What does the tarot card 7 of Pentacles mean? Questions to ask when drawing a card

The meaning of the seven of pentacles in upright position

The person does not really like the work, but the material reward for it in the future will bring satisfaction. Gradual progress, slow progress, constant effort. After some time, you will be able to enjoy the results of your labor. In love, the card also portends a gradual improvement in relationships. Searching for common interests, getting in touch between people, the emergence of stronger feelings.

  • slow progress in material terms
  • perseverance, success after some time
  • incomplete satisfaction with the results of financial transactions

A normally oriented Seven of Pentacles Tarot signifies limited success. Hard work and continuous effort can make up for the shortfall, but it will take a long time. The client will face project delays and speculation arising from being overly cautious. It is this cautious approach that causes and increases anxiety and fear of failure. If the Client shows persistence, his work will be rewarded over a long period of time.

The seven of pentacles tarot card signifies success, usually financial. Growth in business or other endeavors. Benefit, profit, money. Reward and satisfaction from work done. Gradual growth of the enterprise. Luck. Good will on the part of the Questioner and towards him.

Meaning of the Seven of Pentacles in reversed position

Suspicion, anxiety, lack of restraint, erroneous decisions. Problems with credit, delays in business, constant pressure from hostile forces. The efforts invested did not yield results, all efforts led to nothing. Failure in personal relationships, a major quarrel on the verge of a break, misunderstanding, diametrically opposed views on things, reluctance to find a common language.

  • bad investment
  • refusal of opportunities, hasty decisions
  • financial difficulties, debts, health problems

The seven of pentacles tarot card reversed predicts lost opportunities and depression. The client loses courage or cannot withstand the pressure of problems and gives up. Businesses are closing, which undoubtedly leads to financial losses. The Card warns the Client against making such hasty business decisions.

The reversed Seven of Pentacles signifies financial difficulties, especially regarding unreasonable expenses or a loan that the Questioner gave without being sure of its repayment. Your concern is justified; be careful. Possible bad debtors, heavy losses, failure.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Seven of Pentacles is a card of profit, especially that received in reward for one's efforts. Profit is usually monetary (suit sign!), but is possible in any area where the Questioner has worked long and fruitfully.

The Seven of Pentacles tarot card also predicts continued gradual growth, both personal and in business, and you will receive satisfaction from both work and its fruits. In a numerological sense, the Seven of Pentacles also suggests that your success is at least partly due to previous decent work; the result will be richly rewarded.

Straight position

The Seven of Coins indicates unfavorable circumstances, losses, and sometimes even misfortunes. Moreover, in this case, it is important that the cause of trouble is bad luck, objective circumstances, but not the person himself. And therefore, it is not surprising that a red thread running through this Arcanum is a pessimistic attitude and a melancholy-philosophical attitude towards life, tinged with sadness and sadness.

This card seems to advise that you should not particularly hope for a miracle and also that a fairy tale has no place in reality. The Seven of Coins is an excellent illustration of the lamentations of citizen O. Bender, who came to the conclusion that “life is rough, like a bass clef.”

Anyone who has received such an Arcanum for the future must be internally prepared that he will have to work hard and live modestly. However, if Justice is also nearby, it means that the person himself is aware of this. The Devil who appears in the scenario can suggest that due to the frequent lack of money, a person will develop stinginess and excessive attachment to material wealth.

Inverted position

The inverted Seven of Coins is vanity, thoughtlessness, carelessness that a person demonstrates in attempts to somehow correct a negative situation, to prove something to someone. Although, perhaps, he proves something not so much to others as to himself, in order to refute his personal conviction of his own lack of talent and failure.

The Seven of Coins inverted can also indicate violations of public peace, hooliganism, and scandalous behavior. The reason for this position in life also lies in the feeling of being different from most people, of being isolated or even opposing oneself to society.

Together with the Court, the inverted Seven of Coins means a critical moment, a time of crossroads, at which a person needs to draw conclusions from the past and decide on his own future, and with the Seven of Cups - a situation in which anxiety, no matter what it arises from, is completely justified.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In this regard, the Seven of Coins is a map of crises, conflicts, and deterioration in relationships. For the personal sphere, this Arcanum signifies the need to think about the essence, significance, and future of relationships.

