Christmas toasts. Beautiful and funny toasts for Christmas SMS Merry Christmas short and beautiful congratulations

Merry Christmas,
And I wish everyone health,
Good luck, patience and happiness to everyone,
May you all live wonderfully!

I drink to always be lucky
So that everything is fine,
So that we live in abundance with you,
So that we all forget the insults!

I want to raise a glass to magic,
For the miracles that surround us everywhere,
I want to drink to the holiday, Christmas,
Which unites everyone today.

I wish everyone peace, happiness and goodness,
May your wish come true this night,
So that you never know sadness,
So that we don’t lose faith in miracles!

They say that in order to get good things, you need to forget all the bad and negative things. May today, on this bright holiday of Christmas, let us release all sadness, resentment and disappointment from our souls, so that joy, smiles and positivity can settle in it!

They say that on the magical night before Christmas, whatever you wish for, everything comes true. I want to wish each of you the fulfillment of your most cherished and even most immodest desires. Let everything you dream about come true, and let the magic of Christmas help in this. Happy holiday!

I raise a glass to the holy evening,
I wish everyone harmony and happiness,
Health, prosperity, of course goodness,
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!

All earthly blessings, success, prosperity,
May heaven keep your peace
May your life be long and glorious,
I’m drinking to the dregs for this today!

Christmas has come
Which means it's time
Let them into the houses
Miracles and magic for us.
I wish everyone good luck, goodness,
I will drink to the bottom for your health!

All people expect great things from each other. And they often don’t notice when the people around them do small but pleasant things. So, on this bright holiday of Christmas, let's drink to those people, thanks to whom our lives become at least a little more pleasant and happy!

Merry Christmas! On this righteous holiday, I wish everyone a lot of true happiness, love, health, the birth of good beginnings and righteous deeds! Happy holiday Christians!

They say that happiness knocks on the house where a cheerful and festive mood reigns. So let's have fun and celebrate happiness on this bright holiday of Christmas! Let it look into this hospitable house today and stay here for a long time!

Who doesn't love the holiday of Christmas?! On this day it becomes somehow bright and pure in the soul. It seems that with the arrival of Christmas, we all become a little kinder and more tolerant of each other. So let's keep the spirit of this holiday in our hearts forever. Let's love each other without reason or reason!

On January 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ, which is first on the list of the most important religious holidays. It is believed that on this day Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. Christians love and revere this holiday, when the tables are richly laid, the house is decorated, and everyone has fun and relaxes - no routine work! Also on this day it is customary to visit or receive dear guests. What would a feast be without toast? We have collected for you beautiful and heartfelt toasts for Christmas, in prose and poetry, which you can tell at the festive table.

Toasts for Christmas in prose (in your own words)

I suggest raising a glass of wine to the bright holiday of Christmas! On this wonderful evening, when we all gathered at the festive table, I want to wish everyone health, joy and prosperity!

Today we celebrate Christmas - a holiday associated with memories of childhood and hopes for the future. Let's raise our glasses to this holy night!

Christmas bells are ringing, and this ringing sounds in grateful human hearts. “A child has come to save the world” - isn’t this unspeakable joy? Let's raise our glasses to the bright holiday of Christmas!

I want to wish us all love... Love for each other, peace and forgiveness. This is what makes us kinder and cleaner. Here's to Christmas!

What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - a material support, and the soul - a spiritual cup. Let's drink so that this Christmas our glasses will be filled more often with wonderful wine, and the cups of our souls with wonderful feelings!

Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is a day of forgiveness, bright feelings, a day when love triumphs. May the guns fall silent on this holiday and not a single rocket rise into the air except fireworks! And let love for near and far enter our hearts! Merry Christmas!

Round dance of candles in the starry sky. Joy in the world - Christmas has come! There will be enough Easter cakes and bread for everyone... Divine celebration! Here's to a bright Christmas holiday! May all our wishes and dreams come true!

I sing carols, I sing carols, I can smell the vodka in my nose, pour a hundred grams at a time - you and we will be happy! Merry Christmas!

As we all know, Christmas is a family holiday. And I’m glad that my family members are at the table with me! I wish you all great and continued health and may the Christmas star shine life path each of you! Happy holiday!

Beautiful short toasts for Christmas in verse

Our glasses are full again,
And on Christmas I wish everyone:
Let love live in your soul!
Kiss! Many hugs!

Christmas gave us
Lots of joy and love.
My humble toast to this bright holiday -
May only happiness await us ahead!

My toast to the holiday of Christmas!
And I congratulate you!
Happiness, health and bright blessings
I wish you today!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the stars fall at night
He will look into your window.
On this wonderful night
You can't live without a smile.
Pain and sorrow - away!
Merry Christmas to you, friends!

I want to raise a glass to Christmas!
For this bright and kind beginning.
My toast will be short, but for this...
May life become easier for everyone in the world!

Let nothing be to you on this holiday
Do not overshadow the celebrations!
Let's raise our glasses
For Christmas Day!

​For us to be with you with happiness,
For Christmas and the miracle that is,
For your most cherished dreams,
Which, of course, come true!

I raise a glass to the holy evening,
I wish everyone harmony and happiness,
Health, prosperity, of course, goodness,
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!

Needles melt in the heart of grievances...
Let's drink to the light of Christmas!
So that he would call, so that he would lead you,
So that the lamp of good does not wither,
So that we are protected by fate -
Let's all drink to home!

When the snow covers the ground,
And Christmas will come again
Raise a glass to happiness,
For peace, for friendship, for love!
And so that without grief and doubt
May you live many bright days!
Preserve comfort and family peace
And respect from friends!

A well-timed short toast can quickly congratulate the hero of the day, cheer up the company and encourage them to raise their glasses. At the same time, guests do not get bored while listening to a long monologue. We present to your attention a collection of laconic toasts for all occasions. Remember at least a few of them and you will be the center of attention all evening.

Funny and cool short toasts

First toast: Goodbye! We won't see you sober today!

My friends, we can’t drink individually, let’s get drunk collectively. For the great strength of the team!

Let's drink so that we have as much grief left as there are drops left in our glasses.

Dear friend, I wish you always have a light heart and heavy pockets!

Let there be people in your life for whom you want to drink, and not those who make you want to get drunk!

Drunkenness - fight! So let's have a drink before the fight!

Let's drink to those who, while absent, are invisibly present here!

Let's drink to our luck, at least sometimes let the bird of happiness beat in our snares!

Happiness! Good luck and green dough!

Dear friends, let's drink to passion! Passion, how I want to drink!

Better late than missed!

Our arms and legs began to feel chilly - isn’t it time for us to shake things up?!

They say that youth is a disadvantage that passes. I want time to pass, but the deficiency remains. Let's drink to all men with such a disadvantage!

So that your desires are overwhelmed by your possibilities!

Let's drink to friendship, because it is what multiplies joy and shares sadness!

Since there are no more reasons to drink, let’s drink to the “wiring”! So, let's drink and think about vodka!

Be healthy for a hundred centuries!

So that you can eat and drink, so that you want and can, so that you can be with someone and have a place everywhere!

With coming alcohol intoxication, comrades!

The birth of good is good. The birth can be of a person, an idea, a tree, a grain, a feeling... And now I want to drink to the birth of friendship on this evening.

I suggest you drink for your understanding! Without him, everything in our lives would not be so peaceful and harmonious.

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

Let's drink to honest and modest people! Moreover, there are so few of us left...

Fir trees, dense forest,
You will be fined for downtime!
Let's drink, brothers, to the men
We are for no apparent reason!

With good company, as they say, it’s a sin not to drink. So let's not sin, but raise our glasses and drink. Shuddered!

Weak women have a passion for strong men. Strong men have a passion for women's weaknesses. For the unity of opposites!

I want to drink to see no evil, hear no evil, remember no evil and do no evil!

Let's drink so that our friends go to banquets, and our enemies go on crutches!

Let everything always pass by,
Besides health, money and intimacy!

I drink a glass to my family!

Let's drink to the tables bursting with abundance and the beds bursting with love!

Aristotle also said that two friends have one soul between them. So let's drink to the unity of our souls!

God gave a day for drinking, but no one knows what kind of day it is. So let’s drink it every day so we don’t miss it!

For there to be no tears or deception in the eyes of our loved ones!

Vodka is our enemy. But who said that we are afraid of enemies?!

Fighting the green serpent,
In our hearts we all curse him completely,
But we always know how to repay our debt:
If we need a drink, we drink!

With age, memory and vision begin to change, even a loved one changes, and only old friends remain unchanged. For friends!

Whoever is a friend to everyone, I don’t consider him a friend. So let's drink to a narrow circle of friends!

The composition of the wishes is always the same:
More health and money!

Drink like us, drink with us, drink more than us, drink faster than us!

Let's drink to business and sex, which in Russian means: to success in business and happiness in your personal life!

Let's drink to the Airborne Forces - Faith, Valor and Luck!

They say that a man who has reached the heights of power is lost to friends. Let's raise our glasses so that friendship does not die even at the heights of power!

Let's drink to the fact that we were going, money attacked us and we couldn't fight them off!

Men's short toasts

There is no such Monday that would not give way to Tuesday. There is no place that one gentleman would not give up to another. For the gentlemen!

Let's commit a “disaster” for the health of our wives!

How many single men dream of good wives! By the way, married men– too... So let our dreams come true!

Let's drink to our wives and mistresses, so that they never meet!

The smiles of women hurt, beckon, burn, and wounded men drink to the women!

A good wife is a life saver. So let's drink to that!

Let's drink to the women who make our hearts beat faster!

If your memory fails you, be glad you are not your wife. Let's drink to our faithful wives!

A loser clutches at love like a drowning man clutches at a straw. A true gentleman always has a lifeline of women's hearts at hand. For true gentlemen, that is, for us!

Let's drink to the intoxication of beautiful women, wine and songs!

Women's short toasts

Let's drink to us, beautiful ones. Well, if we are not beautiful, then the men are greedy!

A loved one needs to be groomed and cherished: this makes his withers and neck grow!

If a man does not succumb to the seduction of women, he is simply a blockhead. And they are only good for heating the stove. Let's drink to real men now!

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So let's quickly drink to the men so as not to torment their stomachs!

Let's drink to the fact that there will always be flour in your house, not flour. So that you have a mink on your shoulders, and not a mink from a mole in the country. For flour and mink!!! For prosperity in your home!

For us, beautiful ones! For them, the rich!

For us, beautiful ones! For you, the gullible...

Let's raise a glass to the Komsomol - to all Affectionate, Sociable, Brave Men!

Let's take a dose for men who are a little more beautiful than a monkey, but with such appearance they have the temperament of a lion!

Hello, dear subscribers, readers and simply guests of the site. We are glad to welcome you! We celebrated the New Year and have another bright and beloved holiday ahead of us. I think everyone has already guessed what we're talking about. In this review, we will try to find the most beautiful and sincere wishes for your family and friends on the Internet.

This is as popular a holiday in our country as the New Year. Everyone in the family has their own traditions and children are taught them from childhood. When they grow up, he will introduce them into his family. This is how it is in society. We hasten to please you with beautiful postcards. And congratulations to YOU!

We invite you to arm yourself with the most beautiful and exciting congratulations that will be for



SMS Merry Christmas short and beautiful congratulations

Good luck, joy, kindness,
Warmth, love, luck to the house.
So that life is happy,
All the best to you in the family. Merry Christmas!

It comes alive before our eyes
Russian fairy tales have magic.
Everyone rejoices and plays -

Merry Christmas!!!


Christmas is a holiday of light,
Jesus Christ has come to us.
Let the planet know about it
Who brought salvation to the world!



Fur Christmas trees
The whole house smells
Each needle whispers:
"Merry Christmas!"


Happy bright Christmas,
What is already knocking on the house!
Open the doors wider
You are to Love, Hope, Faith


Not in the golden palace, not in the house
A miracle appeared for people.
In a cave, in a manger on straw
Christ was born, King of kings.



On the Holy Night of Christ's Nativity
In your soul, prepare a manger for the Baby,
And invite the Innocent Child
To live forever in your heart...


Let grievances and losses
They fly away like leaves!
Let luck come through the door


Adults and children are happy -
The best holiday on the planet:
Christmas comes to the house
So that there is happiness in him.



Merry Christmas to you,
Love, hope and kindness.
May the Lord protect you
And it will illuminate you with grace!


Merry Christmas!
Be healthy everyone
Christmas star light
Let him keep you from harm.


