What do they want when? Beautiful congratulations in your own words on your birthday to a man and a woman

Representatives of the fair sex tend to evaluate not only the form of congratulations, but also its essence. Original and sincere birthday greetings to a woman in your own words - good way make the holiday a little brighter and warmer. Dear ladies love attention very much, so the birthday girl is guaranteed to be satisfied that you approached the congratulations with imagination, and did not limit yourself to just a gift and standard wishes. Congratulating a woman on her birthday in your own words means making a women’s holiday truly cozy and memorable.

On your birthday, I want to wish that your life will be kind to you. So that all sorrows, difficulties, grievances and regrets bypass you, and true friends, interesting people, prosperity and prosperity would be drawn to you. May your love turn out to be real, the most sincere, the most ardent and passionate, and may you be successful in all your deeds and endeavors! Happy Birthday, my girl, you deserve happiness and all the best!

I’m not a poet, perhaps I don’t know how to speak beautifully, but I want to wish you very sincerely: on your birthday and throughout your long, happy life, may love and luck be with you. Let your family be peaceful and smell of baked goods, let your children make you happy and become a reason for pride, and let your beloved man preserve the warmth of your feelings for many, many years. May your career bring you only pleasure, and may prosperity turn out to be just a pleasant bonus, and may life be easy for you! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday! You are the most amazing person, a magical woman! The standard of a combination of tenderness, strength and love, which is so rare in this world. Your warmth and femininity cannot but admire, and thank you for such a role model! Let me wish you love, success, a quiet life, pleasant impressions and loyal friends. May your life be filled with everything that gives happiness!

On ordinary days, we sometimes forget to tell you how much we love you. Forgive us, we will try to improve! But today I want to catch up and pay tribute to you: thank you for your care, for your wisdom and advice, for your example of kindness and femininity and your steely character that will withstand any difficulties. We value you very much, we respect you very much! And we would like to wish you from the bottom of our hearts that your future life will be nothing but joy, that your health will be ironclad, and that your loved ones will be grateful! Happy birthday!

Honey, happy birthday! You are an amazing woman, a caring mother, a loving wife, a faithful, cheerful friend, successful in your business. How so many roles coexist in you alone, fragile and feminine, is a mystery behind seven seals, but what I know for sure is that you are worthy of happiness and love! Remain the same wonderful person, but be sure to laugh, sweet, beautiful and witty, like you are now!

I would like to wish that all the good that is in your life increases, and the bad disappears once and for all. May your home be a full cup, may your friends love and appreciate you very much, may your family adore you and cling to you, may nothing but success await you at work! And the admiration of men will never be superfluous - let them look, fall in love and be surprised! Be happy, dear, be beautiful as you are now, and may you be lucky everywhere in life! Happy birthday!

Our dear, Happy Birthday! Let your life be filled with love, inspiration, warmth, success, and let any difficulties, like in a fairy tale, disappear as if by magic! Your life is only in your hands, but I would like to note that you deserve only good things, and happiness should become your companion - this is exactly what we wish for you on your birthday! Be yourself, because good people like you amazingly brighten our lives!

Today is your birthday, and I would like to wish with particular sincerity that you find such feelings that the impressions will blow your mind! Let such love await you, from which your heart skips a beat and your eyes glow with fire - like in women's novels, the very ones where there is almost unreal passion! And in addition you will have a mountain of happiness, heroic eternal health, and not be subject to time! Happy Birthday, and may your life give only good gifts!

What do we usually wish for our birthday? As a rule, the list of basic wishes is very similar and after several congratulations the birthday person begins to think that everyone wants the same thing. “Happy birthday, I wish...” What? Happiness, health and success? Don't you think you've heard this somewhere before?

Every person is pleased when something special is done for him, when he is singled out. A separately thought-out wish is another way to please the person who is important to you. How can you wish a happy birthday?


Instead of the standard wish for happiness, you can always come up with something more original. For example, instead of: “happy birthday, I wish you happiness,” say something special.

What is the person you are congratulating interested in? What does he love, what does he strive for? Wish him something special regarding these things. For example, if a person cares about homeless animals, promise him to see fewer unfortunate animals on the streets. For the bike lover, we wish you a pleasant ride without injuries, and for the lover of online games, a good drop and fewer noobs in the team.

Such a wish, empty and non-standard, will make it clear to the person that he is important to you, and you really wish him such a small, but happiness.


Health is very important for every person, so it is not strange that it is always desired. This wish is already so hackneyed that they don’t even pay attention to it.

Be original: wish the birthday person vigor, good athletic shape, resistance to disease and a blooming appearance. Think about what else is usually characteristic healthy person: activity, good mood. Wish exactly this, and not just trivially - health.


