Classic recipe for tiramisu with cream and mascarpone cookies at home. Making Tiramisu cake at home: with Savoyardi cookies and regular Tiramisu sponge cake, step-by-step recipe

Everyone is familiar with the popular dessert tiramisu, consisting of savoiardi cookies, delicate mascarpone cream and the obligatory coffee soaking. You can see the classic recipe for this delicacy, and today we will prepare a cake based on the popular Italian dessert.

Let's take a standard sponge cake as a basis, soak it in a fragrant mixture of strong coffee and liqueur, and then add a cream based on yolks, cream and cream cheese. Top the dessert with cocoa powder and get a cake a la Tiramisu at home.


For the biscuit:

  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • cocoa powder - 20 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • starch - 35 g;
  • butter - 35 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

For impregnation:

  • finely ground coffee - 2 teaspoons;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • coffee liqueur - 50 ml.

For cream:

  • egg yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • mascarpone - 250 g;
  • cream 35% - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 30 g.

For decoration:

  • cream 35% - 200 ml;
  • thickener for cream - 1 sachet;
  • cocoa powder - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Tiramisu cake recipe at home with photo

How to prepare sponge cake for Tiramisu cake

  1. Place the egg whites in a spacious, always perfectly dry and clean bowl (do not allow the yolk to get into the protein mass!). Beat, gradually adding half a portion of sugar, until very thick. To check for doneness, tilt the bowl and gradually turn it over. If the mass remains completely motionless, the whites are whipped to the desired consistency. If the mixture slides down the walls of the dish, continue to work with the mixer.
  2. Add vanilla sugar and the second part of granulated sugar to the yolks. Beat for about 5 minutes. The yolk mass should thicken and lighten greatly.
  3. Mix the yolks in small portions into the whites using upward movements.
  4. Separately combine starch, flour, cocoa and baking powder. Sift into the egg mixture in parts, mixing in the dry mixture completely each time. We work with gentle movements from bottom to top from the edge of the bowl to the center. It is extremely important not to let the dough settle!
  5. When all the flour mixture is completely mixed into the dough, pour the cooled melted butter along the edge of the bowl. Mix from bottom to top until smooth.
  6. Place a circle of parchment on the bottom of a springform pan with a diameter of 22 cm; do not grease the sides. Fill the container with fluffy dough and place it in the preheated oven. Bake the biscuit for about 30 minutes (temperature - 180 degrees). Check readiness with a match/toothpick.
  7. Turn the biscuit pan over and place it on two bowls. Leave until cool. This way we will prevent possible sagging of the top of the biscuit.

    Coffee impregnation for Tiramisu cake recipe

  8. To soak Tiramisu, ideally you should use espresso, but if you don’t have a coffee machine at home, strong coffee brewed in a Turk is quite suitable. For 2 teaspoons of coffee powder - 200 ml of water. Strain the finished drink, getting rid of sediment. Cool and mix with coffee liqueur.

    Cream for Tiramisu cake recipe

  9. Mix egg yolks with powdered sugar. While vigorously stirring, keep the mixture in a “water bath” for about 5 minutes (medium heat). The liquid in the lower bowl should not touch the bottom of the bowl with the yolks.
  10. Remove the yolk mixture from the stove and beat thoroughly until the cream acquires a dense texture.
  11. We take the mascarpone out of the refrigerator in advance so that the cheese softens slightly and becomes more pliable. Cool the beaten yolks completely. Combine mascarpone and yolk cream, stirring until smooth. You can lightly beat the cream with a mixer, but only at the lowest speed and not for long (active whipping may cause the mascarpone to separate).
  12. Separately, beat the cream and sugar until thick. Add the cream into the cream in small portions and mix until smooth.

