Nighttime smoothie recipes. Which smoothies are good for weight loss?

Smoothie recipes prepared in a blender for weight loss are simple and accessible to absolutely everyone. The only thing you need is to have the necessary set of products on hand, a blender and the desire to change your life for the better.

About the benefits of the drink

The basis of any diet is the consumption of nutritious foods with minimal calories. From this point of view, smoothies are an ideal option for losing weight. It is made on the basis of fermented milk products with low percentage fat or water, with the addition of vegetables or fruits. Thanks to this composition, the drink is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, but contains virtually no calories.

Healthy vegetable and fruit cocktails provide invaluable benefits to the body. By drinking this mixture for breakfast, you will provide yourself with a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day, and will forget for a long time what feeling of hunger is. You can also drink the drink for lunch or dinner, or use it as a snack or afternoon snack. Its systematic use helps:

  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • saturate cells with vitamins and minerals.

The drink makes everything better internal functions body. When all organs work harmoniously, this leads to natural weight loss. 100 ml of cocktail contains about 75-150 kcal. The exact figure depends on the recipe and ingredients of the smoothie.

Today there is a huge variety of recipes for preparing the drink, which can be attributed to the additional benefits of losing weight with smoothies. By preparing different drinks every day, you can make the menu varied and eliminate uniformity and the risk of breakdown. The homogeneous consistency ensures that all nutrients are easily absorbed by the body.

Smoothie recognized effective method detox. Consumption of vegetables and fruits in large quantities has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, peristalsis is restored, and waste and toxins are removed from the body. As soon as harmful substances are eliminated, you will feel lightness throughout your body, your skin will acquire a radiant hue, and your mood will improve.

What to cook with

The smoothie recipe is universal. Enough to take necessary list products, peel them, chop them, put them in a blender bowl and beat until homogeneous mass. Usually this takes 3-5 minutes. You can use 1% kefir as a liquid base; drinks with coconut milk and homemade yogurt are no less tasty. To add thickness and nutrition to your smoothie, use blender recipes with oatmeal, muesli, or bran.

It would not be amiss if you are preparing a fruit mixture, take grapefruit, and if it is a vegetable mixture, then add chili pepper, celery, and ginger root.

To help you prepare a healthy drink, we offer simple recipes with photos that describe all the processes step by step.

Green smoothie with spinach

This drink is rich in vitamins and microelements, it has a pronounced antioxidant effect and pleasant taste qualities. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 ml water;
  • 70-100 gr. spinach;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 green apple.
  1. Chop the spinach and add water.
  2. Peel the banana and apple, cut into slices, add to the spinach.
  3. Beat for a few minutes and serve. 100 grams of drink contains 45 kcal.

With celery

This plant has a cleansing effect, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. The vegetable speeds up metabolism, so it is indispensable in weight loss programs. To make a smoothie with celery, take:

  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 200 ml low-fat kefir;
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  1. Pour kefir and oil into a blender bowl.
  2. Add washed greens and chopped celery.
  3. Beat everything for about 5 minutes. Pour the cocktail into glasses and treat yourself to a healthy drink, 100 g. which contains no more than 40 kcal.

With cucumber

This drink is ideal for a fasting day. It is rich in vitamins and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the intestines. To prepare, take only three ingredients:

  • a glass of kefir;
  • one cucumber;
  • greenery.
  1. Peel the cucumber and cut into slices.
  2. Place the cucumber pulp and herbs into a blender and fill everything with kefir.
  3. Beat for 2 minutes and use.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin smoothie is a unique combination of pleasant taste and benefits. The drink must be prepared from raw pumpkin. According to the recipe you will need:

  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 200 ml skim milk;
  • 1 tsp. flax fiber;
  • 2 cm ginger root;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.
  1. We clean the pumpkin and cut it into cubes, put it in a blender.
  2. Fill it with milk.
  3. Add grated peeled ginger, honey, fiber and cinnamon to the mixture.
  4. Shake the cocktail for 3-4 minutes and drink the drink with pleasure.

With kiwi

This citrus fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, which promotes weight loss and also strengthens the immune system. 100 grams of kiwi-based cocktail contains 80 kcal. To prepare you will need:

  • 2 kiwis;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 tbsp. low-fat homemade yogurt.
  1. Mix yogurt with oatmeal and let sit for 15 minutes.
  2. We clean, cut and beat the kiwi in a blender.
  3. Add oatmeal with yogurt to the resulting mass, beat again, and drink delicious drink.

With strawberry

This drink will simply win your heart. It turns out tasty, aromatic and healthy for your figure. To prepare, use:

  • 1 tbsp. low-fat milk;
  • 10 strawberries;
  • 1 banana;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 1.5 tsp. honey
  1. Peel the banana and place it in a blender bowl.
  2. Add stemmed strawberries.
  3. Add oatmeal and honey, pour milk over everything and beat for 4-5 minutes. Using a similar recipe, you can prepare banana, berry, and apple smoothies.

