Command line window with administrator rights. Run any program as administrator

Command line - universal tool on any operating system. Over time, many people come to the conclusion that they need to use this tool. This is usually necessary to solve some problem in the OS. Let's look at how to open the command line in Windows 7 as an administrator using all available methods.

Administrator privileges when calling the utility are necessary so that the user can perform virtually any action in Windows, even though he is working under an account with limited privileges. In such a case, if the administrator account is protected by a password, you will have to enter it each time to call the command line using any of the methods below.

This is a software shell that transmits text commands entered into it to the operating system. Physically, it is a cmd.exe file, which is located in the “%windir%\system32” directory, and in Windows 7 x64 in the “%windir%\SysWOW64” directory.

Although a lot of time has passed since the days of MS-DOS and many operations in Windows are performed through a graphical interface, no one is going to give up the command line. Firstly, not all actions in Windows 7 can be performed through the console, and secondly, it is much faster to enter a text command and press Enter than to perform numerous clicks on window elements, various menus and other graphic elements.

Run window

In addition to the console, text commands are also sent to the operating system through the command interpreter. Its features are:

  • the window with the result of the command is not displayed after its execution;
  • after launching each of them, the interpreter has to be called again;
  • Administrator privileges are required to run commands.
  1. We launch this tool using the button of the same name in “Start” or the key combination Win + R.

  1. Enter the command “cmd”, “cmd.exe” or the full path to the file into the text form: “%windir%\system32\cmd.exe” and execute the command.

Here the question may arise: how do you know that the necessary privileges have been obtained? We turn our attention to the window header - there should be an inscription: “Administrator: path to the cmd.exe file.”

Many people write: “I can’t start the console as an administrator.” This can happen if your account is not allowed to do this by the administrator, and only he can solve the problem.

Shortcut in Start

  1. Open this drop-down menu and click “All Programs”.
  2. Scroll down and click on the “Standard” folder.
  3. Call the shortcut context menu and select the appropriate item.

Search bar

  1. Expand the main menu of Windows 7 and enter part of the utility name into the search bar.
  2. As in the previous case, open the context menu of the target object that appeared as a result of the search and select “Run as...”.

Second option: enter “cmd” into the search, hold down Ctrl + Shift + Enter and left-click on the icon.

Create a shortcut

If we launch the command line frequently, it would be advisable to create a shortcut on the desktop or in the “Taskbar” (drag it here from the desktop or pin it).

  1. Right-click on the free area and select the command to add a new shortcut.

  1. Set the location object to “cmd” and click “Next”.

  1. Enter its name and press Enter.

  1. Open the properties of an object using the combination Alt + Enter or the right button.

  1. Click "Advanced".

  1. In the advanced properties window, check the first option and click “OK”.

  1. We close all windows.

To add a shortcut to the “Taskbar”, drag it to the desired area or, when the utility is running, call the “Pin to Taskbar” command.

A shortcut is also created by dragging the executable file onto the desktop or into the “Taskbar”.


Open “Explorer” (go to any folder except “My Computer”).

  1. The fastest way to do this is with the key combination Win + E.
  2. Hold down Shift and open the context menu (right click) of the space free from files/directories.
  3. Click on the “Open command window” item.

Direct call

The command line can be launched as a normal application - by double-clicking on the executable file. Let's do this.

  1. We call up the “Explorer” window: we used the key combination Win + E for this.
  2. In the address bar we enter “%windir%\system32”, and for 64 bit you can also “%windir%\SysWOW64”, we find our file and execute it as administrator.

Another fancy way

  1. Open the “Task Manager” Ctrl + Shift Esc.
  1. Click “File” -> “New task”.

  1. Enter the name of the utility and open it.

The method is suitable for cases when the explorer.exe file is damaged or replaced by viruses.

Most proprietary builds of the operating system include the ability to open a console with extended permissions through the directory context menu. We use the official version of the OS, so we won’t be able to demonstrate this.

We've looked at all the options for opening the Command Shell in Windows 7 with administrator privileges, which is necessary to run most commands on the system. Without these rights, your ability to manage the Seven will be meager, and many problems simply cannot be solved without this.

