Roast pork without potatoes. Homemade roast pork: Italian cuisine recipe

One of the most desired dishes on the table in almost every family is roast pork with potatoes. Such a simple and uncomplicated dish turns out to be amazingly nutritious, juicy, and appetizing. Its taste turns out to be rich and multifaceted, and its aroma deserves special praise. The attractiveness of this culinary composition is that it can be prepared for both dinner and lunch. Guaranteed - no one will leave the table hungry and dissatisfied! Try making home-style roast pork and potatoes, and you will see that vegetables soaked in meat juice are something!

Cooking time – 1 hour.

Number of servings – 5.


To prepare a hearty and delicious roast in a simple way homemade recipe no need for delicacies. The set of ingredients is ridiculously simple:

  • potatoes – 12 pcs.;
  • pork – 500 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • curry – 1 pinch;
  • sunflower oil - as needed;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook your own roast pork with potatoes

If you decide to cook delicious roast pork with potatoes for the first time, then you will need this step by step recipe with photo. However, as practice shows, creating this culinary composition is usually not associated with difficulties and problems. In any case, the dish turns out tender, juicy, and appetizing.

  1. The first thing you need to do is potatoes. The tubers of this vegetable crop will need to be thoroughly washed and cleaned. The prepared fruits must be cut coarsely - you can do this in quarters.

On a note! If you're lucky enough to be making a pork and potato roast from a new crop, you won't need to peel the tubers.

  1. Next you need to tackle the pork. The meat should be washed. It needs to be cut into portions, also not too small. Carrots and onions need to be washed. Vegetables must be cleaned. All fruits need to be finely chopped.

  1. Now you need to take the cauldron. It is in such a dish that roast pork and potatoes turn out especially tasty and tender, since all the components are able to simmer thoroughly. The cauldron will need to be put on fire. Sunflower oil is poured into the heated container. Pieces of meat are transferred to the boiling mass. It will need to be fried until a crust forms on the pieces.

  1. When the meat is slightly fried, you will need to add chopped onions and carrots to it.

  1. Vegetables will need to be fried over medium heat. At the same time, they need to be stirred periodically. If any of the components starts to burn, it will spoil the taste of the entire dish as a whole and all the work will be in vain, and the food will actually be spoiled. When the chopped onions and carrots are browned (this usually takes no more than 7 minutes), add potato slices to them. You also need to pour regular clean water into the cauldron. drinking water. You will need to keep the mixture on the fire until it boils.

Note! Just enough liquid is needed to slightly cover all the components of the future roast.

  1. What remains? Just reduce the heat to low. You need to add bay leaves to the mixture of pork, potato pieces, and onion-carrot frying. All seasonings specified in the recipe are also added to the mixture. In addition to everything else, you can dilute the home-style roast with suneli hops, rosemary, thyme, and basil. If possible, chop up some fresh dill. There wasn't one at home? Take the dried version. Such spices are guaranteed not to spoil the taste of the finished delicacy, which always turns out excellent. After adding the spices, all the ingredients in the cauldron will need to be thoroughly mixed. The container must be covered with a lid. You need to simmer the roast on the stove for about another half hour. This time is enough for all the components of the culinary composition to simmer well, become juicy, fragrant and tasty.

All is ready! You can serve it to the table!

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Video recipes

If you have never made roast pork with potatoes in a cauldron before, be sure to watch the video recipes. They will help you in the kitchen and will not allow you to make possible mistakes when creating this aromatic and appetizing culinary masterpiece for dinner or lunch:

Despite newfangled recipes with all sorts of exotic products and sophisticated complex technologies, sometimes you want to see a simple result on your home table classic dish from meat - roast pork. In this recipe for cooking pork, I deviated a little from the classics, because I wanted to immediately see it with a side dish - potatoes, which, in my opinion, is extremely convenient in other cases. Alternatively, you can use something else, because there are many products to make roast pork suit your taste.

Meat dish ingredients:

  • pork - one and a half kilograms,
  • onions (golden or white, red) and potatoes - approximately one kilogram each (a little more is possible),
  • sweet (preferably red) pepper - one or two pcs.,
  • garlic - two heads,
  • greens or green onions,
  • ghee (or any fat),
  • salt,
  • peppercorns or chili.

How to cook roast pork according to the recipe, with photos

So how are we going to cook? a traditional dish from pork, then we will subject the products (before the main processes!) to the following classical procedures:

  • We clean the meat (if there are films on it) and wash it,
  • remove the insides of the pepper, remove the “coats” from the onion,
  • remove the cloves from the heads of garlic (by the way, it is not in the photo, because not everyone likes it, you can do without it),
  • wash all the vegetables
  • thinly slice the onion into rings (or simply chop them).

Cut the pork into medium-sized pieces across the grain. This is very important, otherwise it will taste harsher than necessary.

To stew a roast, you will need dishes with a thicker bottom (sauce pan, casserole dish, etc.). In my home cooking chicken fat is heated in a cast iron from the so-called “grandmother’s inheritance”.

