Eastern horoscope for Aquarius for the year. What to change in the new year

The 2018 Aquarius horoscope advises not to lose that optimism and cheerfulness that nature has generously rewarded. It doesn’t matter to him what the weather is like outside, because he is always positive. During the reign of the Red Rooster, luck followed on the heels of Aquarius, so he will easily make friends with the Yellow Dog, which is the patron of 2018. Already from February 16, he will outline plans for himself and begin to successfully implement them.

The horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 predicts an excellent spring period, when you can implement the most daring ideas in life. He was born under the element of air, so he energetically strides through life. Everything will go well in the year of the Earth Dog, unless Aquarius himself puts a spoke in the wheel of Fortune. There is no reason for sadness and melancholy, which is the merit of the hostess of 2018. No problems are expected in February and March, so you can enjoy everything that fate gives you.

The horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius promises monetary profit, but on the condition that he does not shirk from work. Even competitors will gasp with delight when they notice the achievements of the smart Aquarius. You are a little short of millionaire status, but there is always a tidy sum in your account. The Dog advises Aquarius in 2018 not to lose vigor and excitement, and also to expand the boundaries of business acquaintances. A talented Aquarius will conclude many contracts with Western partners.

In the love sphere for Aquarius in the year of the Dog, everything will turn out as he planned. There is harmony in the family, and comfort in the soul. You can take another “honeymoon” with your spouse, organize a trip and save your feelings. Throughout the summer, Aquarius will do everything to charm and once again win the heart of the chosen one. His sense of humor and enthusiasm will not pass without a trace. The horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 (Dog) promises bright and fateful meetings for lonely people. At the end of August you will be able to meet your loved one and plan a wedding. The person with whom Aquarius falls in love will turn out to be an almost ideal companion.

The 2018 horoscope for Aquarius predicts unusual events in life, so he will believe in magic and otherworldly forces. Although, the witchcraft charms of Aquarius himself will also be able to attract many worthy people to him. Dreams will be prophetic, meetings will be unexpected, and dreams will come true, like in a fairy tale. In the year of the Yellow Dog, some Aquarians will be able to truly hypnotize their partners, both in business and love. A long-awaited trip to the sea coast with your chosen one is possible.

The 2018 Aquarius horoscope advises listening to your inner voice more often in the autumn. There is a chance to formalize entrepreneurship and open your own business. Even without special education, Aquarius will be able to conclude profitable deals and give legal advice. All financial difficulties on the shoulder of a competent Aquarius. He is not afraid of cataclysms and crises, because he knows how to get out of them in 2018.

The horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 for the Dog recommends petting the Earth Dog more often and treating it with a tasty bone. Just don't sacrifice what's valuable. The main thing is to plan everything clearly and follow the right path. At the end of 2018, Aquarius will personally draw a poster with his own satisfied face and write: “Fortune’s Favorite!” Well, you deserve it. There is enough energy and strength for everything, but just don’t forget to take a break and communicate with friends.

The 2018 horoscope for Aquarius predicts a successful solution to all accumulated problems. Although, there will be a minimal number of them. The house is warm and cozy, the family is understanding with your spouse and children, and your soul is sunshine and rainbows. Well, in the financial sphere, everything is generally excellent for Aquarius in the year of the Dog, so there is no point in talking about it all in a row. Well, so as not to inadvertently jinx it.

The horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 for the Dog promises a new field of activity, a high salary and even work abroad. If something in your personal life does not suit you, then urgently change the situation and your partner. The one who loves you will not leave, but you shouldn’t cling to others. Zemlyannaya recommends controlling emotions so as not to create conflicts and not get involved in disputes. Aquarius has no need to bite and bark at those who wish him well and well-being. After all, this is exactly how the mistress of 2018 taught him to behave.

The horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius advises opening up and keeping secrets only with trusted people. If you entrust your heart to selfish and hypocritical individuals, you will receive resentment and disappointment in return. Well, Aquarius himself should not be arrogant. Luck can turn away from you in an instant, so be careful. In terms of health, 2018 does not foretell anything terrible for Aquarius. The main thing is during treatment and not to neglect preventive measures.

Aquarius love horoscope for 2018

The Aquarius love horoscope for 2018 promises such a sincere feeling that he did not even dare to dream about. You will develop a liking for the person, find ways to charm him, and even plan a wedding. But the Dog does not advise you to rush, but to get to know your chosen one better. Aquarius must make sure that he is loved not for his “fat” wallet and charming appearance, but for other qualities and noble deeds.

The horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius predicts complete understanding and passionate feelings with a person who was born under the same zodiac sign as him. If Aquarius already has a family and a spouse, then the Dog recommends adding variety to life so as not to get bogged down in everyday troubles and worries. Then the relationship will become stronger, and the views on life together will become brighter.

The horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 predicts an incredible surge of energy. Love works miracles - you will be 100% convinced of this. Thanks to a sincere and mutual feeling, Aquarius will be able to throw himself into work with renewed vigor, increase his income, and even buy a house in the Alps, just to be happy and content. Aquarius is not afraid of anything when a loved one is nearby.

Aquarius family horoscope for 2018

The horoscope for Aquarius for 2018 advises the Dog to preserve the warmth and comfort that was present in the family in the past. Moreover, in the year of the Yellow Dog a new small family member may appear.

Of course, for many, Aquarius looks almost perfect, but sometimes bad qualities shine through. Especially when Aquarius begins to find fault with close people, criticize and “bend” his line. The dog in 2018 will not pat Aquarius on the head if he behaves this way. It’s better to organize family holidays more often, go to visit and go to the movies.

