Oriental salad is the best solution for any feast and everyday life! Oriental salad: classic appetizer recipe Oriental salad recipe with smoked sausage.

East is not just a direction on a compass. In fact, these are centuries-old traditions, warm hospitality, good manners, customs and excellent cuisine. Oriental dishes are famous for their extraordinary taste. They can be sickly sweet or unbearably bitter. Today we will prepare the Oriental salad. Classic recipe its just for you.

Removing the burqa from oriental cuisine

Why are we so attracted to everything overseas? Do we go on vacation to foreign resorts, dress in branded items from world-famous fashion designers and love oriental cuisine? Everything is very simple: a person is always attracted to everything unknown.

We have been preparing Olivier salad for every holiday for a million years. But it's time to diversify holiday menu. You can, for example, make an “Eastern” salad with chicken.

There are subtleties in preparing oriental snacks:

  • a mandatory component must be meat, preferably beef;
  • the beef is literally steamed in a frying pan without adding any oil or fat;
  • you can use boiled beef or chicken fillet;
  • don’t forget about spices: everything you have in your kitchen can be useful;
  • Some recipes use special Chinese noodles, but they can be easily replaced pasta instant cooking;
  • It is better to chop vegetables on a special grater or using a vegetable cutter;
  • Traditionally, refined olive oil is chosen for dressing, soy sauce and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • mayonnaise is not welcome in the padishah’s kitchen;
  • Roasted sesame seeds add an exquisite taste to the oriental salad;
  • If you visit the Teahouse, you will be surprised how many interesting things you can buy for a salad.

If you want to throw an oriental themed party, then you simply cannot do without such a snack on the table. The recipe calls for the addition of funchose. These are thin instant noodles. If you couldn't find such a product in the supermarket, take domestically produced instant noodles. The taste of the dish will change a little, but not significantly. And soy sauce can be replaced with a mixture of oil and vinegar.


  • 0.4 kg carrots;
  • 0.3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 0.3 kg beef;
  • 50 g funchose;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 3 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oil;
  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sifted flour;
  • 3 tsp. sesame seeds;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3-4 pcs. garlic cloves.


  • Let's take a girl who is sitting in prison, cleanse and wash her.
  • Let's use a special Korean carrot grater and chop the root vegetables.

  • We will perform similar actions with cucumbers. You don't have to peel the cucumbers.

  • During this time, the noodles will swell and become ready to eat.
  • Salt the remaining water.

  • Defrost the beef and wash it.
  • Now pay attention to the cutting: you should try to chop the meat into thin shavings.
  • Tip: leave a small reserve for frying, because as a result of heat treatment, the liquid and fat will evaporate slightly.

  • Peel the onion and chop it so finely that it is impossible to see without a magnifying glass.

  • Now a little trick: let’s heat the frying pan almost red hot.
  • Let's put the beef in it.
  • We will fry it until the remaining liquid is gone.
  • Only then add the chopped onion.

  • Fry this mixture for a few more minutes until the onion softens completely.

  • And now we will prepare pancakes, or rather one.

  • Let's start mixing everything actively. Our goal is to mix these components as much as possible to form a mixture of homogeneous consistency.

  • Let's pour out our mixture.

  • To avoid getting burned, let's cool the pancake first.
  • Then roll it into a roll and chop it.
  • These are the snakes we will get.

  • In a deep bowl, combine all the ingredients and season them with soy sauce.
  • Let's not forget about spices. After all, this component is considered the highlight of any oriental dish.

Top the salad with sesame seeds. To add a sophisticated touch to the appetizer, lightly fry them in a dry frying pan.

What is tabbouleh and what is it eaten with?

We have already tasted the Vostochny salad with beef. The recipe that we will describe now is considered almost the most popular in European cuisine. The salad is called "Tabbouleh". None meat ingredients. The basis of the salad will be millet cereals. It’s better to serve this salad without a side dish, otherwise it turns out too filling.


  • 3 pcs. fresh tomatoes;
  • 100 g millet cereal;
  • 2 pcs. hot capsicums;
  • 2 onions, preferably red ones;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 3 tbsp. l. refined olive oil.