Do you know what Alessandra Ambrosio, Jessica Alba, Blake Lively, Gwyneth Paltrow and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley have in common? Besides the fact that all these Hollywood actresses are incredible beauties with impeccable figures, they all actively use smoothies to lose weight and have their own recipes for this drink.

For example, Alessandro uses them to enhance the effectiveness of his workouts, Jessica replaces several meals a day with them, and Lively indulges in them fasting days, Paltrow uses them daily, and Rosie starts her morning with them. The result of such a diet is obvious: all the girls look amazing. Shouldn't we follow their example?

What it is

Before you lose weight on smoothies, you need to figure out what it is and how it differs from the same fresh drink. It is a sweet (pay attention to this!) thick drink made from berries, fruits, herbs or vegetables with the addition of juice. So in regular recipes includes honey, sugar, dried fruits, stevia, molasses, jam, sweeteners and other sweeteners. But within healthy eating and nutrition, these components are removed, which helps reduce calories.

What we cook from:

  • from greens: lettuce, dill, celery, parsley;
  • from drinks: mineral water, freshly squeezed juices, green tea;
  • from vegetables: beets, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkins;
  • from oats and bran;
  • from nuts;
  • from dried fruits;
  • from fruits: plums, apples, cherries, lemons, peaches, pears, apricots, grapefruits, oranges;
  • from berries: black currant, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, gooseberries.

What we try not to add:

  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • seasonings;
  • radish;
  • spices;
  • seeds;
  • Black tea;
  • spinach;
  • sorrel.

Dairy / protein / protein

If you dilute fruits and berries in a smoothie with milk, kefir, yogurt or whey, they will become a good source of protein for the body. During weight loss, it plays an important role. With its deficiency, energy primarily begins to be extracted from muscle fibers, rather than fat reserves. Their breakdown leads to general depletion of the body. Protein prevents this, promotes muscle mass building and redirects all forces to burning adipocytes.

Protein smoothies are suitable for those who are actively involved in sports and are not just losing weight, but are sculpting their body so that it is slim, beautiful and sculpted.

This is interesting. In American bars, there is a distinction between “thick” and “thin” smoothies. The latter does not contain additional sweeteners and removes the natural sugar contained in berries and fruits.

Cooking features

The good thing about smoothies is that they are easy and quick to prepare at home in a blender or using a mixer. However, there are also secrets here that can make it even more useful and effective.

Smoothie components: solid components (fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries) and liquid (most often juices or water). Canned products are not used. But frozen fruits and berries will come in handy in hot weather.

To lose weight, you cannot prepare smoothies from only fruits - they contain a lot of fructose and glucose. It is better to dilute with leafy greens and vegetables. All ingredients must be natural; it is better to take seasonal products. They must be washed thoroughly.

Some people recommend removing skins, seeds, pith, and albedo (the white subcutaneous layer of citrus fruits) from fruits and vegetables because they may contain toxins and cause a softer texture. But everyone decides for themselves. Albedo, for example, has a very high concentration of useful substances.

About soy milk The composition of smoothies is hotly debated. On the one hand, it reduces the overall calorie content and is ideal. On the other hand, recently they are increasingly talking about soy as a GMO product.

Many vitamins and minerals are absorbed only with the help of fats. Therefore, it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon of any of the fat-containing products to the smoothie: pureed avocado, olive oil or sour cream.

Advice. To properly prepare a smoothie in a blender, you need the highest grinding speed.

Universal recipe

  1. Squeeze out the juice used for dilution.
  2. Tear the leafy greens with your hands.
  3. Blend the greens and freshly squeezed juice in a blender (it can be replaced with water, green tea or milk drinks) for 1 minute.
  4. Cut fruits and vegetables into large pieces and add them to the blender along with the berries. Beat for 1-1.5 minutes.
  5. Pour into a glass, garnish on top with mint sprigs (traditional garnish), whole berries, and pre-ground nuts (be careful with them: they are very high in calories and can spoil your weight loss results).

Ideal proportions

  • Fruit and berry smoothies = 40% leafy greens + 60% fruits and berries.
  • Vegetables = 70% vegetables + 30% fruits and berries.
  • Greens = 40% vegetables + 40% leafy greens + 20% fruits and berries.

The amount of liquid base is selected “by eye”. If you need to get a nutritious cocktail that acts as a separate dish and replaces an entire meal, add no more than 50 ml per serving (250-300 ml). In summer, to quench your thirst, you can take more liquid - 100-150 ml.

