Women with a flat figure. Types of female figures

A low bow to the man who divided women's figures into different types. This made it easier to choose the most suitable clothes and helped to understand where to look for extra pounds when gaining weight: in the legs, tummy, butt or (please!) in the chest.

So what are the body types and how to decide on yours?

Stellar examples:

  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Sophia Loren
  • Scarlett Johansson
  • Monica Bellucci
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Jessica Simpson

The parameters of such a figure are as close as possible to 90−60−90. Fat is distributed evenly throughout the body, accumulating mainly in the chest and hips. Even a slight weight gain makes an hourglass girl even more attractive. The only drawback is the “ears” that appear on the hips. To get rid of them, you need to strengthen your muscles and adjust your diet.

There are no problems with choosing clothes. The main task is to emphasize the advantages of the figure. Hips in women with an hourglass figure perfect size, so you can choose any trousers: tight, tapered, flared, straight. But when choosing between high and regular waist, it is better to stick with the first option. Tight sheath dresses fit perfectly on the hourglass. Belts can be chosen either thick or thin. Thick belts make the look more interesting, and thin belts emphasize a thin, beautiful waist and slim figure. Strict blouses with several top buttons undone look extremely good.

Stellar examples:

  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Halle Berry
  • Beyoncé
  • Shakira
  • Adele

The “pear” differs from other figures in its light upper body and heavy lower body. Obvious advantages are a pronounced waist and neat chest. The disadvantages are massive hips and pelvis. Women with a pear shape have a tendency to develop cellulite. Difficulties often arise with the size of clothes: trousers are bought in the same size, and blouses are bought a size or two smaller. Things are even worse with dresses. However, men absolutely love this type of figure (as you know, many of them are lovers of moderately rounded hips and a narrow waist).

In order to bring the “triangle” figure closer to the “hourglass” type, you need to increase the shoulders, focus on a thin waist and visually reduce the hips. Light top and dark bottom - this is how the accents should be placed. Blouses with ruffles, frills and voluminous sleeves are suitable. Since pear-shaped women have large legs, it is important to visually make them smaller. A pencil skirt made from coarse fabric will help with this. It is important to create an emphasis on the chest to make this part of the body visually larger. It is worth taking a closer look at tight dresses with ruffles in the neckline. You can safely add brooches, scarves and ruffles to the neck area. It is advisable to choose shoes with thick heels and a slightly pointed toe.

Stellar examples:

  • Angelina Jolie
  • Demmy Moor
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Sienna Miller
  • Anastasia Volochkova

Slender legs are the main advantage of the inverted triangle figure. Disadvantages: broad shoulders, poorly defined waist and narrow hips. Such proportions make the body too athletic and massive.

When you gain weight, fat is deposited in the upper body: arms, waist, shoulders, tummy. The more extra pounds you add, the more triangular your figure becomes.

The main task of clothing is to narrow the shoulders, add volume to the hips and highlight the waist.

It is better to place accents like this - dark bottom and light top. A V-neck is suitable and will elongate the neck. The entire lower part should be lightweight, but not narrowed downward. It is advisable to choose trousers that are flared from the hips, with patch pockets and decoration on the hips. Dresses with flared skirts, patch pockets and bright patterns on the hips look good on “rectangles”. But it is better to avoid voluminous sleeves - they create unnecessary emphasis on the upper body.

Stellar examples:

  • Keira Knightley
  • Julia Roberts
  • Milla Jovovich
  • Mischa Barton
  • Anna Kournikova

The main feature of this type of figure is that the shoulders, waist and hips are at the same level. The obvious drawback is the masculine silhouette, lack of waist and protruding tummy. The advantages of the figure include the fact that the muscles with a “rectangular” figure more easily adapt to training with weights, so the figure quickly takes on a sporty, fit look.

The purpose of clothing is to hide the tummy and highlight the waist.

Women with this type of figure are suitable for loose-fitting suits with all kinds of accents at the waist. It's a good idea to stock up on all kinds of belts and don't be afraid to use them. The sleeve should be short or completely absent. If you need to highlight your beautiful breasts, high-waisted dresses with flared skirts and sheath dresses will help with this. The cutouts can be oval or square.

