Questioning of games and toys in children's lives. Questioning parents "How to play with a child" material (junior group) on the topic

Questionnaire for teachers

1. Number of the child care facility, age group.

2. Is it planned to work on the formation play activity children in your group? Not really.

If yes, then:

Stands out as a special task;

Planned sporadically;

Some methodological techniques are used (bringing in toys, excursions, etc.);

If not, then:

There is no need to plan such work as children play well;

Children have no time to play;

I don’t know the specifics of planning gaming activities;

Other answer options (please indicate them).

3. Do you think all conditions have been created in your group for development?

children's play activities? Not really.

If yes, then:

Availability of toys and play equipment, taking into account the specifics of age;

Work is regularly planned to develop children's play activities;

Organization of the subject-game environment and reflection of management methods

gaming activities in terms of educational work in the group;

Other answer options (please indicate them).

If not, then:

Lack of necessary equipment;

Lack of necessary knowledge about the features of organizing a gaming

Other answer options (please indicate them).

4. Is the subject-game environment of your group developmental in nature?

5. What methodological techniques do you use to guide the game?

activities in direct work with children? Name them.

1. Last name, first name, age, gender of the child.

2. Does your child play at home? Yes, no, sometimes.

If not, then:

No time for games;

There are no toys that match the child's interests;

Doesn't like to play;

Other answer options (please indicate them).

3. Which toys does your child like best:

Ready-made (dolls, cars, etc.);


Board - printed games, puzzles, etc.;

Other answer options (please indicate them).

4. Does your child use the same toys in play or constantly?

attracts new ones?

5. What are you guided by when buying toys for your child:

Child's request;

Fashion for certain toys;

Gender of the child (boy, girl);

The desire to expand the child’s horizons about the world of things, nature, etc.;

Other answer options (please indicate them).

6. Which toys do you think are most suitable for your child?

The survey is carried out in the form of a written survey - individually. Prepare in advance the required number of questionnaire sheets for the number of survey participants. Before starting the survey procedure, introduce yourself to the participants in the survey of the upcoming work, invite everyone to individually answer the questions of the questionnaire, and thank them for their assistance in researching the problem of the pedagogical value of the toy.

Tatyana Reutova
Questionnaire for parents “Organizing play activities with a child at home”

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents, read the question and mark the appropriate answer; if the proposed options do not satisfy you, enter your answer.

1. Do you often child playing at home?

B) Your own option

2. What toys does your child most often?

A) Board games, puzzles, lotto

B) Dolls, cars

In computer games

D) Your own option

3. Do you allow to kid play some Interesting games for him that you don't like?

B) Your own option

4. How much time per day is your child plays independently?

A) Less than an hour

B) From 1 to 2

B) Your own option

5. How much time a day do you play with child?

A) 15 minutes

B) About an hour

B) Your own option

6. How often do you offer new game plot for the child, or does he offer it himself?

A) I offer, as needed

B) He offers

B) Your own option

7. Organized whether specifically in your family child activity?

A) Reading together, walking in nature, teaching manual skills

B) We play educational games, We organize sports activities

In our independent child, finds something to do for himself

D) We don’t specifically deal with children, we involve them in what we do ourselves

D) Your own option

8. What family traditions are observed in your family?

A) Birthdays of family members

B) Collective visits to cinemas, theaters, museums, etc.

D) Family Day, Sunday family lunches (dinners)

D) Design of photo albums, holding family councils

E) Your own option

9. Do you watch children play together? Do you help improve relationships between children?

B) I don’t attach any importance to this, let them figure it out themselves

D) Your own option

Thank you for your participation! -

Publications on the topic:

Organization of play activities with children 2–3 years old Game is the leading type of activity of a preschool child, which determines his further mental development, primarily because it is inherent in play.

Leading children's activities preschool age is a game. When properly organized, play creates conditions for physical development.

