Symptoms and signs of colon cancer in the early stages. Signs of bowel cancer

Intestinal cancer is characterized by the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the wall of its mucosa. Currently, cancer in different parts of the intestine is diagnosed in 9-12 people per 100 thousand people (total population) per year.

According to statistics, intestinal oncopathologies occupy third place among other cancers affecting Russians, and a couple of decades ago they were sixth. It is likely that after some time, it will reach a leading position, as has already happened in the USA (in 1998).

Causes of malignant tumors in the intestines

  • Smoking comes first
  • on the second - nutritional features
  • on the third - familial forms (heredity, Crohn's disease and)


  • The diet of a modern person is rich in protein products (meat and meat products) and depleted in coarse fibers (whole grains, fresh plant foods), this contributes to constipation and a general increase in the presence of a bolus of food in the intestinal cavity.
  • Some products formed during the digestion of food of animal origin are carcinogens (skatole, indole); with prolonged contact with the intestinal mucosa, they provoke intestinal metaplasia.
  • The abundance in the human diet of products with preservatives, emulsifiers (see), dyes, flavor enhancers, fried foods (carcinogens), spices, fish (due to small bones) - over a long time also contributes to the development of oncological processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastrointestinal diseases

  • (benign formations) can become malignant (in 75% of cases), therefore they are considered stage zero of oncology and are recommended to be removed.
  • Inflammation and ulcers in the mucous wall, and other gastrointestinal diseases can provoke the appearance of neoplasms.
  • is also one of the provocateurs of the development of oncology in the intestines.

Clinical picture of intestinal cancer

It is important for oncology patients to detect the disease at an early stage, so everyone needs to know the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer. The intensity of manifestations and the frequency of their occurrence varies depending on the location of the malignant tumor and the stage of intestinal cancer. The disease can occur in several types, the symptoms and manifestations of which are given below:


A growing tumor narrows the lumen of the intestine and can completely block its cavity, creating a serious obstacle to the path of feces. Clinically, this is expressed in constant constipation, intestinal colic, and increased gas formation. The patient suffers from bloating and pain, which disappear after defecation.


If the tumor focus is located on the left (in this area, excess fluid is removed from the stool), liquefaction of the intestinal contents and its fermentation occurs. The patient complains of loose stools, periodic bouts of diarrhea, followed by prolonged constipation (see).


Early symptoms of intestinal cancer can include changes in taste in the mouth (it can be bitter or sour), heartburn, and belching. Pain syndrome is absent or mild, but discomfort is felt, which indicates digestive disorders. .


The reason for the development of anemia in intestinal cancer is a decrease in the absorption of microelements (namely iron). Microbleeding that occurs during the development of the tumor process is also reduced. Anemia also occurs due to malfunctions of the immune system. The body tries to fight cancer on its own and tries various options, anemia is a consequence of one of them.


Symptoms of an inflammatory process appear, even peritonitis: body temperature rises rapidly, chills begin, nausea may be felt or there may be attacks of vomiting. All this is associated with severe pain.


Often, manifestations of intestinal cancer may resemble pathology in the organs of the urinary system: appearance or on underwear after urination.

Other symptoms

The intestine has several sections: rectum, large intestine, small intestine. The predominance of certain symptoms can tell the doctor where the cancer is located.

Signs of colon cancer

  • decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin (see)
  • high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (see)
  • high performance
  • availability (see)
  • increase in clotting parameters (see and)
  • tumor markers (see)

Instrumental diagnostic methods

To clarify the diagnosis, all the capabilities of modern equipment are used. The first thing to do is:

  • Colonoscopy or retromanoscopy

Intestinal sensors allow the doctor to “see” the condition of the mucous membrane, and in the latter case, to take a sample of suspicious tissue for a biopsy. This technique allows us to identify the very initial stages of the development of a malignant tumor. Routine examinations can significantly increase patients' chances of successful treatment, since the early stages of the disease do not manifest themselves. It is possible to use the intrarectal sensor of an ultrasound machine for research (see).

