Biography of Katerina Spitz. Ekaterina Shpitsa: personal life Spitz, her husband

Konstantin is a director, actor, stuntman, and athlete. Born in 1975 in Zelenodolsk. After finishing school he moved to Kazan. Already there, in 2000, at the Kazan Academy he received a degree in director. He managed to work in the Kazan Youth Theater as an actor, in St. Petersburg at the Musical Comedy Theater as a ballet dancer. Konstantin is a member of the Russian Stuntmen Association, performs and choreographs stunts in films. He starred in many films both as an actor and as a stuntman: “Balaball”, “Forester”, “The Third Duel”, “We are from the Future-2”, “Bodyguard”, “Redhead” and many others. His filmography includes more than a hundred films.

Personal life of the actor.

Konstantin met his wife Ekaterina Shpitsa on the set. Like most strong men, he always tries to help the weak. And then, on the set, Leonid Bichevin’s character mercilessly beat Katerina’s heroine. So thin, small, unhappy. Konstantin's protective instinct kicked in - he warned Bichevin not to harm Katya in the heat of the game. He controlled Leonid's every move. As a result, he and Katerina began an affair, which ended in a wedding. And after some time, Katya gave birth to a son, German. Ekaterina Shpitsa was born in 1985 in Perm. An ordinary average family of a lawyer and a miner. While still at school, medalist Katya, although she studied in a theater studio, decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and after graduating from school she entered law school. But she didn’t have to work as a lawyer for a single day; Katya enrolls in acting at the Institute of Culture. At the same time he serves in the Chamber Theater. But she feels cramped in this city. In 2005, she was invited to Moscow to a modeling agency, but her modeling career did not work out - Katya was not tall enough. Then she studied choreography in a production studio, and finally, cinema: first, passing roles. But Katya has already gotten comfortable in this environment and made the necessary contacts. Back in 2006, Shpitsa met with Alexei Panin. Then Kostya Adaev, a family, a son appeared in her life. As Katerina herself said, Konstantin was a wonderful husband and caring father. Often he was left alone with his son, fed him, changed diapers, walked with his son, prepared for his wife’s arrival, and cleaned the house.

At this time, Katerina’s career took off sharply - filming in films and television. The young parents could not devote much time to their son, so they invited their grandmother to help them, who and her son often took with them to filming. Katerina came to fame in 2012 after the release of the film “Metro”, then there was the film “Poddubny”. Katya was happy. Katerina Spitz has a lot of plans, but only now without Konstantin. A year ago, at one of the premieres, Katerina Shpitsa met Marius Weisberg, who has a reputation as a ladies' man. In 2015, Katerina changed her status on social networks from “married” to “single.” Probably, then the beautiful Katya left her once beloved husband for the famous director Marius Weisberg. She divorced Konstantin, but Katerina did not have a strong relationship with him. As Ekaterina Shpitsa herself said, she and Marius parted as friends. Now Katya is free and divides all her time between her son and work.

Katerina Shpitsa is a charming actress and bright TV presenter, born in Perm on October 29, 1985.


The future actress spent her childhood in the Komi Republic. She was born in Perm quite by accident - her mother was visiting her parents and planned to return home before giving birth. But Katya hurried a little and made her grandparents happy by being born almost a month earlier.

Katya’s father was engaged in private business - he had his own furniture manufacturing workshop. Her mother received a law degree and worked as a private lawyer. Both of the girl's parents were fond of music, art, and loved theater. My father was a great painter. The love for beauty was passed on to her daughter.

Katerina in childhood

When Katyusha turned 13, her parents returned to Perm, where she was sent to a specialized school with in-depth study of French. The girl was not very enthusiastic about such changes, but diligently mastered the knowledge.

A drama club was organized at the school, which staged skits and even small plays in French. It was he who revealed the girl’s brilliant acting abilities. She completely easily transformed into a variety of characters and received real pleasure from playing on stage.

Her parents advised her to try out for a more serious group - the popular children's drama studio "KOD". Very soon the girl was transferred to the main cast of the New Drama theater troupe, where she often got the main roles.

Since then, she dreamed only of an acting profession. This was also facilitated by frequent trips on tour, when she could see the work of other theaters, meet actors and interesting people.


After finishing school, when the question arose about the final choice of profession, a conflict arose in the family. Katya herself saw herself only on the theater stage. But my mother categorically opposed this choice, believing that she needed to have a reliable, serious profession.

