Cool hour on what to spend your life on. Cool hour-game "What to spend your life on?"

The game is intended for students in grades 9–11 who are on the verge of great life. During the game, students are faced with a choice of fundamental life values ​​to determine their future life strategy.

“Without values, a person is carried away by the stream,
like a tree in the stormy waters of the sea"
O. Vincent Duminuco (Italian philosopher)

Lesson objectives:

  • Formulate your own life values.
  • Think about the importance of determining the fundamental values ​​for choosing a life strategy.


  • 10 tokens for each participant
  • cards with names of values
  • magnets

Today we will talk about human character and its influence on all aspects of our lives. Before starting the lesson, I must introduce you to our guest ( a silhouette of a person is attached to the board), who needs our help. He really wants to be successful and happy in life, but does not know how to become this, what his life path should be, what values ​​to rely on in life.
Let us recall the definition of the concepts “happiness”, “success”, “goal”.
Definitions given by students are written on the board. Then definitions from the explanatory dictionary are attached next to it.
Target- an object of aspiration, something that needs to be achieved, it is desirable to achieve it. Success– luck in achieving something, public recognition, good results in anything. Happiness– a feeling and state of complete highest satisfaction, success, luck.
Let's compare all these definitions. What do they have in common?
A person experiences a feeling of success and happiness only when he achieves his goal. Pursuit of goals is the key to a happy life. Man is a creature that is focused on a specific goal. A state of happiness is a sign of normal, natural life. When a person acts purposefully, he feels relatively happy.
But before we get into this topic, I would like to ask a question: “ How much does it cost to buy you? In other words: “What would you trade your life for?” To be happy and reach your goal.
Today we will play a game called “What to spend your life on?” It will help everyone answer the question posed.
Before the game starts, each of you will receive ten tokens. Each token represents a piece of yourself - one tenth of your time, energy, funds, interests, personality. During the game, these 10 tokens will be equivalent to the sum of those qualities and capabilities that make up your personality. Don't lose them! When we start the game, you will be faced with a choice: “ to spend" tokens or " save." Will be put up for sale immediately two things each. You have the right to choose any or none of them, but only not both at once.
You can buy each item only at the moment when it is put up for sale. Moving on to the next pair means that the previous one is finally removed from trading. If you run out of tokens, you won't be able to buy anything.
Ready? So, I propose to make a choice, the first pair of values:
a) A nice spacious apartment or house. (1 token)
b) A new expensive or sports car. (1 token)
Who wants to purchase one of the two proposed “products”? (The assistant exchanges tokens from those who wanted to make a purchase for the corresponding card with the name of the purchased value.)
Next pair: a) Fully paid vacation for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend. (2 tokens)
b) Full guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying (whom you dream of marrying) will indeed become your wife (your husband) in the near future. (2 tokens)
Then: a) The greatest popularity among acquaintances for two years. (1 token)
b) One true friend. (2 tokens)
Next pair: a) Good education. (2 tokens)
b) An enterprise that brings high profits. (2 tokens)
Further: A) Healthy family. (2 tokens)
b) World fame. (3 tokens)
Those who chose a healthy family will receive a reward - two extra tokens.
After: a) Change any feature of your appearance. (1 token)
b) Be satisfied with yourself all your life. (2 tokens)
Further: a) Five years of undisturbed physical pleasure. (2 tokens)
b) Respect and love for you from those whom you value most. (2 tokens)
Those who chose 5 years of enjoyment must pay another token if you still have any left. After all, there are things in life for which we sometimes have to pay more than we thought.
Next pair: a) A clear conscience. (2 tokens)
b) The ability to achieve success in whatever you want. (2 tokens)
Then: a) A miracle performed for the sake of the person you love. (2 tokens)
b) The ability to relive (repeat) any 1 event of the past. (2 tokens)
Then: a) Seven extra years of life. (3 tokens)
b) Painless death when the time comes. (3 tokens)
You can't make any more purchases. If you haven't used up all the tokens, they disappear.
Discussion of the game. I invite you to spend the next 3 minutes in groups of five discussing your purchases and responding to next questions:
1. Which purchase are you most pleased with? 2. Have you ever regretted not purchasing something? 3. Would you like to change anything in the rules of the game? (Most likely, you will hear the following sentences from the guys: “Before you buy something, you need to find out what else will be on sale”; “I would like to be able to exchange a previously purchased item for any other item announced later”; “ We need to be given more tokens before the game starts.” Help students see the connections between their shopping choices and certain ones. personal qualities
. For example, if you gave away a token for changing your appearance, it means that you attach great importance to what others think about you. If you choose to be satisfied with yourself, it means you value your opinion of yourself more.) Most of your suggestions are really reasonable and correct. But the problem is that life doesn't work like that. You can’t make the same choice twice, just as you can’t “undo” the consequences earlier. decision taken
. You cannot achieve everything at once or take advantage of all opportunities at once. We do not know in advance what we will have to choose from in the future. Time, energy, choice of opportunities, money, interest will always be limited. Whatever you choose for yourself, you will have to pay some price, and in many cases the price will be higher than you expected. Today it was just a game. But the way we spend our time, energy and opportunities in real life
, allows us to fairly accurately judge our true values.
Group discussion.
Three interested persons, please come to the board. Now I suggest you play the role of our interviewee, a very elderly person (80 - 90 years old), and, despite this, you have absolutely normal thinking. Questions
: 1. What was the most important thing in life? 2. What personal quality helped you most in difficult situations? 3. What helped and what hindered the creation of close relationships with other people? 4. What have you done for your family? Group work. Students are divided into 3 groups. First group must draw up a project based on life values ​​(goal, actions, means, result, time) life path a successful person. should draw the life of a happy person. Third group make up a story about a person achieving goals. (Protection of projects by groups).
The final part of the game. Dear guys, you conducted an interview, were able to build a ladder of success, let's all discuss the following questions together: 1. What are the goals that most people strive to achieve - are they material or spiritual in nature? Despite the fact that different people different views on life, main values human life have spiritual meaning. For example, starting a family, raising children, the well-being of relatives.
And if you really regret anything now, I can make you happy: you have a great opportunity to do right choice- and not in our game, but in real life! When the time comes to decide what to devote yourself to, I ask you to remember one thing: do not sell your life short. It most likely costs a lot more than you think! Now, let's look at the board, and let each of you think about what your GOAL is in life at this stage, which will lead you to SUCCESS and a feeling of HAPPINESS!