Stellar examples:

  • Kate Winslet
  • Liv Tyler
  • Britney Spears
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Kelly Osbourne
  • Queen Latiffa

The peculiarity of this figure is that its owner has the same chest and waist volume. Advantages: beautiful breasts and slender legs. Disadvantages: pronounced tummy and lack of waist.
To maintain your figure good condition A low-carbohydrate diet and exercise are necessary.

For women with an apple body type, tapered trousers, high-waisted trousers, flared skirts, light loose-fitting dresses and high-waisted dresses with a bust fit are suitable. It is advisable to choose shoes with high heels.

Find out your character by your feet

“Give me a pen and I’ll tell you about your life.” Surely you have heard a similar statement. Did you know that you can also tell a person’s character by the shape of their legs? You just need to understand their types.


One of the most common leg shapes. Three fingers are on the same line, and the ring and little fingers are noticeably smaller. It is believed that girls with such legs are sociable, charismatic, and “at home” in any company. They find it easy to meet new people and carry on conversations. Such women make excellent speakers and entrepreneurs.


This type of foot is characterized by a dominant middle finger. The fingers following it go in a descending line. Such girls are sociable, creative, inspire and motivate people to achieve success. The Greek type of fingers is often found among people in creative professions, as well as speakers and athletes.


It's called square because all the fingers are the same height. Women with this type of legs are practical and to some extent prudent. They often listen to the voice of reason rather than the heart. They go through life with the proverb “measure seven times, cut once.” It’s not scary to rely on such a person in difficult times.

The little finger does not separate

Women who cannot separate their little finger from the rest of their fingers love a measured life and always act according to their strictly established plan. People with this type of legs are reliable and faithful, they can be trusted in any situation.

The narrow base of the second finger indicates the expressiveness of the owner. Such girls often make mountains out of molehills. When a lady is in a good mood, she becomes a real sun that illuminates even the darkest corners of human souls. As soon as she becomes sad, thunder will be heard above the ground and lightning will flash.

Bent third finger

Sometimes the third finger is slightly tilted towards the little finger. It is believed that women with this type of leg are inclined to plan their lives, keep a diary and do not deviate a single step from the schedule. They are organized and keep any situation under control.

Each woman is a unique person, distinguished not only by her character and mentality, but also by her appearance. However, most of them still strive to get closer to certain standards and exhaust themselves with strict training and training in the gym. But few people know that you can achieve the desired results if you manage to do it correctly

Most people like to measure, classify and fit everything to certain standards. The female figure did not go unnoticed, the parameters of which were divided by experts into several types. Now, having learned to do it correctly and evaluate the results, each representative of the fair sex can hide her own shortcomings or advantageously emphasize her advantages.

Data such as skeletal structure, proportions and the nature of body lines are laid down at the genetic level, and no matter how much a woman adheres to all kinds of diets, she most likely will not be able to achieve the notorious parameters of 90-60-90. So why then should you learn to determine your body type?

First of all, such knowledge will help with the following:

  • choose a beautiful and stylish one that hides flaws and emphasizes the strengths of your physique;
  • select an individual schedule to combat problem areas of the body;
  • choose a nutrition system to make adjustments and maintain optimal shape.

Often, girls begin to worry about their reflection in the mirror almost to the point of adolescence, however, it is worth remembering that at 12-14 years old, body parameters are not only disproportionate, but also very far from the cherished standards. Pregnancy and childbirth also leave their mark on the figure. Therefore, it is important to take into account such factors and not rush to be picky about your shape and try to correct it with the help of exhausting workouts and diets.

How to determine your body type?

Doctors and fitness trainers prefer to determine body type by wrist, thus dividing the physique into:

  • asthenic (wrist circumference less than 15 cm);
  • hypersthenic (more than 18 cm);
  • normosthenic (from 15 to 17 cm).