Long-term disputes led to nothing, and Katya found Solomon’s solution - she simultaneously enrolled in law and theater.

There are many non-random coincidences in the actress’s career. And the first of them made her pay attention specifically to an acting, and not a singing career. Since as a teenager, she, like many girls, still dreamed of becoming a pop performer.

However, at the casting of the “Factor A” program, Pugacheva criticized the girl so harshly that she made no more attempts to sing on stage.

Katya switched to dancing, which she did very well, and at the same time attended classes at a modeling school. But due to her short stature, one could not even dream of a modeling career. However, there were some accidents here too - having passed the casting brilliantly, she moved to Moscow at the invitation of one of the agencies.

There she soon meets the famous producer Yuri Chernyavsky, who invites her to work for him as a choreographer and English tutor. Thanks to useful contacts, she received her first film role - she played the provincial Eva, who came to conquer the capital.

After this acting work, the girl was finally noticed and began to be constantly invited to filming. She quickly became recognizable thanks to her beautiful appearance and innate charm, but she became truly famous only in 2014 after the release of the film “Christmas Trees” and almost immediately followed by the comedy “A Gift with Character.”

She consolidated her success with the role of a flight attendant in the disaster film “Crew”, where her partners were and. Together with Kozlovsky, she starred again a year later in the film “Friday,” where Katerina’s comedic talent was clearly revealed. After the release of this film, the girl was included in the hundred sexiest Russian actresses.

Over the years of her work, Katerina has already played more than 30 film roles, most of which are bright and memorable. She has many fans and is loved by the audience. Periodically takes part in show programs and continues to work in the theater. Today she remains bright, popular, in demand and has big creative plans.

Personal life

Almost immediately after arriving in Moscow, the girl appeared in the gossip columns as another girlfriend of Alexei Panin, who is almost 20 years older than her. For a long time, they both categorically denied this fact, insisting that this was a purely friendly relationship.

But the ubiquitous paparazzi managed to catch piquant moments that clearly indicated that the actors’ relationship still went beyond friendly boundaries. However, they did not last long.

In 2011, stuntman and actor Konstantin Adaev became her husband, who captivated the girl with his courage and gentle attitude towards her. Then she was sure that she wanted to spend her whole life next to this man and even decided to interrupt her career and give birth to a child with him.

But soon after this joyful event, the couple separated. Although Adaev continues to take part in raising the boy.

Katerina's next chosen one was Marius Weisberg, but the relationship lasted no more than a year.

With Marius Weisberg

Whether there was an affair with Wernick, Katerina’s fans are still wondering. She herself claims that today her heart is occupied by only one man - her son.

Ekaterina Shpitsa was born in the Russian outback, in the city of Perm. The fact that the baby was born here turned out to be an accident, since mom and dad lived much further north, in the Komi Republic, in the small mining town of Inta. It’s just that the mother of the future actress was visiting a friend in Perm, and the premature birth happened there.

Katya was born a month premature, but this did not affect her health. After some time, the mother and baby moved to Inta. Katya's father worked as a miner, so the family lived in a mining town. Mom was a criminal lawyer. The girl’s father was always calm and reasonable, and her mother had a fighting character, as a person of her profession should have. Katya inherited from her mother her active life position, as well as her vocal and artistic talent.

Since childhood, Katya has demonstrated acting skills, and, according to her mother, from the age of two she made adults who visited the family laugh, inventing various stories about everything in the world on the fly. And in the summer, the girl went to her grandmother in the village, in the Cherkasy region, where she loved to take part in village gatherings and holidays. However, the parents looked at their daughter as an active, spontaneous child, and did not even think that she could become an actress in the future.

Although Inta was small, it was not a run-down town. It had a developed infrastructure and many educational institutions. There Katya went to school, moreover, to an experimental school with a French bias, where she studied from first to sixth grade. The children studied French and English in depth. Katya did not ignore her extracurricular life, taking part in all school productions. In addition, she had the opportunity to study disciplines such as choreography, solfeggio and musical literature.

When the girl was 13 years old, the family moved to Perm. My father began running a furniture business, and my mother continued to work as a lawyer. Perm is a much larger city than Inta, and the opportunities there were wider. Katya also went to study at a school with in-depth study of French, and at the school there was a theater-studio KOD. The young girl played there and made her debut on stage. Teachers recognized talent in her, and from the age of 15 she began performing in the senior cast of the New Drama Theater. She was trusted with the main roles, the theater constantly went on tour around Russia.