I wish you success!

The material contains a script and presentation for the class hour "What to spend your life on?" The event is aimed at helping students formulate their own life values; explain how these values ​​influence life; think about the importance of determining the fundamental values ​​for choosing a life strategy.



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Slide captions:

Class hour- game “What to spend your life on?”

What are life values? What life values ​​would you like to acquire throughout your life?

“Without values, a person is carried away by a stream, like a tree in the stormy waters of the sea” O. Vincent Duminuco (Italian philosopher) Do not wish for the impossible. Chilon

Rules of the game During the game, 10 tokens will be equal to the sum of those qualities and capabilities that make up your personality. Two items will be put up for sale at a time. You have the right to choose any of them or none, but not both at once. You can buy each item only at the moment when it is put up for sale. Moving on to the next pair means that the previous one is finally removed from “trading”. If you run out of tokens, you won't be able to buy anything.

First pair of values ​​New sports car (1 token) Nice spacious apartment or house (1 token)

Second pair of values ​​Fully paid vacation for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend (2 tokens) Full guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying (whom you dream of marrying) is really in the near future will become your wife (your husband) in the future (2 tokens)

Third pair of values ​​Most popular among friends for two years (1 token) One true friend (2 tokens)

Fourth pair of values: Good education (2 tokens) Enterprise that brings high profits (2 tokens)

Fifth pair of values: Healthy family (2 tokens) World fame (3 tokens)

Sixth pair of values ​​Change any feature of your appearance (1 token) Be satisfied with yourself all your life (2 tokens)

Seventh pair of values ​​Five years of undisturbed physical pleasure (2 tokens) Respect and love for you from those whom you value most (2 tokens)

Eighth pair of values: A clear conscience (2 tokens) The ability to achieve success in whatever you want (2 tokens)

Ninth pair of values ​​The ability to relive (repeat) any one event of the past (2 tokens) A miracle performed for the sake of the person you love (2 tokens)

Tenth Value Pair Painless death when the time comes (3 tokens) Seven extra years of life (3 tokens)

Discussion of the game 1. Which purchase are you most satisfied with? 2. Have you ever regretted not purchasing something? 3. Would you like to change anything in the rules of the game?

You cannot achieve everything at once or take advantage of all opportunities at once. Today it was just a game. But the way we spend our time, energy and opportunities in real life allows us to fairly accurately judge our true values.

Group work “If someone were to analyze the decisions you made during the game, what conclusions could this person draw about your values ​​​​in life.”

List of common values ​​that could appear during the game: a. Other people's opinions about me b. Concern for the welfare of others c. My own needs d. Material goods e. Long-term goals f. Reliability g. Meaningful life h. Peace, harmony

Group work - What was the most important thing in life? - What personal quality helped you most in difficult situations? - What helped and what hindered the creation of close relationships with other people? - What have you done for your family?

Discussion - What are the goals that most people strive to achieve - are they material or spiritual in nature? - Do you find any similarities in the answers to the questions? - Is there any commonality of views on things that are most important and significant in people’s lives?

Happiness is a feeling and state of complete highest satisfaction. (S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language.) Happiness is living for people and making them happy. Happiness is finding something you like and working creatively. Happiness is in communication with friends and family. Happiness is having everything you need for interesting life. Happiness is living today without thinking about tomorrow. Happiness is being healthy, being able to take care of the health of yourself and those around you. What is happiness?

Drawing up projects “Stairways to Happiness” ─ values Everyday life: diligence, punctuality, hard work, frugality, responsibility, love of order; ─ values ​​of human relations: gratitude, respect, compassion, tolerance; ─ values ​​of the highest sphere of spiritual life: sensitivity, ability to empathize, mercy; ─ Christian values: love for one’s neighbor, humility, faith, etc.

Reflection 1. What did you learn about your values ​​in life through the game? 2. What do you think people value that is not of interest to you? 3. Which of your values ​​do you think are not values ​​for others? 4. Do all people have the same values?