Some supplements in minimal quantities (literally a pinch) will help enhance the fat-burning effect:

  • vanillin;
  • ginger;
  • cocoa powder;
  • cinnamon;
  • Peruvian poppy;
  • nuts;
  • protein;
  • bee pollen;
  • flax, sesame, chia, hemp, pumpkin, sunflower seeds;
  • , kelp, chlorella;
  • lemon zest.

Ideal combinations


  • banana + pineapple + green apple + spinach;
  • banana + peach + cucumber + lettuce;
  • banana + dates + avocado + lettuce + soy milk + cinnamon powder;
  • banana + green apple + strawberry;
  • green apple + apricot + carrots + spinach;
  • green apple + kiwi + strawberry;
  • green apple + strawberry + black currant.
  • bell pepper+ green apple + lettuce + pumpkin seeds;
  • carrots + green apple + cucumber + avocado + spinach;
  • carrots + beets + cucumber + green apple + lettuce + parsley;
  • carrots + celery + green apple;
  • cucumber + broccoli + pineapple;
  • pumpkin + carrots.
  • banana + pineapple + spinach + avocado;
  • banana + green apple + lettuce;
  • green apple + celery stalks + lettuce + spinach + parsley + almond milk;
  • mango + cucumber + lettuce.

If you make your own recipe, remember Golden Rule: The ideal drink includes no more than 5 solid ingredients, 1-2 spices and 1 liquid for dilution.

You cannot add ice cream, jam, sugar or any other sweeteners that increase calorie content and are harmful to weight loss.

Interesting fact. In American bars, smoothies are also divided into types depending on the effect they have. Before ordering, the client is asked what exactly he wants: to relax or cheer up, cheer up or calm down, quench his thirst or eat.

Weight loss plans

Once you have mastered the art of making smoothies, it’s time to choose a weight loss program and learn how to drink it correctly. The results will also largely depend on this.

First you need to distribute its types by meals:

  • for breakfast it is better to drink the most high-calorie, fruit smoothies that will charge you with energy for the whole day;
  • for lunch, make them as nutritious and thick as possible; vegetable and multi-ingredient ones are suitable;
  • for dinner ideal option will turn green, because they improve digestion, tuning the gastrointestinal tract for a night's rest;
  • for lunch and afternoon snack, before or after training (+/- half an hour), drink protein smoothies - they will preserve muscle mass;
  • At night, you can drink a one-ingredient drink (for example, orange or strawberry) with a small addition of low-fat kefir.

Now directly to the weight loss plans.

Fasting day

During the day you need to drink 2.5 liters in small portions ordinary water and 1 liter of low-calorie detox smoothie (it is better to take the simplest recipes, from 1-2 products). For the first 2 months, arrange such unloadings weekly, then once every 2 weeks. The result is minus 1-1.5 kg per day.


You will have to give up solid food completely and replace all meals with smoothies. It can be different, it can be from some specific products (for example, focus on vegetables, or greens, or fruits). A significant disadvantage of such weight loss is intestinal disorders at the end of the diet, since the stomach becomes unaccustomed to digesting solid food. Duration - from 3 to 7 days, no longer. The result is minus 3-4 kg.


The smoothie diet does not involve replacing all meals with these drinks, but only one or two. This allows you to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Typically, breakfast is chosen because it is important to get a boost of energy for the day in the morning, and/or instead of dinner to ease the work of the stomach at night. Duration - 1-2 weeks. The result is minus 5-6 kg.

As a sports supplement

Against the backdrop of a healthy diet or any diet, protein smoothies can be drunk not only for weight loss, but also for maintaining and building muscle mass. To do this, you need to drink the drink 30-60 minutes before training and the same time after it.

Regular use

To maintain normal weight and not gain extra pounds, for prevention against the background of a healthy diet, it is useful to drink a glass of a diet smoothie for lunch or an afternoon snack.

A spoon of tar. Frequent consumption of smoothies leads to the development of dental caries.


Since the mixer still has much lower power and whipping speed, we offer recipes for a blender that is ideal for making smoothies.

*Note. The calorie content of each dish is indicated per 100 ml of drink, and not based on the proportions prescribed in the recipe.

Vegetable smoothies

  • From pumpkin (40 kcal)

Coarsely chop the pulp (250 g) and 1 banana. Pour 100 ml of 1% kefir. Beat in a blender.

  • From broccoli (75 kcal)

Tear lettuce leaves (50 g) with your hands and pour in 200 ml of 1% kefir. Beat in a blender. Add chopped broccoli (150 g), add cilantro seeds (10 g). Mix.

A hearty broccoli drink can replace full lunch. It is also called cream soup.

  • From beets (90 kcal)

Tear spinach (150 g) and asparagus (250 g) into large pieces with your hands. Fill beet juice(150 ml), beat in a blender. Add boiled beets (150 g), cut into large pieces, and 2 figs. Beat the ingredients again.