Despite her active theatrical activities in her senior year, Katya graduated from school with a gold medal and entered two universities at once, deciding that she wanted to study both acting and law, like her mother. Thus, she became a student at the Institute of Culture and State University.

Then she had not yet thought about life in the capital and a stellar career. Everything happened by itself, as if by accident. It started with the fact that in the 10th grade she won a local beauty contest, but her short height, only 158 cm, did not allow her to work as a fashion model. But at the competition, she made a useful acquaintance with a photographer, who then patronized her at a casting for models in Moscow.

The host of the school prom helped Ekaterina get a job as a dancer in a nightclub. In the art of dancing, Katya's small height was not a hindrance, but, on the contrary, an advantage.

Carier start

Gradually, the girl began to think about moving to Moscow, especially since she felt that her career as an actress in Perm had reached the ceiling, and in 2005 she accepted an invitation to take part in a casting for models. She was noticed by the director of a Polish clothing manufacturing company and hired her as a model-dancer at the exhibition center.

Katerina Shpitsa in the film "Metro"

The purposeful girl did not stay in this position for long, going to work for the production company of Yuri Chernavsky. In it, she combined three professions: an English tutor, a dance director and a singer. The daughter of the famous Soviet director who directed “The Three Musketeers” also worked there. She introduced Katya to her father, and he invited her to his new film - a musical comedy, and even to the main role.

Katerina Shpitsa in the film "Brothel Lights"

During filming, Katya met the composer, who also headed the Moscow Musical Theater of National Art. He liked the girl’s performance so much that he invited her to his troupe. Katya still works in this theater.

Katerina Shpitsa and Alexey Kortnev in the film "The Wayfarers"

At first, in order to make ends meet in the capital, the girl had to work part-time as a dancer in nightclubs, because housing in Moscow is expensive. At the same time, she continued to study at both Perm universities, passing exams as an external student. She graduated from both universities in 2009, receiving two diplomas at once - a lawyer and an actress.

Katerina Shpitsa in the film "Young Guard"

The next step to fame was filming in the television series “Circus Princess”. She didn’t get the main role in it, but she played another typical character, and she played it perfectly. The series aired on several channels and brought popularity to the actress. She began to be invited to other projects, the most significant of which was the military melodrama “Katya,” which the audience received with great warmth. The film featured real stars of Russian cinema, and Ekaterina got the main role in it. After 2 years, a continuation of the series was released. Spitz became friends with her colleagues on the set, which could not but affect her future career.

Katerina Shpitsa in the film "Crew"

No less striking roles followed in both TV series and films. In all of them, Katya played with such dedication that it could not lead her to success. Now she is a sought-after and famous actress, who has 34 film roles to her credit. She continues to play in the theater and tries herself as a TV presenter. She also took part in an ice show and, together with her partner, won the audience award.

Personal life

But the girl had no time at all to organize her personal life in the capital; she had to move around a lot, and the young people she met along the way did not live up to expectations in many ways.

Rumor attributed her to an affair with the notorious actor Alexei Panin, but Katya herself claims that they did not and could not have any relationship other than friendly ones. He just had another crisis moment, and the girl simply supported her colleague.

Katerina Shpitsa with her ex-husband Konstantin Adaev and son German

But on the set of the film “Everyone Has Their Own War,” she met actor and stuntman Konstantin Adaev. Feelings flared up, and after 2 years the young people got married. Konstantin is a multifaceted personality. He is originally from Kazakhstan, where he received an artist’s diploma, then in St. Petersburg he got a job as a ballet dancer, and a few years later he became a professional stuntman. Now he is engaged in staging fight scenes and stunts for Russian films.

Katerina Shpitsa with Marius Weisberg

The union produced a son, Herman, but the marriage broke down and the former lovers separated. The actress did not interrupt filming, continuing to work and prove to everyone that she could be both an artist and a good mother.

A couple of years later, Ekaterina had an affair with director Marius Weisberg; it lasted a little over a year, after which this relationship also collapsed. Now the beauty’s heart is free, and she is ready for a new relationship.

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Perhaps only the most devoted fans of the actress know that Ekaterina Shpitsa recently took off her wedding ring and forgot all her wedding vows to her husband, stuntman Konstantin Adaev. The girl announced her newly free heart only on her social networks, suddenly changing her status to “single.” Thus, a married couple who seemed ideal just last fall was not saved from separation even by their three-year-old son Herman.

Less than a year has passed since the 29-year-old actress, who won the hearts of many Russian directors with her unsurpassed performance, captivated the most loving bachelor of cinema, Marius Weisberg, with the same dexterity.