  • Irrigoscopy

If it is impossible (usually psychological reasons) to carry out an intraintestinal examination, barium X-ray or irrigoscopy can be used: using an enema, a special solution sensitive to X-ray radiation is introduced (with a dye in the case of irrigoscopy), which makes it possible to detect intestinal pathologies. The doctor may also use an ultrasound machine on the abdominal wall or perform a virtual colonoscopy.

  • MRI, CT

It is possible to use MRI, PET-CT and CT for a more complete examination of surrounding tissues for the presence of metastases.

Modern diagnostic measures make it possible to accurately determine the location of the tumor, the size and stage of its development, the degree of germination and other parameters that allow the doctor to determine the most effective treatment tactics.


Traditional methods of treatment do not cure cancer - everyone should know this. Such drugs can reduce the intensity of symptoms, but they do not affect the growth of malignant cells. If you suspect a pathology, it is much more prudent to consult a doctor who, in the initial stages of cancer development, can get rid of it completely.

Modern medicine makes it possible to treat intestinal cancer, but one extremely important condition is necessary: ​​the disease must be detected at an early stage. When diagnosing pathology of the mucous membrane later stages only half of the patients still have a chance of getting rid of the disease. This is unfortunate, since now less than a quarter of patients receive timely help, and more than 35,000 people in Russia die from bowel cancer every year.

Surgical methods

In the early stages of the development of a cancerous tumor in the intestine, it can be removed surgically and its patency restored (using the fusion technique). After such treatment, the intestines fully perform their function and the possibility of a natural bowel movement remains possible. Thus, in the postoperative period a person can exist comfortably.

The location of some foci of malignant cells does not allow restoration of intestinal patency; in this case, the free end of the healthy intestine is brought out through an opening in the peritoneum (a colostomy is applied). Subsequently, it is necessary to use disposable colostomy bags; this allows you to maintain a relatively comfortable existence.

Radiation and chemotherapy

The use of ionizing radiation and chemotherapy can prevent metastasis and stop tumor growth for a long time. The techniques are used in the postoperative period and when surgical intervention is impossible.

Life expectancy after treatment

How long do you live after treatment for colon cancer? In medicine, the term “five-year survival rate” is accepted; this is statistical data indicating the number of patients who lived more than 5 years after treatment with positive result. The indicator depends on many factors, primarily on the stage of cancer at which treatment began:

  • Stage 1 – about 95% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • Stage two – about 75% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • Stage three – about 50% of patients live more than 5 years.
  • Stage four (with the presence of metastases) – about 5% of patients live more than 5 years.

The age of the patient also influences general level immunity, concomitant diseases, depth of penetration of pathogenic cells, relapse of the disease, tumor size and other factors.

Do not despair if in your case the cancer was discovered at the last stage - hope that you will be among the cherished 5% of patients (a negative attitude may not change the prognosis for the better). Medicine does not stand still; scientists are looking for new treatment methods that can significantly prolong the lives of patients.


Oncological diseases are characterized high percentage mortality. The number of cancer patients is constantly increasing, and the age of those affected by cancer is decreasing. In order not to miss time for treatment, it is important to know what signs characterize intestinal cancer at an early stage, where neoplasms are more common (in the colon or small intestine), and what risk groups exist.

What is bowel cancer

This is an oncological disease that develops as a malignant degeneration of the mucous membranes (glandular epithelium) of the intestine. Cancers of the small intestine and cecum are rare, so cancer intestines is commonly called colorectal cancer. This definition refers to two parts of the large intestine: the colon (colon) and the rectum (rectum).


There are no characteristic symptoms unique to intestinal malignancies. The clinical picture is characterized by a variety of manifestations and is similar to other diseases. Signs of bowel cancer do not differ between men, women and children. When affected by a tumor, the integrity of the mucous membranes of the intestinal walls is disrupted. Due to the entry of intestinal contents into the blood, a number of clinical symptoms of intoxication of the body are observed:

  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • joint pain;
  • pallor, anemia due to blood loss through the capillaries in the intestinal walls;
  • disturbance of heart rhythm and breathing.

Due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls, its functions are disrupted. There is a clinical picture reminiscent of inflammatory pathologies or dysentery. This stage of the disease is characterized by general symptoms Bowel cancer in women, men and children:

  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • bloating at the site of the tumor due to the formation of gases due to rotting food, rumbling;
  • pain after eating due to impaired intestinal motility;
  • the presence of blood, mucus, and pus in the stool.

