Synopsis of the complex NOD “Russian Fair. Construct of the educational activity “Travel through the Ural crafts and crafts” for children of the preparatory group Open lesson senior group folk crafts fair

Position: teacher

Educational institution: MBDOU DS "Rodnichok"

Locality: Ozyorsk

Name of material: Lesson notes

Topic: "Traveling through the cities of the Urals"


The lesson materials will help clarify and expand children's knowledge about their native land - the Southern Urals, its riches, and the Ural cities.

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Published 09.09.2015

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Cognitive lesson in the senior group

"Trip through the cities of the Urals"
Prepared and conducted by teacher Blinova E.Yu.
Introducing children to their native land.
1. To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about their native land (about the Ural forest, about the Ural mountains, about Ural lakes and rivers) 2. To introduce them to the nature of their native land, its riches - minerals. 3. Develop interest in studying the native land, curiosity. 4. Develop skills of coherent speech expression. 5. Activate memory and attention. 6. Cultivate a sense of pride in the nature of the native land, a careful attitude towards it.
Vocabulary work:
Ural, Ural (mountains, ridges, lakes), Snezhinsk, Yekaterinburg, Kasli, Korkino, coat of arms, quarry, coal, marble, malachite, “Kasli casting”, minerals, jewelry.
Materials for the lesson
: map of Russia, Chelyabinsk region, a collection of Ural stones, a doll “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, landscape paintings of the Ural Mountains, forests, lakes, villages, cities; exhibition of products and decorations made of ornamental stones; sets of postcards – “Kasli casting”, “Ural landscape”.
Preliminary work:
1. “The Urals is our land” - stories from the teacher about his native land. 2. Reading P.P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof” 3. Excursion to the library 4. Viewing slides on the computer: “Native and Beloved Land”, “Folk Crafts of the Urals”, 5. Examination of the collection of Ural stones.
6. General conversation about the Urals. 7. Reading chants, proverbs, Ural legends and traditions (program “Our Home is the Southern Urals”)
Organizing time:
-Guys, this is a map of our big country, which is called... Children's answers: Russia -Among the vastness of our country there is a wonderful land called the Urals. The Urals are part of Russia, it is located almost in the very center. (I show the Urals on the map, then the children. I call 2-3 children. They show the Urals on the map). -The Urals are our region where we live, our small Motherland. The vast expanses of the Ural land are vast. Our huge stone belt, mountain range, stretches for thousands of kilometers from the cold Red Sea to the warm steppes of Kazakhstan. “Stone Belt”, “Ural - Father” - people called the Ural Mountains. - And the people living in the Urals are called Uralians, and you are called Ural children. (Children repeat. First boys, then girls.)
Progress of the lesson:
-Guys, our land is of amazing beauty, fabulous natural resources. The Ural landscape is varied: either soft, gentle slopes, or high rocky mountains. In the mountains, people extract natural resources; in the mountains, people take a break from the city noise and admire the beauty of our land. Lakes with clean spring water, stormy rocky rivers. The Urals are called the land of blue lakes. The Urals are rich in dense, coniferous and mixed forests. There are both animals and birds there.
(I’m reading a legend about a bear.) -In ancient times, people told such a tale. A golden bear, the owner of the forest, lives in the thicket. If people start cutting down trees unnecessarily, spoiling rivers and lakes, killing game without mercy, then a golden bear will attack them, injure them, or even kill them. But if people begin to take care of the forest, if they use the forest gifts wisely and gratefully, then the golden bear will not bother them, but the most hardworking and true friends forests can also give a gift - bring a casket with jewelry. I ask the children, what is the richness of Ural nature? Children's answers: High mountains, lakes, rivers, dense forests. -And also, guys, the cities of our land are famous for their factories, mines, quarries, mines (gold mining). (I show the cities of the Chelyabinsk region on the map and name them) Yemanzhelinsk, Troitsk, Korkino, Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk, Ozyorsk, etc. -I suggest you take a trip to some of them. We get on the “bus” and go on a trip around the Urals. (The children get on the “bus.” Music plays.) We are approaching the city of Masters-Kasli. Kasli is famous all over the world. The city began with a factory where cast iron and iron were made. Amazing craftsmen work at the plant who have learned to smelt sculptures of unprecedented beauty from cast iron: a huge monument, a beautiful toy, a patterned fence, and an entire cast-iron palace. Guys, remember where “Kasli casting” is found in our village. Children's answers: A fence in the park near the House of Culture. -And the craftsmen from Kasli deserve special fame for the wonderful beauty of the horses that were smelted more than a hundred years ago. That is why the black rearing horse became the coat of arms of Kasli. -So what do Kasli craftsmen make?
