Harvest. Deadlines

Only gardeners themselves know how much effort and labor is put into ordinary country cottage area. It always becomes a shame if the result of so much work - a rich harvest - becomes covered with mold during storage or is spoiled by pests.

That is why, for a long time, humanity has been inventing ways to store vegetables and fruits. But in order for vegetables to maintain their freshness all winter, they still need to be collected and processed for storage.

Vegetables from the plot should be collected when they are ready for it. This moment is called removable ripeness, and it varies for different vegetables.

It is important to harvest the crop exactly on time, because if you do it too early, the amount of vegetables harvested will be smaller, and if it is too late, the quality of the product will deteriorate, and part of the crop may die.

Depending on when and how many times the crop can be harvested, certain vegetable crops are divided into groups: single-harvest, multi-harvest and with 2-4 harvests.

The same species, depending on the variety, can be multi-harvested or single-harvested, for example peas. But still, we can conditionally distinguish three groups according to the amount of harvest.

Single-harvest crops include garlic, onions, late cabbage, green crops and root vegetables.

Early ripening white cabbage and head lettuce are collected in 2-4 stages.

Multi-harvest crops include tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant, zucchini, peas, radishes, and perennial vegetables.

Harvest time

Harvest time is different for all vegetable crops.

Root vegetables (beets, carrots, turnips, radishes, radishes, daikon) are removed from the garden when it gets cold in the storage area. Most often this is mid-October. Root crops are wiped off the ground and transported to storage.

Potatoes are harvested in sunny weather. Seed tubers turn green within 3 days. Regular time for harvesting potatoes - September. If harvesting is delayed, in rainy weather the tubers begin to rot right in the ground.

Pumpkins, zucchini, and squash can remain in the garden until the last moment, until frost marks their foliage. If the fruits have a hard, tarnished skin, they can be stored in early September.

White cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi can lie in the garden until the first snow, that is, all of October. However, you should not wait for severe frosts. Temperatures of -10 C can damage the vegetable.

Tomatoes on open ground are harvested until September, and can ripen in the greenhouse until October.

Corn ripens until October and is not afraid of slight frosts. But if the cobs have reached milky-waxy ripeness earlier, they can be used for food.

Features of harvesting different crops


The more often we pick cucumbers, the better they are. They can be collected every 3 (at the beginning of fruiting), and then every 2 days. All fruits must be removed, even if they are overgrown, damaged or simply ugly.

If you leave 2-3 cucumbers on the plant, the formation of female flowers on it will slow down or stop.

This is because all the nutrients on this plant are redistributed to form seeds in large fruits. During harvesting, it is important to try not to damage the vines and leaves, otherwise diseases will appear on the cucumber and its productivity will decrease.

It is not at all necessary to grow cucumber seeds in the garden. It is a cross-pollinating plant and therefore flowers are pollinated by bees.

To get good seeds, you need to isolate the plants 500 meters from each other. Typically, several varieties of cucumbers are grown in one area, which means cross-pollination occurs.

The result is hybrid seeds that produce plants with low-quality fruits.


  • Snow White,
  • Kharkov winter,
  • Amager 611,
  • Violanta,
  • Lika,
  • Ukrainian autumn,
  • Yaroslavna.

They are disease resistant and have dense heads that can be stored all winter. If you plan to store cabbage for only 2-3 months, you can plant varieties Stolichnaya and Elenovskaya.

Cabbage is selected for storage at the end of October. The heads of cabbage should be dense, hard, and free of areas affected by pests and diseases.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the adjacent green leaves - there should be 4-6 of them and they should fit tightly around the head of cabbage.

Before storing cabbage, it must be dried, as this helps to increase the cabbage's resistance to disease.

Red cabbage

In summer, red cabbage is harvested in several stages as it ripens. And for winter storage, the heads of cabbage are collected in one go, in late autumn.

The weight of the head of cabbage should be more than 0.6 kilograms, and heads of cabbage weighing 2-3 kilograms are suitable for long-term storage.

When harvesting, pay attention to the density of the heads of cabbage and their formation.

Peel the cabbage from tightly fitting leaves, leaving 2-3 outer leaves. The cover leaves must be clean and free of disease.

They also leave a stump up to 2 centimeters long.


Cauliflower is harvested in several stages as it ripens.