Cool hour-game "What to spend your life on?" Notes for students in grades 9-11

Target: Formulate your own life values.
develop a sense of responsibility, independence, and self-esteem skills;
develop in students the desire to understand themselves, their actions and behavior;
improve the grammatical structure of speech.
Equipment: 10 tokens for each participant, cards with the names of values,
CD – projector, computer, slide show presentation “Life Values”.
I.Organizational moment.- Good afternoon. It’s very nice to see you in a good mood, and I hope that it will remain with you during our work and after it.
II. Introductory part.- And now, in order to find out what we will talk about today, I would like you to remember our previous class hour, the topic of which was Morality is the mind of the heart. In our conversation we talked about: material or spiritual values. What's more important? (Students’ answer Of course, spiritual values ​​are more important. They are the ones who give us the opportunity to make the right choice between good and bad, good and evil.) Let’s try to figure out with you what you consider spiritual values ​​and what material values ​​- Money can buy book... (but not wisdom, knowledge and skills.)
– money can buy a bodyguard... (but not friendship and understanding)
– money can buy a house... (but not family, care and love)
- money can buy entertainment... (but not happiness) (students’ answers)
Yes absolutely true material values- this is what we can touch, see, buy.
Spiritual values, unlike material ones, we cannot always see, and they are not bought, but we can feel them through our actions and the behavior of the people around us.
What do you think happiness is? (Students' answers) Happiness is when dreams come true.
Happiness is when there are close people nearby.
Guys, is there ready-made recipe happiness, who knows how to become happy?
(Students. We must learn to set goals for ourselves and achieve them.)
III. Main part. And today we will talk about human character and its influence on all aspects of our lives. But before we begin to study this topic, I would like to ask the question: “How much should I pay to buy you”? In other words: “What would you trade your life for?” And now we will play a game called “What to spend your life on?” Slide 6 It will help everyone answer the question posed.
Before the game starts, each of you will receive ten tokens. Each token represents a piece of yourself - one tenth of your time, energy, funds, interests, personality. During the game, these 10 tokens will be equivalent to the sum of those qualities and capabilities that make up your personality. Don't lose them!
(Give each student tokens. Prepare a sufficient number of value cards in advance.)
When we start the game, you will be faced with a choice: “spend” tokens or “save”. Two items will be put up for sale at a time. You have the right to choose any of them or none, but not both at once.
You can buy each item only at the moment when it is put up for sale.
Moving on to the next pair means that the previous one is finally removed from “trading”.
If you run out of tokens, you won't be able to buy anything.
So, I propose to make a choice, the first pair of values:
a) A nice spacious apartment or house. (1 token)
b) New sports car. (1 token)
Who wants to purchase one of the two proposed “products”?
Next pair:
a) An all-expenses-paid vacation for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend. (2 tokens)
b) Full guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying (whom you dream of marrying) will indeed become your wife (your husband) in the near future. (2 tokens)
a) The greatest popularity among acquaintances for two years. (1 token)
b) One true friend. (2 tokens)
Next pair: Slide-11
a) Good education. (2 tokens)
b) An enterprise that brings high profits. (2 tokens)
a) Happy family. (2 tokens)
b) World fame. (3 tokens)
Those who chose a happy family will receive a reward - two extra tokens.
a) Change any feature of your appearance. (1 token)
b) Be satisfied with yourself all your life. (2 tokens)
a) Five years of undisturbed physical pleasure. (2 tokens)
b) Respect and love for you from those whom you value most. (2 tokens) Those who chose 5 years of enjoyment must pay another token if you still have any left. After all, there are things in life for which we sometimes have to pay more than we thought.
Next pair:
a) A clear conscience. (2 tokens)
b) The ability to achieve success in whatever you want. (2 tokens)
a) A miracle performed for the sake of the person you love. (2 tokens)
b) The ability to relive (repeat) any 1 event of the past. (2 tokens)