Children's answers: Sculptures, monuments, beautiful toys. Figures made of cast iron are called “Kasli casting”. Hot cast iron is poured into the mold, and when it cools, the finished product is removed from the mold. -What are the names of figurines made of cast iron? Children's answers: Kasli casting. -Let's, guys, look at the cast iron figures. (children look, touch with their hands, compare. I lead the children to the answer: black, heavy, beautiful.) - Guys, get on the “bus”, let's go further. (Children get on the bus. Music plays) - We arrived in the city of Korkino. The wealth of this city is coal. Coal is not a simple stone, but a flammable one. If you throw coal into the fire, it will burn with a bright flame. And most importantly, the flame from coal is hot and long. There are countless factories throughout Chelyabinsk (Like our thermal power plant), and they all need fire to operate. Fire needs fuel, but what to stoke it with? Let's coal! Coal is a stone, but it burns. Miracle? Indeed, a miracle. There are so many different stones in the world, but none of the stones burn, but coal burns. How is coal mined? They dig a huge hole in the ground - a quarry. A road is being laid along the edges of the quarry. It goes in turns lower and lower. And it leads to the bottom of the quarry, where huge excavators collect coal and load it into railway cars. Locomotives with coal are pulled up along a spiral road along the edges of the quarry and then driven throughout our country to give people light and warmth. Look at the coat of arms of the city of Korkino, it looks like a road that rises from a quarry, delivering coal to people, and the golden color means the light and heat that coal gives.
- Guys, remember what large trains with coal are delivered to our thermal power plant. Coal is heated in large boilers, thanks to which our apartments have light and warmth. (I show the children coal. The children look at it.) -What interesting things did you learn about this stone? Children's answers: Coal is mined at the bottom of the quarry. It's black, it's on fire. Our thermal power plant also runs on coal, producing light and heat. -Well done! Now let’s get on the “bus” and move on. (Children get on the bus. Music plays) - We have arrived in the city of Ozyorsk, which is well known to you. It is not for nothing that it is called Ozyorsk - this city lies among lakes, lake water washes it on all sides. On the coat of arms is a golden lizard from old times, from ancient legends. The golden lizard serves as a symbol of the Ural Mountains, because for a long time they have been telling in the Urals a legend about the mistress of the copper mountain - a sorceress, who sometimes turns into a beautiful maiden, sometimes like a nimble lizard and protects cherished treasures in the depths of the Ural Mountains. But today the Mistress of the Mountain brought us a magic casket so that we could admire the precious stones. (A doll with a jewelry box is brought into the group. Children look at the jewelry from precious stones: boxes, jewelry, stands.) Mistress of the Mountain: Ural craftsmen have long been famous for their art of stone processing (sharpening, grinding). In the production of various boxes, craftsmen skillfully use natural beauty stones They make something like this from stone chips beautiful pictures depicting Ural landscapes. (The doll shows pictures made from crumbs) Mistress of the Mountain: Did you like the riches?
-What interesting things did you learn about stones? -Why are they called precious? Children's answers: Yes, I liked it. To make the decoration, the stone is processed by Ural craftsmen. Thanks to the great work of craftsmen, jewelry is made from stone. Guys, the Mistress of the Mountain also has a magic box for you. (The Mistress of the Mountain opens and treats the children with dragee candies and multi-colored pebbles) - Guys, now it’s time to say goodbye to the Mistress of the Mountain. (The children say goodbye and say thank you for the treat. The mistress of the mountain leaves.)
Lesson summary:
I ask the children what interesting things they learned from our trip to the Urals? Children's answers: Children list what they remember. If you find it difficult to answer, I help you with leading questions. We are happy that we live in such an amazing region, we are proud of its history and the achievements of the Urals people. And our Ural masters glorified these cities.

Natalia Dzyuba
Summary of GCD in the senior group “Russian Fair”

Summary of GCD in the senior group« Russian fair» .

Goals: To form aesthetic feelings in children, evoke positive emotions, and develop musical taste. To consolidate children's knowledge about folk arts and crafts. Form ideas about fair, as a folk festival, understanding the essence of the holiday, its cultural characteristics.