As the disease progresses, ulcers appear on the lining of the colon, pain receptors are irritated, and metastases may appear. At this stage of the disease, symptoms of an intestinal tumor join the previous ones, which resemble indigestion, inflammation of the appendix, pancreas:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • belching.

When adhesions occur in the intestinal lumen, intestinal obstruction occurs, the patient exhibits signs of a peptic ulcer: severe pain after eating, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen that does not go away after bowel movements, constipation. Signs of the development of intestinal oncology in adults and children are shown in the table:

First symptoms

For successful treatment of malignant neoplasms, it is important to determine the presence of a primary tumor. During the development of a patient with intestinal oncology, the first signs of intestinal cancer appear at an early stage:

Increased body temperature;

Stomach ache;

Weakness, fatigue;

Paleness of the skin;

Loss of body weight;

The stool becomes dark in color and contains mucus and blood.


The nature of oncology is not fully understood. It is believed that malignant cells appear in place of normal ones if the body loses anti-blastoma resistance (resistance to cancer cells). The role of protection is performed by cellular antioncogenes and killer cells. Due to the mutation, the antioncogene degenerates into an oncogene, which is responsible for the formation of cancer cells. Persons at risk of the disease:

  • with congenital antioncogene deficiency;
  • when exposed to a viral oncogene (herpesvirus, papillomavirus, retrovirus);
  • as a result of exposure to a carcinogen (chemical, physical).

The following risk factors are believed to contribute to the occurrence of malignant tumors:

  • predominance of solid animal fats in the diet, absence or insignificant consumption of fiber;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • obesity;
  • long-term use of antibiotics, exposure to asbestos;
  • presence of polyps;
  • genetic predisposition.

In children

Oncological pathology of the large and small intestine in childhood is rare. There is an unconfirmed hypothesis that the development of intestinal cancer in a child is possible after infection with carcinogenic bacteria. Cancer is more often diagnosed in children whose parents have intestinal malignancies. Intestinal carcinoma can develop in a child after chronic gastritis.

How long does it take to develop?

Mostly intestinal cancer develops from polyposis. The transformation of polyps into a malignant tumor is a long process, sometimes lasting from 5 to 10 years. For a long time Cancer cells can be on the surface of the intestinal walls without penetrating deeper. It should be remembered that late forms of cancer are more difficult to treat than at initial stage.


Determining the degree of development of the disease is important for finding a treatment method. It is customary to distinguish the following stages of the disease:

  1. First stage. Cancer is a small mobile formation in the mucous membrane and submucosal layer. Lymph nodes are not affected, there are no metastases.
  2. Second stage. From the presented images in the photo it is clear that the size of the tumor at this stage of the disease is from one third to half the diameter of the intestine. Lymph nodes may be damaged, but tissue metastases are not observed.
  3. Third stage. The neoplasm is characterized by a size of more than half the diameter of the intestine and extends beyond the intestinal walls. The tumor affects the lymph nodes, but there are no distant metastases. Sometimes internal intestinal adhesions form with other organs, and obstruction of the small or large intestine is observed. When the lymph nodes are damaged along the bloodstream, cancer cells spread throughout the body.
  4. Fourth stage. Characterized by the presence of metastases, often to the liver.

How to check your intestines for cancer

Early diagnosis increases the chances of recovery. If intestinal cancer is suspected, a blood and stool test is prescribed. In intestinal oncology, a decreased level of hemoglobin and hidden blood in feces. Helps identify tumors following methods diagnostics:

  • sigmoidoscopy (to examine the intestinal walls to a depth of 30 cm);
  • colonoscopy (to examine a 1 meter long section of the intestine);
  • irrigoscopy (x-ray examination of the entire intestine after administration of a radioactive isotope);
  • Ultrasound and MRI (to detect the location of metastases).

Is bowel cancer curable?

To fight cancer, it is important to recognize intestinal oncology at an early stage. In medicine, there are separate methods for the successful treatment of cancer without metastasis and for tumors that are accompanied by metastases. Sometimes, with extensive damage, measures are aimed at alleviating the symptoms of the disease, but in modern conditions it is possible to achieve remission even in severe cases.


