Samara State Academy of Culture training. Russian universities

Samara state academy culture and arts
Year of foundation

Eleonora Aleksandrovna Kurulenko, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor.

Legal address

Coordinates: 53°11′47.12″ n. w. /  50°05′53.26″ E. d. 53.196422° s. w.53.196422 , 50.098128

50.098128° E. d. ((G) (O) (I) Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts SGAKI) - Federal state budgetary educational institution higher professional education in Samara. Founded in 1971 as Kuibyshevsky

state institute

culture, since 1991 - Samara State Institute of Arts and Culture. In 1996, the institute was transformed into the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts.

It has a license for educational activities and is a certified and accredited state educational institution of higher professional education. Currently, the Academy includes 5 institutes (of which 4 are graduating) and 31 departments (of which 25 are graduating).

The Academy is a large educational and scientific center of the Volga region, a creative laboratory, and a concert institution, with which leading Russian and foreign scientific and creative organizations and educational institutions effectively cooperate. Story Since its foundation, the university has been led by the following rectors: V.O. Morozov (1971-1975), I.M. Kuzmin (1975-1993). From 1993 after the election until August 2009, the rector of the academy was M.G. Vokhrysheva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Culture

Russian Federation

, full member of the International Academy of Informatization, holder of the Order of Honor.

In the fall of 2010, the Academy’s music and philharmonic center “Conservatory” began operating. Rectorate Rector -

Eleonora Aleksandrovna Kurulenko , Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor First Vice-Rector -

Olga Leonidovna Bugrova , Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Vice-Rector for scientific work and international relations -

Svetlana Vladimirovna Solovyova , Doctor of Philosophy, Professor - And about. Vice-Rector for Artistic and Creative Activities and educational work

Dmitry Alekseevich Dyatlov , candidate of art history, associate professor

Vice-rector for administrative and economic work - Yuri Alexandrovich Kassin

Head of educational and methodological department - Lyudmila Leontievna Motova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Institutes and departments

Social and Humanitarian Institute

Director - Lyudmila Mikhailovna Artamonova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.

  • Department of Philosophy and Political Science
  • Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
  • Department of History of the Fatherland
  • Department of Russian Language and Literature
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Physical Education

Institute of Information and Communication Technologies

Director - Tatyana Vladimirovna Medvedeva, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

  • Department of Documentation Science
  • Department of Informatics and Information Technologies
  • Department of Library Science
  • Department of Bibliography

Institute of Music (conservatory)

Director - Viktor Ivanovich Svitov, professor

  • Department of Theory and History of Music
  • Department of Choral Conducting
  • Piano Department
  • Department of Vocal Arts
  • Department of Folk Choral Art
  • Department of Orchestral Conducting
  • Department of Folk Instruments
  • Department of Orchestral Instruments

Institute of Cultural Studies and Socio-Cultural Technologies

Director - Kurina Vera Alekseevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

  • Department of Theory and History of Culture
  • Department of Socio-Cultural Technologies
  • Department of Management and Economics of Culture
  • Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communications

Institute of Contemporary Art and Artistic Communications

Director - Anatoly Aleksandrovich Mayorov, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Professor

  • Department of Folk and Modern Dance
  • Department of Arts and Crafts
  • Department of Theater Directing
  • Department of Acting Arts
  • Department of Stage Speech and Oratory
  • Department of Directing Theatrical Performances and Celebrations
  • Department of Sound Engineering for Theatrical Performances and Celebrations
  • Department of Variety Musical Art



  • Center for Pre-University Training and Additional Professional Education SGAKI
  • Department of Sound Engineering for Theatrical Performances and Celebrations of SGAKI


  • Universities by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1971
  • Higher educational institutions of Samara
  • Higher education institutions Samara region
  • Academy of Samara
  • State organizations of Russia
  • Russian Institutes of Art and Culture

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The federal state educational institution of higher professional education "Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts" ("SGAKI") was created as the Kuibyshev State Institute of Culture in 1971. In 1991, it was renamed the Samara State Institute of Arts and Culture; in 1996, the institute was transformed into the Samara State Academy of Culture.

Currently, the structure of the academy includes 8 faculties, 30 departments, including 24 graduating departments. In 1999, the Faculty of Additional Professional Education was formed. There is Internet access via a high-speed satellite communication channel. There is an intranet network of 64 computers, uniting the administrative, management, educational and information departments of SGAKI. New departments and laboratories have been equipped and are involved in educational, research and creative-performing processes - a book museum, a multimedia class, workshops on painting, drawing, composition, weaving, pottery, a museum of arts and crafts, and a folklore laboratory. A laboratory of music and computer technologies has been opened.

