Is it possible to take pancreatin along with alcohol. A deadly combination: is it possible to take drugs with alcohol Cramps in the hands after drinking

Pancreatitis is a common disease of the pancreas. With this disease, you should reconsider your lifestyle, give up fatty foods and drinking alcohol. Pancreatin is an inexpensive drug that is used to treat the disease. But few people know whether it is possible to drink Pancreatin with alcohol. To understand whether such a combination is dangerous for the body, it is necessary to study the composition and action of the drug.

Brief description of Pancreatin

People diagnosed with pancreatitis must have come across a drug such as Pancreatin and its analogues (Mezim, Festal). This group of drugs effectively eliminates heaviness in the abdomen and improves digestion.

The composition of the product

The composition of Pancreatin includes the main components that give it medicinal properties. Main substances:

  1. Amylase. This enzyme is involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, namely starch. Only cellulose and fiber are not affected by amylase.
  2. Lipase. A water-soluble enzyme aids in the digestion and dissolution of fats. The substance is synthesized in many human organs and tissues.
  3. protease. Proteolytic enzymes cleave the bonds of peptides in amino acids. They play an important role in the digestion of food proteins.

The tablet is enteric-coated, which consists of auxiliary ingredients. These include:

  • sucrose, glucose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc, starch;
  • polyvidone, lactose;
  • dyes.

Talc prevents the main components from connecting to each other. But it also ensures the smooth sliding of the tablet in the mouth and esophagus. Magnesium stearate has the opposite property. On the contrary, it glues together all the components at the stage of absorption of the drug. Polyvidone promotes faster and better absorption of substances by the intestines in a certain area, where the therapeutic effect is manifested. Dyes are only responsible for attractiveness appearance medicines.

Indications and contraindications for use

Proteins can be broken down without the influence of Pancreatin, but for fats it is necessary. With pathologies of the pancreas fatty foods have a weak ability to digest, resulting in heaviness and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Indications for prescribing the drug are:

  • pathological inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the internal organs, most often the liver and intestines;
  • violations in the work of the biliary tract;
  • flatulence and gas formation;
  • replacement therapy when part of the stomach or intestines is removed;
  • constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • before ultrasound and X-ray examination;
  • in a forced lying state;
  • with weak chewing activity;
  • for weight loss.

If you do not exceed the dosage prescribed by the doctor, then side effects very rarely develop. Possible consequences:

  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • allergy.

With systematic overdoses of Pancreatin, adhesions or strictures in the large intestine may form. With prolonged use, it is necessary to control the level of uric acid in the blood.

Combination of alcohol and drug

Any medication is incompatible with alcoholic beverages, this also applies to Pancreatin. Do not forget that it is alcoholism that leads to the development of pancreatitis. Therefore, you should not drink alcohol-containing drinks when you are sick.

The effect of alcohol on the pancreas

The compatibility of alcohol and Pancreatin is unacceptable. While drinking alcohol, there is an increase in the production of enzymes in the body. Ethanol, entering the body, entails muscle spasm, which contributes to the penetration of bile into the intestines. Thus, the accumulated bile interferes with the work of pancreatic enzymes.

Over time, the biliary system begins to break down, leading to pancreatitis. Pain in the left side of the abdomen is the main symptom of the disease. Often joins vomiting, hiccups.

If these signs appear, you should seek medical help. If you ignore the treatment, then pancreatic enzymes gradually penetrate into the bloodstream, poisoning the body. Such changes lead to irreversible, serious consequences. Many people can get hurt internal organs: heart, kidneys, liver. Severe illness can lead to death.

Therefore, you can not drink alcohol and immediately take a pill due to an excess of enzymes during this period. The situation is often complicated by the use of fatty, fried foods. The abuse of such products increases the risk of developing pathology several times.

Pancreatin should be taken directly during or after a meal with plenty of water. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the organism.

Consequences of simultaneous use

It is sometimes difficult for people suffering from alcohol addiction to understand how alcohol adversely affects the pancreas. Many people think that drinking alcohol during drug treatment will not bring significant harm to the body, but this is far from the case. The use of alcoholic beverages in the acute period of the disease can cause the following consequences:

  1. relapse of pancreatitis. In this condition, all symptoms are aggravated several times. At belated treatment pain shock develops.
  2. Diabetes. A dangerous chronic disease that affects all organs and systems of the body.
  3. Exacerbation of other chronic diseases.
  4. Pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas. There is a partial or complete death of the organ. Death occurs in 30-60% of all cases.
  5. Fatal outcome. AT more this applies to people with alcohol dependence.