If intestinal oncology is detected early, surgical treatment can be used exclusively. In the absence of lesions in the excised nearby lymph nodes healing procedures are not assigned. In other cases, the following schemes are used:

  1. To eliminate the remaining malignant cells in the body, chemotherapy is prescribed when affected lymph nodes are discovered after surgery.
  2. If a large tumor is detected, chemicals are used before surgery to reduce the number of cancer cells and make the operation easier.
  3. Radiation therapy is used for advanced cancer to shrink the tumor and reduce pain.


Treatment with this method is carried out in several stages. One cycle of chemotherapy lasts from one to several months. Patients are prescribed pills or intravenous administration of the drug; during treatment, patients may not be distracted from normal activities. During chemotherapy, patients experience: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, hair loss.

Radiation therapy

The course of treatment with radiation lasts from one to two months. For patients, radiotherapy is painless, but has side effects. During the procedures, patients experience: redness of the skin, hemorrhages at the irradiation site, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, hair loss. After completing the course side effects disappear.

Surgery to remove a tumor in the intestine

Surgery is the main treatment for intestinal tumors. The surgical procedure depends on the stage of the disease and the section of the intestine in which the malignant neoplasm is located:

  1. In the early stages, the tumor and lymph nodes around it are removed.
  2. In case of extensive cancer, a section of the intestine is removed and a colostomy is formed - the intestinal opening is brought out onto the abdomen. For cancer colon surgeons strive to restore passage through the digestive tract.
  3. If intestinal obstruction is detected due to the large size of the tumor, surgery is used to create bypass anastomoses.


In the absence of metastases and damage to the lymph nodes after tumor removal, recurrence of the disease can be avoided. In more advanced cases, after surgical and conservative measures, cancer recurrence is possible. In the presence of metastases after surgery and chemotherapy, 30% of patients continue to live for 5 years. Over a five-year period, the survival rate after treatment is:

  • 99% for the first stage;
  • 85% for the second;
  • 65% for the third.


To prevent the appearance of malignant neoplasms, it is necessary to eat foods containing fiber (vegetables, fruits), reduce the consumption of fatty foods and alcohol, quit smoking, and be regularly examined for the presence of blood in the stool. It is important not to delay in removing polyps when they are detected. Persons over 40 years of age and those who have relatives with cancer or polyps should definitely be checked by a gastroenterologist.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The first signs and symptoms of intestinal cancer - stages, diagnostic methods, treatment and prevention

In case of intestinal cancer, which can affect any part of the intestine, malignant neoplasms affect the mucous membrane of the large, colon, cecum or sigmoid colon.

Being a fairly common oncological pathology, intestinal cancer is characterized by extreme severity and a very unfavorable prognosis.

Definition and Statistics

The incidence of colon cancer is rapidly progressing throughout the world, reaching its highest peak in economically developed countries. indicates that every decade the number of people affected by it increases by ten percent.

In older patients, colon cancer accounts for every second case.

Most often, the disease affects people who have crossed the age of forty-five, and the patient’s gender is not particularly important. Cases of intestinal cancer in young (20-30 years old) patients account for no more than 7%.


Based on the nature of their growth, malignant neoplasms of the intestine (relative to the intestinal wall) are divided into:

  • exophytic;
  • endophytic;
  • mixed.

A cancerous tumor of the right side is most often characterized by an exophytic type of growth, in which its tissues protrude into the lumen of the affected organ.

The left half of the large intestine is usually affected by neoplasms of endophytic forms, characterized by tumor growth through the intestinal wall.

This process is always associated with a significant narrowing of the lumen and deformation of the affected area of ​​the intestine. If tumor growth combines the characteristics of the options described above, the cancer is classified as a mixed type.

Photo of colon cancer

The cellular structure of tumor tissues and the degree of their differentiation allows us to distinguish the following types of intestinal cancer:

  • signet ring cell;
  • colloidal;
  • forms that cannot be differentiated or classified.