The Academy is a large educational and scientific center of the Volga region, a creative laboratory, and a cultural institution, with which leading Russian and foreign scientific and creative organizations and educational institutions effectively cooperate. Among them - International Academy informatization, Russian State Library, Volga region branch Russian Academy education, Samara science Center RAS, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Union of Composers of Russia, Samara Branch of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia, Russian Musical Society, Guild of Leading Conductors of Russia, Federation of Sports Dance of Russia, Russian Branch of the World Dance Alliance-Europe, etc.


  • Faculty of Information and Intercultural Communications
  • Library and Information Faculty
  • Institute of Music (conservatory)
  • Faculty of Cultural Studies
  • Faculty of Social and Cultural Technologies
  • Faculty of Artistic Creativity
  • Theater Department
  • Faculty of Additional Professional Education

Reviews: 3

Aspen-Kuzmina Samara

Gruzinov is an excellent teacher, I graduated from him with honors, Kuzmina Nadezhda

FC 31

An excellent teaching staff with a high professional level. Teachers of Russian language and literature have a magical effect even on those students who have not picked up a book for a long time. I could listen to them forever!


*I would like to tell you about the famous teacher of SGAKA E.S. Gruzinova. Few of his students remember him with gratitude, unfortunately or fortunately. Everyone knows how he tyrannized and treated students inappropriately; this man left the most negative impressions. Personally, I would rather meet him on my life path. I warn future applicants to be extremely careful, selective and avoid contact with Gruzinov. He is a good psychologist and will see right through you!

Samara branch is one of 6 branches of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise - a structural subdivision of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University trade unions. The non-state educational institution of higher professional education, St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise, was founded by the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia and the Interregional Association “Federation of Trade Unions of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.”

Currently Povolzhsky State University telecommunications and computer science is known in the world as one of the four Russian centers leading Scientific research and large-scale training of specialists in the areas of telecommunications, radio engineering, computer science and economics. It includes the Samara College of Communications, Stavropol and Orenburg branches. PSUTI implements a flexible multi-level education system - from training a skilled worker to a doctor of sciences. Training is conducted on a state budget and contract basis. Educational programs are varied, both in areas and specialties, and in forms and terms of study. Engineers are being trained in a shortened period of study on the basis of secondary vocational education, as well as economists and engineers with a second higher education are being trained.

443010, Samara region, Samara, st. Frunze, 116

The Samara College of Construction and Entrepreneurship was founded on July 1, 1993 by Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Architecture and Construction No. 17-50 dated June 25, 1993 on the basis of the Samara College of Transport Construction (founded in 1951) and the Samara Construction College (founded in 1917). In 2011, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2011. No. 2874 college becomes a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State construction university" As a result of the merger of the college and university, educational activities which is of interregional importance in the staffing of the construction industry, it is expected to solve pressing problems that correspond to modern socio-economic conditions.

The first educational institution in Russia continuing education complex type; his experimental materials formed the basis of the Concept of modernization of Russian education

Medical Institute "REAVIZ" ("Rehabilitation, Doctor and Health") - organized in 1993 on the initiative of the Samara State medical university, prominent scientists and doctors of the Samara region. The Institute today is a modern multi-level system of continuous training of civilian specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical and humanitarian education from general educational institutions to graduate school. Currently, MI "REAVIZ" is a genuine complex of higher medical education, providing students with the broadest opportunities for quality training. Our institute is traditions coupled with search, innovation, and initiative. The structure of the institute includes 5 faculties and 14 departments. Today the institute has high public and international recognition.

And culture is an educational organization that existed in Samara and worked in the field higher education. Now it also functions, but under a slightly different name. The documents indicate that the university is an institute. However, many still call it an academy, because for ordinary people there is no difference between these two statuses.

Historical information

In 1971, the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a decree on the creation of a higher educational institution in Kuibyshev (modern name Samara) to train personnel for the cultural sector. This year the institute began to function in the city. The first rector of the university was V. O. Morozov. He did not hold this position for long. Under his leadership, the university developed for 4 years.

I.M. Kuzmin became the second rector. Since 1993, M. G. Vokhrysheva became the rector. In 1996, the university was transformed into an academy. In 2009, E. A. Kurulenko took over as rector. Previously, she was a teacher at one of the departments of this university. In 2014, a transformation occurred again in the history of the educational institution. The educational organization was returned to its previous status as an institute.

Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts: faculties

The educational organization currently has 4 structural divisions involved in training students in certain specialties. These are the faculties, a list of which is presented below:

  • Department of Artistic Communications and Contemporary Art;
  • music performance department;
  • theater department;
  • Department of Cultural Studies, Information and Cultural-Social Technologies.