They also classify body shapes according to the metabolic processes occurring in the body. But the most popular methods are to compare physiques with fruits and geometric elements. According to this, the figure is conventionally divided into 5 types based on body proportions. In order to determine them, all you need is a measuring tape and simple calculations that take into account the ratio of your hips, shoulders, chest and waist.

Measurements should be taken as follows:

  • Breast volume can be measured over a regular bra (without push-up), at the most protruding point, around the back. It is important to keep the tape measure parallel to the floor.
  • Waist measurements are taken at the narrower part of the body, slightly above the navel. The abdomen should not protrude or retract.
  • Hips are measured at the widest part (from the bone around the buttocks). The tape is also kept parallel to the floor.
  • Shoulder width is a plane measurement. It is enough to measure the distance from one shoulder to the other.

When taking measurements, you should not press the centimeter too tightly to your body, otherwise the obtained values ​​will be incorrect.

When all the data has been received, you can begin to calculate. Trying to simplify the task, some girls prefer to use special online calculators that can be found on websites, but it is not so difficult to determine the type of figure by comparing it with the description, and then checking everything using the Bayou equations.

Apple body type

A characteristic feature of this body type is the absence of a pronounced waist, with almost the same volume of the chest and hips. Owners most often suffer from excess weight (especially fat accumulates in the back and abdomen). They also have fairly high chests and long, slender legs.

Often the classification of this body type is called O-shaped, diamond, circle or oval.

It is worth noting that if a woman with the shapes described above gets rid of the fat located in the abdominal area, then her figure will become close to an “hourglass”.

Pear body type

The type is considered the most attractive and feminine, since this figure is characterized by narrow shoulders, small breasts and wide hips (hips 5% wider than the bust or shoulders).

To determine, you need to multiply the largest indicator (usually the width of the shoulders) by 0.95. The obtained result is compared with other parameters.

At the same time, the woman’s stomach is flat, her waist is well defined and no unnecessary folds appear on it. Often, owners of such shapes have a slightly longer upper part. To confirm your conclusions, you need to divide the volume of the hips or shoulders by the volume of the chest. If the resulting figure is greater than 1.05, then the woman has a Pear body type.

Formula: OB/SH = or > 1.05 (where OB is the volume of the hips, and SH is the width of the shoulders).

These shapes are also called A-shapes, trapezoid, triangle or spoon.


This body type is often called the most harmonious, since its owners have almost equal hip and shoulder volume. At the same time, the waist remains clearly defined regardless of weight gain, and the top and bottom of the body are proportional to each other.

Other names of shapes are “Eight”, “Guitar”, “X” figure.”

In women, the waist volume is 25% less than the volume of the chest, hips and shoulders. So, if the waist parameters are divided by the bust or shoulder parameters, the resulting number will be less than 0.75.

Formula: OT/OB = or< 0,75.

"Inverted Triangle"

Often this type is also called T-shaped, V-shaped, “Strawberry” or “Carrot”. Women with this figure have narrow hips, medium-sized breasts, thin waist and rather massive shoulders. In addition, the upper part of their body is much shorter than the lower part, and their legs are always slender and long.

It is worth noting that this type of figure is often found among athletes who are fond of swimming or tennis.

This is due to the fact that excess fat accumulates only in the neck, chest, arms and shoulders.

With an Inverted Triangle body shape, the bust or shoulders are 5% larger than the hips. So, if the parameters of the upper part are divided by the parameters of the lower part, the result will be a number greater than 1.05.

Formula: OG/OB = or > 1.05.


This type of figure can be roughly compared with, since it is distinguished by the absence of a clearly defined waist. In women with such shapes, the volume of the breasts is almost equal to the volume of the hips, despite the fact that the physique looks athletic. The chest is quite wide, the hips do not stand out in any way, and protruding pelvic bones are visible on them. Also, in women with such a figure, the stomach may protrude forward.

This structure is known as “Banana” or “Ruler”, as well as H-shaped.

The main problem of owners of this body shape- this is a tendency to and strong muscle definition, making them look like men or teenagers.