Heads of cabbage are cut with several adjacent leaves. The upper ends are cut off at the level of the inflorescence.

This is done to ensure that the inflorescences are protected from mechanical damage or contamination.


Kohlrabi is harvested in several stages, choosing one whose diameter exceeds 5-8 centimeters.

The leaves are trimmed, but you can leave petioles 2 centimeters long. The stump should be cut at the level of the fruit.

You should not wait for the kohlrabi to become even larger, as it may become overripe and become tasteless, rough and fibrous.


After being collected from the garden, it must be dried. This should be done under a canopy or in a shaded place in the fresh air.

It is necessary to ensure that raindrops do not fall on the crop, otherwise the covering scales will crack, the cloves will lose density and crumble. Typically it takes 10-15 days to dry.

After this, the roots are cut off, as well as dry leaves, and the garlic is stored. Garlic of non-shooting varieties can be woven into wreaths and braids and hung on the walls in the kitchen.

Bulb onions

To harvest onions, you need to wait for dry and sunny weather. The leaves of ripe onions turn yellow and lie down.

You also need to pay attention to the neck and scales - they must dry out. The onions are dug up with a shovel or a pitchfork, cleared of soil and laid out to dry, during which all the beneficial substances pass from the leaves to the bulbs.

After the onion has dried, you can cut off the roots and leaves. Onions can be tied into braids; in this case, 4-5 leaves are left for the bunch.


Can be harvested as they ripen, 1-2 times a week.

The length of mature fruits reaches 15-16 centimeters, and the diameter is 7-10 centimeters. The skin of ripe zucchini is tender, slightly sticky, the seeds are underdeveloped.

If you leave the zucchini in the garden too long, the peel will become hard and the pulp will be unsuitable for consumption.

Sick and overripe fruits must be picked, this stimulates the development of female flowers.

During periodic harvesting, it is necessary to carefully handle the leaves and fruits, trying not to damage their delicate skin.

Store zucchini in a cool place in film. Sometimes the fruits are suitable for consumption until January and even spring.


Collected as they ripen. If the fruits are red, they can be eaten immediately.

But green fruits are also removed from the branches to ripen at room temperature. Green tomato should not be matte - such fruits are considered unripe and are left to develop on the branch.

During the ripening process they turn red and become suitable for consumption.

Unripe tomatoes are placed in boxes in well-ventilated areas. They are regularly checked, substandard and rotten ones are removed.

Before frost sets in, all fruits must be removed from the branches.

To make the tomatoes turn red faster, you need to put 2-3 red tomatoes in each box with green fruits. Then the process will go faster.

Bell pepper

Selectively collected as they ripen. Green, yellow and red fruits are removed along with the stalk, and all the fruits are collected before frost.

It is important not to damage the stalk, since without it the pepper quickly loses its freshness and is affected by various diseases.

After harvesting, the fruits should not be dried; they are immediately packed in linen bags.

Dried peppers do not store well, so it is important not to let them dry out.

Have a great harvest everyone! Write in the comments how you do your harvesting!

Harvesting is the final phase of growing any crop. But at the same time, this is the most labor-intensive part of the cultivation process. Therefore, the technical equipment of agricultural companies and coherence in work in general are very important. Timely preparation for the final phase of cultivation plays a significant role in this.

How to determine the optimal time?

To prevent losses during the harvesting process, it is important to choose the right harvesting period. In this matter, it is equally harmful to hurry and to be late. Early mowing will result in the collection of puny grains, resulting in a smaller harvest. Late cleaning is fraught with huge losses. During the resting period, the grain bends and the ears fall off from the wind and precipitation. If the weather is warm and wet, the grain is depleted due to decreased dry matter.

To determine the harvest time, the ripeness phase of the crops is checked. For this purpose, a large ear is bent, the largest grain from it is cut into two halves. If there are no internal traces of chlorophyll, the grain is considered to have reached waxy ripeness. Straw at this time has yellow. At this time, water does not penetrate into the grain; all internal processes are associated with biochemical reactions and moisture consumption. Waxy ripeness lasts 6-10 days, the grain loses moisture, the level of which drops from 40 to 21%. In the phase of full ripeness, the humidity is at the level of 17-15%, the ear has a straw-yellow color.