The Aquarius family horoscope for 2018 recommends being closer and more sensitive to elderly relatives. If grandmothers and aunties need support, then take the time to solve their problems. Don't worry, the Dog will definitely support you in difficult times. Moreover, Aquarius is a master at telling jokes, gags and organizing fun events.

The 2018 horoscope for Aquarius predicts goodwill from the Earth Dog. She will spoil you with surprises, gifts and unforgettable meetings. Aquarius will be amazed at how dramatically and for the better the spouse and children have changed. Maybe this is your merit? Buy a ticket, take a vacation and go on vacation together.

In the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, Aquarius will experience contradictory events. Representatives of this sign will literally begin to gush with new and unusual ideas that will bring good profits in the future. For some time, everything planned will be easily realized.

The greatest success awaits precisely those Aquarius who work for themselves. However, very soon representatives of this sign will have to face almost insurmountable obstacles. But, despite the fact that in 2018 white stripes will alternate with black ones, this period promises to be interesting and exciting.

Aquarians are very friendly and will literally bask in everyone's attention for the first week of the year. These individuals easily and naturally conquer new acquaintances. Single representatives of the sign will begin a romantic relationship.

If the opportunity arises, the stars advise going on a trip. Aquarius will definitely be interested in exotic countries and warm resorts. You shouldn't give up either winter holiday, because this is a great opportunity to restore strength and improve your health.
January will be a pleasant time for Aquarius, but already in February a series of minor troubles and problems awaits. Of course, they will greatly exhaust your nerves, but at the same time they will become fateful. The stars advise you to remain completely calm in any situation and try to solve all problems as they arise.

Already in the spring of 2018, representatives of this zodiac sign will have a chance to make good money on some clever scam. But, if Aquarius agrees to this matter, they will have to bear responsibility on their own.

Aquarians need to use all their abilities only for peaceful purposes. Closer to the beginning of spring, there will be opportunities not only to improve things at work, but also to restore relationships with your significant other.

The period from March to July will be a time when you will have to work hard, but all your efforts will soon pay off. New career opportunities await Aquarius in last month spring. Summer and autumn may seem like a dark streak, but with maximum effort, representatives of this sign will achieve the desired success.

Now is not the time to despair, because partners and colleagues will appreciate everything original ideas and Aquarius proposals. However, this will not happen immediately and you will have to wait a little, all the efforts and efforts will not be in vain.

Lonely representatives of the sign will succumb to the feeling of falling in love in November-December 2018. But in personal life, everything will not happen right away, because the object of love will not share the feelings. Aquarians realize that they did not act very nicely in the past and will repent of what they did.
If Aquarius wants to win the heart of their chosen one, the stars advise giving up the usual trips to a restaurant or banal bouquets of roses. There is no need to be afraid to show your imagination, because thanks to a non-standard and original approach, your significant other will look at you completely differently.

Aquarius women will have to use all their natural charm if they want to establish contact with their colleagues. There will be a chance to strengthen relationships with those who have long sympathized with you, and turn enemies into loyal allies and partners.
In 2018, there will be quite a lot of different social events, where you can not only make useful contacts, but also meet interesting person. In your personal life, stars advise using all the qualities inherent in Aquarius - helpfulness, gentleness and, of course, attentiveness.

The horoscope recommends being very careful in new relationships, because representatives of this zodiac sign tend to often make mistakes in their chosen ones, which is why they suffer greatly later. Bright and successful novels lie ahead, the main thing is not to be afraid to open up to a new person and plunge headlong into happiness.

Aquarius business horoscope for 2018

Influential acquaintances will help Aquarians climb the career ladder. However, already in the summer, representatives of this sign will decide to switch to independent work and abandon group projects. And this will be correct, because as a result they will win.

Aquarius horoscope for 2017

It is thanks to loneliness that Aquarius will be able to fully concentrate on business and realize all the hidden possibilities available. A creative approach to business will not only bring you decent income, but will also help you rise to new heights.
The stars advise agreeing to foreign business trips or internships, since the trip will not only bring invaluable rest, but will also help in future employment.

Aquarius financial horoscope for 2018

By the beginning of 2018, Aquarians will be able to save a fairly large amount of money or find a highly paid and promising job. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about finances.

In the first half of the year, Aquarians will be able to invest a large amount and open their own business. Very quickly the business will pay off and begin to generate good profits.

Aquarians are very promising

Representatives of this zodiac sign will not only be able to realize all their plans, but will also not deprive their children of attention.

In the summer, you can plan a vacation abroad, because even a long trip will not break your pocket. Aquarians will have a great rest and will not skimp on entertainment, which will allow them to restore wasted energy.

Aquarius health horoscope for 2018

Aquarians take their own health lightly and always put off visiting a doctor until the last moment. But in 2018, the stars advise you to be extremely careful, because even a common cold can lead to serious complications or develop into a chronic disease.

Aquarians need to be attentive to their health

Should not be abused alcoholic drinks so as not to provoke poisoning. It is important to pay due attention to rest and not devote all your free time only to work. It is better not to lift weights and not to overdo it gym, otherwise you can get serious problems related to the musculoskeletal system.

In summer, the stars advise being extremely careful in water, because the native element for representatives of this zodiac sign can be harmful to health.

Aquarius love horoscope for 2018

At the beginning of 2018, Aquarians will be surrounded by increased attention from members of the opposite sex. Of course, this will not complicate life, but at the same time it will give a lot of pleasant emotions and new colors.