    How to form a Tiramisu cake

  13. Remove the biscuit from the mold and first run a knife blade along the sides. Divide the baked goods into three layers. We wash and wipe the detachable side of the mold (in which the biscuit was baked), place it on a large plate, and line the walls with parchment. We lower the bottom cake into the container and thoroughly pour it with impregnation.
  14. Apply a generous layer of cream and level it out.
  15. Next, lay out the second cake layer, soak it and grease it with cream. We pour the last cake with coffee impregnation and place it on top. Lubricate with the remaining cream. Place the Tiramisu cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.
  16. Remove the split edge from the soaked cake and carefully remove the parchment. Whip the cream together with the thickening powder until it forms a stable mass. Transfer the creamy mixture into a pastry bag and apply to the surface of the cake using a shaped nozzle.
  17. Sprinkle the surface of the cake with cocoa powder through a fine sieve.

The Tiramisu-inspired cake is ready! Bon appetit!

Tiramisu cake is considered business card Italy on a par with ravioli, pizza and pasta. The dessert was created only about seventy years ago. The chef of one of the restaurants in the small town of Treviso, Roberto Linguanetti, came up with it after seeing a quarreling couple on the summer veranda. To reconcile them, he used ingredients traditionally considered aphrodisiacs in Italy, that is, inciting passion and sexual desire.

He chose rustic Mascarpone as the cheese for Tiramisu. Our compatriots would rather mistake this soft cheese for very fatty sour cream. The cream for Tiramisu with Mascarpone in good Italian restaurants is prepared every 2-3 hours. The cheese is delivered in the morning from nearby villages, so there is an opinion that such a cake can only be tasted in Italy.

Any pastry chef in this country will tell you that Tiramisu prepared outside its borders can be called an interpretation of dessert, but nothing more. Mascarpone is brought from the Apennines, where it is prepared not from milk, like ordinary cheeses, but from the richest cream, which is “produced” by a unique breed of cows. What lies on the shelves of Russian supermarkets has nothing in common with Mascarpone cheese.

Classic dessert recipe Tiramisu

Tiramisu cake with Savoyardi cookies is a standard recipe for an Italian dessert. But what can you replace Mascarpone in Tiramisu if you still can’t get the real thing? You can buy fresh unsalted cottage cheese or thick cream with a fat content of at least 40%. Contrary to popular online recipes, you should never use cheese soaked in water. Well, preparing Tiramisu at home should begin with Savoyardi baking.

Recipe for Savoyardi cookies for Tiramisu as in the photo

You will need:

  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 5 egg whites;
  • 4 tbsp. l. fine crystalline sugar;
  • ½ tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 10 g powdered sugar.

Cooking process

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form, gradually adding sugar. The protein mass should become homogeneous and snow-white.
  3. Then beat the yolks, adding the rest of the sugar.
  4. Stirring constantly, combine the egg whites and yolks, add flour, and knead the dough.
  5. Bake Savoiardi, shaped into fingers, at 180°C for at least 15 minutes.
  6. 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  7. Place in the refrigerator for a day - the classic recipe for Tiramisu with Mascarpone involves using yesterday's cookies.

Tiramisu recipe

You will need:

  • 400 g fresh cottage cheese;
  • 5 large chicken eggs;
  • 150 g of Italian Marsala wine (since you are trying to reproduce the Tiramisu cake at home, you can use rum or expensive cognac);
  • 250 g biscuit cookies, prepared the day before;
  • 150 g cane sugar;
  • coffee;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder

Cooking process

  1. The yolks must be carefully separated from the whites.
  2. Using a spoon, thoroughly grind the chicken yolks with sugar.
  3. When the mass turns white, add squeezed cottage cheese without whey.
  4. Beat the whites to soft peaks and mix with the yolks and cottage cheese.
  5. Brew about 1 glass of coffee in a Turkish coffee pot. Add alcohol to the cooled drink.
  6. Dip each cookie individually into the coffee-wine mixture. Place the soaked cookies on the bottom of a springform pan lined with paper.
  7. Place ½ egg cream and smooth the surface with a knife.
  8. Place another layer of cookies on top, then another layer of cream.
  9. Place the finished cake in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.
  10. Once cooled, sprinkle with cocoa powder.
  11. Serve by cutting into portions.

How to make Tiramisu at home without Savoiardi cookies

How to make dessert with simple cookies Houses? Many people replace Savoyardi cookies with “Jubilee”, “Creamy” or regular homemade biscuits. Of course, it is impossible to consider such a dessert as equivalent to Tiramisu. But you can pamper your family with an exquisite Italian-inspired cake.

