Tactics of fighter aviation. Fighter aircraft combat

Air battle with fighters

The combat properties of German fighters and combat features with them. Fighter fight Me-109F and Me-109g

The main type of fighter of the German Air Force is the ME-109 aircraft. Of the various versions of this aircraft, by the beginning of 1943, there were only two: Me-109F and Me-109g (German designation of the last Me-109G-2). We will analyze their flight data obtained by testing trophy aircraft. The maximum speed of Me-109F in the Earth is 510 km / h, at an altitude of 3000 m - 559 km / h, above 3000 m The speed of Me-109F begins to fall. The maximum speed of the Me-109F is approximately equal to the speed of such an aircraft as the Yak-1 fighter, and is inferior to the speed of it at the heights of more than 3000 m. The maximum speed of the me-109g fighter is equal to:

The speed of me 109g in altitudes
At the height of M. speed \u200b\u200bkm / h At the height of M. speed \u200b\u200bkm / h
In the earth 505
1000 535 6000 621
2000 564 7000 650
3000 586 8000 643
4000 592 9000 630
5000 593 10000 503

The me-109g fighter at the heights of more than 5000 m has superiority in speed over most of our fighter aircraft and inferior only to their last types.

From this it follows that in battle it is necessary to minimize this advantage of the enemy. Regarding the scent, it is necessary to do this in two ways and the first of them is a cultural attitude towards your car.

In one part, several pilots complained that their "yaks" do not give and put the maximum speed. When they checked their cars, it turned out that due to improper pyring screws, the motor did not give the laid revolutions, the landing panels in the removed position had a gap with the back edge of the wing in a few millimeters, the luchki lids and the chassis covers were poorly fitted and in the air were spinning, camouflage The coloring of the aircraft was implanted unevenly, with tubercles, in addition, the pilots opened too much the outlet of the water pipe tunnel was opened, the lantern of the pilot opened in the air and closed with difficulty, as a result of which the flyers were not covered in the air and so on. When all these shortcomings were eliminated It turned out that the aircraft not only gave the relying maximum speed, but even exceeded it. Thus, a negligent attitude to a svyy aircraft can artificially reduce its maximum speed.

The second way to zero advantages of the opponent is the correct tactics of our fighters. The lack of speed, as it has already been mentioned repeatedly, is compensated by the advantage in height, the ability to increase the speed by dive. Being higher than the enemy - one of the most important rules of air combat with fighters. German fighters Me-109 at a meeting with even clearly inferior in the speed of fighters (for example, "Harricksey"), but above them, very reluctantly enter the battle, as they know that the speed does not save them from the attack on top.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the above maximum speed The ME-109 fighter can give in horizontal flight only for a very short time (1-2 minutes), after which the liquid in the engine cooling system boils. And this leads to the fact that if the German fighter M-109 met our Yak-1 or La-5, which are with a significant excess of it, then it cannot go from them by speed. Therefore, German pilots also try to start the fight, being on top, and their attacks in the overwhelming majority are reduced to a short attack from above with care after the attack is cool "hill" up.

Pressure. The height of 5000 m Fighter M-109F takes 5.4 minutes. When comparing this data with the Yak-1 fighter data, it can be seen that the me-109f fighter has better railing to a height of 3000-3500 m, and the ME-109 fighter having a more high-altitude motor, even higher. The new types of our fighters have a rainwritten better than the me-109g, to a height of 4000 m, and some types - at all heights.

Push-power, as well as speed, is in very great dependence on exceeding. If the fighter is at the top, then after an attack with a dive can, for a short period, give a huge impeller and go up extremely cool "hill".

This, by the way, creates an improper representation of some pilots about the actual data of the German fighter Me-109. Pilot, seeing Ma-109, scattering by him with high speed and outgoing "candle" up, sometimes does not take into account that all this is achieved not so much due to the qualities of the aircraft, as at the expense of tactics, due to the advantage in the height that gives a short period A sharp increase in speed and railing. Under the influence of personal impression, such a pilot often attributes ME-109 non-existent, imaginary advantages - bosel velocity and imperative.

The combat experience of many pilots showed that the fighters Yak-1, La-5, Lagg-3, Kittykhok, "Azrobroba", "Harricsein" and them like, leading fighting with ME-109 aircraft with an excess of several hundred meters, great Are planrated with them. In the fall of 1942 in the fall of 1942, even "Gulls" were perfectly shot down. Solves the fight the right tactic, in particular the ability to take a favorable position for the battle.

Maneuverability. Maneuverability by the horizon of the ME-109 fighter is low. Held an experienced pilot, he makes a turn for 20-21 seconds, but it is difficult to perform steep turns on it - the aircraft is easily breaking easily, and therefore the steep turning on the Me-109 can rarely see.

German pilots do not lead the battle on the bold, as they know that the growing turn is losing the initiative in battle, giving it to the one who leads a fight on the vertical maneuver. The initiative, as already mentioned, is of great importance for air combat, so the transition to a fight with a maneuver in the horizontal plane cannot be recommended to our pilots.

If for some reason the battle on the blisters still started, then it is more expedient to spend on the right ablosions, since most of our cars make the right grying better left, and many German pilots, especially young, do not know how to do good right-wing drives. Each fighter pilot must extradite the technique of fulfilling the right virage. You should avoid moving from one virage to another if there is an opponent behind there, for at the time of shifting to another turn, the plane is a very convenient target.

Picks the Fighter Me-109 well, quickly gaining speed and on dive easily leaves from our fighters. Faced for the dive of me-109 in most cases is unprofitable, it is better to stay at the top (omniping the nose of your aircraft is just enough so as not to lose the enemy out of sight) and attack Me-109 after going out of the dive.

The sediment of the aircraft in the conclusion from the dive of the ME-109 fighter is large. Cool dive with a low-height output for the me-109 fighter is difficult. Change the direction during the dive and in general during the attack at high speed for the Me-109 fighter is also difficult if the attack requires a significant feeling, then M-109 stops the attack and goes up to repeat the attack again. This feature of the Me-109 is used in battle some types of our fighters.

Armament. On the M-109F fighter, two machine guns were installed and one gun, on the M-109G fighter - three fighters and two machine guns - everything for firing only forward. The amount of ammunition on the M / 109F fighter of 500 ammunition on the machine gun and 200 shells per cannon, on the M-109G fighter - 5 500 ammunition for the machine gun and 200 shells on the central cannon and 140 shells on the wing cannons.

In battle with a bombarder, approach the close distance interferes with the shooter, in battle with the Fighter Me-109 the fire of the attacked does not interfere with the opposition. Of course, it is best to open fire on the enemy fighter only from the smallest range, but this is possible only when the enemy does not see the attacker and gives him the opportunity to approach.

The faster the rapprochement is made, the less likely that the attacker will be seen. Hence the desire of an attacker as soon as possible to approach the intended goal.

During the battle, the enemy can be fledged on a wide variety of distances and under any angles. So, the fighter must be in position for open fire from behind with a low range, but if it fails, you need to be able to fire and from a larger distance.

If the attackering fighter is seen, then, of course, the attacked will not wait until he is being searched, but will try to get out of the fire with some maneuver. But whatever maneuver will apply, he will not be able to immediately give his plane a big corner movement, - at this moment of our fighter will still be able to get into the opponent's plane and it is necessary not to miss the case to give an opponent's aircraft.

When attacks from the front hemisphere on the MET-109 fighter (especially but Me-109g), it should take into account strong fire forward. Attacks along the longitudinal axis on top of the front can be performed without counteraction only with a steep dive, but they give too low the likelihood of hitting the enemy. Half diving right front gives the enemy the opportunity to cover the nose of the aircraft and meet the attack by fire. Considering that the enemy will need to change the direction in the horizontal plane of the enemy than to change the direction in the vertical plane, much better lead the front at the side of the side view of 1 / 4-2 / \u200b\u200b4 from non-crushed diver.

The use of PC for fighters is possible, but it is possible to achieve a label of shooting only at the first attack and then under the condition of a hidden approach to the enemy. In the future, the fighter battle takes such a fast and changeable nature that the shooting of PC, which requires accurate adherence to the shooting range and coming out of the assumption that the purpose is minor, gives little hope for hitting. In addition, PC has considerable weight and windshield and, therefore, worsen the flight data of the fighter. On fighters I-16 and I-153, it makes sense to apply PC, but it is necessary to produce them not one or two (as on bombers), and the volley of four projectiles with a different setting of the tube slowing down (with a 0.2 or 0 interval, 4 seconds).

The taran of the enemy fighter is possible. This is evidenced by the fact of Taran of one ME-109, made on July 4, 1942 by Lieutenant Potapov. But such examples are the exception.

Location of vulnerable places and booking Me-109. The vulnerabilities of the ME-109 fighter - the motor, pilot and gas tanks - are located in the front of the fuselage close to each other. A vulnerable place can be considered the entire front half of the fuselage. In the wings vulnerable places are only water regiments. The area that these places occupy is significantly less than the area of \u200b\u200bvulnerable places of the bomber, so the range of valid fire on the fighter should be considered for a 20-mm gun and a 12.7-mm machine gun is not over 300 m. Normal light leading range, providing a good probability of hitting, - Not more than 100 m. When running fire under an anonym more than 0/4, the area of \u200b\u200bvulnerable places is increasing, but not so like a bomber.