Lightly fry the pork on all sides over high heat, then transferring the meat to another bowl.

Then, in the cast iron, reduce the heat a little and fry the garlic in it (about two minutes). Every time we fry food, do not forget about fat. If it is not enough, add it.

After the fried garlic has been added to the meat, add the onions to the cast iron. It can be cooked over high heat. At first it seems like there is too much onion. But this is at first glance. After seven minutes, its size will decrease significantly.

Now it’s time to put the meat and garlic back into the container with the onions.

Pour boiling water here so that it covers all the products. After bringing everything to a boil, cover the cast iron with a lid. We have a whole hour. This is exactly how much meat needs to stew well.

After combining all the products in the bowl, try to make sure that the pork is on top, and the potatoes and peppers are completely immersed in the sauce. Season the roast with spices. If we use chili, be careful with the amount of other types of pepper or do not use them at all.

If the lid fits very tightly to the cast iron, then the dish will be cooked (50 minutes) on the stove using steam from the meat; no need to add water. Otherwise, add a little more liquid.

But the roast is usually brought to the desired condition in the oven (without opening the lid). For the pork to brown and soak in the juices of all the ingredients, it will take no less time than on the stove.

And then roast pork with the most tender meat, full of delicious aromas, can be mixed and served at home, seasoning each serving plate with green onions. And another recipe for cooking on a baking sheet, baked, with sauce. I hope you like it very much.

Nobody would call home-style roast pork with potatoes a light diet food, but even nutritionists say that from time to time you need to eat something high-calorie to speed up your metabolism.

Traditional utensils for cooking roasts are clay pots. But not everyone has them, and washing them after lunch is not the most pleasant prospect. Don't worry: the roast will turn out just as good on the stove. You will need a cast iron cauldron or pan with thick walls. In such a dish, the meat will be tender and melt in your mouth, the potatoes will be crumbly, and the gravy will be thick and rich.

In the classic Russian recipe, the roast is prepared from a single piece of meat, which is baked at high heat (hence the name). The piece is first quickly fried until a crust appears, and then baked. It is first marinated in wine or lemon juice.

Modern roasts are made primarily from pieces of meat and vegetables that are fried before braising. For roasting, use juicy, fatty meat, preferably the neck.

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes 60 minutes


  • potatoes, 1 kg
  • pork, 800 g
  • onion, 2 pcs.
  • carrots, 1 pc.
  • water, 3-4 glasses
  • tomato paste, 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar, 1 tbsp. l.
  • flour, 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic, 2-3 cloves
  • greens, bunch
  • bay leaf, 3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil, for frying
  • salt, to taste
  • allspice, to taste

How to cook homemade roast pork with potatoes

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of oil into a cauldron and heat it. Lay out the pork. Fry for 4 minutes, stirring vigorously.

Add the onions and carrots, turn down the heat to medium and fry until the onions are translucent, continuing to stir. Pour some boiled water hot water– to cover the meat, add spices, cover with a lid, turn the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.

Add the potatoes and pour in more water - so much so that it is about a centimeter below the level of the pieces. Cover with a lid. When the potatoes are almost ready, pour the tomato paste diluted in half a glass of water with sugar and salt into the roast. It is not necessary to add sugar, but it will give you a richer and more pleasant taste. We add the tomato at the end of cooking because it greatly increases the cooking time of the potatoes.

A couple of minutes before turning off, add chopped garlic and herbs. If the roast turns out watery, add a tablespoon of flour to a ladle of broth from the roast and pour it back in.

Stir, turn off, let it brew a little. Bon appetit!

Do you often cook roasts? What ingredients do you add besides the main ones? Tell us about your kitchen secrets in the comments!

They prepared it. Look what happened

I made some kind of soup (

And we added another bag (400 g) of frozen mixture " vegetable stew", and the dish itself was seasoned not just with tomato, but with a sauce made from melted lard with flour, to which a couple of spoons of adjika were added (melt 50 g of lard and fry 2 tbsp. wheat flour in it until light brown, then pour 1.5 - 2 glasses of water and stir thoroughly until homogeneous mass, salt, add spices and adjika or tomato paste). We got such a delicious treat! WOW!

It's delicious with melted lard! Respect!

I request a recipe for “homemade roast in a slow cooker” and they give me a recipe for “homemade roast in a cauldron”. Is this the same thing?

Look at here

The right recipe. Only I first fry all the ingredients in a frying pan, including the potatoes. And at the end I add a couple of spoons of sour cream. It turns out delicious!

I cook homemade roast a little differently. I fry everything separately and fry the potatoes too. I put everything in a cauldron, pour boiling water, salt, a little pepper (all to taste) and put it on the fire. It boiled, added a little tomato and put it in the oven at about 160 degrees heated

I make roasts the same way. Only instead of tomato I add sour cream.

Step 1: prepare the meat.

First of all, choose the right pork! For this dish, suitable loin, shoulder, back sirloin, ham or, as in our version, neck. We rinse it under streams of cold running water, dry it with paper kitchen towels, put it on a cutting board and get rid of the film, veins, as well as small bones that very often remain on the meat after chopping the carcass. After this, cut the pork into portions of 2-2.5 centimeters in size and transfer it to a small bowl.

Step 2: prepare vegetables and other ingredients.

Next, using a clean knife, peel all the vegetables specified in the recipe, rinse them and continue preparing. Chop the potatoes into large slices, cubes or slices 1.5–2 centimeters thick, immediately throw them into a deep bowl with cold running water and leave them there until use so that they do not darken.

Place the onions and carrots one by one on a cutting board and chop them, the first into cubes, half rings, strips, and the second either into cubes or shredded on a coarse grater. The main thing is that the thickness of the slices does not exceed 1 centimeter. After that, put the rest of the ingredients that you will need to prepare the dish on the kitchen table and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: fry the meat.

Place a deep wok and frying pan on medium heat, and the best option cauldron and pour a little vegetable oil into it. After a few minutes, when the fat is hot, drop the sliced ​​pork into it. First, simmer it until the meat juice has completely evaporated, and then fry it until light golden brown, constantly stirring with a wooden kitchen spatula. This process will take approximately 20 minutes.

Step 4: prepare roast pork with potatoes.

As soon as the pieces of pork are slightly browned, add chopped onion to them and simmer them together until the vegetable is soft and transparent. Then put the carrots there and fry everything until the vegetables are half cooked, stirring occasionally.

After this, put the potatoes with tomato juice into the cauldron. Fill vegetables and meat with purified water to half the food level. Season the liquid to taste with bay leaf, ground black pepper, salt, paprika, and dried dill and parsley. Mix all the ingredients of the roast until smooth, taste it and, if necessary, add more spices. Then bring everything to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover aromatic dish cover and simmer for 30, 35 or 40 minutes until cooked and almost complete evaporation of moisture. The time may vary depending on the type of potato and how soft you want it to be.

Stir the vegetables and meat periodically to prevent them from burning to the bottom of the hot pan. When the roast is cooked, turn off the stove and let it brew, covered. 15–20 minutes. Then, using a ladle, we arrange the food in portions on plates and serve it to the table.

Step 5: Serve roast pork with potatoes.

Roast pork with potatoes is served hot as a second main course. After cooking, it is infused, laid out in portions on plates, each seasoned with fresh sour cream, cream or finely chopped dill, parsley, cilantro or basil, if desired, and served with fresh bread or pita bread. As a complement to this yummy, you can offer a salad of fresh vegetables, marinades or pickles. Enjoy delicious and flavorful food that is easy to prepare!
Bon appetit!

Instead of water, you can use vegetable or meat broth;

Very often, 5 minutes before complete readiness, the dish is seasoned with garlic squeezed through a press;

Sometimes, along with potatoes, salad sweet peppers cut into strips or cubes are added;

Great alternative vegetable oil– lard;

The set of spices is not important; use any that are used to season vegetable or meat dishes, for example, all types of ground pepper, thyme, cumin, turmeric and others;

Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater.

The whole family will definitely come running to the smell of fragrant roast! A basic set of products will require the same basic cooking skills, but the dish will definitely be possible to prepare even inexperienced housewife. The trick is to choose the right meat for the roast.

If you are preparing a pork dish, you can take meat from several parts of the carcass. The neck and anterior spine, the lumbar and tenderloin, the ham, the ham and the hip, as well as the shoulder and peritoneum are suitable. To highlight the aroma of the dish, do not skimp on spices and do not forget to sprinkle each serving with fresh herbs: dill, parsley or cilantro.

Name: Pork stew
Date added: 01.04.2016
Cooking time: 1 hour
Recipe servings: 6
Rating: (No rating)


Homemade pork roast recipe

Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Wash the meat under cold running water and dry with paper towels. Cut into medium-sized portions. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the onion and cook, stirring constantly, for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Add meat, cook for 7-10 minutes, stirring continuously.

Wash the tomatoes, dip in boiling water for a couple of seconds, and then in cold water. Remove the skin and grate the pulp. Fresh tomatoes can be replaced tomato paste(you will need 1 tbsp). Add tomatoes or pasta to meat and onions. Stir and cook for 5 minutes.

Appetizing roast pork perfect for a family dinner

Peel the potatoes and wash them. If the tubers are small, you can cook them whole; if they are medium or large, cut them into 4–6 pieces. Place in a cast iron pot, add meat and onions. Pour boiling water (the water level should be below the level of the food). Place the roast over medium heat, bring to a boil, and season with salt and pepper. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 30–40 minutes.

Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater, or pass it through a press. If desired, it can be replaced with adjika (you will need 1 tsp). Add garlic or adjika, as well as bay leaves to the roast in the cast iron, stir. Leave to simmer for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Serve the roast hot.