Aquarians will be very courteous with fans, and single individuals will have a chance to build strong and happy relationships. However, most representatives of the sign will devote all their free time to work and are unlikely to decide on a serious relationship.
Lonely Aquarians will embark on love adventures in the spring, but will not show strong and serious feelings for any of their passions. Representatives of this sign will devote all their tenderness and maximum free time to children and older relatives, who will respond to the attention with gratitude.

Already in the summer, Aquarians can receive a marriage proposal. But the stars advise you to think carefully before going to the altar with a wealthy, but not loved, person, because such a union will not bring happiness and will fall apart very soon.
If Aquarius decides on an arranged marriage, very quickly they will begin to suffer from the constant control that will surround their significant other. An almost irresistible thirst for freedom will appear, which is why Aquarians will decide to cheat. However, soon the deception will be revealed and you will have to take responsibility for your own actions. But this will not stop representatives of the sign from cheating again.

It won't be surprising if Aquarius proposes marriage

In November-December, single Aquarians will meet true love and the feelings will be mutual. Your soulmate can be a close friend or colleague. It is this person who will inspire Aquarius to take unusual and quite bold actions, with which they will win the heart of their chosen one.

If your chosen one was born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius, you can safely prepare for a marriage proposal. However, you should come to terms with the fact that your significant other never considers the stamp in your passport a serious obstacle to having fun.
Aquarians value freedom most of all and always play only the leading role in family life. Those who decide to change these personalities risk losing their favor forever. If you are ready for spontaneous parties and frequent entertainment, you can safely say yes. The ideal time for a wedding would be spring, late August and early autumn. The stars advise against formalizing relationships in the middle of summer.

Aquarius man's horoscope for 2018

2018 is becoming the ideal time for Aquarius men when they will be able to realize all their plans and dreams. Everything that representatives of this sign do will begin to bring positive emotions and make them truly happy.

Despite the fact that Aquarius men will be constantly busy at work, thanks to their own strength and wisdom, they will be able to improve their relationship with their chosen one, who will turn out to be a faithful and reliable life partner.

Aquarius man horoscope

In the summer, Aquarius' relatives will begin to need support, which is why all work-related plans will have to be postponed for some time. We can say that luck will follow on your heels and at the end of the year fate will prepare a pleasant surprise that will be unexpected, but will give a lot of bright emotions.

Aquarius woman horoscope for 2018

Women born under the sign of Aquarius will strive for love in 2018; this desire will begin to manifest itself especially clearly among single girls. At the same time, they will stop at nothing until they achieve what they want. In some cases, Aquarius women will even decide to betray.

Closer to spring, personal life will gradually fade into the background and Aquarius women will begin to pay more attention to loved ones.

Aquarius woman horoscope

With the onset of summer, the stars advise going closer to the sea, which will help get rid of tension and irritation. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to effectively prevent existing chronic diseases and improve your own health.
Towards the end of 2018, Aquarius women will receive a very tempting and profitable offer that will relate to business development. However, in this case, you have to make a rather difficult choice between a creative profession and your own family. But don’t worry, because Aquarius women are very wise by nature and will be able to quickly understand how to act correctly in a given situation.

Aquarius horoscope 2018 by year of birth

(born 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Aquarius-Rats will learn to see in the dark and will amaze those around them with their ability to calculate the situation several steps ahead, which will help them always be the first. It is precisely these qualities that will scare off competitors, who, in turn, will decide not to touch these insightful and intelligent individuals.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Rat

And they will do the right thing, because they won’t be able to fight geniuses anyway, and all attempts made will be pointless. The situation in personal life is also quite favorable, since here too the Aquarius-Rats will have no competitors. Representatives of the opposite sex will dream of spending at least one date with Aquarius. The stars advise you to agree to the invitations you receive, because you can not only dine at someone else’s expense, but also meet your soulmate.

(born 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

From the outside it may seem that Aquarius-Oxen are very slow, but in fact this is not the case. It’s just that these individuals, in any situation, carefully consider their every step, thanks to which they almost never make mistakes. In the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, you can sometimes give up your own principles, because even if you take a risk, Aquarius-Oxen will win.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Ox

In 2018, you should not be afraid of bankruptcy, because these individuals will become real darlings of fortune. Quite major changes will occur on the love front, and single individuals will meet an interesting and extraordinary person with whom they will create a strong and happy relationship.

(born 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Aquarius-Tigers are rebels at heart and in 2018 they may feel the desire to start a real revolution. Of course, you don’t have to go to the central square of the city with posters, but small changes in life won’t hurt.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Tiger

Stars are advised to start with requirements for management, but if management doesn’t understand, you can safely go on a search new job, since there are no prospects for career growth in the old place. The situation in the sphere of love is much better, because the chosen one has long been dreaming of formalizing the relationship. Those Aquarius-Tigers who are married can expect a new addition to the family.

(born 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

The mistress of the year tried hard and did everything to make the life of Aquarius-Cats ideal. These individuals will literally begin to bathe in adoration and love - those around them will be delighted.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Cat

Aquarius-Cats will be able to charm both fans and business partners, thanks to which they will conclude profitable deals and lucrative contracts. The stars advise updating your wardrobe, because in new life you need to join in a new outfit. Single individuals will be able to meet their soulmate and build a harmonious and happy relationship.