  1. In the traditional way, boil the millet cereal until completely cooked.
  2. While the millet is cooling, chop the tomatoes and peppers.
  3. To avoid any confusion with peppers, wear gloves before chopping them.
  4. Wash the greens, dry and chop.
  5. Now we can safely mix all the components so that they merge in a single dance.
  6. Why is it better to use red onion? It is considered to be a salad version of this vegetable.
  7. Bright colors plus an unusual taste will add a touch of piquancy to this salad.
  8. You can season the salad with soy sauce or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Oriental cuisine is a delicate matter. All dishes are based on mysterious herbs and spices. Today you can easily buy them in almost any supermarket. No complications, a minimum of time - and you can serve a spicy “Oriental” salad to the table. Bon appetit!

Oriental classic salad with smoked sausage and tomatoes – hearty, juicy and very tasty dish not only for home dinner, but also for a holiday feast. All components of the salad complement each other perfectly and together give an extraordinary taste and aroma that even an avid gourmet will like. To prepare the salad, use only fresh, crisp vegetables with a bright flavor and aroma. Take high-quality beef or pork-beef sausage.


  • Green onions 3 sprigs;
  • Chicken egg 3 pcs.;
  • Tomato 185 g;
  • Smoked sausage 180 g;
  • Hard cheese 100 g;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • Mayonnaise to taste;
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves.


For an oriental salad, do not use sausage of questionable quality. Buy from already trusted places. I want to prepare a bright and aromatic oriental salad, not vegetables with sausage. Cut the sausage into either cubes or cubes.

Not suitable for a classic oriental salad quail eggs, since the taste and aroma will be completely different. Use fresh, premium or first grade chicken eggs. Boil in lightly salted water until tender. It will take about ten minutes after boiling. Remove the hot eggs from the boiling water and place them in a container of cool water. Let them cool for 5-10 minutes. Afterwards, dry with a napkin, remove the shell and cut into arbitrary small pieces.

Buy the freshest tomatoes. During vegetable season, it is better to use homemade tomatoes. They should be aromatic, tasty and meatier. Rinse the vegetables and dry with a napkin. Cut into two halves. Using a spoon, scoop out the pulp; we won't need it. Cut the fleshy part into cubes or cubes.

Rinse the green onions and let dry. The twigs should not be wet. Cut into small pieces. Peel the garlic. To maintain its juiciness, you do not need to crush it with a garlic press. Grate on a medium grater or finely chop.

All ingredients are prepared, you can start laying the salad. To do this, take either a forming ring or a deep salad bowl of suitable size. Place a layer of sausage, green onions, and tomatoes on the bottom of the bowl. Add pieces of garlic to the tomato layer, lightly add salt and pepper, and decorate with a mayonnaise mesh. Add chopped eggs, season with spices, garnish with mayonnaise.

Add grated hard cheese on a coarse grater on top. Garnish with tomato slices and a sprig of dill. Classic oriental salad is ready.

“Eastern” salad with sausage and mushrooms

The “Eastern” salad with sausage and mushrooms, at first glance, contains components that do not combine well with each other. But believe me, taste qualities they all harmonize perfectly. Many housewives do not risk deviating from the classics and make do with the standard set for the holidays - “Olivier”, “Herring under a fur coat”, “Mimosa”. If you are afraid of everything new, then first try preparing an “Oriental” salad for your next family lunch or dinner. And when the family appreciates it, send the recipe to your notebook. Surely, now it will become your signature dish.


  • champignons – 400 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) – 30-40 ml;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your taste;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • smoked sausage – 400 g;
  • hard cheese – 250 g;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • fresh tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 150-200 ml.


  1. Wash the champignons, if you think it is necessary, then clean the caps from the films (you don’t have to do this). Cut the mushrooms into thin strips; the smaller you do this, the more tender the salad will be.
  2. Cut the peeled and washed onion into small cubes.
  3. Heat in a frying pan vegetable oil, add mushrooms and onions, add salt and pepper to your taste, fry until tender, then transfer the resulting mass to a salad bowl and let cool.
  4. Boil, cool, peel the eggs. Try to cut them into strips too, or at least grate them on a coarse grater.
  5. Cut the sausage into thin slices. You can replace it with ham or hunting sausages.
  6. Do the same with hard cheese as with eggs. Cut into strips or grate on a coarse grater.
  7. Place all prepared products in a salad bowl with the mushrooms, squeeze the garlic through a press.
  8. At the very last moment before serving the salad, add the tomatoes cut into small cubes. At the same time, they must be cut in advance so that they have time to drain, otherwise the released juice will spoil appearance and the taste of the dish.
  9. Add mayonnaise, mix everything carefully.
  10. Serve the salad beautifully. Layer the festive dish with fresh thin lettuce leaves or Chinese cabbage, place the resulting salad mixture on top. Garnish with cherry tomato halves and dill sprigs. “Oriental” salad can also be prepared in puff form, the order will be as follows: mushrooms with onions – sausage – tomatoes – garlic – eggs – hard cheese. Apply a thin mayonnaise mesh to each layer and give the salad time to soak.