And finally:
a) Seven extra years of life. (3 tokens)
b) Painless death when the time comes. (3 tokens)
Discussion of the game.
I invite you to spend the next five minutes in groups of three to five discussing your purchases and answering the following questions:
1. Which purchase are you most pleased with?
2. Have you ever regretted not purchasing something?
3. Would you like to change anything in the rules of the game?”
(Most likely, you will hear the following sentences from the guys: “Before you buy something, you need to find out what else will be on sale”; “I would like to be able to exchange a previously purchased item for any other item announced later”; “ We need to be given more tokens before the game starts.” Help students see the connection between their purchasing choices and certain personality traits. For example, if you gave away a token for changing your appearance, it means that you attach great importance to what others think of you. being satisfied with yourself means that you value your opinion of yourself more.)
Most of your suggestions are really reasonable and correct. But the problem is that life doesn't work like that. You cannot make the same choice twice, just as it is impossible to “undo” the consequences of a previously made decision. You cannot achieve everything at once or take advantage of all opportunities at once. We do not know in advance what we will have to choose from in the future. Time, energy, choice of opportunities, money, interest will always be limited. Whatever you choose for yourself, you will have to pay some price, and in many cases the price will be higher than you expected.
Today it was just a game. But the way we spend our time, energy and opportunities in real life allows us to fairly accurately judge our true values. I would like to tell you a legend
IV. Physical education minute. Music. gr. Shakespeare love stories.
Independent work
For a minute or two, try to answer the question: “If someone were to analyze the decisions you made during the game, what conclusions would that person draw about your values ​​in life.”
Here is a partial list of shared values ​​that may have emerged during the game:
- Other people's opinions about me
- Concern for the well-being of others
- My own needs
- Material goods
- Long-term goals
- Reliability
- Meaningful life
- Peace, harmony
Work in pairs
Now I suggest you break into pairs and conduct an interview: one of you will play the role of a reporter, the other will be the interviewee. In this case, you need to imagine that you are interviewing a very old person (80 - 90 years old), and, despite this, he has absolutely normal thinking.
(Students sit in pairs and take turns interviewing each other. Reporters take brief notes to give their report.)
Sample questions:
- What was the most important thing in life?
- What personal quality helped you most in difficult situations?
- What helped and what hindered the creation of close relationships with other people?
- What have you done for your family?
Students can add a few more questions to this interview if they wish.
Group discussion
You've done the interview, now let's all discuss the following questions together.
- What are the goals that most people strive to achieve - are they material or spiritual in nature?
- Do you find any similarities in the answers to the questions?
- Is there any commonality of views on things that are most important and significant in people’s lives?
As a result of the discussion, students come to the conclusion that, despite the fact that different people have different views on life, the main values ​​of human life have a spiritual meaning. For example, starting a family, raising children, the well-being of relatives.
V. Result. Guys, remember what “valuable things” you chose today from those offered during the game. Some of you can probably congratulate yourself and say: “I gave my life for a reason: I made the right choice and acquired what is truly valuable.” Another, perhaps with regret, realized that he had spent his life on something completely wrong. Someone will regret that they rushed to spend themselves or, on the contrary, waited too long and missed something. And many probably thought: “If only we could repeat the game!” Then I would have behaved much more carefully, smarter.”
And if you really regret anything now, I can make you happy: you have a great opportunity to make the right choice - and not in our game, but in real life! When the time comes to decide what to devote yourself to, I ask you to remember one thing: do not sell your life short. It most likely costs a lot more than you think!