Harvesting methods

These days, specialists Agriculture apply:

  • direct combining (single-phase method);
  • separate (two-phase method);
  • three-phase method (infrequently used).

The first two types are used as complementary to each other. For successful harvesting it is important to skillfully combine everything possible types this activity.

The priority variety depends on weather conditions, the condition of the plants, varietal characteristics, and the availability of equipment.

Single-phase variety

Direct combining involves mowing, threshing the plants and separating the grain from the straw. This method is used when the grain has reached full maturity, has not fallen, there are no weeds or the stem is characterized by sparseness and low growth. Harvesting occurs as quickly as possible so as not to lose grain. Most sown areas are harvested this way.

The main requirement is high quality cleaning. It is achieved different devices on combines, setting up and sealing equipment.

Erect plants are harvested so that the reel divides the stems above 2/3 of the height of the ear. At the same time, the reel rotates in coordination with the speed of the combine, while the speed of the rake is 1.5 times higher than that of the machine. The ears are cut at a height of 15-20 cm. On plants of significant growth, the height can reach 30 cm. Thus, grain losses are insignificant.

Stems that are short in length are mowed at a low height. At the same time, the speed of the combine is almost equal to the throughput capacity of the thresher. When working in full grip, it is possible to achieve minimal loss of grain.

If the loaves of bread have fallen heavily, they are removed, heading in the direction of lodging. Twisted and grassy areas are treated in a circular motion or using the two-phase method.

To optimize the work of grain collection, unlogged ears of grain are collected in the morning (from 9 to 11) and in the evening after 17 o'clock. The rest of the time, areas with moderately laid stems are cultivated.

Setting up and adjusting the machines is performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Two-phase view

The separate method is divided into separate and two-phase cleaning. During separate harvesting, the ears are mowed, after 3-4 days the windrows are collected and threshed. The two-phase harvesting method means that the grain is picked and threshed on the same day that it is cut.

This type of harvesting is useful in the following cases:

  • dry weather conditions;
  • the end of the grain wax phase has come;
  • stem has a density of 350 plants per square meter. meter;
  • the height of the ears is above 70 cm;
  • the yield level is 15 c/ha.

Mow at a level of 18-25 cm, the thickness of the windrow should not exceed 25 cm. The mowing period lasts 3-5 days.

The best results can be obtained by mowing in the morning and evening.

Cleaning, which consists of two phases, can also be performed under other conditions. It is used in unfavorable weather, when the volume of lodged and clogged grain is high. Its main condition is that the windrows must be picked up and threshed on the same day. Mowing is carried out using reapers for tall, damp and laid down bread.

Management of grain harvesting works

Harvesting requires clear, well-thought-out organization. Agronomists must have information about the process of bread ripening, the level of its yield and the state of readiness for harvesting.

Preparatory work consists of:

  • in improving the quality of access roads to fields;
  • in dividing areas into pens;
  • in laying transverse paths.

Integrated harvest teams include:

  • specialists assessing and monitoring the collection process;
  • combine-transport units that collect and transport crops;
  • the service that processes the collected grain - it receives, stores, cleans, dries and puts it in storage;
  • straw removal service;
  • technical component involved in machine repair;
  • food delivery service for employees.

The team is led by the chief agronomist.

The straw collection process begins 3 days after the grain harvest. It is important not to delay this type of work, since the straw will interfere with subsequent work.

The harvesting speed depends on the technical condition of the machines. The latest machines harvest areas with the highest yields. Every car needs good sealing. It is mandatory to have firefighters on duty in the fields, and for combines, bayonet shovels, felt mats, fire extinguishers, plumbing tools, a first aid kit, and a thermos are required.

On waterlogged soils, grain bins of combines are loaded by half, and tire pressure is reduced by a quarter.

Preparing transport for grain transportation

To transport grain, various vehicles are used, having previously prepared the body. Preparatory work consists of:

  • platform compaction;
  • increasing body size;
  • equipping the body with a canopy.

Sealing is carried out by sealing the corner parts of the platforms and sides with belts made of rubberized material and fastening them with bolts.

The body is expanded to improve load capacity and ensure the safety of the crop. The conditions for transporting grain require ensuring complete safety of the grain during transportation. Losses in this case are unacceptable. Although in practice, even from well-sealed bodies, grain spills out through the top.

