According to the length of the foot. Rules for measuring foot size for choosing shoes

Finding the right pair of shoes is very important. Comfortable shoes keep your feet healthy, allow you to walk longer and make your life more comfortable in general. How to determine the shoe size for an adult?

To accurately measure, you need to take two main measurements: length and width. But many, for some reason, neglect to measure the width and select only by length.

In this case, you can choose shoes that are uncomfortable for yourself. Shoes that are the right length can shrink in width. Only the combination of these parameters will give an accurate idea of ​​the size of the foot.

How to correctly measure the length, width and fullness of your feet

Here are tips on how to accurately measure these parameters in an adult.

  1. It should be measured in the evening and preferably in the summer. This is done because after a long walk or in the evening the leg has its maximum volume, as it swells. In the heat, the leg swells even more;
  2. You need to measure both legs, as they can be different, people are not symmetrical. The maximum value is taken as the parameter, not the average;
  3. For accurate measurements, you need to stand on a sheet of paper and trace your foot with a pencil. And measure the resulting foot pattern. If you measure the leg itself, the data will be inaccurate, since arching the foot can stretch or compress;
  4. Using a ruler, draw two lines. The first along, starting from the highest point, and the second across, at the widest point. This will be the length and width of the foot;
  5. Since it is impossible to make your own size for each mm, in case of an inaccurate round value, the resulting figures are rounded to 0.5 mm;
  6. The girth (or fullness) is measured on the leg itself, using a measuring tape in the most voluminous place across the foot.

By measuring the outline of the leg on a piece of paper, you get parameters suitable for determining the size.

The nuances of determining the size of children's shoes

Choosing shoes for a child's feet is doubly difficult. Because children are restless and sometimes cannot express what is uncomfortable for them. Their leg is growing by leaps and bounds. And it is doubly important, because the leg develops even in incorrectly selected shoes and can cause pathologies in the development of the leg.

You need to choose shoes so that they are comfortable when you wear them. But at the same time, so that the child does not grow out of it instantly. Children under 3 years of age are strongly recommended to change shoes to the next size every three months. From 3 years old it is possible once every 4 months, and from 6 years old once every six months.

In general, the length and width of a child’s pile are measured in the same way as for adults: they trace the outline on a sheet of paper. You can also try a trick with a wet foot and its imprint on paper. If the child is just a baby and does not walk yet, then you will have to measure with a ruler or tape measure. For reliability, during the measurement it is necessary to wear the socks with which you plan to wear shoes.

While wearing them, constantly check whether the child has grown out of the shoes, because the child himself may simply not understand this.

Foreign manufacturers of children's shoes indicate not the length of the foot, but the length of the insole, this must be taken into account.

Basic shoe numbering systems

There are a lot of countries in the world, which is why there are many standards for measuring feet. Here are the main ones that are known all over the world:

  1. International. It is the one adopted in Russia. To determine the size according to this standard, it is enough to know the length of your leg in mm and divide it by 2/3. They differ between men and women;
  2. European. This foot size measurement system is similar to the Russian one. The only difference is that the number here refers to the length of the insole, not the length of the foot. The length of the insole is 1–1.5 cm longer than the expected length of the foot. That is, it is taken into account that the foot should not sit tightly, but feel free in the shoes;
  3. English or French. It is also called shtichmassovy. Because it is indicated in shtikh, this is an ancient unit of measurement and is about 7 mm. The length of the insole is indicated, not the length of the foot;
  4. American (USA). Men and women have their own gradation. It is measured in inches. An inch is 2.54 cm. And here the length of the insole is indicated, not the length of the leg.

How to convert American/European shoe sizes into Russian

It is useful to be able to convert your foot size to any measurement system. It happens that you want to buy French, Italian or American shoes, but the measurements given are unfamiliar, what should you do then? Knowing the nuances of compiling sizes in order to convert from Russian to foreign, you can calculate. But it is much easier to use tables that were compiled long ago for convenience.

Sizing chart

To determine your size in any of the shoe size measurement systems, it is enough to know your Russian or the length of your foot and find the one you need using the correspondence table.