This dish makes an even more delicious lunch than broccoli.

  • Carrot (79 kcal)

Chop 1 carrot and 1 green apple. Pour in 100 ml of 1.5% milk and 100 ml of Greek yoghurt. Add 50 g oatmeal. Beat in a blender.

Fruit smoothies

  • From kiwi (63 kcal)

Chop 2 kiwis, add 50 g of oatmeal, pour in 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

  • With pineapple (60 kcal)

Sliced ​​1 banana, 1 pear durum varieties, 100 g pineapple, add 5 strawberries. Pour in 100 ml soy milk. Beat.

  • With grapefruit (80 kcal)

Cut ½ grapefruit and ½ orange (without white fibers) into large pieces, pour 200 ml of low-fat yogurt without additives or dyes over them. Beat in a blender.

  • From avocado (100 kcal)

Grind 50 g of parsley, dill, cilantro leaves. Pour 200 ml mineral water without gas. Beat. Cut 2.2 avocados into pieces and add to the green mixture. Sprinkle with a pinch sea ​​salt and black pepper. Pour in 50 ml lemon juice. Mix with a blender.

A very satisfying and tasty drink that can easily replace any meal.

  • Banana (60 kcal)

Coarsely chop 200 g banana pulp, 150 g kiwi, add 5-6 pitted plums. Pour natural low-fat yoghurt (200 ml). For taste, add 10 g of honey.

Green smoothies

  • From celery (44 kcal)

Mix chopped parsley, dill and arugula to make a total of 200 g. Chop 3 stalks of celery. Add 200 ml kefir (minimal fat content), ½ tsp. olive oil. Beat in a blender.

  • With spinach (47 kcal)

Tear 100 g of spinach, pour 100 ml of chilled green tea. Beat. Add 50 g of green apple and kiwi, cut into pieces.

  • With spinach and celery (30 kcal)

Pour large pieces of spinach leaves and celery stalks (100 g each) mineral water(100 ml). Mix in a blender. Add 50 g of green apple, kiwi and cucumber. Beat again.

"Star" recipes

  • Green by Alessandra Ambrosio (50 kcal)

Tear 400 g of spinach, pour in 400 ml of almond milk. Beat. Cut 1 and 1 banana into pieces, add to the spinach-milk mixture along with 50 g of oatmeal. Add a pinch of cinnamon and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Stir again.

Divide into 2 servings and drink half an hour before training and half an hour after it.

  • Cabbage from Jessica Alba (58 kcal)

Coarsely chop kale (400 g), mix with Greek yogurt (200 ml). Add 50 g of raspberries and blackberries, 20 ml of honey. Beat again.

Drink instead of breakfast or lunch.

  • Apple from Blake Lively (54 kcal)

Coarsely chopped celery stalks (100 g), chopped cilantro (10 g) coconut water(100 ml). Mix. Add chopped kiwi (2 pcs.), avocado (1 pc.). Mix in a blender.

This is how Blake Lively arranges fasting days.

  • Coconut from Gwyneth Paltrow (45 kcal)

Chop the flesh of 1 coconut, pour in coconut milk from the same fruit, add 100 ml of aloe juice and 20 g of chopped cilantro. Beat.

Paltrow claims that with regular use of this drink, fasting days are not needed: it perfectly cleanses all organs and systems of toxins.

  • With chia seeds from Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (59 kcal)

Pour chopped cabbage (200 g) with coconut milk (200 ml). Mix. Add avocado (1 pc.), apple (½), (10 g). Beat in a blender.

Rosie drinks this drink every morning instead of breakfast.

Winter smoothies

  • Chocolate (109 kcal)

Mix frozen raspberries (250 g), honey (10 g), low-fat fermented baked milk (100 ml), dark chocolate (30 g) in a blender.

  • Apple (30 kcal)

Apples are on store shelves all year round, so you can use them to make diet drinks even in winter. 100 g of any greenery (it is required in the cold season to increase immunity) pour 200 ml of mineral water. Add 100 g of chopped apples and the same amount of kiwi. Beat again.

  • Tangerine (48 kcal)

Pour 100 ml of low-fat kefir and 100 ml of orange juice into the slices of three tangerines. Beat. Add a couple of frozen berries on top. Great option for weight loss during the New Year holidays.

Other recipes

  • With oatmeal (79 kcal)

Cut 1 slightly unripe banana, add 100 ml of soy milk and 100 ml of Greek yogurt. Beat. Add 50 g of oatmeal, a pinch of cinnamon and 10 ml of honey. Mix.