Tasks: Expand and consolidate children’s ideas about Russian folk crafts. Develop Creative skills children in the process of integrating diverse species activities: verbal, artistic, musical. Bring up respectful attitude to the work of folk craftsmen, national pride in craftsmanship Russian people. Draw children's attention to the connection between decorative painting and the reality of the surrounding natural world.

Preliminary work: Examination of the works of artistic crafts of Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkov. Drawing elements of murals. Learning poems, songs, ditties, dances.

Integration of educational regions: Cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development.

Equipment and materials: Presentation « Russian fair» . Tables with toys and products with different types murals. Wooden spoons for orchestra.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, we live in a very big, beautiful and rich country. It is rich in forests and rivers, minerals, animals, and beautiful people. Our country has a rich and interesting story. What was our Motherland called before? (Rus).

Educator: Our country has not always been as modern as it is now. Previously, there were no shops or large shopping complexes. People were trading on the street. Such a place was called bargaining, market place, market place. Later the word came into use « fair» . What do you think is fair? (Children's answers). Let's find out together what it is fair. (Presentation show).

The fair is such a place, where from time immemorial the most people gathered. (Slide 2). TO The fair was getting ready, about the beginning Fairs were notified in advance.

We will welcome guests with bread and salt!

Honey will flow like a river!

Peddlers and buffoons will entertain the people.

We will treat you to a variety of food!

We'll show you different fun! (Slide 3).

A bright page of folk life in Rus' were fairground entertainment, and festivities in cities on the occasion of major calendar holidays: Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity. (Slide 4).

On fairs not only traded and bought (Slide 5), but also had fun, like could: they sang songs, danced, measured their strength, boasted about their craft, gave gifts! (Slide 6, 7).

Usually during festivities and fairs Entire entertainment towns with booths, carousels, and swings were erected. (Slide 8).

The audience was amused by buffoons, guides with a trained, “learned” bear, cheerful, witty Russian merry fellow Petrushka. (Slide 9, 10).

The atmosphere of joy was created by bright signs, balloons, multi-colored flags, songs, ditties, sounds of an accordion and barrel organ, laughter, and an elegant, noisy crowd. (Slide 11, 12).

Guys, look how smartly the people are dressed. (Slide 13).

Sellers laid out bright fabrics, scarves, sundresses, beads, threads, combs, whitewash and rouge, shoes and gloves, dishes and other household utensils on the counters.

Traders offered bagels and bagels, sausages, cheeses, honey, inexpensive delicacies, seeds and nuts. (Slide 14, 15).

You could immediately eat a pie and drink kvass. Between the rows among the public there were hawkers offering pies, rolls, sbiten, pears, and apples. (Slide 16).

Fair the festivities were a bright event, a noisy general holiday. Folk wisdom reads: every soul is happy for the holiday! (Slide 17).

Guys, would you like to go to fair? Then I invite you.

IN: I invite you to

Play, watch,

How will we sing songs,

Round dances here,

Hold competitions!

We'll show you a lot of things

And we'll play and tell

How in it was all in the old days.

Yes, we have forgotten a lot,

Let's remember the games

Have fun playing!

Children under Russian follow the teacher to a folk melody and sit on the chairs. The presenter comes out in a folk sundress.

IN: Patroness trade fairs and trade in Rus' was considered Paraskova Friday. There is a belief that Paraskova Pyatnitsa walks the earth in the form of a young beautiful girl and notes who, how lives: rewards hardworking, hard-working people, and punishes lazy people. So let it be on our fair there is no room for laziness or boredom.

On fair! On fair!

Hurry up everyone here!

There are jokes, songs, sweets

Friends have been waiting for you for a long time!

Child: Look, don't blink,

Don't open your mouths

Don't count the crows

Buy for cheap!

Child: Today we have a fair!

Buy everything in reserve!

Child: We are merchants - barkers,

We are great guys!

We have all the goods on glory:

Spoons, combs, roosters!

Child: Come, try it on

Our ribbons and scarves!

Don't waste your time,

Get your wallets out!

See what you could buy at fair.

(Children look at folk arts and crafts art: Dymkovo toys, Khokhloma products, whistles, lace, nesting dolls.)

IN: To ours fair many guests arrived, there are guests from the village of Gzhel.

Child: Blue flowers have bloomed,

Blue leaves unfurled

Not in the garden, not in the forest, not in the field,

And on snow-white porcelain.