For fire safety, vehicles are equipped with fire extinguishers and spark arresters.

The efficient operation of the transport link affects the pace of harvesting, reliability and quality of work. If possible, combines should be unloaded while moving. This greatly improves productivity. The use of trailers significantly helps in working over large areas.

Features of grain harvesting

Harvesting, the photo of which is presented in the article, may vary depending on the crop. Plants are grown for food, as well as for seeds and feed.

In addition to the actual cultivation, this activity includes the collection of straw, chaff and grain waste.

Let's look at some of the grain crops, harvesting work and timing.

Winter rye

It is harvested at the most appropriate time, when the fruits have entered the center of the wax period. Grain moisture content is 18-20%.

The single-phase method is used if the grain has reached the highest maturity and a moisture level of 16-20%. When harvesting non-lying grains with long stems 130-150 cm high, a separate method is used. The windrows are collected after 3-4 days.

During the rainy season, the separate method is not used. It is used during periods of persistently dry weather in areas with contaminated plantings. In this case, the mown crop is placed in windrows and collected using a pick-up and threshing. Threshing is not delayed until it is completely dry and ripened; this can lead to large losses and damage to the grains when rains come.


The culture is harvested using a single-phase method, since it is characterized by simultaneous ripening. First, the seed crop is harvested when it has reached full maturity and moisture content of 16-18%. Then food grains are harvested at a planting humidity of 20-22%.

The grains are dried in gentle conditions at a temperature level of 40-50 degrees for seed and 60-70 for food types. Temperatures above 70 degrees are not used; it reduces the quality level of grains.

When collecting wheat, special attention is paid to the gap intervals on the threshers, and also reduces the crushing of grains.


The plant is harvested when it has entered the phase of peak maturity and has reached a moisture content of 18-20% for seed plantings and 21-23% for marketable ones. A single-phase method is used. You can start harvesting if 85-90% of the total grain volume is fully ripe. First, the seed material is collected. Short and non-lodging crops are harvested in the morning or evening, while lodged crops are harvested during the dry period. Crops of low growth and laid down are mowed at a level no higher than 10 cm.


Buckwheat fruits have different periods of setting and ripening. Typically, harvesting begins when 75-85% of the fruits have turned brown. When harvesting, both direct and separate methods are used.

The single-phase method is suitable for unclogged and non-logged crops. If buckwheat is dead, use the separate method as quickly as possible, without waiting for browning. When mowing, green crops quickly lose moisture, so they can be harvested the next day. The best threshing of the windrows and their less damage is possible at a combine speed of no higher than 3.5-5 km/h. Threshing takes 2-3 days.


The grain is harvested when it reaches waxy ripeness and a moisture content of 20-25%. Direct combining is best, but separate combining is also possible. Millet contains a lot of moisture, which increases by 2-3% during threshing. Millet is harvested in the afternoon. Since the grain gets very hot, it is dried immediately.

Machine preparation

Preparation for harvesting involves prompt repairs and adjustment of grain harvesting equipment. Particular attention is paid to checking the tightness of combines. This is very important, since the safety of the harvested grain will depend on the tightness.

Difficult harvesting conditions require that combine harvesters be equipped with crop lifters. They should also have spare parts kits.

To ensure sealing of the equipment, industrial parts and all available methods are used. It is allowed to use tarpaulin, rubber, foam rubber, rubberized tape and similar materials to ensure the sealing of the body. Polyurethane foam sealing is actively used.

High-quality cleaning also depends on the professionalism of the combine operators.

So, we have looked at the main nuances of harvesting in Russia.

A high and high-quality harvest is the dream of any gardener who spends time, labor, material and cash. How pleasant is that moment when the harvest meets all expectations or exceeds them! Therefore, it is important to know the harvesting time, which is individual for each crop, because any deviation directly affects the quality of the fruit.

When to harvest potatoes?

Everyone's favorite and almost irreplaceable potato... Timely and proper harvesting of such a garden crop determines the degree of its storage. When root crops are dug up prematurely or too late, their quality noticeably decreases, which leads to significant yield losses. This is due to the presence of thin tissues characterized by poor development and high susceptibility to mechanical damage. Overripe potato tubers have reduced disease resistance and a deterioration in marketability and nutritional quality.