Anyone who has the Seven of Coins in their relationship chart should take note that princes (and princesses too) have long since died out, so our actions, as well as the behavior of people towards us, are by no means always so good, decent and as romantic as we would like. And it is advisable to perceive your loved one more loyally and simply.

When the Seven of Swords appears in combination with Death in a reading, it means that changes are already overdue and therefore you need to be especially careful not to spoil the future with a biased statement or a rash act. And in combination with the Four of Swords, this Arcanum completely indicates the need to move away from everyone and calm down (think everything over, etc.), because outside influences on a person are too great.

Inverted position

The Reversed Seven of Coins is an indication, firstly, of disagreements and in general the impossibility at the moment to achieve not only harmony in a relationship, but even a compromise, secondly, of a partner who clearly disappoints and does not live up to expectations, thirdly , to unexpected actions that clearly have a negative connotation and confuse loved ones. However, here it hardly makes sense to say that at the moment it is possible to somehow influence the problem.

At the event level, the inverted Seven of Swords is interpreted as suspicions of infidelity or dishonesty. And also - as an awkward situation in which the partner or the fortuneteller himself found himself (or will find himself in the future) through the fault of his partner (in particular, together with the Eight of Wands, we should be talking specifically about spontaneous actions and therefore creating unpleasant situations).

In addition, you need to remember that if the Jester appears in combination with the inverted Seven of Coins, it means that all fears are in vain, and unpleasant situations are not worth even remembering about them, let alone worrying about it.


Straight position

For the professional sphere, this Arcanum carries quite unpleasant moments that can significantly ruin life - unemployment (or at least the threat of dismissal), significant material losses up to bankruptcy, fiasco of business projects.

If the Seven of Coins is considered as a card advice, then it warns about the danger of unsuccessful investments, as well as “unaffordable” loans that one should not even think about taking.

However, this card in career and business scenarios is not completely negative. In a certain context, it may not carry fatalistic troubles, but only say that, despite some successes, it is too early to rejoice and rest on our laurels, since there is still a lot to be done and overcome. For example, this is how the combination of the Seven of Coins with the Empress is interpreted in a positive way, which predicts that there are many problems, but if you give yourself the trouble to fight them, then, ultimately, everything can end very well. And if the Jester was also nearby, then this should be interpreted as the fact that the person will almost certainly quit what he started halfway, because he lacks patience, willpower or perseverance.

Inverted position

In this context, we have to say that a person has taken up a task on which he will “put” a lot of effort, and perhaps money, but that’s all it will end, and positive results there is no point in waiting (especially with the Hanged Man). True, to justify the fortuneteller, we can say that it is still impossible to calculate everything in advance, and in general, little depends on the person in this situation.

Sometimes the inverted Seven of Coins indicates that a person simply lacks business acumen, so it is not advisable for him to invest money somewhere or engage in business (including with the Moon).

Beware of making important decisions spontaneously, because reasoning about intuition in many situations is only good in theory. In any case, this is exactly the case for you. And learn to approach life philosophically, because nothing on our mortal planet can be unshakable and eternal.

Brief description of the card: A young man, taking a break from work, looks at a bush with blooming or ripening “pentacles”. The card speaks of time for reflection during the waiting period. A bush with pentacles is a symbol of a project that has been launched and everything that you could have already done. The man seems to be trying to evaluate what he was able to accomplish in the past and what needs to be done next in order to succeed in his plan and reap the harvest. This is both satisfaction from successfully completed work and calm planning of further steps. But it is not yet time to relax on your laurels, since the harvest has not been harvested, and the fruits may be destroyed by hail or birds will peck at them.

The philosophy of the Seven of Pentacles is that there are a lot of things in the world that are beyond our control. And our task is to do our job well, and rely on the magic of nature - to wait and hope.
Grapes symbolize wisdom, fertility and wealth. In Christianity, grapes are a symbol of salvation and rebirth.

Astrology: Planet: Saturn. Zodiac sign: Capricorn. Virgo.

Keywords: Slow growth. Expectation. Patience. Obligations. Start. Haste. Impatience. Unwise investment of money. Losing. Non-repayment of debt. Fatigue. Emotional burnout. Dissatisfaction. Feeling of failure. Anxiety about money. Insolvency. A series of delays and delays.