With a rectangular body type, the waist is 25% less than the width of the shoulders or the volume of the chest. At the same time, the difference between the parameters of the bust, hips and shoulders should be within 5%.

My respect, gentlemen and, especially, our beautiful ladies! On the agenda is a topic that I have long promised to consider to the young ladies and somehow kept holding back. It sounds like this - types of female figures. It is worth saying that the information presented is quite interesting, because a lot of things allow you to understand in practical terms of training, nutrition and just everyday life. Everyday life. After reading, you will learn what types of figures exist in nature, how you need to train depending on them, and most importantly, what clothes are designed to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of a particular female form.

As always it’s intense, so let’s not waste a minute, let’s go.

Types of female figures: what are they?

I want to say right away that although the article has a feminine subtext, it will also be interesting to the male part of the audience, because the forms are female, but a man has a hand in them :). Therefore, I think it will be very interesting for guys to find out what type of figure their betrothed has. (or potential betrothed). In addition, very often I want to surprise my lady and buy her a set of beautiful lingerie or a luxurious dress, of course, without her knowledge, but here the question arises - what type of female figure does my chosen one have? After reading this note to the end, you will no longer have such questions. Well, for ladies, of course, it will be a hundred times more useful.

So, as you probably remember, we have already considered some issues of female anthropometry and, in particular, got acquainted with what it is. As for shape issues specifically, for young ladies with body types everything is much more complicated and geometrically confusing than for men. No, no one has canceled the basic three (ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph), but there are also more specific forms that most fully characterize the complexion of any representative of the fair sex.

At the beginning of the article I would like to say that the current shape of your body is a direct result of genetics (a program of anthropometric, and not only, changes, passed on from generation to generation) and way of life. You are the biological program of your parents, grandparents, etc. If the latter is usually very difficult and reluctant to change, then the lifestyle (food choices, activity level)– a relatively quick lever in the transformation process.


For better assimilation of the material, the narrative will proceed in the following manner. We will consistently study each body type, consider its features and the main points of training and nutrition.

Actually, we will start with the fact that everything exists 5 the main types of female figures and the first is...

Main types of female figures: pear

Also known as spoon (geometrically resembles the letter A). Women of this shape (and there are about 15% ) carry extra weight in the lower part of the body, mainly in the hips and buttocks, and their waist and bust are quite small. The legs and arms are their assets; they are always slim and fit. Generally, general characteristics are - short legs (wide calves and ankles) and full hips. Fat is deposited on the sides, buttocks and thighs. A generic problem is cellulite. A slouched back emphasizes all the flaws in your figure, so you must always maintain a proud posture.


One of the most attractive female body types for men because it focuses all the attention on large buttocks. Scientists say that a large "wife" evokes ancient instincts in the male's brain associated with breastfeeding. And this is a very strong “root” connection. In this regard, the pear enjoys increased interest from the male population :).

How to train correctly

To correct this shape of the figure, it is necessary to address the issues of expanding the shoulders (their girth) and the back. Low-intensity cardio in the form of walking, exercise on a treadmill (without an angle) and an elliptical trainer will help you get rid of excess weight in the lower body. Resistance training should be done at a gentle to moderate pace. Some of the best exercises are: dumbbell presses, lateral raises, lat pull-downs, etc. To work the upper body, keep the rep range around 6-8 .

As for adjusting the lower part, it is necessary to perform squats (moderate pace), leg extensions in the simulator and lunges. For better results, it is advisable to combine exercises in long series, supersets. Keep the number of repetitions from 10 before 15 .

Do you think Hollywood stars all have amazing figures? Nothing like that :), they just know their body type and what they can and cannot wear. In other words, they emphasize their uniform advantages and competently veil their shortcomings. Now you, my dear ladies, will know about this.

The ideal wardrobe for the top can be considered tight-fitting clothes. In summer, you should definitely wear tops that show off your best parts of the body - arms and back. The bottom should be dark to hide the wide lower half. Choose tube skirts just above the knee or straight-cut (letter A) skirts. Great option Can be dark high-waisted jeans that you can tuck into your blouse.

