Cooking potato pancakes with meat. Potato pancakes with meat

Belarus is considered to be the birthplace of potato pancakes. However, this dish is also very popular in other cuisines: Russian, Ukrainian, Jewish, Polish, etc. They are made from potatoes, and the filling can be mushrooms, cheese and other products. Today we decided to find out how to cook potato pancakes with meat. By the way, this dish can often be found under such names as sorcerers, zrazy, etc.

Potato pancakes with meat: classic recipe, Belarusian

This dish, better known in our country as sorcerers, will definitely appeal to both adults and children. Thanks to its main ingredients - meat and potatoes - it turns out to be very satisfying. So, sorcerers can be cooked for lunch or dinner.


If you decide to pamper your family with this dish, then make sure you have the following products in your kitchen: 300 grams minced meat, a little more than a kilogram of potatoes (about seven medium-sized potatoes), a couple of eggs, two onions, two heaped tablespoons of flour, salt and spices to your taste. As for minced meat, in the classic recipe, potato pancakes with meat are made from pork. But you can also use beef or even chicken.


The undeniable advantage of this dish is its speed and ease of preparation. This allows you to do it without any extra effort a quick fix A delicious and satisfying lunch or dinner for the whole family. So, we start preparing potato pancakes with meat, the recipe for which we offer you, by peeling and washing the potatoes. Then grate it on a fine grater. Alternatively, you can puree the potatoes using a blender. Then add eggs, flour, salt and seasonings to it. Peel the onion, chop finely and combine with minced meat. Stir and add salt and seasonings to your taste. You can limit yourself to just ground black pepper. Mix again. Heat a sufficient amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and lay out a flat cake of potato-egg mixture. For one potato pancake you should use about two tablespoons of dough. We also form the minced meat into flat cakes, the diameter of which should be slightly smaller than the potato flat cakes. Place the minced meat on top of the potatoes, and again add the potato mixture on top (1-1.5 tablespoons). When the pancakes with meat are fried on the bottom side, carefully turn them over with a spatula and cook until golden brown. This dish is best served piping hot. Sorcerers go well with sour cream. However, you can serve them with your favorite sauce. Bon appetit!

Draniki with meat: recipe for the oven

Most housewives cook sorcerers in a frying pan. However, make it tasty, satisfying and aromatic dish it is possible with the help oven. We invite you to find out what we need for this.


To prepare this simple but very delicious dish, we need the following ingredients: 900 grams of potatoes, 200 grams of minced meat, 120 grams hard cheese, one egg, salt and spices to your taste. You will also need vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet.

Cooking process

Making potato pancakes with meat in the oven is no more difficult than making them in a frying pan. We'll start by peeling and rinsing the potatoes thoroughly. Then grate it and squeeze out the excess juice. We also grind the cheese using a grater and mix it with the resulting potato mass. Add egg, spices and salt. Mix well. Place the minced meat in a separate bowl, add spices and mix. Grease a baking sheet with oil and turn on the oven at 200 degrees. While we are forming our future pancakes from potatoes and meat, the oven will just warm up to the required temperature. So, from the prepared potato mass we make paired medium-sized flatbreads. Place half of this amount on a baking sheet. Add a small amount of minced meat and a second flatbread on top. Cover the pan with potato pancakes with foil and place in the oven. We bake our dish for about half an hour. Then remove the foil, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and cook for another twenty minutes. Potato pancakes should be served hot with sour cream and herbs. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for potato pancakes with chicken in pots

This method of preparing sorcerers is very interesting. Thanks to the original presentation of the dish in pots, it will look good not only on the dinner table with your family, but also if you have guests over. However, it will take a little more time to prepare potato pancakes with meat in this way than if using the standard recipe. However, the result is worth it!

So, if you decide to surprise your family or guests not only with tasty, aromatic and satisfying food, but also original dish, then you should prepare the following products: 8 medium-sized potatoes, three tablespoons of flour, an egg, one onion, vegetable oil, salt and spices to your taste, 250 grams of chicken meat (fillet or breast), 200 grams of mushrooms. We will make potato pancakes in pots with sour cream sauce. To prepare it, we need ingredients such as 250 milliliters of sour cream, 40 grams of butter, a tablespoon of flour and fresh herbs.