It will be very difficult to restore the pancreas after alcohol. Recovery, as a rule, is long and requires a complete rejection of alcohol.

Acceptable drinks for pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. The best option - pure water, which perfectly eliminates the acidic environment of the stomach, restores the microflora, and also helps to eliminate harmful toxins and poisons from the body.

But ordinary water can be replaced with others. healthy drinks. There are those without alcoholic drinks, which not only relieve the feeling of thirst, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. What drinks can you drink with pancreatitis:

  • mineral water;
  • decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs, for example, wild rose, chamomile;
  • various kissels;
  • natural tea;
  • special herbal preparations;
  • freshly squeezed juices.

Is it possible to have champagne with pancreatitis, only the attending gastrologist will say. Thus, to the question of what kind of alcohol is possible with pancreatitis, we can safely answer that no. All alcohol-containing drinks are prohibited: beer, red and white wine (dry, semi-dry), cognac, vodka and others. And you should also give up bad habits, be attentive to your health and treat the diseases that have arisen in a timely manner.

There is not a single medicine that doctors would advise to use with alcohol. But the world is full of temptations, there are many holidays in our country, and illness can coincide with any of them. A cold or the flu, an allergy or a headache, an injury or an exacerbation of a chronic disease – there are many options. And the question arises: should I take medicine if there is a colleague's birthday ahead, a meeting with friends, a family celebration? Is it necessary to give up alcohol if the medicine has already been taken? MedNews found answers to these burning questions.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic

All drugs based on paracetamol in combination with ethyl alcohol have a hepatotoxic effect - in the process of their metabolism, substances dangerous to the liver are formed. This combination can be toxic even with a single use of alcohol, and for those who drink regularly, alcohol with paracetamol is a direct path to liver damage. And here you need to be more careful, because drugs based on paracetamol are produced under a variety of trade names. In addition, paracetamol is part of many popular combined drugs that are taken to relieve symptoms of influenza and SARS.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with alcohol are also not friendly. Acetylsalicylic acid (aka aspirin) and ibuprofen in combination with ethyl alcohol become even more dangerous for the gastric mucosa (blood clotting decreases, the risk of developing ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding increases). Sometimes you can hear from "experts" such a recommendation: take a pill acetylsalicylic acid before or during a feast to reduce the degree of intoxication and protect yourself from a morning hangover. But this is a myth: before and during - definitely not worth it, there will be much more harm than good. But the next morning, if your head hurts a lot, then you can take one tablet of acetylsalicylic acid. The main thing is that at least 10-12 hours pass after the last glass or stack. And yet, doctors do not advise to get involved in painkillers to relieve hangover symptoms; it is better to drink an enterosorbent - the same activated carbon.

Antibacterial drugs

Some antibacterial drugs (not just antibiotics) affect the metabolism of alcohol. The processing of ethyl alcohol occurs in two stages: first, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase breaks it down to acetaldehyde (acetic aldehyde). In the second step, another enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase, converts acetaldehyde to acetic acid. Acetaldehyde causes us the most trouble: it is he who is responsible for the symptoms of a hangover. Some groups of antibiotics disrupt the work of the second enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase, because of this, the level of toxic acetaldehyde in the body rises. As a result, the drinker receives in the most vivid form all the painful symptoms of a hangover (they are also symptoms of acetaldehyde poisoning): headache, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate, respiratory disorders, convulsions - and not the next day after drinking alcohol, but immediately.

This effect is called a "disulfiram-like reaction" - after the name of the drug disulfiram, which has the same effect and is used to treat alcoholism ("suturing"). Several groups of antibiotics cause a disulfiram-like reaction: metronidazole and tinidazole (these drugs are champions: they provide such unforgettable sensations almost guaranteed!). Sometimes an unforgettable effect is given by cephalosporins, sulfonamides (including biseptol), nitrofurans (furazolidone), chloramphenicol, antifungal drugs - griseofulvin and ketoconazole.

More bad news: You should continue to abstain from alcohol for 2-4 days after your last intake of these drugs. In addition, many do not realize that a disulfiram-like reaction can occur not only when taking drugs inside. Injections, eye drops, nasal drops, inhalation solutions, vaginal suppositories and creams - these antibacterial drugs can affect the metabolism of alcohol in all forms.