An unusual, and at the same time simple appetizer dish can save the whole lunch, especially if you want to have a quick snack and run errands! Such a win-win dish is an oriental salad, the recipe for which, although not classic version, but remains easily recognizable. Delicacy of taste, availability of ingredients, ease of execution - these are the components of any dish that bring it to the TOP of the family menu.

When we think about oriental cuisine, we immediately imagine a dish with a lot of aromatic and spicy seasonings, as well as a hot and sour dressing for it. But get inspired by the Eastern approach to culinary solutions! A creative approach to cooking is so oriental! How to prepare an oriental salad without using your imagination? After all, very often oriental salad compositions include the most unexpected components!

Therefore, there are a great many recipes for oriental salad, and each of us can add our own “zest” to the recipe. The classic recipe for an oriental salad is, first of all, its classic dressing! A classic salad dressing is a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, with the addition of spices and spices.

Let's look at two recipes for oriental salad with sausage! It is better to take smoked or semi-smoked sausage; you can replace it with ham or sausages (also smoked).

Oriental salad with sausage - recipe with tomatoes


  • Smoked sausage or hunting sausages— 150 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • — 2 fruits + -
  • - 1-2 cloves + -
  • — 100 g + -
  • according to taste preferences + -
  • - for refueling + -


This version of the oriental salad has a multi-layer design and is dressed with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise gives the salad composition a mild taste and juiciness. Salad in layers always looks very advantageous on the table and everyone present wants to know all the secrets of the dish by seeing it in cross-section.

  1. Boil the eggs, cool and peel. We cut them into thin strips or grate them on a coarse grater (this doesn’t matter).
  2. We also turn the sausage into strips, and if you have hunting sausages, we cut them into “penny pieces.”
  3. It is better to peel the tomatoes. To do this, make a cross-shaped cut in the upper part of the fruit, lower it into boiling water for 1 minute and easily remove the skin. We turn them into straws too. Place the slices in a separate bowl, add a little salt and sprinkle with chopped garlic.
  4. Before chopping, put the hard cheese in the freezer for 15 minutes to make chopping it convenient. Grind the cooled product on the cheese side of a grater.
  5. How to prepare an oriental salad with layers of sausage? The basis for the multilayer structure will be sausage(s). Cover the bottom of the serving dish with sausage strips and draw a grid on it with mayonnaise. If you have jarred mayonnaise, then take a strong plastic bag, transfer the mayonnaise from the jar into it and cut off a corner of 3-5 mm.
  6. We put sliced ​​tomatoes with garlic on the sausage and also draw patterns with mayonnaise. Combine sour tomatoes with delicate taste chicken eggs, i.e. We form the next layer of grated eggs. This layer can be made from dry shavings and a mesh can be drawn on top, or you can pre-mix it with the dressing and lay out the already soaked layer.
  7. We complete our design with a layer of fluffy cheese.
  8. We leave the oriental salad with sausage, the recipe for which we have so creatively implemented, to soak for 15-20 minutes, and serve!

Bon appetit!

Oriental salad with sausage - recipe with feta cheese

An amazing salad that remains in the memory of everyone who tries it! It cooks very quickly - provided you have all the ingredients. The combination of the proposed components gives us such a bouquet of flavors that it’s worth trying and preparing for cooking!


  • Semi-smoked sausage of the "servelat" type or hunting sausages - 600 g
  • Potatoes – 3 tubers
  • Red onion – 1 head
  • Frozen green peas – 400 g
  • Fresh mint leaves – 1 cup
  • Parsley – 2 tbsp.
  • Marinated feta cheese – 200 g
  • Olive oil – 4 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp.