How to determine the size of men's and women's shoes by foot length

If, however, there are those who do not know their Russian foot size. Here is a table for determining Russian foot size based on foot length in mm. Everything here is extremely simple.
As mentioned above, if the measurement does not fit exactly, then it should be rounded to 0.5 mm.

Completeness table

The previously mentioned fullness parameter is useful for people who have too wide feet or high volume. Especially if the purchase is made without trying on. If this parameter is not specified, the block is standard, with an average value. If the shoes are made of hard material, the discomfort will be even more noticeable.

Here is the Russian table of completeness, measurements are indicated in cm. Completeness is also indicated in one of four measurement systems: French, European, Russian and USA. Table of fullness (rise) in cm for each size:

How to determine your child's shoe size

Here is a table of children's sizes in Europe and America.

IN Russian system they measure a little differently.

Shoes, especially children's ones, tend to run small/large. Therefore, when purchasing shoes from a manufacturer for the first time, it makes sense to read reviews about the size.

How to determine shoe size on Aliexpress

Today's popular Chinese online store AliExpress uses all of the above measurement systems, but it happens that sellers from China indicate their own size measurement system. Here is a table of the correspondence between regular and Chinese sizes.

This table already takes into account that the Chinese are tiny people. That's why they simply don't produce shoes larger than size 46. But, when it comes to Chinese manufacturers, even knowledge of all these tables is not a guarantee that the shoes will fit. It happens, and very often, that the size may be “too small” by 1 or even 2.

In order to know for sure whether the shoes fit true to size, you must either carefully read all reviews of the product, or contact the seller and check with him for the actual parameters. They speak, most often, in broken English. They are willing to make contact, since their business is very dependent on the rating given by their clients. And they don’t want a person to receive shoes that don’t fit. It happens that the seller has already made all these measurements himself and indicated them in the description of the product.

And some more tips on choosing shoes - in the next video.

In 2009, a group of Swedish epidemiologists conducted a study, revealing the dependence of life expectancy on foot size and publishing a frightening sign. In general, the conclusion is this: you have a better chance of seeing the great-great-grandchildren of your first girlfriend if you have average foot size. But those with large and small sizes, on the contrary, are unlikely to become long-livers.

Of course, there is some margin of error in this study. Scientists have assured that the table only works if you lead healthy image life and sports.



Penis size

You've probably heard more than once that the size of your legs is proportional to the size of your manhood (most likely, this myth was invented and spread by clowns). Therefore, if you put folded handkerchiefs in your shoes to meet girls, you can leave this idea. The study, conducted by University College London, involved more than 100 men who provided their penises for study and measurement. The result was the conclusion that leg size in no way correlates with the size of the genitals.

But it has been proven that if a man’s ring finger is longer than his index finger, then his penis is likely to be of impressive size.


According to research conducted by the UK's largest website, Illicit Encounters, men with foot sizes of 40-42 are more likely to be faithful than their larger counterparts.

Most likely, the first thought that comes to your mind is to simply take and measure your foot with a ruler, or you measure, and you get, for example, a foot of 24 cm. What is the shoe size for such a foot? If you compare the result obtained with a table on the Internet, you may find completely different results than in life. The fact is that it would be more correct to measure the length of the foot using a sheet of paper. So, to find out your shoe size, we need:

  • a thick piece of paper;
  • pencil, pen or any writing object;
  • ruler or measuring tape.

The first step is to trace the outline of your leg on a piece of paper. To do this, you just need to put your foot on a sheet and ask someone to outline the foot. You can do this yourself, but with someone’s help the measurements will be more accurate. The maximum length should be measured from the heel directly to the tip. thumb. Then do the same with the other leg, and all you have to do is check the data against the table.

Important! Use measurements that are larger, so the shoes will fit more comfortably on your feet.

Once you know the length of your foot, it’s time to move on to calculating your shoe size in cm. The table given in the article will help with this - just check it.