  • From kefir (43 kcal)

Pour 50 g of crushed wheat sprouts with 200 ml of low-fat kefir and 50 ml of natural yogurt. Mix. Add 100 g strawberries and 10 ml honey. Beat again.

  • With cottage cheese (62 kcal)

Mix 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 150 g of blueberries, 200 ml of low-fat milk. The perfect recipe protein drink for athletes.

These are the best smoothies for weight loss, which are recommended by nutritionists and have a lot positive feedback. Be sure to try it different recipes to understand which one will be most effective for you. All organisms are so different that some lost weight thanks to banana smoothies, despite their high calorie content, while for others it is enough to drink a glass of green tea every day to maintain their normal figure.

A smoothie is not quite an ordinary cocktail; it differs from other drinks in its significantly higher density. Due to its thickness and the presence of a significant amount of fiber, it is able to saturate the body, as a result of which a person does not feel hungry for at least two hours. Besides energy value Most of these unique cocktails are extremely low. These properties make it possible to effectively use smoothies for weight loss.

Cooking features

There are several options for using thick cocktails to lose excess weight. The most effective, but difficult to implement, is weekly diet, when a thick cocktail replaces several meals daily for 7 days. Another way is to give yourself a fasting day with smoothies. However, the simplest and most common method is to replace dinner or lunch with it, while trying to avoid snacking. But even if you don’t want to follow a diet, replacing the buns and pies with which you try to kill hunger during the day with a light and healthy smoothie will benefit your body and help you lose weight, albeit not as quickly as you would like.

However, for those who plan to use smoothies specifically for weight loss, it wouldn’t hurt to know a few things that will help you achieve your goal.

  • Not all smoothie recipes are suitable for weight loss. Products such as bananas, ice cream, cream, sugar significantly increase the calorie content of the shake and do not contribute to weight loss. Choose drink options that do not include the above products.
  • You should not add salt or sugar to smoothies. Sugar increases the calorie content of the drink, salt retains fluid in the body. Both contribute to rapid weight gain, not weight loss. If the sweetness of the fruit is not enough for you, you can add a little honey to the cocktail. Instead of salt, use herbs and spices that help burn fat.
  • If you really want to increase the calorie content of your smoothie and make it even more satisfying, while continuing to lose weight, add oatmeal or buckwheat flakes to it.
  • For better saturation, do not drink the smoothie, and do not rush to eat it with a teaspoon. Then the feeling of fullness will come faster. Otherwise, you will swallow the smoothie before you stop feeling hungry. In this case, one portion of it may not be enough for you; as a result, you will not achieve your desired goal very soon.
  • Nuts can also make a smoothie more filling and improve its taste. They increase the calorie content of the cocktail, but are very healthy. Therefore, they can be included in the diet even when following a weight loss diet.
  • To increase the effectiveness of smoothies for weight loss, natural fat burners (cinnamon, ginger) can be added to the drinks.

When losing weight on smoothies, do not forget that you cannot completely switch to them for a long time. If you eat only smoothies for longer than 7 days, your body may not be able to withstand such a restriction. After all, he also needs protein food, which smoothies cannot replace.

Smoothie with peach and cottage cheese

  • peach or apricot pulp – 100 g;
  • fresh or frozen berries (currants, blueberries, raspberries) – 150 g;
  • kefir (preferably 1 percent fat) – 150 ml;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the fruits, remove seeds. Cut into large pieces and place in a blender bowl.
  • Sort and wash fresh berries. Dry them by spreading them on a napkin. If you are using a frozen product, it does not require any preliminary preparation.
  • Add berries to fruit. Grind everything together in a blender until pureed.
  • Add a large spoonful of cottage cheese to the fruit and berry puree and whisk together.
  • Pour in the kefir last. Beat again.

Thanks to the inclusion of cottage cheese and kefir, the smoothie will be more satisfying. Berries and peaches will give it a pleasant sweet-sour taste. This smoothie not only fills you up, but also refreshes you.

Apple and cinnamon smoothie

  • apple – 0.25 kg;
  • low-fat yogurt (without sugar and filler) – 150 ml;
  • ground cinnamon – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the apple, dry it with a napkin, and cut out the seed box. If you don't peel it, the smoothie will be more satisfying and healthy, but you will find its consistency rough. For this reason, most people prefer to peel the apple. If you want a smoother smoothie, peel the fruit.
  • Cut the apples into cubes or slices and place them in a blender bowl.
  • Sprinkle apple slices cinnamon, pour them with yogurt.
  • Turn on the unit and grind the products by whisking them together.

A fresh apple contains many vitamins and is available at any time of the year. It helps prevent vitamin deficiency and gives a feeling of vigor. Yogurt is a source of protein and calcium, improves intestinal microflora and, accordingly, helps normalize digestion. Cinnamon improves metabolism and helps get rid of fat deposits faster.

