We promote Instagram on PR exchanges. How to properly use mutual likes on Instagram Application for exchanging likes on Instagram

Mutual likes on Instagram (Instagram) are a popular way to upgrade your account with minimal investment of money. Is it worth it or is it better to opt for reliable specialized services? For more information about mutual likes, as well as about options for boosting them, read the new material on the site

This free way to attract followers on Instagram is unheard of on Mars. Mutual likes have become a real godsend, both for ordinary users and for owners of business projects.

What do mutual likes and subscriptions give on Instagram?

Mutual likes (as well as exchange of followers) are a great opportunity to interest potential clients in the products/services offered on a work account. How does this happen, you ask? Everything is very simple!

The owner of the page gives other users a “like” and waits for a response. Out of politeness, the person responds in kind, and at the same time views the information content on the page.

Like cannot guarantee that a deal will be concluded, but the chances of this definitely increase.

Not so long ago, popularity on Instagram was determined by the number of subscribers, likes, reposts and comments. No, not much has changed since then. Only now we have moved away from quantitative indicators in favor of quality. A lively and active follower has become worth its weight in gold. And let neighbor Marina, a manicurist, continue to boast of tens of thousands of subscribers. Everyone understands perfectly well that a common person cannot gather a genuine audience of so many people. From now on, this is far from the main goal of a self-respecting Instagrammer! Now you need to chase activity.

– it’s a responsible and complex matter. Trying to get the first likes is really difficult.

On the other hand, giving likes is not unloading cars. You sit in your chair, contemplate beautiful photographs, and put “hearts”. Even the laziest person can cope with this. But the longer you do this, the faster the positive mood dries up. You turn into a robot that automatically scans users’ Instagram pages and pretends that it’s interesting to him. And then you want to “accidentally” throw the phone against the wall and quit this disastrous business. Don't believe me? Then try it yourself. And it’s not about 10-20 likes generously given to the owners of beautiful accounts. To get a good return, you need to like for several hours in a row (and not run into temporary blocking). Maintaining daily activity on your profile is incredibly difficult.

However, one cannot argue with the fact that the mutual exchange of subscriptions and the exchange of likes - effective ways attracting audience attention to your Instagram page. You just need to know who and where to like. With proper actions, a good response is guaranteed.


  1. Increasing the popularity of the page;
  2. Expanding the active audience.

How to increase mutual likes on Instagram

To increase the most important indicators of activity on a social network, use:

  • Computer programs;
  • Smartphone applications.

It's no secret that a well-promoted account on a social network can bring in good income, the lion's share of which comes from advertising. Today, almost everything is advertised: goods, services, etc. But the main thing is that on a well-promoted platform with an audience of thousands you can advertise a page in a social program. And this is quite a big step towards competent promotion of your account. In this publication we will tell you: what the Instagram PR exchange is, how you can make money on these resources and advertise your product, which PR exchanges are most popular today among famous bloggers and advertisers.

What is a PR exchange?

The main problem of a blogger is to find a generous advertiser willing to pay for advertising on his site. An advertiser faces a similar problem – finding a well-promoted page with an audience of thousands and good social engagement. PR exchanges were invented to unite bloggers and advertisers.

It is quite possible that one of them will turn out to be Khovansky...

Unlike other social networks, Instagram is “tailored” to presenting visual content, so PR there is somewhat different from others. A free PR exchange is a resource that allows you to get the required number of likes, subscriptions, comments, and views based on the principle of mutual exchange. By completing tasks, you earn points, which you spend on PR for your own account.

Today, there are two types of such resources on the Internet: sites that operate on a paid basis and free exchange sites. Next, let's take a closer look at how they work.

Free Resources

Today the most popular free PR exchanges are:

  • – by completing tasks, you can spend the points you receive on ordering subscribers, comments, and getting likes on a publication.

  • SMO-FAS. After completing 15 tasks you get 50 likes per post. For attracting an active referral, the exchange is ready to pay in real money from $0.05.
  • FreeLiked is a service with good functionality that allows you to get great PR and gives you the opportunity to earn a lot. There is a bonus system and a referral program.

If you want to promote your Instagram account without investing money in a PR campaign, or want to earn extra money by completing tasks, then you can consider working on PR exchanges such as: VKPrka, Snebes, .