Booking a me-109f fighter is shown in the figure. Against armor-piercing shells and armor-piercing bullets of major caliber armor almost invalid and can not be considered with it.

The Booking of the M-109G fighter is no different from the reservation of the Me-109F, except that the rear of the gas tank is supplied by a solid partition 18 mm thick of several layers of durally intended for removing an incendiary composition with incendiary bullets. Armor cannot be considered this partition, since bullets through it freely pass. In addition, when testing, it was found that the partition does not reach their goal and even, on the contrary, only improves the action of the stingy bullets.

The thickness of the armor armor me-109g is as follows:

Heap 9.4 mm

4.4 mm backrest

8.0 mm seat

The armor closes the pilot from attacks directly from above (from the rear hemisphere) to the picking angle of 45 °, below the corner\u003e 5 °. From attacks from behind, the pilot is closed by armor badly; Already at the side angle of 0 ° Armion closes the pilot only partially. The armor of the le-109 fighter armor breaks through the air-sized bullet of the average caliber from the range of 100 m and the armor-piercing bullet of a large caliber (12.7 mm) from a distance of up to 400 m. Transparent armor on the visor of the pilot protects only from the middle caliber bullets, the bullet is 12.7 mm machine gun Pierce it.

Fighter fighter gas tank accommodates fuel to flight up to two o'clock, fighter fighter gas tape - for one hour when flying at economic speed. The maximum speed and in combat fuel is consumed very quickly - in flight with combustion battles on the ME-109G fighter ends after 40-45 minutes. The tread on the gas tank tightens up to 20 pulleys of the middle caliber and 5-6 samples of the caliber of 12.7 mm. The inception bullet gets into space above the level of fuel ignites the pair of gasoline and breaks the tank. The frost resistance of the tread turned out to be bad: in frosty weather, the protector freezes, crumbs and bullet samples do not delay.

The review is a weak point of the me-109 fighter. Not without reason, this plane is considered the most "blind" from all types of fighters. The ME-109 fighter cabin is narrow, the lantern in flight does not open, the armored head is occupied by a very large space of rear. The most difficult for the pilot ME-109 view the sectors back and forth down. The enemy, which laced in the tail, the flyer Me-109 can not see.

The tactics of German fighter pilots are built on the basis of the properties of the aircraft. A bad review from the Me-109 aircraft forces the Germans to better view the space from behind to apply broad combat order, in which from one flank could be seen what is being made from behind another flank.

Attacks The Germans are trying to do from above, whipped, with steep departure up, usually ending with a "slide" with a turn or a turn by 90-180 ° to view the air.

In 1941, the fighters of the Me-109 avoided fighting at high altitude and tried to pull the battle to the most profitable height for them - 1500-2500 m. In 1942, the German Air Force entered the ME-109G Fighter, on which the motor with elevated highness was installed (7000 m), which increased the number of battles at high height. Fights with the fighter ME-109G began to be celebrated at altitudes of up to 8000 m. If, in addition, it is noted that both fighting parties understood the value of exceeding in battle and strive at least part of the forces to be higher than the enemy, it gives the right to assume that battles between Fighters at high altitude will occur more often than in 1942. Hence the conclusions for fighter pilots: you need to constantly and any flight to be ready for battle at high altitude; Have open oxygen cylinders and a fitted oxygen mask, constantly ready for battle weapons, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to speed up the preparation of young pilots to battle at high altitude.

The Germans use the MET-109G fighter for the actions of "hunters", which are usually acting in pairs on individual aircraft and block the front-line airfields by attacks on the aircraft, or setting up airplanes.

When attacking our fighter, the attacked M-109 tries to get out of a shock with a sliding, turn, dive, "slide", sometimes a coup or any other maneuver. At the same time, one or more other aircraft from the group is carried out on the attacking so that it is for themselves to attack it, which is usually possible to do only after the exit of our fighter from the attack. To prevent this maneuver, it took into practice the attacking attack.

The attack of the pair is made in the battle order of the bearing, the distance between the aircraft in front of the attack increases to 300-100 m at the interval of 20-50 m. During the attack, the leading led after diving also goes to dive with his commander (otherwise it will lose it), but dives not as cool to stay above the lead; The output starts at the same time.

Such an attack requires good flue of Nara, which is achieved by the constancy of the composition of the pair and training. It is impossible to make an attack with a small distance inside the pair, since this case, the slave does not have the ability to reflect the attack of the enemy on the lead.

Given the features of the review of the I-109 fighter, we can assume that the attacks are beneficial to it for the purpose of secrecy at the bottom or behind approximately one height. However, how to catch up with Me-109 on such an attack and how to get out of it and whether such an attack does not contradict the requirement to maintain excess that seemingly dictates the need to perform attacks from the top, shown in the figure. Attack Behind the top makes it possible to maintain an excess, but it is inconvenient because there is little time for the aiming and maintenance of fire, the aiming point has to be taken significantly before and the fire of the attacker will not be particularly specimen. In addition, it is necessary to approach the attack quite close to the enemy aircraft and produce rapprochement and attack in the right, which more or Menee is well visible by the enemy, which does not ensure the attack injections.

Attack behind approximately one height is devoid of these shortcomings. It provides secrecy, gives enough time to aiming and does not require the removal of the aiming point, which is why the conditions for maintaining fire and fire are simplified therefore becomes more likely. Is it possible to somehow connect the advantages of both types of attacks described above? It turns out, to a certain extent it is possible if you do the attack as shown in the figure.

Call such an attack - an attack behind after dive. It combines the advantages of attacks on top of the rear and behind at one height. Its main and, perhaps, the only minus is the difficulty of execution technique. If the picking is too far from the opponent's aircraft, then by the time of the fighter fighter fighter, the speed of the attackering aircraft will be redeemed and good "slide" to care. If the transition from the dive to the horizontal flight is too close to the opponent's aircraft, the pilot of an attacking aircraft, barely having ever to aim, will be forced to already come out of the attack. Too late, out of attack leads to the fact that the attacker can slip forward and substitute the tail of his aircraft to the enemy. Too early to get out of the attack - it means not to get into the enemy.

It will not always be your plane in this position when the attack is rear after the dive is possible. The attack on the top in this regard is better, since it does not impose such strict requirements by the time it began. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to do both types of these attacks: an attack on top and attack behind after dive. These attacks, especially the attack behind the recording, require a special training of the pilot. To determine the moment of transition to the dive, it is necessary to take into account the value of its exceeding (with a large exceeding dive can be started before) and the speed of the enemy (the more the speed of the enemy, the closer to the enemy it is necessary to start diving). To properly exit the attack, you need to take into account the speed of your aircraft and the opponent aircraft. All this obliges the airlord commanders to provide good training in the performance of the attacks described, since otherwise such attacks will be little useful.

What can oppose such attacks an opponent? Most likely, one of the pilots, located on another combat order flank, and watching the plane behind the attacked aircraft, will notice earlier the attacked such attack. This pilot is obviously trying to prevent an attack. To paralyze the opposition, this technique is recommended: the simultaneous attack of both combat order flanks of the enemy. In this case, such a situation may turn out: the ME-109 right-to-levoflang fighter, each separately, will see the threat to your colleague, but will not see the dangers hanging over himself that, of course, will only be on the hand of the attacker. The enemy pilots can, of course, warn each other about the danger on the radio, but for this it will take some time, the truth, measured in seconds, but the cost of seconds in air combat often solves the outcome of the battle.

To comprehend the enemy to opposition, the attack on top or behind after the dive should be conducted on the rear aircraft. If the enemy airplanes are echelonized in height, then the upper aircraft must be destroyed.

Attacks on top and rear after dive are not the only possible types of attacks used by fighters in air combat. In battle, attacks are possible from the most seemingly incredible provisions, for example, from the position of the wheels on the enemy, which fell under an annex 4/4, the fighter pilot must be ready to perform any attacks, but nevertheless he should try, if there is The ability to produce attacks, especially the first, exactly as described above.

Above was considered mainly only the beginning of the battle, only the first attack. How will the fight in the future, which may be created and how to act in these provisions it is impossible.

The above descriptions of many fights serve as a visual illustration of the complexity and manifold of fighting and the impossibility in any textbook to provide all possible provisions and say what to do in each of them. The action of the pilot in air combat is based on its intelligence. You can only give general rules that should be followed in air combat. Some of them were already listed ("hold on top of the enemy", "Try to attack the back after the dive"). Here it remains to add the following. We oppose the tactics of the enemy as one of the most important rules of battle - their cohesion, mutual support, complete subordination of the interests of a separate pilot in the interests of the entire group.

Fighters must strictly hold on to the commander of a combat order, do not chase lonelles, do not disappear from the group. The crews attacked by the enemy are obliged to build their maneuver so as not to leave the group, but, on the contrary, bring the enemy under the fire of their comrades. If for some reason part of the group broke up and some aircraft were alone, it is necessary to join the group by all means. At the same time, not necessarily the slave must search for the lead that he walked before the battle. It is necessary to attach to the first aircraft, if only this plane was yours, just to the group was together.