Health to those closest to you,
More faith in magic!
May it be infinitely kind
Wonderful Christmas holiday!


Faith and love in life
Let them be the basis.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Merry Christmas!


On Christmas we want to wish you,

So that there is peace and grace in the house,

Let everyone in the family be happy and healthy

And more new impressions in life!


Welcome guests!
Open the doors wider!
Christmas has come!
Let's start the celebration!

Christmas has come to us today!
And we'll raise our glass again,
So that happiness does not forget us,
For Christmas and for love!


What should I wish you on Christmas Day?
So that there are no sorrows, sorrows and troubles,
So that the children are happy, healthy,
And let it be like this for many, many years!


Christmas has come to us today,
And we'll raise our glass again,
So that happiness does not forget us.
For Christmas and for love!


Let nothing be to us on this holiday
Won't spoil the celebrations!
So let's raise our glasses
For Christmas Day!


Toast to the Christmas holiday:
I wish you happiness and goodness!
Don't hurt each other
Make your dreams come true!


Let the Christmas tree
Decorates the house and garden.
And there are no needles on the branches,
Stacks of dollars are hanging!

Beautiful greetings Merry Christmas 2020 in verses

May Christmas give you warmth,
Allows you to enjoy your happiness to the fullest!
We wish you always good luck!
Luck is very useful in life!

We wish that all your dreams come true,
And may there be peace and prosperity in the family!
Success, true friendship, kindness
And achieve all the goals set once!


Christmas came like a beautiful fairy tale,
We opened all the doors to him,
Magic will come into your home today,
After all, everyone is waiting for him and believes!

We wish you only sincere feelings!
After all, there is nothing more important than them!
And the world without love is useless and empty,
Give warmth without regret!

And be happy, let everything work out
How you dreamed and dreamed!
May the holiday bring hope!
So that the time of miracles never ends!


It's Christmas again
The bells are ringing,
The sun has risen in the sky,
Snowflakes sparkle like a rainbow,

That's why I love
I give congratulations,
Faith, happiness and goodness,
I am blessed on this day!



On this holiday we wish you,
On the sacred day of Christmas
Find out the diversity of wonders,
A touch of magic!

We wish you good luck
And find true happiness
Complete main tasks
On your life's journey!


I sincerely wish you in two thousand and twentieth
See how big magic happens:
Happiness will come silently and like a winged angel
Will, of course, stay for Christmas!
Let the previously difficult, difficult task
It will crumble like ashes and disappear in the same hour.
Health, prosperity, joy, wealth and luck
Like white snowflakes, they fly from the sky towards you!


We wish each other happiness on Christmas,
And life prepares many gifts:
Let the hugs of your loved ones warm you,
And everyone will be happy and healthy!
Souls will awaken from hibernation,
Filled with love and kindness.
Let's ask the bright angels to stay,
To warm the house with your warmth!


Let Christmas burst into the house,
And he will respond with a ringing laugh,
It will bring with it
Joy, happiness and goodness.
May the Year of the Rat foretell
Whatever the heart desires.
I want the angels to keep me
All troubles were put aside.


On Christmas Eve we wish
You have happiness, love and goodness.
Delivers from evil and sin
Birth of Saint Christ.
Let the world light up with love
And everyone will be saved
The soul blooms with beauty,
And the angel will cover you with his wing.


Bright holiday Christmas
God's grace is revealed.
The magic comes
And hope blossoms.
Strengthens faith stronger
In our God Christ,
Illuminates the soul with light,
So that love lives in hearts.


May an angel protect you from adversity
And he will give you love and kindness.
Holy Christmas will come,
Fill the house with blessed light.
We wish you health, beauty,
Faith and hope do not leave.
Cherished dreams will come true,
The transformed world will not be the same.


Bright holiday, Christmas,
It's knocking at your house again,
Accept it
And meet with pie.
We wish you to live happily,
So that there is peace in my soul,
Let the house be beautiful,
So that there is great wealth.
Let there be harmony in the house,
Let love live in the family,
May the Lord not forget
Help always gives you.


Winter day. A cherished holiday.
Let the January frost be angry, -
He's like a prankster in disguise,
He came to visit us again.

The doors swung wide open,
There was a lot of fuss.
Everyone who believes and does not believe,
They glorify the boy Christ.

The elders, straightening their shoulders,
They grunt approvingly.
Day and night twisted candles
They burn in front of the image.

It comes alive before our eyes
Russian fairy tales have magic.
Everything rejoices and plays -
Hello, holiday - Christmas!


Merry Christmas!
There is no happier celebration!
On the night of Christ's birth
A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries
She shines for us like the sun.
Warms the soul with faith,
To make the world more beautiful, better.

Gives sparks of magic
Merry Christmas!
Peace comes to every home...
Merry Christmas!


The night is quiet. On the unsteady firmament
The southern stars are trembling.
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet people look into the manger.
No ears, no extra glances,
The roosters crowed -
And behind the angels in the highest
The shepherds praise God.
The manger quietly shines in the eyes,
Mary's face is illuminated.
A star choir to another choir
I listened with trembling ears.
And above Him it burns high
That star of distant lands;
The kings of the east carry with her
Gold, myrrh and frankincense.


Today will be Christmas
The whole city is waiting for a secret,
He sleeps in the crystal frost
And waits: the magic will happen.

Blizzards took possession of him,
In the cathedrals there is the flickering of candles and singing,
And silvery incense smoke.

To the sound of bells
The heart will beat like a bell.
And you can’t escape your fate -
Happy Christmas with magical words.

The spring of heaven is the source of those words,
They are made of flame and light.
Both in the world and in the soul of the poet,
And God will be reborn in the word.

Cast your spell, blizzard sorcerer,
Your magical element
Transforms into other worlds
The whole land, city, and people.

Miracles will happen
So easily, in a crowd of passers-by,
And suddenly they look like music
Human voices will become.


When we celebrate Christmas
When we light a simple candle,
We will remember Life's celebration
And the world has a different hypostasis.

There's a star in the singing skies
Shows the way to tired souls.
And water will be created again,
And the air, and the seas, and the land.

And the angel will sing praises
And the miracle of joy will happen.
And the evening will call you to the table,
To merge with this jubilation.

How light plays in crystal!
How the glasses are filled with wine!
And God was born on Earth,
And she sparkled like a star.


In the wide sky,
In a starry bright round dance,
A wonderful star is shining.
She will cast a ray everywhere,
Where human grief groans, -
In villages, groves, cities.
The beam reaches the light
And peasant women and queens,
And to the bird's nest.
He will slip into a rich house,
And no blowjob to the poor house
Never a magic ray.
Everywhere joy shines brighter,
Where that star ray trembles,
And trouble is not terrible there,
Where the star will shine.



Merry Christmas short greetings with pictures

Merry Christmas!
Let love come to the house
Surrounded by warmth and laughter
And success awaits everywhere!


Soon, soon Christmas
If only I could hurry up -
There will be a celebration in the house,
The Christmas tree will sparkle!


In the realm of frost and snow
Crystal gardens bloomed.
Through our window from the festive sky
The light of the Christmas star is shining.



Christmas is on its way
Should be coming to us soon!
We are looking forward to visiting you on this holiday -
Let's have a wonderful time!
May the Lord always protect
Bless you for good!


Christmas Eve
May goodness surround you.
There will be more joy, warmth in the house,
And in the hearts there is love and God's grace.


We are on Holy Christmas Day
We wish you good mood!
So that there is joy and love
On the eve of Epiphany.


Let Jesus shine with light,
Home with love and joy.
And fills hearts with happiness
Have a wonderful Christmas!


Happy holiday of goodness and light,
Happy Holy Christmas Day.
Joy, love and happiness
On Christ's Birthday.


Let your heart be kind
The soul is full of love,
And the mood is cheerful
On Christmas days.


We wish you happiness and inspiration
On Christmas night.
The mood will be wonderful
Handra walks away.


We wish you goodness, love and happiness,
Let the road be bright.
And everything in your life was perfect
Have a wonderful Christmas!


We wish you miracles and magic
And the Christmas tree sparkles with lights.
On Holy Christmas Eve
Love and happiness will be with you.


Merry Christmas I wish you!
May fate be happy!
I wish you bright joy and happiness,
Always be a beautiful soul!



I wish you well on Christmas,
Bright joy without end,
Sweet dreams, beautiful destiny
And good luck to the sovereign!


I wish you happiness and success.
Prosperity and good luck - to the house,
Let your wishes come true.
Merry Christmas to you.


Let the snowflakes spin rhythmically,
Let the magic come into your home
And will bring goodness and happiness
Have a holy Christmas in your life.


A wonderful Christmas day
I heartily congratulate you,
Love and believe in miracles
I wish you a magical holiday.


Christmas time of happiness
I wish you well and
Health - body, heart - passion,
Peace and warmth for the soul.



On this frosty January day
I send a message of great warmth,
I wish you health on Christmas,
Prosperity, goodness.


Christmas magical night
Let happiness quietly enter the house,
Cheerful hubbub, children's laughter
Let them certainly sound in it.


Family warmth, comfort
On Christmas I wish you
May Heaven protect you from grief,
Dejection, resentment and drama.


There are carols, laughter and jokes,
A hurricane of fun is swirling.
I wish you happiness on Christmas,
Prosperity and success to you.


A Christmas fairy tale
He will open the doors to your world,
To make your dreams come true
I would like to take a reference point.

Merry Christmas!
There will be peace, tranquility, comfort in our souls,
May the whole new year be upon your home
Guardian angels sing!


Let this winter fairy tale be for you
I'll dream about it on Christmas night
And my belated caress
in yours brown eyes will be reflected.


Let it warm your heart with warmth
Happy Christmas holiday,
will become better world, kinder,
And words of love sound!


Let grievances and losses
They fly away like leaves!
Let luck come through the door
On the bright holiday of Christmas!


Merry Christmas wishes in prose and in your own words

When the Christmas stars sparkle in the night sky, and the fluffy snowy canvas shines with thousands of sparkles, let an angel descend into every home and with one flap of his wing light a fire of family comfort, which will fill the hearts with pleasant warmth, peace and tranquility. I wish that Christmas Eve gives a beautiful fairy tale to everyone who believes in a miracle. Happy holiday!


When the earth is covered with a snow-white scattering of snow, and the New Year's mood fills souls with the invisible expectation of fabulous miracles, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holidays. May your hearts be filled with happiness, may the fire of love always burn in your soul, and may comfort, peace, and prosperity reign in your home. Merry Christmas! Make your wishes quickly, because in such a wonderful time they simply must come true!


Merry Christmas! May this magical holiday fill your life with light, warmth, joy and prosperity. I wish you peace, kindness, love, family comfort. May your Guardian Angel protect you from all troubles and adversity!


My toast to Christmas! So that God's grace may visit us, so that there are no problems, troubles and strife! Let's raise our glasses to the bright holiday of Christmas!


Christmas is the day when Jesus Christ entered the world with love. This is a day of forgiveness, bright feelings, a day when love triumphs. May the guns fall silent on this holiday and not a single rocket rise into the air except fireworks! And may love for near and far enter our hearts! Merry Christmas!


I want to wish us all love. Love for each other, attention and forgiveness. This is what brings us closer to God, makes us kinder and purer. Here's to Christmas!


Christmas... Quietly falling snow, the smell of candles and a Christmas tree, Christmas songs and long starry nights... The Universe froze in admiration, for the Savior came, and the world was filled with joy and light. This radiance is unquenchable.
Here's to a wonderful Christmas holiday that makes us all better and cleaner!


At Christmas, in the family circle, we will honor Christ and the Lord God with a prayer of gratitude. They
they hear all our thoughts and hopes, see our actions and deeds. I wish everyone to find their own happiness and peace of mind. Let your secret dreams come true! Merry Christmas, all-forgiving to you!


Hello! On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, many people wish each other good luck, love,
happiness, prosperity, success. But let others wish this for you, but for my part I want to wish only one thing - good health! After all, when you are healthy, happiness and love are just a matter of time. Merry Christmas!


Skip! Let me pass! So what, what’s the turn, I’m a Christmas text for my beloved
girls! And I want to tell her that there is one guy who loves her very much and wishes her a Merry Christmas!

Darling! I congratulate you on the kindest and most fabulous holiday of the Nativity of Christ! I believe that wishes made on this day come true! May this holiday bring mutual understanding, harmony, happiness to our relationship with you, and may love become even stronger!


Christmas is a joyful and bright holiday that came to us from ancient times, but will never become outdated and will always be the most beloved celebration! It teaches us to be kind and love our neighbors! Each of us associates this holiday with hopes for the future! So let it be
Everyone's dreams and desires will come true! And let love enter our hearts! Merry Christmas to you!


Do you hear how quietly Christmas is creeping by? How Santa Claus's silver sleigh rustles and bells ring on reindeer necks? Please accept my most sincere congratulations on this day. May a miracle happen in your home and soul on Christmas night, and in the morning you will find not only gifts and souvenirs, but also something more - gifts incomparable to any earthly blessings: health, happiness and love!

On Christmas night I would really like to wish everyone present to start new life. Not the way your parents want. Not the same as envious people advise. Not the way your enemies see her. And the one you want. Let her always be sweet, moderately carefree, and give you pleasure. Live in boundless love and happiness, starting from the day of a bright Christmas.


Christmas is an amazing holiday. He is madly loved by children and adults, babies and old people, men and women. Therefore, on this magical day I would like to wish everyone health, happiness and spiritual comfort. Let these three components never leave your life.
a picture that you will paint only with bright colors!

The snow flies by, the frost draws its crystal pictures, it’s winter outside, but your heart is warm and joyful. Christmas has come - the brightest and most reverent holiday, and it is very good to have someone to share these wonderful moments with. Merry Christmas 2020, your beloved and dearest people!

Christmas night is incredibly long, and also often turns out to be especially dark and snowy. But what do we care when in our homes we are surrounded by comfort, celebration and family! I am from my heart and soul
I wish you a Merry Christmas and wish you all the best! May your life please you with the fulfillment of your desires and true love the closest people!


On the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ, many people wish each other good luck, love, happiness, prosperity, and success. But let others wish this for you, but for my part I want to wish only one thing - good health! After all, when you are healthy, happiness and love are just a matter of time. Merry Christmas!


Today is a special day, Christmas, the stars are bright in the sky, it’s light outside. On this bright holiday, let the sound of festive carols that will bring prosperity, joy, and peace of mind to your home. May your guardian angels guide you only on the bright path of kindness, generosity and compassion for your neighbor. Merry Christmas!


Today, on this wonderful holiday - Christmas - I wish you that life will spoil you. May a smile always shine on your sweet face, may your beauty bloom day by day, may your loved one carry you in your arms, may your work bring pleasure. I wish you peace in your soul and cloudless happiness!

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday, I would like to wish peace and tranquility in every home, kindness, mutual understanding, prosperity, love, happiness, peace of mind, success in all endeavors, more joy, good health and all the best! May all your expectations be met and your most cherished dreams come true!


So Christmas has come. A holiday that both adults and children are looking forward to. On this day, houses are filled with cheerful laughter and fragrant Christmas treats. And I am pleased to congratulate you and wish you and your family great happiness!


Merry Christmas! May the peace of God abide in your heart, and may peace and tranquility reign in your soul. Never give up on your goals. Be happy and successful in business!


Let the warm light of the Christmas star warm you, and let the frosty dawn of the holiday morning give you hope for a clear future. May your soul always be open to miracles, goodness and magic. Smile at the whole world and it will reciprocate, and faith in the Christmas miracle will help make it come true.


Let the joy of this bright holiday paint gray everyday life with the bright colors of happiness, love and inspiration! Merry Christmas!


On Christmas Day I wish you wealth: spiritual and material. May your soul be rich in love and faith, may your pockets be rich in easily convertible banknotes, and may your life be rich in bright and happy events!


Let the joyful Christmas mood never leave you all year long, let the magic of the magical holiday grant all your wishes come true, and let the light guiding star indicates the right path.


In the light Orthodox holiday I wish you sincere faith: in miracles, in a bright future and in your own strength. For according to your faith it will be given. Merry Christmas!


I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, I wish that on Christmas evening you will bewitch yourself with happiness, love, prosperity and success for the whole year and may all the predictions certainly come true.




On this bright holiday, on the most magical day of the year, I want to wish you that life turns into a wonderful fairy tale. To a good fairy tale, where evil spells are powerless, where good always defeats evil, where friends are always ready to help and support, and happy love lasts forever!


Christmas is that fabulous holiday on which all dreams and wishes come true. That is why on this wonderful day I wish you only good health, only easy luck, only a loving environment. Let the sun never leave your home and your hearts. Merry Christmas!


On such a bright holiday, which gives people faith in miracles and deliverance from torment, I would like to wish them faith in all the best and good, since in any case a person with a pure soul will receive a lot of joy and his life will be happy and long. Because the Nativity of Christ brings additional strength and an invincible spirit.


The holiday is approaching, and snowflakes are falling directly into outstretched palms with the promise of happiness and good magic. May all your unsolvable riddles find their logical answers this Christmas. Let your days be filled with the crystal happy laughter of your children. Let your wish come true and let harmony reign with yourself and your loved ones.


Each holiday of the Nativity of Christ brings wonderful moments, unforgettable moments of happiness and grace. May today’s holiday bring you the fulfillment of all your bright thoughts and help you find your path leading to complete harmony of soul and body. Praise the Lord and love one another!



It may be frosty and blizzard outside, but the house is warm and joyful, the lights on the Christmas tree are sparkling merrily, and every family celebrates Christmas. Be happy in the circle of your loved ones, surrounded by loving hearts and loved ones. And may the mercy of the Lord be with you.


Merry Christmas! Let the miracle gently descend like snowflakes from the sky, sparkling in the rays of light with incredible lights of joy and hope, warming your soul on a winter day! After all, only a miracle can resurrect faith, love and magical hope!


Today is a magical holiday - Christmas! And may the candles today burn with hope and love, the stars in the sky glow with happiness, and may only sincere faith enter the house with the frosty air, which brings miracles with it!


On the day when billions of stars are born in the sky in anticipation of a miracle, on Holy Christmas, I wish you justified expectations, fulfilled hopes and long-awaited magic! After all, happiness comes not just in moments of expectation, but in moments of absolute faith in it!


On this frosty Christmas evening, congratulations on the upcoming holiday! May the star that lights up in the sky illuminate your path in life, and may the Lord bless you for all your good deeds!


On this bright holiday, let the star of Bethlehem touch your hearts with a ray and peace from above, love, not knowledgeable of words me, and the kindness that covers everyone and everything. And may the Savior of the world keep you under his protection.


A rich table, beautiful clothes, humility of mind, triumph of faith - everything expresses the common hope that it will be better for us than it was before: after all, Christmas has been revealed to us today!


Christmas miracle! A scattering of stars beckons you there, into the unknown. We are waiting for this hour of miracles and lighting candles, illuminating the path for the baby Christ. Merry Christmas!


That's it New Year. There are salads left alcoholic drinks, tangerines. Don't be discouraged, Christmas is coming soon, great holiday, when all the food and drinks are gone. Merry Christmas!


Christmas is not only carols, carols, candles and figurines of angels. This is the day when the Savior was born on Earth to again open the way to heaven for people. Remember this - and thank heaven for this miracle!

Merry Christmas! May this holiday give us hope for salvation. Christ was born, let us rejoice in him! May the most cherished desires be born in your souls on this day.


Happy Christmas! May all your plans certainly come true on this bright, joyful holiday full of miracles! Let grace reign at home, and love in your soul!


Darling, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on Merry Christmas. May happiness smile on you on this bright holiday, may my love always warm you. I want us to spend this day together, and we will remember it forever. Happy holiday!


Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday of sacred goodness, I would like to wish you warmth and harmony. May joy and success never leave you, and may the Christmas star tirelessly illuminate your path in life!

Christmas Christian poems in the form of short greetings

On a beautiful Christmas night
Drive away sorrows and worries,
Let everything outside the window be covered with snow -
Your home will be warmed with warmth,
Filling my heart with love,
You quickly open the door for a miracle,
May your cherished dreams come true,
Everything will be just the way you want it!


I wish you that from the heavenly shadow
Grace has descended on you on this day!
And so that you always have time for your loved ones
And you didn’t have to scold anyone all year.
Well, also (we haven’t finished drinking everything yet)
Let me give you my toast:
I wish you a year that will come true,
It's hard not to survive,
And live with joy!


Fields and roads are covered in snow,
The forest, like a wizard, is elegant and strict.
A traveler's footprint in the snow is lonely,
The last leaf is bewitched by sleep.
For many centuries people have been celebrating the holiday,
The image of the Lord is glorified by the whole world.
May your life always be illuminated
This wonderful Christmas light!


Christmas is a fabulous time
After all, its atmosphere is magical.
His music makes us happy
And gifts are wonderful, priceless.
May he give you Christmas
Constant, eternal happiness,
May you always be lucky in life,
So that there is room in the soul for passion!


When the star shines in the sky,
When everyone is wished a Merry Christmas,
May your home become blessed
Let everything in him be filled with goodness!
May everything become better and cleaner on Christmas,
Health and prosperity will come to the house.
Star of hope with radiant light
Everything good will bring you today!


Miracles and a sea of ​​magic
Merry Christmas to you!
Let your soul soar upward
With great happiness.
There is peace and comfort in the family,
Love burns in hearts,
And every angel in heaven
Sends you joy!


The great holiday has already arrived again;
There is fun, feasts, celebration everywhere...
Let us remember what word he told us
The one whose Christmas we are celebrating now:
"Let everyone always be merciful
To the weak, orphans, poor, sick!
What he has, he shares with the poor
And he will call him his brother!”
So, friends, show your participation:
Many will meet Christmas in need!
A good deed is great happiness.
This is a sacred celebration of the soul!


Merry Christmas! Have fun people!
Let goodness come to your home, let it be joyful!
Set the table quickly, decorate the Christmas tree,
Invite your friends to your house and treat them generously!
May your hopes and dreams suddenly begin to come true!
On the glorious holiday of Christmas, it would be a sin not to have a good time!
Congratulations, I wish you all happiness from the bottom of my heart!
Catch up, I'm already pouring a glass!


Thank you for your attention. We are very glad that on the Detland side you find what you are interested in. Come visit us more often. We congratulate you on the holidays and from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you health and all the blessings that you wish for yourself. Everyone has their own dreams, their own plans, their own life. May everything in fate always be smooth and without grief. Happiness and health! CONGRATULATIONS!

Very soon the most magical night of the year will come - New Year's. Preparations for it are already in full swing. There is so much to do - decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts, think through the menu. festive table, choose a beautiful outfit. Did you miss anything? We forgot one important point - how could we not toast to the chimes?

Of course, everyone should have a table speech prepared in advance to congratulate them on the magical upcoming holiday, and then on the coming holiday. Toasts for the New Year 2020 are a great way to tell your family and friends what is important, to wish the most important things and to amaze everyone with your oratory skills.

After all, pronouncing them in such a way that everyone around you listens to you, and then applauds you, is a great art. The very content of what is said plays a huge role in it. A congratulatory speech should be light, interesting, catchy, positive, and make you smile.

These are the New Year's toasts that are included in our holiday selection. Choose the one you like, surprise and delight those who will be around on this wonderful holiday night.

Cool toasts

They are always relevant. The most popular, loved and interesting. Why does everyone look for funny words for congratulations? The fact is that we are pleased to give people joy, to see how your funny wish lifts their spirits, to hear laughter after it. A sparkling speech can light up even a boring company.

Let's drink to live like this: roll around like cheese in butter and like a mouse in cheese!

Happy New Year of the Rat. I wish the mistress of the year to bring good luck. Rats are known to be carriers of infections. So let it infect you with happiness, infect you with love and transmit the virus of prosperity and well-being.

Santa Claus once made a snowman for himself and he was left with a small snowball. “What else do you need to make, my friend? - asked Santa Claus. The snowman thought: he has arms, he has legs, he has a head, he even has a nose made of carrots. Then he said: “Make me happy!”

But Santa Claus, who had seen a lot in his lifetime, knew that everyone has their own happiness and said: “There is snow on you, make your own happiness.” So, in the coming year, may we have the opportunity to mold our happiness the way each of us imagines it.”

The rat wagged its tail,
She swept the glass off the table.
Shattered into fragments
What are these, Christmas tree sticks?

It's all for luck! Exactly!
Let's all drink to this immediately!

They say it's better to lose something than never have it.. I want to raise this glass so that in this coming New Year we will never lose happiness and never have worries! Let us have only happy moments of life this year!

Why was Solomon wise? Because he had many wives with whom he consulted. Why are we unhappy? Because we have one wife, with whom we never consult. Let's not forget the wisdom of our ancestors in the New Year!

Happy New Year of the White Rat. Let this nimble mischief share the white color with us: draw a white stripe in life, fill our consciousness with white thoughts, and make all problems raise a white flag!

What do you wish?
New Year - celebrate,
Friends - don't forget!
Joy - to be!
Sorrows - forget! Salaries - increase,
Love - bloom!
Dreams come true
And don’t relax yourself!

I don’t promise complete success,
I hope it's New Year
Will save us all from sorrows
And unforeseen worries. I also hope for something else,
And I believe it fervently,
That such happiness awaits us all,
Which has never happened before.

May this year be nothing but joy!
Happiness awaits, and good people!
So that the piglet on holiday
He generously brought a bag of money!
Health and peace to capture,
And he didn’t forget souvenirs for us!

The Year of Mouse is a great year! All good things will come!
Let him give you a lot of laughter, and success in all your endeavors!
I wish everyone to achieve great heights this year!
Wherever we end up, I want to be surprised!
And let every moment lift your spirits!

New Year's toasts 2020 with jokes and humor

They are appropriate everywhere, everyone likes them, and not a single New Year’s celebration is complete without them. You can send a cool toast via SMS to your friends and have no doubt that reading it brought a smile to your face.

I wish that Rat helped us find boundless happiness... Let's drink to the fact that this year there will be a lot of good things and we will squeal with delight and joy!

New Year is coming,
It has been raining for three days.
In the field the grass is green,
Santa Claus is sweating in a fur coat.
Water pours down your collar...
Happy New Year, gentlemen!

Let everything everyone dreams about come true:
Born to fly in the skies, let him fly,
Whoever thirsts for wealth, let him find the treasure,
Whoever wants honors will achieve awards!

Who wants to get married - let him have a wedding,
Let the vacationer sunbathe on the beach,
And if someone’s soul wants extreme sports,
Let him fly with a parachute and laugh!

So that the New Year brings only success, nothing less,
May we all become many times richer!

Let's drink to:
To have a super cool year,
So that everyone is healthy,
To live in goodness, in abundance
And so that you can pursue your dreams without looking back!

On New Year's Day I wish:
Friendships are like “super glue”
Strength - like a big elephant,
Those who need it need children.
For those who don't, take precautions.
Have Frost don't be shy
Ask for a car
Or from an arctic fox manto.
If a miracle doesn't happen -
Let the sponsor help!

May Santa Claus have a crimson nose
He will make a contribution to the savings book for us,
Snow Maiden secretly all year
Gives him good cognac,
And Santa Claus is out of the bag
The currency snowball will shake!

Words with meaning

Toasts with meaning These are kind of wise parables. They are not devoid of philosophical meaning, but at the same time they are not boring and uninteresting. And even if sometimes they are not always short, do not be afraid, no one will fall asleep while you are giving your speech.

On the contrary, just such a congratulation can amaze guests. After all, wisdom is always held in high esteem. And if it is intertwined with jokes, then it is doubly worthy of the respect of the listeners.

Who said rats escape from a sinking ship? They simply understand that the ship is hopeless, and bravely throw themselves into the sea of ​​new opportunities! And let the old and rusty ships take their course to the bottom! Here's to a sea of ​​new opportunities and an ocean of original ideas!

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition Before the New Year, throw out old and unnecessary things, tired of the year, out of the window.

We, of course, are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out of your memory old grievances, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ingratitude as unnecessary trash.

If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it this way, and then the new year will be no worse than the last!

His students once came to the sage and asked, looking at the horseshoe suspended above the entrance: “Teacher, do you really believe that some piece of hardware can bring good luck?”

To which the sage replied: “Personally, I don’t believe in it, but it brings good luck whether I believe in it or not.”

I suggest you drink to good luck. If we suddenly lose faith in her in the New Year, let her still believe that she must come to our house!

One day three wanderers were walking.
Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened it for them and asked:
"Who you are?" - Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in for the night.

It's a pity, but we only have one free place. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in.

The sick mother said: “Let’s let Health in.” The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth.

While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be a place in our home for Health, Love and Wealth!

As you celebrate the New Year, don’t regret the past that they didn’t have time to do something. Don’t worry about what’s coming - will everything work out, will you have enough strength and resources.

Live in harmony with yourself. With your heart and soul. Stay calm and confident. Then joy, happiness and success will always accompany you. Happy New Year 2020!

There is a good saying: “As long as you are facing your past, you stand with your back to your future.” Let's turn around and face our future with courage. Let us not be afraid or afraid of him. Let's meet this year and all subsequent ones with joy, with new bright dreams. Forward to the future, friends! Happy New Year!

For a noisy friendly company

What words would be appropriate in a company of friends, where it is always noisy, fun and funny? Of course they are funny! A toast with a touch of humor will always find a response here. After all, after it, a good mood will become simply magnificent, and smiles will turn into laughter.

It's always a pleasure to please your friends and make them have fun. Therefore, having cool toasts in your collection is a must! With them, you will always be the soul of the company, its unspoken leader. And perhaps you will even be able to win the heart of someone you have liked for a long time.

I hope this New Year will come with gifts for each of us.
Anyone who wanted to buy a new car will finally buy it. Anyone who wanted to make any discovery will make it. Those who wanted to find love will find it.
Let everyone get their happiness. So let's drink to the new, bright things in our lives!
For the New Year.

May we have next year
so many good and joyful events, so many good and wonderful deeds, so many lights burning in our New Year's garland!

Let's drink to Father Frost and Snow Maiden:
For as long as I can remember, people don’t get sick, don’t grow old, and there’s always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

On New Year's Day, friends flocked like snowflakes,
We cannot be sad or bored on this holiday.
So let's celebrate our New Year without delay,
To remember him all year long.

May we have more strength in the coming year,
On the contrary, your health will not decrease one ounce.
Whatever is planned, let it undoubtedly come true.
And the most unpleasant thing is that it will be forgotten.

All the women at this table are beautiful, like the Snow Maidens.
But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year.
To the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

First toast: Goodbye!
We won't see you sober today!

Let's drink to the New Year the tables were bursting with abundance, and the beds were bursting with love!

Husband and wife watching ice dancing on TV.
- I would love to perform a free program with this figure skater! - says the husband.
The wife flared up and decisively turned off the TV.
- First perform the compulsory program, and then think about the free one...
Let's drink, guys, to the excellent performance of the compulsory and free program in the New Year!

The shortest congratulations

Well, everyone knows that brevity is always welcome. And on a festive night this becomes especially relevant. After all, we can’t wait to raise our glasses, eat, and dance. And hardly anyone wants to listen to long speeches. That is why it is necessary to select congratulations so that they are at the same time small, but meaningful.

And it doesn’t matter whether they are funny or serious, sweet or funny, the main thing is to pronounce them clearly, quickly and from the heart. After all, it has long been proven that short toasts for the New Year 2020 can hook and amuse much more than a long, tedious wish.

May it be the best year of your life,
Always, everywhere, lucky in everything!

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
Prosperity, successful,
Have a bright year!

Problems don't scare you
And the crisis will not beat you!
We are still beautiful
Let's celebrate the New Year!

May it last forever all bad things will go away
Happy last breath of December!
And everything beautiful and living will come to us on the morning of January.

Let everything in life go like clockwork,
Your plans will come true in their entirety,
I wish you a successful whole year,
My heart sang with joy and happiness!

Let's drink to the only day of the year,
when you can sit on the Christmas tree...
and not to visit the forest!
Here's to the New Year!

Toasts for a cozy family circle

New Year's lights, a cozy atmosphere and a warm home circle - everyone dreams of such a holiday. But at the same time, for some reason, many do not attach importance to what is said at the feast in New Year's Eve in a narrow family circle. But these are the closest and dearest people in the world.

Therefore, it is imperative to choose suitable toasts for the New Year and congratulate parents, brothers, sisters and children with their help. After all, who, no matter how they, most need our care and attention.

New Year's family toasts are always the kindest words, warm and sincere wishes. They are simple and understandable to anyone. Well, in order for laughter to be heard and smiles to be seen in the house, you should definitely add a drop of humor to them. Cool toasts will contribute to this, after which it always becomes fun. They will delight adults and children.

Dear family, I congratulate you on the New Year of the Rat. As children, we all read a fairy tale about a smart little mouse. He overcame all obstacles and deceived the most cunning enemies.

And so let's drink to the fact that in the year of the Mouse we will have enough intelligence to bypass all the mousetraps and not fall into the clutches of the Cat!

I read the recommendations of a famous astrologer here. He writes that those who celebrate the Year of the Rat in the family circle will be accompanied by success, luck and happiness throughout the New Year. I'm not an astrologer, but I also have something to say. Those who have the opportunity to celebrate the year of not only the Rat, but also the Rabbit, Ox, Dragon, etc. surrounded by loved ones and relatives - they are already the most successful, lucky and happy.
For our family!

May the new year not add wrinkles,
and the old ones will be smoothed out and erased!
It will improve your health and relieve you from sorrows.
and may this year be happy!
Happy Year of the Rat!

Happy New Year!
Let him come with a sandwich
With honey, sugar, jam
And in a good mood.
May we eat it for a long time
And we never got sick.

A loved one may forget what we told him. He may even forget what we did for him. But he can never forget how we made him feel. I want us to feel only love, care and attention from our family and friends in the new year 2020!

The past year was successful and not so successful. Material wealth increased and decreased. But life shows that this is not the main thing. The most important thing in the past year was those people who were there and supported us both in joy and in sorrow. So let's take all the most important things with us into the New Year - our friends. They all gathered at this table today. For you, my dears!

Behind New Year's table one guest is asked:
– Why do you close your eyes when you drink?
– You see, I promised my wife that I wouldn’t look into the glass in the new year.
For faithful fulfillment of New Year's resolutions!

A catchphrase at a corporate event

Corporate and New Year are certainly inseparable concepts in any company that respects its employees. And the preparation for it is always very serious. After all, everyone wants to look their best in front of their colleagues. If in the company of friends you can fool around and say frivolous words at the table, then you need to be more careful.

You need to be very careful when choosing toasts at a corporate party. It should be a smart, interesting speech, not too long, but also not consisting of two words. Nobody will like a serious and boring toast, but a funny one can cause condemnation. So what should we do? We need a golden mean. This is exactly what you can find here.

We have presented the best toasts that can cause admiration and please even the bosses. Unusual, sometimes funny, beautiful words with an emphasis on the positive - exactly what is needed in this case.

The Great Buddha once called all animals to him. The first to appear before him was the cunning Rat, who had traveled most of the way on the back of the Bull. So let's drink to the fact that we will always be the first to distribute gifts and bonuses!

So, colleagues, the New Year is coming.. I wish you sparkling happiness, like a glass of champagne; bonuses - how many months in a year; plans like Napoleon's; success and achievements are like stars in the sky; lifestyle, like Santa Claus - always cheerful, has money for gifts, in a beautiful fur coat, on personal transport and with a wonderful companion.

Let the playful deer come running to our homes of the most generous Santa Claus! let his bag be full of HAPPINESS, success, health, wealth and LOVE!

Now, summing up the results,
Let's sigh sadly about the past:
Probably the gods helped
We have to deal with the enemy all year long!

Today, celebrating the New Year,
Let's have fun!
We wish each other happiness,
Someone who doesn't love will fall in love.

Who's money more life glad -
Let him become rich this year!
Now it’s not a sin for us to drink,
For us, for everyone and for success!

We're gathered here together
Not just like that, out of boredom -
Celebrate at the banquet
Joint achievements! And corporate spirit
Unite stronger.
My positive toast
I'll ask everyone to pour some!

Many people wishing Happy New Year, wish everyone a start with clean slate, but I want to wish you that in the New Year your life will continue in brighter colors, that you will overcome all failures and continue to build your life without repeating your mistakes.
Happy New Year and new successes!

Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Let's celebrate the New Year together,
What's knocking at the gate -

Let Santa Claus not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give everyone a bonus for the year,
So that the people are happy.

So that the team works
In summer and winter,
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

Applause after your speech and surprised glances will help you understand how well your congratulations were chosen.

Don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones on New Year’s Eve, say joyful words to them, melt their hearts with a touch of humor and please them with cheerful toasts!