Shoe size charts

Women's shoe size chart
22.5 cm23 cm23.5 cm24 cm24.5 cm25 cm25.5 cm26 cm26.5 cm27 cm27.5 cm
Europe36 size36.5 solution37 size37.5 solution38 size38.5 solution39 solution39.5 solution40 solution40-41 size41 solution
USA6 solutions6.5 solution7 solution7.5 solution8 solution8.5 size9 solution9.5 solution10 solutions10.5 solution11 size
Russia35 size36 size36.5 solution37 size37.5r-r38 size38.5 solution39 solution39.5 solution40 solution41 solution

Please note that the shoe sizes in cm for men and women in the table may vary, even if the foot length is the same.

Men's shoe size chart
25 cm25.5 cm26 cm26.5 cm27 cm27.5 cm28 cm28.5 cm29 cm29.5 cm30 cm
Europe40 solution40.5 solution41 solution41.5 solution42 m42.5 m43 size43.5 solution44 solution44.5 solution45 size
USA6.5. 7 solution7.5 solution8 solution8.5 size9 solution9.5 solution10 solutions10.5 solution11 size12r-r
Russia39 solution39.5 solution40 solution40.5 solution41 solution41.5 solution42 solution42.5 solution43 size43.5 solution44 solution

Let's look at an example. According to the measurement results, you got 23.8 cm, which means you can round up to 24 cm. Leg 24 cm - what size? -37, in European countries - 37.5 and in America - 7.5. And thus, using the table, we determine the sizes of all types.

Determining the size of the child's feet

With children's shoes, everything is a little more complicated, if only because children's feet grow very quickly, and the child often cannot explain whether the shoes are comfortable for him or not. Some parents buy it for their children only based on their age, but the child’s characteristics should be taken into account, and therefore it is better to also use the foot measurement method. Taking measurements will, of course, be a little more difficult than for an adult, but the result is worth it.

It is especially necessary to monitor carefully in children 4-11 years old, since the body at this age is growing rapidly and the size of the legs is increasing.

Girth and fullness

Although now in Russia all shoes have standard size completeness, but previously they measured the circumference of the foot at the widest point. There were 12 sizes of completeness in total. Unlike Russia, in the USA there are still 17 sizes of foot size, and this should be taken into account when buying American shoes, since it is precisely because of this that the chosen shoes or boots may not fit.

Details when choosing shoes

This has probably happened to everyone, when shoes fit perfectly when purchased, but the next day they already seemed too small. This happens because the shoes were not tried on on swollen feet, most likely in the morning or afternoon. But by the evening the legs are already tired and slight swelling appears. That is why you should always take into account that the shoes should fit a little more loosely during fitting than you think.

Also, problems with shoe size may arise when purchasing them in online stores. Here you need to be extremely careful and when choosing, pay attention to the length, which must be indicated by the seller in his size table if there are inconsistencies. If, for example, you still have the same 24 cm in the insole, then you need to pay attention not to the table given in the article, but to the seller’s table.

Here are some more tips on choosing shoes for a man or woman:

  • Give preference to a larger shoe size if you are choosing between two, so you definitely won’t go wrong.
  • When buying winter boots, etc., pay attention to leaving room for a thicker sock or tights.
  • Don't forget that your foot size is smaller in the morning than in the evening. Take this into account when shopping in the first half of the day, or even better, buy shoes in the evening, when your feet are already a little tired. For example, if your foot is 24 cm, don’t worry about what shoe size (Russian) to choose. 37 will suit you, or better yet 37.5.
  • When buying children's shoes, keep in mind that children under three years old change clothes approximately every three months, older children every four months, and children from 8 to 12 years old every six months.
  • For comfortable wearing of shoes by children in the warm season, add plus 0.5 cm to the size, and 1 cm in winter.
  • If the length of your foot deviates slightly from the dimensions given in the table, then you should round up, so the shoes will fit more comfortably and will fit with any hosiery.
  • When choosing children's shoes, rely only on the length of the foot, do not look at age. And if your foot is 24 cm, don’t worry about which children’s size to take - go to the adult department and feel free to choose there.

The selection of sports shoes, like regular ones, is based on determining the length of your feet.

General tips for choosing shoes:
- If your shoes are too small, this will lead to pain and discomfort in your feet.
- If shoes are too large, this can lead to blisters, loss of stability and, as a result, injury.
- Do not assume that you have the same shoe size as before. The shape of your foot changes all the time.
- Follow our recommended procedure for measuring your leg length and you will be confident in making the right choice shoe size.