Using a regular store-bought sponge cake, you can prepare a four-layer “lazy” Tiramisu with honey.

  1. Cut the biscuit into 4 layers or take ready-made thin cakes.
  2. Beat 150 g of fat sour cream with 100 g of cottage cheese.
  3. Beat 4 eggs together with 1 glass of sugar.
  4. Mix curd cream with egg.
  5. Add 2 tbsp. l. rum or vodka.
  6. Layer the cakes with cream, sprinkle the topmost layer with grated chocolate or cocoa powder.
  7. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Tiramisu has long ceased to be a purely restaurant recipe. On the Internet you can find hundreds of recipe variations on how to make Tiramisu at home: with fruit, Baileys liqueur, berries and white chocolate... But if you still want to try real Tiramisu, go to hospitable sunny Italy. An unforgettable taste sensation is guaranteed to you!

Is it difficult to make Tiramisu at home?
Classic Tiramisu is a Savoyardi biscuit, dry, tender, light, porous; This is a delicious syrup-impregnation made from coffee with the addition of aromatic alcohol; and this is a cream based on Mascarpone cream cheese. This is exactly the “Tiramisu” that we will prepare at home, and we will bake the cookies ourselves, and we will provide the tiramisu recipe and the savoiardi cookie recipe with the most detailed photos.

What's here:

So, 3 recipes for Tiramisu with photos and savoiardi.

Tiramisu classic recipe

Let's start with Savoiardi. You can skip this step and buy ready-made cookies, but this is not interesting.

Ingredients for the Savoiardi cookie recipe

For 300 grams of finished cookies, cooking time is 30 minutes.

  • eggs - 4
  • sugar - 160 grams
  • honey - 30 grams
  • starch - 60 grams
  • flour - 70 grams
  • powdered sugar for dusting

How to make Savoiardi cookies at home

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. This must be done very carefully, not allowing even a drop of yolk to get into the white, this is the only way you will be able to beat it into a strong foam.

In one small bowl, beat the yolks with honey with a mixer for 5 minutes.

In another bowl, beat the egg whites and, without stopping whisking, add the sugar.

The foam should be strong - it should not fall out (or leak) from the inverted bowl.

Add the whites to the yolks in three additions, stirring very carefully with a silicone or wooden spatula.

Move the spatula from bottom to top. The result will be a very soft and airy mass.

Sift flour and starch. Add them to the egg mixture in three additions, stirring with a spatula. A homogeneous, well-mixed mass should hold its shape well.

Place the finished dough in the form of “sticks” on a lined baking sheet. It is convenient to do this with a cooking bag (if not, then a homemade one made from a thick bag or a bag made of parchment). Sprinkle the top generously with powdered sugar.

Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 7-9 minutes.

Remove the slightly cooled cookies from the paper and transfer to a wire rack. Once completely cooled, they are ready to continue creating Tiramisu.


Well-beaten egg whites help the dough hold its shape, which means the savoiardi cookies will be taller.

Do not skimp on powdered sugar for sprinkling.

If you won't be using the cookies right away or if you've baked significantly more cookies, store them in a tightly sealed, dry container.

Ingredients for Tiramisu recipe

Serves 3. Cooking time 30 min. + 6 hours in the refrigerator.
  • Savoyardi cookies - 300 grams
  • strong coffee - 250 ml
  • cognac (amaretto, rum) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • eggs - 5
  • mascarpone - 400 grams
  • powdered sugar - 150 grams
  • cocoa powder for sprinkling - 2 teaspoons

How to make Tiramisu at home

    • Brew strong coffee. Pour in the cognac.

Separate the egg whites and yolks into different containers. Place the whites in the refrigerator. Beat the yolks with a mixer with powdered sugar until pale yellow and silky, homogeneous consistency.

Place mascarpone into the egg mixture and, gently stirring with a wooden (silicone) spatula from bottom to top, make a homogeneous mixture.

Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form a stiff, standing foam.