There are services on the network in the form of an online catalog of advertising Instagram profiles. Through the service, the customer can contact the contractor and order PR for his account on contractual terms. The most famous representative of such resources is SpellFeed. The site operates free of charge and offers users a catalog of advertising profiles with the ability to track their statistics.

Paid PR exchanges on Instagram

Paid services work on a completely different principle. If you have a well-promoted page on Insta, you can very easily register on PR exchanges as a performer, make a description of your site, determine the amount of remuneration, and then wait for offers from potential advertisers. To promote your page, you can register on the Instagram PR exchange as an advertiser and find a popular blogger who is ready to advertise you on their platforms.


This resource is the largest platform for advertising with popular bloggers from various social networks. More than 22 thousand users offer their pages for advertising on Instagram alone. You can register on the exchange both as a performer and as a PR customer. Payment is possible in money, mutual PR or goods or services.


A similar platform that cooperates with more than four million owners of popular channels, pages and accounts on various social networks. You can register as an advertiser and order PR for your Instagram page. If you are the owner of a promoted account, nothing prevents you from becoming a performer yourself and receiving money for PR on other platforms.

To promote your page, you can go another way: simply buy the required number of subscribers and their activity. There are very good reviews online about the following services: , .


In this publication, we examined in detail what Instagram PR exchanges are and got acquainted with the most popular free and paid resources. Let's summarize. PR exchanges can operate on the basis of mutual exchange or paid advertising. In the first case, to order PR for your page you need to complete a certain number of tasks, earn points and spend them on subscribers, likes and comments. In the second case, you will pay a popular blogger for PR of your Insta page. To become a performer on such exchanges, you must already have a well-promoted account with a fairly large and engaged audience.

If you take a lot of photographs, try to make interesting and useful compositions, regularly follow other Instagram users and comment on their photos, but there is no reaction? Then you need to get likes on Instagram, which today can be done either independently or with the help of our service:

Is Instagram just about photos?

Instagram is a very convenient and popular social project with which you can share your photos with other users: friends, relatives and just strangers. Almost all communication on Instagram consists of evaluating and discussing photos, which often attracts people, because it is quite unusual and original.

In fact, Instagram is not only photos, but also short videos that you can also post on your page. The limitations of the service, it would seem, could lead to the complete failure of the project, but as you can see, this social network is successfully developing and attracts new users every day.

However, sometimes photos posted on Instagram do not always receive the attention they deserve. What to do in such a situation? The best way out– this is an Instagram cheat!

Why do you need Instagram boost?

Likes on Instagram play an important role and sometimes they are more significant than other signs on different social networks, even those that are much more functional. Likes are a sign of approval! They will greatly influence the opinion of page visitors, because any newly arrived user will pay attention precisely to the number of likes and will be able to determine whether he is interested in your Instagram or not.

You can get likes on Instagram very quickly, especially if you do not do it yourself, but use a special service. This service will be necessary in several cases:

  • To gain popularity. By gaining likes, you can become a real star, which has been proven more than once in real life. It’s strange, but it’s likes and subscribers on a given social network that can make you recognizable and turn you into an idol for many other people;
  • To increase your self-esteem. Likes on Instagram can not only bring you popularity, but will also significantly increase your self-esteem. This is a fairly simple way to lift your mood and improve your opinion of yourself!;
  • To increase customer loyalty. If you have your own business on the Internet and use Instagram to promote it, then getting likes is really a necessity! With its help, you can increase the level of trust of your visitors, as well as significantly increase your income;
  • For additional income. Having a well-promoted Instagram page with many likes, you will be able to place advertisements on your site, for which you will receive a fairly good reward. Some users earn thousands of dollars in one month this way.

How to get likes on Instagram?

If you are not a star and do not have your own well-promoted brand, then getting likes on this social network will be quite difficult. This will be especially difficult at the very beginning of the journey, that is, when the page has just been created.

Of course, you can try to “earn” likes on your own by constantly posting bright photos and subscribing to other users. However, very often such attempts end in failure, and all this takes a lot of time. What to do in this case? The best option– this is a quick way to get likes on Instagram, which can be done on our resource. This method is currently less expensive both in terms of time and money.

