Artistic painting on wood diagrams. How to work on wood with acrylic paints? Workpiece selection and processing

Since ancient times, our ancestors painted various patterns on wooden surfaces. After all, painting on wood looks great both on rustic frames and on kitchen wooden utensils; it is also appropriate in the interior of residential premises.

Perhaps someone would like to try decorating their home with painted household items, but does not know where to start or what is needed for this. For this you need, besides brushes and paints, very little - most of the necessary things can be found at home.

We prepare everything for work

Before you start creating an artistic masterpiece, you need to prepare in advance everything that may be useful during the work process:

  • blanks (any wooden item that you plan to make beautiful and unique);
  • soft pencil;
  • eraser;
  • sandpaper of various grain sizes;
  • paper sheets (for those who work from sketches);
  • a set of brushes of various thicknesses;
  • palette;
  • templates (for those who cannot draw);
  • paint;
  • primer;
  • transparent varnish (it is advisable to coat the finished pattern with varnish so that it is less damaged);
  • container for liquids (for water or solvent, depending on the colorant).

The wood primer is selected according to the type of paint, but the choice of paint must be taken seriously.

Features of coloring materials

Most often, home craftsmen use the following types of paints when painting on wood:

  • gouache;
  • watercolor;
  • acrylic;
  • aniline;
  • oil


In another way, these dyes are also called poster dyes. They are a thick, opaque mass. They are easy to work with, but complex designs with many shades are impossible to create. To draw, gouache must meet the following requirements:

  • easy to apply to the surface;
  • After drying, do not wear off or crack.

In order for the pattern drawn with gouache to hold more firmly, they use not water to dilute the paint, but water solution PVA glue in a 1:1 ratio. This allows you to do without preliminary priming.

Gouache drawings always turn out bright, colorful, and the dye is cheap. Gouache is suitable for those who are starting to master wood painting and create their first masterpieces.


Everyone is familiar with the simple watercolors that schoolchildren use to paint. Compared to gouache, they are more transparent and allow you to create a complex pattern with many shades. In order to get a beautiful drawing, watercolor must:

  • lie flat on the surface of the workpiece, without stains or streaks;
  • After drying, hold firmly.

The main advantage of watercolors is that if mistakes occur while drawing, the product can be washed, dried, primed and painted again.


Acrylic-based paints are among the best, and painting on wood with them is not only beautiful: acrylic dyes additionally protect and strengthen the material. Manufacturers of artistic paints offer a wide color palette for painting, but it is not profitable for beginners to use them.

Why? The fact is that acrylic compositions are quite expensive, so for beginning artists who have not yet fully mastered the technique of drawing, it will be expensive to use them. But those who have already achieved some experience can create their own masterpieces with them to decorate the interior.


The dye is diluted to a working consistency with the recommended solvent (White spirit, drying oil), after which you can paint. But oil paints have the following features:

  • they give only bright shades (you can use them to paint an object like Khokhloma or make a stylish gold pattern on a black background);
  • durable, once dry they cannot be removed.

Those who have at least a little experience in painting will enjoy working with oil paints, because they can be used to decorate the interior of living rooms inexpensively and for a long time.


Aniline-based dyes are increasingly found in the interior of houses; they are used to paint wooden walls or small decorative items, and in rural areas craftsmen decorate their homes with them. Aniline dyes have a number of positive qualities:

  1. They are easy to draw with.
  2. You can get many beautiful shades with them.
  3. They are inexpensive.

Getting ready to paint

Before applying beautiful patterns, the basis needs to be prepared. To do this you need to do the following:

  • sand with sandpaper, gradually changing from coarser to finer, the base until smooth;
  • coat the surface with a wood primer that matches the paint being used;
  • wait for the primer to dry and apply a color base, painting the product with the desired color.

After the color base has dried, it is possible to apply a design using any technology.

How to make a drawing

Depending on the level of skill, painting on wood can be done using the following technologies:

  • point;
  • using a stencil;
  • drawing from sketches.

Stencil method

Drawing using a template is the simplest: all you need to do is put the stencil on the surface, trace it with a soft pencil, and you can paint it. You can make a stencil yourself by copying any picture you like or asking a familiar artist to make a template.

Point method

The dot technique also helps to create beautiful things for those who do not have artistic skills. The point method consists of drawing many reference points on a sketch drawing and copying them as accurately as possible from the selected sketch onto the surface to be painted.