IN: Guys, what kind of painting is this?

Children: This is a painting - Gzhel!

Child: And our village is Gzhel

Not far away

We live near Moscow.

We knead the clay and eat it.

We love the color blue very much

Because there is nothing more beautiful.

IN fair works of Gzhel masters. Children find products from Gzhel. What are these items made of? (Clay, porcelain).

IN: Well, people, who will go to play,

He will take all the prizes.

And who doesn't want to play?

He can't even see a bagel!

Held Russian folk game"Shoemaker".

So you and I, we played and stretched our bones!

And now, dear guests, would you like to eat some sweets and listen to some nursery rhymes?

Children play nursery rhymes.

1) - Fedul! Why did you pout your lips?

The caftan was burned.

Can you sew it up?

There is no needle.

How big is the hole?

One gate remains.

2) Troshka! Why don't you come out of the forest?

Caught the bear!

So bring it here!

He's not coming!

Go yourself!

He won't let me in!

IN: Guests arrived from the settlement of Dymkovo.

Child: Painted turkey poults,

Horses, birds and ducklings,

Even the pigs are painted

In the kingdom of Dymkovo toys!

Our toys are famous everywhere

Come quickly, you will like it!

IN: See if our fair works of Dymkovo masters. Children find products from Dymkovo. What are these items made of? (Made from clay).

Child: Here they sing their ditties

Famous toys

Philemon with an accordion,

With grandson Filimoshka!

IN: On fair and folk songs, and you could listen to music. And sing it yourself. What kind fair without ditties!

Child: Hey, girls are laughing,

Sing along, little ditties!

Sing quickly

To please the guests!

We know a lot of ditties

Both good and bad.

It's good for him to listen

Who doesn't know any.

Samovar, samovar

Golden leg.

I sowed peas

Potatoes have grown.

I saw this yesterday

You won't tell anyone

A hare sits on a birch tree

And he draws Khokhloma.

Gorodets patterns,

So much joy for the eyes.

The craftswomen are growing up,

Maybe among us too.

Oh, Russia, you are Russia

Glory has not diminished

Khokhloma and Gorodets

She became famous throughout the world!

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

May you clap for us!

IN: Eh, honest people, start a round dance,

Don’t just stand there, but dance and sing!

IN: More guests to visit us the fair was welcomed.

Child: Gold and bright color

This cup has blossomed.

Sun, berries, summer

Suddenly it was full!

Can you guess what this miracle is?

Children: This is the miracle of Khokhloma!

Child: Come, kids, - Khokhloma is calling!

Well, brothers, this is us

Our goods from Khokhloma:

Dishes and toys,

Whistles and little animals.

IN: Come out, spooners. Spooners were those who made spoons and those who played on spoons.

Orchestra with spoons.

IN: Take out a penny and buy a pretzel.

Take out another nickel and take a large bagel. Once on we got to the fair, so you need to buy gifts for yourself. The presenter shows the children bagels, crackers, and pretzels.

Child: All items sold out

And rather - containers - bars.

No, friends, that won't do.

Let's keep having fun!

IN: We friends visited fair, we had fun, bought some goodies, but haven’t ridden the carousel yet.

Song « Fair» .

The presenter invites children and guests to ride the carousel.

IN: So the sun has set,

Our the fair is closed.

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

Alikova Samiha Khasanovna

Software tasks: Continue to actively introduce children to the world of folk culture, through playful living in the atmosphere of folk life (fairs). To cultivate interest and love for oral folk art, to consolidate children’s knowledge of arts and crafts. Enrich the inner world of children with musical impressions. Involve children in a variety of artistic and creative activities together with their parents.

Preliminary work: Examination of folk arts and crafts, painting plates and boards with decorative painting (Gzhel, Khokhloma). Reading works of folklore (fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes, sayings, etc.). Listening to Russian folk songs.

Material: on the tables there are objects of folk arts and crafts, objects made by children, scarves for a round dance, a scarf, a balalaika for a bear, treats on a tray.


The hall is festively decorated, with trays with all kinds of fair goods on display: items of folk arts and crafts, dishes, toys. Some items are painted by children.

At the door the host says:

Come in honest people

The fair is coming to visit.

You don't skimp on jokes:

Smile, have fun.

Strength, agility and dexterity

Show us, friends!

Who is gloomy, who does not smile,

That one is not allowed on the holiday!