First of all, one of the opponent's aircraft should be attacked, which threatens a friend. Each fighter pilot in battle may have such a situation: he was in a profitable position in relation to some aircraft of the enemy and confident that after a few seconds heats him, but at this time notes that behind the aircraft his comrade, in his tail , Another enemy fighter comes and is about to betray our fighter. What is in this case to do? Will an enemy confuse in a position convenient for attack, and leave the comrades in danger or to quit a loyal prey and help out your neighbor? If you consider the moral value of the friendly support of faith in his comrade in battle and take into account the high value for us the life and security of your own, the Soviet pilot, the pilot must unconditionally follow the rule, which became the immutable law of air combat: Throw everything, but will cut out the comrade, the attacks first and without Any delay of one who is dangerous to a neighbor.

To fulfill this rule, you need to follow the following:

a) continuously conduct circular monitoring of the situation; Even during the attack, it is necessary to follow and know what is being done around, and not to look after the opponent aircraft, according to which the attack is conducted;

b) not to disappear from the group; Chasing the opponent's aircraft overlooking the battle only by command of the commander;

c) all group aircraft must have a well-established radio communications among themselves, to comply with Radioyscipline in battle, all the commands and reports are briefly and understandable;

d) the group commander, the leading battle, must first notice the threat to any of his pilots and organize opposition to the threat of other aircraft or its own attack; In order to be able to observe the battle, the commander does not pull into any persecution or protracted battle, but trying to use only short attacks with the yield up.

An enemy's fighter must be established observation not only by the fighters themselves, but also from the Earth to prevent fighter radio fighter approximation. For a guarantee from a sudden attack by an opponent, fighters allocate a cover group that is located on top. It is also used for short attacks in those areas where the situation is not in our favor, or in areas that solve the outcome of the battle. Thus, the cover group performs two tasks - reserve and effort.

Fighter forces should not be sprayed. If fighters go small groups, they must be combined with flexible control connecting all groups into one. This requires well-organized, absolutely reliable radio communications between groups in the air, and the connection of fighter fighters.

During the battle, tactical errors are possible at both sides. Sometimes the enemy in battle himself goes under the fire of our aircraft, there is nothing to amaze it, and it is necessary to skillfully use each such case and knock the opponent who made a mistake. Especially frequent mistakes in young enemy pilots will be especially, so at the same time the battle is felt, with whom it has to deal with whether with an experienced pilot or with young.

It is necessary not only to use enemy errors, but also to make them as much as possible. Prerequisites for this:

a) good tactical training of pilots, which is achieved not only by lectures and reading textbooks, but mainly by the analysis of the battles and playing the actions of fighters in various positions of air combat;

b) continuous, well-organized air observation during battle;

c) Proper control of the fight from the commander.

From the above, it is visible above how great the value of the commander for the outcome of the battle. The commander should be preserved and protected in every way, and the commander himself does not heat their bravery, not to get involved in battle, throwing on this time to manage its subordinates. This is especially true of the commander of the squadron and the regiment commander, whose task is not to increase the expense of the opponent personally shot down by them, but in order to control the fight of their unknown and increase the account of a squadron shot down by a squadron or an opponent aircraft.

The same commander, who in pursuit of an extra asterisk on the fuselage of his aircraft throws his subordinates without controlling, to the mercy of fate. The commander of the squadron or shelf sometimes, of course, will have to produce attacks and yourself, but this should be done so that after the attack you can quickly take control of the fight in your hands.

It is also necessary to take into account the role of the commander and the enemy, in battle to notice the plane on which the commander is located (it will be most often the leading lower or covering group), try to destroy it in the first place and, maybe even allocate a special part of the forces to destroy it Or at least not to give him the opportunity to manage the fight.

Where to make reversal during the battle? The battle can not pass in one vertical plane, the unfolding in battle will have to and is far from anyway.

Booking is made of separate plates with a thickness of 5 to 10 mm, the arrangement of the reservation is shown in the figure. From the attack in the side and in front of the crew from above, the crew is not protected. When attacking the I-110 aircraft behind the armor does not save it from armor-piercing shells and armor-piercing 12.7-mm bullets.

The feature of the armament of the I-110 fighter makes the most convenient directions of attacks from behind or in front of the side. The technique of performing these attacks is mainly the same as on the Yu-87 bomber, which has similar weapons for the shelling of the rear hemisphere, and on the Fighter Me-110 shelling back is more limited than on the Yu-87 bombarder. When attacking the I-110 fighter, it is impossible to slip forward to it, since in this case the attacker substitutes his plane under the fire of the front cannons and enemy machine guns. The output from the attack should be done down without overtaking Me-110. Fire forward from the I-110 aircraft is quite strong, and it is not recommended to attack it right in the forehead.

The M-110 plane is good, so the German pilots flying to the Me-110 often use diving to care from our crawling flight fighters in order to use the Earth to cover the most vulnerable direction from the rear attacks from the bottom. Against the I-110 aircraft, which goes on the cracking flight, the same battle techniques are used as with bombers - attacks by a pair of arrow and then motor.

The I-110 Fighter Fighter Group has the same qualities as a group of bombers. The tactics of fighters leading the battle with Me-110 should be appropriate. However, it should be borne in mind that the Fighters of the Me-110 cannot, as bombers, count only on the fire of their shooters, so they will try to turn to the attack of the front weapons. But since the maneuverability of the M-110 aircraft, its speed and speed is small, then our fighters can always leave from under the attacks of Me-110. Care must be taken up. It is impossible to be lower and ahead of Me-110. After the attack at the back and from the bottom with the departure, it is necessary to move aside and quickly recruit the height.

Me-110 fighters in a difficult position for them are often becoming a "defensive circle", and the attacks in this circle are made from the inside from the inside because of the shooter of the shooters. Against the "defensive circle" of the I-110, the RS acts well. This technique is used: our fighters go to the side and now return to catch the enemy during the exit from the "circle" when the IM-110 will be stretched into the chain and rear aircraft will be very advantageous for them.


1. The outcome of the battle is solved not so much by the quality of the aircraft, how much the ability to use them, i.e. tactics. At the same time, the fighter pilot should be able to receive maximum speed from the aircraft, the maximum flight speed, the maximum of the height set on the "hill" and the minimum time of the virage.

2. The fighter for passive defense is not adapted, so you should always act first, seek suddenness, at least the first attack, and retain the freedom of action.

3. Properly build a combat order, eloning it in height. It is necessary to allocate a cover group using it as hiding and reserves.

When connected in one combat order, several types of aircraft, high-speed aircraft when height is height should be higher, maneuverable - below.

4. Exceeding in battle increases speed and imperativeness and thereby ensures freedom of action and initiatives of fighters.

To be higher than the enemy, it is necessary:

Properly echelonate in height of combat order;

Figures associated with loss of height, apply only as a last resort;

Use in battle every second for a set of extra height;

Before fighting, keep the necessary speed.

If an unexpected meeting with enemy fighters is possible with an advantage in height on their side, you should keep more speed. Near the front when flying is much lower than the cloudiness you need to keep the speed close to the maximum; In other cases, one should not spend fuel and overvolt the motor in high speed.

5. Continuously monitor air. Noticing in the air aircraft, you must first of all identify your own or other people's. While the aircraft are not identified, build their maneuver, as when meeting with the enemy. If it turned out that the enemy fighters are met, you need:

Install the type of aircraft and their number; look around, whether there are still other opponent aircraft in the air;

Quickly evaluate the situation and make a decision;

Notice on the ground where the fight began;

Do not forget to establish a screw on a small step;

If there is time, bring to the ground about a meeting with the enemy (type and quantity where, at what height and what does).

6. Attacks (especially the first) try to make from behind after dive. When performing an attack, take into account exceeding and speed - its own and enemy. Try to approach the enemy unnoticed and quickly to open fire in the emphasis. If the position for the attack behind after the dive is uncomfortable, attacking the back from above.

7. The fighter should always be ready to perform an attack from any position. First of all, it is necessary to attack the one who threatens your friend who is behind or above, and the flanks of the enemy group.

8. The battle must be guided by short rapid attacks, not allowing the enemy to shove itself. Attacks repeat quickly one after another with a skillful masking of the sun and clouds. Do not give the enemy to come to your senses.

9. When attacking a pair to fire fire, a leading enemy should be shot down - the commander of the pair, the driven covers his commander and attacks only someone who threatens the commander. In front of the attack to open up 300-400 m and the interval of 20-50 m.

10. Do not draw into battle on the deviras not to lose the initiative. If the battle on the bold arose, try to lead it on the right devies. Do not make a transition from one viragee to another, when there is an opponent who is ready for an attack.

11. For a diving aircraft, do not chase, it is better to stay at the top and beat the opponent from above after going out of the dive or in the upper part of the "slide" if the enemy finishes output from the dive of "slide".

12. Continuously monitor the situation. Even during his attack to know what is done around. Notice when the enemy is just going to attack to get away from the attack on time.