The dot drawing method requires some skills. But maybe it’s worth remembering how in childhood we connected numbers with lines and got some kind of silhouette? The dot method of painting is based precisely on this, and the more dots are transferred, the more accurate the match will be with the selected picture, which then will only have to be colored.

The point-by-point method of transferring a picture onto a base allows those who have almost no drawing skills to create artistic masterpieces. Simply copy one or more drawings using a soft pencil and color. You can do it as it was in the original, but it’s better to show your imagination and choose your own colors.

According to sketches

This technique involves free creativity when a sketch is drawn, and then transferred to a base and painted. Sketches can be both elements of a painting (for artists) and any geometric elements (for those who do not know how to draw professionally). Using sketches, you can come up with your own unique pattern for drawing, and it doesn’t matter what is used: geometric figures, plant elements or free professional creativity.

Painting wooden objects is not difficult. By mastering one of the proposed techniques and choosing the right paint, you can create real masterpieces, making your home or apartment interior truly unique.

All photos from the article

Wood painting is a fairly old, but still quite relevant technique for making decorative objects, which is also used in interior work. To master this technique, no special skills are required (however, the better you draw, the better the result will be), so our article will be useful not only for experienced masters, but also for beginners.

Materials for work

Paint selection

Naturally, if we are going to draw, then the choice of art materials will be one of the first places. Today, both professionals and amateurs use a variety of wood paints for painting, and so that you can make a choice, we have compiled a small table:

Dye Peculiarities
Acrylic Artistic acrylic paints based on water and water-alcohol are undoubtedly best choice for many design works, and wood painting is no exception.

Artistic acrylic:

  • Easy to apply to prepared surface.
  • It has significant hiding power (the texture of the material does not show through underneath).
  • Dries quite quickly.
  • Does not fade when dried and practically does not discolor over time.

The only significant drawback of acrylic paints is the rather high price: compositions from “name” manufacturers cost quite a lot. And if you consider that sometimes you need a whole palette to paint, the total amount will be, to put it mildly, impressive.

Tempera Acrylic is used somewhat less frequently because it is more difficult to apply. At the same time, tempera painting is used when it is necessary to convey natural, softer colors.

Tempera is also highly opaque and dries well without warping or cracking.

Gouache Gouache paints for decorating wooden surfaces are used somewhat less frequently, since gouache is not durable and therefore requires additional protection(varnishing, glazing).

This deficiency can be partially compensated for by thickening the gouache. To do this, add from 15 to 30% (by volume) PVA glue to the paint container.

Watercolor Watercolor paints are very rarely used as an independent pigment, since their structure does not allow for clear contours. Due to the high water content, the color stain spreads as the pigment moves along the fibers.

At the same time, painting on wood with watercolors is used as an auxiliary technique, for example, for tinting areas when carving or burning.

Naturally, here we have described only the most extensive groups of decorative compositions that are used in decoration. Today, there are dozens of large brands on the market, and palettes contain hundreds and thousands of different shades, so finding the right paint is not difficult.

Components and Tools

Different types of wood painting require the use of different techniques and techniques, but the artist’s set of tools and additional materials will still be approximately the same. Below we provide an indicative list that can be considered a “minimum program”. Start with this list, and over time, as you get involved in the work, you will understand exactly what you need to add.

So, to prepare wooden surfaces for painting, the following are used:

  • Skins with different grain sizes for sanding wood.
  • Putties for filling defects and gaps between individual parts.

From time immemorial, humanity has been painting various surfaces with paints - stones, wood, leather and other materials on which dyes were applied. At the same time, a wide variety of materials were used as paint - clay of various colors, tree resin, soot. One of the most popular materials for painting is wood - many household items were originally made of wood, furniture, and the houses themselves were also made of wood, and the desire for beauty has always been inherent in humanity, so they decorated the surrounding objects with everything that was at hand. Painting on wood using high-quality acrylic paints is becoming especially popular, as it allows you to plunge into the world of distant ancestors and take your mind off the stress and frantic rhythm of the modern world.

At the same time, it is not necessary to be a professional master in this or that type of painting - in stores in large quantities present necessary materials and tools that will help you master any technique in a fairly short time. If this is not enough, then various educational establishments We will be happy to invite you to attend courses for beginners at a time convenient for you.

We study painting on wood with acrylic paints with a description of the work

Painting on wood is most suitable for beginning artists to work with acrylic paints - they are bright, easy to apply and waterproof, while they are practically odorless and easy to work with.

Exist different kinds paintings that originated in different time and in different places of our country, but they all originate in ancient times, when people lived in harmony with nature and the world around them.

