Pies with fried potatoes filling. Fried pies with potatoes made from yeast dough

Another recipe for frying pies with potatoes in a frying pan. The dough in boiling water - yeast - is kneaded and rises with lightning speed. A very successful dough, the finished products are soft, but with a dense texture, tasty. You can form the pies within 20 minutes to half an hour after kneading. If you follow the recipe exactly, you can sculpt and fry the pies immediately after kneading. But from experience I want to say that it will be better if you still let him stand for a while and come up.

You can not only fry pies with various fillings from the dough in boiling water. The dough is great for baking - meat pies, potato pies, baked flatbreads, fried whites. The finished products remain soft and tasty even on the second day.

The dough in boiling water needs to be cut and baked, or fried immediately, do not let it rise a second and third time. And certainly don’t leave it for tomorrow. This is a very important condition, verified by our own experience.


  • 700-800g flour 1c
  • 1 tbsp
  • 3 tbsp grows. oils
  • 1 tbsp. water (warm)
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water

Filling –

  • 5-6 pcs.
  • vegetable oil
  • 350g (heart, liver)

Additionally –

  • raises frying oil

Recipe: Pies with potatoes in a frying pan

1. Prepare the filling - peel the potatoes, add water and set to cook. The potatoes will cook for 15-20 minutes.

2. Cut the by-products into pieces and then pass them through a meat grinder.

3. Pour a little (3-4 tbsp) oil into the frying pan and heat it up. Place the twisted offal in a frying pan and fry, stirring constantly.

4. Fry the offal for 15-20 minutes, then add salt to taste, mix and remove from heat.

5. Drain the broth from the finished potatoes. Use a masher to pound the potatoes into mashed potatoes, add salt to taste.

6. Place ground and fried offal on potatoes

7. And mix. Let the filling cool while the dough is prepared.

8. For the dough, mix half a glass of flour with yeast, salt and a spoonful of sugar in a large bowl.

9. Pour a glass of warm water and stir.

10. In another cup, mix table 3. spoons of flour with 3 tbsp. spoons of butter.

11. Gradually pour in a glass of boiling water, stirring thoroughly each time.

12. Pour this brewed flour into a large cup with yeast and stir.

13. Pour in the rest of the flour in two or three additions and knead the dough. First, mix with a spatula,

And then, when it becomes difficult to stir with a spatula, we continue kneading with our hands.

14. Place the dough on the table and begin to knead it with your hands until it stops sticking to your hands. If necessary, sprinkle a little flour on the table, just a little.

15. Place the dough ball into a large bowl, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour - an hour, no more. The dough rises very quickly. Don’t let it sit, as soon as it doubles or triples in size – you can make pies with potatoes.

16. Using your hands, pinch off small pieces of dough and roll them into balls. The table needs to be sprinkled with a little flour.

17. Roll out the ball of dough with a rolling pin into a small cake. Place the potato filling in the middle - a heaping tablespoon is enough.

18. Carefully pinch the edges to form a pie.

19. Then flatten the pie a little with your palm.

20. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the pies over medium heat on both sides. If you fry over high heat, there is a risk that the dough in the place of pinches will remain raw. Therefore, heat the oil well, then reduce the heat to medium and begin to fry the potato pies.

21. Serve the finished pies to the table. Hot, straight from the pan, they are especially tasty. Well, you know that yourself.

22. And from the leftover dough I baked two flat cakes. Flatbreads are a miracle! Roll out a piece of dough to a thickness of 1-1.5 cm and place it on parchment paper on a baking sheet. Lubricate generously with olive or sunflower oil and sprinkle with Provençal herbs (you can also add chopped olives or sun-dried tomatoes) and salt. Let stand for 15 minutes and bake at 180° for 15-20 minutes.

23. Pies with potatoes in a frying pan are ready. Have fun in the kitchen and beyond!

Everyone will agree that potato pies are very good way quickly satisfy your hunger. They can also be used as one of the options for an afternoon snack. And if you prepare them in advance, then you can simply heat them in the microwave. It will only take a couple of minutes.

Today we have prepared an interesting selection of these ruddy and delicious beauties. The dough for them is different, both with yeast and without the use of yeast. By the way, there is a separate article where they are described in detail. Be sure to check it out if you're interested.

