Homemade egg noodles. Homemade noodle dough recipe

Please your loved ones delicious recipe homemade egg noodles from this article.

Homemade noodles are a very tasty dish. It is distinguished not only by its pleasant rich taste, but also by the fact that, unlike store-bought pasta, it is healthy and made from natural products.

Egg noodles can be a complete meal on their own. In this case, it is supplemented with sauce or vegetable oil. Beetroot juice or spinach juice is often mixed into the dough. This gives the noodles an interesting pink or green hue. It turns out very delicious homemade pasta.

IMPORTANT: In addition, the first course of egg noodles can be incredibly rich and pleasant in taste. The most popular are chicken broth and Chinese soups.

In order to cook noodles, you do not need any unusual set of ingredients. Everything can be found in the store, but if you have the opportunity, buy homemade chicken eggs for the noodles. Not only will they complement the taste, but they will also give the noodles a nice yellow color.

You will need:

  • Flour- 220 g (plus another 20 g of flour for sprinkling the finished product, choose premium flour, be sure to sift it).
  • Egg- 2 pcs. (as already mentioned, it is best to use homemade eggs).
  • Oil- 1 tsp (any vegetable oil, it will give the noodles elasticity).
  • Salt- 0.5 tsp (to complement the taste, but it can not be used in the recipe at all).

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Prepare all the necessary products and a blender with a bowl. (You can also knead the noodle dough by hand, but this process is longer and more labor-intensive).
  2. Pour flour into a blender, previously manually sifted through a sieve.
  3. Add salt, beat in eggs and vegetable oil.
  4. Turn on the food mixing mode and wait until the mass turns into lumps - this is the basis of the dough.
  5. Pour the dough out of the blender onto a surface and knead by hand into a large lump. Wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator to “rest” for half an hour.
  6. After time, the lump should be cut into several parts. Each part must be rolled out very thinly with a rolling pin and cut into strips of the preferred width with a knife. The finished noodles are sprinkled with flour.
Recipe step-by-step preparation noodles with photo

Homemade egg noodles: recipes

Another recipe homemade noodles requires strict adherence to the proportions of ingredients:

  • For 100 g of flour, add 1 egg to the dough (it is advisable to give preference to homemade eggs).
  • Also, 100 g of flour “requires” 1/4 tsp. salt (do not use extra salt, but regular table salt or sea salt).
  • For every 100 g of flour, 0.5 tsp should also be added to the dough. any vegetable oil.

Knead the dough by hand:

  • Sift the flour (required!) and pour it in a heap
  • Make a hole in the slide and gradually add oil and eggs, knead the required amount of dough.
  • You can also knead the dough using a bread machine in the “Dough Kneading” mode.
  • The finished dough should definitely rest, as they say, to “rest.” To do this, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • After this, use a regular or special knife to cut the rolled out sheet of dough into short or long noodles.

DIY egg noodles

Egg noodles calories

Egg noodles are a healthy dish, but due to the fact that they contain wheat flour, they are quite high in calories. However, by using wholemeal flour in the recipe, you can achieve even more benefits from the dish.

Nutritional value of egg noodles:

Video: “Homemade Egg Noodles”

Step 1: prepare the flour.

First, sift the flour through a sieve onto the kitchen table. In the process, the flour will be saturated with oxygen, and the noodles will turn out airy and tender.

Step 2: prepare the yolks.

Now we need to separate the yolk from the white. To do this, take two cups and, using a knife over one container, carefully break the eggs one by one. Pour the white into one cup and the yolk into another. Why do this at all? If you are preparing the noodles for broth, the protein will color the liquid and produce a cloudy color.

Step 3: Add ingredients to flour.

So, with your fingers we make a depression in the center of the flour mound. Pour the yolks and salt into it.
Then add olive oil with a spoon. If you don’t have such oil on hand, then you can add vegetable oil. In general, olive oil contains vitamin E and antioxidants, which in turn promotes a rejuvenating effect on the skin. In addition, it has a positive effect on the human body, both for the digestive system and for the blood vessels and heart.

Step 4: The first stage of preparing the dough.

Now mix everything carefully with a spoon, making edges with your hands so that our ingredients do not spread across the table. And we begin to knead the dough with our hands. You do not need to use a blender or mixer for this process. Due to manual labor and a good mood, the dough will turn out very tender! So, knead until the dough becomes elastic, smooth and does not stick to your hands. Important: you can feel it with your hands - if the dough turns out to be too dry, add a little cold purified water; if too raw, add a little more flour.

Step 5: The second stage of preparing the dough.

The dough is almost ready! Make a ball out of it and wrap it in cling film. This process is important because if you do not cover the dough with anything, it can dry out prematurely, and only on the surface. Inside it will remain just as soft, but dry lumps will already appear in the dish, and thus they will spoil the entire taste and tenderness of the product. Leave the dough for an hour at room temperature.

Step 6: Prepare the dough to form the noodles.