(born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

From the outside, Aquarius-Dragons will seem like real sorcerers, and this is not surprising, because they succeed in everything and do not have to make almost any effort to achieve what they want.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Dragon

The stars advise you to reassure those around you, because you are not evil wizards, but simply have psychic abilities. Your personal life will also be successful, while Aquarius, who have been in a relationship for a long time, can expect a new addition to the family.

(born 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

In 2018, Aquarius-Snakes will devote all their free time to work, and from the outside it will seem that they do not even go to lunch.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Snake

Of course, with this level of performance, you can soon take a leadership position, but you shouldn’t forget about your personal life, because loved ones also need attention. Single representatives of the sign, if they do not spend 24/7 in the office, will have a chance to meet true love.

(born 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

Aquarius-Horses will experience a lack of adrenaline in 2018, so they will try to find adventure in any situation.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Horse

This is an ideal time for long-distance business trips and travel to new countries, because representatives of this sign are very inquisitive and always try to learn something unusual. We will have to tone down the ardor in the sphere of love a little, since the mistress of the year herself will be actively searching for a soul mate for lonely Aquarius.

(born 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Aquarius-Goats have always been homebodies, but in the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, the opinions of others will change. Of course, representatives of this sign love to spend time at home and do housework, but at the same time they are also business professionals.

Aquarius and Goat Horoscope

If you have long wanted to open your own business, now is the most favorable time for this. The situation is also going well on the personal front - the other half will stop being capricious and demanding the impossible. Single individuals will find love in 2018 and will be able to build strong and happy relationships.

(born 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

In the year of the Yellow Dog, a period rich in happy accidents begins for Aquarius-Monkeys. Therefore, you can safely order gold medals for yourself, because you will always be the first in everything.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Monkey

But the stars do not advise becoming too self-confident, otherwise such behavior can lead to the appearance of serious enemies. Fans will admire and give attention to Aquarius-Monkeys.

(born 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

In 2018, Aquarius-Roosters continue to confidently walk through life and practically do not notice the obstacles that appear on their path. The Yellow Dog sincerely admires these individuals and will do everything possible to help them achieve their goals.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Rooster

Competitors and envious people cannot find a place for themselves, because they do not understand why Aquarius-Roosters achieve what they want so easily. The stars advise taking them as a share, as rivals can soon become reliable companions. However, you should first consult with your significant other to make the right choice.

(born 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Aquarius-Dogs always want to get instant results and are ready to enter into battle at any moment, even if the enemy turns out to be much stronger. Of course, this quality is commendable, but first it is better to make useful contacts - financiers and lawyers will never hurt.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Dog

In addition, many Aquarius-Dogs who have been in relationships for a long time will decide to get officially married and will have to draw up a prenuptial agreement. Don't worry, it's just a formality and a little safety net. In fact, Cupid will bring you together with a reliable and loving partner who will become an ideal life partner, because this is what Aquarius-Dogs have always dreamed of.

(born 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Aquarius-Pigs are very peace-loving and calm guys, just like the mistress of 2018, so they can easily and quickly make friends with the Yellow Dog.

Horoscope of Aquarius and Pig

These individuals have unique creative abilities and will be able to surpass even world famous artists and writers. It’s worth taking advantage of the brilliant ideas you have in your personal life, and your significant other will be incredibly happy that the relationship is reaching a new level.

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People born under the sign of Aquarius (January 21 - February 19) are always on the lookout. They are looking for new ideas, knowledge, experience and impressions. They value freedom very much and are used to doing everything as they see fit, despite frequent bouts of self-doubt. Representatives of this sign value luxury, but know how not to flaunt their achievements and belongings; they despise pathos and pretense.

Aquarians are wonderful friends. These people easily find a common language with others, they feel absolutely comfortable in any company. Aquarians are smart people who love nature and really enjoy the arts. The character of representatives of this sign is quite calm. Aquarians look at things realistically and are easy-going people, whose energy does not suppress those around them at all. Aquarians draw energy from communication, love to make plans, but do not always carry out their plans.

Aquarians are realists and materialists to the core. Their character is kind and calm, they gravitate towards a peaceful lifestyle, but when the routine gets boring, they enjoy shocking their conservative society with defiant behavior.

Representatives of the sign are not inclined to change their minds, but they are amenable to persuasion. They give the impression of desperate sloths, although they manage to do a lot of things in a day. The ability to learn quickly makes them geniuses, but it negatively affects their psychological health in old age.

Aquarians have a strange idea of ​​love and friendship; they are that rare “species” of people who believe that after a whirlwind romance they can remain friends and, as a rule, remain so.

The freedom-loving sign is not afraid to be funny, original and independent; it is characterized by sympathy, tenderness, and diplomacy. Periods when he desperately strives for human surroundings are replaced by moments of loneliness when he wants to turn off the phone and bury himself under the covers.

2018 will be very favorable for people of this sign. The Year of the Yellow Dog promises them a huge number of surprises and changes. Already at the beginning of the year, Aquarians will be able to understand what they want, and therefore they will easily outline their goals and understand what they need to strive for.

In the spring, namely from April to May, it is important to set aside time for rest. Such an unplanned vacation will help restore strength, and by the end of May Aquarians will feel a surge of energy, build new goals and find ways to achieve them. But in the summer of 2018, it is better to completely immerse yourself in work, paying attention to all the nuances and details. A favorite activity or even a hobby can become excellent source income. However, despite the fact that this summer will be fruitful for careerists and creative people, we should not forget about the traditional vacation. It is best to choose it in mid-summer.

Autumn will be just as favorable for Aquarius. Only in November can a certain career shift occur. However, if you prepare for it in advance, you can turn it around to your advantage. Fall 2018 is the perfect time to make your dreams come true. And in December, you can safely complete your goals and devote time to your family.