Inner meaning: Don't rush to pick green fruits! The seed must sprout. Everything needs time to mature.

Personal relationships: Calm period of calm. If there is no relationship, then it is not expected in the near future. Use this time to your advantage.
Study: You will only get the result you deserve. And if you did not prepare honestly for the exam, then you will fail it.

Business and finance: Long-term deals and profits. The Seven of Pentacles is a card of monetary profit, honestly received for one's efforts. Summing up, delivery accounting reports, inventory.
In its negative aspect, the card indicates that you are spending on small needs what could be invested in a profitable business. The amount of actual work and costs exceed those you expected.

Advice: Believe in the best and be patient.

Warning: You shouldn’t chase quick profits and take on crude projects.

Card of the day: Today you should neither rush nor be impatient, although circumstances will force you to do so. This day is a test of patience, and any haste and carelessness can cause harm in the future. In a favorable aspect, the 7 of Pentacles indicates that time is now working for you, and on this day you can retire and relax.

Characters: A simple patient guy.

Professions and field of activity: Everything related to physical labor on the ground.

Main meaning: The Seven of Pentacles is a time for summing up preliminary results and assessing the correctness or error of the strategy. This card does not promise dizzying gifts of fate. There is a slow, gradual, but confident growth here. This applies not only to business issues, but to everyone else. The map is generally positive, because You will enjoy both the work done and its fruits. Your success comes from doing your job well. You will receive exactly as much as you expected, no less, but no more. Unless the layout contains indications of gifts of fate. Therefore, the Seven of Pentacles is often considered almost a negative kata, because few people are directly satisfied with the goal of achieving it. Human nature is such that he always longs to get more from life, to be caressed by fate. For the same reason, people easily waste their lives spending on trifles and quick gains, losing in the long run.

The mood that the 7 of Pentacles gives is hope and uncertainty. This kata talks about the need to have patience, because every fruit needs time to ripen. And 9 pregnant women do not carry one child to term in a month.

Whatever you work on, now is the time when all processes can develop independently. This short break should be used to restore your strength.

Dividends from the Seven of Pentacles can only be received by those who take their work responsibly, do not pursue short-term profits, understand the mechanism and cyclical nature of processes, are ready to invest in the systematic realization of their desires, and are ready to devote themselves entirely to work and creation. This card is ruled by strict Saturn (or Chronos, the ruler of time), and he loves those who are hardworking, persistent and patient, ready to work hard, denying themselves much.

Negative, inverted position: Since the work on the Seven of Pentacles is not easy, and, on top of everything else, it is monotonous and lengthy, and the receipt of profit is gradual and extended over time, not only physical but also moral fatigue may arise, a desire to give up everything halfway and forget it like a bad dream. This attitude towards the situation will lead to melancholy and a feeling of emptiness. A lot of work has been done, there is no harvest yet, but there is no less work ahead than in the past. There is still so much to come! That is why the man, wearily leaning on his staff, looks at the bush with coins.

The feeling that someone is hunting for your harvest (ideas, projects, money) causes great anxiety, this forces you to be on guard all the time and become impatient - “when will it grow already!” These fears may well be justified if the remaining cards in the layout confirm it.

The Seven of Pentacles also speaks of problems at work; profit or salary does not cover the effort and time expended. This is hopeless, dull work, you won’t get a harvest from it, and you won’t get any benefit either.

Your efforts will not pay off, perhaps because of this. That a mistake was made at the very beginning or by the will of an evil fate, but this project will not take place. The wait is prolonged, you will receive less than you expected or you will receive nothing at all. Even if the result is achieved, it will take so much physical, mental and material costs that the result itself will no longer be a joy. While still on the way to achieving your goal, you have lost interest in it. You don’t see any prospects, but you also can’t quit halfway, because... are already involved in this matter. The trap of the 7 of Pentacles is that a person can get bogged down in useless, meaningless work, without having any strength to stop this process. The problem is also that, despite the fact that this work is fruitless, it must be done and the matter closed. In a very difficult situation, the card says that there is no work. No investment can bring success.

Interpretation in layouts:

Just like the Four of Swords and the Hanged Man, the Seven of Pentacles speaks of forced waiting and stagnation, only unlike these cards, the Seven has growth and development.

