Mongolian presidential election candidates. Mongolia on the eve of presidential elections

Elections in Mongolia-2017: representatives of the most powerful political parties apply for the presidency. On May 27, official certificates of presidential candidates from the Central Electoral Commission were handed over, ARD reports.

MNP Candidate

Miegombyn Enkhbold said that he was running to overcome the crisis, as well as for the unity of the people and the stability of the state. And ex-president N. Bagabandi blessed him with the words: “Become a president who will keep the trust of the people. I wish you to become the fifth president of the country!”.


Help site: MNE candidate Mieegombo Enkhbold

The current speaker of parliament was born in 1964 in the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. In 1982 he graduated from high school, and in 1987 - Mongolian State University, an economist by profession. He has a master's degree in economics, is a full member International Academy informatization. Honorary Doctor of the local Orkhon University and Guan Un University of the Republic of Korea. Since 1987, he worked in his specialty, and since 1996 he began his political career as the head of the presidium of the Session of Civil Delegations of the Chingeltei District of the capital. From 1999 to 2005 he was the mayor of Ulaanbaatar, in 2005 he became a member of parliament. From 2006 to 2007 he served as Prime Minister of Mongolia, from 2007 to 2012 - Deputy Prime Minister, from 2012 to 2016 he worked as Deputy Head of the State Great Khural (Mongolia's Parliament - IA REGNUM). After the victory of the MNP in the parliamentary elections held on June 29, 2016, he became the speaker of parliament.

In society, he developed a reputation as an experienced politician, who, as chairman of the party, played an important role in its victory in the parliamentary elections. I also remember that he was among the initiators of the construction international airport in Khushigiin hondium, own satellite "Mongolsat", etc. Opponents of the candidate accuse him of illegally selling land during his tenure as mayor. But so far, these allegations have not been legally proven. Married, has two daughters.


Khaltmaagiin Battulga:“In these elections, the people must decide whether they are for Mongolia and a population of 3 million or only for 30 rich families. It will be an unequal fight. The rich have everything: power, money, gold and foreigners. And we have ordinary citizens - our Mongols. Mongolia will win in this choice,” said candidate H. Battulga.

Help site:

Khaltmaa Battulga was born in 1963 in the city of Ulaanbaatar. After graduating from high school, he entered the Secondary Art School and in 1982 received the profession of an artist.

Before starting his political career, he was also known as an athlete. Khaltmaa Battulga was a member of the sambo team from 1979 to 1990. And since 1990, he was engaged in private business, established a limited liability company "Zhenko" and worked CEO companies "Zhenko", "Max Impex" and the hotel "Bayangol" until 2004.

He won the parliamentary elections held in 2004 and became a member of the State Great Khural. From 2008 to 2012, he served as Minister of Transport, Construction and Urban Development. In the 2012 elections, he again won and worked as a member of parliament until 2016, along with this, from 2012 to 2014, he served as Minister of Production and Agriculture.

Many scandals and rumors are associated with his name. One of them concerns the illegal import of alcohol in 1997, known in Mongolia as the "Case of 17 Containers of Alcohol". Many people were interrogated in the criminal case connected with him, including Khaltmaa Battulga and his relatives. But in the end, the investigation was never completed, the case was closed. In 2016, the current presidential candidate became a suspect in a case of abuse of office, still pending.

At the same time, Khaltmaa Battulga did a lot for the development of tourism. For example, the world's largest monument to Genghis Khan, the XIII Century Tourist Complex, was created by the private company Khaltmaa Battulga and is calling card capital of Mongolia. Was married twice. The second wife is Russian, she bore him four children.

MPRP Candidate

S.Ganbaatar from the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party is the successor to the disgraced ex-president Nambaryn Enkhbayar.


He said, “I'm running for the best for the Mongolian people, not for 30 rich families. I will slow down the illegal actions of the Mongolian Parliament in the interests of foreigners.”

Reference site: Ganbaatar Sainhuugiin was born in 1970 in Bayankhongor aimag. In 1997-2000, he was a manager at Sala General Bank in the UK, and in 2001-2002, he was the director of the Special Assets Department at HAAN Bank.