13. Maneuver in battle to build so as to be able to lead an attack, and not be at risk.

If the opponent was under the fire, immediately sharp maneuver leaves from under the fire. Removal:

Taking into account the position of the sun and clouds;

- "Sight on the enemy";

So, to bring the enemy under the fire of other fighters or pull the battle away from the opponent's territory and, if there is an opportunity, under the fire of our anti-aircraft artillery.

14. In combat orders, keep together, not to break away from the group, pursue only on the orders of the commander.

15. Do not become a "defensive circle"; If he got into a difficult position, then defend themselves with comrades, knocking the enemy from under each other's tail, on counter courses.

16. Observe the following fire rules:

Save ammunition, open fire, just aiming well;

Try to fire on the enemy fighter from small ranges, but if you need to be able to hit the goal and from large ranges;

The fire on the angles is less than one quarter to lead the accompanying, with an annex around one quarter when aiming applying prompting towards the flight of the enemy, with an annex more than one quarter to carry out a barrage fire;

To bring the track to the middle of the target (height) or put the track so that the enemy inevitably passed through it;

To be confident in his sight, to shoot the weapon itself, take care of the shooting and check it more often.

17. Use each enemy error, each incorrect maneuver. Do not make mistakes yourself, continuously study on your battles and battles of comrades.

18. To identify the commander of the enemy group and try to destroy it in the first place.

19. Observe the discipline on the air, do not interfere with the commander to manage the fight, all reports on the radio should do as short as possible.

20. The commander, guiding the battle, must:

Keep in the hands of managing the actions of subordinates, to direct the course of the fight according to your will, and not as the opponent wants;

Avoid yourself to draw into battle in order not to leave subordinates without control.

21. The commanders of regiments and divisions and their headquarters are required:

Ensure the numerical superiority of its fighters in every battle;

Achieve superiority not by flight of large groups of fighters, but flexible management by groups in the air;

Organize a reliable and simple connection with airplanes in the air;

Keep the reserve on earth in readiness for rapid takeoff;

Organize a reliable alert that allows you to send support to fighters in a timely manner, to warn them about the opponent and bring our fighters to the enemy;

Study the experience of spent battles and to learn their pilots on this experience.

(Tactics of Fighter Aviation Air Force of the Red Army Chipboard, Edition 1943)

Purpose of fighter aviation

The appointment of fighter aviation is the destruction of the enemy in air battles and on airfields, ensuring their troops and fixed objects from the air enemy attack, the destruction of the aerostats of observation and barriers, ensuring the hostilities of their aviation and, if necessary, ensuring aerial photography and the work of the adjustments.

Fighter aviation can also be used for the attack of ground troops, as well as to perform intelligence tasks, both in the interests of the general-official and aviation command.

Fighter Aviation

The struggle for superiority (domination) in the air is conducted in various ways and means depending on the goals set. There are a struggle for prompt and for tactical domination in the air.

Operational domination in the air involves the conquest of domination in the air during the operation conducted by terrestrial troops, and requires the destruction of the enemy Air Force, sources of replenishment and supply of them, as well as the destruction of the opponent's airfield network.

The struggle for tactical domination persecutes limited goals: not to give an opponent's aviation opportunity to work on a certain section of the front during the time measured by hours.

The struggle for operational dominance in the air is conducted by all types of combat aviation and air defense agents, and private tasks fall out for fighter aircraft in this case to ensure other types of aviation fighting with opposing opponent's air forces.

The capture of operational domination in the air aims:

    a) to ensure the shock grouping of their troops on the main operating direction from air intelligence and attack;

    b) ensure the work of the rear and the path of communication at the main operational direction and the most important air defense points; c) Ensure the freedom of action of its aviation not only on its territory and above the battle field, but also in the rear of the enemy.

In this struggle for single fighter aircraft, tasks will be given: a) the destruction in cooperation with the air defense of the enemy aircraft penetrating © Rear; b) the destruction of the enemy aircraft in the foci of an air struggle formed at the front and in the rear of the enemy (100-150 km).

For a double fighter aircraft: independent struggle with opponent aircraft and ensuring the actions of other types of combat aviation at the entire operational depth (up to 300-500 km).

On multi-family fighters: a) the maintenance of their bombers to the area of \u200b\u200btheir actions and ensuring them from the opponent's aviation during the fulfillment of the task; b) interaction with single and double fighter fighters in their struggle both over their territory and over the territory of the enemy.

For double and multi-seat fighters that perform the tasks of supporting bomber and attack aircraft, the intelligence and air defense suppression assigns, and sometimes they are directly involved in the bombardment and shelling of earth objects to be destroyed.

With the current ratio (quantitative) species of combat aviation, fighter aviation can achieve its own means of only tactical domination in the air over a relatively small area (20-30 km) and for a period measured by the time of finding fighters in the area.

The seizure of tactical domination in the air has a goal:

    a) the protection of important groups of troops on the battlefield and in the rear from air intelligence and attacks;

    b) the protection of rear objects;

    c) ensuring the combat work of other types of aviation from the air enemy not only over the battlefield, but also over the enemy's territory.

Tactical domination for longer periods is achieved not only by the actions of fighters in the air, but also the suppression of the enemy Air Force at its airfields by other clan aviation. In the case of a successful plaque on the airfields, the air in the air will be captured for a while until the enemy will focus the fresh air forces from other areas capable of creating an equilibrium of forces in the air.

Providing land forces

The common tasks of the fighteravation with respect to the ground troops are to ensure the secrecy of the location and maneuver of ground troops and ensure the opponent's aviation attacks.

Fighter aircraft belongs to the army (front-line, chief command) of aviation and the composition of military connections is not included. Depending on the situation and combat missions, part of the fighter aviation will contribute to the military compounds, remaining at the disposal of the army command, and only in some cases will switch to temporary operational submission of the command of military compounds.

Fighter Aviation, working on the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of its troops, acts in close linking with them. This linkage is achieved by setting specific tasks that are clearly and clearly set out in the combat order.

The necessary interaction of fighters with terrestrial troops will be expressed: a) in the linking of the actions of fighters with the actions of terrestrial troops at place and time; b) in the organization of reliable communication; c) in reloading in some cases (actions in the department and others) of a single and double fighter aviation command of troops, in the interests of which it will work; d) in the transfer of single fighters to airfields located near the protected object.

The main methods of performing tasks for the cover of the troops are: a) duty on Earth; b) duty in the air (patrolling); o) ambushes in the air; d) ambushes on earth.

Duty on earth (at the airfield) is carried out by two or three shifts. The first shift is always in readiness to leave; The second shift takes on the first place in the case of its departure and has a ready period for 5 minutes. In the presence of the third shift, the latter is in a state of rest and can be ready after 1-1.5 hours. In winter, the readiness will increase by 25%.

The duty in the air is performed by patrolling over the object that covers. Patroling is carried out by group of aircraft in 3-5 on two or three heights.

Patrols of the lower tier are held at an altitude of 500-1,500 I have a challenge to ensure that assaults. Patrols of the second tier hold at the height of 3 LLC-4 LLC M to ensure from bombing from medium heights. The top tier of patrols is located on the 5th ooo-6 volume M to ensure from high-rise bombing. With low cloudiness, limited to patrols at the height of the lower and middle tiers.

The duration of each patrol about 1 h. 15 m. The diameter patrolled by each patrol area of \u200b\u200b10-15 km.

The ambushes in the air are performed by patrolling in a certain direction, mainly to intercept the opponent's scouts.

The ambushes on Earth are performed by duty on the ground of small groups of fighters in the most threatened areas. Fighters are located on the landing site, applying careful disguise and secrecy measures. Departure is made according to posts reports, on the opening of fire of anti-aircraft artillery or after personal observation detection.

The ambushes on Earth reach the goals only if the opponent has a slumbling aircraft.

Tasks of fighter aviation in the counter battle

During the preparation of the march of his troops:

    a) suppress aerodromes of intelligence, assault and easy-to-bombarding aviation of the enemy;

    b) ensure the intelligence of military aviation in the zone of the fighter aviation of the enemy;

    c) ensure the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of their troops from the observation and air intelligence of the enemy.

In the march period:

    a) to ensure the movement of the columns on the march in the most dangerous places (on crossings through river barriers, during the passage of tesns, narrowness and open spaces);

    b) to ensure the work of intelligence and combat aviation.

During the period of avant-gardens and the main forces:

    a) in cooperation with anti-aircraft drugs to ensure airborne intelligence deployment in the combat order of the main forces;

    b) Send tactical domination in the air over the area of \u200b\u200bthe enemy's eye forces in order to ensure the work of its combat and military aviation.

The tasks of fighter aviation in the attack on the defendant enemy.

The main tasks of the fighter aircraft are solved according to three periods of this type of battle of ground troops.

During the preparation of the offensive, rapprochement and occupation of the initial position, the fighter aviation should:

    a) provide from air intelligence and observing the occupation of the initial position by shock groups of troops;

    b) directly ensure the work of cabinet and artillery aviation in more tense and responsible periods of their action;

    c) in the struggle for tactical domination in the air together with attack aircraft and bombers to take part in the destruction of the enemy's enemy airfields or the suppression of the enemy's air forces by combating its airborne airborne.