  1. Boil the potatoes in their skins in salted water. Peel the cooled tubers and cut them into small slices or cubes. Cut the red onion into thin half rings and separate them into strips with your hands.
  2. Cut the sausage into thin rings and fry them without fat (oil) on each side in a very hot frying pan. Cut the toasted sausage rings in half.
  3. Immerse green peas in boiling salted water and boil for 3 minutes, strain through a sieve and lower the sieve with peas into a bowl of cold water.
  4. Place all the prepared ingredients in a spacious bowl, add boiled peas, chopped parsley and mint leaves. Combine all components by stirring.
  5. Prepare the dressing by simply mixing olive oil with lemon juice.
  6. Place cubes of feta cheese on top of the salad mixture and pour the dressing over the oriental salad with sausage.
  7. Ready! Let the salad brew a little and serve!

Please note that the usual salt and pepper in this amazing salad No! Almost all ingredients either already contain enough salt (for example, sausage) or are boiled in salt water. Chefs in the East try to preserve the natural tastes of products, only enriching them with herbs or spices. In this dish, this role is played by mint, parsley and lemon juice.

Now you know how to prepare an oriental salad with sausage, the recipes for which we have described to you in such detail. These are simple but very delicious salads, will be appreciated by both guests in your home and family members at Sunday lunch. Do not doubt!

Step 1: Chop the ingredients.

In order to start assembling our salad, you need to cut and grate all the ingredients.
In order not to waste time, take a pan, fill it with water and let the eggs boil. Take a cutting board and cut the sausage into strips. If you don't have smoked sausage, use any other one. But smoked sausage goes best with the salad. Afterwards, wash and cut the tomato into strips. Peel and wash the garlic and cut into small cubes or simply pass through a press. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. By this time the egg should be boiled. Cool it, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. That's all, the salad is ready for assembly.

Step 2: Assembling the salad.

When all the ingredients are cut and grated, we begin to assemble our salad. To do this, take a salad bowl and place a layer of sausage in it, then a layer of chopped tomato and a layer of garlic. Do not mix the ingredients; the salad should be “layered”. When the first three layers are laid out, make a mesh of mayonnaise on top. Layer the 4th layer with grated egg and again make a mesh of mayonnaise. 5 and place the final layer with grated cheese. That's all, our salad is assembled.

Step 3: Serve the Oriental salad.

When the salad is assembled, you can garnish it with lettuce, parsley or dill. It's best to leave the salad in the refrigerator for a while to soak. This will make it even tastier. When the salad is soaked, take it out of the refrigerator and bring it straight to the table.

If you want a lower calorie salad, add less mayonnaise.

You can decorate the salad with chopped cilantro.

Garlic does not have to be used as a layer; you can squeeze it into the mayonnaise and mix.

There are many cold appetizers on the culinary arts menu. But lately, the leader of table celebrations has been the “Eastern” salad.

Housewives love this appetizer made from affordable and inexpensive products for its speed of preparation and rich taste.


  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • ham – 300 g;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • Dutch cheese – 200 g;
  • salt, sugar, allspice - at your discretion.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First of all, prepare the sauce so that it brews well. Beat an egg into a bowl, add lemon juice, oil, and spices. Beat the mixture with a blender or whisk.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into strips, put them in a container, pour over the infused dressing.
  3. Boil the eggs, peel them, and mash them with a fork.
  4. Place chopped ham and eggs on top of the tomatoes. Coat each layer with sauce.
  5. Sprinkle the finished appetizer with grated cheese and decorate with herbs.

The classic recipe is prepared within 30 minutes, after which it will decorate any holiday or everyday table.

With beef and cucumber

For lovers of spicy snacks, this recipe is perfect. It has aromatic notes of oriental cooking.


  • medium-sized cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • lean beef – 350 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • coriander, ground black pepper - optional;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We wash the meat, dry it and cut it into thin cubes. Fry in a frying pan over high heat until done. Two minutes before the end, add the onion chopped into half rings to the beef.
  2. Peel the cucumbers from the top peel, cut into bars, salt and leave for 15 minutes to release the juice.
  3. We remove the seeds from the sweet pepper, chop it into shavings, put it in a salad bowl, and add finely chopped garlic to it.
  4. Squeeze cucumbers to remove excess moisture and add to them hot peppers, coriander, sugar. Stir and add to pepper and garlic.
  5. Pour vinegar into the meat and onions and add the resulting mass to the main salad. Add soy sauce to the mixture and add spices. Mix thoroughly, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to soak.