We divide our test ball into several parts so that it is convenient to work with them further. Sprinkle the kitchen table with a little flour and place a piece of the ball on it. Using a rolling pin, roll out a thin layer. And if someone has a device like a dough sheeter collecting dust at home, be sure to use it. After all, this is an independent small tool with which you can cook a lot delicious dishes made from dough, and drying the noodles on it is as easy as shelling pears, since you can hang it in the air and then it will dry out faster. So, roll out all the pieces of dough and set them aside for 10 minutes so that they dry out.

Step 7: Cut the dough.

Now, one by one, on a cutting board with a knife, cut the layers of dough into strips according to the size you like best. If you want to make egg noodles for broth, then it is better to make smaller strips. If possible for 5 minutes leave the strips hanging so that the dough dries again, but this time on all sides.

Step 8: Form the egg noodles.

Then, on a cutting board or on the kitchen table, we give our test strips the desired shape. The dough turns out quite elastic, so don't worry about it becoming oaky and difficult to shape.

Step 9: Serve the egg noodles.

When the noodles are already ready, but still in a raw state, they can not be boiled immediately. One of the advantages of this dough is that it can be stored in the freezer for up to one month or in the refrigerator for up to three days. In order to cook the noodles, you need to heat purified water in a saucepan and lower the egg noodles into salted boiling water. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough strips. Stir them from time to time and taste them. If the dough is no longer raw, pour the water through a colander and, as they say in Italy before serving the dish, Buon appetito.

Enjoy your meal! - – Egg noodles can be served with various meat products or you can prepare a sauce for the dish to make Italian pasta.


- – When cooking egg noodles, be sure to watch the time! This dish is prepared very quickly. Therefore, if it boils over, all your work will go down the drain.

- – You can use water instead of oil to prepare egg noodles. True, the dish will not be as delicate in taste, but still tasty. For this amount of ingredients you will need 150-200 milliliters of lukewarm boiled water. Control the process so that the dough is not too dry, but not too soggy. Add the liquid gradually, mixing the flour and other ingredients well with your hands. Recipe

homemade egg noodles:

To make homemade noodles, you will need to knead a fairly stiff dough. Therefore, to make this process a little easier, you can use a food processor.

So, install a plastic knife attachment in the combine bowl (if you don’t have one, then take a metal one, in this case it’s not so important). Pour the sifted flour into a bowl and add salt.

Beat two whole chicken eggs and pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Turn on the food processor and mix all the contents. The output should be large wet crumbs. If suddenly the eggs were too small and the dough turned out very dry, then you can add just a little water, literally a tablespoon.

Place the resulting crumbs on the work table and gather them into a solid lump. Knead the dough for 1-2 minutes, cover it with a towel and leave for 10 minutes to “rest”.

Wrap the finished dough ball in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. During this time, the dough will rest and it will be much easier to work with.

After resting, remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into 2 parts.

Wrap one part back in film and set aside. Place the second part of the egg dough on a floured board and roll it out very thin (the thickness should be 1 mm).

Cut the rolled out layer into strips about 4-5 cm wide.

Dust the strips with flour and stack them on top of each other.

Cut the noodles a few millimeters thick or any other thickness, just keep in mind that the noodles will increase slightly in size during cooking. Lightly sprinkle the chopped noodles with flour to prevent them from sticking together.

You can boil them immediately, but if you are going to store them, then dry the noodles at room temperature for several hours or more (depending on the humidity in the room) until they become brittle. First place the dried noodles in a sieve and shake thoroughly to remove any remaining flour, and then transfer to a linen bag or any container with a lid.

By the way, this dough is very versatile and, if desired, you can form any other type of paste from it.

Also, if you love lasagna and cannelloni, then this dough is perfect for preparing these dishes.

That's it - homemade egg noodles are ready!

- this is, first of all, broth from homemade chicken and, of course, noodles from homemade dough. Now there are many varieties and types of ready-made noodles (pasta) on sale for different tastes and budgets, but real home cooking calls on us to be able to make it ourselves. Well, or at least imagine how it's done. Therefore, I’m showing you how to prepare dough for homemade noodles, let it be in your recipe box.

You will need:

  • egg 1 piece
  • water 1 tbsp.
  • salt a pinch
  • flour 7-8 tbsp. with a slide

Step-by-step photo recipe:

Sift into a bowl flour, make a hole in the flour and break it into it egg. Add half a shell (1 tbsp) water, a pinch salt and a few drops olive oil. Knead the dough with a knife, gradually mixing the flour into the egg. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer it to a floured table or board on which you will knead it.

Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. You can do this on a board or take the dough in your hands. Like this.

There is no need to add all the flour; as soon as the dough becomes sufficiently dense and elastic, form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film so as not to dry out, and let it rest for 5-10 minutes.

To roll out the dough, cut the ball into 4 parts and form 4 small balls.

Roll them out one at a time. At first flatten the ball into a flat cake and then roll it out on a board with a rolling pin from the middle to the edges, adding flour. The thickness of the rolled flat cakes may vary. Usually for noodles I roll them out 26-28 cm in diameter. This is a denser dough. And when I make it at home or, I roll out the dough until transparent. The photo shows that the dough transmits light.

As a result, you will get four rolled out flat cakes. Now you can cut the noodles the way you like. For example, cut a flatbread into strips. Stack the strips on top of each other. And cut into strips with a knife - this classic form of homemade noodles.