Class hour “What to spend your life on?..”

Form – a business game with elements of conversation


Multimedia projector, tokens, film “Kirensk”, song “Wind Rose”.

Participants – 11th grade


Develop in students public speaking skills, the ability to defend their point of view, develop the desire to understand themselves and their choices;

Discuss the concepts of “life”, “choice”, show the significance of these concepts in human life;

To form a communicative culture among students, to work on the moral qualities of students.

Class progress

    Organizing time

I ask everyone for your absolute attention,

We are starting our meeting.

(the background of the song “Everything is ghostly in this raging world..." sounds

Everything is ghostly in this raging world,
There is only a moment, hold on to it,
There is only a moment between the past and the future,
This is what is called life.
Save this moment of revelation
You will appreciate all its greatness.
There is no salvation for you in this world,
Except, perhaps, himself.

(Tables are arranged in a semicircle, each participant makes a choice - chooses a place in the class)


Choice... Every person has a choice in life. Choice exists daily and in the moment. Different in their severity, different in consequences. To step or not to step, to remain silent or to answer, to endure or not to endure, to overcome or to retreat, yes or no. Where to go to study, how to live, what to do. We have dwarf questions and giant questions, ocean questions and drop questions.

(address to the epigraph) – 1 slide

The poet Rasul Gamzatov wrote:

Our eyes are much higher than our legs:

I see the meaning and a special sign in that.

We were all created so that everyone could

Inspect everything before you take a step.

3. Announcement of the topic

Today we are faced with questions of the dwarf and questions of the community. The topic of our lesson is what to spend your life on? (slide 2)

What is life, in your opinion?

(guys' answers)

I think the meaning of life is
It's different for everyone, it's your own.
Don't make it difficult to think
It's easy to answer this question.
Some people want to work and earn big money.
For someone - to live, to love, and in general,
Create a wonderful family.
And someone like, wise minnow,
One lives...
What lives?
He exists - pathetic, boring
And he will die very quietly.
What is a sense of life?
I will answer:
“Leave a bright mark on the centuries.
And by the way, I note
You don’t have to live like a minnow!”