Among the amorous achievements of the creator of the threequel “Love in the City” is an affair with the blonde beauty Vera Brezhneva and the conquered heart of model Maria Anokhina. Recently, the 44-year-old director could increasingly be found at social events on the arm of Ekaterina Shpitsa. However, the couple has not yet allowed themselves any liberties, preferring to abruptly cut off questions from curious onlookers mid-sentence and demonstrate exclusively a working relationship.

Appearing on the red carpet at the opening ceremony of Kinotavr in Sochi, the lovers instantly attracted the attention of the assembled public. And the next day, the couple was spotted in a Georgian restaurant located in the Pearl Hotel, where SUPER managed to capture the lovers in a private setting, capturing much more obvious evidence of their love than languid glances in the spotlight. Marius and Ekaterina spent several hours in the establishment, enjoying live music, wine and each other’s company. The director kept playfully ruffling his sweetheart's hair and gently pressing her to his shoulder.

Let us remember that before Ekaterina Shpitsa was credited with an affair with Alexei Panin, however, the actress decided to speak publicly only about her relationship with her ex-husband Konstantin. The girl admitted more than once that the wedding with Adaev, as well as the pregnancy, were an unexpected surprise for her.

The young actress, who has several dozen film roles to her credit, is rising higher and higher on the career ladder, without forgetting about her personal life. She managed to be married, but, unfortunately, her first experience of family life was not so successful. Katerina Shpitsa’s ex-husband Konstantin Adaev, an actor and stuntman, was the stunt director in the film “Everyone Has His Own War,” in which Katya also starred. They met on the set, and Adaev immediately liked the young actress, who decided not to waste time and invite the girl on a date, which became the beginning of their romance.

In the photo is the actress’s ex-husband

The actress's future husband admitted that he fell in love with her at first sight, and soon she had a reciprocal feeling. The relationship between Katerina and Konstantin developed rapidly, and soon they decided to tie the knot.

The Spitz, who was ten years younger than her lover, felt with him as if behind a stone wall. Konstantin turned out to be not only a good husband, but also a caring father to their son German, who was born two years after the wedding.

At that time, Spitz’s career was on the rise, she had many projects, and since Katerina’s parents remained in her hometown of Perm and there was no one to leave their son with, sometimes she had to take him to filming.

Despite the fact that at first everything was rosy and happy in the personal life of Katerina Shpitsa and her husband, their relationship began to crack, and after about four years the family broke up.

Despite the divorce, Katya and Konstantin continue to communicate and raise their son together. Adayev also helps his ex-wife if she has problems, and Katerina really appreciates this. Konstantin still remained a wonderful father for their son and strives to raise him to be a real man. The actress was able to maintain a warm relationship not only with her ex-husband, but also with his mother, who helped raise little Herman when he was just born.

In the photo - Katerina Shpitsa and Marius Weisberg

The reason for the divorce could be the actress’s new romance with the director of the film “Love in the City” Marius Weisberg, known for his victories on the love front. They met at the premiere of the film “Eight New Dates” and hid their relationship for a long time. They were first seen together at the Sochi Kinotavr, where they did not hesitate to publicly demonstrate their feelings. However, this romance by Katerina Shpitsa failed - after some time she broke up with Weisberg, who had started another affair with some young actress, and was left alone again.

It is unknown who the personal life of the beautiful talented actress is connected with today, and she devotes her free time to raising her beloved son Herman.

Brief biography of Katerina Shpitsa

Katya was born in Perm in 1985. Her father is a miner, and her mother is a lawyer. Then the family of the future actress moved to Inta, where Katya lived until she was thirteen. She studied at an experimental school with in-depth study of foreign languages, from which she graduated with a gold medal. Then Katerina again ended up in Perm, where she entered the KOD theater studio, and later - the Perm Chamber Theater “New Drama”.

In 2005, Spitz came to Moscow to build a career in the modeling business, but the agency that invited her, which promised to provide her with an apartment, did not fulfill its promises, and the girl had to live with her friend, photographer Alexei Vasiliev, for some time.

In the photo - Katerina Shpitsa with her son German

Before becoming a popular actress, Katya managed to work as a dancer in nightclubs, a vocalist, a choreographer and an English tutor. Then Katya accidentally met director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich, who directed her in his film “Adam and the Transformation of Eve,” which became the debut in the cinematic biography of Katerina Shpitsa.