Place the whites into the yolk mixture and stir in slowly, very carefully, obtaining an airy, delicate cream.

Place a layer of Savoiardi (half of the existing one) in a mold with sides.

Pour coffee evenly

until all the cookies are completely wet.

leveling over the entire surface.

Then again a layer of cookies, which must be soaked in coffee. And a layer of the remaining cream.

Place the Tiramisu in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight. After placing the dessert on a plate, sprinkle with cocoa.


Instead of pouring the cookies in the mold, you can dip them in coffee to completely wet them.

Usage raw eggs assumes that they will be the freshest - pay attention to this.

If on the second day you cannot cut the Tiramisu into pieces, then you have got the right dessert.

A great option is to prepare dessert in portioned forms.

Do not use flavorings or essence instead of cognac or brandy (liqueur) - this is very tasteless and incorrect.

And 2 more homemade Tiramisu recipes.

Tiramisu cake - sponge recipe, almond

In this recipe, “Savoiardi” is replaced with pieces of biscuit, the coffee impregnation is replaced with milk and almond liqueur, which is also added to the cream, and the topping, instead of cocoa, is almond flakes.


  • sugar - 50 grams
  • yolks - 2
  • squirrels - 3
  • flour - 50 grams
  • powdered sugar

Making Tiramisu biscuits at home

Beat the yolks with half (25 grams) of sugar until the sugar dissolves and the yolks lighten. Beat the whites with a mixer into a strong foam. Add the remaining sugar and beat until shiny and well thickened. Combine the protein and yolk masses.

Add the sifted flour to the mixture and mix gently with a spatula.

Drop off ready dough, transferring it into a pastry bag or homemade cornet onto a baking sheet with parchment. If you already know in what form you will make the dessert, then place sticks half the length of this form (you can draw out the paper so as not to make a mistake in size).

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and leave for 15 minutes.

Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Remove from paper and cool on a wire rack.

Ingredients for Tiramisu with Almonds recipe:

  • biscuits
  • sugar - 85 grams
  • almond liqueur - 3 tbsp. spoon
  • milk - 150 ml
  • cream at least 33% - 250 ml
  • yolk - 3
  • mascarpone - 250 grams
  • almond flakes for decoration - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to make Tiramisu cake on sponge cake with almond flavor

Pour 25 grams of sugar into a frying pan (preferably with a thick bottom), melt it over medium heat until brown. Pour in two tablespoons of boiling water and remove the pan from the heat.

Pour in the milk and stir until the caramel has completely dissolved. Pour through a strainer into a small container (bowl) and cool. Then pour in 1 tbsp. spoon of liqueur.

For the cream, prepare a steam bath. Place the container in the bathhouse, beat the yolks with 60 grams of sugar and 2 tbsp. spoons of liqueur until you get a fluffy, thick, viscous mass. In time it is approximately 7 minutes.

Move the container to a larger one with ice water (you can use a container with ice) and continue whisking, cooling the mass. Add mascarpone, mix thoroughly. Whip the cream and add it to the yolk mixture.

Dip each piece of sponge cake into the caramel syrup and place it in the pan.

After filling the bottom of the mold with biscuits, add half of the cream. Place another layer of soaked sponge cake pieces and a layer of cream. Decorate the top of the dessert with almond flakes (they can be toasted).

Place the dessert in the refrigerator for six hours.

Tiramisu without eggs

This recipe will appeal to those who are still wary of making dessert due to the presence of eggs that are not cooked.

If you prepare this recipe without alcohol, then the dessert is suitable for children.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • biscuit sticks - 300 grams
  • mascarpone - 500 grams
  • cream 33% - 150 ml
  • powdered sugar - 100 grams
  • coffee - 200 ml
  • Amaretto - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • cocoa or grated chocolate for sprinkling

Making homemade Tiramisu

Beat the cream with a mixer.

Mix mascarpone and powdered sugar. Add whipped cream, stir gently with a spatula until the cream is smooth.

Prepare coffee in a bowl, pour in Amaretto liqueur.

Dip the biscuit sticks into the coffee and place them in the pan. Top with half of the cream. Then again a layer of soaked sticks and a layer of cream.