In the period from the beginning of the attack before the development of the breakthrough:

    a) provide tactical domination in the air over the echelon development of a breakthrough;

    b) Provide tactical domination over the battlefield in the interests of the first echelon troops and military aviation.

During the development of the breakthrough:

    a) to ensure the domination of air in the depths of the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200baction of the Echelon Development of the breakthrough;

    b) Provide the main grouping of artillery when changing its positions.

In prosecution:

    a) ensure the actions of assault and easy-bombarding aviation;

    b) Cover the pursuing columns from the attack of the enemy from the air.

The tasks of fighter aircraft when an offensive with overcoming water barriers: cover the bridges and crossing the troops from attacks and the attacks of the air opponent.

The tasks of fighter, aviation in a defensive battle.

During the approach of the opponent to the defensive strip:

    a) ensure the combat work of their military aircraft;

    b) Prevent the opponent's neighboring airborne aircraft in our location.

During the defense period of the front edge:

  • ensure the work of artillery and observation aircraft on the most important areas of the battlefield.

During the battle period within its defensive strip:

    a) to provide a decisive opposition to the enemy aircraft observation of the battlefield;

    b) to ensure the work of artillery aircraft;

    c) to ensure the actions of their assault and light bombarding aviation;

    d) to ensure their counterpart groups from air attack;

    e) in case of particular need to attack breaking parts of the enemy.

Tasks of fighter aviation during waste:

    a) ensure the area of \u200b\u200bcoagulation in the columns of their troops from air surveys and intelligence, and troops coagulated in the column - from air attack;

    b) to ensure the work of its intelligence aviation when observing the flanks and enemy troops;

    c) to ensure in cooperation with anti-aircraft drugs and tested on the path of exhausting troops;

    d) With a deep section of individual enemy groups into the location of the exhausting troops or when the bypass, threatening, cut off the path of waste of their troops, to delay the further promotion of these enemy groups.

Special types of combat work of fighter aviation

In addition to these tasks, an attack of terrestrial targets may be assigned to fighter aircraft as in the interests of the ground troops and the Air Force (attack of the firepoints of the air defense system, the attack of the enemy Air Force on its airfields, including the destruction of balloons and airships).

Fighter aviation is attracted to the fulfillment of these tasks:

    a) with a lack of cash aviation of other appointments;

    b) with a stubborn resistance of the enemy in the air, when the command decides to throw all cash aviation for these tasks;

    c) In cases where the aircraft of the corresponding aerospaces are difficult to cope with the task (exploration of airfields protected by fighters).

The main ground objects of the attack of fighter aviation can be:

    a) infantry, cavalry, artillery and motor-mechanized parts in hiking columns, especially - try the passage of narrows (crossings, difficult to pass the road, etc.);

    b) infantry, cavalry, artillery and motor-mechanized parts in concentrated orders (in reserve, on vacation, during loading and unloading at railway stations);

    c) aircraft on the airfield, aerostats on earth;

    d) military trains;

    e) transport parts and rear institutions in motion and in place;

    e) anti-aircraft batteries, spotlight stations, etc.

The means of lesion is chosen depending on the nature and size of the target; Mainly used machine-gun fire and small fragmentation bombs.

Use of fighter aviation for intelligence purposes

In some cases, intelligence tasks are laid on fighter aircraft as in the interests of land forces, so especially in the interests of the Air Force.

Exploration fighters is conducted in all cases when intelligence aircraft due to domination in the air of the enemy aviation is not able to penetrate the zone requiring observation.

The most characteristic case of the use of fighters as intelligence officers in the interests of the Air Force is the intelligence of enemy objects protected by its fighters.

Fighters can in the right cases mining exploration data in terms of performing their combat missions.

And its main purpose is to defeat the air attack (SVN opponent) in the flight in close cooperation with anti-aircraft missile troops (VSV) and anti-aircraft artillery (for). The limited composition of the part and the EA divisions can be involved in the accuracy of ground (marine) objects of the enemy, as well as for airborne intelligence.

The main purpose of the fighter-aviation regiment is to fulfill the combat missions of the anti-air defense of the most important facilities and areas of the country, the fighter aviation cover of the grinding troops (fleet forces), as well as ensuring the hostilities of units and parts of other types of aviation. In addition, the JEP is involved to destroy radio-electronic intelligence aircraft, primarily from the composition of the reconnaissance and impact complexes (hands), aircraft controls, specialized aircraft of the Rabs and air assaults of the enemy in the air.

In peacetime, a fighter aviation regiment is part of the appointed forces carrying combat duty in the air defense system for the protection of airspace over the territory of the Russian Federation and is prepared for the fulfillment of combat missions according to its destination.

The main form of combat use of fighter aviation parts and units is air battle.

The main combat missions performed by the IAP belong:

Covering the most important objects, country areas and groupings of troops (fleet forces) from the strikes of the air attack and air intake;

The destruction of the air enemy in air battles for domination in the air;

Ensuring combat operations of parts and units of other childbirth;

The destruction of radio electronic intelligence aircraft, aircraft aircraft (helicopters) - interference leaders;

Fighting an enemy air assaults in the air;

The maintenance of air reconnaissance IAP can be attracted by either limited composition, or lead it along the performance of basic combat missions.

If necessary, in certain periods of conducting b / actions, the Fighter Aviation Regiment may be delivered to the task of damage to ground (marine) enemy objects in the field of fighter deficiency.

The fighting capabilities of fighter aircraft.

Fighter aircraft-consisting of fighter aircraft fighter fighters, MiG-31, SU-27, MiG-29 with high b / possibilities are capable of detecting an enemy on a large range, accompany several air targets at the same time and hit them from any directions in everything Range of heights and flight speeds.

The main factors defining b / efficiency of fighters are speed, maneuver, fire. They are in close relationships, must be in an optimal ratio.

The appearance of all-arctic missiles with TGS allows you to enter the attack on counter courses in the near battle. One of the main characteristics affecting the outcome of the near air combat is a reversal radius that for fourth-generation aircraft ≥500 m.

In modern short-range air combat, the fighter output is no longer required to the specified target half factor. Now the launch missiles are distributed over the entire area around the opponent's aircraft. Rocket starts in the range of coursework 120-60º are 48%, and in the range -180-120º - 31%. The average battle duration has decreased, which requires an increase in the angular velocity and reducing the radius of the turn.

The fighting of aviation regimental aviation regiments

Purpose and Tasks of the FBA and Sha

The front bomber and assault aircraft constitute the main shock power of front-line aviation and are able to strike at a depth of 250-400 km.

The main purpose of the front-line bomber aviation is the destruction of objects in the operational depth of the enemy, i.e. At a depth of 300-400 km from the front line. It can also act in the tactical and nearest operational depth, solving the tasks of aviation support for the ground forces. The main tasks of bomber aviation will be:

The destruction of the mass lesions and means of their delivery;

Defeat reserves of the enemy;

Defeat the controls of the troops of the enemy;

Facilitating landing of their landings;

Preventing opponent maneuvers;

Based on the purpose, the main objects of blows for front-line bomber aviation should be considered:

Airfields and airplanes on them;

Missile installations in positions;

Reserves in the areas of concentration and march;

Nodes of railway stations, large bridges, crossing, sea and river ports;

Warehouses and supply bases;

Management and radar posts.

The assault aviation is the main means of aircraft support for the ground forces. Aviation support for the land forces is one of the main tasks of bomber and assault aviation.

The main purpose of the assault aviation is the destruction of ground-based small and moving objects on the battlefield and in tactical depths. Objects of its actions may also be in the nearest operational depth to 300 km. From the front line.

Methods for b / actions and b / orders of divisions (parts) of the FBA and Sha.
When solving its tasks, the division and part of the FBA and Sha, depending on the conditions, the following main methods of maintaining b / actions can be applied:

Simultaneous blow to predetermined targets;

Successive blows of predetermined targets;

Call actions;

Independent search.

Simultaneous strikes (group strikes) must be applied when it is required to create a large density of rocket-bomb strike. The blow is applied with all the composition or most of the strength. In this case, the best conditions are created to ensure and overcome the electronic air defense system.

Consecutive blows (single) are applied with a lack of forces for simultaneously performing tasks, as well as if necessary, a long-term impact on the objects of the enemy and preventing restoration work.

The application of the call on the call from its departments or senior bosses is carried out, as a rule, on newly discovered purposes (rocket attitudes in positions, troops on the march, etc.). This method is most often applied to aviation support of land forces units.

An independent search is used when there are no accurate information about the location of the hit objects. An independent search is performed by a limited composition of forces (usually before the link). If necessary, these forces can increase.

For the defeat and destruction of terrestrial objects of the FBA and Sha, the following attack methods are used:

With dive;

From horizontal flight;

From converting.

Attack with dive is used to destroy small-sized moving and fixed purposes. This method has the greatest accuracy of the hit.

The attack from the converting and horizontal position is used to damage the area and linear objects.