The following stars are pear-shaped, and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

General tips for choosing clothes look like this.

Basic female body types: inverted triangle/V-shape

The shoulders of these representatives are much wider than their hips. They usually have a full bust, narrow hips and a flat butt. The waist is thin, there is a tendency to gain weight in the abdomen and upper body. The main asset is beautiful slender legs.

How to train correctly

To correct this shape of the figure, it is necessary to address the issues of gaining mass in the lower body so that it catches up with the upper one. Stepper is good remedy to burn calories and add thickness to your legs. An incline treadmill is also suitable as a cardio activity. It's best to avoid elliptical machines because... the load on unstrengthened legs will be quite large.

High-quality development of the entire muscle layer of the legs is the main goal of training for such girls. It is necessary to focus on working the hips while performing deadlifts on straight legs. Lunges should be used as form-building exercises. (with dumbbells, barbell), entering platforms and jumping up from a deep seat. Moderate to heavy weights, keep reps in range 6-8 .

How to choose the right wardrobe

The key to having the right wardrobe is to balance broad shoulders, chest and back with a narrow lower body. This is achieved by choosing clothing that adds curves to your hips and creates a more defined waistline. Beautiful legs best emphasized with different skirts of different lengths (but not too short).

The following stars have an inverted triangle shape and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

Basic types of female figures: letter H/rectangle.

The most common type of female figure, which has more 45% American women. Women of these shapes have an athletic build (boyish appearance) , bust, waist and hip measurements are approximately the same. Flat buttocks – characteristic straight shape. These ladies have a high metabolic rate and have a hard time gaining weight. The main asset is slender and long legs. The main problems of the figure are its pronounced “flatness”.

How to train correctly

To correct this body shape, it is necessary to reduce cardio activity to a minimum and mainly use a stepper. To create a waist, you need to use (a hoop) and exercises for the abdominal muscles. The closest attention should be paid to weight training and, of course, enhanced nutrition.

Proper training should be intense and short. Each muscle group should be stressed once a week. It is necessary to focus on the intensity of exercise and building symmetrical proportions through proper training of the muscles of the shoulders, back and legs. Focus on heavy movements: bench press, shoulder press, lat pull-down, and squats. Range work 6-8 repetitions will help you gain muscle mass.

How to choose the right wardrobe

The main key in choosing a wardrobe is to create proportionality between the upper and lower parts of the body while simultaneously increasing the waist. You can wear tight-fitting clothes (such as a tube type dress) and add a dark wide belt to create a waist. To create a fuller effect, you need to proportionally add volume to the upper and lower parts of the body.

The following stars have a rectangle shape, and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

General tips for choosing clothes look like this:

Basic types of female figures: hourglass/figure eight/letter X

I am sincerely happy for all the girls with this type of figure - nature is favorable to you and has generously endowed you with the most appetizing forms. Usually, the hourglass shape causes great delight among men and black envy among women who do not have it. The height and weight of such representatives are in the proper proportion. The bust and hips are the same size and the waist to hip ratio is 0,7 . The body has graceful curves, and the buttocks are rounded. The upper body is proportional to the length of the legs, which are slender. Fat loss occurs evenly across all parts of the body.


According to statistics, when choosing a partner, men give preference to a woman who has a waist-to-hip ratio 0,7 or less. Also carried out Scientific research show that women with curves are less likely to experience infertility diseases.

How to train correctly

To maintain your figure, you need to alternate cardio training with strength training. Any type of cardiovascular activity is suitable. Two lessons per 25-30 minutes a week will be enough. This is the most progressive form for bodybuilding and fitness. A balanced training program with varying amounts of exercise is all that is needed. On average, work per program is 8-10 weeks, then it needs to be replaced.

How to choose the right wardrobe

The main key in choosing a wardrobe is to create proportionality between the upper and lower parts of the body, with an emphasis on the waist. Wide belts over blouses and dresses are a great way to show off your waist. Great legs need to be emphasized with skirts of varying lengths.