Questionnaire for teachers “Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions” Questionnaire for educators “Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions” 1. What does the term “staging” mean? What meaning is it used with?

Topic: “Bunny visiting children” Purpose: To create conditions for joint musical, artistic, aesthetic and motor activities.

Research project “Organization of gaming activities in preschool educational institutions” Play is one of the leading activities of a child in preschool childhood. In play, the child himself strives to learn what he does not yet know how to do.

Consultation for parents “What to play with your child at home” (5–7 years old) Games for memory development. “Remember the objects”, “Remember the words”. Learn to remember and reproduce information. "Detective".

Consultation for parents “Hello, autumn!” (games with a child at home) Autumn is on the doorstep again, with its rains, wind, puddles underfoot, and slush. But autumn is not a time for sadness; even in bad weather you can spend time.

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents! We ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire. Please try to answer as accurately and specifically as possible.

1. Does your child like to play educational games?



I don’t know, we don’t play at home;

Your own answer.

2. What is your child’s favorite educational game?

3. How often do you play educational games with your children at home?

We don’t play due to lack of free time;

We play when we purchase a new game;

At the request of the child;

Your own answer.

4. Do you follow the rules of didactic games?



Your own answer.

5. Do you play educational games with your whole family?



Your own answer.

Thank you for your cooperation!


Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents! We ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire. Please try to answer as accurately and specifically as possible. Thank you for your cooperation!

1.Do you have houseplants, and what?

If not, why not?

2.Who cares for the plants?

3.What does the child do (wipe, water, do nothing)? – Underline or add.

4. Do you have a vegetable garden?

If so, do you plant plants there and what kind?

5. Do you read books about plants to your child?

6.Does your child watch filmstrips, slides, TV programs about


8. Does your child like to be in the forest?

II. Progress of the meeting

1. Opening remarks Dear parents! We are happy to greet you. Our meeting today is dedicated to the topic of the game. Child development is unthinkable without play. This is his main occupation and work. It is the game that allows the child to express his feelings, explore the world, teaches you to communicate and know yourself. In play, the child becomes liberated. The development of his speech is directly related to the ability to play, especially in role-playing games. What games do our children play? What stages of the development of plot-based role-playing games do researchers identify? What does the game develop? How does the child’s speech develop in the game and what is role-playing speech (role-playing dialogues)? How to help a child speak in a game? Should an adult play with a child? We hope this meeting will help you answer these questions.

We will start by analyzing your answers to the questions in our questionnaire.

2. Questionnaire analysis parents

In order for children's play to be meaningful and emotionally rich, we decided to conduct a survey with you: to find out how you feel about this type of activity: how and when, and what games you play with your children. And our goal is this: to achieve correct, beautiful spoken language in children during games; so that later in life the child can easily communicate with other people.

(Cm. Appendix 2)

14 questionnaires were examined.

Based on the results of the survey, I would like to wish you, dear parents, to play different games with your children more often; enriched their experience; communicated and spoke beautifully; read books to them; they memorized poems and told everything about the world around them. Good luck to you!

Consultation “Adults, children, play”

Dear parents, please answer a few questions.

What do you think is the main activity of children? What games do you know?

What do games develop? Should adults play role-playing games with children?

(Cm. Appendix 3“Consultation for parents “Play and age”).

4. Video showing“How our children play” with discussion

5. Working with the task.

Think back to your family nights and give them some self-assessment. If you do as told, then put a mark on a piece of red paper, not always yellow, never blue.

· Every evening I spend time playing with the children

· I talk about my games as a child

· If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child

· Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it and show different variants games

· I listen to the child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten

· I do not punish the child with games, toys, etc. I don’t deprive him of games or toys for a while

· I often give my child a game or toy.


If there are more red marks on your sheet, then the game is always present in your home. You play as equals with your child. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because play is the most interesting thing in a child’s life.


