Installation of energy metering devices. Installation of heat energy meters in apartment buildings

“How to save 5 thousand rubles?”

Energy-saving lamps

Replacing incandescent light bulbs with modern energy-saving lamps can, on average, cut your home's electricity consumption in half. An energy-saving lamp lasts 10 thousand hours. while an incandescent lamp - on average 1.5 thousand hours, that is, 6 - 7 times less.
Compact Fluorescent Lamp 11 W power replaces a 60 W incandescent lamp. The costs are recouped in less than a year, and it lasts three to four years. Calculated: replacing in an apartment of 45 - 50 sq. meters of lamps with conventional lamps to fluorescent ones, you can save approximately 1500 kW/h per year. It is more appropriate to use compact fluorescent lamps in the hallway and in the kitchen, where the light lasts longer. If you are not used to turning off the lights behind you, then this is the most acceptable way to save both electricity and money.

Savings: up to 1000 rubles.

Use voltage stabilizers. Energy specialists advise using voltage stabilizers! By connecting a computer or TV through the stabilizer, you can achieve a significant reduction in energy consumption.
The “sleeping” state is deceptive
Anyone who thinks that household electrical appliances that are not working but connected to the power grid do not consume electricity and do not affect the amount of payments for electricity are mistaken. Power consumption occurs in such a “sleeping” state or standby state, when only the “red eye” on the panel of a home electrical appliance is turned on. So how much electricity is consumed by televisions, video and stereo systems that are not working but are connected to the network? microwaves?
Research has proven that the energy consumption of devices in the standby state is about 10% of the total electricity consumption! So, on average, the TV works about 4 hours a day. The rest of the time, “at idle”, being simply connected to the network, it consumes about 1.1 kW/h of electricity per day, per month - 33 kW/h. Microwave

A stove and a VCR “eat up” 0.4 kW/h per day, 12 kW/h per month. And one hour of idling operation of an electric heater will ruin it by 1.4 kW/h per day or 42 kW/h per month.

Savings: up to 300 rubles.

How much does a refrigerator eat?

The refrigerator is one of the most energy-intensive appliances. It is constantly plugged in and consumes the same amount of electricity as an electric stove. A tidy figure accumulates per year: compressor refrigerator - 350 - 550 kW/h, absorption refrigerator - 600 - 1600 kW/h.
The profitability of a refrigerator, first of all, depends on its operating mode, related to the frequency of use and compliance with operating rules. With proper operation of the refrigerator, energy consumption is reduced by 15 - 20%.
After opening the refrigerator door three times, electricity consumption increases by 1%!

Savings: up to 300 rubles.

If you want to be richer, know how to save
Do not use the stove without a “compelling reason”. After all, everyone knows: to drink tea, for example, it is better to use a less energy-intensive device - an electric kettle. Thus, you can save up to 250 kWh per year.
Make sure the stove is in good condition. Using faulty burners leads to excessive energy consumption by 3 - 5%.
What kind of cookware you use plays a significant role. You can save energy by using special cookware with a thickened bottom, equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the burner. Energy savings when using such cookware range from 140 to 280 kW/h per year.
Using cookware with a curved bottom can lead to excessive energy consumption of up to 400 kW/h per year.
By the way, this is an important fact. If you cook food in a container without a lid, you use three times more energy!
48% of consumed electricity is spent on electrical appliances, 12% on lighting, and 40% on cooking. The annual electricity consumption of a family with an electric stove is 3500 - 4000 kW/h.

Savings: up to 400 rubles.

Which irons are economical? Use the temperature regulator to iron a particular type of fabric. Why heat your iron to maximum temperature and then wait for the iron to cool down before ironing synthetic fabric? You lose both time and electricity.
Buy irons with smooth control of steam supply, taking into account the type of fabric. If you need to steam hard-to-iron fabric, for example, jeans, you can use the enhanced steam mode. The “LOW PRESS” mode allows you to steam delicate synthetic fabrics by supplying steam when working at low temperatures.
If you still use an iron without a temperature regulator, it’s time to think about purchasing a more modern one, in which the heating time is reduced from 15 - 20 minutes to 6 - 7 minutes, and energy consumption is reduced by more than 20%.

Savings: up to 500 rubles.