    Game conditions

(slide 3)

(photo of baby)

When a person is born, the doctors who delivered him sigh with relief and say: “Well, thank God!” and smile tiredly. And the woman who became a mother, through pain, through tears and expectations, also tries to smile. “That’s all,” the doctors say. “No,” she shakes her head, “this is just the beginning, the beginning of a new person, the beginning of a new life.”

– Every person who has yet to become an individual faces a lot of questions. Some of them you will answer throughout your life, some of them try to answer today.

Why do you need to think about your life path?

So, each participant in the game has 10 tokens that he can spend or save, it is his choice. I, the presenter, am offering you lots, ten of these lots. From each lot you can choose only one item or refuse the offered lots altogether, it’s your choice.

    Carrying out the game

(slide 4)

1 lot

1 g. apartment

1 g. car

(slide 5)

2 lot

2 g. rest

2 g. find your other half

(slide 6)

3 lot

1 g. popularity for 2 years

2 g. one true friend

(slide 7)

4 lot

2 g. education

2 g. profitable enterprise

(slide 8)

5 lot

2 g. health and well-being of the whole family

3 g. worldwide fame

Raise your hands those who chose the “health and well-being of the whole family” lot. You receive 2 more tokens from the host.

I would like to draw your attention to the next slide. I think you all know this man - Mikhail Petrovich Markov. This is a man with a capital letter. One day he made the right choice - he devoted his life entirely to chess and working with children. This year, Mikhail Petrovich was awarded the badge “For special services to the Kirensky district.”

Let's continue the game

(slide 10)

6 lot

1 g. changing your appearance

2 g. be happy with yourself

(slide 11)

7 lot

2 g. 5 years of enjoying life

2 g. love, respect for those you value

Who chose the lot “5 years of enjoying life”? I take 2 tokens from you, because more often you have to pay more.

(slide 12)

8 lot

2 g. clear conscience

2 g. success

(slide 13)

9 lot

2 g. a miracle performed for a loved one

2 g. an opportunity to bring back something better

(slide 14)

10 lot

2 g. 7 extra years of life

1 g. painless death


Which purchase are you most satisfied with? Why?

Have you ever regretted not purchasing something? Why?

What purchase did you make in vain? Why?

What would you like to change in the rules of the game?

What did the game make you think about?

(slide 15)

You can't make the same choice twice. In the future you will always be choosing something. I gave 2 tokens to some of you, and took them away from others. This is how in life you have to part with something, pay for something. But for now this is just a game, and in a few months you will have to take the first step, taken independently.

According to statistics, many school graduates are planning their future lives after graduation. And the main support is considered:

- parents (family) – 32%

- health – 27%

- education – 23%

- own strength – 18%.

Note that only 18% made an emphasis or choice on their own strengths. I hope that today's conversation will help you to establish your thoughts:

Money can buy a bed, but it cannot buy sleep; books, but not the mind; food, but not appetite; lush outfits, but not beauty; medicines, but not health; luxury, but not culture; entertainment, but not happiness; religion, but not salvation...


(against the background of a song about life)

(passing a ball of thread to a neighbor, everyone tells him a wish)

Look how much we all need each other, pick up this thread. She is still fragile and fragile. And it depends only on ourselves whether we will make a good foundation for our life carpet or the carpet of relationships in this life. Remember this moment.

I came into this world
Not to live up to your expectations
Not to suit your interests
Not to live up to your expectations.

And you came into this world
Not to live up to my expectations
Not to suit my interests
Not to live up to my expectations.

Because I am me, and you are you.
But if we met and understood each other
This is wonderful!
And if not, well, nothing can be done.

(the first verse of the song “Wind Rose” performed by Taradan is heard)

God gives us life and it’s not in vain, this won’t happen twice... So, choose the right peaks on the road of your life. You are the masters of your life.

Each person has two smiley faces on their desk:

If our meeting was interesting for you and made you think about choosing a life path - pink;

If it was uninteresting, it didn’t make you think, look differently at your life interests, principles - blue.