Throughout the year, representatives of the sign will sparkle with ideas and creative ideas, gathering more and more people around them. Innovation will not always work to your advantage. For example, in March-April, Aquarius risks getting caught in financial manipulations, which will lead to problems with the law.

In the first half of the year, luck will smile on representatives of creative professions or private businessmen; they will be able to fully control the result of their work and set the amount of profit.

You will regard a love relationship as a fun game where you can assert yourself and raise your self-esteem. Charismatic natures will turn many heads; even married representatives of the opposite sex will fall under their charming influence. The “forbidden” novel will become public in August and will end in physical and emotional harm for Aquarius. Good business acumen in September and October will allow you to secure a comfortable existence with patents alone. Autumn will be as profitable as it is wasteful.

What awaits Aquarius men in the year of the Yellow Dog

The 2018 horoscope for Aquarius men insists that they must follow their dreams. This will be a particularly favorable time to implement your plans and become truly happy. Therefore, all the most cherished things can be postponed until 2018.

Also, men will have to plunge headlong into business and worries. But despite some blockage, they will more than receive support from those around them: from their beloved, boss, family and loved ones. In response to their support, relatives will also ask for help from Aquarius, which brave men can handle without problems.

In general, 2018 for Aquarius men will be marked by good luck. Success will literally follow on the heels of representatives of this sign. All undertakings will definitely bear fruit, so it is worth thinking about investments, large-scale projects and global risks. By the way, the end of the year is also very promising. Many surprises and pleasant moments await men, which are probably directly related to all the work they do over the course of 12 months.

What 2018 promises for Aquarius women

Unlike men, the 2018 horoscope for Aquarius women can hardly be called favorable. At first, the Yellow Dog will bring very strong shocks. Already in the first months of the year, a representative of this sign learns about the worst thing - treason or betrayal of her lover. A woman will take such a blow very hard, so there will be no talk of forgiveness.

This a difficult situation will set the tone for a certain period of the year. It will be difficult for a woman to move on from betrayal, but the support of loved ones will definitely help her cope with her feelings. And by the middle of the year, the representative of the sign will come to her senses and will be open to new things.

So, from the second half of the year, it is better for women to plunge into their favorite activities and hobbies, or go on vacation. Such a change of mood will help you completely forget what happened and prepare for new acquaintances. Therefore, by the end of the year everything will get better, and the troubles will go away. Despite such a stressful start, the end of 2018 will be favorable. Women will find the strength not only to erase the past from life completely, but will also be able to find the positive in what is happening, receive a powerful charge of energy from relaxation and their hobbies, and will be ready to enter the next year.

Love horoscope

The love horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius promises stability and a minimum of surprises. Those representatives of the sign who are married will only strengthen their established relationships. They will prove to themselves and others that the choice of a life partner was not accidental, and that the approach to starting a family is absolutely reasonable and thoughtful. At the same time, single representatives of Aquarius will not be particularly active in searching for a soul mate. Despite the sign's inherent passion for discovery, Aquarians will remain passive in love.

But at the end of the year, Aquarius will seem to wake up and show all their romanticism. The end of the Year of the Yellow Dog will literally be marked by romance for this sign. Aquarians, both men and women, will show all their imaginations. They will literally gift their chosen ones with material surprises, attention and unexpected dates. They will become a real generator romantic ideas, will diversify not only your personal life, but will also help to introduce a touch of surprise into the relationships of your friends. Flowers, warm meetings, gifts, smiles - all this will become a symbol of December 2018.

Money horoscope for Aquarius for 2018

Regarding the financial plan, the beginning of the year will be very favorable. Aquarians will be able to attract outsiders and interested parties into their projects without unnecessary fear. Also, it is worth considering this type of income as network marketing. It is at the beginning of 2018 that it can bring incredibly easy income. But the main key to success and enrichment will be honesty. The main thing is to be completely open to your partners, then wealth will not keep you waiting. The more trust there is in the team and between financial partners, the higher the result itself will be.

As for spending in the year of the Yellow Dog, everything should be thought out. The money will mainly be spent on really necessary services, things and products. The main thing is that there is a person nearby who will help you correctly distribute the budget and save some money from your total income. Then all the money earned will be more than enough and there will even be some left over.

Career horoscope for Aquarius for 2018

The Year of the Yellow Dog is truly successful for Aquarius financially and career-wise. The extent to which you can stay the course this year is simply limitless. The only hitch to the implementation of all projects will be the search for reliable partners. Unfortunately, Aquarians are not particularly hard-working, so they will not work without companions. It is important for them to shift the most difficult work to their “accomplices.” Therefore, in 2018, Aquarius needs to clearly choose a course, find a person who will be ready to do the bulk of the work, and enjoy the result.

But if Aquarians choose the sphere information technologies or services, then they will manage without outside help. These two areas are especially popular among representatives of the sign, and here they can express themselves in full. It is here that it is easy for them to realize their potential and climb up the career ladder.

But the most important thing is to avoid businesses and types of income that involve fraud. Such work can end very unpleasantly.

Health horoscope for 2018

In all areas, the year of the Yellow Dog promises to pamper Aquarius, and only in the area of ​​health it can be very difficult. In any case, health should always be protected, no matter whose year it is. After all, health is the most valuable thing we have.

