When will I meet my true love. The opinion of others about the fortuneteller

Fortune telling “When will I meet my love” is common: girls not only want to believe that sooner or later they will meet their betrothed, but also want to know when the acquaintance will take place. With the help of simple and effective rituals it is easy to find the answer to the question.

In the article:

Fortune telling “When will I meet my love”

Exist different ways that will help you learn about love. For example, for love you can, . Using various magical attributes, you can determine when a girl will walk down the aisle, how many children will be in the marriage, etc.

To find out when a person will meet his love, you can use a simple method with a deck of playing cards. It is important that you have not previously played cards or guessed. With their help you can make a prediction for the year.

It is necessary to place a card in the center that will symbolize the fortuneteller (queen of hearts). The deck is carefully shuffled and 12 more are laid face down around the central card (one for each month, the first is considered to be the one when fortune telling occurs). The deck is put aside and fortune telling begins. Turn the cards face up and check the interpretation:

  • Valty- petty romances, admirers, suitors. Men will not have serious intentions, for the most part it is just flirting.
  • Kings- wealthy adult men who will be interested in a girl. It is impossible to say for sure whether their intentions will be serious or whether the relationship will be successful.
  • Aces(clubs, spade, tambourine) - candidates for a hand and a heart, men with whom you should connect your life. If there are several of them, there will be plenty to choose from.
  • Ace of Hearts- real love. A man will appear who is ready to do anything for the happiness of his chosen one. The man will become a husband.

If there are no jacks, kings and aces in the layout, you should not be upset. It is likely that the situation will change, so the situation is repeated in a month (a break of at least four weeks). Fortune telling will help determine in which month a romantic relationship will begin.

Ritual to meet your loved one

To find out when the long-awaited meeting with your lover will take place, you can use a simple ritual: you will need several round smooth sea pebbles of different sizes (large and small). The ritual is performed not independently, but with a friend. Important: the assistant is not taught the intricacies of fortune-telling for the sake of the correct result.

They put the pebbles in a bag and ask a friend to take out 12 stones. When the attributes are selected, lay them out in front of you and count them. Large pebbles are months, smaller ones are days. For example, if a friend takes out 8 large pebbles and 4 small ones, the girl will meet love in eight months and 4 days.

An effective ritual with cones

The ritual will help you find out how soon the girl will meet her betrothed. To carry out fortune telling, you need to arm yourself with five ordinary cones. On each you need to cut out the following inscription:

  • in six months;
  • in a year;
  • after 2 years;
  • soon;
  • not soon.

The attributes are thrown into a small bag made of coarse fabric and pronounced:

I want to know the truth when to look for my destiny.

They take cones out of the bag and toss them. They look at which one fell closest: the message will be the answer to the question.

How to determine where I will meet my love

There are various simple rituals that will help determine where a girl will meet her betrothed. Certain magical attributes are used to perform rituals. They cannot be replaced with other things.

Ritual with knife and sand

To carry out fortune telling, you need sand (river or sea), a candle and a knife with a black handle. Early in the morning, pour prepared sand onto a sheet of white paper, light a candle and pass a knife over the flame several times, saying:

Spirits, reveal your secrets to me, answer where I am destined to meet my beloved?

Using a knife, mix the sand: when the candle burns properly, pour wax onto the sand. After waiting until the wax dries a little, they interpret what they saw:

  • straight lines - meeting in the work sphere;
  • wavy - in an informal setting;
  • large circles - already familiar, will soon intersect again;
  • small circles - acquaintances in absentia or there are mutual friends through whom acquaintance is possible;
  • figures of animals or plants - meeting in nature;
  • silhouette of a person - acquaintance through a third party (relative, friend, employee, etc.).

Ritual with a mirror

There is another simple ritual that will allow you to determine where the girl will meet her betrothed. Information about the future is already stored in a person’s subconscious - you just need to get it out by asking a guardian angel (or another spirit) to show a dream in which the answer to the question will be.