Play, as we have seen, has a hugely beneficial impact on a child’s development. But for a game to become a truly developmental activity for a preschooler, he first needs to learn how to play, and only after that he will be able to creatively develop, complement and even invent new games. If adults want a child to become disciplined, obedient, assiduous, etc., they need to first of all play with him.

So, the game gives the child a lot of positive emotions; he loves it when adults play with him. Do not deprive him of this joy, remember that you yourself were children.

Annex 1

Questionnaire to determine parents' attitudes towards children's play

Dear parents!

Play is of great importance in the life of every child. In the process of play, children develop, learn to communicate, and master social experience. The issue of choosing toys for a child requires special attention. In order for children's play to be meaningful and emotionally rich not only in preschool educational institution, but in a family setting, we ask you to answer the questions in this questionnaire.

1. Do you often play with your child at home?

  • often;
  • rarely;
  • Sometimes;

· The child organizes games independently.

2. Which family member plays with the child most often?

· eldest (youngest) child;

· grandmother;

· grandfather;

· Friends;

· plays alone.

3. What games do you play with your child? ________________________________________________

4. What games does your child play most often?

· desktop;

· plot-role-playing;

· other__________________________________________

5. Do you like to watch your child play? _______________________________________

6. Is it possible, in your opinion, when watching a child play, to see positive and negative qualities in his behavior?

  • I find it difficult to answer.

7. What character traits are especially evident in your child during play? __________________________________________________________________________________

8. How does your child behave in joint role play with peers?

  • takes into account the interests of other children;
  • provides all possible assistance;
  • plays with 3–5 children;
  • plays alone;
  • other _____________________________________________________________________ .

9. How does your child choose and develop the plots of his games?

  • independently creates a game plan;
  • The themes of the games are always very diverse;
  • can play the same game often and for a long time;
  • other _____________________________________________________________________

10. Does the child’s play reflect what is happening in the family at a given time?

  • I find it difficult to answer.

11. Where do you think a child’s game stories come from?

· from games kindergarten;

television and computer games;

· "finished book;

12.Does joint parenting role-playing game Does the child have qualities necessary in the future?

· I find it difficult to answer.

13. Does the child have a separate room (corner) where he can play and store his toys?

14. Which of the following statements, in your opinion, is the most correct:

  • The child should have as many toys as possible;
  • The child should not be spoiled with a large number of toys;

· other _____________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation!

Appendix 2

Questionnaire analysis

In order for children's play to be meaningful and emotionally rich, we decided to conduct a survey with you: to find out how you feel about this type of activity: how and when, and what games you play with your children. And our goal is this: to achieve correct, beautiful spoken language in children during games; so that later in life the child can easily communicate with other people

14 questionnaires were examined.

1. To the question “Do you often play with your child at home?” answered

Often: 10 people.

Rarely: 3 people.

Sometimes: 1 person.

The child organizes the games independently: 2 people.

2. To the question “Which family member plays with the child most often?”

Mom: 5 people

- dad: 1 person!

Grandmother: 5 people

Grandfather: 2 people

Senior (junior) child: 5 people

Friends and playing alone: ​​0 people.

· Note to ourselves: mothers and, especially, fathers play little with their children..

3. To the question “What games do you play with your child?” - you answered differently. Mainly: tabletop: lotto, dominoes, mosaic, puzzles, numbers, designer, builder; cubes, cars and also hide and seek, catch up. The answers were: they play checkers! and “Guess the object by touch”!

· Note to ourselves: little girls play with dolls

4. To the question “What games does your child play most often?”

Tabletop: 8 people

Plot-role-playing: 7 people

Other: 1 person: catching up with my brother.

5. To the question: “Do you like to watch your child play?” - everyone answered unanimously “YES!”

6. To the question: “In your opinion, is it possible, watching a child’s play, to see positive and negative qualities in his behavior?” they answered:

Yes: 12 people

No: 0 people

Difficult to answer: 2 people.