Without having exact knowledge of what causes intestinal cancer, scientists suggest that the following factors may play a significant role in this:

  • Presence of genetic predisposition. Cases of cancer or a family history are grounds for including all family members at risk.
  • The presence of inflammatory or tumor diseases of the intestine. Often, the development of cancer of this organ is preceded by a whole group of chronic diseases (precancers), represented by adenomas, chronic. Non-malignant, these ailments exist in the intestines without any treatment for for long years, can create the prerequisites for the development of a malignant tumor process.
  • Constant consumption of foods containing a large number of fat and proteins and has almost no coarse plant fibers. Such a diet, which creates all the conditions for stagnation in the intestines, inevitably leads to constipation and mechanical damage to the intestinal walls from compressed feces. This is a direct path to colon cancer.

Clinical picture

The initial stages of intestinal cancer have almost no external manifestations, which is why the role of preventive measures is so important. medical examinations, especially in relation to patients at risk.

First signs

Local symptoms of the early stages of intestinal cancer are either insignificant or completely absent, as a result of which the patient often misses precious time when the disease is still treatable.

There is a theory according to which the tissues of a malignant neoplasm at the initial stage of development secrete a number of anesthetic substances that, up to a certain point, help to mask the presence of the tumor process.

The initial signs of intestinal cancer are usually combined into special syndromes. Let's talk about each separately.

Enterocolitic syndrome

This syndrome accompanies a tumor localized in the left side of the colon.

Its characteristic manifestations are:

  • constant fermentation of the food coma;
  • disrupted process of feces formation;
  • bloating;
  • prolonged constipation, changing regularly.


The main manifestation of this syndrome is difficult excretion of feces due to partial or complete blockage of the lumen of the rectum and sigmoid colon by tissues of a growing malignant tumor.

A significant narrowing of the intestinal lumen causes severe pain, provokes bleeding, changes the shape and character of the stool (such stool is called “pencil”; it necessarily contains a significant admixture of blood). Further growth of the malignant neoplasm leads to absolute intestinal obstruction.


Characteristic manifestations of dyspeptic syndrome are signs of digestive disorders:

  • vomit;
  • painful heartburn;
  • the presence of sour belching and a constant bitter taste in the mouth.


The extreme severity of this syndrome, accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, unbearable pain, and phenomena of general intoxication of the body, is due to processes affecting the layers of the peritoneum. Their subsequent inflammation leads to the development of peritonitis.

Oncological damage to the intestine involves the organs located near it: the bladder and the uterus with the ovaries. It leads to:

  • painful urination;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine (hematuria);
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • the appearance of bloody or mucous discharge from the vagina.

General symptoms and manifestations

Local symptoms of intestinal cancer that have reached the last stages of development are supplemented by a number of general symptoms:

  • increased weakness;
  • pallor and dryness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • decreased protein content in blood plasma;
  • regular increase in body temperature to the level of subfebrile values;
  • frequent dizziness and headaches;
  • development of anemia after regular intestinal bleeding;
  • defeat of others internal organs.

Differences in symptoms between women and men

Involvement of the upper or middle rectum in women in the tumor process leads to inevitable damage Bladder, which at first makes itself known by the release of gas or feces from the urethra.

In women, it is accompanied by specific symptoms: it leads to the formation of a pathological communication between the vagina and rectum (rectovaginal fistula), through which feces and gases begin to be removed from the vagina. Tumor growth into the uterus does not produce any clinical manifestations.

The main symptom of lower rectal cancer in men is difficulty urinating, which is a consequence of the spread of the tumor process to the prostate tissue.

All other manifestations of bowel cancer in female and male patients are completely identical.

Symptoms in children

The clinical course of intestinal cancer in children resembles that of an adult disease. At first, the disease develops asymptomatically. As the tumor grows, early signs begin to appear:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • fatigue and general weakness.

Further development of the tumor process leads to an increase in symptoms and the appearance of:

  • seizures;
  • constant belching;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • loose stool mixed with mucus or blood.

The non-specificity of symptoms often leads to erroneous diagnoses: the child may be treated for dysbacteriosis, gastritis or enterocolitis. Treatment leads to a temporary improvement in the condition, reassuring parents and leading to a loss of time.