2002-2003 lecturer at the Institute of Finance and Economics, 2003-2005 lecturer at the Academy of Management, 2005-2007 head of the Urgent Renewal Movement, 2006-2008 leader of the National Soyombo Movement, 2007-2011 Chairman federation of trade unions of workers in education, culture and science. In 2007-2012 President of the Federation of Mongolian Trade Unions. From 2012 until recently, a member of the State Great Khural. Speaks English and Russian.

Castling in the MPRP

On May 14, 2017, the Electoral Commission of Mongolia refused Nambaryn Enkhbayar in registering him as a candidate for the presidency of Mongolia due to his criminal record, which will end only on August 2, 2017. Supporters of Enkhbayar began mass protests in his support. Then it was decided to nominate trade unionist Sainkhugiyin Ganbaatar as a candidate.

Apparently, the presidential campaign in Mongolia will be quite tense, especially on the pages, media screens and among users of social networks.

About elections

The President of Mongolia is elected by majority electoral system by popular vote for 4 years for no more than two terms. The winner is the candidate who receives more than 50% of the votes. If none of the candidates scored more than 50%, a second round is held. Under the Constitution, only political parties represented in parliament can nominate a candidate for the presidency. At the same time, a candidate for the highest post in the state cannot be younger than 45 years old, must be a native of Mongolia and have lived in the country for at least the last 5 years.

Candidates in the country's presidential elections will receive registration certificates on May 27. Election campaigns across the country will begin on June 6. The current president of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj, will not run, as he is in his second term as head of state, and he can only be re-elected once, writes Mongolia Now.

Meanwhile, in the blogosphere, a tough and often offensive polemic of representatives of various political views. The most innocuous statements are the assumptions that H. Battulga will defend the interests of Russian near mafia circles, and the candidate from the People's Party M. Enkhbold - the interests of China.

On June 26, 2017, the citizens of Mongolia will choose a new president from three candidates - M. Enkhbold from the Mongolian People's Party (MNP), S. Ganbaatar from the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) and H. Battulga from the Democratic Party (DP).

Mongolia at this stage of its development is facing a number of serious challenges of a socio-economic nature. Possessed of natural resources, but having no access to the sea, in the face of falling world prices for minerals, Mongolia is forced to implement structural reforms in order to prevent a decrease in foreign investment. The growth of the Mongolian economy in 2017 is highly doubtful, according to experts, no more than 1%.

What kind of reforms will be, and which specific sectors will be affected by them - the winner of the presidential election will have to look for an answer to this difficult question.

Among the proposed measures are the abolition of the law on restricting activities in the mining and banking industries, the annulment of the law "On strategic deposits", the abolition of tax incentives and so on. The extractive industry gives the Mongolian economy 20% of GDP.

The presidential candidates are conditionally characterized as follows: M. Enkhbold as pro-Chinese; H. Battulgu as anti-Chinese; S. Ganbaatar as a more neutral politician.

Whether to be pro-Chinese or anti-Chinese, and if so, to what extent, is not an idle question for Mongolian politicians. In the post-Soviet era, Ulaanbaatar invariably adheres to the geopolitical strategy of the “third neighbor”. "The Third Neighbor" is the one who can balance the Chinese and Russian influence in the region. The “Third Neighbor” is not a country or bloc of states chosen once and for all, but a situational partner.

The "third neighbor" for Mongolia, at the same time, are the EU, the USA, the states of Southeast Asia. The advantage of the "third neighbor" strategy is that Ulaanbaatar refuses to participate in associations, one way or another directed against the two main neighbors - the PRC and the Russian Federation.

However, the rapid growth of China gives the Mongols some anxiety. The Mongols are afraid that they will not be able to balance the influence of the Celestial Empire with an equal partner.

According to sociologists, 76% of Mongols have a negative attitude towards China's injection of money into the Mongolian economy (1). At the same time, the reduction of the Chinese economic presence has negatively affected Mongolia's well-being (2).

Ulaanbaatar reacted positively to the Chinese One Belt, One Road project. Prime Minister of Mongolia J. Erdenebat said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that Mongolia connects its hopes for long-term development with this project (3). In the context of the economic crisis, Ulaanbaatar hardly has any other choice.

“Our country is landlocked, but we have rich Natural resources, fertile lands and highly qualified personnel. Our biggest advantage is that we have a common border with the Russian Federation and China…”, J. Erdenebat noted.