Vasoconstrictor drops

Another popular winter medicine that is used to relieve symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, with an innocent runny nose, is vasoconstrictor drops (many drugs based on xylometazoline and naphazoline). And, again, it does not occur to everyone that drops instilled into the nose and a glass of wine (or a glass of vodka) drunk can “meet” in the vastness of our body. But they can, and how - it just happens not in the stomach, but in the blood. All vasoconstrictor drops are adrenomimetics, that is, adrenaline-like substances. Ethyl alcohol, in turn, causes our adrenal glands to secrete more adrenaline into the bloodstream. Your own increased adrenaline plus an adrenomimetic (even in a small dose) is not the most favorable combination for the heart. In sum, all this can give a sharp increase in blood pressure and severe tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).


Alcohol itself is a depressant, that is, it inhibits the activity of the central nervous system(CNS). Therefore, drinking it along with antidepressants is pointless. Yes, immediately after drinking alcohol, due to the release of additional adrenaline into the blood, which we have already mentioned, activity increases, mood rises. But this happens only for a short time, and then, on the contrary, a depressed state sets in for a long time.

Antidepressants from the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are especially poorly combined with alcohol. As with adrenomimetics, there is too much adrenaline in the body. The pressure rises, the heartbeat quickens, up to the risk of stroke and other disorders in the work of the heart.

And one more fly in the ointment: in some beers and wines there is a substance tyramine, similar in its properties and structure to adrenaline. Usually, the enzyme monoamine oxidase processes tyramine without problems, but MAO inhibitors disrupt this process. Then tyramine enters the bloodstream, the effect is the same as with adrenaline: high blood pressure and tachycardia.

Tranquilizers and sleeping pills

Tranquilizers (anxiolytics) and alcohol are an extremely unfortunate and dangerous combination. Both ethanol and drugs from the group of benzodiazepines (bromdihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine, diazepam, oxazepam, medazepam) - these include, for example, the famous phenazepam - inhibit the activity of the central nervous system. When they act together, this effect can be multiplied many times over. As a result, the degree of intoxication and drowsiness increases, coordination of movements is disturbed, and breathing may stop. Falling into a deep sleep, a person runs the risk of choking on vomit. And I don’t even want to talk about how the good old barbiturates are combined with ethanol - let it remain legends from the rock and roll of the 1960s. Fortunately, drugs in this group are no longer prescribed as sleeping pills and sedatives and are not sold without a prescription.


Alcohol and allergies are a separate topic: many alcoholic beverages (including quite “noble” ones, such as wine) by themselves can cause and exacerbate allergies. First-generation antihistamines (diphenhydramine, clemastine, chloropyramine) have a sedative effect, and together with alcohol, like tranquilizers, they can enhance the effect of each other. Antihistamines of the second and third generation no longer cause drowsiness. But all three generations of antihistamines disrupt the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, which increases the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver. And ethanol, for its part, reduces the antihistamine effect.

Antidiabetic drugs and insulin

Another property of ethyl alcohol is to lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is very dangerous to combine alcohol with drugs taken by diabetics - insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs. Alcohol enhances their effect and can cause hypoglycemia, a life-threatening drop in glucose levels (this can happen to a healthy person if you drink too much, especially on an empty stomach). Symptoms of mild initial hypoglycemia - fever, tremors, weakness, increased sweating, heart palpitations; if this condition is not recognized in time, hypoglycemic coma may develop, which can result in death.

In general, the verdict is not too comforting: for some reason, not a single medicine is recommended to be taken with alcohol. We have considered the most common and dangerous combinations, and forewarned means forearmed. But do not forget that the same medicine can be produced under many different trade names. Therefore, use our table and check which active ingredient is in the pill you are going to take.


How do drugs interact with alcohol?

* Compiled on the basis of materials from the book by A. Borovsky "Features of the national hangover" (M.: Eksmo, 1998) with changes and additions.

Drug class or drug name

Application area

Interaction with alcohol


atenolol, propranolol, oxprenolol, pindolol, talinolol, timolol

Antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive drugs

Perhaps the development of orthostatic collapse - a sudden drop in blood pressure with a sharp change in body position (symptoms: severe weakness, nausea, impaired coordination, chills, cold extremities).

