School guide. What subjects should I take for a psychologist?

All will depend on the Unified State Exam subjects you choose to take. Based on their list, you can choose one of the suitable specialties. As for the type of educational institution, you can study in a secondary or higher educational institution - this is a technical school, college, school or university, academy, institute, respectively.

What type of educational institution to choose? How to choose between several universities or colleges? What to do if you are missing several Unified State Exam subjects for admission? More on this later.

Where to go to study after 11th grade? University or secondary school

Graduates of 11th grade who have passed the minimum threshold for passing the compulsory Unified State Examination subjects can enter higher or secondary specialized educational institutions. The education you ultimately receive will depend on your choice - secondary or higher. There is a significant difference between educational institutions, determined by their organizational form.

First of all, in the educational programs that they implement and in the opportunities for teaching students. Here are the key differences:

  • The university implements a wide range of educational programs, has the best teaching staff in terms of the number of postgraduate students defended and scientific degrees professors. The university receives maximum funding and at the same time trains specialists in specialties from different fields.
  • The Academy implements educational programs within one sphere of human activity. This could be jurisprudence, military affairs, economics, Agriculture and so on. It is inferior to universities in terms of funding. The teaching staff includes a smaller number of professors with scientific degrees.
  • The Institute implements educational programs within one area professional activity. Accordingly, he provides training in a narrow range of specialties. The number of professors with a degree in the teaching staff is less than in the university and academy. Funding is also less.

Moreover, all of the listed educational institutions implement higher education programs. And at the same time they are divided into state and non-state. The first ones have budget places, scholarships, and the opportunity to get a hostel. Secondly, education is only paid, there are no scholarships, the hostel is provided for a fee.

What is the difference between technical school, college and school

Again in educational programs. In addition, in the organizational forms of training and the prospects that open up for graduates. Let's note the key differences:

  • Technical colleges have the same form of educational organization as schools. Usually there are no lectures or seminars, sessions or workshops. The duration of training is 2-3 years. In this case you get the average special education, but you can later enroll in a university for accelerated programs.
  • Colleges are considered more prestigious than technical schools. Most often, they are assigned to certain higher educational institutions, where graduates will later be able to enroll in accelerated education programs with privileges. The form of organization of training is similar to that of a university: students attend lectures and seminars, take sessions and undergo workshops. The duration of training is 3-4 years.
  • Schools also implement secondary education programs. However, today they can be counted on one hand. The fact is that most schools are undergoing a reorganization procedure and strive to become universities. Otherwise, they differ little from colleges in the form of education and educational programs implemented.

Secondary educational institutions can also be state or non-state. In addition to objective differences, there are also subjective ones: if you plan to continue your education after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution, then it is best to go to college. Its students have unspoken privileges when entering a university assigned to an educational institution.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school of foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual sessions with a tutor for preparing for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, and school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way game form. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

If you are faced with a choice between a state and non-state educational institution, choose the state one. Before enrolling, check with the university or college for accreditation. Also check if there was educational institution involved in any scandals, whether a procedure for deprivation of accreditation was initiated against him or some of his faculties. Choose the cleanest one educational institution.

Some tips for choosing:

Try to find out the opinions of graduates of the chosen specialty, or at least the chosen faculty - use the experience of past years.

  • Check the availability of budget places in the chosen specialty and the possibility of providing social payments, hostels.
  • Find out how in demand university or college graduates are among employers - ask the admissions committee what percentage of graduates are employed.
  • On the website of the educational institution, look at the materials from the “For Students” section. Evaluate not only the organization of training, but also cultural and sports activities.
  • Please check in advance whether your achievements will be taken into account when applying for admission. school years.
  • Assess the level of comfort of students, the quality of education and job prospects as a whole - this will help you make an informed choice.

It is also worth mentioning higher educational institutions that implement distance or partially distance education programs. Lately they have become more and more popular.

But, according to experts, it is better not to choose them for first education. The fact is that school graduates are rarely self-disciplined and do not have sufficient skills to organize independent learning.

In distance educational institutions, too much will depend on you. Due to the lack of independent learning skills that you can get in classical educational institutions, organizing the educational process is incredibly difficult. Because of this, the quality of your education can seriously suffer.

Who to study? TOP 50 most popular specialties

If you have already decided where you want to go to study and have even chosen several educational institutions, it’s time to choose a specialty. Teachers recommend paying attention to professions that the applicant has a passion for, while not forgetting to evaluate the prospects for future employment. It's difficult to spend most of your time at a job you don't like. But it is also difficult to survive on minimum wages. Think about it. We have prepared the TOP 50 technical and humanitarian specialties most in demand among graduates of the last three years.

Technical specialties


Design engineerDoctor
Mining engineerDesigner
Space industry specialistDocument specialist
Heating and ventilation system designerMilitary
Instrumentation engineerTourism manager
Dispatcher IT specialistLinguist
PharmacistAdvertising and PR industry specialist
Electrical EngineerEconomist
ArchitectHR Manager
System AdministratorTranslator
Design engineerVet
Labor safety engineerJournalist
Forestry specialistA development manager
VET engineerBiologist
Heating engineerTeacher
Oil and gas production specialistTrade and business industry specialist
Agricultural engineer MeteorologistChild psychologist

We have divided professions into humanitarian and technical ones to make it easier for you to navigate them. Obviously, doctors, military personnel and veterinarians can hardly be called 100% humanitarians. But a list of specialties based on data on the number of applications submitted by graduates of previous years will help you pay attention to the most in-demand professions among applicants.