Likes on Instagram, boost

Fast Instagram boost on our service does not require any special skills from you and takes place online. Those. you only need to add a task, other users of our service will do the rest. To get likes on Instagram you need:

  1. Login to the service. We don't have tedious registration, just click on one of the icons of the social networks in which you are already registered. Immediately after your first login, you will receive a bonus 100 lacs and can spend them immediately.
  2. Earn balance by completing similar tasks of other users.
  3. Add your task to increase Instagram likes. Just click the "Add task" tab, select the Instagram icon and task type - "Get likes"
  4. Just indicate the photo and the number of likes you want for it. Click the "Order" button. In just a couple of minutes the likes will be added.

Now you know what it is to get likes on Instagram and you can easily do it for free and at any time convenient for you.

Advantages of online likes:

  • Fast Instagram boost. Registered on our service a large number of users and promotion happens quickly
  • No cash costs. On our service you can do this absolutely free;
  • Minimal time investment. As a rule, you can spend no more than thirty minutes a day on getting likes. This is especially important for those people whose day is scheduled by the minute;
  • Guaranteed results. If you get likes on your own, no one can guarantee your success. It is not a fact that your constantly updated photos will attract users and you will be able to get approval from them. But if you use our service, then good result guaranteed!;
  • Ease of use of the service. Our service for getting free likes on Instagram has a fairly simple interface, so even an ordinary school student can figure out how it works;
  • The ability to cheat in any convenient place and at any time of the day. Our service works around the clock, so you can “earn” likes at any time convenient for you.

Cost of getting likes on Instagram

We also offer paid promotion of likes on Instagram. The price of one like is from 5 rubles per 100 likes.

The popularity of an Instagram profile depends on activity, additional sources, I like the marks. Many users to promote your page on Instagram to begin with they resort to mutual activity. One of the opportunities for promotion is likes. Therefore, some people try to help each other by resorting to this method. Let's consider several options for mutual likes, and also consider how possible automate, separate processes, for sharing and increasing likes, on the social network and the Instagram application.

Everything is extremely simple, there are several exchange options. For example, mutual likes between users, sharing communities on social networks, the use of thematic hashtags, exchanges, simple promotion, automatic and mass liking. All points with brief description and the opportunity to test all the options yourself.

Exchange of likes on Instagram through exchanges or communities

The most popular are exchanges for exchanging mutual likes and subscriptions on social networks. At the same time, you can earn money real money, points and spend them on likes for your account, public, community, thematic group. All exchanges are focused on everything social media, VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook and so on.

Mutual exchange of likes on Instagram through exchanges is, more often than not, communities on the social network VKontakte, which are created for mutual PR (PR).

To find like-minded people, the mutual exchange of likes and subscriptions to your accounts is enough. Go to the social network VKontakte, the group tab and in the search, start entering a query - mutual likes on Instagram or likes on Instagram. By the names of the communities, you will immediately see which communities practice this type of mutual exchange.

Likes without tasks and exchanges

Here you can earn likes without completing any tasks or mutual exchanges. About a hundred likes will cost you 12 rubles (wholesale prices) cheaper, as they say, only free. The sites also support promotions to all social networks, just like exchanges; you don’t need to exclude them; complete tasks.

— a website with a convenient calculator, likes, subscribers, auto-likes for new and old photos, increasing views on videos on Instagram. Top up your balance with any amount; you can test the system with 50 rubles. In the office, the cycle of the ordered service is displayed. Added discount steps depending on the replenishment amount. The site operates in automatic mode, all tasks are created online, and execution and speed depend on the total queue of users, usually from 5–20 minutes. Registration by mail or through social networks.

Automatic exchange of likes using mass liking

Masking is when you connect to a system of cloud service sites to promote on Instagram or a program, an analogue, only downloaded to your computer. In our case, we are interested in mutual exchange or mass liking. Roughly speaking, you connect your account to the system, pay, for example, for a month of promotion and your account itself goes around and likes other users. In practice, almost all of them will reciprocate your feelings; when promoting, this is done to attract attention to your account. You can define and set the criteria by which this task will be performed. For example, find people by tags, find by geolocation, upload your subscriber base, or add accounts from which the audience will be selected. It’s difficult to understand, so if you want to understand this method, we recommend that you read our publications on this topic.

And of course reviews of online sites for mass following and mass liking

Interesting content, description, communication, exchange and mutual PR, as a rule, lead to popularity of any account. And if you decide to start promoting your page in this way, you can test different variants in turn or together. Then select the most suitable and productive method.