Now let’s start making the most delicious potato pies. And to make them even tastier, you can add to the main filling: liver, mushrooms, onions, herbs, carrots or other ingredients.

Naturally, the calorie content of this treat is off the charts: 235 kcal per 100 g of product - exactly the same number of calories in a baked pie with potato filling. But in fried it is higher - 276 kcal per 100 grams, on average 1 pie weighing 75 grams. - 207 kcal, this figure can be reduced by frying it in a dry frying pan. In addition, this fried delicacy contains carcinogens and it is recommended to bake them in the oven.

But how to prepare this delicacy: fry or bake, each housewife decides independently. I would like to know your opinion?

Classic recipe for fried pies at home

Very tasty and ruddy beauties for tea on butter dough. They can be with either vegetable or sweet fillings. I often cook according to this recipe and the baked goods turn out fluffy and tender and fly off the table in an instant, and the household are fed and happy and thank you for the holiday of the belly! A classic recipe with potatoes is held in high esteem by both children and adults, so this is a universal recipe that will please everyone!

Required Products:

  • 250 ml warm milk;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 30 g fresh yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 50 g butter or margarine;
  • flour.


Pour warm water and warm milk into a bowl. Pour yeast into them. Mix everything well.

Add sugar. We interfere. Then the egg yolks. Mix everything thoroughly until all ingredients are dissolved.

Add the required amount of salt. Without stopping stirring, add flour in parts. We get a fairly thick sticky dough.

Then we add softened margarine, I try to remove it from the refrigerator in advance. Stir until smooth.

Add flour again and knead the dough until completely cooked.

Then grease the table with sunflower oil. Place the dough on it and knead it well with your hands.

The dough turns out very airy and tender.

Place it back into the bowl and cover with cling film or a plastic bag.

And on top - a towel.

Place in a warm place for 1 hour to allow the dough to rise.

It should double in volume.

After the time has passed, roll the dough into small balls.

And from each ball we make a cake. You can use your fingers, but if that doesn’t work, take a rolling pin.

Place a filling of mashed potatoes mixed with fried onions in the middle. This is a fairly simple filling option, so we won’t talk about its preparation.

We pinch the edges and form a pie. This way we get such small and neat products. There are 34 pieces in total.

Let's start frying right away. Place the pies in a fully heated frying pan (with vegetable oil) and fry until golden brown on both sides.

My beauties are taken from the frying pan onto a flat dish covered with a paper towel. This is done to drain excess oil, and then transfer it to a plate. And in my childhood, my mother covered it with white A4 sheets, or blank sheets of paper from a notebook, because back then we didn’t have the miracle towels on sale that make our life so much easier now.

The treat is ready!

Recipe with potato filling without yeast

The dough in this recipe is made with whey. This is a fairly simple option. Perfect for those who make cottage cheese at home.

Required Products:

  • 500 ml of serum;
  • 750-800 g flour;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. rast. oils

For filling:

  • cottage cheese;
  • puree;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • fresh greens.


Pour the warm whey into a small bowl. Add salt, soda, sugar and vegetable oil. Mix.

Gradually add sifted flour. Don't forget to stir the dough after adding each portion of flour.

The consistency of the dough should not be too thick and steep.

Then cover it with a towel and let it rest.

At this time you can prepare the filling. Mix cottage cheese, mashed potatoes and chopped herbs (dill and parsley) in one bowl. As you can see, take cottage cheese and potatoes in equal parts.

Mix thoroughly and add salt to taste. The filling is ready!

During this time, the dough increased in volume and came up. You can start making pies.

Grease the table with sunflower oil and knead the dough on it. Let's also grease our hands with oil to prevent them from sticking.

Fry in oil in a frying pan until golden brown.

We got 18 pies.

Bon appetit!

Lush kefir pies with potatoes and liver, the dough is like fluff!

A recipe that our grandmothers used to prepare. Quite fast, but no less tasty. I cook using it often and it always turns out delicious!

Required Products:

  • 300 ml kefir or yogurt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 600 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. rast. oils;
  • 1 tsp sugar (optional).

For filling:

  • 300 g chicken liver;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 1 large onion.


Add soda to kefir and mix thoroughly.