What to do if you did not pass the required subjects on the Unified State Exam

Admission in 90% of cases requires the applicant to provide a form with the results of passing the Unified State Exam. Based on their sum, the selection is made.

But what should you do and where should you go to study after 11th grade if you haven’t passed the required subjects? It's worth noting here that you can take the state exam as many times as you like. Nothing will stop you from passing the required subjects at the Unified State Exam next year. But you risk losing that very year and, for example, joining the army. Therefore, let's consider other options:

  • Pass internal exams (if possible).
  • Enroll in the closest specialty and then transfer.
  • Get an education and enroll in a master's program in the desired specialty.
  • Receive specialized secondary education and continue studying at a university.

Many graduates forget about the possibility of transfer. In particular, because deans of faculties are almost always reluctant to discuss this topic. However, there is such a possibility, although it depends on many factors. The easiest way is to transfer to specialties within one faculty and one university. In this case, you will be able to save a budget space (if you had one) and a priori spend less effort. But transferring to a university, say, in another city, can take a lot of time.

You can get an education even if the required Unified State Examination subjects are not on the form. The only question is how much time and effort you will spend on it.

How does admission to universities and colleges work?

You submit a list necessary documents V admissions committee and write applications asking to be accepted into training in your desired specialty. If you have already decided where to go to study after 11th grade, you can check the list of documents directly on the website of the university or secondary school. This can also be done by calling the admissions office by phone. Don’t forget to check whether you can submit all kinds of documents and evidence confirming that you have certain benefits upon admission.

Then all that remains is to wait and stay in touch. Often, applicants submit documents with good USE results and go on vacation, confident of their admission. In the meantime, admissions specialists who have discovered a shortage of one or more documents cannot reach them. In this case, you may not be able to enroll in a university or secondary school due to simple negligence. But whether it was yours or whether the admissions specialist made a mistake will not be so important.

If you are on the list of admitted applicants based on the results of the first wave, then you can safely bring documents to the admissions committee and confirm your admission. If you are not on the lists, you should wait for the results of the second wave. We recommend that you apply to several universities or secondary schools in advance. This always increases the chances of admission and gives the applicant additional guarantees. Use this opportunity, because you have absolutely nothing to lose - applying based on the results of the Unified State Exam is very simple, in the vast majority of cases you do not need to take internal exams.


After 11th grade, you can enter a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. When choosing a university, you should be guided by ideas about the quality of education and the level of comfort of students during the study period (scholarship, dormitory, teaching staff, benefits). When choosing a profession, it is recommended to take into account not only your preferences, but also objective indicators of the prospects for further employment. Also, upon admission, it is recommended to submit documents to several educational institutions at once.

Where and who to study after 11th grade

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. After you need to choose which exams to take. To do this, you have 2 years, and during this time you can decide which exams to take in 11th grade in order to enter the chosen university, prepare well for the exams and get the highest possible scores for the Unified State Exam.

This article is for those who cannot decide or doubt their choice. In 2018, there were some changes in the Unified State Examination, which it would be useful to familiarize yourself with by reading the article. I also recommend an article in which I described a slightly different approach to the issue of choosing what to take

It is very good if by the beginning of 10th grade you already clearly know what you want to become in the future. In this case, you can find out from the information provided by the university what exams are required for admission to the chosen university, and decide which direction to study for the next two years, since in most schools there is currently a division into two areas of study - technical and humanitarian . At the same time, the basic program is uniform, and you will be prepared for the mandatory exams (Russian and mathematics) equally well in a class of any direction. But in technical classes a more in-depth study of physical and mathematical disciplines will be offered, in the humanities more hours will be devoted to foreign languages, literature, etc.

If you are a humanitarian

But, unfortunately, it often happens that it is not possible to decide on the choice of university and specialty until the last moment. In this case, at the beginning of the 10th grade, you should choose which class you will study in - technical direction or humanitarian. To do this, you need to find out what kind of mentality you have, in other words, what is closer to you, which subjects from the school curriculum are interesting to you - physics and mathematics or history, literature, social studies. If you like the world of formulas and numbers, it’s easier to go through an entire math textbook than to memorize a poem or write an essay, then most likely you have a mathematical mindset. But if, on the contrary, it is easier for you to memorize a long poem than to memorize several formulas and solve even the simplest problem in mathematics, then you are a humanist. It is very important to determine what kind of mentality you have, so as not to make a mistake in choosing your specialty and future profession in the future.

If you still find it difficult to decide what type you are, there are all kinds of tests that will help you decide. There are a huge number of different tests on the Internet, which are not difficult to find. But of course, you shouldn’t completely rely on test results; sometimes they are incorrect.

Well, a class has been chosen for further education and over the next two years you should be well prepared for the exams. Of course, this is a very important and serious question. We will look at how best to do this and who can help you with this in the article.

Selection of Unified State Examinations

In the 11th grade, you will be faced with the question “Which exams to take?”, no matter how confident you are in your choice, your nerves will take their toll and the question will arise. It is clear that you will have to pass mandatory exams, but what can you pass if you wish? If you are sure that you will need a specific subject for admission, then you should not limit yourself to it. Firstly, there is always a risk of passing this particular subject poorly. Secondly, there is a possibility that you will change your mind, or your friend will persuade you to enroll in another university with him.

You need to prepare and pass.

So what to do? Try to pass as many exams as possible, without fanaticism, but passing 5-6 exams is not so much. Remember that when entering the institute you will have 4 - 5 exams and 4 - 6 tests every semester and there you will not have a choice which exams to take. Thus, it is quite possible to pass 5 exams without any problems. Don’t pay attention to the fact that your classmates are taking 3–4 exams. It shouldn’t make any difference to you, because it’s everyone’s personal choice.

