Erosion of tooth enamel - from a simple defect to serious diseases. Erosion of tooth enamel: causes, symptoms, treatment of tooth enamel erosion at home What causes enamel erosion

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Erosion of tooth enamel is a process of destruction of dental tissues with the appearance of destroyed areas in the form of rounded cavities. The defect resembles a caries infection, but in fact has nothing to do with caries.

The process begins with the formation of a small cavity in the cervical area of ​​the tooth, which gradually increases in size. At the initial stage, the problem is difficult to notice, since it is close to the color of the tooth enamel and does not manifest itself in any way. Symptoms begin to appear as the cavity deepens, causing discomfort and tooth sensitivity. The patient feels sharp pain when mechanical irritation, contact with sweet or sour food on the tooth, as well as under the influence of high or low temperature. An independent visual examination is perplexing, since there are no signs of caries. In this case, the cause of discomfort may be erosion of tooth enamel.

Risk factors

There are several main reasons that can trigger erosion.
These include:

  • mechanical pressure;
  • teeth grinding (bruxism);
  • abuse of sour foods;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Uneven load distribution

    Wearing braces can be one of the factors that creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of such a defect on the teeth as erosion of tooth enamel.

    When a person is missing one or more teeth, not everyone is in a hurry to get dentures. Patients are not always willing to resort to orthodontic treatment, even when there are clear indications. Some people are scared by the prospect of wearing braces, as well as the cost of the corrective structure. These circumstances can become favorable conditions for the occurrence of a defect such as erosion on the teeth.
    The fact is that when chewing food, a person does not think about how this load will be placed on his teeth. It may seem that only 2-3 teeth are involved in the process, on which a particular piece of food falls, but this is not so. In fact, the stability of the dentition and high-quality grinding of food is achieved by a uniform load on the entire dentition. This is ensured by the presence of all teeth that support each other, providing support for the neighboring ones.

    Important! Often a person, having several teeth removed on one side, uses mainly the other side for chewing, thereby causing it to be double overloaded. This is fraught with weakening of teeth and, in particular, the occurrence of erosion.

    Mechanical pressure

    Brushing your teeth is in itself an uneven mechanical pressure on tooth enamel in order to remove the resulting plaque. And using a toothbrush with hard bristles can aggravate the impact, leading to mechanical damage.

    Many people are surprised by the fact that you can damage your teeth with a regular toothbrush. When buying a tool for daily cleaning of the oral cavity, you must pay attention to the specified stiffness of the bristles. For regular hygiene, you should give preference to products with medium-hard bristles. Some buyers do not pay attention to the labels on the packaging, while others deliberately choose a brush with high hardness, considering it the most effective. However, best result Such a brush will not help achieve this; on the contrary, it will have a negative effect on the teeth. Hard bristles can wear off the enamel, and the sensitive cervical area can be easily injured.

    Important! Teeth brushing technique is also of great importance. A common mistake is intense movements in the horizontal plane along the outside of the dentition. Such cleaning is not effective and, in addition, can cause injury to the tooth enamel in the cervical area.

    Dentists never tire of repeating that brush movements should be vertical, in the direction from the gums to the edge of the tooth. Thus, contaminants are effectively swept away from the enamel surface.
    When using a toothbrush, you should not forget about the force used. Don't think that pressing too hard on the brush handle will help clean your teeth properly. In fact, this does not improve the quality of cleansing at all, and the risk of injury increases many times over. A sign of excessive zeal is rapid wear of the brush. If the product becomes disheveled after a few weeks, you should think about changing the procedure technique.
    The key to good hygiene is careful correct technique and regular implementation of procedures. It is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day.

    Teeth grinding

    Bruxism is periodically occurring paroxysmal contractions of the masticatory muscles during sleep, which are accompanied by clenching of the jaws and grinding of teeth; attacks are repeated many times and may be accompanied by breathing problems, changes in blood pressure, heart rate.

    Dentists call involuntary jaw clenching and teeth grinding the term “bruxism.” It is quite difficult to notice such a problem on your own. During the daytime, teeth grinding occurs infrequently. But if you observe yourself, you will notice that in emotional moments there is an involuntary clenching of the jaw with noticeable force. This is precisely the phenomenon called bruxism.