One of these types of painting is Khokhloma painting, in which the main elements are grass, flowers, berries, that is, the pictures reflect the entire plant world surrounding a person. This type of painting got its name from the name of the village of Khokhloma, near which it originated.

Another popular folk painting technique originated in a small town on the Volga called Gorodets and was called Gorodets painting. A distinctive feature of this type of painting is that animals are always depicted in profile, and people in full face. The main theme of this type of painting is everyday life ordinary people- walks along city streets, fair festivities, weddings, and at the same time, the paintings are always saturated with bright colors that frame them in the form of garlands, wreaths or simply bouquets scattered throughout the picture.

In addition to these two types of wood painting, there is another decorative technique that is no less popular - Mezen painting. Its distinctive features are the use of only two colors in the designs - red and black, as well as a rather symbolic image various elements(the main motifs are solar disks, rhombuses and crosses, which have certain meanings)

Let's take a closer look at painting on wood using the example of a master class on decorating a wooden board. We will use acrylic paints, as they are the most convenient for working at the stage of getting acquainted with this type of folk art. In this case, the board is also the most convenient object from which you can begin to master the painting technique.

Master class on painting a wooden board with your own hands

Acrylic paints are very easy to use and adhere well to wooden surface and after drying they form a waterproof film, so the painted product does not need to be varnished.

Materials and tools needed:

  • Wooden cutting board;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Brushes;
  • Carbon paper (to transfer the drawing onto the board).
Stages of painting a wooden board.

First you need to prepare the surface you are going to paint. To do this, cover the board with an even layer of white paint - this is necessary in order to level the surface and saturate the pores of the wood, so that further layers of paint will lay down more evenly.

While the board is drying, you can draw a sketch of the future design on paper. Of course, if your artistic skills allow you to draw directly on the board, then you can do without preliminary drawings.

Let's start coloring. To make a bright board, we will use paints of different colors and shades.

Using a thin brush and black paint we decorate the centers of the flowers, and using white paint we paint the berries, flower petals and leaves with thin lines.

A bright and colorful food cutting board is ready. After drying, it can be varnished to better fix the colors, but if the product will only serve a decorative function, you can do without varnishing.

Wood painting is a great way to create unique products with acrylic paints with your own hands, which can be used in everyday life, used as interior decoration, or gifted to a loved one. The technology of this type of creativity is so simple that even a child can master it with a little help from adults.

Video on the topic of the article

In conclusion, we invite you to watch several videos about painting various products with acrylic paints in order to give uniqueness and originality to things, as well as the interior of your home.

Painting a wooden blank with your own hands - be it a mirror frame, a children's high chair or an Easter egg - comes to the mind of many, especially when children appear in the family. Mothers want to add individuality to the interior, and little craftsmen want to leave their mark. However, having found a suitable unpainted product on sale, most novice artists immediately turn to paint, neglecting surface preparation. We'll tell you how to paint on wood according to all the rules.

Unpainted wooden blanks are called “linen”. They require special treatment. They must be carefully selected, paying attention to both the texture of the wood and the shape of the workpiece. After all, work on the product begins from this moment. Wood is a living material, and it would be good to know the properties and differences between its types.

Linden traditionally considered in Russia the best material. It has clean, light, pliable, soft wood. Particularly valued are not sawn, but chopped blanks. Linden is now not as cheap as it used to be. And rightly so. And my conscience no longer allows me to waste this beauty. Linden easily accepts paint, so the tinting method may be the most suitable for it.

Birch is in second place in popularity after linden. Its wood is slightly grayish, denser, heavier. Sometimes with “moles”.

Aspen at first glance it looks like a linden tree. However, if linden is “warm”, then aspen is cold to the touch, and it is customary to disdain it. Its texture is uneven, as it dries out, it warps, and the egg blanks flatten. Aspen can be recognized by its marbled streaks and burrs.

Coniferous species. Spruce and pine are traditional northern woods. Conifers have yellowish wood, heterogeneous in texture, fibrous and with pronounced resinous areas. They preferred to make only large forms from them. The IKEA store offers a variety of pine blanks, and only the lazy haven’t yet painted a square “Ikea” mirror.

Beech comes to us mainly from Bukovina - Western Ukraine. The wood is dark in color with a pinkish-white tint. Very dense, heavy and, like oak, with a narrow notch. You can paint on well-sanded beech even without a primer. However, beech “leads”, it twists and therefore cannot be considered a very good material for painting.