If you are going to study technical specialty or become a bachelor in the field information technologies, then most likely they chose computer science and physics to take the exam. It would seem, what else is needed? It is worth thinking about taking a subject that you know well and, moreover, is popular when applying for various specialties. A good example may be Social Studies. Maybe I was lucky with the teacher, but difficulties with passing the Unified State Exam in Social Studies there were absolutely none, although special training there was none.

Oddly enough, Social Studies is a fairly universal subject; if you pass it well, you can count on admission not only to humanitarian specialties, but also to completely technical ones, in which many technical disciplines are taught. If you are strong in humanitarian subjects and are going to take Social Studies and English, then you need to think about which exams to take in addition to the ones you have chosen. Maybe it's Computer Science?

Also, don’t forget about such things as Olympiads held by universities. Often this is an opportunity to receive a certificate that will be equivalent to passing the Unified State Exam with 100 points. Agree, not a bad bonus. In addition, you can get the opportunity to enroll in any specialty at the institute, regardless of your exam results. Of course, getting a certificate that gives you the opportunity to enroll in any specialty is not easy, but it’s possible to get 100 points, try it.

Separately, I would like to emphasize the fact that there is nothing scary in the Unified State Exam and there will be nothing there that you were not told about in class at school or that was not in the demo version of the Unified State Exam. And if there are a couple of such questions, then it’s not important, it’s not a lot at all.

However, you should not take my words as an axiom, because this is your life and you choose your future path, maybe I’m wrong, and you are definitely ready to pass the chosen exam and do not want to waste time preparing for others.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we should not forget that school years are truly “wonderful” and this is the most carefree time. And you shouldn’t devote all your time to studying, you need to do what you love, lead an active lifestyle, participate in an extracurricular program, play sports, go to clubs and theaters.

Perhaps your hobbies will be useful in later life; you can read about how they can be useful in student life.

Good luck in choosing your exams! If you found the article useful, please share it on social networks.

If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible

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1. Mathematics, 2. Russian language. English language , computer science or social science, and others. (Unified State Exam), if you score well in the main subjects. You take any Unified State Exam upon graduation from school or secondary school. vocational education, just write a statement that you want to take such and such subjects (in this case, Russian and mathematics), then they will tell you what date to take, and actually everything else depends on your knowledge. In general, the work of an accountant is quite painstaking and requires good patience and stress tolerance. But it is one of the few well-paid professions.

The thing is that if you enter a higher educational institution or college, this is now a technical school, immediately after school, then usually exams are held in such disciplines as mathematics and social studies, and you also need to pass the Russian language. There is a second method in which you will not take any exams; this is to simply take an accounting course. But you need to go to the job search market and they offer various courses there, at their expense, and then after graduating, you can get a job from them, usually that’s what they send you to study for. And all the details can always be found at the Employment Center in your city.

When I entered college for this profession, I took an exam in Russian language, mathematics and social studies. There was a dictation in the Russian language. There were tests in mathematics. Let's say a problem in algebra or geometry and answer options. There are also tests in social studies.

In order to become an accountant, you must pass Russian Language, Mathematics and Social Studies. If you don’t know what Social Studies means, I’ll explain now) With the help of Social Studies you study Sociology, Politics, Economics and so on. By the way, you will need this knowledge) Well, Russian and Mathematics are available almost everywhere, so you may not need Mathematics except for calculations, but you still need to take it. If you pass these three Exams, you will become an Accountant. Wish you luck.

Of course, the list of items to be handed over is “ Accounting“Depends on the institution you enroll in. Usually all exams can be found on the website of this institution. But, as I know, to become an accountant you need to take the following subjects: 1. mathematics- and here it is a specialized subject. An accountant deals with numbers, and of course, must be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide them without problems. And if at the end of the day you have the same result as someone else, then the one with the higher math exam results will be admitted. 2. Russian language– any self-respecting Russian person should know this – writing reports with errors is undignified. 3. social science– includes elements of political science, sociology, cultural studies and economics, which are also useful in the work of an accountant. Sometimes knowledge is still required computer science

When I was studying at a technical school for ACS (AUTOMATION OF CONTROL SYSTEMS), there were guys in our group for one year who entered accounting, they took the entrance exams: - mathematics - Russian language We did not take social studies. If the Unified State Examination, then without any exams at all, they entered immediately.

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What exams should I take to become an accountant?

What exams should I take to become an accountant?

The choice of professions offered by modern educational institutions is very large. What specialty a potential student chooses will determine his decision as to which subjects to choose to take the Unified State Exam. When the final choice is made in favor of a particular specialty, you need to find out what entrance tests you need to pass in order to be enrolled in the chosen faculty.

In the context of a rapidly developing system of commodity-market relations and the existence various forms business, and, as a result, there is a great demand for qualified specialists in this profile; one of the popular specialties in our time is “Economics and Accounting”. If you have chosen this specialty, then, of course, the first thing that interests you is what exams do you need to take to become an accountant?

Entrance test requirements for technical schools and higher educational institutions may differ from each other. Let's consider both options:

If you decide to receive secondary education and enroll in a college or technical school, then to successfully enroll as a student you must pass two exams.

A compulsory subject for admission to any educational institution Russian Federation is Russian language. The core subject for the specialty “Economics and Accounting” will be mathematics.

If you are striving for higher education, you must take into account that universities have higher admission requirements.

To be admitted to a higher educational institution, an applicant must successfully pass not two, but three exams.