The following stars have hourglass shapes and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

General tips for choosing clothes look like this:

Main types of female figures: oval/circle/apple

Representatives of these forms are of average height, full bust, narrow hips and rather flat buttocks. Weight is primarily gained in the middle part (stomach and waist), which is why the appearance resembles an oval. The waist is the widest compositional part. Most often, women of these shapes have a short neck and a full face. The best asset is slender legs.


American anthropologist Elizabeth Kashdan found that popular female forms, hourglass and pear, are extremely rare in women who are forced to independently provide for themselves and their family. This is due to the high level of androgens in their body, which contributes to the accumulation of fatty tissue in the waist area.

How to train correctly

To reduce overall weight, regular cardio activity, such as on a treadmill or stepper, is necessary. Elliptical machines should be avoided because... they will help increase leg mass. You can shape your waist, including using a hoop and performing various abdominal exercises.

Strength training should focus on working your legs to create balance with your upper body. In order for the lower part to catch up with the upper, it is necessary to perform squats, leg presses and different kinds deadlifts The repetition range should be kept within the range 6-8 .

How to choose the right wardrobe

The main key in choosing a wardrobe is to remove the emphasis from the stomach and create a more defined waist. This is achieved by choosing clothing that adds curves and fullness to the bottom and tops that taper towards the waist. Legs need to be emphasized with skirts of medium (and slightly lower) length.

The following stars have an oval shape, and this is what their wardrobe looks like.

General tips for choosing clothes look like this:

Actually, we have analyzed the main types of female figures. Now a few practical points. Now you know what shape you have, all you have to do is choose the right wardrobe. Well, let's do this and select the most important accessory in the life of any girl - Wedding Dress. It turns out that knowing your body type is not so difficult. All you need is knowledge (which we already have) and the following illustration.

Well, that’s a completely different matter, now we don’t have to go through tons of dresses, we know exactly our winning type and are strictly looking for it.

Main types of female figures: practical-scientific moment

I think you are aware that a woman’s figure changes with age, and not for the better. So, the Japanese Humanities Research Center found that a woman’s body changes with age in a certain sequence.

Specifically, these steps look like this.

Also for those who are in the tank), who have not understood anything and find it difficult to immediately determine their body type, I suggest using a convenient online calculator that will determine in a matter of seconds what kind of fruit you are - a pear or an apple. All you need to do is follow the link (www.prokerala.com/health/beauty/body-shape-calculator.php), select the metric (cm) system and enter your standard anthropometry parameters.

Here's how it worked out for me.

In my opinion, this was the last thing I would like to talk about, yes – the last. All that remains is to sum up the results and wave to each other.


Today we learned what types of female figures there are and how to build your training process depending on them. In addition, we learned how to advantageously emphasize the advantages of a figure and hide its shortcomings. Now you simply must look good, my Aphrodites!

That's all, I was glad to see everyone, see you again!

PS. We don’t shy away from comments, we leave our notes for history.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Halle Berry

Hourglass figure - this is the only type for whom almost any clothing is “permissible”. However, even in this case, stylists advise against:

  • baggy and shapeless clothes;
  • excessively tight clothing;
  • too much skinny trousers and jeans;
  • too pronounced and clear prints (stripe, check, geometric pattern);
  • boat neckline (only if you do not have small breasts);
  • heavy and dense fabrics (they will fill up).

Pear (figure A)

“Pear” is a body type characterized by wider hips than shoulders. If the “hourglass” has a balanced top and bottom, then the “pear” has a much wider bottom. The top is usually more graceful than the bottom. The waist is narrow, pronounced, sometimes low due to the fact that the body of the “pear” is longer than the legs.

If a “pear” woman gets fat, then fat is deposited mainly on the buttocks, hips and sides. The more weight, the greater the difference between the hips and shoulders. If, on the contrary, a “pear” woman loses weight, her figure becomes more proportional. Posture plays a huge role for women with this body type. A woman needs to constantly keep her back straight, otherwise slouching will emphasize all the flaws in her figure.