We start by preparing potato pancakes according to classic recipe. To do this, peel, wash and grate the potatoes on a fine grater. We also peel, wash and chop the onion. By the way, you can also use a blender as an alternative to a grater. Add onion, egg, flour to the potatoes, mix well and add salt. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and use a tablespoon to spread the potato dough. Fry on both sides until golden brown. We got delicious and aromatic potato pancakes. They can be eaten in this form, served with sour cream, but we plan to continue cooking them in pots with chicken meat and mushrooms.

So let's cut it chicken fillet small pieces, add salt and pepper. Then fry the meat in a frying pan with vegetable oil until cooked. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and fry them as well. Now all the ingredients are ready to be placed in pots. So, for each of them you will need 4-5 pancakes. Lay out the ingredients in layers. One or two potato pancakes at the bottom, then pieces of chicken, mushrooms, more potato pancakes, etc. Now let’s quickly make sour cream sauce. To do this, put the sour cream on the fire and heat it, stirring constantly, without letting it boil. Pour flour into a frying pan and fry. Then we add to it butter and continue frying. After this, pour the contents of the frying pan into the hot sour cream and mix thoroughly. If you have fresh herbs, wash them, chop them and add them to the sauce. Pour pancakes with meat in pots with sauce, add a little water and place in a cold oven. Turn it on at 160 degrees and bake for about 30-40 minutes. We serve the finished dish hot and enjoy the excellent taste and aroma.

Remove the skin from the thighs and remove the bone. Leave the fillet clean.

Peel the potatoes.

I grated the potatoes in an electric meat grinder using a disc specially designed for this purpose. Along with the potatoes, I put the meat and onions through a meat grinder, cutting them into pieces in advance. If you cook by hand, grate the potatoes and onions on a grater (preferably a fine one). Grind the meat in a meat grinder with large holes, but it is better to chop it very finely with a knife, then pieces of meat can be felt in the finished pancakes, making the dish especially tasty.

If you prepare potato pancakes from new potatoes, remember that they are juicier, so it is better to add 2 tablespoons of flour to the resulting mass, which will retain moisture. If the potatoes are not young, then you don’t need to add flour, the potato pancakes will be more tender.

Salt, pepper, add sour cream, eggs and mix thoroughly. We add sour cream so that the potato mixture does not darken. The consistency of the dough will be like thick sour cream.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and add the potato mixture with a tablespoon. If you want the pancakes to have a beautiful shape, pour the potato dough into the center of the pancake and the mass will spread evenly in all directions. Fry potato pancakes with meat on both sides over medium heat until golden brown (about 2 minutes on each side). Frying time depends on the thickness of the pancakes, the pan and the heat.

Serve hot. Potato pancakes with meat are very tasty served with a sauce made from sour cream mixed with a clove of garlic passed through a press and a pinch of salt.

I don’t know about you, but my family is ready to eat potatoes in any form and for any meal. Imagine how sophisticated you have to be to always make it different, healthy and tasty! But, if you add something like this to a familiar dish, it will sparkle with other facets. This happened with potato pancakes, so convenient in all respects, which my family had already become a little boring with.

This time I remembered one recipe. Yes, he will, of course, make you tinker. But in the future, if the family asks for potato pancakes (or potato pancakes, as they are also called), you can delight them with different flavors every time. How? And like this! After all, in addition to minced meat for potatoes, you will make a mixture with mushrooms, cottage cheese, and other various ingredients! So, are we ready?

Ingredients for making potato pancakes with meat inside

  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • 2-3 cloves garlic (optional)
  • 100 g onion
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 150 g minced meat
  • Vegetable oil for frying

How to cook potato pancakes with meat - step-by-step recipe with photos

After peeling the potatoes, onions and garlic, we’ll make minced meat (if you don’t have one ready-made). I had chicken fillet. I cut the meat into pieces that would fit comfortably into the meat grinder and ground it.

Grind the meat into mince

There is no need to remind you that potato pancakes are National dish Belarusians. It’s not entirely clear, however, why they are called sorcerers... In our tradition, they are generally called potato pancakes, kakorki, teruntsy. And in Israel it’s laktes, in Poland it’s plyatski, in Ukraine it’s kartoplyanichki, terchiniki, etc. Well, rearranging the terms doesn’t change the sum. Therefore, I grated the potatoes, choosing large grater teeth for this.

Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater

Do you know why potato pancakes are called that way? Are they really being torn apart? Yes, but that was a long time ago. When there were no graters in sight. And the Belarusians adapted a pointed board. Well, as in classic potato pancakes, I also trimmed the onion.

Finely chop the onion

By the way, the onion should be divided into two portions. It goes into potatoes and minced meat. You can grate it on the same coarse grater or chop it very finely. But don't grind! Because there should not be a lot of moisture in the mass. After salting and peppering this beauty, I added the egg. Mixed quickly. Added flour.

Add flour to the resulting mass

But I was in no hurry to mix the potatoes with flour. First, I continued manipulating the minced meat. I also added salt and pepper, mixed and combined with onions, chopped garlic, and sour cream. So what is next? Made balls.

From ready minced meat make balls

There should be a lot of oil in the pan, and well heated. As usual with potato pancakes, I added a tablespoon of potato mixture. Fry for a minute or two. I carefully placed a ball of minced meat on top, kneading it thinly in advance - to the size of a potato cake. And she covered it with potato mixture on top, adjusting it on the sides. That’s why the potato mixture should be neither liquid nor thick.

Forming potato pancakes in a frying pan

Do you like crispy hash browns? Turn them over to the other side without turning down the heat. And turn it off after 5-7 minutes. But to ensure they were cooked, I covered the pan with a lid. Simmered for 10 minutes on a tiny flame.

That's all! Before serving, I removed the first portion, and others after it, from the oil by placing the goodies on a napkin (you can put it on anything that absorbs oil). And she gave it. You can sprinkle or drizzle this beauty with something you love!

You can offer sour cream for potato pancakes. Bon appetit!

    • For this purpose, try to take fruits with a high starch content, but at the same time excluding new potatoes. It contains a tiny amount of this element, which is important for potato pancakes.
    • When you choose potatoes, they should not be green or soft. Take only elastic, rough skin.
    • To prevent grated potatoes from turning dark, try grating (or grinding) them and the onion alternately.
    • Do not put a lot of flour into the potato mixture, if suddenly the mixture turns out to be runny. It’s better to drain the juice, otherwise you’ll end up with hard pancakes and not potato pancakes.
    • If the mixture turns out liquid, simply drain off the excess mass or add 1 tbsp. starch. But, since the dough in this recipe should be somewhat thinner, watch its consistency from the very beginning.
    • The oil should be simmering in the pan, but be careful not to burn the potatoes!

The most important condition: there should be just enough well-heated oil in the frying pan to cover the potato pancakes halfway! Otherwise, how will the minced meat be fried?

Step 1: prepare the potato mixture.

The required amount of potatoes and onions Peel, rinse under running water to remove all sorts of contaminants and grate the potatoes on a fine grater directly into a deep bowl. Then squeeze it with clean hands to get rid of excess juice.
Cut the onion with a knife on 2–3 halves, place in a blender bowl and grind until mushy. Divide the resulting mass into 2 equal parts, place one of them in a separate deep bowl, and add the second part to the bowl with potatoes.
Crack the shelled egg into a clean small bowl and beat it until white, using a hand blender or whisk.
Then pour the whipped mixture into the bowl with the chopped vegetable ingredients. Add sour cream, sifted wheat flour, salt to taste, ground black pepper and mix the total mass with a tablespoon until smooth.

Step 2: prepare the meat mass.

In a deep bowl with the second part of the chopped onion, add the required amount of minced pork, salt and ground black pepper to taste. Stir the meat mixture with clean hands until smooth, then add 2 tablespoons water to thin the minced meat and mix the ingredients again with a tablespoon.

Step 3: fry pancakes with meat.