Adrenaline (epinephrine), norepinephrine (norepinephrine) and adrenomimetic substances

a) alpha-agonists: phenylephrine, clonidine, xylometazoline, naphazoline

b) beta-agonists: dobutamine, orciprenaline, salbutamol, fenoterol, terbutaline

Emergency cardiology, treatment of bronchial asthma, antihypertensive drugs, psychostimulants

Adrenomimetic effects (a sharp increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate) may be enhanced by additional release of adrenaline into the blood. The increase in urination provoked by alcohol can shorten the time of action of the drugs.

Androgenic drugs: testosterone, testosterone propionate

Hormonal drugs

Accelerated biotransformation (destruction) of hormonal drugs due to alcohol-induced increase in the activity of liver enzymes. (For the same reasons, alcoholics have lower baseline testosterone levels.)

Antidepressants: pipofezin, amitriptyline, imipramine

Psychiatry, neurology

Perhaps the strongest depression of the central nervous system (CNS).

Indirect anticoagulants: neodicoumarin, omefin, phenindione

Cardiology, neurology

In people who systematically consume alcohol, the effect of drugs is reduced due to the acceleration of their metabolism.

In non-drinking people, a single intake of alcohol slows down the metabolism of drugs, which significantly enhances their effect (blood clotting decreases, the risk of bleeding increases).

Barbiturates: barbital, cyclobarbital, hexobarbital, thiopental, etaminal, phenobarbital

Sleeping pills, anticonvulsants

Benzodiazepine derivatives:epine, diazepam, oxazepam, medazepam

Psychiatry, neurology

The strongest depression of the central nervous system up to respiratory arrest, a fatal outcome is possible.

Bromocriptine mesilate

Obstetrics, gynecology

Alcohol enhances side effects drug in gastrointestinal tract(nausea, vomiting, constipation); possible drop in blood pressure; reduced alcohol tolerance.

First generation antihistamines: diphenhydramine, promethazine, chloropyramine, clemastine

Antiallergic drugs

Perhaps a strong inhibitory effect on the central nervous system.


antifungal agent

Enhances the effect of alcohol, possibly depression of the central nervous system, in some cases - a disulfiram-like reaction (trembling, choking, palpitations, fear, redness of the face, fever).



It is possible to develop hypoglycemic conditions (decrease in blood sugar levels), especially in patients taking adrenoblockers (drugs for arrhythmia and high blood pressure).


With the systematic use of alcohol, the removal of the drug from the body is accelerated, the antimicrobial effect may be insufficient.


Blood clotting decreases, bleeding time increases by 3-4 times. Possible bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.

MAO inhibitors: nialamide, tranylcypromine, iproniazid


The level of adrenaline in the blood rises, a sharp increase in blood pressure is possible, an increase in heart rate. Adrenaline-like effects also cause combination with drinks containing tyramine (some beers and wines).


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)

Blood clotting decreases, bleeding time increases by 3.5 times.


Anti-asthma, anti-allergic

Enhances the effect of alcohol, may develop severe alcohol intoxication.

Valproic acid preparations

Antiepileptic drugs

Enhance the effect of alcohol, may develop severe alcohol intoxication.


Antibiotic, antimicrobial drug

The enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase is inhibited, a disulfiram-like reaction develops (trembling, choking, palpitations, fear, reddening of the face, fever).



Alcohol slows down the excretion of the drug from the body, which causes its excess and toxic damage to the central nervous system (up to the development of a collaptoid state - a drop in blood pressure, a deterioration in the blood supply to organs).


Antitumor agent

Ethanol enhances the toxic effects on the liver.

metronidazole and tinidazole

There is an inhibition of the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, very often a disulfiram-like reaction develops (trembling, suffocation, palpitations, fear, reddening of the face, fever).

diethyl ether, halothane, nitrous oxide, ketamine, sodium hydroxybutyrate, sodium thiopental


Weakening of the action of anesthetics, depression of the central nervous system up to respiratory arrest.

Antipsychotics: chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, thioridazine, chlorprothixene, haloperidol, droperidol, clozapine


Possible severe CNS depression.

Nitrates: nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, pentaerythrityl tetranitrate


Alcohol enhances the vasodilating effect of these drugs, which can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure (up to orthostatic collapse).


Analgesic, antipyretic

Acceleration of drug metabolism with the formation of toxic substances that cause liver damage.