Happy Birthday, I wish you love - here is another example of a boring and familiar congratulation that will not bring the birthday person a drop of joy.

Before you wish love, think about what exactly will be the most striking manifestation of love for the person you are congratulating? Perhaps for him love is a reliable partner and the comfort of home. For some, passion and romantic relationships are much more important. There are people for whom love is, first of all, active and regular sex. And there are those who are more interested in a lot of fans than in a long-term relationship. Wish the person exactly what he needs.

Remember also that love can be not only for to a certain person, but also to friends, children or life, and for some - to their favorite business.

Good luck

What can you say instead of “happy birthday, I wish you success”? Again, think about what exactly is the epitome of success for your birthday person.

Perhaps for him success is material well-being? Wish the birthday person to find a treasure or win the lottery, receive an inheritance or a large fee, non-cash happiness or a salary increase. Moreover, you can be as specific as possible about what your birthday boy should have: furs in his wardrobe, a car in the garage, a roof over his head, a full refrigerator and much more.

It is important to wish success in the area that is important to a given person. Wish you success in creativity, sports, studies, business, and career. If you have the opportunity, make your wish even more specific: successful completion of a renovation or completion of a session, harvesting a crop, or concluding a deal.

And finally...

If you have already decided what to wish for your birthday, but you want to add to your wish, think about what else the birthday person might want.

Perhaps he lacks inspiration in his work to be completely happy? Maybe he has been looking for the perfect office for himself for a long time? Or maybe he would like to diversify his leisure time? Just remember what else your birthday boy wants and wish him exactly that. It is not necessary to compose a long, very beautiful or rhyming congratulation; it is much more important that it is sincere and directly concerns the birthday person, so that he can feel special.

What to wish for a birthday, what words to choose for Mom, friend, colleague, girlfriend, brother... Once a year the moment comes to especially highlight and surround with attention a dear loved one or colleague. Oh, how often our hearts skip a beat with joyful excitement and we cannot find the words to express all the secret things that we keep in our souls for the birthday boy. But no, it also happens: in the bustle and transience of life, we, sitting at festive table, suddenly we realize that it’s our turn to chew Olivier, raise our glasses and say... oh, how unexpected...

The website website is in a hurry to help you! We will help you express yourself and suggest words of wishes for your birthday! The most appropriate and beautiful congratulations and wishes, everything you can think of and wish for your birthday! In life there is always a place for bright words spoken from the heart.

5 ways not to forget about your birthday:
Write the date on your hand and in your diary
Hire a signal plane with a large tripwire
Hang your photo on the refrigerator
Tie a souvenir knot tightly and do not untie it until your birthday is over!

I'm running, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry
Happy Birthday to you!

The sunniest days
Warm meetings,
Beautiful people
Fulfillment of dreams
And always - great happiness!

Come true, big and small dreams! Happy birthday!

To someone who is not like everyone else,
Who is very important to me
Good luck, joy, love
And a lot of happiness! Signature: I.

Rock it! Dance more often!
From love, luck, happiness!

Love, luck, joy, happiness! For you!

There are so many wonderful memories associated with you...
That's why you hold a special place in my heart.
I think about you on your birthday and wish you happiness always.

On your birthday, joy, happiness and flowers,
Sun smiles and dreams...
There is someone nearby who loves you very much.
Let all this be in every day.

Don't oversleep your birthday!
Happiness, joy, luck!

There are special people who make the lives of others more joyful, brighter and happier...
You are exactly such a person and I am very lucky to have you in my life.
Thank you for this!

I wish with all my heart
Have a wonderful mood and pleasant thoughts...
I wish with all my heart
More special moments and more days away from the hustle and bustle...
I wish with all my heart
Joy in every minute
warmth and love of those who are dear...
And just great happiness.

Whatever your wishes are, may they all come true,
Whatever your health is, may it be stronger,
Whatever your love is - let there be more of it,
Whatever your loved ones are - may everything be fine with them,

Whatever your world is -

It's so great when you smile
In the happiest mood
Let everything you want come true for you!
Always, not only on this birthday!

RRRRRRRRR Joy and puppy delight!
Happy birthday!

It is quite difficult to congratulate beautifully in your own words. I want to congratulate you on your birthday not with standard words, but with feeling and exclusively. If you have quite a few acquaintances, then you will have difficulties, not only with choosing a gift, but also with the selection of magnificent congratulations in your own words. On our website Krasivo Pozdrav.ru We have collected only the best, varied and new happy birthday greetings in our own words. They are on this page. Choose an exclusive congratulation with suitable wishes.

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you not to get sick, not to be sad, to smile a lot, to shine with happiness, to only get prettier over the years, to believe in the best and in a dream that will undoubtedly come true. Let luck be your guide; golden mountains of prosperity and sweet dreams open before you. Let magical moments illuminate your gaze, love will always be there and give you only pleasure.