Video instruction

In the selection of videos below you can see some of the methods in action: after all, it is easier for people to perceive information in visual rather than text form.

Several ways to run the command line as an administrator.

In this article, you will learn several ways to run Command Prompt as an administrator.

Method 1: Create a shortcut to run Command Prompt as administrator

Please note that to create such a shortcut you must be logged into Windows 7 under account user with administrator rights.

1. Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select Create > Shortcut.

2. For the location of the object, enter:


4. Enter a name for the shortcut (for example, Command line with administrator rights) and press Ready.

Method 2

Open your desktop or any folder, press and hold the SHIFT key and right-click on an empty space. From the menu that appears, select Open command window.

Method 3

1. Open the menu Start > All Programs > Accessories.

2. Right-click the Command Prompt icon and select Run as administrator.

To perform administrative tasks, you sometimes need to run Command Prompt as an administrator. Unlike previous versions, Windows 10 has many more ways to do this. How to run command prompt with administrator rights in windows 10?

6 Ways to Open CMD with Windows Administrator Rights

Let's look at all the options:

  1. Run cmd as administrator using the Win+X key combination;
  2. Calling the command line through Windows 10 search;
  3. Opening a Windows 10 command prompt shortcut with administrator rights;
  4. Command line execution via Windows Utilities;
  5. Calling the Windows 10 command line through the “Task Manager”;
  6. Open cmd from explorer.

Run cmd as administrator using the Win+X key combination

Press the Win+X key combination and select “Command Prompt (Administrator).”

Calling the command line through Windows 10 search

To call the command line, hover the mouse over the search button, enter “CMD”, right-click - “Run as administrator”.

Opening Windows 10 Command Prompt Shortcut with Administrator Rights

We create a shortcut on the desktop according to the methods described in the article about the usual launch of the command line in Windows 10. Next, right-click and select “Run as administrator.”

Command line execution via Windows Utilities

To execute the command line, open the Start menu - Windows System Tools - Command Prompt, then right-click "Advanced" - "Run as administrator".

Calling the Windows 10 Command Prompt via Task Manager

To open the command line in the “Task Manager”, open the “File” tab, select “Run a new task”, enter “CMD” in the window that opens, check the “Create a task with administrator rights” checkbox and click the “Ok” button.

Open cmd from Windows Explorer

The advantage of this method is that the path in the “cmd” window that opens will correspond to the path to the folder. Opening the command line from the Explorer menu: “File” - “Open command line” - “Open command line as Administrator”.

Epilogue on how to open Cmd

As you can see, there are more ways to open the command line in Windows 10 and it’s difficult to single out or choose a specific convenient option. Each method is interesting in some way, so it’s up to you, dear users, to choose. Don't forget to comment on the post and like it if the material was useful to you!

The command line (cmd) is known to be very powerful tool, which allows you not only to use some undocumented features of the operating system, but also to fix many errors if Windows crashes or even does not boot. However, to perform some actions, the console must be launched exclusively with administrator rights. We will discuss later how to run cmd with administrator rights. There are several methods available for review, each of which is convenient in its own way for different situations.

CMD: run as administrator using the classic method

Majority Windows users I’m used to launching the command console using the well-known method, which is to first call the “Run” menu (Win + R), and then enter the desired abbreviation cmd in its field. But this is a normal start, and not with administrator rights, although in some builds of Windows in the “Run” console, just below the field for entering commands, you can see the start item with administrator rights.

Launch the Shell from the Start menu

In principle, the start menu can be used in different systems. To do this, you need to select standard programs in the Start menu, and open the command line via RMB, selecting the desired start type.

In Windows 10, running cmd as an administrator is even easier. As a rule, in “clean” systems immediately after installation, in the RMB menu on the “Start” button you can find two cmd launch lines: normal and with administrator rights, which is what you need to use.

Using Task Manager

An equally common, although more time-consuming method is to launch cmd as an administrator from the standard “Task Manager”, which is called either with three-finger combinations or from the “Run” console using the taskmgr command.