Ethanol increases the hepatotoxic effect of the drug.

salicylamide, acetylsalicylic acid

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Blood clotting decreases, bleeding time increases. Possible bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hypoglycemic drugs: tolbutamide, glibenclamide, gliclazide, gliquidone, glipizide, metformin, chlorpropamide, insulins


Alcohol reduces blood sugar levels, so it can enhance the effect of these drugs until the development of severe hypoglycemic conditions.


Neurology, cardiology

People who regularly drink alcohol

the effect of the drug is reduced due to the acceleration of its metabolism.

A single dose of alcohol can slow down the metabolism of the drug and contribute to the appearance of side effects (excitation, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, impaired coordination of movements, tremor of the limbs).


The enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase is inhibited, a disulfiram-like reaction develops (trembling, choking, palpitations, fear, reddening of the face, fever).

Cephalosporins: cefazolin, cefotaxime, ceftizoxime, cefuroxime


The enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase is inhibited, a disulfiram-like reaction develops (trembling, choking, palpitations, fear, reddening of the face, fever).



A paradoxical effect is possible: an increase in the narcotic effect of alcohol due to inhibition of its biological oxidation (destruction) and acceleration of absorption, the level of ethyl alcohol in the blood plasma increases.


anti-tuberculosis drug

Enhances the toxic effect of alcohol; development of alcoholic psychoses is possible.

Tablets doctors usually prescribe them for use several times a day. At the same time, the days for us, for doctors and for the organs of the body are different. Doctors and organs have a day, it is 24 hours, that is, a day, since the organs cannot stop while we sleep. And we have a day, it's 15-16 hours, and the rest is a dream, it doesn't count as a day. And doctors, in fact, prescribe to the organs, we are just representatives of these organs, because of these organs, only one language can speak. Naturally, the doctor prescribes pills, in the expectation that we will distribute them evenly throughout the day. We distribute them approximately evenly, it’s just that our day is not 24 hours, but 15.

The error is understandable. That is, if we were prescribed three tablets a day, we should drink them at intervals of eight hours (for example, at 8 00, at 16 00 and at 24 00), and with a double dose - at 8 00 and at 20 00.

How to take pills and timing

With short-term (half-week-week) courses of taking pills, we somehow, having strained, cope and do not forget about the deadlines. With long courses, interest in treatment is not something that disappears, it’s just that life constantly slips its surprises and distracts from the main thing, from how take pills correctly. It happens differently: I accepted it automatically and forgot whether I drank or not. You drink once again, but what if it's something potent? Here, without “serifs”, without a calendar with a cross-out, without an alarm clock, a mobile phone, or whatever else exists there for memorization and reminders, you can’t do it. What is best for you is up to you to choose.

How to take pills: before and after meals

Writing out a prescription in illegible handwriting, the doctors mutter all sorts of spells, something like “before eating, after eating” ...

In relation to food, tablets are divided into “does not care”, “before”, “after” and “during meals”, maybe there are also “instead of food”. At the same time, the doctor apparently believes that food is brought to us strictly on schedule, especially on business trips, business trips or travel. Even at home take the pills on time not always feasible, especially what about snacks, teas with coffee, unscheduled fruits, etc.?

Taking pills "before meals"

“Before eating”, this, firstly in medicine, means that you did not eat anything at all before taking the pill, and secondly, that you will not eat anything, at least for the period indicated by the doctor.

When this requirement is met, it enters an empty stomach, where it is not opposed by gastric juice, food components and other substances that are not involved in the process of your cure. For example, the active substances of drugs from the group of macrolides decompose under the influence of an acidic environment, and no matter how candy, or a glass of juice taken two hours before taking the medicine or an hour after, can go down the drain or at least change the entire course of treatment in an unnecessary direction . This applies to many drugs, especially when you follow its long path from the stomach to the intestines and beyond, absorption disorders, and the characteristics of the chemical reaction of the drug with food.

Taking pills "with meals"

“During the meal”: everything seems to be clear here. The same, known on TV Mezim - he is involved in digestion, together with the pancreas during meals.

Significantly fewer drug names appear on the "after meals" list. Usually, these are drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa, or contribute to the normalization of digestion. In this case, sometimes just some limited amount of food is enough.

Is it worth taking different pills at the same time

Not all tablets can be mixed.

This generally applies to most tablets; they should always be taken separately, unless the "wholesale lot" is specified by the doctor separately. It's not very convenient, but doable. By default, there should be a timeout of half an hour between taking different drugs. In addition, be sure to read the instructions for the tablets, they almost always stipulate what other drugs this drug is not compatible with.