7. To the question: “What character traits are especially evident in your child during the game?” - the answers were different:

attentiveness, diligence and perseverance, attention to detail, perseverance, kindness and care, friendship, intelligence, achieving your goal, and stubbornness and inattention!

8. To the question: “How does your child behave in joint role-playing play with peers?” - the following answers were received:

Considers the interests of other children: 4 people

Provides all possible assistance: 4 people

Plays with 3-5 children: 5 people

Plays alone: ​​4 people.

Other: 0 people

9. To the question: “How does your child choose and develop the plots of his games?” they answered this way:

Creates a game concept independently: 6 people

The themes of the games are always very diverse: 7 people

Can play the same game often and for a long time: 5 people

Other: 0 people

10. To the question: “Does a child in a game reflect what is happening in a given period of time in the family?” they answered:

Yes: 7 people

No: 6 people

I find it difficult to answer - (sometimes - 1 person)

11. To the question: “Where, in your opinion, do child’s play stories come from?”

From kindergarten games: 9 people

Television and computer games: 5 people

- “book read”: 5 people

Other: she comes up with it herself, from the environment at home;

1 person – all answer options.

12. To the question: “Does joint role-playing play develop in a child the qualities necessary in the future?” they answered:

Yes: 12 people

No: 0 people

I find it difficult to answer: 2 people.

13. To the question: “Does the child have a separate room (corner) where he can play and store his toys?”

Yes: 13 people (almost everyone)

· - no: 1 person.

14. To the question: “Which of the above statements, in your opinion, is the most correct?” - the answers received were:

The child should have as many toys as possible: 4 people.

A child should not be spoiled with a large number of toys: 8 people.

Other: 4 people (so that the toys are useful and educational. And the main thing is that the child treats them with care!)

Based on the results of the survey, I would like to wish you, dear parents, to play different games with your children more often; enriched their experience; communicated and spoke beautifully; read books to them; they memorized poems and told everything about the world around them.

Appendix 3

"Consultation for parents

Game and age

Parents often ask: how should a child play at three years old (at five years old, etc.)?

Play does not appear in a child by itself, but is formed in him (spontaneously or purposefully). Therefore, it is hardly possible to talk about strict correspondence between play and age. A lot here depends on the specific living conditions of the child, the conditions of his upbringing (play experience, the organization of his cognitive and practical activities and so on.).

Throughout preschool childhood (from two to seven years), the child gradually masters increasingly complex ways of constructing a game in the following sequence:

  • an objectively effective way of constructing a game,
  • role-playing way of building a game,
  • plot composition.

However, if by the age of three most children have mastered conventional object-game actions, then the assimilation of more complex methods of constructing a game subsequently occurs in children at the age of three. different time and not always to the fullest extent. For example, children do not always master complex forms of role behavior. You can also observe another picture - getting stuck on the simplest role-playing imitation. This is often the result of an incorrect pedagogical approach - requiring children to act out ready-made plots given by adults, which prevents the child from independently creatively constructing the plot of the game.

But from an educational point of view, it is better if the child masters all these methods, since each of them has an important developmental significance specific to him. Each of them, in its own way, allows the child to absorb and master different aspects of the surrounding life.

Without setting strict age limits for each method of play (like no other activity, it requires taking into account the individual situation of the child’s development), we will try to determine only approximately the moment when it is possible to begin its formation.

Formation of the simple way The construction of a game - object-based - can begin as soon as the child has mastered a number of simple practical actions with objects, that is, he has mastered the purpose of household objects (with a spoon - to eat, with a comb - to comb one's hair, etc.). Typically, understanding such simple functions of things becomes available to children by the age of one and a half years.

The transition to role-playing behavior in play is largely associated with the child’s increasing ability to correlate and compare his actions with the actions of other people, with the development of his speech, which becomes one of the important means of realizing a role in the game. Role-playing behavior as a way of building play can be developed starting from two and a half to three years.