Ulaanbaatar is interested in revitalization economic relations in the triangle of Russia - China - Mongolia and the integration of the transport and economic infrastructure of the three countries into an effective complementary mechanism that balances the positions of each of the participants.

Due to negative processes in the economy, the ruling Democratic Party in the country is losing the support of the population. 60% of voters do not trust any party, neither the ruling nor the opposition.

The MPP and the DP are the two main political forces in Mongolia. The MPRP broke away from the MNP in 2010 and does not have a distinct individual identity.

The Democratic Party is considered a pro-Western force, the anti-Chinese rhetoric of its candidate S. Battulga is understandable, and, being addressed to the West, at this stage of Mongolia's political life fits into the strategy of the "third neighbor".

In 2005, DP candidate M. Enkhsaikhan won less than 20% of the vote. When he was Prime Minister (1996-1998), he contributed to the development of relations with international financial organizations - the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. These facts from the past confirm the pro-Western orientation of the Mongolian democrats.

14.08.2017 19:22

The new president of Mongolia Khaltmaagiin Battulga is rapidly gaining media popularity.

Battulga was elected on July 8, 2017. As they write in the media, for the first time in the history of Mongolia, the elections of the head of the republic were held in two rounds.

Although Battulga was previously elected as a deputy, he worked in the executive branch - the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Industry ( the most monetary ministries -approx. author) Mongolian people's republic, for some reason in the press they call him a representative of the opposition.

It is also interesting that the elected head of state positions himself as an anti-oligarchic candidate, but he himself is a business magnate and remains one of the richest people in Mongolia. His areas of interest are mainly Agriculture and tourism. “He is known for having built a 40-meter equestrian statue of Genghis Khan outside of Ulaanbaatar,” the media said.

The elections were scandalous. Corruption allegations were made against all participants, which led voters to leave their ballots blank in protest.

"The turnout was the lowest in the history of the presidential election," the Mongolia Today website notes. According to the site, a little less than 1.2 million voters took part in the elections, which is less than 60% of the list.

“The elections were held in an atmosphere of split in Mongolian society, which expressed dissatisfaction with the general situation in the country, the high level of corruption and the fall in living standards,” noted one of Gazeta.Ru's interlocutors.

Experts emphasize that the new president of the country will have to solve a complex of complex problems. Mongolia has a large amount of natural resources, which made it attractive to international investors and provided opportunities for economic growth at the beginning of economic reforms.

However, falling prices for commodity exports contributed to a reduction in foreign investment and rising unemployment. At the end of May, the country's authorities attracted a loan from the International Monetary Fund for $5.5 billion, but one of the conditions for its provision was the requirement to reduce spending and raise taxes, which caused discontent among the population. In May, just before the elections, the loan was finally approved.

In August 2016, Mongolia faced a severe economic crisis. The exchange rate of the national currency fell to a 20-year low. The main reasons are the slowdown in China's economic growth and the fall in prices for raw materials, the sale of which was the main export item from Mongolia, writes

Billionaire Battulga, after being elected president, two weeks later, addressed civil servants, politicians and related parties. He urged them to return the money from the offshore zone to their homeland, or rather to the bank of Mongolia "MongolBank".

“There is information that 49 citizens of Mongolia have offshore accounts, among them civil servants, politicians and related parties suspected of “laundering” criminal money, state corruption and fraudulent operations,” EAD writes.

“If the above-mentioned individuals do not respond to this call, we can talk about disclosing information about their accounts and bringing these individuals to justice in accordance with the law,” the source says.

The new president of Mongolia, Khaltmaagiin Battulga, refused to live in his residence in the Marshal's padi (Ikh Tenger), next to the mansions of parliament chairman Miyegombyn Enkhbold and prime minister Jargaltulgyn Erdenebat, Mongolia Now reports.

For the last 63 years, all the leaders of Mongolia - Yumzhagiin Tsedenbal, Jambyn Batmunkh, Punsalmaagiin Ochirbat, Natsagiin Bagabandi, Nambaryn Enkhbayar and Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorzh - lived in a strictly protected area in the mountains of Bogdo uul. According to the publication, Battulga decided to settle in a small house opposite the Central Post Office, where Tsedenbal's winter apartment used to be. The head of Mongolia is going to walk to work, 400 meters from home to the administration. As noted, the Presidential Administration hopes that many officials will also give up bulky SUVs and other luxuries in work and life, writes.