On your birthday, it is customary to wish for what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy - and with all my heart I wish you good health in the future. long years. Everyone wants to be loved - and I wish you with all my heart to be loved. Everyone wants happiness and joy - and I always want to see you joyful, warmed by love, with a happy sparkle in your eyes!

It’s wonderful that there are such wonderful people like you in the world! Refined, beautiful, elegant, always open to the world and very charismatic! If only there were more people like this, so that the world would become kinder and more beautiful. I wish you an inexhaustible source of inspiration, endless ideas in creativity and strong support nearby! Happy birthday!

On your birthday, I wish you lightness of feelings, spiritual vigor, clarity of thoughts and bright positive feelings. Let life energy help you achieve your most incredible dreams.

On this wonderful day - your birthday - I sincerely want to congratulate you! I wish you just a little - may everything you have bring you joy, may everything you don’t have not be a necessity for you, may everything you dream about, miraculously will appear in your life. I wish you to be happy man, enjoy every new day, find pleasure in familiar things, in a word - appreciate what you have, and fate will definitely give you even more!

Happy birthday! Congratulate good people It’s always nice, but for such a wonderful person like you, it’s doubly nice. I sincerely wish that you always have enough: smiles, sunny days, successful situations, success, admiration, love, congratulations, support, true friends, brilliant ideas, interesting ventures, only important people, money, feelings and emotions, strength, courage... But the main thing is that at the right moment you always have what you need.

Beautiful happy birthday

We are all so used to the fact that there is always a blue sky above us, bright stars, the moon, but sometimes it turns out that this beauty is not visible, not noticeable, it simply does not exist. May the stars always shine above you!!! Let the light of the moon illuminate your path! Congratulations!

Every person dreams of flying: in dreams and in reality, on airplanes or on carpets... like in fairy tales. And even if these are just dreams, but they are precisely special kind imagination, a cherished desire, the fulfillment of which often promises happiness... I wish you dreams! Huge as the sky and tender as a marshmallow, and let it bring Happiness! Congratulations!

You know, you always value most those people who bring a little crazy into your life: thoughtless actions, spontaneous stupidity. Because that's what is remembered. And, even if you already have such friends (I won’t point fingers), I would like to wish that these same crazinesses happen in your life as often as possible. So that later there will be something to talk about. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! May this day be full of the most unexpected and joyful surprises and long-awaited gifts. May your dearest people, loyal and reliable friends always be near you. Happiness, love and goodness to your home. And may luck smile on you!

May there always be those who love and appreciate you nearby. I wish you that your dreams come true, that your plans come true, and that you meet people along the way. interesting people and business. There are many good words and wishes on your birthday, may they be heard by fate and may they come back to you with small and large joys and happiness!

Happy birthday!

You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful things!!! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment cherished desires and creative achievements!
Happy birthday!

Christ is Risen! This is how before the Ascension we greet each other instead of hello)) The Lord is still with us on earth and we still celebrate Easter. Happy Holidays to you girls and all your family!
I haven’t been back since Christmas, I don’t have enough time, but I have a conscience, I remember my debts. Therefore, I’ll start publishing posts, I don’t want to cram everything into one post. I will try to keep the gaps between posts small, if not every day, then at least every couple of days.

I'm in order) At the beginning of December, I also won a wonderful openwork napkin from Sasha from the Handmade Box. She's truly beautiful!

It’s probably not fashionable these days to use napkins for their intended purpose - to decorate the house. Many people now keep this beauty for photo shoots or sew it on pillows. But I’m not fashionable)) I like it when this beauty lies on my dresser. I also have my mother’s napkins and now this one from Sasha. And it deservedly lay in front of my icons for a long time, then it was replaced with a friend...

Every needlewoman has things in stock that need to be remade. They lie and wait for their turn, when the hostess’s inspiration will reach them.
So I had the remains of various fabrics lying around. And in the kitchen there was a curtain from the previous owners of the apartment. And I couldn’t find the curtain I wanted to hang instead of the old one.

And here comes spring! I want sun, lightness, fresh warm wind and delicate colors!

And since I’m sitting at home with my daughter on sick leave, a lot of household chores are being redone, everything is washed, cleaned, and my hands finally got around to the kitchen curtains. There’s only one problem - you can’t go shopping from home with a child with a broken arm and look for a curtain.)))

Where did ours not disappear)) I took out various leftovers, cut it, shredded it and voila!
My spring curtain!

Sewn from a piece cut from the length of another curtain (with a pattern), a piece left over from my mother’s tablecloth that I sewed for her (green), a piece cut off from another curtain to shorten it (white without a pattern), a piece left over from Eva’s tablecloth...