In 2018, Aquarius should be extremely careful with drinking alcohol, and of course avoid using narcotic and psychotropic drugs. Among other things, this year there will be a very high probability of injury. So it is better to avoid heavy loads, particularly active recreation, risky activities, hikes and other extreme entertainment. It’s better not to take unnecessary risks and take care of yourself. Of course, there is no need to be extremely fanatical about this and sit at home all year, you just need to take a more reasonable approach to the choice of recreation and activities,

The following celebrities were born under the sign of Aquarius:

  • Christian Dior is a famous fashion designer.
  • Svetlana Khodchenkova is a Russian actress who has reached the world level.
  • Olga Shelest is a Russian radio and television presenter.
  • Tina Karol is a Ukrainian singer and actress.
  • Vladimir Vysotsky is a Soviet actor, songwriter and poet.
  • Vladimir Zelensky is a Ukrainian actor and showman.
  • Elijah Wood is an American actor.
  • Anton Chekhov - writer and playwright.
  • Oprah Winfrey is an American television host, producer and public figure.
  • Shakira is a Colombian singer.
  • Dan Balan is a Moldovan musician.
  • Bob Marley is a Jamaican reggae musician.

Aquarius is the zodiac sign that is in constant search of experience, impressions, acquaintances, opportunities and heights. These people value personal space and freedom most of all. Even under the tides of self-doubt, Aquarians always solve all issues on their own. For the freedom-loving sign, the coming year of the Yellow Dog has in store many changes and events that can turn the world upside down.

In general, the horoscope for 2018 from Pavel Globa and other well-known astrologers in Russia says that next year there will be several lucky ones and favorites of the Dog, among them is the sign of Aquarius. The year will be very favorable and full of good events; many will be able to understand their goals in life, set priorities, thanks to which they will achieve many heights. There will be time for fruitful work, good rest, and changes in your personal life.

The stars recommend that men follow their dreams and desires, because the Year of the Yellow Dog will be the most successful period for the implementation of any plans. Therefore, it is better to postpone any serious decisions that are relevant in the outgoing year of the Rooster until the beginning of next year. Many will first have to face a mountain of hassle and tasks at work, but in fact, support from others will help them cope with everything.

Colleagues at work, and even bosses, family and relatives, even friends and acquaintances will support Aquarius. But you need to understand that relatives will often need reciprocal support from Aquarius, which they will cope with very well. Men can take on any business, since the accurate horoscope from many astrologers, for example, from Vasilisa Volodina, predicts a promising year.

Horoscope 2018 for women

The year has prepared much fewer pleasant events and gifts for women. The beginning of the year can be accompanied by deep emotions and even shocks. Some will find out about the betrayal or change of their loved one, someone will receive a blow from him in another matter and circumstance. There is little chance of forgiveness; all this will be reflected in the first half of the year. You will be able to come to your senses closer to the middle of the year thanks to the faithful support from family and friends.

It is better to devote the second part of the year to relaxation and trips to warm countries. Only a change of environment and any activity will help you take your mind off bad thoughts. The end of the year will be pleasant and generous with good events; troubles themselves will fade into oblivion. Women need to spend more time doing hobbies and in groups in order to be fueled by positivity and good emotions.

Love horoscope

Minimal surprises and stability - this is what the love forecast for 2018 predicts for Aquarius. Family people will do their best to strengthen their bonds with the opposite sex, proving to the whole world the correctness of their choice. This sign is also often inclined to prove to those around them that their decisions are correct, so Aquarius will demonstrate in every possible way the wisdom of their choice.

But lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will increasingly remain in the shadows, showing a certain passivity, despite the passion for discovery and new experiences. Only by the end of the year will all Aquarians, without exception, plunge into the world of romance, flirtation and innermost fantasies. They will begin to shower their chosen one with attention and pleasant surprises, perhaps even dates. December 2018 will be a time of flowers, romance, meetings and declarations of love.

Business horoscope

At work, Aquarius must listen to his heart and desires, since creative potential is hidden in every person born under this sign. And if such a person manages to catch his own inspiration by the tail, things will go well in the year and his creative and work potential will be revealed. The year will be successful for the implementation of large projects and interesting ideas, which will have an extremely positive effect on your career.

For reference! The Year of the Dog is a chance for all Aquarians to break high up the career ladder.

Greater success can be achieved if you work in a team with colleagues at work or business partners. For businessmen, the Year of the Dog will favor achievements in their business, as long as they get rid of fear and doubt. It is important for workers under management not to impose their views on the boss and to carry out only the tasks assigned to them, otherwise excessive assertiveness and disobedience will play a cruel joke on Aquarius.

Family horoscope

An accurate horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius will tell you how to behave in your family relationships. The beginning of the year may be accompanied by unpleasant memories and facts related to the past. In fact, all this will happen in order to finally put an end to the outdated relationship. Aquarians need to make every effort to improve the situation in the family, cultivating trust with their spouse.

The first half of the year will be devoted more to work; the stars only advise not to forget about your family and arrange leisure time and joint outings to the cinema, into nature and outside the city. Common plans and goals strengthen relationships, and will also help Aquarius increase their importance to their loved ones. And, despite the workload, Aquarians need to talk and consult with their significant other more often.

Health horoscope

The digestive system should be under the attention of Aquarius; the stars advise switching to proper nutrition and active pastime. Also, don’t exhaust your own nervous system, do not overwork yourself in your professional path, and also stay away from stressful situations. Overweight people may experience exacerbation of chronic ailments, increased blood pressure and metabolic disorders.