In a salad with beef you can fresh cucumbers replace with salted ones, but then the salt should be reduced in proportions.

Appetizer with sausage

“Oriental” salad is a lifesaver when unexpected guests appear. It is prepared in a matter of minutes and does not require expensive ingredients.


  • cheese – 50 g;
  • sausage – 200 g;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • table egg – 3 pcs.;
  • spices - at your discretion;
  • unsweetened yogurt – 200 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Boil hard-boiled eggs, peel them, and mash them with a fork.
  2. Cut the sausage and tomato into thin strips. Grate the cheese and garlic.
  3. We collect a snack. The first layer will be sausage, then tomatoes and garlic is laid on top, then eggs. Soak each layer with a small amount of yogurt.
  4. Sprinkle the finished salad with grated cheese. For impregnation, put it in the refrigerator.

In an appetizer with sausage, it is preferable to choose raw smoked varieties of sausages.

Oriental salad with soy sauce

An appetizer is essentially a quick snack, but if you add some ingredients, a simple dish turns into an exquisite culinary masterpiece.


  • chicken breast – 300 g;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • champignons – 300 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • pitted olives - a handful;
  • soy sauce - to taste;
  • chicken seasoning – 1 tsp;
  • salt, cilantro - optional.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Remove the skin from the chicken and cut into strips. Wash the mushrooms and chop them into slices. Place the meat in a frying pan, fry until the liquid has evaporated, and then add the champignons.
  2. Add soy sauce to the resulting mass and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into short pieces. Mix them with cooled mushrooms and meat.
  4. Chop the garlic, add to the appetizer, add salt and stir. Place the dish in the cold so that the ingredients are well soaked in the sauce. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs and chopped olives.

Oriental salad with chicken is a tasty and satisfying dish. Its beauty lies in the fact that products can be replaced with others and thereby create a new recipe.

With green peas

This light and nutritious salad will appeal to children and adults. Cooking time takes no more than 15 minutes.


  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • canned green pea– ½ can;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • mint – 2 leaves;
  • parsley, dill - to taste;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - at your discretion.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We tear lettuce leaves, mint and greens into small pieces with our hands (it is with this action that more remains in the plant useful substances than if you used a knife).
  2. Cut the cucumber into thin slices and add to the leaves. Place peas into the mixture.
  3. Let's make the sauce. To do this, mix lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  4. Season the salad with marinade and let it brew in a cool place for an hour.

It is preferable to buy canned peas in glass jars with the least amount of preservatives and various components.

Cooking with bulgur

“Oriental Tale” salad is a vegetarian dish in which there is a lot of greens and steamed wheat is added in a special way.


  • bulgur – 150 g;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • lime juice – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh mint – 15 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • basil – 2 leaves;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • green onions - 1 bunch.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cooking bulgur. Wash the cereal, pour it into a glass container, pour hot water and cover tightly with a lid. Leave for 20 minutes to swell.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, chop the onion, combine the ingredients in a deep bowl.
  3. Add the swollen cereal to the tomatoes.
  4. Finely chop the green onions, parsley, basil and mint with a knife and add to the salad.
  5. For dressing, combine lemon juice with olive oil.
  6. Season the appetizer with spices, add the sauce and stir. Place in the refrigerator for soaking.

Bulgur salad goes well as a side dish with shish kebab, and can also be a separate dish.

With sweet pepper and celery

This vitamin-rich snack made from fresh vegetables is perfect for the daily menu and will delight loved ones and guests with its piquant taste.


  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • pomegranate seeds – 100 g;
  • celery – 3 stalks;
  • lime juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dill – ½ bunch;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • basil – 3 leaves;
  • salt, allspice peas - at discretion.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We wash the vegetables and dry them with a napkin. Chop the onion into half rings, sweet pepper into strips, celery can be cut in a chaotic manner. Chop basil and dill.
  2. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and herbs.
  3. Let's make the sauce. To do this, grind the peppercorns and garlic in a mortar. Add lemon juice and oil, mix thoroughly.
  4. Season the salad with sauce and serve.

This appetizer can be prepared with more calories; to do this, you need to boil the chicken fillet, cut into pieces and add to the salad. Meat with fresh vegetables, seasoned with pomegranate seeds, will give the dish a charming note of sophistication.