    Attention! At night, bruxism is more pronounced. During REM sleep, the jaw tenses and the sound of teeth grinding can be heard. A person himself is unlikely to notice it; rather, his loved ones who are nearby in the bedroom will help to do so.

    There are also external signs of bruxism. If you carefully examine the surface of the teeth, you will notice horizontal stripes and cracks located longitudinally on their crowns. This sign is indirect, but indicates the possible presence of teeth grinding.
    This habit is not a serious medical problem. Many people experience bruxism to one degree or another. modern people, since the rhythm of life is often associated with emotional overload. However, this habit is not entirely harmless, because strong mechanical stress on the teeth can lead to damage, including erosion.

    Acidic environment

    Eating a large amount of vegetables and fruits can provoke the maintenance of a constant acidic environment in the oral cavity, which leads to erosive destruction of tooth enamel.

    Currently one of fashion trends is a raw food diet and other diets that involve eating large amounts of raw vegetables and fruits. It should be understood that in addition to vitamins and useful substances Such products often contain large amounts of acids, which can negatively affect teeth.
    If you have increased tooth sensitivity and a tendency to erosion, you should be careful about the products you eat.

    Attention! Many folk recipes To whiten teeth, it is necessary to use substances that are highly acidic. You should not get carried away with applications made from fresh strawberries, lemon and similar products, otherwise, instead of the expected result, you may get increased sensitivity and erosion of tooth enamel.

    It is unlikely that such bleaching will please you.

    Gastrointestinal diseases

    Gastrointestinal disease can lead to disruption of the integrity of tooth enamel; gastric juice entering the oral cavity disrupts the acid-base balance and leads to zero protective function of the produced saliva.

    State gastrointestinal tract has a direct impact on dental health. The oral cavity is located in close proximity to the stomach and is directly connected to it through the esophagus. To carry out the process of digesting food, gastric juice is constantly present in the stomach, which is an acidic environment. Various types of diseases can lead to acid imbalance and acid entering the oral cavity. As mentioned above, an acidic environment can have a detrimental effect on teeth, causing erosion. In addition, chronic gastritis can change the composition of saliva produced, disrupting its protective function.

    Important! Erosion that appears on teeth as a result of gastrointestinal diseases often has a characteristic brownish color.

    A separate category is occupied by patients with eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia, accompanied by constant vomiting, lead to a pathology of such magnitude that the patient’s smile turns into a continuous brownish erosion.

    Therapeutic measures

    To keep your teeth healthy, hygiene is not enough, you need to eliminate “food waste”, which impairs the functioning of the body as a whole, destroying its protective reactions.

    Before you begin to eliminate the consequences of the resulting erosion, you need to get rid of the reason why it arose. Thus, the main therapeutic measures are:

    • Restoration of missing units of the dentition using prosthetics or implantation technologies.
    • Correction of bite defects using orthodontic structures.
    • Monitoring proper compliance with hygiene rules. Dental care should be regular, and teeth should be brushed carefully using a properly selected toothbrush. Toothpastes should be selected taking into account individual characteristics, while products labeled “whitening” should not be used at all.
    • Conducting an examination of the gastrointestinal tract and necessary treatment of identified diseases.
    • Proper nutrition, including foods rich in minerals and vitamins. Eliminating highly acidic foods from your diet, limiting fast food and sweets, and avoiding excess coffee - all this helps maintain a healthy smile.
    • Solution to the problem of teeth grinding. In this case, complex work of a dentist and a neurologist is required.

    To help the patient, natural sedative complexes of plant origin can be prescribed, which promote relaxation before bed. Fighting stress and controlling your own emotions help reduce the occurrence of bruxism during the daytime. If all efforts are in vain, then you can use individual mouthguards made of silicone. These products are worn at night and protect teeth from injury by acting as a soft buffer between the upper and lower jaws.

    Attention! If erosion has already formed, then it is impossible to restore lost dental tissue naturally. The defect requires treatment in a dental office using modern filling techniques.