Load the machine completely
In terms of energy consumption, automatic ones are the most economical washing machines. The main rule to ensure efficiency is full loading. Do not start washing until there is enough laundry to fully load the machine!
Try to wash at a lower temperature. At a washing temperature of +90"C, electricity consumption is 30 - 40% higher than at a washing temperature of +60"C.
Use energy-saving programs: if you increase the wash duration, you can reduce the water temperature. In this case, energy savings will be 45%, because the main electricity consumption goes to heating water.
By hand-washing particularly dirty stains and soaking dirty laundry, you can avoid the need for laundry when high temperature and high energy consumption.

Savings: up to 900 rubles.

Insulate your apartments well
Thermal energy losses heating system V residential buildings make up almost 20%! Most heat loss occurs:
- due to uninsulated windows and doors - 63%;
- through window glass - 15%;
- through ceilings and walls -15%.
Many people, instead of insulating their homes, use electric heating devices in addition to the heating system, which leads to increased energy consumption. Northerners know like no one else: insulation is the best energy saving.

Savings: up to 600 rubles.

Saving energy in water consumption
Did you know that through a faucet from which water drips (10 drops per minute) up to 2000 liters of water flows out per year.
And if each of the four members of your family leaves the water tap open for only 5 minutes a day, do you lose 7 kWh of energy by throwing 1000 rubles out the window?
Taking a shower is much cheaper than taking a bath. Taking a bath (140-180 l) you spend three times more energy than taking a 5-minute bath. shower.
Sprayers on taps allow you to use water more efficiently.

Savings: up to 1000 rubles.

- insulate windows and doors to prevent heat loss!
- do not obscure heating radiators with furniture and curtains!
- turn off the lights when you leave the room!
- install cold and hot water!
- use a table lamp when there is no need for general room lighting!
- when cooking on an electric stove, turn it off a few minutes before the food is ready!
- cover the pan with a lid when cooking food!
- install two-tariff electricity meters!

By following tips on energy saving, you can put from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles a year into the family budget, which is 25% of the family’s energy consumption expenses.

Today every family knows that saving is important, saving is necessary!

Prepared by the editors of the ENERGOSOVET magazine based on media materials

Ensuring accounting of used energy resources and the use of metering devices when making payments for them are determined by the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on introducing changes to certain legislative acts Russian Federation"(hereinafter referred to as the law).
Who should install and pay for them, and who should trust them? Internet forums, seminars and conferences are full of these questions. Let's try to answer them.

Is it mandatory to install energy meters?
Yes, it is required. According to the law, payments for energy resources, including water (Article 5, paragraph 2 of the law), must be carried out on the basis of data on their quantitative value, determined using metering devices.
The law clearly defines the deadlines for installing energy metering devices (hereinafter referred to as energy resources).
Before January 1, 2011, metering devices must be installed and put into operation in buildings, structures, structures used to house public authorities, bodies local government that are in state or municipal ownership.
Until January 1, 2011, owners of non-residential buildings, structures, structures and other objects are required to complete equipping such objects with collective (common house) energy metering devices, as well as put the installed metering devices into operation.
Until January 1, 2012, owners of premises in apartment buildings, residential buildings, country houses or garden houses with a centralized supply of resources are required to ensure that such houses are equipped with metering devices for energy resources used, as well as putting the installed metering devices into operation. At the same time, apartment buildings within the specified period must be equipped with collective (common building) meters for water, heat energy, electrical energy, as well as individual and general (for communal apartment) energy metering devices (all except thermal energy).
From January 1, 2012, multi-apartment residential buildings being put into operation and reconstructed must be equipped with individual heat meters in apartments.
Since the adoption of the Law, it is not allowed to put into operation buildings, structures, structures without equipping them with energy and water metering devices.

Who should pay for the installation of metering devices?
The law obliges owners of buildings, structures, structures, residential, country or garden houses, premises in apartment buildings to bear the costs of installing metering devices.
If the owner is not able to pay for the meter and its installation immediately, the energy supplier organization is obliged to provide installment payments for up to 5 years. The interest on the loan is set at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Subject of the Russian Federation or municipality has the right to provide support to certain categories of consumers at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local budget by allocating funds to them for the installation of metering devices for energy resources used.
Apartments in multi-storey buildings, which are municipal property, are equipped with electricity meters at the expense of budget funds.