Foma and Erema (children of the group) come out to the middle of the hall.

Thomas: Hello, brother Erema!

Erema: Hello, brother Thomas!

Thomas: Where are you going?

Erema: I’m going to the fair.

Foma: When going to work, go behind the last ones, but when going to a fair, go ahead of the first ones.

Erema: Have you ever been to the fair, Brother Thomas?

Foma: I have.

Erema: Is it big?

Foma: I didn’t measure it.

Erema: Strong?

Thomas: I didn’t fight.

Erema: Who did you see at the fair?

Thomas: I saw how a hornless, tailless cow was led on a chain, her eyes were narrow and her forehead was wide.

Erema: It was a bear.

Foma: What kind of bear is there? I've known a bear before, he's not like that. The bear is gray, has a long tail, and has a large mouth.

Erema: Yes, it’s a wolf!

Foma: You're not talking right, brother. I knew a wolf before. The wolf is small, has slanting eyes, long ears, jumps from hill to hill, and runs away from dogs.

Erema: This is a hare. And stop telling stories, brother Thomas. Come on, let's go to the fair.

Children-sellers go to the tables. The rest of the children with the leader, Foma and Erema slowly walk by the fair rows.

Foma: Attention, attention

A fun party opens.

Hurry up, honest people

The fair is waiting for you!

Erema: to the fair, to the fair

Hurry up everyone here.

There are jokes, songs, sweets

We've been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

Come on, honest people

Come boldly

Don't be shy about buying goods.

Guys, don't yawn

Anyone who wants anything, buy it.

Uncle Yakov has enough goods for everything

Taras-bars-rastabars, we will sell all goods.

The pies are hot, fresh from the oven

In the heat, in the heat, for a couple of kopecks

Sweet, with honey, put it in your hat!

And my product is the best!

It's called a walnut.

Harder than hundred-year-old oaks

Eliminates excess teeth.

Balls, balls! They fly like mosquitoes!

For one penny you can fly to the moon!

Here are some good products - anything for the soul:

Ribbons in braids, scarves, mittens!

Take a look at my product:

Just don't bargain.

gilded spoons,

twisted patterns,

Come on, come on!

There are no more beautiful products

Our Khokhloma!

Blue bird, a feast for the eyes,

Like drops in the spring.

Affection, care, warmth and patience -

Russian ringing Gzhel!

If you look at the tablets,

You will see miracles:

Gorodets patterns

Subtly withdrew his hand.

Foma: I won’t give such goods for such a price!

Erema: Make people sweat, join the round dance!

Children invite their parents to dance.

Round dance "There is a viburnum on the mountain."

Host: Along the street and to the end

There was a daring fellow.

Music sounds and Vanya (one of the parents) comes out. The girls run out.

1 girl: Vanya, Vanya, where have you been?

Vanya: I went to the fair!

Dramatization of the song "Where was Ivanushka"

Vanya: Time for business, time for fun. Who will play with me now?

The children form a circle around Vanya.

Game to the nursery rhyme "Tough little lambs."

The peddler (child) appears to the music. He approaches his parents and begins to offer his product:

Hey people, young and old!

Marvel at my product.

Beads, threads, lace,

And for the red girls

There are satin ribbons.

(shows his product)

Girls are red, don't yawn

Disassemble the half shawls

And get up in a round dance

Let the people have fun!

Mothers lead a "round dance with scarves."

Host: And now our dads will measure their strength.

The game is a competition.

(put a table, two chairs)

Host: What's a fair without jokes and jokes? Merry people want to say a funny word, to amuse everyone.

A trader walked past the market

Tripped over a basket

And fell into a hole thump

Squished forty flies.

Oh, swing, swing, swing!

The traders have arrived

They sold rolls,

The boy came running

He grabbed the roll.

I'm not my father's son

I'm not my mother's son.

I grew up on a Christmas tree

The wind blew me away

I fell on a stump -

He became a curly-haired boy.

Staging of the nursery rhyme "Dunyushka".

Mom: Dunyushka, get up, he’s been studying for a day already.

Daughter: Let him study, he has a lot to do until the evening.

Mom: Get up, Dunyushka, the sun is already rising.

Daughter: Let it rise, it has a long way to run.

Mom: Get up, Dunyushka, the porridge is ready.

Daughter: Mother, I’m already sitting at the table.

Host: If there was a hunt, any job would work out. Let's, guys, remember the proverbs and sayings about work and hard work.