In difficult meteo conditions, bombing and shooting for land targets are performed from small heights of 150-220 m. From horizontal flight or with low dive angles. When conducting b / actions in simple meteo conditions, the strikes are applied with dive from medium heights. Attacks are performed with the move using vigorous anti-missile and anti-model maneuvers. Boots for purposes are appropriate from various directions, taking into account the position of the Sun.

Exploration of radiation situation and weather;

Determination of the results of blows and aviation strikes.

To perform these tasks, the intelligence aircraft has no board intelligence equipment, as well as equipment for processing the results of observation, documentation and transmitting reports to land-based KP.

Views and ways of airborne intelligence.

Air intelligence depending on the scale, tasks, as well as on whose interests it is carried out, is divided into three types:




Strategic air reconnaissance is organized by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces or the Supreme Commander in the Interests of War as a whole or in the interests of operations conducted by a group of fronts, to the depth of all twes.

Operational aerial reconnaissance is organized by the front command, leading to the depth of the front, air and maritime operations by expulsion aircraft of front-line aviation.

Tactical air intelligence is organized by the army command in the tactical depth of the enemy in the interests of the compounds of various types of troops in order to obtain the necessary data for the organization of combat.

In the interests of b / actions of aviation, pre-aerial intelligence is maintained (with a lack of data for making a decision on the tasks), the deferment (to clarify the position of objects, their air defense, radiation situation and weather on the route and in the B / Action area), control (during Or after aviation strike to determine its results).

Intelligence Aviation applies the following aerial intelligence methods:

Visual observation;

Air photography;

Air reconnaissance with electronic means.

Visual observationit allows you to view large areas, and is indispensable when searching and modifying unobistant rocket and nuclear facilities, controls and air defense and other moving facilities. Data can be transferred by radio immediately after detecting goals.

Aerial photography Allows you to fix the most complex objects on the photoclete, to get quite complete data on the troops of the enemy's troops, its defensive structures, large railway nodes, airfields and positions of rocket plants, to identify even the most minor changes in such major objects.

Aircraft carriers.

Command points and radar posts, control centers for troops, as well as government centers.

Consider b / capabilities of aircraft Tu-160, Tu-95 ms, Tu-22MZ.

Airplane Tu-160.

The Tu-160 aircraft is a multi-mode strategic rocket bomber and is designed to defeat terrestrial and marine targets from small and medium heights at subsonic speeds and from high heights on supersonic speeds using strategic winged missiles, controlled missiles of low-range and aviation bombs.

The aircraft is equipped with a refueling system in the air hose-cone type (in the non-working position of the rod is removed into the nose of the fuselage in front of the pilot cabin). The crew consists of 4 people and placed on catapults.

Armament of the aircraft consisting of large, medium and low-range missiles, aircraft bombs and mines are placed in the fuselage in 2 weapons compartments. The overall load of weapons is 22,500 kg.

A rocket weapon option may include:

Two drum launchers, each of which can carry 6 controlled winged rockets, with a launch range up to 3000 km. (rockets of type X-55);

Two drum launchers for controlled low-range missiles (type X-15 rocket).

The bomb option may include thermonuclear and conventional bombs (caliber 250, 500, 1500, 3000), corrected airbones, mines and other weapons.

The combat potential of the aircraft is commensurate with the potential of 2 aircraft Tu-95 MS or 2 Tu-22MZ aircadry and equates to the rocket voltage of the underwater atomic boat with ballistic rockets.

Fighter aviation is one of the main means of combating an air enemy, and its main purpose is to defeat the air attack funds (SVN opponent) in flight in close cooperation with anti-aircraft missile troops (VS) and anti-aircraft artillery (for). The limited composition of the part and the EA divisions can be involved in the accuracy of ground (marine) objects of the enemy, as well as for airborne intelligence.

The main purpose of the fighter-aviation regiment is to fulfill the combat missions of the anti-air defense of the most important facilities and areas of the country, the fighter aviation cover of the grinding troops (fleet forces), as well as ensuring the hostilities of units and parts of other types of aviation. In addition, the JEP is involved to destroy radio-electronic intelligence aircraft, primarily from the composition of the reconnaissance and impact complexes (hands), aircraft controls, specialized aircraft of the Rabs and air assaults of the enemy in the air.

In peacetime, a fighter aviation regiment is part of the appointed forces carrying combat duty in the air defense system for the protection of airspace over the territory of the Russian Federation and is prepared for the fulfillment of combat missions according to its destination.

The main form of combat use of fighter aviation parts and units is air battle.

The main combat missions performed by the IAP belong:

Covering the most important objects, country areas and groupings of troops (fleet forces) from the strikes of the air attack and air intake;

The destruction of the air enemy in air battles for domination in the air;

Ensuring combat operations of parts and units of other childbirth;

The destruction of radio electronic intelligence aircraft, aircraft aircraft (helicopters) - interference leaders;

Fighting an enemy air assaults in the air;

The maintenance of air reconnaissance IAP can be attracted by either limited composition, or lead it along the performance of basic combat missions.

If necessary, in certain periods of conducting b / actions, the Fighter Aviation Regiment may be delivered to the task of damage to ground (marine) enemy objects in the field of fighter deficiency.

The fighting capabilities of fighter aircraft.

Fighter aircraft-consisting of fighter aircraft fighter fighters, MiG-31, SU-27, MiG-29 with high b / possibilities are capable of detecting an enemy on a large range, accompany several air targets at the same time and hit them from any directions in everything Range of heights and flight speeds.

The main factors defining b / efficiency of fighters are speed, maneuver, fire. They are in close relationships, must be in an optimal ratio.

The appearance of all-arctic missiles with TGS allows you to enter the attack on counter courses in the near battle. One of the main characteristics affecting the outcome of the near air combat is a reversal radius that for fourth-generation aircraft ≥500 m.

In modern short-range air combat, the fighter output is no longer required to the specified target half factor. Now the launch missiles are distributed over the entire area around the opponent's aircraft. Rocket starts in the range of coursework 120-60º are 48%, and in the range -180-120º - 31%. The average battle duration has decreased, which requires an increase in the angular velocity and reducing the radius of the turn.

The fighting of aviation regimental aviation regiments

Purpose and Tasks of the FBA and Sha

The front bomber and assault aircraft constitute the main shock power of front-line aviation and are able to strike at a depth of 250-400 km.

The main purpose of the front-line bomber aviation is the destruction of objects in the operational depth of the enemy, i.e. At a depth of 300-400 km from the front line. It can also act in the tactical and nearest operational depth, solving the tasks of aviation support for the ground forces. The main tasks of bomber aviation will be:

The destruction of the mass lesions and means of their delivery;

Defeat reserves of the enemy;

Defeat the controls of the troops of the enemy;

Facilitating landing of their landings;

Preventing opponent maneuvers;

Based on the purpose, the main objects of blows for front-line bomber aviation should be considered:

Airfields and airplanes on them;

Missile installations in positions;

Reserves in the areas of concentration and march;

Nodes of railway stations, large bridges, crossing, sea and river ports;

Warehouses and supply bases;

Management and radar posts.

The assault aviation is the main means of aircraft support for the ground forces. Aviation support for the land forces is one of the main tasks of bomber and assault aviation.

The main purpose of the assault aviation is the destruction of ground-based small and moving objects on the battlefield and in tactical depths. Objects of its actions may also be in the nearest operational depth to 300 km. From the front line.

Methods for b / actions and b / orders of divisions (parts) of the FBA and Sha.

When solving its tasks, the division and part of the FBA and Sha, depending on the conditions, the following main methods of maintaining b / actions can be applied:

Simultaneous blow to predetermined targets;

Successive blows of predetermined targets;

Call actions;

Independent search.

Simultaneous strikes (group strikes) must be applied when it is required to create a large density of rocket-bomb strike. The blow is applied with all the composition or most of the strength. In this case, the best conditions are created to ensure and overcome the electronic air defense system.

Consecutive blows (single) are applied with a lack of forces for simultaneously performing tasks, as well as if necessary, a long-term impact on the objects of the enemy and preventing restoration work.

The application of the call on the call from its departments or senior bosses is carried out, as a rule, on newly discovered purposes (rocket attitudes in positions, troops on the march, etc.). This method is most often applied to aviation support of land forces units.

An independent search is used when there are no accurate information about the location of the hit objects. An independent search is performed by a limited composition of forces (usually before the link). If necessary, these forces can increase.

For the defeat and destruction of terrestrial objects of the FBA and Sha, the following attack methods are used:

With dive;

From horizontal flight;

From converting.

Attack with dive is used to destroy small-sized moving and fixed purposes. This method has the greatest accuracy of the hit.

The attack from the converting and horizontal position is used to damage the area and linear objects.

In difficult meteo conditions, bombing and shooting for land targets are performed from small heights of 150-220 m. From horizontal flight or with low dive angles. When conducting b / actions in simple meteo conditions, the strikes are applied with dive from medium heights. Attacks are performed with the move using vigorous anti-missile and anti-model maneuvers. Boots for purposes are appropriate from various directions, taking into account the position of the Sun.