Broccoli and dill smoothie

  • broccoli (fresh or frozen) – 150 g;
  • fresh dill – 50 g;
  • low-fat kefir – 150 ml;
  • dried herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the broccoli and boil until tender. Usually no salt is added to smoothies, but in this case it is possible to slightly salt the water in which the cabbage is cooked. Broccoli is considered ready when it is still slightly firm inside.
  • Immediately remove the broccoli from the boiling water with a slotted spoon and place it in a container with cold water. This will prevent it from becoming too soft and maintain a bright green hue.
  • Remove the cooled broccoli from the water, dry and chop using an immersion blender.
  • Finely chop the dill with a knife and add to the vegetable puree.
  • Add spices. They are especially needed if you decide to cook cabbage without adding salt. Thanks to them, the taste of the finished cocktail will be more pleasant, and you won’t even feel that you undersalted it.
  • Pour kefir over everything and beat with a mixer or the same blender.

Smoothie prepared according to this recipe, can be drunk either chilled or at room temperature. It will help diversify the menu during a diet. This is very important because fruit smoothies can get boring quickly. In addition, the body needs vitamins and microelements, which are found not only in fruits, but also in vegetables. And broccoli is considered one of the healthiest vegetables, as it has an extremely rich vitamin and mineral composition.

Peach and carrot smoothie

  • peach pulp – 150 g;
  • carrot juice– 100 ml;
  • flax seeds – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the flaxseeds into powder using a coffee grinder.
  • Peel the raw carrots and finely grate them. Squeeze the juice out of the carrot puree. To obtain the required amount of juice you will need 3-4 carrots. You should not replace freshly prepared carrot juice with store-bought juice, as sugar and sometimes other unhealthful ingredients are added to it.
  • Wash the peaches, cut each into 4 parts, removing the pits at the same time.
  • Grind the peach pulp in a blender or grate.
  • Mix all the ingredients by beating them with a mixer, blender or a regular whisk.

If desired, you can add not only carrot juice to the smoothie, but also a spoonful of grated carrots, in which case it will be healthier and tastier. The cocktail prepared according to this recipe combines the benefits of fruits and vegetables. Its advantage is the possibility of cooking without the use of household appliances.

Citrus smoothie

  • orange – 150 g;
  • grapefruit – 0.25 kg;
  • lime – 0.5 pcs.;
  • apple – 0.25 kg;
  • ginger powder - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and peel the fruit. Cut out the seed boxes from the apples, and remove the membranes from the citrus fruits.
  • Divide the citrus fruits into slices, cut the apples into medium-sized pieces of arbitrary shape.
  • Place the pieces of fruit in a blender bowl, add the ginger and blend everything together until smooth.

Before serving, you can add crushed ice to the drink and shake. This cocktail quenches thirst well and refreshes. In addition, it helps improve metabolism and burn fat. Moreover, the calorie content of this cocktail is very low.

Chocolate smoothie with strawberries and nuts

  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) – 0.2 kg;
  • peeled almonds – 30 g;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • unsweetened yogurt – 100 ml;
  • cocoa powder – 5 g;
  • honey (optional) – 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cover the nuts with water and leave overnight.
  • Place the soaked nuts in a blender bowl.
  • Sort the strawberries and remove the sepals. Wash and dry the berries. Frozen strawberries do not need to be thawed; they do not require preliminary preparation.
  • Add strawberries to nuts. Add cocoa powder. Honey should only be added if you are using frozen berries, as they are not as sweet as fresh ones.
  • Pour yogurt over everything and beat until smooth.

This smoothie will put you in a great mood and make your diet more enjoyable. It is so good that it is not a shame to serve it even at the holiday table.

Smoothies made from vegetables, fruits and berries saturate well, without having high calorie content. For this reason, many people use such cocktails for weight loss. However, it should be understood that a smoothie diet, like any other, may have contraindications. Therefore, before following it, it does not hurt to consult a doctor.

Lately, among people who dream of losing weight, watching their figure or simply sticking to healthy image life – special cocktails called smoothies have become extremely popular. They are something between a drink and a full meal. Smoothies are prepared by mixing different products in a blender, most often vegetables, berries and fruits. The fashion for such cocktails came to us from the West, where their use has almost become a cult. In America and Europe, you can easily find establishments offering smoothies, and often they serve nothing else besides them.

In our article we will look at the benefits of smoothies for weight loss, how to use and prepare them for effective weight loss.

