Fortune telling on coffee beans - a cheat sheet for any occasion. Fortune telling on coffee beans: interpretation and correctness of the ritual Fortune telling on coffee beans

Fortune telling on coffee beans is quite simple. It is available to everyone who actually has these same coffee beans at home. It will help you find out possible scenarios for the development of events in the future, which means insuring yourself against any mistakes and accepting correct solution. Now at JoinfoCom we will tell you how this fortune telling should be carried out.

Fortune telling on coffee beans - rules

You will need exactly seventeen coffee beans. First, you must hold them in your palm so that they absorb your energy and tune into your life. Then you need to repeat in your head the question that worries you. After that you should just throw them on the table. Count how many grains fell onto the table surface with the hollow facing up.

Fortune telling on coffee beans - from one to five grains

  • One grain. This means that now your life is in your hands. You have enough strength to move any mountains. Don't listen to anyone and do your own thing. You must believe in your own talents and quickly move towards your dreams. You will cope with any difficulties, no matter how big and tough they may be.
  • Two grains. Black line ended - white began. So you can breathe a sigh of relief, rest and relax. It's time for harmony. Therefore, appreciate every moment, enjoy life and try to protect this feeling in order to carry it with you for as long as possible.
  • Three grains. You must clearly understand what you are striving for and what you want to achieve in this life. Be very careful - if you don’t do this, you risk continuing to rush back and forth, getting more and more bogged down in everyday life and routine. Engage in deep introspection, begin to realize your deep potential. Believe me, this will bring you not only happiness, but also the opportunity to finally achieve real success.
  • Four grains. Don't lose heart and give up. Yes, now you are not going through the most pleasant and easy period in your life. But this does not mean that you need to constantly engage in self-flagellation and self-deprecation. Take any troubles as an opportunity to gain some wisdom and important experience.
  • Five grains. Being an ungrateful person is bad. Look around - how much important and valuable you have! You must learn to appreciate every little thing and detail that brings you at least an ounce of happiness. And be sure to thank fate for all this!

Fortune telling on coffee beans - from six to twelve grains

  • Six grains. Forget about all doubts! You are superman and can do anything. Once you believe in your own uniqueness and strength, you will be able to achieve real heights! Then very important and positive changes will occur in your life. Be decisive.
  • Seven grains. Stop oppressing yourself already! If you constantly think about the negative, it will only multiply and multiply. Throw all unpleasant thoughts far away, set your priorities correctly. Instead of complaining, take action.
  • Eight grains. Be very careful financially. Now you have a risk of making some mistake and losing a lot of money. It’s better to neither buy, nor borrow, nor invest anything. On the contrary, you should find a way to increase your material wealth.
  • Nine grains. Don’t worry about anything - you have a very strong guardian angel who protects you from all troubles. Perhaps now is the time to do something risky, open your own business, or go on some interesting journey.
  • Ten grains. Think more about the people around you. Of course, determination is a wonderful character trait. But sometimes you don't pay attention to the feelings and emotions of others at all. And by doing this you offend them! Be careful - people's patience does not last forever.
  • Eleven grains. Listen to your intuition. Your inner voice now knows and understands much more than you do. Try to abstract yourself from the rush and bustle, listen to yourself. Then you will definitely make the right decision.
  • Twelve grains. Be very careful - selfish people have appeared in your environment. You may be trapped in a toxic relationship, so be vigilant. Analyze all your friends and acquaintances. Not all of them are what you think.

Fortune telling on coffee beans - from thirteen to seventeen grains

  • Thirteen grains. Think logically, think calmly and prudently - then you will be able to conquer any peak, no matter how unattainable it may seem. Under no circumstances do impulsive actions or be led by your own emotions.
  • Fourteen grains. Don't be afraid to dream! Your excessive severity and prudence will not lead to good. Give yourself more freedom, don’t constantly push yourself into some kind of frames and boundaries. Usually this ends very, very badly.
  • Fifteen grains. Look at the current situation from the other side. Remember that the most important thing in a person is his kindness and personal qualities. Now your main weapon against difficulties will be your sense of humor, so feel free to mock failures and problems. Be kind to others.
  • Sixteen grains. A period of amazing luck will begin very soon. All your desires will begin to come true by themselves. But if you continue to work and work, then Luck will love you even more and help you in all areas of life.
  • Seventeen grains. A wonderful and harmonious period is coming. Any of your problems will literally dissolve on their own. A particularly favorable time in terms of finances. Soon you will be able to literally waste money! Any of your purchases will be very successful.