Bombarding aviation, having radar aiming equipment, bombing is carried out with horizontal flight with aiming of an object or a naturally rendered point. Correction of current coordinates when flying along the route and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe target is carried out using RSBN, natural and contrasting landmarks (bridges, railway stations, road nodes, etc.)

The distribution of air defense tools that have opposition to our forces can be submitted to the following scheme.

Division of the Little Rate Sprink (Roland, Crothep, Rapira, Blupaire with teams of management, as well as Chaparwel and Stinger with infrared guidance systems) and anti-aircraft packaging complexes ("Volcano", " Cheetah ") are deployed in the composition of the platforms (sections) and batteries. The positions of these funds are located next to the covered objects and in combat order of the troops. They move along with troops. Effective shelling goals are carried out from Earth to 3.5 km heights.

Anti-aircraft missile systems of medium range ("Us.Hok", "Patriot" with a semi-active guidance system) are located at a depth of 20-150 km. From the front line, shelling from 0.1 to 20-30 km.

Fighter aviation acts outside the prike zones, as well as to the front line over our territory. The interception over our territory is carried out by the way to independently search and by the departure of the zones of combat patrol. Special imported fighters at a depth of more than 150 km. Behind the front line.

The enemy air defense facility system in the action of the aviation unit (parts) is identified with spatial indicators in the vertical plane for various heights and in the horizontal plane for flight routes. The distribution of the intensity of fire on the covered space is not permanently in various directions of the actions of aviation. The number of forces and means of air defense providing opposition b / orders of aviation is determined by the bandwidth of the aviation unit (part). It depends on the parameters of the b / order, the number of routes of the following routes, the width of the air defense bands. In determining the number of air defense, it is also necessary to proceed from the norms of covering the objects of the lesion. From the considered grouping of the air defense of the enemy, it is clear that our aircraft will overcome the air defense facilities with various principles of action. Their action zones will depend on the range of detection and the immediate capabilities of the air defense funds on the shelling of battle aircraft. The main characteristics of air defense tools are presented in the table:

Type of air defense

Zone defeat

Control system

height (max. / min)

by range (max. / min.)

SPK small range


Passive with TGS.







Portable SP


Passive with TGS.


Radiocomanda, semi-active

ARC medium range

Semi-active with rgs




Radar tracking goal


Radar tracking goal

"Everything was wrong" - this label A.I. Tryshenka in the fields of official edition "Soviet Air Force in the Great Patriotic War" became a sentence of communist propaganda, which almost half a century helped about the "superiority" of the Red Aviation, "Ringing Hitler's Summits from the sky" and won full domination in the air.

This sensational book, which is not based on agitas, and on reliable sources - combat documentation, genuine losses accounting materials, unnecessary memoirs of front-line, does not leave the stone of stone on the stone from the Stalinist myths. After analyzing the combat work of the Soviet and German aviation (fighters, pixers, attack aircraft, bombers), comparing operational art and tactics, the level of qualifications of command and personnel, as well as TTH combat aircraft of the USSR and the Third Reich, the author comes to disappointing, shocking conclusions and responds to The most sharp and bitter questions: Why did our aviation acted much less efficiently than German? Whose wine "Stalin's falcons" often looked almost "whipping boys"? Why, having an overwhelming numerical superiority over the Luftwaffe, the Soviet Air Force has achieved where there are more successful success and suffered incomparably losses?

3. Air battle tactics

3. Air battle tactics

It is not enough, however, to get the opportunity to meet in the air with the enemy and tie a air battle with him - this fight must be expelled to correctly and spend well. And another reason for the smaller efficiency of Soviet fighter aviation compared with German was the smaller efficiency of the most Soviet pilots-fighters of air combat tactics.

First, for a long time, air battles with German fighters Soviet "hawks" led, adhering to passive, defensive tactics. Instead of attacking the enemy, they built a "defensive circle", i.e. Consistently rose in the turn and flew each other in a circle - so that the tail of each aircraft was covered with flying from behind. If the Germans also have a fight in the horizontal plane, then the Soviet fighters really became difficult for themselves: it was impossible to go to the tail, and when shooting, the aircraft describing the circle was very difficult to correctly take the protection. But to knock down the opponent, circling aircraft practically could not. The Germans, naturally, did not seek the Germans in the "Circle", but to fire "Messerschmitt", pierced aside, - so that at the same time not falling out of the "circle", - it was possible, only after having turned a little step towards the opponent and immediately unscrew back. In other words, it was possible to shoot only "Notevdka", almost unexpected - i.e. Whether in essence, only a barrier fire, from which the enemy could easily decound. Such a situation describes, for example, A.V. Vorozheikin, recalling about one of the battles of the I-16 of its 728th Fighter Airport of the 256th Fighter Airlision of the 3rd Air Army of the Kalininsky Front with BF109 at the end of 1942: "Our circle was like On the fast rotating disk saw: wherever they sunel - you will not take. Airplanes, changing the position, pulling out in the right direction, the jets sprayed machine-gun fire, and even reactive shells. "Messers" like pikes, rushed at high speeds very close and every time, bumping into a sharp teeth of saws, bounced [i.e. Avoid hitting. - A.S.] »51.

However, the Germans did not necessarily have a fight in the horizontal plane, i.e. Moved next to the "circle". Often, they - applying their favorite short blows in the vertical plane - collapsed on the "circle" from above. And to reflect the attack on top of the aircraft, flying in a horizontal plane in a circle and did not want to break this "circle", could not in any way: for this, it was necessary to make too sharp maneuver ... In general, becoming in the "defensive circle" - i.e. By voluntarily refusing to maneuver in battle, - Soviet fighters not only reduced their chances to knock the opponent aircraft, but also did not always avoid dangers of being shot down by himself. But, according to the Certificate of the Germans, the "defensive circle as a major tactical taking protection" "was actively used by most of the fighter parts" of the Soviet Air Forces also in 1943 52. According to V.Svabedissen, the "defensive circle" was a "favorite combat order" of Soviet fighters even in 1944-1945. (This statement is strongly inconsistent with the general conclusion of the German general, according to which, "usually" Soviet fighters at this time "act skillfully" and "Warning with German fighters persistently and decisively". However, Schvabedissen repeats: in the last period of war "Soviet fighters Often formed a defensive circle before attacking "...) 53

In the offensive battle by Soviet fighters, for a long time prevented another tactical miscalculation - the use as the basis of combat order "tightly condated link from three aircraft who performed joint maneuvering at minimum intervals and distances". "It was believed that a concurrent combat order would better provide mutual support and allows you to apply powerful concentrated beatings on the enemy." However, "While in such a building, the pilots have watched more so as not to crash into the partner plane or not falling behind and, as a rule, neglected the surveillance of the air atmosphere. This made them extremely vulnerable in battle. "54. "When we disassembled, it remembers the fights of the beginning of 1942. On the Western Front, then the link in the 42nd fighter air strike G.I. Roger, - and asked the question:" What did you see? ", Followed the same answer : "Except you, no one." "This is," indicates Herman, "it was the main reason why we were not subject to their wonderful combat comrades, as a rule, those who went into the system of extreme [i.e. Leaders - stressfully followed the maneuvers of the commander. - A.S.] "55. In addition, the need to maintain a dense V-shaped system, to withstand minimal intervals and distances did not allow maneuvering at high speeds, which means to fill the enemy or tear away from it. The end result was all the same: a decrease in the number of shot down German aircraft and an increase in losses of Soviet fighters.

True, in some places - for example, in the northern (renamed August 23, 1941 in Leningrad) Front - Soviet fighter pilots on their own initiative from July 1941 were used as the basis of combat order a couple of aircraft. Fighters in it flew on increased compared to three intervals and distances, and the risk crashed into a neighbor was incomparably less. Thanks to this, the pilots were able to fight at high speeds - necessary to preserve the initiative in battle - and also pay more attention to air observation. In addition, open intervals allowed each of the pilots of the couple to view much more than before, the space behind the tail of the partner - and therefore, and more effectively cover each other ... However, the construction of a combat order from the pairs was legalized, and not a tripack was only in November 1942 G., and mastered in all parts - and at all in the 43rd. According to the testimony of the captured on September 16, 1942, the pilot of the 52nd Fighter Squadron of the Luftwaffe Unter-Officer I. Kalba 56, in the 42nd, many Soviet pilots were still in pairs so that they deprived themselves to cover each other. Two "hawks" flew in the ranks "Front" with an interval of 200-250 m, and one after another or in the rank of "Pereleng" (i.e. by a ledge of one by one). As a result, the presenter could not cover the slave, for did not see at all what was happening in the tail. And "messerschmitts", calmly going to the tail of the slave, hit him first, and then left without covering the lead ... "In the tactics of our fighters, it was stated in the already mentioned directive of the Commander of the Red Army Air Force of July 7, 1943, - continues There is no place for the actions of a separate pair "... 57 The Germans flew in pairs since 1938-1939, since the time of the war in Spain and the Polish Vershikta campaign. "Large accounts of victories of German pilots, I strongly attribute to this tactic," rightly wrote H. Taghe, who fought on the Eastern Front first in the 54th, and then in the 51st Fighter Squadron 58.