We believe that by ordering shoes from us, you have completed this procedure!

Tips for taking measurements:
- Wear the socks that you will wear with your new shoes (the thickness of the sock, especially the use of a thick wool sock, will significantly affect the size of the shoes required).
- If you take measurements without assistance, you will get more accurate results while sitting on a chair or in an armchair.
- Measure in centimeters.

1. Stand on a sheet of paper placed on a flat surface. It is necessary to stand on the sheet, or at least sit with your foot on the floor. Otherwise, you may make a mistake with a smaller size, which is extremely undesirable.

2. Use a pencil to outline the foot (see Figure 1). When measuring, hold the pencil strictly vertically and ensure that the pencil is in constant contact with the foot throughout the entire process.

3. To determine the length of the foot, measure the distance between the most distant points of the drawing along the length as shown in Figure 2.

4. Find the result you received (the indicator in millimeters is rounded up) in the size grid table and you will receive a size number corresponding to your measurements.

Shoe sizes

Shoe size in Russia is considered to be the length of the foot, in absolute value or in fractions of a centimeter (divided by 2/3 cm). In other countries, this is usually done using the length of the shoe insole, in fractions of an inch or a centimeter (dimensioned systems).

Basic shoe numbering systems:

International standard ISO 3355-77. The shoe number is the foot size measured in millimeters (usually converted to centimeters, rounded to the nearest 0.5 cm). Foot length is measured from the heel to the most prominent toe. There are no corrections to the shape of the pad, which makes the system easy to use and understand. This metric system is also used in Russia.

European system– centimeter, along the length of the insole. The unit of measurement is shtih, equal to 2/3 cm (6.7 mm). The length of the insole is usually 10-15 millimeters longer than the length of the foot (the so-called functional allowance), therefore the European shoe size designations are larger than in the first system.

English system- inch, on the insole. Smallest (original, zero) size = 4 inches (newborn baby foot size). Numbering is every 1/3 inch (8.5mm).

American system similar to the English one, but the initial size in this system is smaller than in the English one. Numbering is every 1/3 inch. Women's sizes are separated there into a separate system (the difference with the English one is even greater).

centimeters Russians English American men's American women's french europe
22 34 2,5 3 4 35
22,5 34,5 3 3,5 4,5 35,5
23 35 3,5 4 5 36
23,5 36 4 4,5 5,5 37
24 36,5 4,5 5 6 37,5
24,5 37 5 5,5 6,5 38
25 37,5 5,5 6 7 39
25,5 38,5 6 6,5 7,5 39,5
25,75 39 6,5 7 8 40
26 40 7 7,5 8,5 41
26,5 40,5 7,5 8 9 41,5
27 41 8 8,5 9,5 42
27,5 41,5 8,5 9 10 42,5
28 42 9 9,5 10,5 43
28,5 43 9,5 10 11 44
28,75 43,5 10 10,5 - 44,5
29 44,5 10,5 11 - 45
29,5 45 11 11,5 - 46
30 45,5 11,5 12 - 46,5
30,5 46 12 12,5 - 47
31 46,5 12,5 13 - 47,5
31,5 47 13 13,5 - 48
31,75 48 13,5 14 - 49
32 48,5 14 14,5 - 49,5
centimeters Russians English American men's American women's french europe
Men's shoe size chart
Women's shoe size chart
Sizing chart for children's shoes

This is the circumference of the foot at its widest toe (as shown in the figure). Digital numbering is used in Russian, American and European systems.

Many people prefer not to determine their foot fullness, because... For most people it falls within the standard size and they usually adhere to the following standard values ​​( American scale, same as English) :

B– narrow fullness of the foot,
D– average, standard fullness of the foot,
E– slightly fuller than average,
E.E.– wide, full foot.

You can determine your foot fullness using a very simple formula:

W = 0.25 B – 0.15 C – A

W– the required completeness number,
IN– girth in bundles in mm,
WITH– foot length in mm,
A– constant coefficient determined from the table:

Shoe type




Measure the circumference of the foot at the widest point of the toe and the length of the foot using a centimeter. After this, simple calculations are carried out using the formula. For example, you are a man, your foot length is 220 mm, girth 205 mm, we consider: 205 x 0.25 = 51,25 minus 220 x 0.15 = 33 minus 17 . Total 1,25 . Therefore, your completeness according to the Russian system equals 1.