Do property owners need apartment building(MCD) hold a general meeting to make a decision on the installation of metering devices?
Yes need. Before starting to organize heat metering in a house, a collective decision of the owners, adopted by a majority of votes at a general meeting, is necessary. Since the future metering center will become common property, payment for equipment and work in whole or in part (in case of participation in federal, regional or municipal programs) is distributed among all apartment owners.
The task of the management company or the board of a homeowners association or housing cooperative is to convey information to the owners that the installation of metering devices is necessary in accordance with the law on energy conservation and refusal to install it threatens with compulsory measures to install metering devices on the part of the energy supplying organization and litigation in court. UK or HOA board, Housing cooperatives must offer owners options: a list of companies with which it is possible to enter into an agreement for the installation of energy metering devices and their proposals on the cost of work and the quality of the proposed equipment.

Who has the right to install energy meters?
Energy supply organizations and specialized organizations have the right to install metering devices. These organizations must have specialized specialists of the required level of qualifications, the installation of metering devices must be prescribed in the organization’s statutory documents, the organization must be a member of the SRO in construction and have a certificate of admission to this specific type of work issued by the SRO.
Suppliers of energy resources not only have the right, but are obliged to carry out activities related to the installation, replacement, and operation of metering devices for the energy resources used, the supply or transmission of which they carry out.
Until July 1, 2010, energy supply organizations were required to provide owners of premises in apartment buildings and persons responsible for the maintenance apartment buildings and to persons representing the interests of owners, proposals to equip them with metering devices for energy resources used.

What is the liability for failure to install metering devices?
If before January 1, 2011 and for some consumers before January 1, 2012 (see above), in response to proposals for installing meters from the energy supplier, the consumer does not install a meter, then the energy supplying organization has the right to forcefully install it and collect it in court The consumer will pay all installation costs plus legal fees.
According to the law, by the end of 2012 the campaign to install metering devices must end. All categories of energy resource consumers must be “approved.”
Resource-supplying organizations do not have the right to refuse to persons who apply to them to enter into an agreement regulating the conditions for the installation, replacement and (or) operation of metering devices for the resources used, the supply or transfer of which they carry out. The price of such a contract is determined by agreement of the parties. The procedure for conclusion and essential conditions such an agreement was approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2010 No. 149.

Who monitors compliance with obligations regarding the installation of energy metering devices?
Monitoring compliance with these duties is carried out by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) and federal Service for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision (Rostechnadzor) and their territorial bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Are there penalties for failure to comply with obligations regarding the installation of energy meters?
Yes, they are provided. The Law on Energy Saving (Article 37) amended the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO).
Failure to comply with legal requirements for the installation of metering devices (stages of design, reconstruction, overhaul, construction) - fine for officials from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, for organization from 500 to 600 thousand rubles.
Failure to comply with requirements for energy suppliers to offer installation of metering devices to owners of residential buildings, country houses, garden houses and their representatives. Fine for officials from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, for legal entities from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.
Unreasonable refusal or evasion of an organization entrusted with the obligation to install, replace, operate metering devices for energy resources used, from concluding the relevant contract and (or) from its execution, as well as violation of the established procedure for its conclusion, or failure to comply with those established as mandatory for it requirements for the installation, replacement, operation of metering devices for used energy resources - a fine for officials from 20 to 30 thousand rubles; for individual entrepreneurs - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles; on legal entities- from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.
Failure to comply with the requirements for equipping a residential building with metering devices by persons responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings - a fine for the responsible person from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, for legal entities from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.
Failure to comply with the requirements for equipping non-residential buildings, structures, structures with metering devices by persons responsible for their maintenance - a fine for officials from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs from 25 to 35 thousand rubles, for legal entities from 100 to 150 thousand . rub.

Who carries out Maintenance and repair of metering devices?
The owner is obliged to ensure the operation of metering devices in accordance with technical requirements to the device. Thus, the owner of the metering unit must have a contract for the maintenance of metering devices with a service organization (for example, it could be an organization for installing metering devices, an energy supply organization, a management company).
Repair work on metering devices is carried out at the device manufacturers or a specialized repair facility in accordance with the approved technological process. After repairing the metering device, it is necessary to carry out an extraordinary verification.