Smoothie ingredients

A smoothie can hardly be called a drink - it's more of a dessert, appetizer, snack, or even a full meal. What food the cocktail will be used for largely depends on what it is made from. For this purpose, completely different components can be taken. In addition to the vegetables, berries and fruits traditional for smoothies, its composition is often supplemented with spices, herbs, leaves, nuts, ice, yogurt, milk, kefir, wheat germ, ice cream, and seeds. Naturally, the presence of certain components in the cocktail will change the properties of the dish. To lose weight, smoothies should be prepared from low-calorie foods and foods that help burn fat. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • Vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, onions.
  • Greens - basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, mint, spinach, sorrel.
  • Berries - gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, wild strawberries, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, currants.
  • Fruits - apples, cherries, cherry plums, apricots, peach, plums, cherries, limes, pears, kiwis, pineapples, grapefruits and other citrus fruits.
  • Dairy products – low-fat or low-fat kefir, cottage cheese and milk, natural, sugar-free yogurt.
  • Natural juices, green tea.
  • Seeds and nuts - flax seed, wheat germ, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and very small quantities of walnuts, pine nuts and Brazil nuts.
  • Oat flakes, bran.
  • Hot seasonings and spices, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger.

How to make a smoothie for weight loss

Like other similar cocktails, a weight loss smoothie is prepared in a blender. The necessary components are thoroughly washed, if necessary, the skin and core with seeds are removed. Next, they are placed in a blender bowl and crushed until smooth. Then, if desired, you can add additional components to the smoothie, for example, spices, flax seeds, nuts, etc. Naturally, cocktails containing solid ingredients should no longer be drunk, but eaten.

To prepare a successful smoothie, take components of different densities, that is, one product should be harder, the other more juicy, for example, you can take grapefruit and an apple. More interesting flavors are created by mixing sweet and sour foods. If you see that the cocktail is too thick, add the most suitable liquid component to it - juice, green tea, milk, cream or ice cubes.

When preparing cocktails for weight loss, try to choose the foods you like most, then you will get pleasure from consuming them, in addition to the benefits. But just select the ingredients wisely, avoid high-calorie additives such as chocolate, ice cream, etc., as well as sugar and other sweeteners. Ideally, you should have a fairly nutritious smoothie that can give the body the necessary boost of energy, but at the same time it should have a minimum calorie content, ideally about 200 calories.

Fasting days with smoothies, during which you consume only these products, can give good results. Such days can be done once or twice a week. Especially persistent ones eat only smoothies for several days in a row. In principle, this is acceptable, and may even be beneficial for health, since such a menu will also help cleanse the body of all harmful substances.

The main thing to remember is that you can only eat smoothies for no more than a week. At the same time, it is better to eat in small portions (about a glass) about six times a day or every couple of hours. This approach to nutrition allows you to reduce the volume of the stomach, improves metabolism and prevents severe attacks of hunger, which often lead to breakdowns. Naturally, a smoothie diet carried out in this way will give the fastest and greatest results.

Smoothies - recipes for weight loss

Smoothie with oatmeal

There are two ways to prepare a cocktail with oatmeal. First, before mixing the ingredients, it is recommended to steam the oatmeal with a small amount of boiling water or hot milk. Secondly, oatmeal is placed in a blender bowl along with other ingredients and whipped raw. It is difficult to say which of these methods is better. It’s worth trying to make smoothies this way and that, and then decide what you like best.

Some of the most common oatmeal smoothie recipes include the following:

  • Place a couple of spoons of steamed or dry oatmeal, half a banana, one hundred grams of low-fat natural yogurt in a blender, and then beat all the ingredients. If the mixture turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted a little with milk or kefir. In addition, if desired, you can add any fruits, berries or a combination thereof to this cocktail.
  • Grind four strawberries, a quarter of a banana, a spoonful of oatmeal and half a glass of kefir with a blender. The finished smoothie can be sprinkled with chopped nuts.

Green smoothie

This cocktail can be prepared from both vegetables and fruits; they are often mixed together. Let's look at a few interesting recipes green smoothies:

Vegetable smoothies and blended smoothies

  • One hundred and fifty grams of cooked and slightly cooled broccoli, beat with a blender. Then add some greens, aromatic herbs and a glass of kefir to it and beat again.
  • Combine one hundred grams of boiled broccoli and the same amount of fresh spinach, peeled orange, sliced ​​medium carrots and a quarter of an apple. Grind the ingredients in a blender, then add a glass of grapefruit juice to them and beat.
  • Grind half an avocado, an apple and a cucumber, as well as some fresh chopped ginger.
  • Mix five cherry tomatoes (you can replace them with one regular tomato), cucumber, half a stalk of celery, a quarter of a small onion, a couple of sprigs of dill, a clove of garlic, a small pinch of black pepper and chilled kefir.

What interesting things await you in the article?

The best smoothie recipes for weight loss in a blender with photos

In pursuit of ideal forms Not always pleasant means are often used. But there is a tasty way to normalize weight. Healthy smoothies provide vitamins and help you shed extra pounds. Simple recipes Smoothies for weight loss in a blender with photos will help you properly prepare a magic potion that will give you slimness and vigor.