If all the coffee beans fell downwards, then today is not a good day for fortune telling. Try to do this another time, having first tuned in to the ritual.

Who said that only a select few can know all the secrets of the future? In fact, they can be open to everyone. To do this, you need to take a handful of the most common coffee beans.

Fortune telling with their help will make it possible to accurately predict future events, and will also help to make right choice in any situation.

How to tell fortunes using coffee beans and what you need for this

You will need 17 coffee beans. You need to hold the grains in your hand so that they are “saturated” with your energy. Think about a question that interests you.
After this, throw the grains on the table and count how many of them fell on the table with the hollow facing up.

Decoding fortune telling

1 grain. Everything is in your hands, you are full of energy and strength, as well as readiness for any achievement. You should not listen to the advice of cautious people who urge you to take your time and think everything over carefully. Once you believe in your capabilities, a wide road will open before you, and you don’t need to turn off it onto a narrow path.
2 grains. Your streak of difficulties and obstacles has come to an end, and now you can take a breath. You are entering a period of harmony, you need to enjoy life and try to maintain this pleasant feeling for a long time.
3 grains. You need to figure out what your true aspirations and desires are, otherwise you risk getting stuck in a routine. Now you have a real opportunity to look deep into your soul and realize your own creative potential, which will not only bring you joy, but also give you the opportunity to achieve a lot in some unexpected field.
4 grains. Don’t lose heart, you’ve been constantly plagued by your own mistakes and minor obstacles lately, but this is not a reason to consider yourself a failure. Let this period be a kind of “life lesson” for you that will help you learn commitment and patience.
5 grains. Look around, count your “treasures” - true friends and interesting work, interesting prospects and good health. After that, thank fate for everything you have. 6 grains. You need to cast aside all doubts about your abilities and strengths. Only then can the desired changes happen in your life, and if you are going to achieve something, just take the required decisive step.
7 grains. Stop tormenting yourself with thoughts that your life is not turning out the way you want. You yourself are not entirely sure what you need. It’s worth setting priorities and starting to work on bringing them to life.
8 grains. You need to be careful, because your financial well-being is in danger. Put off major purchases for a while, start looking for opportunities to earn extra money, and after a few months the clouds will clear.
9 grains. You are reliably protected by protection from above, and now you have absolutely nothing to fear. Use this moment, try your hand at a new field, go on an exciting journey, play in a casino, plunge into a sea of ​​love adventures.
10 grains. You are used to always getting the desired result, but you often do not pay attention to the feelings and emotions of the people around you. This is what can push you to make a big mistake, which can not only prevent you from achieving your cherished goal, but also separate you from the person you love.
11 grains. You need to listen to your inner voice, because your intuition has always helped you, and now it has the opportunity to give a lot useful tips. It’s worth giving up the hustle and bustle for a while and listening to yourself.
12 grains. You need to look around - not all your friends are devotees, but this is not a reason to despair. It is worth paying attention to those who are sincere with you and free from envy, and keep communication with others to a minimum.
13 grains. Get ready for the fight for happiness, the weapons of which will be your logic, composure and sober calculation. You shouldn’t let your emotions take over your mind; you need to control your own thoughts and feelings, and also not say too much.
14 grains. It’s quite common to constantly look at your feet and be afraid of tripping. It’s worth giving free rein to your imagination and not being shy to dream, and then specifying your own desires. It is possible that they will become visible on the way to their implementation.
15 grains. Whatever happens in your life, you must remember that any event can be looked at from different angles. If you can laugh good-naturedly at yourself, then any problems will seem completely solvable to you.
16 grains. Your wishes will soon come true, besides, good luck will accompany you, and you will be able to easily move up the career ladder without fear of making envious people and ill-wishers. You will be lucky in both love and play, contrary to the saying.
17 grains. The time has come for abundance, and financial difficulties will be safely resolved. Now you can make any expenses, and all purchases will be successful. If all the grains fell on the table with the hollow down, you need to postpone the fortune telling to another day. Today you will not be able to get an answer to your question.

Coffee has become one of the most popular drinks consumed by people around the world. But few people know that you can find out your future with the help of coffee beans. They absorb a person’s energy very quickly and after that they are immediately ready to talk about what will happen in the near future. Read more about fortune telling on coffee beans on Horoscope Guru.