Who carries out and pays for verification of metering devices?
The owner’s responsibilities include ensuring the reliability of the readings of metering devices, in particular, their timely metrological verification, i.e. verification is paid from the owner’s own funds.
Metrological assurance of the reliability of meter readings consists of their periodic verification in a specialized organization (for example, in the laboratory of a regional center for standardization and metrology or in an organization that has appropriate testing laboratories at its disposal).
Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 250 of April 20, 2010, starting from 2012, verification of measuring instruments for the amount of electricity, consumption of cold and hot water and gas should be carried out only by accredited state regional centers metrology. Since the thermal energy metering unit also includes a flow meter, this requirement will also apply to commercial thermal energy metering.
The essence of metrological verification is to test the metering device on more accurate equipment.
The frequency of verification is indicated in the passport for the metering device. The calibration interval (MCI) for heat energy meters and hot water meters is usually 4 years, and for cold water meters - 6 years
Operating practice has shown: none of the domestic heat meters have an actual MPI that matches the passport one, approved during testing for type approval of measuring instruments (MI).
For the vast majority of domestic metering devices, the actual MPI does not exceed 1 year (although sometimes there are samples in which the MPI is 2 years) with the declared MPI of 3-5 years, and today all domestic manufacturers of heat metering devices tacitly recognize this fact.

What are the consequences of using unverified devices?
The operation of an unverified metering device is prohibited and is regarded by the energy supplier as the absence of a metering device with all the ensuing consequences for the consumer. Directly at the time of verification, payment for services is allowed at the average cost.

What energy metering devices can be used?
You should install only those metering devices that are included in the state register of measuring instruments and approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.
However, even the inclusion of a device in the State Register does not guarantee its quality. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a quality system in heat supply that helps heat supply and heat consuming organizations apply best practices, advanced equipment and new technological solutions in the field of commercial heat energy metering (for more details, see the article by V.K. Ilyin “On the work of the committee for heat energy metering” - approx. ed.).
In addition, the rules for the use of electrical, thermal energy, water and gas establish requirements for the accuracy class of the metering devices used not lower than the established threshold. Accuracy class is the possible error of a metering device in the measurement range, expressed as a percentage. The higher the number indicating the accuracy class, the lower the accuracy of the device.

What is a thermal energy meter?
A thermal energy metering device (or unit) is a set of instruments and devices that provide accounting for thermal energy, mass (volume) of the coolant, as well as monitoring and recording its parameters. Structurally, the metering unit is a set of “modules” that are embedded into pipelines. The heat metering unit includes: a computer, flow, temperature, pressure converters, temperature and pressure indicating devices, as well as shut-off valves. Signals from the water meter (pulses) and
signals from resistance thermometers enter the microprocessor of the heat calculator, where they are converted into digital form using a high-precision analog-to-digital converter. Next, they are integrated and the thermal energy is calculated.

Where and how are thermal energy meters installed?
The metering unit for thermal energy and coolants should be located, as a rule, on the border operational responsibility between the heat supply organization and the subscriber. When the metering unit is located not on the boundary of operational responsibility, losses of thermal energy and coolants in the section of the heating network between the installation site of the metering unit and the specified boundary are determined by calculation or based on measurement results and are taken into account additionally; the amount of losses should be indicated in the heat supply contract.
Installation is carried out on the basis of the project and regulatory documentation. The heat supply organization that issued the specifications and issued them accepts and seals the metering units. thermal energy.


The adoption of Federal Law No. 261 Federal Law “On Energy Saving...” set before manufacturers of metering devices, implementation companies, consumers of energy resources, regional administrations a specific task - equipping all consumers of thermal energy and water with metering devices in the shortest possible time - up to January 1, 2013 d. With a general understanding of the necessity of such work, a doubt arises - how realistically did the developers of this law assess the capabilities of production, implementation, service, coordinating structures, and finally, end consumers of resources in implementing such a large-scale solution?

Over the previous 15-17 years before the adoption of the law, according to various estimates, approximately 40% of all resource consumers were equipped with metering devices (the average rate of equipment is 2.5% of consumers per year). In the three years remaining after the adoption of Federal Law No. 261, it is planned to equip the remaining 60% of consumers with devices (the rate of equipping with devices is 20% per year) with an uncertain procedure for financing these measures.