Also, the Seven of Pentacles in the classical interpretation is used to determine the period. In the upright position, she says that the result will not come soon, but it will happen. Here the definition of the units of time itself depends on the context of the question: days. Weeks, months. The waiting period is a year, this is exactly the period when they are waiting for a new harvest. Inverted: this will not happen within the specified period, the wait may drag on for a long time.

With the Jester (0 Arcana) – impatience, childishness. Quit the job halfway.

With the Hanged Man (12 Arcana) - all efforts made have led to a dead end.

With the Tower (16 Arcana) - collapse.

With the Sun (Arkan 19) - a reward for your efforts.

With Peace (21 Arcana) - get a harvest.

People have always tried to look into the future at least with one eye to find out what it has in store for us. For this purpose, various fortune-telling systems were used, of which Tarot cards are the most popular and in demand. To make a correct forecast, you should learn the meaning of all the Minor and Major Arcana of the Tarot, as well as their various combinations.

In this material we will reveal the meaning of the 7 of Pentacles.

✚ For the future

✚ On relationships

This card often symbolizes pregnancy. If you or your partner are not yet ready to take this step in your relationship, then pregnancy will be unexpected and not very pleasant news. If, on the contrary, you are planning a pregnancy, then the card may be a sign of failure in this matter. In general, the card is definitely not negative, but it does not promise serious positive changes of a love nature to the questioner.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

✚ For tomorrow

✚ On request

✚ On the situation

✚ On the King

✚ For treason

7 of pentacles

This card means that there is a place for betrayal in a couple. A partner who cheats does not attach much importance to outside relationships. For him, this is just a temporary and frivolous passing hobby that can end at any moment.

Knowing the designation of each Tarot card, you can correctly decipher the entire card layout. One of the iconic cards in fortune telling is the 7 of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of which usually comes down to losses, unfavorable circumstances and even misfortunes.

But depending on the cards located nearby, the basic designation of the seven of pentacles may change.

Description of the image

Looking at the card of the seven of pentacles, you can see a tall young man standing wearily leaning on a hoe. His gaze is fixed on a vine bush, the leaves of which are covered with golden denarii. The sky above his head is clear and cloudless.

A young man rests after hard work. Apparently, he is cultivating a vineyard. Often a young man is depicted in a suit, the halves of which are painted in dark and light colors.

And in the Aquarius Tarot, the seven of pentacles of the Tarot depicts a girl returning from the harvest with ears of grain and a sickle in her hands. Regardless of the main design, the card conveys the image of the Sower, who has planted a whole garden and is patiently waiting for the harvest.

Perhaps he is overwhelmed by doubts about whether the crops will sprout and how good the harvest will be. And the characteristic clothing of two halves symbolizes uncertainty, duality of consciousness, aspirations and hopes.

It is very likely that the young man does not enjoy his work. That is why this tarot card has another name - “Lord of Unfulfilled Success.”

But future material rewards for it will certainly bring satisfaction. And seven denarii is proof of this. After some time, you can be proud, enjoying the results of the work done.

Basic map designation

In the upright position, the main essence of the interpretation of the seven pentacles comes down to losses and unfavorable circumstances. Often the card acts as a symbol of evil fate and unforeseen circumstances with which the fortuneteller is in no way connected.

And he warns that you shouldn’t hope for a miracle. It is best to prepare yourself internally for the long and intense years of frugal living and hard work.

The straight position of the card should be interpreted as follows:

  • almost complete lack of progress in material terms;
  • success is likely only with long-term perseverance;
  • lack of satisfaction with completed financial transactions;
  • long wait for positive results of the work done.

Together with the Justice card, denarii say that the fortuneteller himself is aware of his difficult fate. And the Devil falling nearby warns of the development of excessive stinginess and strong attachment to material wealth.

In the reverse position, the seven of pentacles slightly changes its meaning, which comes down to carelessness, thoughtlessness and vanity. The card talks about a person who is trying to fix or prove something.

And convince others of your own talent and luck. Sometimes seven denarii is an expression of scandalous behavior and hooligan character. And often the reason is dissatisfaction with oneself due to being different from other people.

And very often the reverse position of the card indicates financial difficulties and health problems. When appearing with the Judgment card, coins advise you to think seriously and take the right step when standing at a crossroads.