The detailed clinical picture, characteristic of the last stages of the disease, includes:

  • a complex of dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal pain);
  • significant reduction in body weight;
  • delay in acts of spontaneous defecation (up to prolonged absence of stool), contributing to the development of intestinal obstruction;
  • the occurrence of regular gastrointestinal bleeding.

How to recognize colon and small intestine cancer?

Cancer small intestine, affecting the ileum, duodenum and jejunum, is a very rare disease. It is characterized by:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • sudden weight loss;

Affects the tissues of the cecum, colon, and colon. Its symptoms are directly dependent on the location of the tumor process and cellular structure malignant neoplasm.

  • Damage to the right half leads to the development of anemia and intestinal bleeding, accompanied by severe pain.
  • Lesion of the left half characterized by cramping pain, irregular bowel movements (representing alternating constipation and diarrhea), bloating of the left side of the abdomen, and partial intestinal obstruction.
  • Localization of the tumor in the rectum is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the stool and its ribbon-like shape, severe pain, and disruption of the act of defecation (in case of damage to the tissues of the anus).


There are five distinct stages in the development of colon cancer. The complete absence or weak severity of manifestations is observed up to the second (in rare cases even to the third) stage.

In the third and fourth stages, the patient experiences severe pain, forcing him to seek medical help.

As a rule, by this time the tumor has already metastasized, which significantly complicates the treatment of the disease.

  • Stage 0 characterized by the presence of a small accumulation of atypical cells, characterized by the ability to rapidly divide and can degenerate into cancer. The pathological process is limited to the mucous membranes.
  • Stage 1 is the initial period of malignancy of the tumor, which, having increased in size, has not yet left the walls of the affected intestine. There are no metastases or pain yet. The patient may exhibit signs of a mild eating disorder. At this stage, pathology can be detected using colonoscopy.
  • Stage 2 is characterized by an increase in the tumor to two to five centimeters and its germination to the entire depth of the intestinal wall. Metastasis has not yet begun.
  • Stage 3 demonstrates increased activity of pathological cells. A malignant neoplasm, rapidly increasing in size, begins to spread beyond the intestine, affecting the nearest lymph nodes and tissues of neighboring internal organs. The formation of regional lesions begins.
  • Stage 4 is the time of maximum tumor development and metastasis to distant organs. The patient's body is poisoned by toxic products released as a result of the vital activity of the tumor, as a result of which the functioning of all body systems is completely disrupted.


Colon cancer most often metastasizes to, there are frequent cases of damage to the retroperitoneal space, the peritoneum itself, and organs abdominal cavity, ovaries, adrenal glands, pancreas, pelvic organs and bladder.

  • When an intestinal cancer metastasizes to the liver, the prognosis depends on the stage of its development, the severity of liver damage, the number of malignant neoplasms, as well as on the general condition of the patient. The average life expectancy for 50% of such patients is six to nine months.
  • Half of patients with stage IV colon cancer who have a single metastasis in the liver are able to live another 2-2.5 years. The five-year survival rate is less than one percent.


The simplest method for diagnosing colon cancer is. This study helps to detect even the slight presence of blood in the stool, which is characteristic of the early stages of the disease.

People at risk for diabetes should take it annually starting from the age of fifty.

  • One more simple method A digital examination of the condition of the rectum is used to identify a tumor developing near the anus.
  • To identify a tumor localized in the sigmoid or rectum, the sigmoidoscopy method is used. By inserting a flexible tube into the anus, the specialist examines the inner surface of these intestines.
  • A fairly informative method that allows you to detect the presence of a tumor in any part of the large intestine is colonoscopy. During this procedure, the doctor may remove a piece of tumor tissue for subsequent microscopic examination. If cancer cells are detected, the patient is prescribed a number of additional studies:, etc.
  • The method allows you to create a three-dimensional image of the intestine and thereby determine whether there is a tumor there.

Treatment methods

Disease prognosis

The survival prognosis of patients with any cancer depends on the stage at which it was detected. The sooner a tumor can be detected, the greater the patient’s chances for complete healing.

How long do patients live?