Questions remain outside the scope of Law No. 261 Federal Law and the documents adopted in its development service and ensuring the efficient operation of energy metering devices throughout their entire service life. Although any specialist from the technical (and not only technical) sphere understands that any technical product requires periodic maintenance, the creation of a service system during the warranty and post-warranty period of operation. A heat or water metering unit is a rather complex technical object, and for its reliable uninterrupted operation, ensuring reliable accounting of energy resources, it is necessary to technical means(diagnostic instruments and installations, repair base, spare parts, etc.), and qualified repair and service personnel, and methodological base (installation, repair, service, metrological documentation), organizational (administrative) structure to ensure the implementation of all service work.

Perhaps the issue of creating service departments by the developers of Law No. 261-FZ was deliberately postponed for the future, based on the fact that the calibration interval for heat and water meters is, as a rule, 4 years? Probably, within 3 years it is planned to equip all buildings and structures with metering devices, and only then begin to create a service base?

However, it should be taken into account that in 2006 the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 307 “On the procedure for providing utilities citizens”, which stimulated the installation of house-to-house heat and water meters. Devices installed in accordance with this decree starting in 2006 began to arrive for verification as early as 2010. The demand for services for verification and repair of metering devices has grown significantly, and further growth can be expected in 2011 and subsequent years.

According to requirements Federal Law No. 94 Federal Law “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs” the main and practically the only criterion for determining the supplier of energy metering devices (units) is the contract price. Since local administrations (both directly and through controlled management companies) take part in financing the installation of home metering units or organizing competitions for placing such orders, most competitions are held on the basis of the requirements of Law No. 94 Federal Law. The requirement for a minimum price for a contract leads in some cases to the installation of metering units with devices and low-quality fittings, which inevitably leads to rapid failure of the equipment. And with this outcome, the owner of the metering unit, already in the first years of operation, is forced to bear serious costs for extraordinary repairs, verifications, installation/dismantling of equipment. The lack of service structures for the repair and verification of energy metering devices further aggravates the situation and minimizes the expected savings from the implementation of energy metering systems.

Kargapoltsev V.P., Promavtomatika-Kirov LLC, Kirov

In preparing the materials, articles from the websites Teplopunkt, Portal-Energo, and RosTeplo were used.

The installation of smart meters will become mandatory from July 1, 2019. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia submitted to the State Duma bill No. 139989–7 on smart energy metering. The measure proposed by the Ministry of Construction is designed to establish reliable accounting of consumed energy resources, make the payment system transparent, and minimize the risk of unmetered consumption.

Many residents tweak the meters, forcing other residents of the house to pay for themselves. It is impossible to steal with “smart” devices. Any interference will be recorded.

Alexander Sidyakin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services

First of all, the installation of “smart” meters will be made mandatory for new buildings and residential buildings that are put into operation after major renovations. Conditions for the widespread introduction of metering devices with remote data transmission will be created by the end of 2019.

Prerequisites for the mandatory installation of smart meters

In November 2017, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the first reading a bill from the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services on the transition to intelligent metering of consumed energy resources. The adoption of the new law is aimed at stimulating the implementation of systems for remote collection of readings from smart meters with transmission to resource supply organizations in real time.

For the first time, smart metering was widely discussed after the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving...” came into force. Then the Government set a difficult task for energy workers and developers - to quickly establish reliable accounting of consumed energy resources.

Thus, the law “On Energy Saving...” prohibits the commissioning of apartment buildings if they do not meet energy efficiency requirements or are not equipped with metering devices (Article 11, Parts 6-10).

The need to equip residential and public buildings with automated systems for commercial metering of energy consumption is also noted in SP 134.13330.2012 dated September 1, 2012 “Telecommunication systems for buildings and structures. Basic principles of design" (section 5.10).

Which houses will have smart meters?

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2016 No. 80-r, automated energy metering systems are included in the mandatory equipment for the design and construction of apartment buildings (Section IV.1). The bill under discussion also contains a requirement for the mandatory installation of automated commercial energy metering systems in apartment buildings put into operation after construction or major repairs.

During the public discussion of the future law, not all participants in the energy and construction markets agreed with this formulation of the issue. For example, the management of Rosseti PJSC insists that “smart” meters must be installed not only in new buildings and houses that are being rented out after major renovations. The company considers it necessary to introduce automated accounting systems in residential and public buildings with the new technological connection or when previously installed devices fail.

There should be a law that will oblige the entire perimeter to be covered with electricity meters within three years. There should be fines. Stiff penalties for non-installation or inoperability. This is the basis. Moreover, all devices must be intelligent and digital.