You are a woman with a pear body type if:

  1. hips wider than shoulders;
  2. there is more fat on the sides than on the waist;
  3. the hips are curved and the stomach is flat;
  4. your breasts are small compared to your hips;
  5. you have narrow shoulders and a thin neck;
  6. When you get fat, you gain weight, usually in the buttocks and hips, but your shoulders and face remain the same.

Why does the same outfit look completely different on your friend and on you, even if the height and weight are the same? It's all about different types figures.

The type of figure depends on the structural features and development of bone, fat and muscle tissue. Most of it is caused by genetics, but can be corrected by diet and exercise.

Every person is beautiful and unique. Everyone's body has its own advantages and disadvantages. Knowing your body type is important in order to train more effectively and learn how to choose clothes to look most attractive.

Female body types

By common features There are five types of female figures: hourglass, rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle and apple. To determine which type you belong to, just arm yourself with a measuring tape and take three measurements.

  1. Bust volume: on top of the usual one without push-up, at the most protruding point, keeping the centimeter parallel to the floor.
  2. Waist: along the narrowest part of the body (just above the navel), without retracting or protruding the stomach.
  3. Hip size: across the widest part of the hips, keeping the tape parallel to the floor.

Now let's evaluate the results.

  • If your chest and hips are approximately equal in volume, and your waist is noticeably smaller (by 20–30 centimeters), then your figure type is “hourglass”.
  • If your chest and hips are approximately equal in volume, and your waist does not stand out much against their background, then you are a “rectangle”.
  • If your breasts are smaller than your hips in volume with a visible waist, then your body type is “triangle” (“pear”).
  • If your chest is more voluminous than your lower body, and your shoulders are externally wider than your hips, then your figure is an “inverted triangle” (T-shape).
  • If your waist, stomach and chest stand out the most, and your legs are slender, then your body type is “circle” (“apple”).

The notorious 90/60/90 are about this type of figure. Such ladies can be proud of their well-defined waist and prominent shoulders and hips. Moreover, such proportions will remain even with weight gain, which is good news.

The X-shaped silhouette of the female body is an unspoken ideal, glorified since Antiquity. If you are the lucky owner of this type of figure, we will rejoice. The main thing in your case is not to disturb the harmonious proportions of the chest, waist and hips.

The main task

Emphasize the curves of the figure, maintaining the harmony of the top and bottom.

Will do

Almost everything. The most advantageous way to highlight your figure:

  • Fitted silhouettes.
  • Blouses, coats and raincoats with wraps and belts.
  • V-shaped or round neckline on blouses and dresses.
  • Pencil skirt, a-line or sun skirt.
  • High-waisted jeans and trousers.
  • Waist belt as an accessory.

Won't fit

  • Baggy clothes that hide the silhouette.
  • Straight cut outerwear.
  • Dresses or blouses with high or low waist.
  • Low-rise jeans or trousers.

Owners of an hourglass figure: Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Dita Von Teese, Kim Kardashian

Women with this type of figure have breasts and hips of equal volume, and their waist is weakly expressed or not expressed at all (for example, if with a chest volume of 92 centimeters, the waist is more than 70 centimeters).

This body type is more athletic and sporty than, for example, an hourglass, and an insufficient waist curve can be visually increased. In order to emphasize the features of such a figure, you just need to maintain the harmony of the shoulders and hips, visually narrowing the waist. This effect can be achieved by creating additional volume in another part of the body.

The main task

Focus on the waist and while maintaining the balance of the upper and lower body.

Will do

  • Fitted outerwear, coat with a belt.
  • Tops with thin straps, blouses with puff sleeves.
  • Jackets or outerwear with straight shoulders.
  • Dresses without straps or with a wrap.
  • A-line skirt, sun or with a slit.
  • Tight-fitting trousers or jeans with a mid or low rise.
  • Classic straight trousers or capris.

Won't fit

  • Baggy or oversized clothing.
  • Clothing that excessively reveals the abdominal area.
  • Straight styles of outerwear or dresses.
  • T-shirts, sleeveless or crew-neck tops, turtlenecks.
  • Leggings, pencil skirts.