There is another way of cutting, it saves time. Place the rolled out flatbreads on top of each other and roll into a tube. Cut the noodles diagonally, first on one side of the tube, then on the other, adjusting the width and length.

Place the noodles on a flat surface, tossing them with your hands to help separate them. Typically, properly kneaded and rolled noodles separate easily and do not stick together.

The noodles are ready and you can cook them right now if you have broth. I usually start cooking the broth first and while it is cooking, I knead the noodles. How to cook broth, see ⇒

Advice:Before putting the noodles into the boiling broth, make it scalding- in a separate saucepan, bring water (1 liter) to a boil and place the noodles in boiling water. Stir to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan. As soon as the water boils again, drain the noodles in a colander and only then lower them into the boiling broth. This is necessary in order to so that the broth remains clear.

Fresh cut noodles cook very quickly. After you throw it into the boiling broth, just wait until it floats to the surface.

Homemade noodles keep very well. My grandmother made noodle dough from 10 eggs and after cutting, dried it in the oven, put it in a clean, dry cloth bag and stored it that way. You can spread the noodles on a flat surface and dry them at room temperature by periodically lifting and stirring them. Dry noodles can be stored in a glass jar, tightly closed. Dry noodles should be cooked in the same way as fresh noodles, but longer. Let it simmer for 5-7 minutes. Dry noodles will no longer float to the surface of the broth.

These are the noodles that are called homemade. Grandma cooked it from a chicken that was running under the window in the morning. In those years, even in cities, people living in a private house necessarily raised chickens and planted a vegetable garden. Grandma served noodles on the table with a piece of chicken in a plate and did not remove the meat from the bone. I still have a plate from the service that was given by my grandmother to my mother for her wedding - Dulevo porcelain from 1957. In it I present real homemade noodles - Noodles with a capital N.

Bon appetit!

Homemade noodles. Brief recipe.

You will need:

  • egg 1 piece
  • water 1 tbsp.
  • salt a pinch
  • olive oil 0.5 tsp. (or any vegetable)
  • flour 7-8 tbsp. with a slide

The noodles from this amount of food will be enough for 5-6 liters of broth. If you have less broth, dry the remaining noodles and use them next time.

Sift flour into a bowl , Make a well in the flour and crack an egg into it. Add half a shell ( 1 tbsp) water, a pinch of salt and a few drops of olive oil. Knead the dough with a knife, gradually mixing the flour into the egg. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer it to a floured table or board on which you will knead it. Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. There is no need to add all the flour; as soon as the dough becomes sufficiently dense and elastic, form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film so as not to dry out, and let it rest for 5-10 minutes. Cut the ball into 4 pieces and form 4 small balls. Roll them out one at a time from the middle to the edges to 26-28 cm in diameter , adding flour. Cut the flatbreads into noodles of a length and width convenient for you. Place the noodles on a flat surface, tossing them with your hands to help separate them. Parboil the noodles before adding them to the boiling broth. . Cook the noodles in the broth until they float to the surface.

In contact with

Learn how to cook egg noodles. Most people on earth, since ancient times, love noodles very much. There is nothing tastier than homemade noodles. But, it would seem, what could be easier to prepare than homemade noodles?

However, there are some nuances here too. In making homemade noodles, you can use different types of flour - wheat, rye, rice, and oatmeal. Depending on what flour was used for the recipe, the noodles will take on a characteristic color. If you use buckwheat or oat flour, the noodles will turn out brown; if you use rice flour, the noodles will be translucent; if you use wheat flour, the noodles will turn out white with a yellowish tint.

How to cook egg noodles - useful information

  • Making homemade noodles is very different from making pasta. If real Italian pasta is prepared in water with flour, then the method of preparing egg noodles will be more complicated, since in addition to water and flour, you need to add an egg to the dough, this will give elasticity to the dough, sometimes they can add carrot juice or mashed spinach.
  • And another difference: if pasta is dried at a temperature of about 70 degrees, then egg noodles can be said to be fried in ovens at a temperature of about 90 degrees. Also the noodles differ in appearance from pasta. While the noodles are wide and flat, the pasta is narrow and round.

Egg noodles recipe

To prepare egg noodles, you need to take 0.5 kg of flour, 2 eggs and water (a little). After kneading the dough, you need to roll it into a very thin layer and cut it into thin strips and dry it.

The good thing about egg noodles is that, like pasta, they cook very quickly. However, it should be remembered that it will take less time to cook egg noodles than to cook pasta, as they are more tender. That is, if you are making soup with homemade noodles, then you need to add them about three minutes before the end of cooking the soup. Homemade noodles, just like Italian ones classic pasta, good served in combination with any sauces.

How to cook egg noodles?

The easiest way to cook homemade egg noodles is this: 1 kg of homemade noodles will require 7 liters of water. Put the water on the fire and let it boil. As soon as the water boils, add salt to taste, add homemade egg noodles and cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add to prepared egg noodles butter and you can enjoy the taste of homemade noodles.

When making this homemade noodle recipe, only durum varieties wheat; Instead of eggs, you can use egg powder.