    Most often, light-curing composite materials are used for these purposes, which are matched to the shade of tooth enamel.
    Such a filling not only solves the aesthetic problem of erosion, it also eliminates the patient’s discomfort caused by increased sensitivity in the affected area of ​​the tooth. To ensure complete painlessness it is used local anesthesia. It is worth noting that the use of a drill in the case of erosion treatment is minimal, since the tissue surrounding the defect is not infected, as happens with caries.
    Proper treatment will restore the naturalness of your smile, but do not forget that it will not protect against the risk of relapse of the disease if the cause of tooth enamel erosion is not eliminated.

    Tooth erosion is characterized by the destruction of enamel and tooth tissue - starting from the superficial layers and ending with the deep ones. The causes of erosion have not yet been established. There is a version of the aggressive effects of food, but not all patients who drink carbonated drinks, citrus fruits and spicy foods encounter such a problem.

    It has been proven that the origins of the disease are organ dysfunction digestive tract. Erosion can also affect healthy teeth as side effect from the use of certain drugs. It remains to find out how to cure the disease at home, with the help of medications and folk remedies. We asked leading dentists about this.

    Pharmacy medications in the treatment of dental erosion

    The first thing that needs to be achieved is to stop the development of the disease and the loss of deep dental tissues. Doctors prescribe fluoride therapy and treatment with calcium supplements. Applications are made for 20 days, at the same time they drink vitamins with a high percentage of digestibility. After 20 days, it will not hurt to cover the damaged tissue with fluoride varnish and resort to electrophoresis containing calcium.

    • restoration using light-curing composite;
    • you can hide the defect and protect the surface with a crown;
    • polishing the surface with a paste, involving bleaching with fluorine gel or fluoride varnish.

    If you notice tooth pain, this indicates destruction of the enamel. How to stop the process and turn back time?

    1. Eliminate stressful situations from your life.
    2. Buy a powerful vitamin and mineral complex.
    3. Pay attention to how you brush your teeth. After applying the paste to the brush, touch your teeth so that the paste remains on the enamel. Wait 5 minutes until the minerals and beneficial components are absorbed into the surface and begin cleaning.
    4. Massage your gums regularly. Just do not forget about the basic rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands with soap before handling. Movements must be careful and in one direction. Massage increases blood circulation, which means tissue nutrition improves.
    5. Remineralization can be carried out without leaving home. Consume in large quantities fresh beans, dairy products, peas, legumes, celery and broccoli. This is especially true for pregnant women.

    Subtleties of nutrition with a tendency to tooth erosion

    Destruction of tooth enamel is a symptom of vitamin deficiency and exhaustion of the body. Even if you eat high-calorie meals, this does not mean that you are getting the required amount of nutrients. It is better to eat a balanced diet rich in dairy products and foods high in calcium and phosphorus.

    You should not avoid solid food; it is only thanks to it that you can strengthen your gums at home. Chewing apples, carrots, celery, and radishes promotes the release of saliva, which cleans tooth enamel of bacteria. Along with this, the gums are provided with a gentle massage.

    Don't skimp on parsley. This type of greenery has remarkable antibacterial substances that prevent bacteria from multiplying. Replace chewing gum with parsley, let it be a familiar ritual. Thanks to aromatic greens, your breath will smell fresh and pleasant.

    To avoid plaque buildup, drink green tea. It has been established that green varieties contain fluoride. To strengthen the protective shell of your teeth, rely on vitamin D, which is found in sufficient quantities in chicken eggs and fish.

    What foods are harmful to weak teeth?

    1. Coffee.
    2. Soda.
    3. Water with added dyes.
    4. Food that is too hot or taken from the refrigerator. Such experiments are harmful not only by damage to the enamel, but also by erosion of the esophagus and oral mucosa. The organs of the digestive tract do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, this also needs to be remembered.

    How to restore enamel using folk remedies

    To restore the surface layer of teeth, regularly use the following folk remedies:

    1. Collect the white lemon zest, chew it like gum and rub the citrus peel on your teeth. Manipulations must be carried out within 7 days.
    2. To one portion of toothpaste that you squeeze onto your toothbrush, add a pinch of fine baking soda. Brush your teeth.
    3. Dilute the tablets in water activated carbon until you get a mushy consistency. Brush your teeth with the resulting mixture 3 times a day.
    4. Mash strawberries and strawberries, apply to teeth and hold for a couple of minutes.
    5. Place a couple of drops of tea tree in a glass of water and rinse your mouth. This simple recipe will help prevent caries, periodontal disease, and inflammation of the gums.
    6. Propolis is a natural adhesive for enamel, which is also used as an antiseptic. Chew a piece of propolis before bed.
    7. Before 12 noon, make it a rule to eat 200 grams of cottage cheese or drink a glass of milk.
    8. Eat 50-60 grams of nuts daily, and also cook useful composition according to the following recipe. Take 1 tablespoon of dried nut shells, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to brew for 40 minutes. Rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid.