Depends on many factors:

  • varietal affiliation (early, medium and late ripening);
  • planting time: spring or summer;
  • economic purpose (use in the current period or long-term storage).

Potato harvesting time

Signs by which you can determine the ripening of potatoes under the correct growing conditions:

  • Theoretical knowledge of the characteristics of planted varieties and the timing of their harvesting.
  • Yellowing of the tops and their natural death, after which, as a rule, growth stops and it is worth knowing that summer potato varieties can be dug up even if the tops have not yet completely withered. To speed up potato ripening early dates When planting, it is recommended to mow the green tops beforehand (2-3 weeks in advance), this will cause the formation of a rough crust on the root crops and the penetration of nutrients from the above-ground part to the tubers. The mowed green mass must be burned, buried or removed from the site to avoid the development of diseases. It is important that at the beginning of harvesting the tops look healthy and are not affected by late blight.
  • Test digging. Tubers ready for harvest should be more than 3 cm in diameter and have a thick skin.

Features of preparing potatoes for storage

Harvested potatoes, harvested in a timely manner and with high quality, should be dried - this will cause the skin to harden. It has been proven in practice that post-harvest drying of potatoes reduces susceptibility to late blight by 9 times. When harvesting potatoes, the area is plowed approximately 2 hours before collecting tubers, which are not recommended to be left in the furrow for long time, otherwise it may result in skin burns. Potatoes dug up in wet weather must be dried (under a canopy, in storage or temporary piles using a ventilation system). Dried potatoes need to be sorted out, discarding diseased and damaged root crops, which must be used up first. It is necessary to stock the cellar not immediately after harvesting, but after 15-20 days.

In industrial vegetable growing, a potato harvester is often used to facilitate harvesting. Modern agricultural technology has made great strides forward - during the harvesting process, they not only dig up potatoes, but also peel them and sift out small clods of earth. suitable for harvesting potatoes on light and medium-dense soils; Potato harvesting occurs with minimal mechanical damage and simultaneous cleaning of tubers from contamination.

Collection of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers

  • Tomatoes. Mass ripening of these vegetables occurs in August - early September, harvesting is carried out gradually as the fruits ripen. When planning transportation or storing for long-term storage, the vegetable is picked somewhat unripe. Healthy fruits (preferably of the same size and variety) that have not been affected by low temperatures. Tomatoes must be placed in shallow boxes, without stalks, in one or two layers.
  • Cucumber. Harvesting everyone's favorite vegetable when it ripens en masse must be done daily (morning and evening), without allowing the fruit to outgrow. During harvesting, the quality of the fruit and the condition of the plant itself should be monitored, removing damaged ovaries and leaves.
  • Pepper. For sweet peppers, growth is optimal in the southern regions; in the northern regions, cultivation in greenhouses or certain agricultural technology adapted for these regions is required. Pepper is a continuously fruiting plant, the fruits of which must be collected as they ripen. Peppers should be picked carefully, otherwise you may accidentally damage or pull out the stem.

When to harvest onions and pumpkins?

Carrots and beets: harvesting

Harvesting of these root crops is done as a last resort, before the onset of stable frosts. Approximately in the central regions - this is the second half of September, in the southern regions - the second half of October. Be sure to harvest before the start of the rainy season, otherwise this will lead to cracking of the fruits.

If the autumn is too warm, it is also not recommended to keep beets in the garden for a long time, otherwise the fruits may become fibrous and even woody. External signs of beet ripeness:

  • the size of the root crops has reached the required value, which is indicated on the bag of seeds;
  • The lower leaves turned yellow and dried out.

Many gardeners harvest carrots after frost and even after snow has fallen; it is important to press the tops of the plant to the ground before doing this. Carrots dug out from under the snow, according to observations, will have time to cool before storage, which will significantly extend its storage time. It is not recommended to harvest carrots in warm weather - the vegetable will be stored worse.

In order to facilitate the harvesting process, it is recommended to carefully dig up vegetables and shake them off the ground when pulling them out. The tops need to be broken off or cut off, leaving a 2-centimeter cutting. It is recommended to produce beets, celery, turnips, radishes in small boxes mixed with a 3-centimeter layer of wet sand or peat. Before storing, in order to prevent diseases, root vegetables should be dusted with chalk or ash.