Proverbs, sayings about work.

Presenter: The sun is visible from the sky

Children dance in circles.

Round dance "Please, order...".

Suddenly a guide with a bear appeared.

Guide: Make way, honest people,

The little bear is coming with me!

The bear bows.

He knows a lot of fun

There will be a joke, there will be laughter!

Show me, little bear, how you can sing.

The guide gives the "bear" a balalaika. The bear plays the balalaika. He opens his mouth and what he sings is inaudible.

Guide: Somehow you sing quietly, you can’t hear anything. Do you, dear guests, hear? Ask the little bear to sing loudly.

Everyone asks the bear to sing louder. He begins to roar loudly. The guide retreats, covering his ears with his hands.

The guide takes the balalaika from the “bear”.

The bear bows.

Show everyone how Dunyasha dances.

The “bear” puts a scarf on his head and takes it by the ends. Dancing to a Russian folk melody. When the music ends, he sits on the floor.

Host: Are you tired? Rest and take a little nap.

The children come up quietly. They run away.

Presenter: Thanks the guests.

A young woman appears.

Moloditsa: Here are the kids, hello guys! Hello, you too – nice little girls – quick-eyed creatures. Bow to you too, dear guests! I drive up to the fair and hear: spoons cracking, tambourines ringing, laughter, fun! Well, I think God was merciful, I arrived on time! Isn't the tea fair closed yet? No? I’ll go and put my goods on the counter.

(comes to the counter, puts down the basket he brought).

Moloditsa: And there’s so much product here! And Khokhloma spoons, and Gzhel dishes and Gorodets tablets! What a beauty! Did you really make all this with your own hands?

Can you repeat my tongue twisters?

Host: Our guests are masters of rapid speaking.

3-4 pairs come out (children with parents).

Tongue Twisters.

The net caught on a twig.

The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood, he looks funny in a hood.

Osip is hoarse. Arkhip Osip.

Moloditsa: Go around the whole planet

There is no better Russian dance.

Adults and children dance Kalinka together.

Moloditsa: After such a dance I want tea.

Presenter: Our children will sing a comic song “Lady”.

Foma and Erema: Oh, my stomach let me down!

Parents and children are invited to remember proverbs and sayings about bread.

Moloditsa comes out:

And here are the fairground rolls

Came out of the oven!

Your words were true

For us, bread is the head of everything!

Bread is a delicious treat,

Bread is a delicious treat.

On any of the holidays

The main thing is the treat!

Eat, help yourself,

Don't hesitate to take it!

Foma and Erema: time for business - time for fun! Walk, walk, but don’t go on a walk.

The presenter invites parents to a tea party.

(Preparatory group for school)


Developing children's interest in folk arts and crafts; artistic creativity in decorative drawing;

Improving skills in composing a decorative composition based on the use of characteristic pattern elements and colors.


1. Introduce children to arts and crafts.

2. To cultivate interest in folk crafts, love and respect for nature, for folk decorative arts.

3. Develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned drawing methods when creating patterns based on Khokhloma painting.

Develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of rhythm and composition.

4. Improve the ability to draw with the end of a brush, with a poke; perform the pattern in a certain sequence.

Equipment: tape recorder, disc with recordings of Russian folk melodies, illustrations, objects with Khokhloma painting, Pavlovo Posad shawls, Russian nesting dolls; preparations (dishes, bowls, boards, vases); brushes, gouache, oilcloths, napkins, stands for brushes, jars of water, palette, cards with painting elements, stencils of flowers, berries, leaves, stamps.

Preliminary work: Examination with children of illustrations about Russian huts, clothing, and life. Learning proverbs, folk games, round dances, both in classes and in Everyday life. Introducing children to Khokhloma paintings, Russian nesting dolls, and Pavlovo Posad shawls. We held conversations and painted Khokhloma products.

Progress of the lesson

The hall is decorated with objects of folk and applied art.

Teacher (for guests). - Good afternoon, noble and welcome guests;

Good and young people

Married and single!

You are welcome to join us for fun,

Today we welcome guests from all over the world!

V. (to the children).- Come in, come in,

(children enter the hall)

Open the gates

Hurry to our fair,

You can't miss it!

You can find anything here:

And dishes and toys,

And the scarves are all in flowers!

You will understand a lot of new things

About folk craftsmen!

(The melody “Fair” plays.)