If you are being treated by several different doctors various diseases, it would be nice if they knew about the existence of each other and about the appointments that each of them gives.

What is the right way to take pills

Not all pills can be broken. If there is no separation mark on the tablet, it may not be possible to divide it (according to different reasons). Moreover, the accuracy of dosage when dividing the tablet into several parts leaves much to be desired.

There are medicines that, according to the special prescription of a doctor, are washed down with acidic drinks, milk, alkaline mineral water, etc., but this is rare. Wash down medicines only and only with water!. The only thing you need to read the instructions, or check with a doctor or pharmacist - some drugs are washed down big the amount of water.

Chewable tablets are chewed, dragees do not bite, sucking suck. Otherwise, everything is meaningless.

Is it good to drink whiskey?

I suppose the difference between the drinks will be insignificant compared to the effects of alcohol itself on the heart.

Will cognac damage the work of diflusol?

It seems like there is nothing else.

And so I cannot draw a logical connection between this statement and the advice not to eat like that. Does this mean (well, for example) that meat and potatoes will be more difficult to digest and the overall ability to digest mixed foods is lower than the ability to digest these foods separately?

Here, here, that's what I meant. It's about the mixed one.

Pavel, you understood me absolutely correctly. Opposite requirements for digestion conditions lead to a deterioration in the digestion of both food components.

Is metronidazole compatible with sermion?

Hello, tell me please, is metronidazole compatible with sermion?

The half-life of sermion may increase, but is otherwise compatible.

Good afternoon!

Are rheosorbilact and sermion compatible?

Irina, they are compatible, but there is no clinical sense in such a combination.

Is it possible to validol or corvalol the next day after alcohol?

Yesterday you drank alcohol, today your heart hurts, is it possible to drink validol or Corvalol?

Can. But that's unlikely to help.

Can alcohol combined with esperal give a foot complication?

If a person was injected with esperal for five years, and he drank after six months, can this drug cause a complication on the feet?

What kind of complications, Taisiya?

Is nimesil combined with phenazepam?

Hello. Is it possible to take nimesil if I take phenazepam in the morning and evening (as prescribed by a neurologist)? Thank you in advance.

Oksana, I believe that it is possible. But it is still much better to find out such questions from the attending physician.

Are apple seeds healthy?

Stanislav, is it true that apple seeds are useful in some way? Like, you need to eat the whole apple for maximum benefit.

Thank you in advance.

Nick, never heard of this. And, by the way, in my opinion, a similar question has already been asked on the site.

Is it possible to take drops for alcohol with hepatitis C?

Hello. Is it possible to take drops for alcohol with hepatitis C?

If in therapeutic doses, then it is possible.

thank you, in therapeutic)

What tranquilizers are allowed to combine alcohol with?

Stanislav, all the best to you! Tell me, please, with which tranquilizers is it allowed to combine alcohol? Or at least which ones are the safest?

Matvey, it's safest with mebicar.

Dry mouth, although I no longer drink

I quit drinking a month ago, but still dry mouth in the morning! Before there were occasional binges. Please answer, will this pass or is it not because of something else? What tests can be taken and which doctor should be taken? Thank you!

Vadim, this will pass. Brace yourself. You can go to a therapist in a couple of months if something comes up.

Can children drink non-alcoholic beer?

Good afternoon, Stanislav! Can kids drink non-alcoholic beer? I understand from your answers that it is completely harmless.

Hello Saule. What age of the child are we talking about?

10 years. Is it possible to buy it especially for a holiday where adults are going to drink ordinary beer?

Yes, but not in liters. There is no alcohol in non-alcoholic beer, but benzodiazepines remain.

Severe autonomic disorders with a hangover

Stanislav, what do you think it could be? Recently, every hangover is accompanied by severe vegetative disorders: dizziness, shortness of breath, short-term visual impairment (the light intensifies and the picture gets closer). All this usually begins after lunch. Lasts an average of 10-30 minutes. At the same time, the pressure is always normal, the heartbeat is 60-90. Before going to bed, right in the first phase of falling asleep for about 30 minutes, it seems that breathing stops - from which you jump up sharply. Is this an exacerbation of the VSD? Maybe something to drink? Thank you in advance.

vegetative crisis. Banal phenomenon for a hangover. You do not need to drink anything extra, you are treated according to the scheme.