Geography or natural science are added to compulsory and core subjects. Sometimes science may be replaced by a history exam. Some prestigious higher education institutions add a foreign language to the entrance tests. The choice of the third exam depends on the university. Also, the requirements for which entrance exams to take to become an accountant may differ depending on the general profile of a particular educational institution.

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What subjects do I need to take to become an accountant?

In most universities, the specialty "accounting, analysis and audit" now still requires a standard set of exams: mathematics, Russian language and social studies. Also, some universities already require a foreign language, but personally, I have rarely encountered this so far.

There are two ways to obtain an education as an accountant.

The first is to go to paid accountant courses, which usually last from three to half a year, but I assure you that in such courses you are unlikely to be able to master all the nuances of accounting, especially prepare correctly balance sheet. For such courses you do not need to submit absolutely anything except your passport and money.

The second way is to study at a college or university. Of course, you will have to take mathematics, Russian, Social Studies or a foreign language of your choice, or rather the results of the Unified State Examination according to the subject. It’s easier in college, where you will need grades from a certificate received after the ninth grade.

In order to enroll in accounting courses, you need to pass the Russian language and mathematics, as fundamental disciplines, without which further work simply will not make sense. The main thing is to want and strive for this, and then everything will be passed without problems))

To enroll as an accountant, or rather in the specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", you need to take two main subjects when entering a university - these are:

In some educational institutions, in addition to the main ones, you will also need to pass some other, minor subjects: English language, computer science or social science, and others.

You can also do the same based on the results of the Unified State Exam.(Unified State Exam), if you score well in the main subjects. You take any Unified State Exam upon graduating from school or a secondary vocational education institution, just write a statement that you want to take certain subjects (in this case, Russian and mathematics), then they will tell you what date to take, and actually everything else depends on your knowledge.

In general, the work of an accountant is quite painstaking and requires good patience and stress resistance. But it is one of the few well-paid professions. I wish you good luck in choosing a profession!

If you enroll in a technical school (college) after secondary education, you will be required to pass two exams. The first language is Russian, it is compulsory for any admission, but the core subject is mathematics.

The bar for entering a university will be higher; you will have to take three exams. Geography or natural science is added to the two subjects previously mentioned. But in some cases they replace natural science with history.

Very prestigious university They can also add an additional exam in a foreign language; the university has the right to choose a third subject.

If you are talking about a university, then when applying to become an accountant you need to pass the following exams:

  1. Russian language
  2. Mathematics (the subject is specialized)
  3. Social Studies or Foreign Language

You can enroll after 11th grade and study for the following period:

Based on 11th grade:

Full-time education - 4 years of study

Part-time form - 5 years of study

Evening - 5 years of study

Mixed - also 5 years of study.

It is also possible (at least earlier) to take an accountant course and enter a university without passing an exam. If, after the 9th grade, you went to college and Russian, mathematics and social studies (foreign languages) were specialized there, then there is a chance that you will go straight to the second year of study.

The thing is that if you enter a higher educational institution or college, this is now a technical school, immediately after school, then usually exams are held in such disciplines as mathematics and social studies, and you also need to pass the Russian language.

There is a second method in which you will not take any exams; this is to simply take an accounting course. But you need to go to the job search market and they offer various courses there, at their expense, and then after graduating, you can get a job from them, usually that’s what they send you to study for.

And all the details can always be found at the Employment Center in your city.

Of course, the list of subjects taken for “Accounting” depends on the institution you are enrolling in. Usually all exams can be found on the website of this institution.

But, as I know, to become an accountant you need to take the following subjects:

1.mathematics- and here it is a specialized subject. An accountant deals with numbers, and of course, must be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide them without problems. And if at the end of the day you have the same result as someone else, then the one with the higher math exam results will be admitted.

2.Russian language– any self-respecting Russian person should know this – writing reports with errors is undignified. science– includes elements of political science, sociology, cultural studies and economics, which are also useful in the work of an accountant.

Sometimes knowledge is still required computer science because modern accountants work on computers.

Everything is relative since there are several ways to get an accountant education;

  1. Go to paid accounting courses, where you don’t have to hand over anything except money and where it’s hard to believe that you will master the basics of accounting in just two or three months.
  2. After the ninth or eleventh grade, you go to colleges and there, based on the results of the certificate, you enter the budget if you have good grades.
  3. You go to a university and enter based on the results of the Unified State Examination, and again if we're talking about Regarding budget education, naturally, the Unified State Examination results should be above average, and universities determine the major subjects themselves.

In order to become an accountant, you must pass Russian Language, Mathematics and Social Studies.

If you don’t know what Social Studies means, I’ll explain now)

With the help of Social Studies you study Sociology, Politics, Economics and so on. By the way, you will need this knowledge)

Well, Russian and Mathematics are available almost everywhere, so you may not need Mathematics other than calculations, but you still need to take it.

If you pass these three Exams, you will become an Accountant.

Wish you luck.

Of course, to become an accountant, first of all, you need to pass the subjects of exact sciences, i.e. mathematics, if the future accountant does not know how to count, then how will he calculate wages or submit reports to the tax office. In addition, the accountant must know his native language, accordingly, he needs to pass the Russian language. Sometimes you also have to take History and Social Studies in order to know the law about violations that may affect the work of the organization.

If you go to a technical school after school, then it is customary to take mathematics, social studies, and Russian to become an accountant. But there is a second way to study to become an accountant without passing the exam. These are accounting courses. YOU can easily sign up for them and enroll, and also unlearn them for free if you go there in the direction of the labor exchange. Find out more at the Employment Center! Good luck!