Another option is fortune telling. You will need a mirror and a wax candle. Exactly at midnight, they place both magical attributes in front of themselves, light a candle and say:

I want to see everything that is hidden from me. Show me where I will meet my betrothed!

They begin to peer into the mirror through the candle flame. If higher powers are ready to answer the question, after a while an image of the place where the girl will meet her future husband will appear.

When the ritual is completed, they thank the higher powers for the help provided, extinguish the candle, and cover the mirror with a white cloth and put it in a dark place for three days.


Are you waiting for your soul mate, your soulmate? Perhaps tomorrow you will be able to meet a person whowill be your destiny!

In order to find out exactly when you have a chance to meet him or her, you should take an easy test: several timesselect the desired number from those offered.

Everyone knows the numbers: You can easily verify this!

Maybe you don't believe in numerology, but there are things you don't need to believe in, you just need to check!

Does a soulmate exist?

This question has probably been asked by each of us at some time. But still: do we really have “halves” and do we need them? Or is it just that each of us is completely self-sufficient and unique, so there can’t be any “halves”? The answer, as often happens, lies somewhere in the middle.

There are several opinions, what do you think? Write in the comments!

YES, THERE ARE HALVES! If you believe that one person could be a perfect fit for you, like a puzzle, it is likely that you will meet him someday. However, the opposite also happens: we meet a lot different people in life, but we are waiting for someone special, someone unusual and the most important, deliberately leaving important relationships.

NO, WE ARE ON OUR OWN. There is an opinion: the law of karma says that in this life incarnation we must complete a certain program and learn something, gain experience. Soul development is impossible without experience. We live for development, and other people help us develop.

Some people are luckier: he or she meets very harmonious relationship and live in perfect harmony all their lives. Probably, their lesson in terms of relationships has long been learned, and they receive a reward - their near and dear person, with whom they have a good relationship.

Second option - troubled relationship, from which you must take something important, your soul wants this relationship and finds it. Such a person may well also be your “soul mate”, you just may perceive it completely differently.

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From this layout you will learn about the feelings of your loved one and his attitude towards you at the moment. There are 3 positions in fortune telling: does your loved one love you, what does he want from your relationship (love, family, sex, money, just fun, etc.), whether there is a threat to you from the outside. If you have a rival or rival, the last card will tell you about it...

Fortune telling “When will I meet my love” is a very popular way to clarify the situation in the love sphere. There are a huge number of such fortune-telling rituals. Various attributes are used in rituals. But to get reliable information, you must believe in magic.

In order to fulfill the prediction about the meeting of your love according to the calendar, you need to purchase a tear-off calendar for the next year. It is best to carry out such fortune telling on New Year's Eve.

For the fortune-telling ritual, you need to retire to a separate room and fully concentrate on your desire to meet your love in the coming year. After this, you need to close your eyes and, opening the calendar, randomly pull out a leaf from it. It is precisely this that needs to be interpreted in relation to the issue of interest.

The day of the week will give a hint:

  • Monday. You already know your life partner, but for some reason you doubt it. And if this is not the case, then in the near future you will meet the person who is destined for you. Moreover, you will be able to feel this immediately upon meeting, moreover, you will be able to immediately charm your chosen one. But at the same time, you should remember that you should not be capricious and test it, since in this case the wedding will not take place.
  • Tuesday. This means that marriage should not be expected in the coming year. Moreover, most likely, you will become the initiator of separation from your lover for some reason. This may be due to the realization that you are not suitable for each other. In this case, you should not rush and look for a new partner. You need to spend some time alone and pay attention to yourself. It also doesn’t hurt to think about what didn’t suit you in your partner and how you would like your new chosen one to be. In addition, analyze your own requirements to understand whether they are too high.
  • Wednesday. Indicates that among the people around you there is a person close to you who values ​​you very much. Try to take a closer look at him, maybe he is your destiny. If this is the case, then you should expect a marriage proposal soon.
  • Thursday. There is a high probability that you will receive an offer. But, most likely, this will not be the person from whom you expected such a step. Despite this, do not rush to refuse. If people close to you advise you to take a closer look at a person, then try to do so, and only then make a final decision. It is quite possible that over time, a man whom you had not previously paid attention to will become not only necessary for you, but also desirable.
  • Friday. Marriage should be expected in the near future. Even if you don’t have anyone in mind, a meeting with your betrothed will happen in the near future. In this case, the passion will be so intense that the desire to unite destinies will arise by itself. You need to remember that you shouldn’t rush into the pool headlong; it’s better to still try to get to know your chosen one better.
  • Saturday. The reason you can't get married is because of you. You need to ask yourself whether you really dream of marriage. It is possible that you are so afraid of life changes that you subconsciously move away from close relationships. Reconsider your inner attitude towards living together, otherwise you will face loneliness.
  • Sunday. You should not expect a proposal from your chosen one this year. But you shouldn’t be upset about this, because you will have time to take a better look at each other. If you understand that you and your partner are kindred spirits, then you will unite your destinies and live a long and happy life together.

