about rusty tap water?

Now let’s figure out where to complain if rusty (hot) water comes out of the tap. One of the current ways to file a complaint for the supply of poor-quality water is a written appeal, which must be sent by registered mail with notice. And leave a receipt with payment as proof of dispatch. The submitted application must be reviewed by resource supply organizations within 2 business days. For which the management organization must obtain an ACT. All generated claims are addressed to the commission for re-calculation, and then within a week the claimant is accepted for poor-quality services provided.

Tired of draining liters of dirty water? Rusty water flows from the tap: where to complain and what to do about paying for a service of dubious quality - everyone should know this.

Many Muscovites are familiar with the situation when, after a long outage, water supply is finally restored, but it is not possible to take a long-awaited shower: the color of the water is frankly frightening with its dirty hue. Usually the problem goes away on its own after a few hours or several drains. It's another matter when similar situation repeats from month to month throughout the year.

According to regulations regulating the housing and communal services sector, if the provision of services does not meet quality standards, citizens must notify emergency services as soon as possible. If rusty water comes out of the tap, where can residents of the capital complain?

First of all, you need to determine the service provider. PJSC Moscow United Energy Company is responsible for hot water in Moscow; accordingly, if you find strange-looking water from a hot tap, you can call to find out the cause of this phenomenon hotline indicated on the organization's website. And if you don’t like the color of cold water, your appeal should be addressed to the emergency services dispatchers of the emergency department, homeowners’ association or housing cooperative.

You can notify the service provider about the problem either orally by telephone or in a written statement. In the first case, the dispatcher must accept the complaint and record it in a special journal, indicating the registration number assigned to it. If he has information about the reason for the violation of water supply standards, he is obliged to inform the consumer about it. If not, he will agree on the date and time of the inspection upon request.

If the problem persists for a long time, in an effective way there will be a serving written statement. This can be done by personally appearing at the service provider’s office, or by sending an application by registered mail with notification. If the time frame for considering the complaint is delayed, you will have evidence that you promptly notified the other party about the existing problems in the water supply.

The service provider is obliged to respond to the application within two days by sending a representative to the address indicated therein, who will inspect the water quality and record the results in a special act. If he does not appear, the same act is drawn up by the residents themselves in the presence of any representative of the management organization and several owners. This document will subsequently be considered as the basis for recalculating utility bills.

If time passes, but rusty water from the tap continues to flow, where else can you complain? The law does not prohibit appealing to higher authorities. Rospotrebnadzor can help in considering the application. Its employees will take water for examination and, if non-compliance with water supply quality standards is detected, they will oblige the culprit to eliminate the cause. If this measure turns out to be ineffective, the next step should be to contact the Department of Housing and Communal Services of Moscow or the courts.

It is quite possible that contacting the housing department of the district administration, the Internet portal “Moscow House” or calling the hotline dealing with issues of housing and communal services, organized by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, will help speed up the process of solving the problem.

You already know, if rusty water flows from the tap, where to complain about this problem. The main thing now is not to give up, then the battle with public utilities for the purity of the water supply will not be lost!

Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of water and what to do if it is so bad that it is impossible to even do laundry in it?

In order to find out how high-quality water flows from the tap, state standards were developed back in the Soviet Union - GOST.

According to established norms, drinking water, which is intended for human consumption, must be safe in terms of epidemic and radiation indicators, harmless (according to chemical composition). Also have optimal organoleptic properties, that is, be pleasant to the taste, without a sharp repulsive odor.

Accordingly, if water flows from a tap of a dubious color, with an unpleasant odor, and strange substances (pieces of rust or something else) are floating in it, then there is a reason to call the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES) and somehow solve the problem. After all, human health largely depends on the quality of water. Not to mention the fact that every month we take our hard-earned money out of our pockets and pay water utilities precisely for high-quality water.

Where to complain about water quality

If you are dissatisfied with the quality of your tap water, you do not need to immediately run to a higher authority. Perhaps the situation can be corrected by contacting emergency services. To do this, you can file a complaint with the following organizations:

First, you can try calling the emergency hotline. The operator will definitely record your application and tell you its number. If he can, he will explain the problem of declining water quality, e.g. renovation work online. If not, he will write down the request and give it to the master.

You can also write a written complaint to the organization responsible for the water supply. It is better to send a complaint by registered mail with notification. After sending the letter, be sure to save the payment receipt. Such an application is subject to consideration within two days. As a result, the managing agency must receive an act. Such applications are usually sent to the commission for re-calculation. If the low quality of water is proven, you will be recalculated for the low quality of services.

If you want to significantly speed up the process of water analysis and submission of results, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor to conduct a water examination. As a result, you will need to be issued a report on the results of the inspection. In addition, Rospotrebnadzor will oblige the organization managing the networks to eliminate the causes of poor water quality.

If, as a result of these actions, the quality of the water does not improve, then you will have to go to court, namely to the commission to control the water supply. If the water utility’s guilt is proven, then this organization will pay for all the lawyer’s services.

