Southern Institute of Management. Southern Institute of Management DPO center Southern Institute of Management

Additional professional education (DPO) is one of promising directions work of the Southern Institute of Management and is implemented through a structural unit - the Center for Additional Professional Education, created on August 2, 2007.

The system of additional professional education of the Southern Institute of Management is:

More than 40 educational programs for advanced training and professional retraining;
- the opportunity to obtain additional qualifications in a number of specialties;
- implementation of advanced training programs in demand in the labor market;
- qualification documents indicating the acquired professional qualifications;
- high quality of education, guaranteed by the use of innovative educational technologies;
- lectures and practical classes conducted by highly qualified teachers - scientists and expert practitioners;
- guarantee of mastery of current knowledge, skills and professional competencies, which ensure competitiveness in the modern labor market and are the key to confident career advancement.

Southern Institute Management is successfully developing in the system of additional professional education, providing services for professional retraining and advanced training of specialists in the region and Russia.
In 2013, training of specialists was carried out under 35 programs of additional professional education, including 10 programs for professional retraining of specialists - over 500 hours and 25 programs for advanced training - from 72 to 500 hours. All programs implemented at the university are in demand and socially significant.
A wide range of educational services in the field of further education and a professional approach to the proposed areas of training allow the Southern Institute of Management to expand the number of students, the number of which is growing every year.
In 2013, the number of specialists who underwent professional retraining and advanced training amounted to 2,907 people, of which 376 people. underwent professional retraining to conduct a new type of professional activity and 2,531 people. improved their qualifications.
Customers of services additional education are healthcare, educational, cultural and sports institutions, administrations of municipalities of the Krasnodar Territory, as well as legal and individuals extra-budgetary sphere, including large corporate customers.
Statistics on the enrollment of students in further education programs proves the demand for our educational services, both from ordinary consumers and from large corporate customers.
Due to the uniqueness and narrow focus of further education programs, the geography of students studying at our institute covers almost the entire territory of Russia.
In matters of preparing adult audiences, the institute cooperates and attracts pedagogical activity specialists from relevant ministries, departments and services, including: Federal service state registration of cadastre and cartography by Krasnodar region, Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources in the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, Ministry natural resources for the Krasnodar Territory, Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the Krasnodar Territory, State Public Institution Center for Energy Saving and New Technologies, Federal Treasury Department for the Krasnodar Territory, Ministry of Economy of the Krasnodar Territory, Administration municipality Krasnodar, Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Krasnodar Territory. The activities of the Center for Additional Professional Education at the Southern Institute of Management are supervised by the rector of the institute, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Leonid Petrovich Shulgaty.

The Center for Additional Professional Education is headed by Lyudmila Vladimirovna Yatsuk, a specialist in the field of additional professional education in the training of appraisers, arbitration managers, forensic experts, expert technicians, cadastral engineers, ecologists and other specialists. She has been engaged in educational, methodological and pedagogical work for more than 18 years. Lyudmila Vladimirovna Yatsuk is a member of the Union of Heads of Institutions and Divisions of Additional Professional Education and Employers (Union of Further Professional Education, Moscow)

Over the 20 years of its existence, the university has trained more than 9 thousand specialists for almost all sectors of the economy, executive and legislative authorities, law enforcement, in demand in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory, Southern federal district and other regions of the country.

The high quality of specialist training is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about work and career growth of graduates.

With the transition in 2011 to a two-level training system, the institute opened a master’s degree in the following areas: 080100 “Economics”, 080200 “Management”, 030900 “Jurisprudence”. Postgraduate studies are successfully operating in the following specialties: 08.00.05 “Economics and Management” national economy(by industries and areas of activity)"; 08.00.10 “Finance, money turnover and credit"; 08.00.14 “World Economy”.

The institute has achieved significant success in postgraduate professional education. Every year the institute provides retraining in 9 popular professional programs and advanced training in 28 programs.

YIM carries out educational activities in 4 academic buildings on total area 8747 thousand sq.m. The university has a modern science Library, for classes physical culture- a gym (120 sq.m), a canteen (124 sq.m) for meals for students and employees.

Students are trained at 4 faculties (economics and management, legal, higher school international business, faculty distance learning). Currently, 2,500 students are studying at the institute (full-time, part-time and external studies).

The institute has 15 departments, including 8 departments: management, marketing and entrepreneurship; finance and credit; accounting, analysis and audit; international business; hotel and tourism business; civil law disciplines; criminal law disciplines; linguistics and translation.

The institute has 8 equipped computer classes with 235 workplaces. To conduct practical classes, the university has a courtroom, a legal clinic, a forensics room, and a language laboratory.

The educational process and management of educational and scientific activities are widely introduced information Technology. The modern information space of YIM is provided with more than 250 computers (235 of them are connected to the Internet), 6 public access points, 4 servers, 7 multimedia classrooms.

The reference and legal systems “Consultant Plus” and “Garant” are actively used in the educational process. Licensed software available: accounting package 1C: Enterprise 8.0; Business course Corporation; Automated system for express diagnostics, modeling and forecasting of financial and economic activities of an enterprise.