Then, if you need leg completeness data in another country’s system, you can use the table we posted above. The American system for measuring the fullness of shoes is almost identical to the English one.

Today there are a lot of women's, men's and children's shoes on store shelves. Most often, when you come to the store, it is not possible to immediately choose boots by size, since they are produced in different countries. It happens that the size is suitable, but the fullness is more or less than necessary.
If you choose the wrong shoes, various health problems may arise. Therefore, you need to buy suitable shoes, following the recommendations of experts.

To determine the shoe size, the length of the foot in centimeters must be known. It is best to measure your foot size in the evening. Many people ask the question: “How to measure the length of the foot.” You should take a sheet of paper and completely outline both feet in order to choose the larger one. 90% of the population has feet of different sizes; differences can be from 0.1 to 1 cm. It is best to measure your feet in socks, since shoes are worn in them.
The drawn leg should be measured at the longest points. After the two drawings have been measured, the average value should be calculated from the results obtained. The measured foot parameters are the desired shoe size.
You can simply make marks on the most prominent point of the heel and toes, connect them with a straight line and measure the length. This is shown in more detail in the video. Width is measured at the widest part of the foot.
Fig - Foot size and girth
Different countries use different shoe sizes. For example:

  • Russian system (foot size is measured from big toe to heel in millimeters, rounded to the nearest 0.5 cm);
  • European system (the length of the insole is measured, which should be more legs by 6.7 mm);
  • American system (measurements are made in inches, 1 inch equals 2.54 cm; the smallest size of a newborn baby’s foot is 4 inches. The size itself is determined by the insole);
  • English system (the system is similar to the American one, but is larger).

Even knowing the size of your feet, you still need to measure your shoes, as the fullness or height of the shoes may not be suitable.


Completeness calculation

To calculate the fullness of the foot, you need to multiply 25 mm by the circumference of the foot in millimeters, then subtract 15 mm, multiply by the length of the foot in millimeters and subtract a constant factor. For children it is 16.5 mm, schoolchildren - 13.5 mm, women - 16 mm, men - 17 mm.

Size changes

Changes may be observed depending on the time of day. In the morning the foot is rested and has the same size; by evening the feet increase under the weight of their own weight by about 0.5 -1 size. Changes in leg volume are also caused by swelling and pregnancy. As soon as the swelling subsides, the limb regains its previous size.
During pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone relaxin, which helps relax the pelvic joints and ligaments of the foot, the size of the leg increases and does not return to its previous centimeters.
The problem of choosing shoes appears for both small and large feet. Today, orthopedic cosmetology centers offer to make the size of the foot larger, but in this case you will have to come to terms with the size for the rest of your life. In the same centers you can reduce the size of the foot.

Shoe selection

When choosing shoes, you should definitely try them on, as sizes vary from one manufacturer to another by up to several centimeters. And also the right foot may differ from the left not only in size, but also in shape and width. The rise of the foot is also individual. If the shoes have lacing or straps, then the width of the shoes can be reduced or increased.
It is better not to buy tight shoes, as this leads to calluses, sweating, impaired blood flow, and swelling. A model that is too big will fall down and possibly cause blisters on the heels. If a pair fits properly but is not the same width or height, it will most likely lead to flat feet and bone deformities, and gait may also be affected.
It is better to make a purchase in the afternoon, when the legs increase slightly in width from fatigue. If you buy shoes or boots in the morning, there is a chance that by the end of the day your feet will be very tired and swollen.
If we talk about material, natural ones, such as leather or fabric, have a more beneficial effect on the skin of the feet than artificial ones. You should also pay attention to the number of seams. The fewer there are, the better.
It’s better to try on both shoes; if they have lacing, lace them up. Walk around for a couple of minutes, you can sit down. There should be no discomfort in your legs. Your foot size and shoe size must match exactly. The pair should not be bought back to back. 0.5-1 cm of free space from the longest toe is allowed, especially for winter models, because in cold weather warm socks are most often worn.