In the first half of the year, you need to pay special attention to your health, preventing injury and avoiding contact with dangerous objects. The stars advise strengthening the immune system, taking vitamins in the spring, and also walking in the fresh air as often as possible. If you have chronic diseases, it is worth taking treatment, as the risks of relapse will increase several times a year.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius by month

What awaits Aquarius over the next year, astrologers can tell not only general outline, but also describing in detail each upcoming month. Thanks to such information, you can safely plan all actions and decisions for the whole year, and most importantly, be prepared for any troubles and trials.


Aquarians, as usual, exude positivity and adventurism. And immediately the first month of the Year of the Dog will be eventful and fruitful. January is the best time to say goodbye to unsuccessful relationships, start your personal life with... clean slate. New prospects will open up at work, and in order to move up the career ladder, you will have to work hard.


February is a chance to rest and take a break to re-evaluate your life; Aquarians can simply go with the flow. The dog will support these people in every possible way, so there is nothing to worry about. You can safely take a self-improvement course, learn new things and improve your skill level. There may be an urgent need for impressions and vivid emotions, so the stars advise paying more attention to your personal life, as well as health.


This month is full of surprises. For Aquarius, it is only important to express themselves in every possible way in their field. People of this zodiac sign will gush with ideas that will bring them constant profit. It is only important to carefully plan any of your ideas so that Fortune is on the side of Aquarius. A man will conquer the Olympus of his career, women need to get rid of self-doubt and succumb to new novels. Those around you will share their emotions, which is so important for Aquarius.


During this period of the year, clouds of gossip and intrigue will gather over Aquarius; you just need to be patient and not succumb to provocations. Bad luck will accompany Aquarius in their personal lives for some time, and in their professional activities they need to show purposefulness and determination in order to become a real star in the eyes of the team and management. You can solve any troubles only by listening to your intuition.


This month will be the period when Aquarians will plunge into their own inner world and understand themselves. A strange pattern of behavior can repel the chances of building relationships with the opposite sex, as a result of which Aquarius will plunge into chronic workaholism. There are risks of exacerbation of allergies or even infection, all due to stress and overwork.


A great time to build interpersonal relationships with friends, relatives and even members own family. Many Aquarians will experience inflated self-esteem and self-esteem, which will negatively affect friendships. The stars advise you to come down to earth, to eliminate rudeness and rudeness in yourself. There is a chance to meet a worthy other half, you just have to be yourself - an impressionable, passionate and emotional person.


Expenses can significantly exceed the income of Aquarius, although wastefulness is unusual for these people. Mid-summer will be a period of lack of money, so you need to clearly plan your budget and get rid of your weaknesses. When looking for your other half, you shouldn’t be too demanding and focus on the outer shell. There may be a dark streak in your professional activities for some time; it is important not to panic. In terms of health, stars advise taking care of your visual organs.


Aquarians do not like to listen to complaints in their direction, and relatives and friends, as luck would have it, will lecture you. Criticism will also come from the authorities, and Aquarians will have to be patient. Lonely representatives of this sign will encounter losers and mean people, so it’s worth holding off on relationships. A certain crisis will be accompanied in family relationships. You need to find a way to distract yourself from negative thoughts and nerves.


Find a balance between professional activity and personal life will be difficult, since work will take up almost all the time. Here at work, Aquarius will have many events waiting for them - interesting and profitable projects, but gossip and rumors will slightly spoil the overall picture. The stars advise you to keep your mouth shut; it is better to direct all your energy to work.


Friendliness and positivity will flow from Aquarius; it is only important not to frighten society with excessive emotionality and obsession. To compensate for bad weather and cold, Aquarians will charge their family and loved ones with a wonderful mood, so many will be lucky in love. Cupid has prepared fateful meetings and acquaintances for some Aquarians, but everything will be stable in work.


Without focusing on problems, Aquarians will become role models and even the envy of other people of a different character. November has prepared big changes in the personal life of Aquarius, someone will unexpectedly fall in love, someone will be able to achieve mutual feelings, sparkling like a samovar. There will be praise at work from the bosses themselves. You need to protect yourself from hypothermia.


You should not pay attention to the opinions of others and their assessment. The stars advise you to believe in yourself, listen to your heart and not reject good intentions from suitors and fans. December is ideal for the growth and development of your personality, and strong motivation will help you move mountains in your professional field. Aquarians will have to reconsider their circle of friends, distinguishing true and sincere people from the general mass. Rest will also not hurt, as the stars predict loss of strength and lack of energy.


In 2018, the Aquarius Rat will impress on the spot with its insight and intuition; the Ox will show caution in its actions and compliance with its own principles. Tiger Aquarius will strive for a revolution for changes in his own life, and Aquarius Cat will enjoy an ideal life in work and love. The dragon will be able to discover psychic abilities in himself. The snake will focus on work for career growth.

The Aquarius Horse will chase adrenaline and adventure, while the Goat will rush to work and even open their own business. The monkey will bask in happy accidents, earning himself gold medals. The Rooster of this zodiac sign will exude self-confidence, and the Dog will need useful acquaintances and will finally get married. The stars predict a creative breakthrough for the Aquarius Pig.

For Aquarius, this year may be the most successful in their entire life, especially in their career and financial condition. New opportunities for creative and career growth will appear. You will have to work a lot, but your efforts will quickly pay off. Everything you want will become possible - fate itself will give you a chance to make your wishes come true.

Anxious fears that you are not good enough will rage in the back of your mind, but this year the heavy planet Saturn will help in combating any fears. You will see and overcome hesitation, and you will understand that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Coupled with this, dreamy planet Neptune is in an area related to self-esteem, which continues the theme of uncertainty. IN social life Aquarius Venus will bring romance centered around leisure, entertainment or performances, whether formal or informal.