In order for the prediction to come true, the calendar leaf should be saved.

A birthday is a significant day that affects the fate of a person as a whole. And it is this fact that is used to obtain true predictions. Fortune telling by date and time of birth for love is considered especially popular.

To find out whether a meeting with your loved one will take place in the near future and whether it will lead to marriage, you can use the following method. On a piece of paper you need to write down the day, month and year of birth in numerical form.

After this, you need to carry out the following mathematical operations:

  • Perform sequential multiplication of the first number by the second and by the third.
  • Next, the result must be multiplied by the year in which you hope to meet love.

This fortune telling is deciphered as follows. If the result is more than two fours, then the marriage will definitely take place.

Numerology also allows women to predict marriage by time of birth:

Fortune telling by name for compatibility

In order to find out whether you are compatible with your chosen one, you need to conduct fortune telling by name. This method allows you to decide whether to continue the relationship with your chosen one and count on marriage.

For fortune telling, you only need a sheet of paper and a pen. You must first write your last name, first name, patronymic. The peculiarity of the recording is that each repeated letter should be written under the same one. Next, similar actions must be performed with the surname, first name and patronymic of the chosen one.

  • The sum of 2 digits that are next to each other is calculated and recorded.
  • Then the sum of three digits and nearby digits is calculated one by one.
  • Such actions are repeated until a single-digit number is obtained.
  • Compatibility results are assessed on a ten-point scale.

Fortune telling in a dream

There is a huge variety of fortune telling for marriage in a dream. These methods allow you to predict a meeting with your betrothed, and provide the opportunity to get another Additional information. It is recommended to perform such fortune-telling in New Year's Eve and on Christmastide.

Before going to bed, a young girl should place a cup of water next to her bed. clean water. It is necessary to place splinters on its edges, which will symbolize the bridge.

After this, you should pronounce the following variations of words:

  • “My betrothed, mummer, dream of me and take me across the bridge.”
  • “Whoever is my betrothed will appear in my dreams and lead me across the bridge.”

If a man appears in a dream, it means that the girl will get married in the near future. Similarly, you can put your own comb under your pillow and ask your betrothed to appear in your dream in any form and comb your hair.

There is another very reliable fortune telling that allows you to see your betrothed in a dream. It can be held only once a year on the holiday of Catherine the Great Martyr, which is also known as Catherine the Great Martyr. It is celebrated on November 24th.

Before going to bed, the girl must turn to the east, cross herself, bow 40 times and say the following prayer:

“Holy Great Martyr Catherine, bring me to the holy temple, where I will be married to my betrothed, and also show him his face.”

After this, you need to immediately go to bed. If a man appears in a dream, then this is a sign of imminent marriage. If you do not have a lover, then in a dream you will see a stranger. And if you know the person with whom you are joining fate, then most likely you will see items of his clothing or other personal accessories.

When conducting fortune telling on the possibility of a quick marriage, and meeting your betrothed in the near future, you must definitely believe in the power of magic. You must be sure that you receive correct information. You cannot allow even the slightest doubt in your soul or treat fortune telling as a game.