Recommendations for the conditions of the event: The class hour-game is designed for students in grades 7-9; it can also be used for work in high schools. The game is played in a classroom, desks need to be placed so that it is convenient to work in groups and pairs. The organizer of the game can be the class teacher, headman or high school student.

Purpose of the lesson : show what role life values ​​play in the direction, orientation and regulation of relations between people and society.


Formulate your own life values.

Explain how these values ​​influence your life.

Think about the importance of determining the fundamental values ​​for choosing a life strategy.


    10 tokens for each participant;

    cards with names of values;

    CD – projector;


    slideshow presentation “Life Values”;

Stages of preparing a classroom game: Prepare in advance a sufficient number of cards with the names of values ​​and tokens.

Progress of the class hour - game

Without values, a person is carried away by a stream, like a tree in the stormy waters of the sea.”

O. Vincent Duminuco (Italian philosopher)

Today we will talk about human character and its influence on all aspects of our lives. But before we begin to study this topic, I would like to ask the question: “What would you trade your life for?”

Today we will play a game called “What to spend your life on?” It will help everyone answer the question posed.

Before the game starts, each of you will receive ten tokens, I ask you to sign them. Each token represents a piece of yourself - one tenth of your time, energy, funds, interests, personality. During the game, these 10 tokens will be equivalent to the sum of those qualities and capabilities that make up your personality. Don't lose them!

(Give each student tokens. Prepare a sufficient number of value cards in advance.)

When we start the game, you will be faced with a choice: “spend” tokens or “save”. Two items will be put up for sale at a time. You have the right to choose any of them or none, but not both at once.

You can buy each item only at the moment when it is put up for sale.

Moving on to the next pair means that the previous one is finally removed from “trading”.

If you run out of tokens, you won't be able to buy anything.


So, I propose to make a choice, the first pair of values:

a) A nice spacious apartment or house. (1 token)

b) New sports car. (1 token)

Who wants to purchase one of the two proposed “products”?

(Show the class slides with the names of the first two “goods.” The assistant exchanges tokens from those who wanted to make a purchase for the corresponding card with the name of the purchased value.)

Next pair:

a) An all-expenses-paid vacation for a month anywhere in the world for you and your best friend. (2 tokens)

b) Full guarantee that the girl (boy) you dream of marrying (whom you dream of marrying) will indeed become your wife (your husband) in the near future. (2 tokens)


a) The greatest popularity among acquaintances for two years. (1 token)

b) One true friend. (2 tokens)

Next pair:

a) Good education. (2 tokens)

b) An enterprise that brings high profits. (2 tokens)

a) Healthy family. (2 tokens)

b) World fame. (3 tokens)

Those who chose a healthy family will receive a reward - two extra tokens.


a) Change any feature of your appearance. (1 token)

b) Be satisfied with yourself all your life. (2 tokens)

a) Five years of undisturbed physical pleasure. (2 tokens)

b) Respect and love for you from those whom you value most. (2 tokens)

Those who chose 5 years of enjoyment must pay another token if you still have any left. After all, there are things in life for which we sometimes have to pay more than we thought.

Next pair:

a) A clear conscience. (2 tokens)

b) The ability to achieve success in whatever you want. (2 tokens)


a) A miracle performed for the sake of the person you love. (2 tokens)

b) The ability to relive (repeat) any 1 event of the past. (2 tokens)

And finally:

a) Seven extra years of life. (3 tokens)

b) Painless death when the time comes. (3 tokens)

You can't make any more purchases. If you haven't used up all the tokens, they disappear.

Discussion of the game

I invite you to spend the next five minutes in groups of three to five discussing your purchases and answering the following questions:

1. Which purchase are you most pleased with?

2. Have you ever regretted not purchasing something?

3. Would you like to change anything in the rules of the game?”

(Most likely, you will hear the following sentences from the guys: “Before you buy something, you need to find out what else will be on sale”; “I would like to be able to exchange a previously purchased item for any other item announced later”; “ We need more tokens before the game starts.” Ask students if they think this will make the game more interesting. Help students see the connection between purchasing choices and certain personality traits. For example, giving away a token for changing your appearance means. , you attach great importance to what others think of you. If you prefer to be satisfied with yourself, it means you value your opinion of yourself more.)