    Erosion of tooth enamel is a non-carious lesion of teeth. With the development of erosion, not only the enamel suffers, but also the dentin on the vestibular (front) or buccal surface. The defects are characterized by a symmetrical arrangement. Pathology is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious one. dental disease, requiring urgent treatment, as it can progress quite quickly.

    Causes of tooth enamel erosion

    The exact reason for the development of erosion has not yet been clarified.

    Predisposing factors include:

    According to clinical studies, in patients suffering from t, enamel erosion is diagnosed twice as often as in healthy people. Every year increases the likelihood of developing non-carious lesions by 20% or more.

    The risk group includes persons whose work activities involve inhalation of acid fumes and mineral dust.

    Symptoms and classification

    Erosion most often affects the teeth of the frontal group (incisors, canines, and less commonly, premolars). The main clinical sign of the pathology are defects or having a round, oval or irregular shape.

    According to medical statistics, enamel erosion is diagnosed in 10-23% of patients who do not work in hazardous industries. The pathology is most often diagnosed in middle-aged women.

    At the initial stages of the development of the process, only a slight loss of the natural shine of the enamel is determined. As erosion develops, patients complain of pain from chemical and thermal factors, and defects with a shiny and smooth bottom form on the enamel. The course can be active and stabilized. If the process develops slowly (stable), then the patient may for a long time ignore the presence of pathology. Most often, women turn to a specialist, because even early stages the disease leads to the appearance of a cosmetic defect. Erosion of the anterior teeth is noticeable when smiling.

    Symptoms of erosion include:

    • change in enamel color;
    • pronounced cosmetic defect.


    The disease tends to progress; it develops gradually (over 10-15 years).

    There are active and inactive stages of the process. During the active phase, the size of the defects increases every one and a half to two months, and during the stable phase, remission is observed for an average of 9-11 months.

    In accordance with the accepted classification, it is customary to distinguish three main types of erosion:

    1. Only the outer layers of enamel are affected, and the cup-shaped defect has a whitish tint;
    2. The enamel is affected throughout its entire thickness down to the dentin;
    • The pathology affects the dentin layer, and pigmentation is detected (the color of erosion varies from light yellow to brown).


    The disease is detected during a visual examination. Defects become especially noticeable after thorough drying and treatment with 5% tincture of iodine. An iodine solution gives a yellow-brown color to pathologically altered enamel.

    Differential diagnosis of erosion is carried out with “stain stage” and non-carious lesions - enamel and wedge-shaped defects.

    In order to identify possible concomitant disorders of the functional activity of the thyroid gland, this internal secretion organ is indicated. To exclude or confirm gastroesophageal reflux, a consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary.

    Treatment of tooth enamel erosion

    Treatment of enamel erosion involves active remineralization therapy. It includes procedures for the application of calcium and phosphorus and electrophoresis with calcium solutions. At the end of the course, the teeth are coated with fluoride varnish or fluoride gel. Ingestion of mineral preparations and vitamin complexes for 2-3 weeks (at the discretion of the doctor). In case of a pronounced cosmetic defect, the question is raised about modern composite materials or the manufacture of orthopedic structures covering the entire surface of the diseased tooth. An alternative to crowns are thin plates that the doctor fixes to the vestibular surface of the tooth. This treatment method allows you to achieve a “Hollywood smile” even with advanced non-carious lesions.

    The quality criterion for the treatment of initial forms of enamel erosion is the smoothing of the defect and the disappearance of pain syndrome when exposed to chemical and thermal irritants.

    When treating more advanced forms of the disease, which involve filling the defect with a composite, the filling should be invisible, i.e. match the color of the surrounding healthy tissue.