Oak- beautiful, noble wood of a grayish-yellowish color. Its texture is heterogeneous, like that of beech. He's good on his own. And it’s a shame to paint it over.

The hobby industry offers us blanks made from veneer and papier-mâché. These more environmentally friendly options have many advantages. The blanks are light, elegant and of any shape and configuration. Papier-mâché requires full surface painting, but veneer is better tinted.

Plywood- also a good material for painting. Toning, like veneer, reveals the beautiful natural grain of the wood. Very well painted and processed. Its impeccably smooth surface is easy to draw on.

Rules for handling wooden blanks

When working with material, do not forget that it is alive. He is breathing, he may be warping from something. Therefore, handle the workpieces lovingly, and then it turns out that the object itself will tell you best option its decoration.

  1. “Underwear” brought from the street must be kept for a couple of days at room temperature so that it dries naturally (not near the radiator). And this applies not only to blanks purchased at opening days, but also purchased in the store.
  2. If there are defects on the surface in the form of knots and chips, they need to be filled with wood putty for interior work. It is advisable to choose one tinted to match the color of the wood, but white is also possible.
  3. After final drying, the product must be processed sandpaper in the direction along the fibers.
  4. The surface of the wood can be primed, painted or tinted. And after any of these operations, treat again with soft sandpaper.

What to prime

Soils- These are auxiliary materials for impregnating wood. They are needed so that the paint lays down more evenly, and during finishing processing, varnishes and other materials do not “fail.” When working with traditional linden and birch blanks, we will give preference to old primer recipes starch and egg white.

Potato starch best suited for linden blanks. It not only seals pores well, but also gives the wood a pleasant white coating.

Prepare starch soil in the same way as jelly.

  1. Pour one level teaspoon into a saucepan and, stirring slowly, pour in a glass cold water. There should be no lumps.
  2. Stirring, bring to a boil. Cool slightly. The paste should not be very thick.
  3. You should coat the workpiece while it is warm, using your hand or a flat, wide brush. At the same time, it is important that sagging does not form on the surface (for example, in the grooves of turning products); they must be rubbed out immediately.
  4. After the first drying, lightly sand the surface with #0 or #1 soft sandpaper, just to remove any rough spots. According to the rules, the starching procedure must be repeated twice. Sand the surface with gentle, non-chaotic movements in one direction and not too hard, otherwise all the applied starch will be erased.
  5. A product treated with starch primer needs a final coating with NC or PF varnish. Acrylic varnishes are not suitable for this method.

Egg white can also become soil. Carefully separate the white from the yolk, remove the flagellum, beat lightly and coat the surface with your hand. All processing rules are exactly the same as with potato starch.

One layer of nitro varnish (NC) can also be considered soil. The varnish should be thin; if necessary, it can be diluted with solvent No. 646 or acetone. The varnish is applied to the surface, dried and sanded with sandpaper before painting.

Acrylic primers- modern materials, but finding a transparent primer is not always easy, and dense white and black primers are not very suitable for painting, except in some special case.

Primer color- this is, in fact, paint (tempera or acrylic) not diluted with water, which is used to paint the surface. This method allows you not only to prepare the base, but also to immediately give it the desired background.

Tinting- This is a change in the color of wood while maintaining its texture. Impregnations like "Pinocolor" are sold, but any paint diluted thinner can also be a good tinting agent. It is better to apply paint with foam rubber, gently and quickly rubbing it in one direction. After drying, wood always becomes brittle and needs to be smoothed out with sandpaper.

Surface finishing

Many Russian craftsmen still use oil varnish PF, AK and nitro varnish NTs for finishing, but there are other compositions for interior work that dry faster than PF and are better than NTs in many properties.

Acrylic varnishes, of course, were created for acrylic paints. But they can also be used to cover tempera painting. Their advantage is that they are water-based, considered environmentally friendly, easy to apply and dry quickly. However, once dry, these varnishes tend to stick slightly, especially when exposed to heat. Therefore, it is not advisable to cover objects such as, for example, wooden bracelets with them. Some varnishes at elevated temperatures give a temporary whiteness, which then goes away. For example, a tabletop treated with some acrylic varnishes may temporarily turn white under a cup of hot coffee.

It is best to apply varnish to large flat surfaces using a wide, flat synthetic brush with soft bristles, using quick movements in the shortest sections. When varnishing a board, first brush along the ends and then over the main surface. Pay special attention to the ends: it is important that the varnish does not flow onto them.

You can patch small egg-type turning molds by immersion. Typically, in this case, oil varnish is chosen.