Cabbage: collection and storage

Late varieties of white cabbage should be removed from the beds before the onset of frost, approximately until mid-October. When cutting cabbage, it is recommended to leave long stalks and a few covering green leaves. It is recommended to store vegetables in cellars on wooden floors or in boxes in 2-3 layers, laid with the stumps up. You can also store cabbage in nets and bags that are hung from hooks or poles. This will ensure good ventilation and prolong storage.

Grain harvest

Harvesting is carried out in the middle of waxy ripeness (at a grain moisture content of 20-35%) by direct combining and separate methods, lasting no more than 10 days, otherwise grain loss from shedding is possible.

Spring wheat (its growing season is about 90 days) is harvested in early July in the southern regions, in August - the second half of September in the eastern and northern regions. In the phase of waxy ripeness, harvesting is carried out using a separate method, and at full ripeness - by direct combining.

Harvesting is carried out in the phase of milky ripeness of the grain, the external sign of which is the formation of a drying edge on the outer layers of the wrapper. The grain is full, yellow in color, and its rows are tightly closed. When you press on it with a fingernail, the shell bursts, and a white milky liquid flows out of the grain. Corn is harvested gradually, in 2-3 steps, as it ripens.

The time of harvesting depends very much on the variety of carrots and the time of planting.

If carrots are sown in winter or early spring, then they are used only for bunched products for immediate consumption or short-term storage (up to two weeks). These root crops cannot be used for harvesting for the winter.

When should carrots be harvested for bunch production? Already from the end of May You can go into the beds and check the underground part of the plants. To do this, carrot seedlings are tentatively pulled out by the tops or dug up with a shovel. If there are root crops with a diameter of more than 1 cm in the upper part, then you can make the first selection.

Root vegetables are tied into bunches and used for sale or further consumption, which is why these carrots are called “bundle products”. Over the course of a month, another 3-4 samples are made. At the last stage, all plants are removed and the area is prepared for the next crop.

Signs for harvesting carrots for storage

It is undesirable to use carrots intended for storage for bunched products, thinning them in the summer. If this is done, the soil becomes very compacted and the yield can be reduced by 50%. In addition, a pest, the carrot fly, easily penetrates into the holes formed by thinning. She can lay her eggs on carrot plants, which will lead to severe damage to the roots and complete loss of the crop.

When is the best time to harvest carrots sown in late spring? The optimal harvest time is from August 25 to September 25. At least 80 days must pass from the moment of germination, but the later the crop is harvested, the better it will be preserved.

During this period, it is necessary to monitor the weather and its forecasts: the temperature at night and possible precipitation are important. At temperatures up to +7...+8 degrees there is an intensive accumulation of nutrients and their outflow into root crops. Due to this, in the last three weeks before harvesting, up to 50% of the harvest can be increased. Therefore, when the temperature drops below +5...+6, you must be ready to start cleaning. Carrot root crops can tolerate frosts down to -3 degrees, but it is better to harvest them before frost sets in.

During carrot harvesting, most diseases are transmitted to root crops through the tops, which then manifest themselves during storage. It is recommended to immediately treat the tops with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. This will increase the flow of nutrients into the root crops and destroy possible diseases on the tops. The tops will gradually turn yellow. 5 days after treatment, you must immediately begin harvesting carrots.

One month before determining when to harvest the crop, it is necessary to stop applying pesticides and agrochemicals. This will give time for most of the harmful substances that were used to combat diseases and pests to decompose and the root vegetables will be suitable for use as food.

Features of carrot harvesting

Once it has been established when to harvest the carrots, they proceed directly to digging it up. It is recommended to dig the beds in the garden plot only with a shovel. The damage from it on carrots is flat, so they can easily be cut off with a knife and further used for food. When piercing root vegetables with a pitchfork, the holes have to be either cut off with most of the carrots, which leads to significant yield losses, or thrown away completely as unusable due to severe damage.

We hope that the above tips on when it is better to harvest carrots and store them properly will help you enjoy this wonderful vegetable both in winter and summer. We are waiting for your comments.

Since the beginning of the harvest, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been closely monitoring order on farms. And now he reports on the results: dozens of drunken workers, stolen tons of grain and hundreds of liters of fuel. The department's press service provides examples from each area.