Huge benefits of German fighter pilots gave the fact that, unlike the Soviet, they were "initially focused not to conduct a maneuverable battle, but to perform sudden attacks with departure at speeds close to the maximum, and mainly in the vertical plane. 59 . "[...] of their attacks," the Soviet stabysters were noted in 1943, - in the overwhelming majority, they are reduced to a short attack from above with care after an attack with a steep hill up "60. (On the same testify and fought from the end of the 43rd to the end of the war G. Cherkashin from the 672th storming airlock and V.A.Tikhomirov from the 12th Fighter Airport of the Air Force Navy: "Stay out of the clouds with a couple or four, hesitate , hit, knocked or not - it doesn't matter, for foressen, and a candle back into the clouds ";" Always the same thing: Attack at speed and attempt to go up "... 61)" This allowed to quickly organize a new attack [that is . Save the initiative in air combat. - A.S.] And minimized the likelihood of falling under retaliation in case of misses and subsequent slipping [forward relative to the attacked aircraft. - A.S.] »62. After all, at diving, fighters gained such a speed that at the end of the attack they could - due to the inertia of overclocking - to rise up literally "candle". And this not only facilitated them to quickly occupy a position for a new attack from a height, but also created a great angular movement, which made the aiming of the Soviet pilots ... In addition, the vertical maneuver, the fence on the enemy at high speed was easier to reach the achievement of the stroke. The last circumstance of the Germans at all attached great importance. They attacked, as a rule, on the side of the Sun or because of the clouds, which allowed them to remain unnoticed to the last, - and if it was impossible to achieve suddenness, they could not often refuse to attack and waited a more favorable moment. The air battle took place on April 23, 1942 in the Aweng Airfield near Murmansk. Five BF109F-4 from the II group of the 5th Fighter Squadron, being attacked by Harricseyn's link from the 2nd Guards Mixed Airport Airport of the Northern Fleet, did not take the battle and went to the clouds. The Soviet "hawks" followed her, but "when leaving the cloudiness in the eyes of Pilots" Harrickseyn ", blind rays of the sun, disguised which, were racing the invisible" messerschmitts ". As a result, two Soviet fighters from three were shot down; The Germans did not carry the same losses ... 63 is significant and the fact that 90% of all attacks performed by the most efficient German ASA of the Second World War - E. Gratmann of the 52nd Fighter Squadron were, according to its assessment, sudden 64.

It should be noticed that the tactics described above fit into the famous formula A.I. Pokryshkin "Height - speed - maneuver - fire." The Soviet AC was based on the same considerations: "The height is speed, the speed is height. In other words, the maneuver from the height gives speed, and the speed allows you to vigorously dial height. The vertical high-speed maneuver provides a stroke suddenness, creates large angular movements. The most profitable vertical maneuver is a "falcon blow", sudden, fast, accurate [i.e. The German Short Attacks described above are described! - A.S.] »65. In the description of the same-welcoming Alexander Ivanovich A.I.Truda, the Cashkinian manner of air combat drives as two water drops reminds German: "At a huge speed, it crashes into the enemy group, shot some kind of aircraft and leaves" ... 66 However, Tashkin has developed its formula only In 1942-1943, and the Germans acted on it from the very beginning of the war with!

Soviet fighters preferred for too long for a "falcon strike" - sudden short attacks in the vertical plane - a maneuverable battle in the horizontal plane, on the bold, when aircraft, circling each other, try to go to each other in the tail. This not only made the glorious "hawks" more vulnerable (due to the fact that they were longer in sight of the enemy), but also deprived their initiatives in battle. After all, the initiative was owned by the one who developed a brutal rate (and could, therefore, quickly take a new position for the attack). But if the picing from the height allowed to quickly increase the speed, then on the turns - in order not to create too large overloads when reversed, it was inevitably guess ... And in 1942, the usual phenomenon were cases where Messerschmitts, using vertical maneuver, Digid significantly b? We have a group of Soviet "hawks", maneuvering in a horizontal plane. Characteristic example - July, August and September fighting on the Western Front, in Rzhev and Surifes. "Systematic observation from the Earth on the forefront, - reported on September 26, 1942 by the Commander of the Red Army's Air Force Commander of the 1st Air Army of the Western Front S.A.Hudyakov, and the control of the actions of our fighters produced by the Commanders of Aviations [so in the text. - A.S.] From the army to the link inclusive, irrefutably suggests that German fighters, as a rule, hold the initiative of the battle in their hands, attack only in favorable terms [...]. As a result, "in the battle operations of the last months, our aviation suffered heavy losses from enemy fighters" 67. So, the 201st Fighter Airlia For the twenty days of the first Rzhevsky-Sychevskoy operation lost more than 90% of its cars: by August 24, 1942, only five fighters remained ... 68 And the Soviet pilots who fought in those The same days near Stalingrad, believed that to achieve success in battle with BF109G-2, it is necessary that each "messerschmitt" accounted for two Yak-1 or Yak-7b ... 69

It is usually believed that in the spring of 1943, during air battles in the Kuban, the situation was recovered. "Big conquest of Soviet pilots - noted, for example, assessing the results of the Kuban fighting, their participant A.I. Pokryshkin, was a massive transition to vertical maneuver"; "Combat vertical", according to his statement, "firmly entered" "in the daily practice of fighters" 70. But this only applied to a few fighter airlines, like the 16th Guards, which fought in Kuban the Cashkin himself, or the 45th and 298th (subsequently - respectively, the 100th and 104th Guards). The pilots of these "elite guards regiments equipped with allied airplanes", as the Germans recognize, really "distinguished the highlight of the maneuver [i.e. Use the suddenness factor. - A.S.], they were well echelonized in height, which allowed to control the air situation [by using the vertical maneuver. - A.S.] and minimize the danger to be attacked "; "The tactics of their fighting was based on a clear fulfillment of the" Attack - Protection "rule [i.e. "Falcony kick is up." - A.S.] "... 71 But as for the majority of Soviet fighter pilots, then in the directive of the Commander of the Red Army Air Force dated July 7, 1943, which summed up the combat work of Soviet aviation in March - June 43 - it was stated that" in Air combat [...] suddenness and superiority in height did not become the basic principles providing its success "72. And according to the testimony of one of the leading Asov of Luftwaffe - H. Lipfert from the II Group of the 52nd Fighter Squadron, - the absence of the desire to be above the opponent Soviet fighter pilots demonstrated and much later. Until June 1944, Lipfert noted, "rarely it was possible to meet Russian above 4000 m" 73; The German fighters approached the battlefield and 5000, and 6,000 meters. It is clear that, without having superiority, it is impossible to perform a sudden attack in the vertical plane ...

From the work of D. B. Khazananov, dedicated to the air battle in the Yass area, it is clear that to dictate - due to the use of suddenness and short attacks in the vertical plane - their will in battle by Soviet fighters "Messerschmittam" was able at the end of May 1944 74 even in 1944-1945, the Germans celebrated, the Soviet fighters still "made a bet on a maneuverable fight" (and "quite rarely" used the "Benefits of Misty Weather, Sunrise or Sunset") ... 75

In general, not only in 1941-1942, but also in 1943, by the general opinion of German aviation commanders, the Soviet fighter pilots "in tactically" "were still weaker than the Germans" - although "throughout 1943 And there was a "increasing tactical training of team and staff frames" 76. Moreover, for the commanders of the Luftwaffe was "undoubted", which even in 1944-1945, when the Soviet fighters as a whole already "adapted to the requirements of the modern war and learned a lot", German fighter aviation still had a "more perfect tactic" 77.

The Germans and defensive tactics of potential victims of fighters - bombers and attack aircraft were more perfect. Accordingly, Soviet fighters even with other things being equal (and the Germans, as we have already seen and still see below, there were many and other advantages) it was more difficult to bring down German shock aircraft than the German - Soviet. German bomber flew all the war in closer, compact ranks. This limited the number of directions from which each particular aircraft could be attacked by fighters, and also allowed to focus on the attacking machine-gun fire at once several cars and create a dense veil in front of it. Even in 1944, summarizes the estimates of the German pilots V.Svabedissen, the loss of bombers flying in a closer building and leading on Soviet fighters "aimed concentrated barrier fire", "were relatively small. In such conditions, Russian pilots, as a rule, did not enter the re-attack. "78. Also, according to the testimony of the Germans, in 1944, it was the case with the dive bombers JU87: "As long as the German aircraft retained a tight system, the successes of the Russians turned out to be more than modest" 79 (for details, see Chapters IV and VI) .

The Soviet bombers and attack aircraft mastered such tactics only in 1944 - and in 1943, instead of imprinting the system and reflect the attacks by focused on the whole group, they often tried to escape from German fighters at maximum speed. By this, they directly helped the enemy to destroy themselves! The speed of BF109F and G and FW190A was still much more - but the system of Soviet aircraft was broken at high speeds, and the Germans easily shot down the single, left without fire support for neighbors and without covering escort fighters (which could not be broken to help everyone) machine ( For details, see Chapters III and V).