When entering the specialty “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” at a technical school or higher educational institution, they take: Russian language, mathematics and social studies. In general, of course, it is better to first become familiar with the educational institution you will be enrolling in by visiting the latter’s website. All admission conditions will be indicated on the website.

When I was studying at a technical school for ACS (AUTOMATION OF CONTROL SYSTEMS), there were guys in our group for one year who entered accounting, they passed the entrance exams:

We didn't take social studies. If the Unified State Examination, then without any exams at all, they entered immediately.

When I entered college for this profession, I took an exam in Russian language, mathematics and social studies.

There was a dictation in the Russian language.

There were tests in mathematics. Let's say a problem in algebra or geometry and answer options.

There are also tests in social studies.

To become an accountant you have to take the standard mathematics, Russian and social studies, just like everywhere else, recently they have basically made a paid basis for this specialty (well, in our city), you can just complete the courses and get a certificate, for some enterprises this will work.

To become an accountant you still have to take the Russian language, mathematics and social studies, nothing has changed and, in principle, it is unlikely to change soon, the work is a little boring, but among the economic specialists it is one of the in-demand ones and is well paid, although to be honest, it is labor-intensive.

If you are going to study to become an accountant, then you will need to take mathematics; this is the main and necessary subject in accounting. And then a number of other subjects, such as the Russian language, maybe some others have already become.

I went to college to become an accountant, took only Russian and mathematics, but when I later entered college for the same profession, I had to take Russian, mathematics + social studies again. Most likely this is the standard.

What subjects are taken in 9th grade to enter college?

For every student, sooner or later there comes a time when it is time to leave school behind and move to a new educational institution. Nowadays, the decision to go to college after 9th grade is becoming more and more popular, and the question of what subjects should be taken after 9th grade is becoming more and more popular.

But difficulties arise at the moment when it is necessary to decide on the subjects that the student will take at the GIA - the state final certification.

Let's figure out what subjects are taken in 9th grade and why.

Choosing a direction

Before you begin choosing subjects to take, you must decide on the direction of your future studies. They are usually divided into two: technical and humanitarian.

Based on this selection, you will determine the items you need. Why is this so? The thing is that you will enter any college based on the results of those subjects that are required for your field of study.

How to make the right choice

Deciding on the right direction is not so easy at first. To ensure that you have no doubts, you should follow these recommendations.

  1. First of all, determine for yourself which subjects you like best. Of course, you can check your scores, but they are not always an indicator of what you like best. Think about which subject is easiest and most interesting for you to study.
  2. Take the self-test. There are many tests on the Internet that help identify aptitude for certain sciences.
  3. If self-testing does not convince you, contact special organizations for career guidance for students, and they will help not only determine your aptitudes, but also answer the question: “What subjects should I take after 9th grade?”
  4. Research the careers you can pursue at your chosen college. Explore future employment or further study opportunities to pursue higher education. In general, try to find out as much information as possible about what you like most and what you would like to connect your life with in the future.

Based on this, you will be able to understand for yourself which direction is closer to you: humanitarian and technical, and also decide on your future work.

But you should not think that if you have any inclination, then you must follow it. If you have a specific dream, then with due persistence and time spent, you will be able to learn even a subject that the student was not given at all.

Now let's figure out what subjects are taken in 9th grade in both directions.

Technical direction

First, let's figure out what technical professions exist. The main ones can be identified:

  • Engineer (and the profiles of engineers can vary dramatically, starting with a civil engineer and ending with an electrical engineer).
  • Auto mechanic, car mechanic.
  • Architect.
  • Technologist.
  • Metallurgist.
  • Programmer.
  • Electrician.

Popular items

Nowadays, the popularity of technical education is increasingly growing, and this is not without reason - in Russia there is an extreme shortage of “working hands”, therefore people with a technical education most often have a good job with a decent salary.

What subjects must be taken after 9th grade to get a technical profession?

  1. Of course, first of all it is mathematics. If in 11th grade it is divided into basic and specialized, then in 9th grade there is no such division, and it is much easier to teach it. But you should remember that in college you will still study this subject in depth in the future.
  2. Physics is required for almost every specialty when studying at a technical college. It is impossible to obtain this education without knowledge of this subject, therefore you should prepare in advance for passing physics.
  3. Computer science. This subject is required only when applying to study as a programmer, IT technologist, etc. Physics and computer science are often required together, so carefully study the website of your future college to be 100% prepared.

Also, do not forget that Russian is one of the required subjects. Of course, upon admission to technical college scores in this subject are not as important as, for example, in physics, but knowing Russian in good level necessary.

Humanitarian direction

What subjects should you take in 9th grade if you are a “humanitarian to the core”? There are no fewer humanitarian professions than technical ones, and rather even more, because the choice here is significantly expanded. Among humanitarian professions:

  • Lawyer, economist.
  • Accountant.
  • Honey. worker, doctor, veterinarian.
  • Banking specialist, insurance agent.
  • Psychologist.
  • Journalist.
  • Teacher.
  • Tourism manager, etc.

And there are quite a lot of such professions, as well as a variety of subjects that need to be passed. The most popular items are:

  1. Social science. This science is considered to be the easiest to pass the State Examination. On the one hand, one can agree with this, but on the other hand, one can refute it. Indeed, with the proper level of preparation, passing the State Examination in Social Studies is much easier than a number of other subjects. On the other hand, if a student does not make an effort to prepare, then he cannot count on good scores.
  2. The next most popular humanities subject is, oddly enough, history. This subject cannot be called easy; it must be studied for a long time and seriously. It is necessary if you want to become a political scientist, archivist, or lawyer. What other subjects should I take after 9th grade?
  3. Approximately equal in popularity are: biology, chemistry, geography and literature. There are a lot of options for getting a specialty here: geographer, geologist, archaeologist, tourism manager, journalist, doctor, nurse. After 9th grade, what subjects can you take, besides those described?
  4. A foreign language ranks last in popularity, which is understandable. However, passing this subject provides great opportunities to enter a specialty such as translator, and people with this profession are in great demand these days.