How to complain about water quality: rules for filing a complaint

Before going to court, you will need to take all copies of the results of tests and examinations conducted by independent authorities. In this case, in court it will be necessary to prove the poor quality of the water. This is the only way you can demand moral compensation.

You need to go to court with the following list of documents:

An agreement for water supply services concluded at a water utility.

Copies or originals of all acts that were drawn up during your appeals to the relevant authorities. If you take copies, they must all be notarized.

Conclusions on analyzes of the aquatic environment, if any.

When all the documents are provided to the court, you can demand compensation, as well as:

ensuring adequate water quality;

getting rid of payments for low-quality services;

if water was filtered using household filters, the culprit will have to reimburse you for the cost of these devices; compensation for moral damage;

You can also demand compensation for losses associated with the purchase of bottled water and damage to property.

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Why tap water may be rusty

There are several reasons why rusty water flows from the tap:

  • outdated communications;
  • presence of sediment in the water;
  • insufficient purification of water before supplying it to consumers;
  • scheduled utility checks and associated water outages. After checks, rusty water may flow from the tap, but this is a one-time phenomenon, and the color of the water quickly returns to normal.

Initial actions

Important! Before filing a complaint, take the following steps:

  • Find out who supplies water services. For example, in Moscow, MOEK OJSC is responsible for the supply of hot water, and the water utilities of each district are responsible for the supply of cold water separately;
  • If the water quality forces you to file a complaint, first contact the emergency service of the HOA or housing office. You can contact the organization in person or submit a complaint in writing. If you apply in person, an emergency service employee will clarify your details, record the fact of the call, and give you its serial number. You can also find out the date of arrival of a specialist to check communications;
  • You can order a free water analysis at the sanitary and epidemiological station. If the results of the inspection reveal inadequate water quality, the costs will be borne by the organization that owns the communications. It should be noted that the verification may take a long time, so at the same time you should take other measures to solve the problem;
  • contact the water utility with a complaint about inadequate water quality;
  • You can also highlight the problem in local media, this will help speed up the resolution process.

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When can you write a complaint to the Criminal Code?

Often after scheduled inspections communications or work to replace them, rusty water flows from the tap for several days, which is not the norm.

In this case, call the emergency hotline number and describe the situation in as much detail as possible.

The operator will record the received request in a special registration journal, assigning it a serial number. After that he will tell you this number, as well as the date of acceptance of the application.

There are often cases when the operator will immediately be able to explain to you the cause of water contamination and offer options for solving the problem.

If the reasons for the deterioration in water quality are unknown to the operator, this request is noted in the log. According to the provisions of the concluded contract for the provision of services, before carrying out scheduled work on cleaning communications, residents must be notified of this. If this results in the supply of contaminated water, you must recalculate the water supply fee for the corresponding period.

If the quality of water over a long period leaves much to be desired, you have the right to file a complaint with the management company.

Where to go if you are not satisfied with the water quality

If you are not satisfied with the quality of the water flowing from your tap, you should not immediately file complaints with government agencies. First of all, you should try to solve the problem with the help of emergency services.

Important! You can address your complaint directly to this organization:

  • Call the emergency hotline number and explain the current situation to the operator. He will record the fact of your request and give you his number. If the operator has sufficient knowledge and competence to resolve your problem, he will tell you options for solving it. If the problem cannot be resolved over the phone, the operator will transfer the request to a specialist;
  • You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the organization responsible for your home's water supply. Send the document by registered mail. Once it is sent, do not lose the receipt confirming payment. A two-day period is allotted for consideration of such a complaint. As a result of the review, the management company will receive a recalculation act. If the inadequate quality of tap water is confirmed, the fee for this service will be recalculated;
  • effective way speeding up the process of consideration of applications and resolution problematic situation an application will be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor to schedule a water quality test. Based on the results of the inspection, a report will be issued. At the same time, Rospotrebnadzor will send to the organization that owns the communications a requirement to immediately eliminate the causes of deterioration in water quality;
  • If all of the above steps are unsuccessful, you can file a lawsuit. When it is established that the water utility is at fault, all legal costs will be borne not by the applicant, but by the defendant.

Filing a complaint to the management company

To properly file a claim, you will need details legal entity, namely the name, legal address and full name of the manager.

This information may be located on information boards at the entrances. If you didn’t find them there, use official websites and portals.

The claim is addressed to the head of the management company (this may be CEO or chairman of the board).

The document must contain the following information about the applicant:

  • Full name and residential address;
  • contact telephone number.

Be sure to indicate the date the claim was filed.

There is no specific form of drawing up a claim established by law; therefore, it is permissible to present the essence in free form. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a business style of speech, avoid emotional assessment of the facts indicated and adhere to the logical sequence of presentation.

The compiled text should be concise, and the information presented in it should be accurate and specific.

Claims can be divided into individual and collective. If the claim is collective (tenants of the house have joined forces to obtain positive result), then it contains information about each of the applicants.