Stars with a “rectangular” figure: Nicole Kidman, Keira Knightley, Cameron Diaz, Anna Kournikova

Triangle (pear)

Owners of this body type can be proud of their graceful narrow shoulders and waist, as well as appetizing hips. It is worth considering that with such parameters, it is pointless to exhaust yourself with strictness, trying to make the fifth point smaller than it can be.

The “pear” figure type remains the same with model and overweight. It is better to draw more attention to the beautiful neck, collarbones and hands, which can easily be done with the help of suitable clothes.

The main task

Balance your hips with an emphasis on your upper body.

Will do

  • Fitted outerwear, trapeze coat.
  • Any fitted clothing with padded shoulders (coats, jackets, jackets).
  • Blouses, tops and tank tops are off-the-shoulder, sleeveless or with a wide neckline.
  • A-line or pencil skirt.
  • Dark trousers or straight-fit jeans.
  • Trousers or jeans that flare out at the bottom.

Won't fit

  • Baggy outerwear, long straight-cut coats.
  • Crew neck tops or blouses, turtlenecks.
  • Bright massive belts on the hips.
  • Tight-fitting trousers or trousers, especially in light colors or bright prints.
  • Trousers or jeans with decorative elements on pockets or waistbands, fluffy skirts, flared skirts.
  • Pants or skirts with a lot of weighting elements: lace, ruffles, folds.

Celebrities with a pear body type: Rihanna, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Love Hewitt

Inverted triangle (T-shape)

This body type is characterized by wide shoulders and relatively narrow hips (for example, 95 and 90 centimeters, respectively). Often, the owners of this figure have longer and slimmer legs than other women, for which they can be congratulated.

To add more harmony to the “inverted triangle”, we will use the tricks of stylists. With the help of suitable clothing, we will visually reduce our shoulders, increase our hips and emphasize our waist. For this, a straight cut is most suitable, with a minimum number of details in the chest area, and a maximum on the hips.

The main task

Balance the top and bottom, not forgetting the waist.

Will do

  • A-line coat.
  • Square, V- or U-shaped necklines on dresses, tops or blouses.
  • Low-rise trousers or jeans.
  • Dresses or tops with a peplum (a frill below the waist).
  • Wide massive belts on the hips.
  • A-line skirts, wraparound, with pleats or voluminous pockets.

Won't fit

  • Long straight coats, baggy outerwear.
  • Tops or blouses with a wide boat neckline.
  • Bright voluminous sweaters or jumpers.
  • Clothes with padded shoulders.
  • Blouses or jackets with puffy sleeves.
  • Dark straight trousers or jeans, leggings.
  • Pencil skirt or ankle length.

Famous “inverted triangles”: Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore, Katharine McPhee, Kate Bosworth

Owners of this type of figure have a straight silhouette without a pronounced waist, but with a prominent waist. The bulk of the figure's volume is in the upper body (but the legs remain slim the longest).

“Apple” women should carefully monitor excess weight: it tends to be deposited on the stomach.

Main goals

Visually elongate the figure, define the waist and emphasize the beautiful neckline and legs.

Will do

  • A-line coat, outerwear with an A-line silhouette (narrow at the chest and widening at the bottom).
  • V-neck blouses or tops.
  • Dresses with A-line or wrap.
  • Flared trousers and jeans with voluminous pockets.
  • Clothes with large details (ruffles, patterns, draperies) below the hip line.
  • Plain clothes with vertical darts.

Won't fit

  • Very tight or baggy clothing.
  • Sleeveless tops and blouses with a crew neck or ties at the neck.
  • Turtlenecks, short tops.
  • Clothes with bright prints, frills, and decorative elements on the shoulders and stomach.
  • Skinny trousers, trousers and jeans without pockets or low rise.
  • Tight skirts, pencil skirt.

Popular apples: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Britney Spears, Jessica Jones, Amy Schumer

Any figure is beautiful and attractive, especially if it is advantageously emphasized. How do you dress to look even better?