How many subjects do I need to take?

If with the question: “What subjects are taken in 9th grade?” - everything is more or less clear, then all that remains is to figure out how many subjects need to be taken.

If a couple of years ago it was enough to pass two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics - and go at least in all 4 directions, then last year quite serious changes took place. Now the student is required to pass 4 subjects, including two compulsory and two optional.

Thus, the student needs to prepare for 4 subjects. On the one hand, this is a significant change. On the other hand, those who initially thought about their future admission, one way or another asked the question: “What subjects are taken in 9th grade?” - and prepared in 4 subjects, since for admission to any decent college the scores in 3 subjects are summed up.

How to organize your preparation?

Depending on what subjects you decide to take in 9th grade, a preparation system is built. What could be the difference? Self-training systems will not be dramatically different, but there will be differences.

  1. If you are preparing for technical subjects, then you will need a lot of practice in solving various problems. This is especially true for those who are preparing to take physics. Practice plays a big role in this case.
  2. If you are taking subjects such as history, literature and social studies, then in this case you definitely won’t have to practice solving problems. However, you must retain significantly more information, which is the key to success on the exam.
  3. However, what is common to any subject is the need to constantly solve trial tests, which not only reflect the essence of the GIA, but also allow you to “get better” at the same type of tasks.

There are also general preparation tips for those who have not yet decided which subjects can be taken in 9th grade:

  • Create a self-study plan. Distribute the topics you need to learn throughout academic year and follow this schedule.
  • Practice regularly, for example, every day for a couple of hours a day - this way the information you have learned will not be forgotten too quickly.
  • If you are preparing for several subjects, then alternate them. For example, one day - history, the second day - social studies. This way, what you have learned will not be “mixed” in your mind.
  • If possible, work with a specialist. Such preparation will give greater results than self-study, and will also free up personal time.
  • Do not forget about repeating what you have already learned - this is necessary to consolidate the information in memory.
  • Don't neglect your schoolwork and homework - they help you prepare no less than independent study.
  • Solve practice tests - this will help you have a better idea of ​​what to expect in the exam.
  • But you shouldn’t deprive yourself of rest. Give yourself days when you can take a break from studying. Quality rest is no less important for studying than self-preparation.


We hope that now each student will be able to answer for himself which subjects to take in 9th grade. 2017 is a difficult year for those who have to take exams, as more and more innovations are proposed by the Ministry of Education. However, if every student carefully prepares for the exams, then everything will definitely work out.

What do you need to take to become an accountant after 11th grade?

The profession of an accountant is very in demand and popular today. The knowledge and skills acquired during the training process will be useful in life to every citizen of the Russian Federation. You will understand the legislative accounting and tax base, and will be able to defend your rights. This way, you will be legally protected from employer mistakes. You will also be able to open your own business and run it without anyone’s help.

Pros and cons of the accountant profession

Anyone who is thinking about becoming an accountant should have a clear understanding of all the advantages and disadvantages of the work of this specialist.

  • Accountant is one of the most in-demand professions on the labor market.

Anyone who receives an education in this specialty will be able to get a job as an accountant. According to Federal law No. 402-FZ dated December 6, 2011, each company must provide reports on its expenses and income to the tax service. For help legal entity the accountant will come. Monthly on major cities There are about 6-7 thousand vacancies on employment sites! You definitely won't be left without work.

  • Highly paid work

The minimum salary in a federal city, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, is 45 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 200 thousand. In a small town, salaries vary from 30 to 80 thousand.

An accountant is the most important person after the head of the company. He works directly with the director of the company. It is precisely because of their closeness with management that accountants are highly valued.

Many small companies cannot afford to employ an accountant, so they offer him to work remotely. As a rule, many accountants earn extra money by completing one-time orders without losing their main job.

They themselves can control payroll and pension reporting. This way, they can never be deceived by their employer.

If you dream of becoming an accounting professional, then everything will depend only on your skills and abilities. An experienced specialist with knowledge of English can easily rise to the rank of chief accountant or financial director.

  • Higher likelihood of completing advanced training courses

To increase the value of his services, an accountant can take numerous seminars and courses.

  • The skills acquired while working as an accountant will be useful in opening and running your own business. At the same time, costs for wages employees.

Despite the benefits, being an accountant is not an easy job.

  1. Great responsibility. A person in the position of an accountant bears a huge responsibility, and a financial one at that.
  2. You will have to pay fines for mistakes in your activities.
  3. The management deliberately blames the accountant for all shortcomings, since he is the right hand of the director of the enterprise. You need to be stress-resistant.
  4. You may have to work irregular hours.
  5. We will have to process large volumes of data and information.
  6. Activities are strictly regulated. There is a certain list of documents that every accountant should know. They are prescribed in Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of August 21, 1998.
  7. You have to keep up with changes in legislation, both tax and accounting.

I would like to become an accountant - let them teach me!

When hiring a company, employers pay attention to your work experience and are less strict about the education of candidates.

But, despite this, the specialist must be educated.