Children with a teacher go to the counters with goods to the music.

IN.– Guys, today we went to a fair where products and objects of different masters and craftsmen were collected.

What I see! What a wonder!

So much joy around!

Isn’t it beautiful here, kids?

It's breathtaking!

Yes, the hands of the people truly create miracles. How do they talk about such hands?

Children: Golden, hard-working, skillful.

Guys, look at how amazingly beautiful the goods are laid out on the shelves! Let's come closer and take a better look at this beauty. (Children go to the 1st counter.)

IN.- Come, come,

Look at the goods.

Brought from afar

We are not calico, not silk,

Not rings, not brooches,

And the funny ones……………

D.- Matryoshka dolls!

IN.- Hello, dear matryoshka,

Symbol of Russian beauty!

Stately, well dressed,

We all like you!

And in Zagorsk, and in Maidan,

From skilled craftsmen

You appeared, matryoshka,

Which deserves better words!

IN.- Guys, tell me, why do people in our country and abroad love the nesting doll so much?

D.- It is a toy. If you open it, then inside you will find the same nesting doll, only smaller.

IN.- That's right (the teacher opens the nesting doll one by one and lets the children look at it).

What material is the nesting doll made from?

D.- Made of linden and birch.

IN.– What outfit do the nesting doll masters wear?

D.- Sundress, blouse, scarf, apron.

IN.- Well. We have reviewed this product, and now I suggest walking around the fair and admiring the products of other craftsmen. (children with a teacher go to the 2nd counter).

IN.- Come and look!

Here are different scarves:

Both green and red.

With printed flowers,

With fringe and borders!

IN.- Guys, do you know where the craftsmen brought such beautiful scarves to the fair?

D.- From Pavlov-Posad!

IN.- Right. This is a city in the Moscow region, where many years ago local craftswomen began making incredibly beautiful scarves and shawls.

Tell me, what patterns are found on scarves?

D.– Scarlet roses with buds, bunches of rowan berries, flowers, oriental ornaments.

IN.– amazingly beautiful scarves were so popular that there was a dance with scarves in which ladies could demonstrate their beauty, grace, and posture.

Beautiful girls, try on scarves, walk around in a circle, show off in front of the boys. (The girls walk in a circle, showing off their scarves.)

IN.– Well done, girls, you showed us all the colorfulness of Pavlovo Posad shawls!

Now it's time to look at other products at our fair. (The children, together with the teacher, go to the 3rd counter.)

IN.- Come on, don’t rush,

Look at this miracle!

Carved spoons and ladles,

Take a look, don't rush.

There is grass and flowers there

Unprecedented beauty.

They shine like gold

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Here, every one is golden.

Such beauty people

They call …………………

D.- Khokhlomoy!

IN.- Guys, look how beautiful the dishes are! It shines like gold, as if bathed in the sun!

Many years ago, the Khokhloma fishery arose. Khokhloma is a large ancient trading village where this dishware was sold. Hence the name of the painting. Which?

D.- Khokhloma!

IN.– What were the dishes for painting made of?

D.- Made of wood.

IN.– Tell me, what colors do the masters use for painting?

D.– Red, green, black, yellow.

IN.- Now we’ll play with you. I will show you elements of Khokhloma painting, and you will have to name them correctly. Do you agree?

D.- Yes!

(Held didactic game“Take a guess.” At the end of the game, a story sounds. melody; the teacher takes out the Firebird from behind the screen).

IN.- Guys, look, the magical Firebird has flown to us! She can fulfill one good wish. Let's wish to turn into masters of Khokhloma painting.

(Children's answers.)

Together with the Firebird we will say magic words, make magic movements and then we will turn into miracle craftsmen! (Children perform the movements together with the teacher.)

The Khokhloma bird flapped its wings,

She flapped her wings and scattered gold.

(swing, shake hands)

She shook her head, shook her head to the sides,

(head tilts)

Yes, I collected Russian grass from the land.

(bending to the floor - collecting)

She collected herbs and decorated bowls.

(tilts, arms up, down)

She passed on her craft to us with love.

(hands to heart, hands forward)

IN.– Did you feel a change in yourself? You have knowledge about Khokhloma, and the Firebird gave you skill and skill. And you can try to paint the blanks with Khokhloma painting. Ready?

(Children's answers.)

Then let's go to our workshop.

(Children move to the work area.)