In the manager window, through the file menu, you need to set the creation of a new task, enter cmd in the execution field and check the creation box with administrator rights.

Run cmd via search engine (Windows 10)

The tenth version of the Windows operating system is in a sense unique in that it simplifies access to some system tools, although it is not without unforeseen difficulties.

However, it is in this modification of Windows that cmd can also be launched through the search engine. To do this, you need to use RMB on the “Start” button, select search, enter “Command Line” in the field (of course, without quotes), and on the displayed result, again, through RMB, select start as administrator.

Start from Explorer

But these were methods that, by and large, duplicated one another. Now let's see what can be done using the standard Explorer. First you need to open the "File" menu.

It will immediately contain a console launch line with a transition to an additional menu, in which, as in the case of the “Start” section of Windows 10, there will be both a normal launch and a start with administrator rights.

Directly calling the console from the system directory

If anyone doesn’t know, the “Run” menu is initially designed to launch executable files that are located in the System32 system directory.

Thus, running cmd as an administrator can be done via RMB on the desired cmd.exe file from exactly this folder (it is located in the Windows root directory). Paradoxically, on 64-bit systems almost all components of the System32 folder are duplicated in the SysWOW64 directory. In other words, exactly the same file responsible for starting the command line can be found here, and the launch steps will be completely identical.

While in the system folder and selecting the file you are looking for, you can use application tools. After clicking on the “Management” link, an additional panel will open, which will contain a start button with admin rights.

Acceleration of access

We've figured out the basic ways to start the command line. Now let's see how to simplify the task for ourselves and speed up its launch. Here you will need to enter the System32 system folder, and through RMB on the cmd.exe file, select sending the shortcut to the “Desktop” (you can immediately choose to create a shortcut directly on the “Desktop”, specifying the desired file as the object).

Now, using RMB on the created shortcut, you need to select the properties of the object, on the shortcut tab, click the “Advanced” button and check the box for permanent run as administrator. If desired, the shortcut from the “Desktop” can be moved to the quick launch panel or via RMB you can use the pin in the taskbar. This technique is the optimal solution if the user has to work with the command console very often.

Instead of a total

That, in fact, is all that concerns starting the command line with administrator rights. Of course, only the simplest and most frequently used methods were described here. Cases where some menus contain a link to Windows PowerShell instead of the command line were not considered. Essentially, this is a tool very similar to the command console, but more complex for the average user and has a few more features.

Often we need open command prompt with administrator rights. By default, the console starts with limited rights and some commands cannot be executed. This is done to better protect the system, since changing some parameters (editing the Windows boot loader, for example) can critically affect its operation.

But some operations require unlimited access rights. So, they will be needed to resolve the hidden administrator account, fix the boot screen in Windows 7. And below are several ways to launch the command line with administrator rights.

Open a command prompt with administrator rights from the Start menu.

The method works in all Windows operating systems except Windows 8, since Microsoft removed the Start menu from the eighth version of Windows.

  1. Go to Start, All Programs > Accessories.
  2. Right-click on the Command Prompt shortcut and select Run as Administrator

This way you can launch the command line from any shortcut on the desktop or taskbar.

Launch via search bar

The method works in Windows Vista and Windows 7, since only these systems have a search bar in the start menu.

Via the Win+X menu in Windows 8

Although the previous two methods do not work in Win 8, here comes an easier way to run Command Prompt with Administrator rights. The Win+X menu is called up by the appropriate keyboard shortcut or by right-clicking in the lower left corner of the screen. It contains a direct link to launch the console with administrator rights.

Launching from the Windows 8 Start Screen

  1. Go to the system start window using the Win key and then type cmd.
  2. The search results will display the command line. Right-click on the shortcut and click on “Run as administrator”

Via Windows 8 Explorer

Windows 8 Explorer has a similar ribbon interface to Office 2010, and Microsoft has added the ability to launch the console through its ribbon.

  1. Open any folder or file in Explorer.
  2. In the “File” menu there is a link to launch a command line with administrative privileges.

Always run command prompt as administrator

If you want to command prompt always started with administrator rights, do the following: