Tips for choosing pets for children - overview and descriptions of all options. The smallest pets A pet that doesn't

In today's world, it's hard to surprise anyone with anything. However, there are people who keep wild animals at home, trying to adhere to fashion. There are absolutely strange pets.

Fashion for unusual pets

IN last years Increasingly, people are choosing not a budgie, puppy, hamster or kitten as a pet, but an exotic, unusual animal. The fashion for rare breeds of dogs is a thing of the past; no one will be surprised by an extremely expensive purebred cat or a huge talking parrot. Now completely different pets are in fashion, which are difficult to imagine in the same home with a person.

In many ways, the fashion for having non-standard pets has been influenced by celebrities. We know about Leonardo DiCaprio's seventeen-kilogram turtle, George Clooney's big pig, Parris Hilton's Kinkajou raccoon, and Ruppert Greene's mini-pig.

Mini pig

Breeding mini-pigs began in Germany half a century ago, but they became pets living in apartments only recently. The weight of an adult mini-pig does not exceed thirty kilograms, and the length is one meter.

With timely training, a mini-pig can become a completely well-mannered piglet. These are neat creatures, especially if they are taught to be clean from childhood.


Ferrets are extremely popular among those who want to have an unusual pet. Surprisingly, in popularity they are quite a bit inferior to cats and dogs. The domestic type of ferret is the ferret. The animal is distinguished by its friendliness and love of games while awake. It should be noted that they are awake a little - no more than four hours a day.

Since the ferret is a burrowing creature, many small belongings of the owners disappear and end up somewhere under the bathroom or behind the sofa. This quality, as well as the inquisitive nature of ferrets, causes some trouble for owners.


Keeping a monkey at home is not easy. It is difficult for this animal to recognize its owner as a leader. She will have to be reminded quite often about who is in charge in the family. From time to time, this animal may attack members of the household, wanting to take the place of leader.

A monkey that is kept as a pet spends most of its time in a cage. She walks freely around the house only under supervision.

Achatina snail

Huge snails can also be pets. They are unpretentious, never get bored, do not need walking, and only need to be fed twice a week. The animal is omnivorous and is ready to eat fruits, fish, porridge, meat and mushrooms.

Wanting to go on vacation, the owner of a huge snail does not have to worry about it, since, left without food, Achatina simply falls asleep and can sleep for about two months. The Achatina snail gets used to its owner and recognizes him. The lifespan of this creature is from seven to ten years.

Tarantula spider

Extreme sports enthusiasts keep tarantula spiders in their homes. In the wild, they can easily cope with chicks, but when kept at home they are content with cockroaches and mice. Tarantulas are kept in terrariums. They love to sit in the palm of their owner. The length of these spiders is about ten centimeters.


Buying an iguana today is not difficult. This is an affordable reptile species that has recently become quite popular as a pet.

Keeping an iguana is not easy and is not at all cheap. In addition, she has sharp claws that can easily injure humans. An iguana at home rarely survives to become an adult, as it dies if not kept properly.


A popular pet in the United States is the anteater. Owners describe them as calm, unpretentious in food, clean and funny animals. Their popularity continues to grow. It is possible that this unusual animal became popular as a pet after Salvador Dali walked with his anteater on a leash through the city streets.

The strangest pet

It seems quite strange for a person to want to live next to an anteater, a kangaroo or a llama. No less strange is the fact that a person gets a tarantula spider, crocodile or skunk at home. But it is quite unusual for a person to have a hippopotamus as their pet.

A couple living in South Africa got themselves such a pet. More than ten years ago, they rescued a baby hippopotamus during a flood. Since then, the grateful animal named Jessica does not want to leave her saviors. She has her own sleeping place - this is a mattress on the terrace of the house. However, it is not very often that wild animals are kept in the house. On the site there is a site about the most dangerous animals on Earth.
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Keeping a pet is a gigantic responsibility that requires a huge amount of hard work and dedication, which, let's face it, isn't available to everyone. On the other hand, choosing a pet is a piece of cake, because it usually comes down to choosing between a dog and a cat (or a fish, if you are as prosaic as tattered wallpaper). But doesn't it seem wrong to you to some extent? The choice of pets should be more than the number of sides of a coin, and if you think so too, you are absolutely right, because there is one. In fact, there are dozens of wonderful and completely legal alternative pets that you can go out and buy right now:

10. Mini pigs

After all the creative ways to produce bacon-flavored ice cream, perfume, and candles, the moment finally came when people wanted one as a pet. Thus, mini pigs appeared, hitting the eardrums of men or women all over the world.

Mini pigs are also known as miniature pigs, micro pigs and tickap pigs, but the name is not so important. What's important is that they're cuter than five puppies hugging a teddy bear at the same time, and they're also one of the strongest arguments for going vegetarian. However, not only are they adorably cute faces, they are just as smart, if not smarter than dogs and just as easily develop affection for humans.

The only downside is that less scrupulous breeders often pass off regular pigs as miniature ones, which, unfortunately, only becomes apparent when your pink micro miracle turns into a 200-pound piglet that takes up half of your living room. In addition, Paris Hilton apparently started the micro pig craze, which takes some of the fun out of owning them.

9. Starling

The common or European starling is a small bird with black and speckled feathers that some people sometimes keep as a pet. In addition, starlings can speak.

Well, not really, to be precise. Starlings really only have the ability to imitate frequently repeated phrases and natural sounds of their own environment, which is what parrots essentially do. But let's be honest: if you ever see and hear a bird talking that doesn't look like an immigrant from the Brazilian forest, your first thought probably won't be, "Oh my God, what a wonderful example of avian mimicry," but rather, "That bird just talked." ? Bring the holy water quickly!”
But the potential to scare your friends and family isn't the only reason to get a starling, as they are very playful creatures and quickly bond with their owners, combining a dog's adoration with the ability to fly and repeat your favorite curse words. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that these birds poop a lot, for about 20 years.

8. Imperial Scorpion

The emperor scorpion (Pendinus imperator) is the closest thing to a real Pokémon: a 10-centimeter armored arachnid with giant pincers and a comically exaggerated stinger at the end of its tail. And you can buy one for yourself today... and there are reasons for this.

To be fair, emperor scorpions are actually very gentle creatures, which (given their intimidating appearance) practically makes them the Michael Clarke Duncans of the animal kingdom. They don't require an awful lot of care, and their stings aren't lethal to humans (unless you're allergic to the venom), so if you've ever wanted to own a miniature fear creature created by Mother Nature herself, an emperor scorpion - this is the best variant.

Plus, if you put him in the same tank with the action figures and turn on the heavy metal, you can recreate the entire plot of the Clash of the Titans remake.

7. Long-eared hedgehog

Long-eared (or Egyptian) hedgehogs are not only one of the cutest alternative pets, but they are also a contender for the title of "Easiest Animal to Photoshop." But while they may look like the result of a hastily slapped pair of bunny ears on everyone's favorite spiny mouse, these spiny bunnies are actually very real and completely legal to keep as pets in most countries.

Hedgehogs are generally considered to be timid and peaceful creatures, and the big-eared variety is no exception. However, they are considered quite difficult pets because they are not as easily tamed as regular pets and you will need to put in a lot of effort to properly housetrain them to an apartment and a person. However, once you do this, hedgehogs are, as many breeders say, very interactive and easy to handle, and their only drawback is that hedgehogs don't really like to curl up into balls and roll around collecting gold coins or fighting armies of robotic animals.

6. Skunk

Unlike hedgehogs, it turns out that pop culture hasn't been lying to us about skunk behavior, because pet skunks, like Pepe le Pew, are curious, stubborn, and require tons of affection. Despite this, they are less harmful, which makes them a great alternative dogs and cats. In addition, it is important to note that their scent glands are surgically removed as early as early age.

There are many places in North America where you can purchase a pet skunk, you just need to make sure that they are legal in your country. In fact, there is no reason not to want to own such a miracle. Not only are skunks incredibly smart, but they also love affection so much that they can even turn into “couch skunks” (according to professional breeders), constantly asking to be snuggled into your lap. You probably never suspected this about skunks, live and learn.

5. Madagascar hissing cockroach

On the list of what makes a good pet, cockroaches rank somewhere between rusty razor blades and Siberian wolves. When you add in the ability to make a distinct hissing sound, the Madagascar hissing cockroach begins to look more like devastating proof that there is no God... which you should have already guessed.

First of all, there's something incredibly cool about having as a pet a creature that can survive a nuclear attack or having its head removed. In addition, the Madagascar hissing cockroach is also an amazing climber, able to climb up smooth glass without any problems, making it the love product between Wolverine and Spider-Man. Given their rather peaceful nature, it is not surprising that the Madagascar hissing cockroach is often considered an excellent first pet, although in some states in America you need to obtain a special license to own them. Plus, if you wake up in the middle of the night with your cockroaches hissing at you from a dark corner of the room, you'll likely never stop screaming.

4. Pygmy goat

Do you have a private yard? Are you tired of dogs but want something like them to ward off the inevitable realization that no one loves you? Then give the opportunity to a dwarf goat or female goat to fill the sadness center of your brain with pure and sugary tenderness.

As their name suggests, pygmy goats are tiny versions of nature's favorite evil-eyed trash packers, and today they are bred exclusively as pets. Pygmy goats are very curious creatures that constantly require tons of love and attention, so if you can't provide it to them, you need to check if you haven't had your heart removed, you're an insensitive monster. Their advantage is not only that they are very sociable and playful, but also that they can adapt to almost any environment/food, so if you can't love them for their cuteness, you can at least respect them for their Rambo-like survival ability.

However, it is worth taking into account that in most countries they are considered livestock, so it is worth checking out local laws before you decide to get yourself one of these charms.

3. Prairie Dog

Prairie dogs exist because someone once bet God that he couldn't cross a puppy with a rat and get something that looked absolutely adorable. That man obviously lost, and prairie dogs continue to inhabit the Earth and the living rooms of the happiest pet owners on the planet.

Prairie dogs are technically rodents, but their main characteristic is the attachment they quickly develop towards people. If you adopt a prairie dog at a young enough age, she will immediately mistake you for her mother and become attached to you forever (which is why Batman hires Robins at such an early age). After that, according to their breeders, you will live with a hyperactive puppy who never grows up, which is exactly what everyone has been asking scientists for the last few hundred years.

2. Sugar glider

Just look at this incredibly charming creature in the photo. This is not a real animal, but actually Mort, a character from the Madagascar cartoons, voiced by Andy Richter. But the main thing is that, in fact, the sugar flying squirrel exists in real life, and you can buy it right now, because it’s clear that you would like to have one for yourself. However, if you've already fallen in love with this Australian possum and named him Sir Furry Tail, get ready to shell out a pretty penny, because sugar gliders are still considered exotic animals that usually cost a lot more than regular animals (this also applies to showgirls). .
But, despite the fact that they are quite expensive, and their maintenance will cost even more, they general level fluffiness, cuteness and playful nature may convince you to skip a few visits to the dentist in order to truly enjoy owning your very own sugar marsupial flying squirrel. And before you ask, yes, they can actually fly short distances through the air.

1. Fox

Would you like to get yourself a fox? Yes? Then good news for you: you can do it, and it's all thanks to the Soviet Union.

The fact is that we have been beating around the fact that in fact any animal can become a pet if it is tamed. Even the puny Chihuahuas were once powerful wolves, bred through selective breeding to the size of a pocket rat that knows its place and can therefore be kept as a pet. So the question is why can't we domesticate foxes? Because it will take “hundreds, perhaps thousands of years”? Come on, you're clearly underestimating Soviet people and their ability to not care about any “facts” or “logic”. Just look at Soviet geneticist Dmitry Belyaev, who has been trying hard to breed domestic foxes in Siberia since 1959... and apparently succeeded.

Here's something to understand about foxes: even if you buy a bag of "tamed" foxes in any other part of the world, they will still be wild animals that will attack your face and dignity if you try to dress them up in a Robin Hood costume. So what about Belyaev's domesticated foxes? These foxes are just real pets, the front paws of which you can freely take and make them dance with you... although, of course, you shouldn’t do this, and not because it will scare the poor animals, but because it’s the wrong way to treat with an animal costing about $8,000, it's probably not worth it.

15 coolest and cutest pets

Future owners of any pets will scour the Internet in search of useful articles. To make their fate easier, we collected fifteen different cute little animals and wrote the most important things about them. Looking at this endless tenderness, you immediately want to gallop off with screams of victory to the nearest pet store and drag all the pets home. And then squeeze, feed, pet!

Dwarf lop-eared rabbit

Incredibly cute bunny with floppy ears and a kind, easy-going character. It is easy to keep in an ordinary apartment. For breakfast - carrots, for lunch - sprouted wheat, for dinner - your computer wires, if you don’t have time to isolate them from your pet. It gnaws always and everywhere, in rain and heat, in spring and summer. But it’s worth showing a little patience in raising - and the long-eared rabbit will already faithfully sit on your lap and enjoy watching some action movie. Brush such a toothy dog ​​more often: no one has yet canceled tangles from unkemptness. The cost of a lop-eared rabbit is from 1000 rubles.


This ball of Latin American fur with small ears will enslave you in the pet store. After buying a rodent, an uncontrollable desire to chew, squeeze, stroke, scratch its furry back will arise at the most inopportune moment for you. We answered an important call regarding work issues - and on your screensaver you have a chinchilla. And what? How to shout at subordinates? So all that remains is to be touched and make the sounds “Utyutyu and Anyanya.” But be careful: the harmful nature of chinchillas is inherited. So before you buy, if possible, find out more about its ancestors. If they bite and are ready to chop off your hand, it is better to wait. And yes, by the way, for daily hygiene, chinchillas require special sand collected by blond virgins on Mount Yyuan. We're kidding. In fact, chinchillas need...volcanic dust to bathe! But don’t worry, the pet store will find the sand you need. Remember: the more unusual the animal, the more attention to detail. The cost of a chinchilla is from 4,500 rubles.


These babies live in the forest for at most two years: the bad climate and lack of vitamins take their toll. At home, the bar “i will survive” (“I will live” - English) soars to unimaginable heights. Tailed and striped animals live 10-15 years. From necessary conditions: a meter by meter cage, two houses (one for the nut nest, the second for living), affectionate treatment and pure water. Chipmunks are extremely clean and solitary in life. So you shouldn’t bring your chipmunk lady into your home right away - first find out about your pet’s habits. We also do not recommend grabbing the tail with your fingers and poking it in the stomach. He can boo and claw until he bleeds. But this is an extreme case. Be kind and patient with your baby - in a couple of months he will become tame and will finally start stealing your food from under your nose. The cost of a chipmunk is from 5,000 rubles.


A long weasel, a naughty man and a spoiler - that's all about the ferret. Unbearably cute, it’s impossible not to hug him. And he is just happy. But don’t forget to go to the veterinary clinic and have his paranal glands removed. This is why ferrets are called stinky. Well, it’s not for nothing that they call it, the aroma from them be healthy. But if everything is done correctly in the clinic, then all that remains is cuteness and endless playfulness. True, if you don’t train it, the ferret will start biting your legs at any opportunity. And hide your wallet away: there are known cases of purses being stolen and hidden under the sofa, behind the sofa, on the closet, under the closet, under the carpet and in the mezzanine. The cost of a ferret is from 5,000 rubles.

American Curl

Representatives of this breed claim to have the cutest ears in the cat family. Everyone has seen fold-eared kittens, they are, of course, cute too. But American Curls have ears turned back, with the fur facing out. A very rare breed, bred in the States about thirty years ago. They come in short-haired and long-haired varieties. The latter are more difficult to care for, they need to be combed twice a week: otherwise - hello, tangles! The cost of an American curl is from 7,000 rubles.

Japanese Chin

This dog is suitable for those who love to do their hair, comb it and mess with their hair in every possible way. Dogs, of course. Because the Japanese Chin has a kind of continuous infinity of them. In addition, they are very social dogs and require constant attention. Otherwise, they become lethargic, sad, withdrawn and depressed. Don't offend Japanese Chins, take them in your arms! The cost of Japanese Chin is from 10,000 rubles.

Komondor or Hungarian Shepherd

Mop dog, also known as a Hungarian shepherd dog. A huge pom-pom, a Rastafarian in dreadlocks, a lump of rope - this is all about the Komondor. He has a very funny appearance: thanks to his unusual fur, which grows in rolled dreadlocks, the dog turns into a snowball. Dogs develop this hairstyle by the age of two. Before that, they looked more like fluffy bears, which is also quite cute. The dreadlocks are not combed or cut, so over the years the dog becomes more and more hairy. And dirtier, because no one has yet eliminated the dirt stuck to the wool. The cost of a Komondor is from 12,000 rubles.


It’s simply impossible not to fall in love with these huge black eyes and folds all over the body. It feels like the dog is constantly apologizing, and even if this miracle causes trouble, it is impossible not to forgive him. Pugs also look absolutely charming in different suits and sweaters. True, at the same time they snore, overeat and require special attention to their person in every sense: from care to treatment. Well, which of us is perfect? Another interesting fact: The dog is square. And we are completely serious now. The average proportions of a pug (according to official breed standards) are 33 centimeters at the withers and 33 centimeters in length. Maybe this is the main reason for their cuteness? The cost of a pug is from 15,000 rubles.

Bengal cat

It looks like a real leopard, but in size and character it’s like a domestic cat. Some people are wary of this breed: “Won’t it eat its owner?” But in reality they are the cutest creatures. These cats inherited from their ancestor, the wild leopard cat, a unique coloring, incredible grace and an insane love for water games. Close the bathroom door! The cost of a Bengal cat is about 15,000 rubles.

Yorkshire Terrier

She is also a breed for lovers of small dogs. You can give Yorkies a funny haircut and buy them funny clothes and shoes. In general, have fun with them to the fullest - Barbie will be forgotten. A full-fledged living toy with an easy-going character, a cute face and British roots. Loud-voiced meteors who need to be toilet trained as quickly as possible from childhood. Otherwise, there will be a child in your house who will have to change diapers. The cost of a Yorkshire terrier is from 15,000 rubles.

Bolognese or French lapdog

A very fluffy, kind and smart dog. He is very trainable and gets along well with children. A kind of little shaggy nanny. Boundless devotion and activity are the distinctive features of these cute dogs. Their inner content fully corresponds to their angelic appearance: in addition to their stylish gait, these dogs have great charm. They are unpretentious, but it is necessary to comb them every day. The cost of bolognese is from 15,000 rubles.


Such a mukhtar will not be able to guard the house, and he is also unlikely to bring slippers, but he gives great aesthetic pleasure. Very tactile dogs, they love to be squeezed and scratched. They can stay on their hands around the clock. Chihuahuas have a very stable psyche, fearlessness, and incredible endurance. Smart. In general, solid advantages. The cost of a Chihuahua is from 15,000 rubles.

Russian toy terrier

A dwarf little dog, absolutely unadapted to life in the wild. This tiny dog ​​with bulging eyes constantly needs attention, like a small child. It won't come off your hands and trembles unless you dress it up in a jacket or knitted vest. Ideal for those who have nowhere to devote tenderness and attention. The dog is ideal for large cities: it feels great even in the smallest apartment, is very unpretentious in care, and, if the owner wishes, can easily learn to go to the litter box. But this is a last resort if you are too lazy to walk with your pet in bad weather. We hope it doesn't come to that. The cost of a Russian toy terrier is from 18,000 rubles.

Dwarf Pomeranian

This is a living soft toy. Literally a teddy bear that runs after you around the apartment, wears slippers and rubs against your feet. The cuteness of these dogs exceeds the standards approved by the European Convention on Human Rights. They're criminally cute. In addition, this Spitz is distinguished by intelligence and intelligence: by the age of five months, your dog will easily remember basic commands and will obey you unquestioningly. The cost of a dwarf Pomeranian spitz starts from 20,000 rubles.

Siberian Husky

This is an ancient breed of sled dogs, they are able to live and work in the harshest conditions. Huskies have such a serious expression on their faces that they have become an Internet meme. Online jokers call the husky a “suspect dog.” In general, these are incredibly cute creatures who love to babysit children. A very active and playful breed, the best running partner. Attention: Huskies love space, so you should not get this breed as a lap dog. In addition, the sled dog needs a lot of physical activity every day. The cost of a husky starts from 25,000 rubles.

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Different people could you tell me different stories about how they first had the idea of ​​having a pet.

Some recall that one day the idea suddenly came into their heads to get themselves some kind of animal that they could look after, care for, and which would reward them with loyalty and friendship in return. Others simply buy a pet for their children, and then become as attached to their pet as they are. Still others say that this desire has been ripening in them all their lives, gradually overcoming parental prohibitions and moral teachings about the undesirability of having an animal in the house, and finally maturing for this already in adulthood.

Now we will not talk about short-sighted and mentally immature people who, having played enough with their pet, then simply throw it out into the street.

In this article, the subject of our close attention will be people who want to have a pet, but cannot because of a busy work schedule.

If you have to leave for work early in the morning and return late in the evening, then it becomes difficult to think about keeping a pet, because it needs not only care, but also love and attention.

However, if there is still a desire to have someone nearby, then it would be possible to select an animal that would somehow solve this problem. Those who are ready to give their cat an entire room to use, who order overalls for their iguanas from Australia, and who buy an extra bathroom for their dwarf crocodiles, do not need to read this article.

1. Rabbit

These funny furry animals, which have long since become not only farm animals, but also pets, can be purchased without any difficulty. The size of domestic rabbits can vary quite noticeably in the range from one kilogram to twelve, depending on what breed of rabbit was purchased. Most likely, there will be no problems with keeping a pet rabbit, since it can be kept almost anywhere, be it in the hallway or in the kitchen. It’s enough to just set up a simple cage for him with a feeder and a drinker.

You don’t have to spend much on food for your rabbit, and you only need to clean the cage about once a week, which is very convenient for those who have a busy work schedule. However, it is worth remembering that in the evenings the animal needs to add food, remove what was not eaten, and be sure to change the water in the drinking bowl.

If you follow the above rules, then no “aroma” will be felt in the house, and if the owner cleans the cage even more often than once every seven days, then no odors will be guaranteed. You can simply carry the rabbit in your arms. At least for a short time, you need to let the rabbit run around the house. At the same time, he should be closely monitored during this time.

Those owners who cannot leave their pet alone in a cage for a long time, and who prefer to let the animal run around the house during this time, should immediately prepare for the fact that all the wires in the house will be chewed through. A rabbit is, after all, a rodent and it is more than natural for him to go up to the chair leg to “work” on it with his sharp incisors. In addition, it is worth noting that some measures to care for the animal will still be needed.

Rabbits are cute and kind pets.

For example, during the molting period of an animal, it needs to be combed. You should also trim his nails periodically. It is also worth noting that these procedures may be limited to once a month.

2. Canary

The house canary is a domesticated subspecies of the Canarian (hence the name) canary finch, originating from the Canary Islands. In its marvelous state, this bird inhabits the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Canary Islands and the island of Madeira. These birds feed on seeds, plants and insects, and about five hundred years ago they were tamed by humans, and now the canary has taken its rightful place among other domestic animals. It is worth saying that the canary stands out among domestic animals in that only its vocal apparatus has changed (accordingly, its singing has also changed). It was these changes that made the canaries famous. Canaries are different, and their singing can also differ noticeably. Perhaps the most famous breed is the Harz Roller.

Having purchased a canary for yourself, you can enjoy its sonorous singing, which will remind the owner that he is not alone, and that there is someone else in the house. In addition, the canary does not require much care from its owner, which, of course, will be appreciated by busy people.

All you need is to purchase a cage with a tray, a drinking bowl and seats. The bottom of the cage usually serves as a toilet. If the bird owner has free time, you can sometimes add a little sand to the bottom of the cage. It is advisable to change it as often as possible. This will prevent the smell of canary poop. In addition, the sand will gradually crumble out of the cage, so again it should be added. If there is no way to monitor the sand, then you can use simple paper, which can be changed approximately once every 2-3 days.

As for feeding the canary, it will not be difficult to adjust it even to a very busy work schedule. If the owner has such an opportunity, then you can feed the bird every day. To do this, simply pour one or two spoons of food into the feeder. Alternatively, you can add feed only once every two to three days, but you should add several times more than with daily feeding. Of course, for those who are very busy or for those who work in shifts, the second option is much more convenient.

In addition, it is very advisable to let your feathered pet fly at least once a week. To do this, you need to take the bird into a room where there will be as little furniture and various equipment with flat screens as possible. She doesn't have to fly all day.

It is enough to follow the bird for fifteen to twenty minutes and that will be enough. It is necessary to monitor the canary in order to prevent damage to things. Those potential owners who are afraid that after a busy day at work the canary will wake them up “before dawn” should not worry. This problem can be easily eliminated by using a thick dark cloth that covers the cage at night.

3. Snake

The snake is certainly an interesting and exotic animal. And there are very few people who would keep such a reptile in their home. Snakes delight and disgust, are the object of reverent love of their owners, and plunge into horror all those whose ideas of beauty are limited to stereotyped forms and imposed clichés. However, fear is fear, but it is still advisable not to joke with the acquisition of poisonous snakes. And if the future owner of this ancient reptile is smart enough to refrain from buying poisonous and simply dubious snakes, then it would be possible to buy, for example, “climbing snakes” or a king snake. Both of them are not aggressive reptiles, but are quite capable of delighting their owners and terrifying their guests. All you need in terms of equipment is to purchase a terrarium, instead of which a regular aquarium equipped with an incandescent lamp will do just fine. The latter is very necessary, since snakes are cold-blooded animals and they need heat to keep warm. They will also need soil or sand.