Pavel Livinsky, CEO, Chairman of the Board of PJSC Rosseti

At whose expense will smart meters be installed?

This issue is under development. One thing is now known: Russians will not be required to install “smart” meters at their own expense.

Currently, the costs of installing smart meters are borne by developers and management companies. Moreover, if the latter do not have the funds to install smart metering devices, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation allows financing these activities from the capital repair fund (Article 166, Part 2 188-FZ).

Installing smart meters will not affect the pockets of consumers. The point is that they will be changed by market participants who are working today. These could be energy supply organizations or management companies, they are being worked out different models, but definitely not people.

Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia

According to the press service of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services, about half a million smart metering devices have been installed in Russia. And earlier, Chief Housing Inspector Andrei Chibis stated that by 2024, 95% of Russians will switch to “smart” meters.

To accelerate the transition to digital metering of consumed energy resources, on March 23, 2018, the Federation Council discussed the issue of shifting all costs of replacing metering devices to resource supply organizations. But parliamentarians failed to reach a consensus. The question remains open.

Who will benefit from the mandatory installation of smart meters?

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said that the creation of a digital power grid infrastructure based on domestic equipment will primarily have a positive impact on consumers. The law on “smart” meters will relieve residents of apartment buildings from the inconvenience associated with transmitting readings “manually”: smart devices themselves broadcast data on resource consumption in real time.

In addition, the organization of automated accounting and operational control over energy consumption in each apartment and in the house as a whole allows:

  • do not pay for “energy scammers” - consumers who block the counting mechanism of metering devices using neodymium magnets or other devices that distort data on energy consumption;
  • receive bills only for the actual volumes of consumption of utility resources;
  • Over time, completely switch to a more profitable multi-tariff payment system.

Installing smart meters in apartment buildings will allow consumers to reduce their payments by 30%.

Svetlana Razvorotneva, executive director of the NP ZHKH Kontrol

This is also beneficial for resource supply organizations and management companies. According to IAR TASS, about a third of consumers submit testimony individual devices accounting is delayed or they completely “forget” about this responsibility. At the same time, there are no more than 5% of large debtors and energy debtors. Most homeowners really don’t remember or don’t have time to submit testimony.

In such cases, management and resource supply companies charge payments according to a standard that does not reflect actual consumption. Hence the lost funds, which affect the growth of tariffs.

After the Ministry of Construction obliges the installation of smart meters, utility service providers will have a number of new opportunities:

  • obtaining reliable information about resource consumption in real time;
  • significant reduction in costs for linemen and inspectors;
  • implementation of automated control over the consumption of energy resources;
  • prompt determination of balance;
  • getting rid of payment gaps;
  • fast processing of received data and timely uploading of information to the GIS of housing and communal services.

According to the explanatory note to the bill on “smart” meters, the creation of automated systems will reduce commercial losses of energy supply organizations and provide targeted impact on non-payers.

The STRIZH system uses LPWAN technology with a range of 10 km, without concentrators and repeaters.

Automation system for resource accounting on a turn-key basis for apartment buildings, regional settlements and villages

In continuation of the article.

Automated commercial and technological metering of consumption of cold and hot water, gas, electricity, thermal energy.

Composition of ASKUE "Pulsar"

1. Energy meters , included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation, equipped with a pulse telemetric output or digital output (meters for active and reactive electricity, including transformer switching, gas measuring systems)

2. Pulse counters - Pulsar recorders (State Register No. 25951-03) - secondary devices, to each of which up to sixteen primary meters with pulse output are connected. used for:
- accumulation of pulse-number information from primary counters with its binding to astronomical time
- maintaining single-tariff or two-tariff electricity metering using single-tariff electricity meters
- data transmission in digital format to the dispatcher’s computer (RS485 standard)

3. Data acquisition and transmission devices (DCD) , providing data collection from Pulsar recorders, from energy meters with digital output, storage and transmission of data to the upper level of the system, synchronization of the operation of metering devices. installed directly on site. The use of USPD is not a prerequisite for the system to operate

4. Assistive devices providing digital information transmission (, repeaters,)

5. Commercial accounting server, automated workstations

List of devices with digital output supported by ASKUE "Pulsar"

Functions of ASKUE "Pulsar"