There is also a faculty additional education. He conducts professional retraining, various seminars, master classes, and trainings. The faculty offers advanced training courses.

Specialties of the Faculty of Artistic Communications and Contemporary Art

This faculty is one of the youngest departments at the Samara Academy. It was founded in 2010 as a result of the partial merger of the instrumental and orchestral department and the department of cultural and social technologies and the full inclusion of the Faculty of Creative Arts.

This structural unit, which includes the Samara State Academy of Arts and Culture, trains bachelors in several areas:

  • folk artistic culture (management of an amateur dance group or arts and crafts studio);
  • vocal art in pop-jazz singing;
  • directing holidays and theatrical performances;
  • musical art of the stage.

Specialties of the Faculty of Music and Performance

The history of this structural unit began immediately after the creation of the university in Kuibyshev. There was a cultural and educational department that trained specialists to work in the field of orchestral or choral conducting. The music and performing faculty took shape in 1991, as the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts opened new areas of training.

Currently, this structural unit of the Academy (Institute) of Arts operates on a wide range of educational programs. The faculty prepares bachelors in the following areas:

  • instrumental and musical art;
  • the art of performing folk songs;
  • vocal art;
  • conducting;
  • musical applied art and musicology.

What does the theater department offer?

Many applicants who are interested in the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts (SGAKI) are attracted by the theater department. This structural unit has been preparing creative individuals to work in the field of theatrical art for almost half a century. It offers those entering the specialty a field of training such as acting. Upon completion of training, the qualification of an artist of dramatic theater and cinema is awarded.

Studying at the theater department is interesting. Students master disciplines related to the history of theater, acting, and stage speech. They also organize performances in the educational theater, which was specially opened on the basis of the theater department at the university. In their senior years, students are already starting to get acquainted with their future work in Samara theaters - they are given test roles in performances.

Specialties of the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Technology

This department is very young. It appeared in 2016. After its opening, the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts offered the following specialties to applicants for a bachelor’s degree:

  • archival and document management;
  • information and library activities;
  • cultural studies, etc.

The life of the faculty includes not only educational process, organized in the form of studying theory and undergoing practice. The structural unit is still engaged in scientific activities. Both teachers and students take part in it. Round tables, seminars, and discussions are primarily held at the university. Participants present their works at these events. Also, students and teachers participate in various competitions held at the city and regional level. They win certificates, medals, and diplomas.

More information about the Faculty of Further Education

The Samara State Academy of Arts and Culture has an important structural unit - the Faculty of Further Education. It operates in several areas:

  1. Various courses have been created for schoolchildren and university applicants. Some of them are creative courses and preparation for entering university. educational institution by subject. The programs are designed for a certain amount of hours. Based on the results, certificates are issued.
  2. The faculty also has additional programs in vocal and musical instrumental performance in the style of jazz. The duration of training is 5 years. Persons who have completed the programs are issued certificates confirming this.
  3. For people with education, the faculty provides professional retraining. There are also refresher courses.

SGIK, Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts: admission

To enter an academy (institute), you must provide the admissions committee with a standard package of documents, consisting of an application, a photocopy of your passport (upon presentation of the original), a photocopy or original of your certificate or diploma, and 6 photographs (3*4 cm). It is also advisable to bring a medical certificate issued in form 086 and reflecting the applicant’s health status.

It is important to find out long before admission what entrance tests in general education disciplines are established at the university in the areas of training. This is necessary in order to decide on the Unified State Exam in a timely manner (after school, admission is possible only based on the results of the Unified State Exam). For example, in archival studies and document management they take the Russian language, history and social studies, in information and library activities - literature, Russian language and history.

In addition to passing general education subjects, some areas of training include creative tests conducted within the walls of the university:

  • upon admission to the acting department, they pass the Russian language, literature and a special exam, which includes the performance of a reading program and numbers with a demonstration of musical or vocal abilities;
  • When choosing monumental and decorative art, they take literature, Russian language, decorative composition and painting.

Passing scores

Every year, after the completion of the admissions campaign and passing the entrance tests, university staff sum up the results and determine the passing scores. The results obtained are used in the future to familiarize future applicants who are interested in the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts. A passing score allows applicants to understand how difficult or easy it is to enter a particular specialty.

The results of previous years are stored in admissions committee. It is worth knowing them before enrolling. High passing scores for previous years can serve as motivation for intensive preparation, and low ones will allow you to decide on additional specialties that you can choose if you fail to pass the competition for your favorite field.