  • For bowel cancer best position There are patients with the first stage: their five-year survival rate is at least 90%.
  • With cancer detected at the second stage and spreading to all layers of the affected intestine, this figure decreases to 56-84%.
  • Colon cancer that has reached the third stage affects not only the intestinal tissue, but also a number of nearby lymph nodes. In this case, no more than 55% of patients have a chance of five-year survival.
  • Late-stage colon cancer actively metastasizes, affecting the tissues of the liver, lungs and ovaries. Less than one percent of patients survive five years after treatment.

Data from numerous studies have proven that a patient who lives five years after treatment has a zero chance of recurrence of this type of cancer.


To prevent the development of cancer, you must:

  • Treat precancerous lesions immediately, causing inflammation of the large intestine (most often it develops due to colitis and Crohn's disease).
  • People with a family history of colon cancer it is necessary to be periodically examined in a specialized clinic.
  • Include as many vegetable and fruit dishes as possible in your diet. Their high content of dietary fiber and plant fiber will contribute to the rapid and effective cleansing of the intestines.

The following video will tell you what microbes you need to avoid getting colon cancer:

According to statistical analyzes conducted by oncologists in a number of European countries, malignant organ lesions are among the top three among cancer diagnoses in the human body.

At the same time, such a sad prognosis tends to increase, and, according to many experts, in the coming years, mortality from intestinal tumors may become the main reason for the death of hundreds of thousands of people in the middle and older age group.

Intestinal cancer is a neoplasm, malignant in nature, the focus of formation of which is the internal walls of the mucous tissues of the organ.

The disease can affect any of its parts, and regardless of where exactly the tumor is located - be it the cecum, colon, colon or rectum - the pathology is extremely difficult.

At the same time, the symptoms of the disease are pronounced, however, at the stage of formation, the first signs of the development of atypical processes do not manifest themselves clearly enough, which complicates its timely diagnosis and reduces the patient’s chances of a complete cure. This is why early detection is so important when treating intestinal tumors.


The main role in the early detection of an illness is played by self-diagnosis and a person’s attentive attitude towards his body, correct understanding and acceptance of those signals that may indicate an approaching mortal danger.

Due to the fact that this disease is quite common, and the number of cases increases every year, every person should know the main clinical types of its course in order to be able to recognize the pathology in time:

    enterocolitic– in a situation where an anomaly forms in the left part of the organ (excess fluid leaves this area in fecal fragments), the processes of liquefaction and fermentation of the department begin.

    This finds its manifestation in loose stools, spontaneous attacks of diarrhea, which are replaced by prolonged constipation. These symptoms are similar to signs of enterocolitis, which is what this disease is very often confused with;

  • pseudospastic– the symptoms are bright, inflammatory processes developing in the body resemble peritonitis. Temperature changes reach a critical point, chills and a feeling of cold appear against the background of intense pain. Nausea and poorly controlled episodes of vomiting are often present;
  • dyspeptic– manifestations are blurred. Some changes in taste buds may occur (a sour or, on the contrary, bitter taste appears). As the disease progresses, heartburn and frequent belching are added. There is practically no pain, but some discomfort during the digestive processes is still observed;
  • stenosing– as the tumor grows, the intestinal lumen quickly narrows in diameter and after a short period of time is able to completely block it. This will prevent fecal deposits from escaping. Clinically, this is accompanied by constipation, colic and excessive gas formation. The patient complains of bloating associated with pain during and after bowel movements.

Diagnostics in the clinic

Modern clinical diagnostic methods make it possible to identify pathology at a stage when irreversible processes in the body have not yet started and a complete cure for intestinal cancer is possible.

A wide range of diagnostic measures will allow the doctor to select the optimal treatment regimen for each specific case, having in hand a complete clinical picture of the progression of the disease.


The initial examination by a specialized specialist begins with palpation, during which the doctor carefully probes the entire surface of the peritoneum. You can understand the level of muscle tension, sometimes, with a large tumor, quickly identify its location, and sometimes even understand its nature. Bowel cancer can be indicated by bloating, focal lumps, and sometimes pain.

If the doctor has suspicions during palpation, the patient is given a siphon enema to exclude the possibility of the presence of fecal stones, which have manifestations similar to cancer.