At the end of the claim, put your signature with a transcript. If the claim is collective, then all applicants must sign.

Make a duplicate document.

You can submit a claim in person or send it by registered mail.

After receiving the document, the management company employee must put a receipt stamp on it. He puts the date of acceptance of the document, signature and seal. Keep one copy of the claim with a note indicating its acceptance for yourself.

ATTENTION! View the completed claim form to the management company:

Terms of consideration

According to the provisions of the law, a 30-day period is allotted for consideration of the application from the date of registration of the accepted document.

At the same time, certain deadlines are established by law for eliminating technical and other faults.

If you have not received a response from the management company, or the response received did not entail any measures to eliminate the problem, file a complaint about its inaction with the management company.

In this case, a copy of the claim and the management company’s response will serve as evidence of the management company’s inaction.

Watch the video. Where to go if rusty water flows from the tap:

Complaint to the Housing Inspectorate

To complain about the management company, submit a statement to writing, submit it to the housing inspection.

The application must include the following information:

  • Full name of the applicant, contact details;
  • information about the management company;
  • description of the problematic situation indicating the facts of violation of the terms of the contract for the provision of services between management company and consumer;
  • demands put forward to eliminate violations;
  • date of compilation and signature.

Do not forget that the information contained in the document must be supported by some evidence.


  • As evidence you can use:
  • photographic materials; receipts that confirm payment;
  • utilities
  • if you indicated the violated clauses of the agreement, attach a copy of such agreement to the application;

results of an independent examination.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample application to the Housing Inspectorate for the management company:

When to expect results

The period for consideration of a complaint begins to be calculated from the moment the complaint is accepted by the housing inspection staff. This moment must be recorded.

After receiving the application, the housing inspectorate employee is obliged to issue a receipt confirming the acceptance of the document (indicating the date of acceptance, full name, position and signature of the employee).

The housing inspectorate is given thirty days to consider the application. The applicant will then receive a written response.

The response must indicate specific measures to resolve the problem situation or a reasoned refusal to satisfy the complaint due to insufficient evidence of violations.

If your appeal to the housing inspection is unsuccessful, file an application with Rospotrebnadzor or a lawsuit.

Application to Rospotrebnadzor

The application to Rospotrebnadzor is submitted in writing. Make a duplicate document, keeping one for yourself and sending the second to this organization. Do not forget that your copy must contain an appropriate note indicating its acceptance by Rospotrebnadzor employees. The most effective way would be to contact the authority in person.

  • The application can be divided into the following components:
  • document header. In the upper right corner, please indicate the following information: Full name and position of the head of the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor to whom the complaint is addressed. After this, indicate the name and details of the applicant;
  • in the middle of the document, indicate the name: “Complaint” or “Application”;
  • Next, state the demands put forward, justifying them. For example, this could be a demand for a refund of money paid Money for the service because it was provided in an improper form. When drawing up a complaint, it is recommended to refer to the provisions of laws and other acts, in particular the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”;
  • At the end, put the date of compilation and your signature.

A five-day period has been established for consideration of applications. If the document contains information that requires a comprehensive, lengthy analysis by Rospotrebnadzor employees, the review period is extended, of which the applicant is notified in writing.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample application to Rospotrebnadzor for the management company:

Going to court

Article 131 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation contains requirements for the content statement of claim.

Important! The document must contain the following information:

  • the name of the court in which the claim is filed;
  • Full name of the plaintiff and his data; if a representative acts on behalf of the plaintiff, then information about him must be indicated;
  • Full name of the defendant and his details;
  • information about which rights were violated and how. State the requirements put forward, justifying them with references to legislative norms;
  • evidence base;
  • calculations of the cost of claims, which includes disputed or recovered amounts of money;
  • information about the procedure pre-trial settlement spore;
  • documents forming an annex to the application;
  • date of compilation and signature.

Where to file a claim

The statement of claim will be considered by a magistrate or district court, the generic jurisdiction depends on the value of the claim. According to Article 23 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, if the price of the claim does not exceed 50,000 rubles, the case is considered by a magistrate. Accordingly, claims whose value exceeds the specified amount are referred to the district court for consideration.

As for territorial jurisdiction, according to Articles 28 and 29 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, a claim can be filed at the location of the legal entity that is the defendant, as well as at the location of its separate structural unit.

In cases related to the consumer’s protection of his violated rights, the state fee is not charged to the applicant. In this case, the legal relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant falls under the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, therefore, the state duty is not paid.

Time limits for consideration of a claim

As practice shows, from the date of filing the statement of claim to the day of the preliminary court hearing, from one to two months pass. After the preliminary meeting, the main meeting is scheduled. As a rule, the period between them is about a month. If on the day of consideration of the case a decision was made to postpone the hearing, a new court date is set. Usually the period between these meetings is also about a month.

After the decision is made and announced in the courtroom, the judge draws up its final version. In practice, the operative part is often announced first, and then the motivational part.