IN.– Take your seats and get to work. Before decorating the dishes, tell me where you will start painting?

D.– First the curl, because all the other elements are drawn on it: berries, flowers, leaves.

IN.– What will you use to depict berries and leaves?

D.– Stencils, sponge, pokes.

IN.– How should you draw grass and curls?

D.- The end of the brush.

(A melody sounds during operation.)

IN.– The famous Khokhloma master Stepan Pavlovich Veselov told his students: “Learn from the old people, and from nature, and write patterns that are close to your heart. This will be real creativity.”

And the people said: “Every skill comes from work.”

For a long time in Rus', images of flowering bushes and fruits were considered a wish for goodness, prosperity and happiness.

(Children finish their work.)

IN.- Oh yes, needlewomen! Hey masters! What original and unusual products you have made! You can add them to the fair!

My homeland is rich and free,

And it is famous for its folk crafts.

There are Tula, Gzhel and Suzdal,

And Pavlovsky Posad,

Zagorskaya matryoshka

And Khokhloma outfit.

All over Mother Russia,

Wherever you look


Crafted with love!

IN.- Guys, the fair is closing. Let's say "Goodbye" to our guests!

(Children leave the group to the music.)

1. Continue to introduce children to folk Dymkovo toys, cultivating an aesthetic attitude towards objects.
2. Raise children in folk traditions, showing how folk fine art is inseparable from folk music and folk oral creativity.
3. Help children notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of the Dymkovo toy: brightness, elegant colors, decorativeness, variety of painting elements. Focusing on the originals, make children want to paint any toys.
4. Teach children to independently choose painting techniques and elements, color combinations, and convey their attitude to the drawing.
Preliminary work:
Learning poems about Dymkovo toys with children, looking at finished toys.
Material for the lesson:
Gouache of different colors, large pokes, small pokes, paper horse templates, wet wipes, audio recording, clay Dymkovo toys.
Progress of the lesson:
Craftswoman: Hello, good people. I am very glad to see you as a guest. What I see! What a wonder! So much joy around! Isn’t it beautiful here, kids? Ah breathtaking!
Craftswoman: The sun is rising brightly,
People are rushing to the fair!
And there's fun at the fair,
People love carousels!
Let's go for a ride on the carousel, guys!
Game "Carousel".
Parsley: And there are goods at the fair
Samovars for sale
Pitchforks and sleighs for sale
And sweets and bagels.
Craftswoman: People buy drying clothes,
And for a wonderful toy
They stare for a long time without breathing
How good is it?
Buy some toys
Ladies, little animals.
Look like he's alive
The horse is beautiful and daring.
Guys, look how many wonderful toys there are at our fair. What are these toys? (Dymkovo)
Parsley: What kind of Dymkovo toys do you know?
(children read poems about Dymkovo toys)
Craftswoman: Well done, guys. That's right, horse, turkey, young lady, deer, etc. - these are Dymkovo toys. Where are such wonderful, painted toys made? (in the village of Dymkovo)
Craftswoman: Yes, they are made in the village of Dymkovo, not far from the city of Vyatka, on the banks of the Vyatka River, they make toys from red clay. The winter is long and cold, toys are burned in the stoves, and smoke comes out of the chimneys. Warm and cozy in the homes of craftsmen. Let us take a look at the village of Dymkovo and admire the painted houses of Dymkovo masters. (game “The Third Extra”, two houses are painted in Dymkovo, and the third is Filimonov, children find an extra house).
Parsley: Kirill, how did you know that these were houses of Dymkovo craftsmen?
Child: These patterns are not simple,
And magically painted
Snow-white like birch trees,
Circles, squares, stripes
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.
Parsley: Oh, what is this wonderful chest here?
Craftswoman: Guys, look how many snow-white horses there are. For them to come to life, each master must apply a Dymkovo pattern to his toy. Let's take a seat in our workshops and remember what Dymkovo patterns we know?
Parsley: Guys, what color of paint will we use?
What will we use to draw circles? (with a big poke) And dots? (with a small poke)

Children draw to music.

Craftswoman: In Rus' they said “When you’ve finished the job, go for a walk.” Hey people, join the round dance!

Analysis of works.

Craftswoman and Petrushka: Great is our Russia

And our people are talented.

About our native Rus', craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world!

Child: Oh, you are dear guests!

We have painted gifts.

We tried to write them,

They were going to give it to you. (children give their drawings to the guests)