Place the pan in the refrigerator overnight.

To serve, sprinkle with cocoa.
REFERENCE. Tiramisu is an exquisite dessert that is believed to have appeared in the second half of the 20th century. This assumption is based on the fact that the first written mention of the dish dates back to 1971.

Ten years later, the magazine “Vin Veneto” named the creator of “Tiramisu” - he allegedly turned out to be Roberto Linguanotto, who prepared the dessert in the late 60s in the city of Treviso at the restaurant “Alle Beccherie”.

The Italian “tira mi sù” - “raises me” - refers to nutritious and taste qualities products that make up the dessert.

However, it is difficult to say for sure whether the Vin Veneto magazine is right about the creator and the time of invention of the dessert. The Tiramisu brand (and this is undoubtedly a brand) is surrounded by many legends, each of which provides its own nuances and details, sometimes very romantic, beautiful and incredibly “tasty”. However, like the dessert itself.

Cake Recipes

1 hour 20 minutes

275 kcal

4.4/5 (5)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: springform cake pan, large baking sheet, parchment paper, saucepan, several bowls, cake plate, sieve, baking bag, tablespoons and teaspoons, knife, measuring cup and whisk, mixer.

Italian tiramisu cake considered by many to be one of the most tender and delicious desserts, but labor-intensive and time-consuming a large number of time in preparation. My mother, while in Italy last year, was able to refute this statement upon her return, since an Italian chef she knew had several recommendations instant cooking various cakes, including Tiramisu, classic recipes, suitable for home use. One of them contains advice not to be afraid of difficulties, since making this treat is no more difficult than baking your usual cakes, if you use your imagination and confidence.

Prepare a springform cake pan with a diameter of 28–30 cm and a large baking sheet, parchment paper, a saucepan of 600 ml, several large bowls of 400–800 ml (including one glass), a wide cake dish, a sieve, a baking bag (you can also take durable plastic bag with a corner cut off), tablespoons and teaspoons, knife, measuring cup and whisk. Also have a mixer ready, as you will have to beat a lot and hard.

You will need

Savoyardi cookies

The classic Tiramisu cake is made only from cookies "Savoyardi"(“Lady fingers”), so it is highly recommended not to use other, even very similar cookies. You can buy Savoyardi cookies ready-made, or you can bake them yourself.

Remember that making cookies is not at all it's complex, and the final result will please you very much.


  • 350 – 400 g mascarpone;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 350 ml of the heaviest cream;
  • 120 ml sweet dessert wine;
  • 5 pieces. egg yolks.


  • 1/2 tbsp. the strongest coffee.


  • 80 g cocoa.

Mascarpone curd cheese, which is part of the cream, must be used as the main ingredient if you do not want to make a standard dessert at home instead of Tiramisu cake. Also, be sure to wash the eggs in warm water before cooking.

Sequence of preparation of Tiramisu cake

Cookies for the base of the cake

To ensure that your cookies do not fry, but only dry out, we keep the oven temperature at a constant level and often look into it to check the level of color of the products. Ready-made “fingers” have soft cream color.

Cream for Tiramisu cake - a universal recipe

The colder the cream, the better your cake will set. My mom usually puts a bowl of cream on ice, wrapped in a plastic bag, and then puts it all in the refrigerator.

Assembling the cake

The Tiramisu cake prepared according to this recipe does not need gelatin, since the filling - curd mass of cream with Mascarpone cheese - is perfect freezes in the refrigerator without any additional ingredients.


Pour cocoa into a sieve and sprinkle the cake thoroughly above.

Many people wonder: how to additionally decorate the Tiramisu cake? The point is that this classic dessert does not need in other decors, since traditional decorations such as marmalade or chocolate can only worsen the taste of your fragile creation, so there is no need to make additional decorations.

Video of step-by-step preparation of Tiramisu cake

You can see the recipe for Tiramisu cake at home in detail in this video:

Finally, let me recommend a few more examples of recipes that will definitely not disappoint you, as they can be prepared at home and without wasting time, for example, for a birthday.