    Measures to prevent enamel erosion include replacing a hard toothbrush with a softer one. It is necessary to use abrasive and whitening toothpastes as little as possible. Drinks that can cause erosion (juices and sodas) should be consumed through a straw. After eating, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with boiled water or rinses containing antibacterial components.

    It is necessary to visit the dentist, even for preventive purposes, at least once every six months.

    Plisov Vladimir, dentist, medical columnist

    Some scientists believe that the cause of tooth erosion is purely mechanical, others - the influence of acidic foods and drinks, and thyroid dysfunction. But they all agree on one thing - this is not just a cosmetic defect, but a disease. And since this is a disease, it needs to be treated. What is dental erosion? This is damage to the enamel and dentin (the bone material that forms the basis of the tooth). Erosion of tooth enamel looks like a rounded or oval notch, located in the center of the tooth. It is simply necessary to treat erosion, otherwise the tooth will lose all its enamel and even part of its bone tissue. Over the past 20 years, this disease has become much younger and has begun to progress. It is important to visit the dental office regularly, because... At first, tooth erosion does not cause pain.

    Causes of tooth erosion

    Often, tooth erosion is a consequence of diseases of the endocrine system (increased thyroid function, diffuse toxic goiter, thyrotoxicosis). This is when, with very strong salivation, the thickness of the liquid in the oral cavity is greatly reduced.

    Also, tooth erosion can be caused by mechanical factors (for example, too hard a toothbrush), frequent consumption of juices and citrus fruits, pickles and marinades. The risk group also includes people who work in hazardous industries where there are acid fumes or metal dust in the air. Long-term use medicines with a high content of vitamin C can also cause the development of dental erosion.

    Symptoms of tooth erosion

    Erosion is a rounded or oval damage to the enamel, which can be symmetrical, but over time the symmetry disappears. It may also have an irregular shape. It has a smooth, hard and shiny surface. Tooth erosion occurs slowly, sometimes lasting decades.

    Dentists identify the following clinical symptoms of dental erosion:

    • the appearance of increased sensitivity of teeth;
    • the appearance of toothache when you brush your teeth, from cold, hot drinks or food;
    • If the modified area of ​​the tooth is smeared with iodine, it will turn brown.
    • the affected part of the tooth begins to become pigmented;

    Several degrees of erosion can be distinguished:

    1. Initial is when the upper layers of enamel suffer;
    2. Medium – the entire thickness of the tooth enamel is affected;
    3. Deep - not only the enamel is affected, but also the upper layers of dentin.

    Erosion of hard dental tissues

    Erosion of hard dental tissues is found equally symmetrically on the central and lateral incisors of the upper teeth, and in addition to this on the canines and small molars of the upper and lower jaw. Very rarely, erosion is located on the lower teeth.

    Mostly middle-aged people suffer from dental erosion. The disease progresses very slowly. If you have caries, and then tooth erosion occurs, then caries will progress. Changes begin in the upper layer of enamel, where large hollow areas can be diagnosed. Treatment - a solution of 3% remodent, a course of 15-20 procedures. A type of erosion of hard dental tissues is hyperesthesia, which is when teeth react to temperature changes, chemical and mechanical influences. How to fight? Use 1-2% sodium fluoride solution. About ten sessions are required.

    Treatment of tooth erosion

    Of course, treating dental erosion is a rather lengthy process. The simplest thing you need to do is stick to a specific diet. For you, in general, you just need to reduce the use of citrus fruits, fruit juices, and soda. Try to take food and drink warm, not hot, because... low temperatures are less harmful to teeth. Every time after eating, rinse your mouth, use chewing gum, it will only freshen your breath, but also increase salivation. Buy fluoride toothpaste.

    If tooth erosion has already gone too far, then you need to turn to drug treatment. In any case, the treatment of dental erosion will depend on the stage of the disease. If the stage of the disease is active, then the main task will be to stabilize the process. To do this, you need to mineralize your teeth. In order to replenish the hard tissues of the tooth with calcium and phosphorus, paste applications should be made for three or four days, lasting 15-20 minutes. For another three days, fluoride gel is applied to the affected area for 2-3 minutes. At the end of the procedures, fluoride varnish is applied. If you are prescribed the application method, you will need to undergo at least 15 procedures.