Most researchers point to the age of five as a turning point in play (children’s transition to recreating complex role relationships and complex event sequences). Simply recreating the life of adults through conventional objective actions and role imitation ceases to suit the child, restrains his activity in play, and prevents him from creatively using his expanding experience. Therefore, the age of five years can be identified as the conventional boundary of the transition to the formation of plot structure - a method of constructing a game that carries a significantly greater developmental load than previous methods.

Dear parents!

We ask you to take part in the study. Please mark the answer options that match your point of view.

1. Does your child often play at home?

your version _______________

2. How much time does your child play independently each day?

less than 1 hour

from 1 to 2 hours

your own option

3. Do you play with your child? yes no rarely

4. How often do you offer your child a game plot that is new to him or does he offer it himself?

I offer it as needed

Selects independently

Your option ________________

5. Where do you think a child’s play stories come from?

from kindergarten games

television and computer games

your version_________________

6. What games does your child play most often?



plot-role-playing (Daughters and Mothers, War, Shop, etc.)

your option _________________________

7. What roles do you play in games?

8. Do you offer your child to play a specific game?

9. Do you insist on choosing a game if he doesn’t express any particular desire?

your version___________________________

10. How do you choose games for your child?

At your own discretion

At the child's discretion

11. What psychological qualities do games develop in a child, in your opinion?

12. Do you need advice on managing role-playing games? Thank you for your cooperation!

Appendix 16

Long-term plan on organizing a role-playing game


A week

Reading S. Kaputikyan “Masha is having lunch”

Lesson “My Family” (examining family photographs, plot pictures on the theme “Family is having lunch”, pictures with images of the family)

Game “Let's treat the doll to tea”

Questioning parents

A week

Ethical conversations “How to behave at a party”

Didactic game: “Let’s tell the bear how to greet guests”

Conversation with children about their families, drawing on the topic “My Family”

Joint game with the teacher “Vary’s doll’s birthday”

A week

Lesson “My Family”

Educational board game "Family"

Role-playing game “Family (guests).”

Parent meeting"How to play with children"

A week

Lesson “Different professions”

Educational lotto game “Who needs what for work? »

Didactic game “Who is doing what with these objects?”


A week

Reading works: “Doctor Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky, “The rooster got sick with tonsillitis” by A. Krylov

Conversation about the profession of a doctor, nurse, looking at illustrations from the “Professions” series: “Doctor”, “Nurse”.

Didactic game “Who forgot their things”, “Who needs what for work?”

Game together with the teacher “Doctor Aibolit”

A week

Reading “Katenka is sick” by A. Kardashov

Conversation with children “How I went to see a doctor with my mother”

Excursion to the kindergarten medical office

Didactic game “Treating a doll”

A week

Introduction of the “Doctor Aibolit” kit. Introducing the attributes: stethoscope, thermometer, syringes, vitamins, spatulas.

Role-playing game “The doll got sick”, doctor-teacher.

A week

Independent role-playing game “At the doctor’s appointment”

Speech at the teachers' council of the kindergarten "Organization of role-playing games with children 3-4 years old"


A week

Reading works: nursery rhymes “Grow a braid to the waist”, L. Razumova “Hairdresser”, a cycle of poems for children by N. Samoniy “I want to be a hairdresser!”

Conversation “Why do you need a hairdresser?”

Review of illustrative material on the topic.

Teacher's story “How I went to the hairdresser”

A week

Mom's hairdresser is visiting us.

Introduction to the items needed to work as a hairdresser

Looking at an album with samples of hairstyles: men's, women's and children's.

Game "Let's do the hairstyle of the doll Masha"

A week

Drawing “How I went to the hairdresser with my mother”

D/game “Show the doll how a hairdresser works”

Game with the teacher “Fashionable hairstyle”

A week

Independent role-playing game "Barbershop"

Appendix 17