Spreading method Suitable for varnishing small items: brooches, buttons, etc. For convenience, stick a piece of double-sided tape to the size of the product on a solid base, and then stick the product itself on it and lightly touch it in the center with a brush heavily filled with varnish.

It is better to use not a flat brush, but a soft round one, preferably a natural one. In order to spread well over the surface, the varnish should not be thick. The best option is PF varnish.

Liquid wax and mastic Give the wooden surface a soft shine and a noble appearance. Liquid waxes have proven themselves very well. Some of them need to be heated in a steam bath before application, some do not need this. Crystallization of waxes occurs best not under the influence of heat, but from cold. Therefore, it is better to dry them in a draft. Waxes are colorless and tinted, some even with fragrances.

From time immemorial, humanity has been painting various surfaces with paints - stones, wood, leather and other materials on which dyes were applied. At the same time, a wide variety of materials were used as paint - clay of various colors, tree resin, soot. One of the most popular materials for painting is wood - many household items were originally made of wood, furniture, and the houses themselves were also made of wood, and the desire for beauty has always been inherent in humanity, so they decorated the surrounding objects with everything that was at hand. Painting on wood using high-quality acrylic paints is becoming especially popular, as it allows you to plunge into the world of distant ancestors and take your mind off the stress and frantic rhythm of the modern world.

At the same time, you don’t have to be a professional master of this or that type of painting - stores have a large quantity of necessary materials and tools that will help you master any technique in a fairly short time. If this is not enough, then various educational institutions will be happy to offer you to attend courses for beginners at a time convenient for you.

We study painting on wood with acrylic paints with a description of the work

Painting on wood is most suitable for beginning artists to work with acrylic paints - they are bright, easy to apply and waterproof, while they are practically odorless and easy to work with.

There are different types of painting that originated at different times and in different places in our country, but they all originate in ancient times, when people lived in harmony with nature and the world around them.

One of these types of painting is Khokhloma painting, in which the main elements are grass, flowers, berries, that is, the pictures reflect the entire plant world surrounding a person. This type of painting got its name from the name of the village of Khokhloma, near which it originated.

Another popular folk painting technique originated in a small town on the Volga called Gorodets and was called Gorodets painting. A distinctive feature of this type of painting is that animals are always depicted in profile, and people in full face. The main theme of this type of painting is the everyday life of ordinary people - walks along city streets, fair festivities, weddings, and at the same time, the paintings are always saturated with bright colors that frame them in the form of garlands, wreaths or simply bouquets scattered throughout the picture.

In addition to these two types of wood painting, there is another decorative technique that is no less popular - Mezen painting. Its distinctive features are the use of only two colors in the designs - red and black, as well as a rather symbolic image of various elements (the main motifs are solar disks, rhombuses and crosses, which have certain meanings)

Let's take a closer look at painting on wood using the example of a master class on decorating a wooden board. We will use acrylic paints, as they are the most convenient for working at the stage of getting acquainted with this type of folk art. In this case, the board is also the most convenient object from which you can begin to master the painting technique.

Master class on painting a wooden board with your own hands

Acrylic paints are very easy to use, adhere well to a wooden surface and, after drying, form a waterproof film, so the painted product does not need to be varnished.

Materials and tools needed:

  • Wooden cutting board;
  • Acrylic paint;
  • Brushes;
  • Carbon paper (to transfer the drawing onto the board).
Stages of painting a wooden board.

First you need to prepare the surface you are going to paint. To do this, cover the board with an even layer of white paint - this is necessary in order to level the surface and saturate the pores of the wood, so that further layers of paint will lay down more evenly.

While the board is drying, you can draw a sketch of the future design on paper. Of course, if your artistic skills allow you to draw directly on the board, then you can do without preliminary drawings.

Let's start coloring. To make a bright board, we will use paints of different colors and shades.

Using a thin brush and black paint we decorate the centers of the flowers, and using white paint we paint the berries, flower petals and leaves with thin lines.

A bright and colorful food cutting board is ready. After drying, it can be varnished to better fix the colors, but if the product will only serve a decorative function, you can do without varnishing.

Wood painting is a great way to create unique products with acrylic paints with your own hands, which can be used in everyday life, used as interior decoration, or gifted to a loved one. The technology of this type of creativity is so simple that even a child can master it with a little help from adults.

Video on the topic of the article

In conclusion, we invite you to watch several videos about painting various products with acrylic paints in order to give uniqueness and originality to things, as well as the interior of your home.