You can learn the profession of an accountant or certain skills in the following ways:

  • Graduate from a higher education institution in finance or economics

Only at university you will receive the necessary knowledge that you can use in practice. By the way, after graduating from a university you will receive a difficult title in the following specialties: “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Economics and accounting”, “Taxes and taxation”, “Finance and credit”, “Banking”, etc.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to complete internships. Thanks to constant practice, you will be hired faster. But note that it will take 4-5 years to study at the “tower”.

  • Enroll in a secondary vocational education institution (college, school)

As such the average financial education also held in high esteem. But the duration of training depends on the specific institution and program. Most often, students study at a technical school for 3 years. You will also have several opportunities: undergo internships in real companies, study under a special program and eventually receive a diploma in various areas.

Upon completion of courses and seminars conducted on a commercial basis, you will be able to obtain a certificate as a professional accountant or auditor. The duration of classes will depend on the program. The shortest courses are 2-3 weeks. At the end of your studies, you will have to pass certification exams.

  • Take courses on specific applications accountants need to know

Typically, you should also be given a certificate or other proof of your participation upon completion.

  • Study independently - listen to video lessons and perform freelance tasks (freelance)

You can also read textbooks about accounting, sit on forums that can help you a lot! Of course, you will spend a lot of time on self-training. But on the other hand, you will know a lot and only what is really interesting and necessary for you.

How to become a good accountant - necessary qualities and skills

To become successful in accounting, you must possess the following personal qualities and also be:

  • Responsible.
  • Assiduous.
  • Punctual.
  • Attentive.
  • Neat.
  • Purposeful.
  • Stress-resistant.
  • Balanced.
  • Honest.
  • Think logically.
  • Argue your point of view.

In addition to personal qualities, an accountant must have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Know and maintain accounting, tax, and management records.
  • Maintain primary documentation and cash book.
  • Maintain warehouse records.
  • Calculate wages, sick leave, vacation pay and other required compensation.
  • Keep records of mutual settlements and do not put the enterprise into the so-called “minus”.
  • Know accounting and tax legislation.
  • Conduct negotiations with clients and employees.
  • Be able to draw up documents, for example, powers of attorney, tax invoices, invoices and invoices.
  • Calculate pension contributions for legal entities and individuals.
  • Know the rules for conducting inventory Money and company inventory.
  • Conduct inventory and draw up a reconciliation report.
  • Prepare reports and submit them to the tax office.
  • Conduct an economic analysis of the organization.
  • Be able to prepare and correctly prepare expense reports.
  • Know the regulations and instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Be a confident PC user.
  • Understand the Client-Bank system and the following programs: MS Excel, Word, 1C: Accounting.

Of course, this list could be much longer. Skills and knowledge depend on the area of ​​accounting, the scope of the company and taxation systems.

The Future of the Accounting Profession – Career Opportunities and Salary

To become a professional accountant and get a job in a decent company, you will have to work hard:

  • First, while studying, start working part-time, perhaps performing some simple primary tasks. Thus, you will have work in your portfolio (correctly executed documents) and marks on some points of knowledge and skills.

Please note that in order to get a job in a company with a good reputation and popularity, you should have an average of 2 years of work experience. By the way, some specialists are hired with a minimum experience of 1 year.

  • Secondly, you should improve your professional level. For example, take training courses on topics in which you are not an expert. Their completion can be confirmed by a certificate.
  • Thirdly, don't be afraid of work. Of course, you will first have to get a job in a small organization, for example, as an assistant accountant, junior accountant, office manager and carry out minor assignments from management.
  • By completing the above tasks, you will be able to get a job in a decent company within 2-4 years after receiving your diploma.

    1. Assistant.
    2. Junior accountant or economist.
    3. Accountant.
    4. Chief Accountant.
    5. Financial Director.

    Since the specifics of companies are varied, a professional accountant can:

    • Financial analyst or accountant-economist.
    • Auditor.
    • Credit controller.
    • Consultant.

    An accountant's salary depends not only on the level at which you stand on the career ladder, but also on the field of activity of the company. The more extensive your knowledge, the more services you can perform, and the higher you will be valued.

    Let's look at the approximate average salary for specialists in this profession in Russia:

    • An assistant accountant receives 15-20 thousand rubles.
    • 18-25 thousand rubles. provided for the services of a junior accountant.
    • 26-30 thousand rubles. due to an accountant.
    • 30-60 thousand rubles. must be paid to the chief accountant.
    • 40-120 thousand rubles. can be received by the financial director.

    With regard to the specific field of activity in which you can develop as a specialist and payment, there are significant differences.

    We bring to your attention statistical data based on 2014:

    • Bank employees receive 20-70 thousand rubles.
    • 20-80 thousand rubles. You can earn money in sales and trade.
    • 30-90 thousand rubles. gets an accountant in a construction company.
    • 35-100 thousand rubles. offer for accountant services in the field of energy and raw materials extraction.

    In the future, a specialist with an education in Accounting will not be left without work. Demand will remain high. By the way, having studied English and programs in this language, you can conquer not only Russian organizations, but also foreign.

    The main thing is to improve your professional level and develop!

    I have been working as an accountant for the company for 10 years! The most best profession. Despite the fact that there is always a lot of work, you still find advantages: high salaries, a good workforce. You sit there wearing makeup, beautiful, with your hair and manicure done, and you don’t think about the bad weather outside and the fact that you need to run somewhere. Of course, if you are not ready to work and kick ass, then this profession is not for you.