Most of your suggestions are really reasonable and correct. But the problem is that life doesn't work like that. You cannot make the same choice twice, just as it is impossible to “undo” the consequences of a previously made decision. You cannot achieve everything at once or take advantage of all opportunities at once. We do not know in advance what we will have to choose from in the future. Time, energy, choice of opportunities, money, interest will always be limited.

Independent work

For a minute or two, try to answer the question: “If someone were to analyze the decisions you made during the game, what conclusions would that person draw about your values ​​in life.”

Here is a partial list of shared values ​​that may have emerged during the game:

Other people's opinions about me

Concern for the well-being of others

My own needs

Material goods

Long term goals


Meaningful life

Peace, harmony

Work in pairs

Group discussion

What are the goals that most people strive to achieve - are they material or spiritual in nature?

Do you find any similarities in the answers to the questions?

Is there any commonality of views about the things that are most important and significant in people's lives?

As a result of the discussion, students come to the conclusion that, despite the fact that different people have different views on life, the main values ​​of human life have a spiritual meaning. For example, starting a family, raising children, the well-being of relatives.

The final part of the lesson

And now I would like to introduce you to our guest, Mr. X (a silhouette of a man in a top hat is attached to the board). He developed his staircase to happiness project and came to hear your opinion about his project.

Mr. X imagines his life as a high, steep mountain, the top of which he called “Peak of Happiness.” Whoever conquers this peak will be happy. People climb steep slopes, clinging to the slightest ledges, but fall again and again, receiving bruises and contusions. Some manage to jump to the top with a running start, but no one manages to stay there for long, and they roll down head over heels, stuffing more and more bumps.

Mr. X approached the matter scientifically. He decided to build his life ladder and climb it gradually, step by step. Each step is a small goal, upon reaching which he will also experience happiness. So, moving from step to step, he will reach his cherished Peak of happiness.

He chose the most noble material for his staircase - his life values. And our hero has only 3 of them: money, with which you can buy almost everything, power, which gives you something that money cannot buy, and fame - a symbol of public recognition, when you see a reflection of your success in life in the admiring eyes of people.

Discussion of the situation.

Class director What do you guys think, will these steps be durable? Will it be possible to climb them to the Peak of Happiness? Did Mr. X choose true or imaginary values ​​for himself? Let's look at each step separately.

Interactive conversation. is another ladder of life. The Orthodox monk John Climacus described it in his book “The Ladder.” He also advises his brothers in faith to slowly climb the ladder of life. At each step, a person must overcome some of his shortcomings: envy, pride, despondency, deceit, talkativeness, gluttony. Each step is the acquisition of such values ​​as faith, love for people, mercy, kindness, humility, modesty. Do you think that if a person relies on such values, will he reach his peak of happiness?

Drawing up projects “Stairways to Happiness”

Class director So, we have seen that imaginary values ​​only create the appearance of happiness and success. Only true values ​​can make a person happy.

Look at the blackboard. The different values ​​are listed here:

values ​​of everyday life: diligence, punctuality, hard work, frugality, responsibility, love of order;

values ​​of human relations: gratitude, respect, compassion, tolerance;

values ​​of the highest sphere of spiritual life: sensitivity, ability to empathize, mercy;

Christian values: love for one's neighbor, humility, faith, etc.

Which of them can we offer Mr. X for his “stairway to happiness”?

Can anyone draw their own “staircase to happiness”?


1. What have you learned about your values ​​in life through the game?

2. What do you think people value that is not of interest to you?

3. Which of your values ​​do you think are not values ​​for others?

4. Do all people have the same values?

5. What is the greatest influence of values ​​on a person’s life?