Turn the stove on to medium heat and place a frying pan on it 2–3 tablespoons vegetable oil. Place on a heated frying pan at four different points. 1 tablespoon each potato mixture, press it down lightly to form a pancake.
Take a full teaspoon of minced pork, dip your hands in water, place the minced meat in your palm, form a flat cake with an approximate thickness up to 0.5 cm and place it on one of the pancakes that are in the frying pan.
Then place on top of the meat patties 1 tablespoon each potato mixture and fry 1 side of potato pancakes until golden brown. This process will take you approximately 45 minutes. After one side of the potato pancakes acquires a beautiful golden brown color, very carefully use a kitchen spatula to turn them over to the other side. Reduce the stove temperature to a low level, cover the pan with a lid and fry the second side of the potato pancakes until golden brown and completely cooked. This process will take you at least 18 – 20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the pancakes themselves, during this time all the ingredients will be ready. Using a spatula, place hash browns on a large, flat platter. Prepare all the other potato pancakes in the same way, in the end you should get 14 to 16 servings.

Step 4: serve pancakes with meat.

Draniki with meat are served hot, placed on a large flat plate or in portions on a separate plate. Along with these delicious sorcerers, sour cream, cream, curd dressings and sauces of any kind are served in separate bowls, for example tkemali, mustard sauce, tomato, bechamel, creamy or rusk, it all depends on your taste. You can also serve a salad of fresh vegetables or fresh sliced ​​vegetables along with this dish. The taste of potato pancakes is amazing, fried potatoes on top and tender inside, steamed meat with the aroma of onions and spices, just a pleasure! Enjoy!

Bon appetit!

- – To prepare this dish, you can use any type of minced meat, it can be mixed minced meat, chicken, turkey, beef with added lard or pork.

- – The spices used in this dish are not important; you can put any spices you like in both the potato mass and the minced meat, which are suitable for vegetable or meat dishes. You can also add any pre-washed and chopped herbs you like, such as dill, parsley, basil, garlic.

- – You can grind potatoes using a meat grinder, blender or grater.

- – While frying potato pancakes, carefully monitor the oil level in the pan, as potatoes are known to absorb fat very strongly. If necessary, add a small portion of vegetable oil to the pan. I suggest making potato potato pancakes with meat (sorcerers) . This dish Belarusian cuisine . It is also prepared in Ukrainian Polesie, where it is called potato pancakes with meat. Similar dishes under different names can be found in the cuisines of other Slavic (and not only) countries. And all because fried potatoes with meat filling

- it's very tasty, and this classic combination is loved by many people.

  • Ingredients:
  • 1 kg. potatoes
  • 400-500 gr. minced meat (in the photo minced pork and veal, but you can also use pork-beef, pork or beef)
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 2 large onions
  • vegetable oil or lard

ground black pepper

  1. Preparation: Clean and rinse onion. Grind it by twisting it in a meat grinder or blender. Add half the onion, salt and ground pepper to the minced meat (from pork and veal, pork and beef, only pork or only veal, beef), knead it well.
  2. Peel and wash the potatoes, fill them with cold water so that they do not darken.
  3. Preparing potato “dough” for pancakes with meat (sorcerers). Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater (if desired, you can also use a fine grater), squeeze lightly so that they are not too watery, add the second half of the onion, salt, egg and sour cream, flour. Mix thoroughly.
  4. We form balls from the minced meat (about 1 tsp with a heap of minced meat per serving, maybe a little more so that you can feel the meat in the potato pancakes, but also so that it is easy to then cover it with potatoes).
  5. From 1.5-2 tbsp. l. Form a round of potato dough on a cutting board or palm. Using a teaspoon or your finger, make a small dent in the middle of the round. Place a ball of minced meat into it.
  6. Spoon enough potato mixture on top to cover the meat well (1-1.5 tbsp). Lightly press the edges on all sides with a spoon or fingers so that the potato pancakes hold their shape well, and trim.
  7. To fry potato pancakes with meat, you need a frying pan with a thick bottom (cast iron works well). Such that nothing sticks to it or sticks to it.
  8. Place pancakes with meat in a frying pan with hot fat (vegetable oil or melted lard). If you formed them on a cutting board, transfer them using a thin wide spatula. In order for the potato pancakes to fry well, there should be quite a lot of fat in the pan.
  9. Fry pancakes (sorcerers) over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, then reduce the heat to medium-low, cover with a lid (it’s good if it has a hole for steam to escape) and fry for another 7-8 minutes.
  10. Then carefully turn it over and fry the potato pancakes on the other side for another 8-10 minutes.
  11. Place the finished pancakes with meat filling on plates covered with paper towels or napkins to remove excess fat.
  12. We serve potato pancakes with meat (sorcerers), just like ordinary ones.