If there are thin vine-like branches in the terrarium, the creeping pet would most likely also appreciate them, since snakes like to swing on branches, even slowly. Those who are horrified to think that in order to feed this merciless reptile will have to buy mice, which this creeping monster will then devour in front of its owner, do not have to worry, since snakes with great pleasure feed on small chicken eggs. Of course, at least sometimes it is advisable to pamper a snake with mice, but here everything depends on the sentimentality of its owner. In terms of feeding regime, snakes are almost ideal pets - it is enough to feed them once a week, which cannot but please busy people and outright workaholics.

4. Hamster

Hamsters are small, furry rodents similar to lighter, fatter mice. They are divided into a huge number various types, although Roborvian, Djungarian or Syrian hamsters are most often kept for home use. These hamsters are attractive because they can reach several tens of centimeters in length. In addition, they have a very varied coat color, which looks very beautiful; if you provide them with normal care, they can live up to three years.

Hamsters are extremely popular as pets; they are unpretentious, gentle, and also very smart and even trainable. Their lifestyle is mainly twilight, in other words, they are most active in the evenings.

The main thing that is required from the owner of a hamster is to correctly build a feeding regime. An undoubted advantage is that the hamster does not need to clean too often, since this even harms his hamster psychology. This is explained by the fact that hamsters tend to accumulate, and excessive cleanliness will cause him to associate it with a deficiency. In a word, even if you feed your hamster grain and then thoroughly clean it, you can bring your pet to cognitive dissonance.

Of course, hamster waste should be removed, but you shouldn’t be too zealous in this direction either: two or three times a week should be enough. But it’s better not to touch your pet’s food - let the feeder always be full. If you don’t get too fancy with arranging a home for your hamster, you can limit yourself to simply buying a cage. You will also need trays for food and water, and you may or may not buy all sorts of accessories, like wheels and slides.

You should throw various rags into the cage, and the household rodent himself will make a storage room, a bedroom and a toilet out of them. About once a week, the hamster should be picked up, played with, and let out of the cage to run around. If for some reason there is not enough time to buy food, then you can simply give the hamster crumbled bread, fruit or vegetables once a day or once every two days.

5. Land turtle

Perhaps the most convenient pet for busy people is the land tortoise. As for waterfowl turtles, things are somewhat more complicated with them. The owner of a turtle should immediately prepare for the fact that his pet will spend six months in hibernation. Equipment for a turtle is practically no different from what a snake needs: a terrarium, a lamp, stones and soil.

You can feed your pet with specialized food, or you can feed it fresh vegetables, from which the turtle will also receive water. But you still need to install a drinking bowl. All care boils down to the fact that once a week the tortoise’s paws and shell should be cleaned with a soft brush.

Around mid-autumn, the lamp should be turned off and the turtle allowed to hibernate. In mid-spring, it needs to be gradually turned on so that it wakes up. Sometimes the turtle needs to be let out of the terrarium for a walk, and since it is not particularly fast, it will not require particularly close supervision.

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I want a cat, I want a dog, a mouse, a bird, a fish... From the age of five, children begin to beg for an animal to take care of, and usually they don’t care what kind - well, even a damn bald one! And, of course, it is the parents who take care of the pet.

How to satisfy a child’s need to care for our little brothers and not get headache for 10 years? We found out which pets will not cause any problems for parents, but will delight the kids.

1. Guinea pig

This cute face is a rather smart animal that behaves calmly, but does not resemble a plush toy. In addition, a guinea pig is really capable of becoming attached to a person.


  • All a pig needs is a spacious cage - this is its main habitat. Occasionally, the animal can be allowed to run around the apartment under supervision to stretch its legs;
  • pig eats grass simple vegetables and fruits, as well as special food from a pet store, which is not very expensive, which makes keeping a pig inexpensive;
  • guinea pigs are not capable of aggression, so there is no need to be afraid that the animal will bite or scratch the child;
  • a pig is a tame animal, you can safely squeeze and stroke it, the pet gets used to your hands and gladly allows itself to be stroked. Just make sure that the child does not overdo it and does not hurt the pig;
  • The guinea pig is an intelligent animal, it can be taught simple commands and readily responds to its name. The more you communicate with your pet, the more tame your pig will be.