    I have been working as an accountant for 7 years. I will say this, it all depends on the site and the workforce. Let me give you an example: I ran a bank. I really enjoyed dealing with payments, negotiating with clients and bank employees. And when I was involved in the area of ​​accounting for the sale of goods, I almost went crazy. It was very difficult to get used to everything. There is always a lot of work, you come home and think, count. I had to stay after work with the storekeepers. In general, I was not happy. Therefore, before you start work, choose an area to your liking.

    I had a completely different problem. Since I often stayed after work, sat on materials then, until the age of 28 I could not start a family. My guys never understood how I could stay overtime. As a result, I met a young man who worked like me as an accountant. Now we live together, we are glad that we found each other.

    I have an education (SP), but due to circumstances I did not work in my specialty... Now there is an opportunity and desire, but the employer needs work experience... I am ready to start from scratch, but it doesn’t work out...

    Total on site 2108 articles.

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    Modern couples in our 21st century world are conventionally divided.

    Every year in our country final certifications are held for students in grades 9 and 11. At this time, graduates need to take one more step in their educational activities. If 9th grade students can choose not to take additional exams and continue their studies at school, then 11th grade graduates will have to make a choice.

    At the first stage, you need to decide on a profession. Here, despite the many negative reviews , the leading position is occupied by the legal profession. No matter what anyone says, lawyers are needed in our country and abroad.

    That is why graduates have a logical question about what subjects they need to pass in order to become a lawyer. In this article we will try to answer this question..

    What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer?

    The procedure for admission to higher and secondary vocational education programs is regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, as well as by the rules of educational institutions. For admission to higher education institution It is enough to pass the Unified State Exam in specialized exams and score the appropriate number of points. So, what subjects do you need to take to enroll in law school?

    Some institutes may conduct additional exams. For example, you can take an exam in social studies or history. These are mainly oral exams. Some universities check proficiency foreign language. Graduates who want to become international lawyers will have to pass this exam.

    What exams do you need to take to become a lawyer?

    Lawyer is a general title. Legal education can be used in different sectors of life . That is why the focus of training There are different types of lawyers. That is, the entrance exams for these specializations will also be different:


    Law is a large specialization. Universities train specialists for various fields. Some cook, workers law enforcement or forensic experts. Other universities carry out educational program for training specialists state apparatus, as well as lawyers for labor protection, civil rights. That is why choosing the profession of a lawyer, you need to think about what area you want to develop in or what area interests you.

    As for admission to the Faculty of Law, there is no big difference in exams between profiles. Mostly history, society, and Russian language are tested. Additional examinations will be conducted by the institute. To know exactly what exams are needed for admission, you need to go to the official website of the institute and look at the information or call . They will also explain to you, when admission opens and until what date it will last, what documents are needed for admission.

    You can learn programming on your own, but only those who study using proven programs have a career head start. Where and how to go to master a profession?

    • It is necessary to decide on the direction (a specialist can write programs or look for vulnerabilities in the software used, design and maintain internal corporate networks, be responsible for communications and communications, build the IT infrastructure of a business).
    • Collect a package of documents.
    • Pass the entrance exams to become a programmer.

    How to become a programmer

    The test format for admission to the Faculty of IP may differ depending on the choice of specialty, level of professional training and age of the applicant. What exams do you need to take to become a programmer? The level of difficulty may also vary:

    • For talented, enthusiastic young people who have already proven themselves in school or college, the opportunity to enter after an interview is provided.
    • Often candidates undergo internal testing.
    • School graduates must achieve a passing score in the required exam as part of the Unified State Examination program.
    • 9th graders entering college will get by with a good average certificate score or can “get” points on the Unified State Examination.

    What subjects need to be taken

    What subjects are needed to become a programmer are determined by the specific university. To enter Synergy, the Faculty of Information Systems requires an examination in two compulsory and one specialized subjects. Required disciplines:

    • mathematics,
    • Russian language.

    Which third exam you need to take depends on your specialty. To enroll in a bachelor's degree, a future IT specialist with a broad profile must pass computer science. A programmer in the field of software and systems administration, as well as a future expert in instrument engineering and telecommunications, takes Russian, mathematics, and physics.

    What to take when applying to college

    Along with bachelor's and master's degrees, our university practices vocational training future programmers in college. Graduates of grades 9 and 11 have access to the profile of an IT generalist specialist. Young students with a predominantly mathematical approach to problem solving may be admitted without examination.

    A good average score is sufficient for admission. Both 9th graders and 11th grade graduates. We keep the doors to the future of technology open for the enthusiastic student.

    Reasons why you should choose this field

    The duration of training ranges from 2 years 10 months (college) to 6.5 years (higher master's education). Why is this time worth investing in professional training to become a programmer?

    • Programmer is the highest paid profession after lawyers (world statistics).
    • The shortage of competent IT specialists in Russia alone amounts to more than 1 million vacancies. Employment – ​​quite frequent The question of university graduates is not relevant for this profile.
    • Programming is the profession of the future. Computers are confidently gaining ground in all areas; today, de facto, a serious business cannot function successfully without an IT infrastructure.

    Among young engineers, technicians, and statisticians, many are thinking about changing their qualifications to become a programmer.

    Is it hard to study

    Programming is a complex industry; the amount of knowledge required is enormous. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about simple learning in its context.

    During the training, the student will take many purely technical subjects - math, basics of graphs, probability theory. They are not easy for everyone and are accompanied by a lot of calculations.

    But despite all the complexity of studying, it remains interesting. We made sure that our future programmers could “apply” every block of acquired knowledge in real business practice. Plus, we host forums, webinars and seminars with the participation of recognized representatives of the profession.

    Programming is a whole world. It requires diligence and a responsible approach to learning, but is filled with world-changing discoveries from the first weeks.