Fortune telling on coffee beans and rules of the ritual

Grains for fortune telling in the East were prepared in a certain way. You need to put 16 in a bag coffee beans and carry it with you in your pocket for several days. This helps the grain absorb a person’s energy and establish a connection with him. In this case, the fortune telling will be as truthful as possible and the chances that it will come true increase greatly. Remember that you should not give this bag to someone else.

Then you need to take the grains in your hands and formulate the question that concerns you. Throw the grains on the table and watch how the grains fall. If absolutely all the grains fall out with the hollow down, then fortune telling should be postponed, since you should not yet know the answer to the question you asked.

Fortune telling on coffee beans and its interpretation

In order to understand the results of fortune telling, you need to count the grains that fell upside down.

If there is only one such grain, then luck will always accompany you in your affairs. But you will have to show courage in order to succeed.

Two hollows mean that the moment is approaching when failures will stop overtaking you and you will finally be happy.

Three such grains are not a very good sign. You have a secret enemy who is just waiting for you to fail.

Four grains indicate that it is time to start taking active action, otherwise you will not achieve success.

Five grains means that you are under the protection of higher powers. Don't worry, everything will be great in the future.

The six grains also speak of the need to act boldly and actively. Fear and indecision prevent you from taking advantage of the opportunities that you have.

If seven grains fell, then you are too worried about the future. Stop doing this, everything is fine.

Eight grains indicate your inability to restrain yourself.

Seeing nine grains means that you should listen to your inner voice. Only intuition can tell you what to do right.

Ten grains fall to selfish people who are too focused on satisfying their desires.

Eleven falls to those who have magical abilities. They will help you achieve your goals in life.

Twelve grains warn that you need to think more about your actions and words. You can offend a person and then regret it very much.

Thirteen grains indicate that it is worth using all your mental abilities and your goal will be achieved.

Don't hesitate and actively solve your problems, otherwise it will be too late. Fourteen grains tell us this.

Fifteen grains predict a bright future, even if everything was bad in the past.

Sixteen falls to those who can be called truly lucky. This number of grains indicates that events will develop in the best possible way.

Fortune telling on coffee beans

Everyone has heard about fortune telling on coffee grounds. Now try to predict your fate with the help of the invigorating grains themselves.

To look into the future, you need to take 16 coffee beans and find them in the house quiet place, where no one will disturb you in the next quarter of an hour. Sit back, turn on calm music, light two candles, collect the beans in your palm and, pouring them from hand to hand, imagine how the coffee seeds are saturated with your energy. Then bring your palms to your forehead, close your eyes and focus on the problem that worries you. Then throw the grains on the table, count how many of them fell upside down, and look for the resulting number in the decoding.

If all 16 grains fall out with the hollow down, reschedule the fortune telling for another day!

Attention! You can guess no more than once a month!

1 wealth.

Fart comes into your hands on its own, and you don’t notice it. So open your eyes and act, just don’t rely on chance - preparation and reinsurance never hurt.

2 Victoria!

Wave your hand at problems. They go far and for a long time, giving way to happiness and prosperity. And all thanks to your perseverance and hard work. Just don't relax!

3 – the catch.

Judas found himself among close people. And all sorts of problems in the wheels with skidding on corners are his doing. In general, environmental filtering will help avoid many problems.

4 – dreams, dreams...

Stop wishful thinking. An apartment, a car and a dacha will not move from a dream to the real world without your participation. But victory over laziness promises to speed up this process.

5 cornucopia.

Higher powers are helping you, so you can act at your own peril and risk. Friends, a loved one, success in business will always be there. You are required not to neglect what you have.

6 would decide.

Your main enemy is indecision and fear of the unknown. Hateful job, bad area of ​​residence... Tired of it? Then forward to a new life!

7 empty worries.

Why worry about non-existent problems when everything is so good? You have already won the lottery against Fate, now the main thing is not to waste the jackpot.

8 explosion hazard.

They say about you - a volcano woman or a tornado man. However, loud epithets are not at all a reason to swell with pride. Because you can only win by cooling down your ardor.

9 behind the wall.

Your intuition protects you. And you will succeed if you follow the instructions of your inner voice. Even if everyone tries to convince you otherwise.

10 temptation.

If you always follow your own desires, you can end up in something bad. You do not want? Then listen to the wise advice of a loved one.

11 magical assistant.