Is it possible to take succinic acid immediately after a feast?

Stanislav, a user in the comments to an article about succinic acid asks: "Is it possible to drink after a feast before going to bed and in what dosage?"

And indeed. Is it possible?

It is possible, only the onset of sleep can be difficult

When you get out of binge, magnesium should be taken once or for several days?

When you get out of a binge, do you need to take magnesia once (i.e. one day) or can it be taken for several days?

Maybe a few days

Are asparkam and beer compatible?

Hello, while taking Asparkam, can I drink beer (1-3 liters a couple of times a week)? Thank you.

You can drink, but the effect of asparkam against the background of beer will be small.

Hand cramps after drinking

Hello Stanislav! My wife has been drinking for a week, now she has a cramp in her hands. Isn't it dangerous?

It might be dangerous. You need a consultation with a therapist, a neurologist, a blood test for electrolytes.

Is Mexidol effective?

Hello Stanislav. A question about drugs: I found a list of drugs with unproven effectiveness on the net and it contains Mexidol. Should I replace it in the treatment of a hangover with something else or not?

Alexander, what kind of list and who compiled it?

Alexander, you should not pay serious attention to such lists. As a rule, they are the product of the struggle of pharmaceutical companies for the market, and not the result of scientific integrity.

Is it possible for a nursing mother Nimesil?

Is it possible to breastfeed nimesil and how dangerous is it if she took nimesil while breastfeeding?

Valentine, you can't. The potential danger exists not for you, but for the child. If you did not notice anything threatening in the child's condition after taking the drug, consider that it worked out. But this does not mean that it will cost the next time. It is better not to play such a lottery.

What should be the break in taking Zoloft if I plan to drink alcohol?

I take Zoloft tablets, the active substance is Sertraline. Tell me, how many days before drinking alcohol should I stop the course? Alcohol: There will be red sweet or semi-sweet wine, about a bottle per person. I have been taking pills for about a month.

Also, how many days after drinking alcohol can you resume the course without severe consequences?

Thank you in advance.

The half-life of sertraline is about a day. Therefore, three days of stopping the reception will be enough. A day after the event, you can resume the reception.

Why is it allowed to buy alcohol from the age of 18?

Good day! Please tell me why in Russia it is allowed to sell alcohol to citizens from the age of 18? At this age, some changes occur in the human body, due to which alcohol consumption becomes not as harmful as it was before the age of 18? And in America, as far as I know, only with 21 - how is it more correct? Or is it possible for Russians earlier due to traditions?

And one more question on the same topic. Rare young people actually wait until their 18th birthday to try alcohol for the first time. Almost everyone starts drinking earlier. What exactly is the point of banning the sale of alcohol to under 18s? For teenagers to try alcohol under the supervision of more experienced elders (who are already 18)? So that for the first time, if possible, they tried alcohol in the family circle, and not in the gateway with peers? Just to think again? After all, those who want to drink will be able to get a drink at any age. Thanks in advance for your replies!

Polina, the question does not apply to medicine at all, so I can only answer it as a layman. It seems to me that the threshold of 18 years is set because from this age a person is considered an adult, which means that he is fully capable of recognizing the consequences of his actions and is independently responsible for them.

When can I drink non-alcoholic beer after colme?

how long can you drink non-alcoholic beer after taking colme?

Yes, at least immediately, as long as the beer is non-alcoholic.

Are Prestans and Physiotens compatible?

Hello Stanislav! Is it possible to take Prestans and Physiotens at the same time? If not, how many hours should pass between taking the first and second?

Val, possible. These are synergistic drugs.

Is it true that after 30 you should eat less meat?

Dean, I'm not familiar with specific recommendations on this topic. I only know that reducing the total calorie content of food, and limiting protein (not just meat) after the cessation of body growth is an important factor in increasing life expectancy.

Maybe he ate superglue. What to do?

Good evening

tell me this question

I have certain ill-wishers and suspicions that superglue could be added to my food, mixed into milk, into kefir, I tried it for testing, in this consistency it also remains liquid.

what are the signs of ingestion? what consequences? What tests can I take to check if I have this substance in my body?

Roman, specify what superglue is.

Rolls and sushi - the right snack or not?

Hello Stanislav. I read the article "How to eat properly." It is clear that vegetables, fruits and sauerkraut are good, but for me, for example, any dose of alcohol causes a strong appetite and the above products do not satisfy hunger. What about sushi, rolls, etc. as an appetizer? It seems that the food is quite light, and rice is in some way an adsorbent.