- maintaining a database of resource consumption on a PC;
- preparation of analytical information, reports, protocols, charts for subsequent printing;
- issuing invoices to subscribers to pay for consumed energy resources;
- informing consumers about the status of payment and resource consumption;
- reduction of the intra-facility balance of receipt and consumption of energy resources in order to identify areas of unauthorized consumption;
- issuance of data and exchange of analytical information between housing and communal services structures and energy supply organizations;
- adjustment of the internal clocks of pulse counters-recorders and energy meters with digital output.
- multi-tariff energy metering
- control of communication lines with energy meters
- protection of information from unauthorized access

Advantages of ASKUE "Pulsar"

Affordable cost of equipment and installation

A minimum of functional blocks and a minimum length of wires are used, which is achieved by using the parallel principle of connecting pulse counters - recorders to a common line.


All information about resource consumption before it is entered into the PC is stored in the non-volatile memory of pulse counters - recorders. In the event of a power failure, data logging continues. The absence of intermediate information storage blocks between the pulse counter-recorder and the computer allows us to minimize the likelihood of data corruption and system failures. The use of hardware data transmission via the RS 485 protocol eliminates the influence of interference, interference, etc. during data transmission.

Convenience and ease of maintenance

People setting up and maintaining the system do not necessarily have to undergo lengthy training, have appropriate education, etc. The interface of the software part, as well as the entire structure of the system, is intuitive and simple. Using the 485/232 adapter allows you to read information into a PC (including a portable one) right on the spot. If you have an available telephone line, it is convenient to transfer information to a remote computer via a regular telephone modem. If there is no telephone line, it is convenient to transmit information via a GSM modem. Operational control over the operation of the main functional cell of the system - the pulse counter - recorder, is possible on site according to the readings of the built-in LCD. Almost unlimited possibilities for the length of the communication line and the number of counters-recorders in the network make the system universal for use at various types of objects.

Variety of functions

Variety of functions suits everyone modern requirements to similar systems. It is possible to expand functions without changing the overall structure of the system.

Openness, compatibility, security

The system is built on open data transfer protocols, but the data is protected from unauthorized reading. The system has its own OPC server. When working with data, the information consumer can use both the software supplied with the system and his own software. The software is compatible with calculation programs.

Thanks to these advantages, ASKUE"Pulsar" is unique in its kind.

The maximum number of Pulsar recorder pulse counters in the network not limited
Length of communication lines between pulse counters - recorders has no restrictions
Number of pulse inputs of pulse counters-recorders

2, 10 or 16 for version without indicator

6 for version with indicator

Wire length from the counter with pulse output to the pulse counter-recorder up to 1000 m
Pulse counter-recorder archive capacity 1080 hours, 180 days, 24 months
MTBF at least 100,000 hours
Average service life 12 years
Power supply for pulse counters - recorders lithium battery, service life 6 years
Limit of permissible relative error in measuring the number of pulses 0,1 %
Internal clock accuracy 0,01%

Industry Solutions

1. Automated house-to-house metering of energy resources (water, gas, heat, electricity)

2. Automated accounting in odes

- automated water metering in apartments
- automated water metering in a hotel
- automated water metering in a shopping center
- automated water metering in the private sector (cottage community)
- A automated accounting and dispatching system at water utility facilities

It is known that energy tariffs are increasing from year to year, forcing us to think about introducing an effective metering system. Energy consumption metering devices can be installed everywhere. That is, not only at industrial facilities, but also in domestic buildings. Due to this, you can significantly reduce the financial costs of paying for utilities.

Types of metering devices

    Depending on the design, they are:

  • microprocessor-based;
  • electronic;
  • induction.

All of them are equipped with interfaces for connecting a modem, allowing you to transfer data to higher-level devices.

MZTA products

Metering devices sold by our plant have high measurement accuracy. With their help, you can save on utility bills (for the consumption of water, electricity, and other energy resources). It is important to take into account that metering devices are multifunctional.

Among the assortment offered by our plant, you can choose devices designed for apartment-by-apartment metering of energy consumption, with diagnostic functions, data archiving and integration with other devices.

By ordering metering devices from us, you can solve several problems at once. Namely:

  • keep records of energy consumption;
  • ensure accurate and uninterrupted operation of devices within one multifunctional system.

Our product range includes pulse counters, measuring and computing devices for apartment-by-apartment metering of energy consumption and much more.