The elected president of the country was a professional sportsman in the past. In 1986-1989 he was a member of the national sambo and judo team of the country. In 1995 he was awarded the title of Honored Athlete of Mongolia. In September 2006, he became president of the Judo Federation of Mongolia, according to the Asia Russia portal.

Battulga stands for construction railways to Russia and industrial enterprises for the processing of Mongolian minerals. He also plans to cancel a government order that prevents income from strategic deposits from reaching local banks.

It is worth noting that shortly before the elections, representatives of the United Russia party met with Battulga, which in a certain way indicates the political orientation of the new president. Even on his campaign poster, Battulga used the image of the Russian president.

In the biography of the new president of Mongolia, one more “Russian trace” can be traced - the origin of his second wife.

The first wife was Mongolian, the second, as they say, Russian.

But the photo of the “Russian wife” Angelica Davain is not particularly published anywhere. There is only one photo of her on the Internet ( maybe not even herapprox. author), where a girl is sitting, more like our sugar workers.

“Davoin”, as the Internet writes, is an Izhora surname. The Izhors are an indigenous people of Finno-Ugric origin.

The new president of Mongolia is a billionaire, judoka, artist and with a Russian wife

Khaltmaagiin Battulga - new president Mongolia. Artist, athlete, entrepreneur, former minister, politician. He is also an exemplary father and son. H. Battulga is considered one of the richest people in Mongolia, he is the owner of the Zhenko corporation. Speaks Russian English, according to the ARD portal.

Khaltmaagiin Battulga, a candidate from the opposition Democratic Party of Mongolia, won the country's presidential election. 1 million 207 thousand 787 voters took part in the second round of voting, the voter turnout was 60.67%, the election results were recognized as valid. According to the results, Battulga received 610,451 votes (50.61%).

Khaltmaagiin Battulga was born on March 3, 1963 in Ulaanbaatar. His father is a native of Bayantsagaan somon, from Bayankhongor aimag, and his mother is from Galuut somon. His parents have long been residents of the capital. Battulga has a younger brother and an older sister.

He studied at high school No. 34 of the city of Ulaanbaatar. After graduation, he entered the School of Fine Arts, where he studied "monumental art". Since 1982, Battulga began working in the Association of Artists.

Once, when he was still studying at the school of fine arts, he sold his painting to tourists near the Bayangol Hotel. Now the Bayangol Hotel is owned by Battulga.

One of his hobbies is martial arts. When he became the world champion in sambo, he was awarded an apartment in Ulaanbaatar. Battulga participated in the World Championship three times and won a full set of medals - gold, silver and bronze. In 1989, he took 1st place at the Sambo World Cup and received a 4-room apartment, which, by his own admission, he had been waiting for so long.

His activities in sports were highly appreciated by the state and he was awarded the title of Honored Athlete of Mongolia. In September 2006, he became the President of the Judo Federation of Mongolia. Since then, at his own expense, he has supported Mongolian judo in every possible way and donated more than 1 billion tugriks ($419,000) to the development of this sport.

Battulga started his small business in 1990. Then the fabrics produced in Mongolia were very cheap, from which Battulga sewed children's clothes. Sold it in Hungary, and then in Singapore. From Singapore, he brought several video cameras to Mongolia, which he bought for $600, and in Mongolia he sold them for $1,200. This is how today's billionaire began to earn his capital.

His political career started in 2002. There was a very hard winter in Bayankhongor aimag, which in Mongolia is called "dzud". His parents, natives of Bayankhongor aimag, asked him to help local shepherds who lost their livestock as a result of this natural disaster. Then Battulga saw the harsh life of the common people up close. And, according to him, he finally decided to engage in politics.

He was elected a deputy, served as the Minister of Transport, then - the Minister of Industry of Mongolia.

His first wife, Ts.Enkhtuyaa, is the director of the Nudelchin company.

His current wife is Angelica Davain, Russian by birth. The couple have two twins. There are no photos of the current spouse in the press and open sources.

Battulga used the image of Vladimir Putin in his election race.

Election poster with inscription "President like Putin"