An important condition for the successful development of the institute is the formation of a modern, competent staff of teachers. The high professionalism of the teaching staff, combined with the material and technical support of the educational process, contributes to the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and practical skills necessary for a modern specialist.

Educational process and scientific work YIM is provided by a team of teachers and scientists (140 people), which includes 24 doctors of sciences, professors (17.1%), and 79 candidates of sciences, associate professors (56.4%). The degree of teaching staff is 73.5% and is constantly increasing. These indicators significantly exceed accreditation requirements. In 2012 alone, teachers of the institute defended 1 doctoral and 7 candidate dissertations.

The activities of the institute organically combine classical fundamental and innovation-oriented education. The Double Degree program has been running since 2011. As part of the concluded agreements, articulation was carried out curricula undergraduate programs in economics and management and agreements have been developed under which YIM students are given the opportunity to study in the last (fourth) year at a Western partner university and, upon completion, receive a Russian state diploma and a diploma from the corresponding European university:

  • International Business School (International Business School, IBS, Budapest)(2,500 €)
  • University of Business & International Studies, UBIS, Geneva (8000CHF - 15000CHF)

Since 2002, the Southern Institute of Management has been a member of the European Council for Business Education ESBO (Brussels). ESBO unites more than 120 universities various countries world, is a branch of the European Association for Quality Assurance higher education- European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).

In 2014, the accreditation procedure of the European Council for Business Education - ESBO was successfully passed learning programs Bachelor of Economics and Management, Specialist Program in Global Economy as a Master's level program (Master of Science in Business Studies in International Business), Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.

The YIM library is a modern and comfortable intellectual center. Every year the library fund is replenished with educational literature and periodicals. Information about each source is promptly included in the electronic catalog.

Today, the library has modern server equipment installed.

The provision of educational and methodological literature is carried out in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards. Students and teachers of the institute have the opportunity to use the IPRbooks electronic library system. Electronic catalogue, includes audio-video and text media. Library users have free access to electronic library systems, including educational materials, developed by the faculty of the institute. The institute has created conditions not only for successful educational activities students, but also to improve their health and enjoy an interesting and varied student life.

The student council and the student scientific society are actively working at the Institute.

Socially, students of the institute are active participants in events held with the youth of the city and the region. Students organize visits to a nursing home with festive concerts and assistance in landscaping the territory, and carry out patronage work in an orphanage in the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Territory.

License series A No. 282564 reg. No. 10528 dated June 26, 2008
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 001429 reg. No. 1396 dated June 23, 2008

Southern Institute of Management (YIM) founded in 1993 as a non-state educational institution.

The Institute provides training in more than 40 educational programs higher professional education, postgraduate education (postgraduate studies), secondary vocational education and additional professional education.

The institute has the state status of a classical university.

The Southern Institute of Management trains specialists in the following specialties:

  • 080507 "Organization management"
    Specializations: Entrepreneurship, Hotel and tourism business
  • 080105 "Finance and credit"
    Specializations: Banking, Financial management
  • 080109 "Accounting, analysis and audit"
    Specializations: Accounting, analysis and audit in commercial organizations, Accounting, tax control and forensic accounting
  • 080801 "Applied Informatics(in economics)"
  • 100103 "Social and cultural service and tourism"
    Specialization: Ecological tourism"
  • 030501 "Jurisprudence"
    Specializations: Civil - legal, Criminal - legal
  • 080102 "World Economy"
    Specializations: International business, International management, International marketing
  • 032401 "Advertising"
    Specializations: Advertising and marketing communications, Advertising management, Public relations and advertising activities
  • 031301 "Theoretical and applied linguistics"
Bachelor's areas:
  • 080100 "Economics", qualification: Bachelor of Economics
  • 080500 "Management", qualification: Bachelor of Management
  • 100200 "Tourism", qualification: Bachelor of Tourism
  • 030500 "Jurisprudence", qualification: Bachelor of Law
  • 031100 "Linguistics", qualification: Bachelor of Linguistics
  • 08300 "Commerce", qualification: Bachelor of Commerce
Master's areas:
  • 080100 "Economics", qualification: Master of Economics
  • 080500 "Management", qualification: Master of Management
  • 030500 "Jurisprudence", qualification: Master of Law
Postgraduate studies in scientific specialties:
  • 05/08/05 "Economics and management of the national economy (by industries and areas of activity)"
  • 08.00.10 "Finance, money circulation and credit"
  • 08.00.14 "World Economy"

Center for Advanced Training and Continuing Education

  • Estimation of the value of an enterprise (business);
  • Cadastral engineer;
  • Technician - expert;
  • Crisis management;
  • State and municipal administration;
  • Cadastral activities;
  • Forensic examination to assess the value of real estate and land;
  • Valuation activities;
  • Professional training of persons for the right to work with hazardous waste;
  • Environmental management and environmental safety;
  • Management of government orders;
  • Training of arbitration managers

The international cooperation

YIM maintains strong ties with foreign educational and scientific centers. Exchanges students and teachers with Professional Academy Karlsruhe (Germany), Institute of Marketing (Cyprus). Participates in project competitions for educational and scientific grants. Conducts international scientific and practical conferences on current issues of management and economics. YIM was accepted as an associate member of the Krasnodar UNESCO Center and was determined to be the lead organization for international education standards.