In the Brest region During the raids, about 70 cases of unauthorized absence of guards from work were revealed, and more than 40 more were brought to justice for being on duty while drunk.

In the agricultural town of Lyubishtsy (Ivatsevichi district), a warehouse guard was detained for the theft of 480 kg of grain; he's already fired.

In the house of a driver from the agricultural town of Luka, they found 470 liters of colored diesel fuel (a special dye is added to make it easier to “calculate” what was stolen), 280 liters of gasoline, 55 liters of motor oil and 70 kg of oats.

A watchman from Vysoky (Kamenetsky district) was transporting 250 liters of colored diesel fuel in his car. Another 120 liters of stolen goods were seized from a machine operator from the village of Slonimtsy.

In Gomel region in just a week - 9 cases of fuel theft and 6 cases of grain theft. The total weight of the stolen items was more than one and a half tons. Eight more attempts to steal straw were stopped.

“Near the village of Dobrogoshcha, Zhlobin district, the head of a local farm was transporting 1,350 kg of grain in a Mercedes without accompanying documents. The owner said that the crop had been harvested on his land and was planned for sale. However, the farmer could not explain the lack of invoices,” writes the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, the grain was confiscated, and the tax office began an administrative process.

An employee of a vegetable factory was transporting 200 kg of grain and 10 liters of fuel in a Niva; his car was stopped in the village of Ivakovshchina, Mozyr district. There were no documents for the goods.

“But a real boom in thefts happened in the Kormyansky district. The police received information that from the field of the KSUP "Bogdanovichi" local residents slowly pulling out the straw. Moreover, the management of the agricultural enterprise did not give anyone an extract to receive the rolls. The police raid group conducted a door-to-door inspection. The result is six bags and 31 rolls of stolen government goods,” the department reports.

In the Chechersky district, 6.5 tons of spoiled grain were found by the police not far from the Rovkovichi-Agro KSUP. It turned out that before this, wheat and oats were left without shelter from the rain - and the grain partially became unusable. According to the warehouse manager, she gave such an instruction at her own discretion, in order to avoid, among other things, financial liability.

A resident of the village of Maleyki was suspected of theft and resale of fuel - he worked as a driver for the export of grain at Braginsky OJSC. In the villager's garage and barn there were barrels and cans with 625 liters of diesel (including 505 liters of painted diesel).

At night, a minibus driven by a resident of the village of Kholmech was stopped near the village of Dvorets (Rechitsa district). The man was traveling without documents and could not explain the purpose of the trip. They found bags of grain in the car, and later at home - another 54 bags of wheat and 50 of barley. A total weight of 5 tons. As well as 100 liters of diesel intended for the needs of agricultural organizations.

Only in Postavy region Vitebsk region Since the beginning of the harvesting season, 11 cases of guards not being on site and another 7 cases of guards being drunk at work have been recorded.

A machine operator at Kamaisky-Agro OJSC and a tractor driver at Yanovitsa-Agro OJSC were also detained drunk.

In Lida district Grodno region The guy was found with 2.5 tons of diesel fuel belonging to the agricultural enterprise where he worked as a machine operator. “I used it to refuel personal tractors and cars. The issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs summed up.

Policemen Mogilev region They told how quickly, on their instructions, problems in farms were corrected: from introducing a token system for watchmen to repairing fences and installing video cameras.

“For example, at JSC Novogorodishchenskoye, Shklovsky district, the engine in a loader failed. For more than 80 days, the equipment was in a faulty condition and was restored by the manufacturer only after the intervention of police officers,” law enforcement officers clarify.

They say that thanks to control, the number of violations has significantly decreased.

But for being drunk at work in Minsk region about 200 people were punished. The first violator was caught as soon as the inspectors left the Moscow Ring Road - it was an employee of the grain drying complex of Shershuny-Agro OJSC.

In the Stolbtsovsky district, there were cases when grain was spilled while being transported by trucks to a grain receiving enterprise. Protocols have been drawn up against five violators.

About 120 rolls of hay were found in a field belonging to the Podberezye KSUP in the Volozhin region. They were not removed in time and were not protected from the rain. Another 30 bales had been lying there uncollected since last year. The check has begun.

In the personal yard of a machine operator at Golotsk OJSC in the Pukhovichi district, 7 rolls of hay were found hidden, as well as 40 liters of fuel “saved” from work.