Wonderful elixir of slimness

Berry, vegetable, fruit smoothies are a great drink. It is prepared in a blender by adding muesli, milk, spices or seasonings to the main ingredients. Healthy smoothies for weight loss look like a beautiful thick mass, have a wonderful smell and bright tastes. The benefits of consumption are also obvious, because smoothies are:

  • A dietary drink that contains all the vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables.
  • A light dish that does not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • A nutritional cocktail that provides the body with the substances it needs for health.
  • An invigorating mixture that helps maintain body tone.
  • Anti-stress elixir that relieves the nervous system.
  • Protector of harmony, satisfies hunger and burns excess.

Smoothies for weight loss - how to prepare?

Before you start mastering smoothie recipes for weight loss in a blender , comparing the result With photo, you need to learn the rules for preparing a miracle drink.

To get the right cocktail you need:

  • Choose low calorie foods. This is especially true for fruits. But to make the mixture more filling, you can add high-calorie fruits in small quantities.
  • Don't drink smoothies with ice. When the drink is cold, the receptors do not have time to recognize the taste and there is a risk of overeating.
  • You can’t add sugar to smoothies; such a drink will not make you lose weight. Do not put ice cream, raisins and chocolate in it. A sweet mixture will only increase hunger and attract extra pounds.
  • You need to use healthy smoothies for weight loss in the same way as a full meal, breakfast or dinner. There is no need to indulge in them often or mixing them with main meals, the excess weight will not go away.
  • The mixture should be chewed and not swallowed like water. Smoothies contain a lot of healthy plant fibers that need to be chewed.

Important detail! You should not add salt to vegetable smoothies. This is a completely unhealthy ingredient. It is better to add healthy seasonings or dried seaweed, ground into powder.

If you make smoothies for weight loss at home, the recipes are simple and varied. All you need is a blender, necessary products, recipes and photos of ready-made smoothies for comparison.

Vegetable smoothie

Vegetables are useful in almost any form. They contain carbohydrates, fiber, a whole range of useful elements, essential oils and vitamins. Therefore, a smoothie for dinner for weight loss is a great option. The drink eliminates the feeling of hunger well.

Some people who are losing weight think that cocktails made from vegetables are tasteless. A common mistake. To use a blender to prepare vegetable smoothies for weight loss, you can find quite interesting recipes.

a little of your favorite spices. Whisk everything.

Celery and apples. In a blender bowl, mix 2 stalks of celery, half a cucumber, a little parsley, a bunch of mint, 3 carrots, 2 medium apples. Pour lemon and orange juice over the ingredients and mix.

Cucumber and yogurt. Place 3 cucumbers, 100 grams of soy or coconut milk and almost 200 grams of yogurt, preferably low-fat. Beat the mass well.

Carrots with ginger. To two medium-sized carrots add 1 apple, a handful of spinach and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ginger, grated. Pour in a little clean water and beat.

Vegetable smoothies for weight loss can be delicious, their recipes are accessible and simple.

Fruit smoothie

When making fruit cocktails, it is better to choose seasonal fruits. They contain the maximum amount of benefits and fewer chemicals. Ripe fruits, without dents or other defects, are suitable for smoothies. It is not advisable to take canned, dry and frozen fruits. You can use juices and milk for the base of the drink. There are many ways to prepare smoothies for weight loss at home. The recipes are interesting and democratic.

Plum with orange juice . You will need a couple of plums, half an orange, a pear, 2 tbsp. spoons of prepared oatmeal. Pour the products with pear and orange juice and mix in a blender.

Banana with yogurt. Mix half an apple and two ripe bananas in a blender. Add some strawberry yogurt and a spoonful of honey.

Orange with apricot . Take 2 oranges without peel, the pulp of three apricots, half a cup of powdered milk. Mix in a blender with the addition of honey.

Peach with strawberry . Place 100 grams of strawberries and the same amount of peaches in a blender. Add banana, add apple juice, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Fruits for smoothies can be combined in any proportions, add vegetables or berries to them, it will be delicious.

Berry smoothie

A weight loss dinner smoothie made with berries looks great. The taste of berry drinks is simply magical. It doesn’t matter what kind of berries are used, frozen or fresh. There are a lot of recipes.

Crimson . A glass of raspberries, a little cherries, a little lemon juice and a third of a glass of coconut milk. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. spoon of mashed ginger and beat.

Strawberry. Pour a glass of apple juice into a blender, put a handful of strawberries, one kiwi, mix everything.

ku. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice.

Smoothies are a delicacy that brings only benefits. This amazing drink refreshes, revitalizes and sheds extra pounds.