  • The age of a guinea pig is short - only 3-6 years, by this time you need to be ready to part with the animal;
  • if your child is allergic or has a weakened immune system, it is better to choose another pet - guinea pigs, especially long-haired ones, are considered quite allergenic animals;
  • If you don't take good care of your pet, it may smell unpleasant. But if you change the filler in the cage on time, clean it and periodically bathe your pig with products from the pet store, there will be no problems with the smell;
  • The little pig is quite cowardly; it takes time for her to get used to you, so don’t demand too much from the animal at once - let the animal get used to it first.

2. Turtle

There are land ones, and there are aquatic ones - for the aquarium. In both cases, the turtle is easy to care for - no special time or investment is required. This leisurely amphibian will not cause any trouble or worry.


  • the turtle lives a long time, if no emergency happens, the animal will live with you for about 30 years - the baby will have time to grow up and have his own babies;
  • one of the slowest animals - you won’t have to chase it around the apartment, playing tag;
  • turtles do not have fur that will remain on the furniture, they do not make sounds - therefore they will not bother you in any way;
  • The aquatic turtle is a rather meditative creature. It’s so nice to watch how she leisurely splashes in the water, crawls out onto an island of land and exposes her face to the warmth;
  • the required minimum (which is also the maximum) is an aquarium for an aquatic turtle and a plexiglass box for a land turtle;
  • Pet food is also simple - greens, vegetables and grass.


  • not every child will be interested in this unshakably calm and slow creature; there is a chance that the baby’s turtle will disappoint;
  • You won’t be able to squeeze and hug a turtle; after all, the shell is not a fluffy body.

3. parrot

The most cheerful and bright pets. If you want him to be friends with you, buy one parrot; if you want less communication, buy two, then they will live perfectly together.


  • The parrots themselves are inexpensive (of course, unless you choose exotic breeds), as well as their food and cage. Therefore, it turns out that keeping these bright birds does not require any special investments;
  • parrots love to play, so from time to time you can delight them with all sorts of ladders and mirrors from the pet store;
  • the child will be interested in talking with the bird, watching how it repeats funny sounds, chirps, sits on its finger, moves on its shoulder - it’s very funny;
  • Parrots live 10-15 years, this is considered ideal for a small child. When the time comes to part with your pet, the baby will already turn into a teenager and will not take the separation seriously.


  • parrots are very noisy. There will always be sound in your home. If there is a baby in the house, it is better to abandon the bird;
  • it is necessary to regularly clean the cage, change the water, wipe the toys, change the food;
  • Even though parrots are small, feathers and husks from food will definitely constantly fly around their cage;
  • If you let your parrot fly around the apartment, make sure that it does not chew the spines of books, corners of furniture and other objects that are “convenient” for its beak.

4. Chinchilla

An incredibly sweet and beautiful creature, and her plush fur coat will completely captivate you! The pet lives quietly alone and is content with human company. Chinchillas usually have a calm and docile character.


  • An interesting feature of the chinchilla is that it has practically no sebaceous and sweat glands, so the little animal always smells very tasty;
  • The chinchilla is smart, if you teach it to go to the toilet in one place, its house will also be clean;
  • Even a preschooler can clean and clean the cage after a pet - her house is always dry, she doesn’t produce much dirt;
  • The chinchilla is peaceful and has no claws. If you hurt her, she may “bite” slightly, but only as a warning;
  • chinchillas have good health - they rarely get sick and live 16-20 years;
  • You can teach your pet easy commands and basic training skills.


  • The life schedule of chinchillas is nocturnal. She wakes up after lunch, around 5-6 pm, and is most active around midnight, just when we are already sleeping soundly. An active chinchilla gnaws at the house, branches and stems, slurps loudly while eating and runs around the cage. Therefore, you need to place her cage at night in a place where you won’t hear her at night;
  • very rarely, but people may be allergic to chinchilla food, not to the chinchilla itself;
  • The chinchilla itself is not cheap, but it is still a rather exotic animal;
  • Your pet needs to take sand baths occasionally to live a full life. When a chinchilla bathes in sand, it flies in all directions, and you then have to clean it all up. In addition, the sand itself (purified) is not cheap;
  • Not every chinchilla can be cuddled and stroked; as a rule, they are quite cuddly and do not like to be held.

5. Hamster

Who is the first person that comes to mind when we are puzzled about buying a small pet for a child? Of course, hamster! Hamsters are unpretentious, cheap, and do not require special care or investment. In addition, the rodent’s entire life is spent within the cage, which means that a child can be entrusted with caring for it.