    It is very good to carry out an electrophoresis procedure with a ten percent solution of calcium gluconate for tooth erosion. After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a tampon with 2% sodium fluoride solution. Treatment using electrophoresis will amount to twenty procedures.

    During dental treatment the following is prescribed:

    • calcium salt - 0.5 g 3 times a day for 1 month;
    • klamin (1-2 tablets) or phytolon (30 drops) - 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for 1-2 months;
    • multivitamins kvadevit or complivit - 3-4 tables. a day after breakfast.

    Many experts believe that filling is ineffective in case of tooth erosion, because... pathologies of the border adhesion often occur. If you decide to have a filling, pay attention to some points. Before the filling procedure, it is necessary to demineralize the hard tissues of the tooth with a solution of 10% calcium nitrate and aluminum acid phosphate. Composite substances should be used for filling. Calcium gluconate 0.5 g is prescribed orally three times a day for a month.

    Surgical treatment of dental erosion

    Long gone are the days when dental surgery only served to remove diseased teeth. Tooth extraction is now only part of the practice of dental surgery. Its main activity is aimed precisely at preserving the tooth. In modern clinics, much attention is paid to so-called tooth-preserving operations. These include removal of various formations in bone and soft tissues, removal of tooth roots. It is possible to treat dental erosion with laser. There is excess moisture in the affected teeth; with the help of a laser, excess moisture can be removed from the tooth, after this operation the enamel will be significantly thickened. The laser disinfects the tooth. With laser treatment, there is no possibility of affecting healthy tissue or causing infection. If you are allergic to anesthetics, laser treatment does not require pain relief.

    Treatment of dental erosion in traditional medicine

    Many people suffering from dental erosion prefer to turn to traditional rather than traditional medicine. Traditional methods can successfully eliminate pain, strengthen enamel and gums, but they rarely treat the very cause of the disease. ethnoscience offers many various recipes. We present to your attention some of them.


    We don't need the whole eggplant, but only its peel. It needs to be washed and dried well. Then grind into powder. 1 tbsp. pour 200 ml of powder. Boil water and let it brew. Store in the refrigerator and use to rinse your mouth every time after eating.

    Oak bark

    Oak bark is known as an excellent antimicrobial and tanning agent. 1 tbsp. crushed and dried oak bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and brought to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer the broth over low heat for 5-7 minutes. We rinse our mouth with the resulting decoction 2-3 times a day.

    Tea tree oil

    In addition to the fact that tea tree oil strengthens and reduces pain, your breath will become fresh. How to use: take a glass of warm water and dilute 3-4 drops of tea tree oil in it. You need to rinse your mouth 3 times a day.

    Prevention of tooth erosion

    First of all, it is necessary to establish the etiology of the erosion. If the main etiological factor is food, then it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods that may contain acid. If you are a big fan of lemon water, soda, or fruit juices, then you need to drink them quickly or through a straw. Take note that among natural juices, blackcurrant juice is very harmful to teeth with erosion. The most gentle juice is apple juice.

    • Choose the right oral hygiene products. Use 1% fluoride gels with a neutral pH 2 times a week.
    • Eat cheese after meals because cheese neutralizes the acidity of food.
    • You should not brush your teeth immediately after eating, wait about half an hour.
    • Choose a toothpaste with a low grinding result.
    • For oral hygiene, choose brushes with soft bristles, brush your teeth with light circular movements, the front teeth should be brushed from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.
    • Modern dental clinics have a wide selection of sealants that can protect against tooth erosion.
    • Be sure to check with an endocrinologist. 75% of tooth erosion is caused by diseases of the thyroid gland with increased function.
    • Refuse the whitening procedure, it violates the integrity of the enamel.
    • Drink warm tea, not boiling water. Include fish dishes in your diet, because they are rich in phosphorus and calcium, which are good for tooth enamel.
    • You shouldn't skimp on buying a quality toothbrush. New toothbrushes should be purchased every 2-2.5 months, so that the brush does not become a breeding ground for all kinds of infections.
    • Visit your dentist every six months to have your teeth coated with fluoride film. It protects against further destruction of the enamel and also prevents the leaching of calcium.