Tatiana, Japanese cuisine is spicy. Spicy spices and seasonings slow down the oxidation of alcohol and increase the vulnerability of the pancreas. If this does not scare you, then there are no other obstacles.

Modern medicine is impossible without modern drugs. Unfortunately, some drugs have a dangerous pair - drugs that cause side effects when taken together!

Antibiotics and oral contraceptives

Antibiotics- These are substances that are produced by some living organisms to destroy others. The first antibiotic was isolated by Alexander Fleming in 1928, for which he received the Nobel Prize.
Since then, antibiotics have changed the lives of mankind. Diseases that used to be a death sentence, have learned to treat: pneumonia , tuberculosis, meningitis and other infections. It was thanks to antibiotics that the population explosion of the 20th century occurred, when the population began to increase exponentially. Antibiotics are a real miracle of medicine.
Oral contraceptives. Regardless of the form of release, the principle of action of hormonal contraceptives is the same: change the hormonal background so that ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), and hence pregnancy, becomes impossible. There is another important action: they change the consistency of cervical mucus, and it becomes impermeable to spermatozoa. In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy hormonal contraceptives have a positive effect on a woman’s health in general: they reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, prevent the appearance of acne, facilitate menstruation, and so on.

Combining these drugs can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills, and you risk becoming pregnant. There are two reasons:
1. Microbes in the gut improve the absorption of hormones. That is, hormones stay in the body longer, and longer protect against unwanted pregnancy. Antibiotics destroy intestinal microbes, hormones are not absorbed, therefore a large number of hormones are simply lost in the stool.
2. Many antibiotics stimulate the work of liver enzymes, so they begin to destroy hormones intensively. As a result, the concentration of contraceptives in the blood decreases, and with it the effectiveness of preventing pregnancy.

What to do
If you must take antibiotics and contraceptives at the same time, then use condoms.

loperamide and calcium

Loperamide (Imodium) is the most commonly used antidiarrheal medication. It is sold without a prescription under various brands. It reduces motility and calms the intestines, so you run to the toilet less often. It is worth emphasizing that loperamide should not be used if diarrhea is associated with an infection (i.e. when fever, chills, feeling unwell are present). In this case, the microbes will linger in the intestine, which is fraught with an aggravation of the infection.

Calcium is part of two groups of over-the-counter drugs:
1. Preparations for bones (in combination with vitamin D). It is taken by women after menopause to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
2. Antacids (heartburn medicines) - calcium is part of some drugs that lower the acidity of gastric juice.

Why is it dangerous to combine these drugs?
The main action of loperamide is the inhibition of intestinal motility. But calcium has a similar by-effect! Therefore, the combination of these two drugs can lead to very pronounced excruciating constipation.

What to do
If you start taking loperamide for diarrhea, take a break from calcium supplements, otherwise your diarrhea may turn into constipation.

Verapamil and beta blockers

Cardiac aspirin and painkillers

Statins and fluconazole

Statins- the main drugs for lowering cholesterol levels. They interfere with the production of cholesterol by the liver, so the liver is forced to process the already existing cholesterol in the blood.
Fluconazole(Flucostat, Diflucan) is one of the key antifungal drugs. First of all, it is effective against candidiasis - thrush, which most often affects the genital tract and oral mucosa.

Why is it dangerous to combine these drugs?
Statins are processed by liver enzymes. Fluconazole inhibits the action of these enzymes, which leads to excessive accumulation of statins in the body. In large quantities, statins can cause rhabdomyolysis - muscle damage.

What to do
Since fluconazole is usually drunk in short courses (from one to several days), it is advisable to cancel statins for this period.

ACE inhibitors and spironolactone

ACE inhibitors (lisinopril, captopril, and other drugs ending in "-adl")- the most important drugs to combat high blood pressure.
ACE is an enzyme involved in the production of a substance called angiotensin II, which constricts blood vessels. ACE inhibitors block the production of this enzyme, causing blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure to drop.
Spironolactone (Veroshpiron)- one of the most important drugs for the fight against heart failure. In heart failure, the heart does not work well, it is difficult for it to pump large volumes of fluid. Spironolactone removes excess salt and fluid from the body, blood volume decreases, and the load on the heart decreases. In addition, this drug reduces the replacement of normal heart tissue with scar tissue that will not work.