Your natural talents and intelligence, combined with the gift of foresight, will lead you to the very pinnacle of success. Be bold and don’t doubt anything.

12 – be careful.

Whatever comes out of your mouth is where Fortune will turn to you. Conclusion: watch yourself and think several times before hurting a loved one with a careless word.

13 intelligence and calculation.

Balance, the ability to maintain composure and clarity of thought in any conditions, the ability to weigh the pros and cons - these are your main weapons in the upcoming struggle.

14 – rely on yourself.

Plans will become reality if you move and do at least something to achieve the goal. After all, that's all she (the target) is waiting for to move towards you.

15 – only calm.

Whatever happens, don't lose heart, don't get depressed and stay calm. Let Fortune show you her tongue and rear today, tomorrow she will blind you with a smile again.

16 – everything will be!

Congratulations! You managed to leave all the troubles with misfortunes far behind. And happiness, luck, love are already rushing towards you. In general, life is wonderful.

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Fortune telling using coffee originated many centuries ago in the homeland of this tree - in Ethiopia. Along with the spread of coffee across continents and countries, the traditions of fortune telling also spread. Today we offer to find out the answer to your question using g adania on coffee beans.

For fortune telling you will need 16 coffee beans. They use exactly the right amount of grains so that the fortune telling is as accurate as possible: in numerology, 16 is one of the karmic numbers.

It is considered lucky because it consists of two fours, which symbolize wisdom and reliability. Everything in the material world is connected with the number 4: seasons, cardinal directions, elements. Multiplying four by four is a guarantee of good luck and prosperity. Adding the numbers included in the number 16 results in seven - a symbol of victory and dominance.

It's better not to guess too often. Start fortune telling when you are ready to receive an answer, because a lot depends on your mood. Choose a quiet time, otherwise thoughts about undone tasks or unfinished work can interfere with concentration and distort your answers. Fortune tell in silence, so that there are no distractions.

Take the grains in your hands and hold them for a while so that they are filled with your energy. Pour them from palm to palm, try to calm down and concentrate on the problem. State the question as clearly as possible, and when you feel ready, throw the grains on the table.

Counting grains

1 grain. The main thing is ambition! Be persistent in achieving your goal, don’t be afraid to take action, and success will not keep you waiting.

2 grains. Calm, just calm! For everything to work out, you only need to soberly assess the situation: the decision is already in your hands.

3 grains. You are not alone! Look around - there is a person nearby who wants and can provide you with help and support.

4 grains. The one who walks will master the road. Don't try to get everything at once. Be patient and persistent in achieving your goal, and your efforts will be rewarded

5 grains. Cast aside your doubts! You will achieve results faster if you bet on the option that seems the most impossible and risky.

6 grains. Reliability and protection. Try to reconsider your attitude towards the problem and understand whether it really deserves spending time and effort to solve.

7 grains. Secret. In the near future, you will find an important discovery or news that will help you find a solution.

8 grains. My home is my castle. First of all, pay attention to your own comfort. Perhaps in a renewed environment you will immediately understand how best to act.

9 grains. Success is just around the corner! Soon you will get not only what you dreamed of, but much more.

10 grains. Get ready for change! Changes are inevitable, turn them to your advantage.

11 grains. Trust your intuition. Analysis and insurance are never superfluous, but you shouldn’t get hung up on them. Better listen to yourself.

12 grains. Down with indecision! The longest road begins with the first step - so take it. Start small and see what opportunities lie ahead.

13 grains. You are under the influence of circumstances. Wait until the situation becomes clearer. The situation will change, and you will easily overcome all obstacles on the way to your goal.

14 grains. Self-realization. Focus on work or daily responsibilities - this way you will put your thoughts in order and find a solution to the problem.

15 grains. Time to relax! You've already done everything you could. You can reap the fruits of your labors.

16 grains. You own everything you desire. Even if minor troubles bother you, they will soon disappear without a trace. But be careful - you should adhere to moderation in everything!

If all the grains fall out with the hollow down, repeat the fortune telling in a few days.

Coffee house

If you want to achieve best result, you can make your own coffee bean fortune telling kit. To do this, when asking fate, use the same grains: they will accumulate your energy and give more accurate results. Beans should be stored in a thick, opaque bag made of durable natural fabric, such as suede. You can carry such a bag with you and ask the seeds for advice at any time. There is no need to give oracle seeds to someone else: even a person without bad intentions can disrupt the contact between you and your fortune telling tool.