The next stage of the medical examination may be a rectal examination, during which the doctor determines the condition of the canal and fragments adjacent to the rectum. This way you can assess the condition of the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the fecal canal and study the condition of fecal deposits for atypical impurities.

Blood tests

A qualitative change in the structural content of the main indicators of blood plasma makes it possible to judge not only the presence of cancer formations in the human body, but also the body’s ability to resist the disease, as well as to understand the degree of aggressiveness of the anomaly. The patient is prescribed:

  • general blood analysis– a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells, against the background of a jump in the leukocyte level, low hemoglobin, and as a result, the development of anemia – comprehensive collection of data on these basic criteria makes it possible to speak with a high degree of probability about the presence of malignant processes;
  • reaction to ESR– if the cells are prone to atypical division, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the patient’s blood will be too high;
  • coprogram– intestinal cancer is characterized by the presence of hidden blood impurities in the stool. Their presence is negligible and is determined only by this blood test;
  • coagulogram– excess of the blood clotting rate, the main cause of this phenomenon is the processes of cellular mutation;
  • tumor markers– the analysis makes it possible to most accurately diagnose the presence of cancer cells in the organ in question.

History taking

The pathology develops slowly, sometimes its initial stage can last for years. Naturally, at this stage, few people turn to the clinic for help with some of the primary symptoms characteristic of a host of other, less dangerous diseases.

The doctor’s main task at this stage is to collect the most complete information from the patient through a survey, his complaints and suspicions, and genetic predisposition.

The doctor is interested in everything: the general physical condition of a person, any changes in the body that may be alarming, sudden weight loss for no apparent reason, the presence of acute forms of certain ailments - pancreatitis, jaundice, ascites, which are provocateurs of the formation of cancerous tumors.

X-ray with barium

Studying using X-ray equipment gives a chance to understand where exactly the tumor is concentrated, what shape it has and how much the pathology is capable of blocking, or has already blocked, the intestinal lumen.

Additionally, the level of its elasticity and ability to stretch as the anomaly grows, intestinal motility and the degree of its functionality are analyzed.

Barium, being a contrast component, like all pigmenting compounds, improves the visual perception of pathology and facilitates the correct diagnosis with minimal risk of mechanical injury to the affected area.

This factor is considered very important for the manifestations of oncology, since any violation of the structural integrity of a malignant formation can provoke its rapid progression, activate the processes of metastasis and cause rapid death.

CT and MRI The most accurate diagnostic methods,.

allowing to obtain the most complete picture of the course of the disease

Most often, an intestinal tumor is a cellular formation irregular shape, rapidly progressing in growth, having a convex structure and a pink, streaked with blood hue.


The purpose of the survey is not to identify, but more in-depth study of the lesion. Using a device inserted rectally, the presence of metastases and the degree of damage to surrounding tissues and neighboring organs are detected. This way you can get maximum information about the state of the lymphatic system for distant metastasis.

A microcamera built into the device throws a special capsule into the affected area, which is capable of taking a large number of pictures. This allows us to examine those organ fragments that are located remotely and their review by traditional research methods is organic.


In a number of cases, a psychological factor interferes with deep intestinal examinations; it is advisable to perform irrigoscopy - through an enema, a special contrast composition is fed into the person’s organ, having a high degree of sensitivity to X-rays.

This way the intestines are better visible and the slightest anomalies against the background of the color pigment will be clearly visible. In addition, during the examination, a specialist can use additional devices - ultrasound to study the walls of the peritoneum or conduct a virtual colonoscopy.


Special sensors that are inserted into the internal cavity of the organ make it possible examine in detail the condition of mucous tissues and thus identify even the most insignificant changes in their structure.

Using this method, you can find a tumor that is only a few mm in diameter, which will make it possible, during a routine examination, to detect cancer at the first stage of its progression, when the chance of recovery is quite high.

This video shows what the doctor sees on the monitor during the procedure:


The essence of the method is the use of a highly sensitive colorectal sensor, which is inserted through the anus and, upon reaching the affected area, displays the parameters, outlines and location of the anomaly on the monitor of an ultrasound machine.

If malignancy is suspected, during colonoscopy it is possible to take fragmentary material from tissues affected by cancer cells for biopsy for final confirmation or refutation of the diagnosis.

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