The horoscope predicts that in the new year you need to find balance in your life if you want to be happy. You need to look at your past to better understand your present.

Aquarians are excitable people with an eccentric character. It is hardly possible to meet a more independent and creative Sun sign. Despite the fact that representatives of this sign easily make friends, they themselves feel that no one understands them.

Aquarius Man: Horoscope for 2018

The stars promise a successful year for Aquarius men. All the best will come true cherished desires. The stars advise you to walk towards your goal with a light gait, because the Yellow Dog will follow you everywhere, bringing success and amazing luck. To feel the happiest in the world, all you have to do is remember your old dream and realize it.

But even the stars cannot disperse the thickened colors, because the Dog demands full dedication from the representatives of the sign. They will have to work tirelessly, and this is the only way they will achieve all their goals. You are already lucky in one thing - you are surrounded by the most devoted and reliable friends and colleagues, each of whom is ready to lend a helping hand. The authorities are favorable to you, and this cannot but rejoice: closer to the middle of the year, it will take time to provide all possible assistance to loved ones who are in trouble.

Overall, the year promises to be successful. All your projects will be so successful that management will express their praise more than once. You can safely invest capital - the stars are preparing large financial profits for them.

Aquarius Woman: Horoscope for 2018

Representatives of the sign will be driven and pliable. Those who have not yet found a soul mate risk falling in love with a person who turns out to be unworthy of attention. In this case, female friendship will turn out to be strong - it is your girlfriends who will help you realize that your loved one is using you.

Experience will show you that you should be a little more closed and not open your soul to every new fan. Proud representatives of the sign will continue to go through life with the charm that is unique to them, but they will already make efforts so that any person they meet does not touch their heart.

Married women realize that their nature does not find understanding among the family, and will arrange a reorganization of the family structure. This will succeed, and the husband will have to admit that the always flexible wife has a will and character that will have to be taken into account.

Born in the year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

Competitors are afraid of you, because you, as military strategists, calculate steps for years to come. Your incredible sense of impending collapse prevents you from going down with the ship. Personal life also does not provide a chance to have rivals, because who would want to fight the all-consuming charm of the representatives of the sign? Their army of fans is ready to make many sacrifices for just one date.

It would be possible not to work and live off going to romantic meetings, if not for the extreme pickiness with which Aquarians approach the choice of their partner.

Born in the year of the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

Appearing slowness gives some people the wrong reason to think you are slow. The fact is that representatives of the sign are prudent and live by the rule “measure twice, cut once,” so mistakes on their part almost never happen. But 2018 gives you a chance to commit rash acts: the stars say that in case of failure, little will be lost.

Luck will go hand in hand with you and will not allow you to fall below the bar set by the stars. The sphere of love experiences is preparing a real surprise: in 2018 you will meet a special person who will brighten up your life.

Born in the Year of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

The Yellow Dog orders you to start actively building your future - perhaps even going so far as to issue ultimatums to your superiors. Incredible luck will do its job, and management will meet you. In the second ten days of the year, many representatives of the sign can expect a new addition to the family, so those who have not bothered to ring themselves should immediately hurry - the baby is on the way to your home.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

This year, the stars predict that you will be incredibly attractive in the eyes of others. Only enthusiastic exclamations will come from ordinary acquaintances to close relatives. Even the eternally gloomy salespeople in stores will smile sweetly at you and, perhaps, give you a discount.

This is a year of love and luck for representatives of the sign, however, it is worth updating your image, because people are greeted by their clothes. And where there is love, its sisters go there - luck and harmony.

Born in the Year of the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Representatives of the sign will be distinguished by their extrasensory abilities. Those around you will despair when they see your ability to foresee the situation. And it is almost impossible to deceive representatives of the sign.

You don’t have to make any special efforts: the Yellow Dog carries on its tail good luck and luck, which will accompany Aquarius-Dragons all year. It is better to leave having offspring for later: let others experience the joys of parental life, while you flutter along the roads of love, which will certainly lead you to happiness.

Born in the year of the Snake (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

Representatives of the sign have an elixir of eternal energy in reserve, because they manage to work for days, remaining cheerful and not showing fatigue even after a hard day at work. Success at work will bring good luck in your personal life. All that remains is to be patient, which is a difficult task for an impulsive representative of the sign.

Born in the year of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

Whatever the representatives of the sign undertake, they will succeed. In addition, there is a chance that you will suddenly wake up famous and rich. Perhaps you will find yourself in the center of a love triangle, where you will be the object of desire. Don’t be shy about your desires: you can ask for anything – fans will fulfill even the most incredible request of their loved one.

Born in the Year of the Goat (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

Born in the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

This year will be a time of triumph for you. However, you should be careful, because fate punishes arrogant people.

Born in the year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

The stars make it possible to confidently take on any undertaking, even the most risky one. And your opponents are ready to do anything to find out the secret of your incredible luck. If you are thinking of opening your own business, then remember that the best allies are former enemies. Talk to your chosen one, and together you will move mountains.

Born in the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

This year will be a period of disputes and conflicts. Try to control yourself, otherwise you risk being left without friends and the support of your patrons. At certain moments it is better to remain silent than to express your dissatisfaction.

Born in the year of the Pig (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Surround your significant other with attention, pay more attention to your family, and then you will feel a balance between yourself and the world around you. Try to talk less about your achievements, because there are always many ill-wishers around you.