Pour the resulting mixture into a container where the dough will be kneaded. Add the egg, salt, sugar and vegetable oil there. Whisk all the ingredients.

Then add the sifted flour. This must be done in small portions, without ceasing to stir.

The dough should be elastic, not sticky to your hands and not very tough. There is no need to knead it vigorously. Therefore, a slightly larger or smaller amount of flour may be needed.

Then cover with cling film and let rest for about half an hour.

At this time, prepare the filling.

Peel the potatoes and cook until tender. Simmer the liver in its own juice until all the liquid has evaporated. We do this over low heat. Don't forget to add salt while cooking.

Finely chop the onion and fry in sunflower oil over low heat until golden brown.

When the potatoes are ready, mash them and add salt to taste. Mix with fried onions and stewed liver. It can also be crushed or minced.

The filling is like a thick puree. It is very convenient for modeling and does not leak during frying.

Now let's start making pies. Cut the dough into two parts.

And roll each one into a sausage and cut it into small pieces.

Roll out each piece with a rolling pin or your hands.

We spread the filling and form the products. Cover the resulting pies with a towel for 20-30 minutes.

All that remains is to fry in a frying pan until golden brown.

As soon as the pies are ready, immediately grease them with butter.

Put the kettle on and invite your family to the table!

“Peasant” thin pies with potatoes and mushrooms with milk

Very delicious dish on milk dough. And the combination of potatoes and mushrooms will complement their amazing taste and aroma; please your family with these blushes, they are very tasty!

Required Products:

  • 750-800 g flour;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 70-100 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • water;
  • 30 g fresh yeast.

For filling:

  • 800 g potatoes;
  • 300 g champignons;
  • 1 onion.


We dilute the yeast in a small amount of warm water. Add sugar and 1 tsp. flour. Mix everything and leave for 15 minutes.

The yeast is ready.

Sift half the flour into a bowl and pour in milk at room temperature. Mix with a whisk.

Without ceasing to stir, introduce the yeast mixture.

We remove the dough in a warm place for 1 hour, after covering it with a towel.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Boil potatoes in salted water until tender. Finely chop the onion and fry until transparent. Then add the diced champignons.

Fry until the liquid evaporates, stirring occasionally. Then add salt and pepper to taste. Then continue frying for another 1 minute.

We make mashed potatoes. Add mushrooms and onions and mix well. If necessary, you can add more salt.

To ensure the filling is homogeneous, you can pass it through a meat grinder or use an immersion blender.

During this time the dough has already risen.

Add the remaining flour (pre-sifted) and salt. Mix the dough.

Add the egg and softened butter.

Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands.

Divide the dough into balls and leave under a towel for 15-20 minutes.

Then we roll them out into flat cakes, lay out the filling and form pies. You can start frying right away.

This dough is also ideal for pies with sweet fillings.

A quick recipe with yeast “like on the market”

Ruddy, fluffy and very tasty pies with a crispy crust, just like at the bazaar. It was a must when I was at the market with my parents - it was a tradition to buy this delicacy, of course at a trusted pie shop, and I still remember the amazing taste! It seems to me that you can’t find these now, or maybe I just don’t know “fish” places... That’s why I don’t buy them, but fry them myself and share them with you. They are prepared very quickly and not difficult. I think every housewife should have such a recipe, and they remain tasty even cold, although to be honest, I rarely have them left...

Required Products:

  • 250-275 ml water;
  • 7-8 g dry yeast;
  • 60 g plant. oils;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 500 g flour.


Add vegetable oil, salt and sugar to warm water. Stir until the bulk ingredients dissolve. Then add the sifted flour and yeast. Knead an elastic, soft and delicate dough that does not stick to your hands or the table.

Divide the dough into small pieces. We give them the shape of cakes. Place 1 tablespoon of filling in the middle. For us it's potatoes with onions.

For shaping, there is no need to add flour or vegetable oil, since the dough is not sticky and is very pliable.

After this, we form the pies and fry them until golden brown.

The pies must be fried in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. First on one side, then turn it over to the other and cover the pan with a lid until fully cooked.

Now our dish is ready!

Help yourself!

Video on how to make pies with potatoes and cabbage according to grandma’s recipe

I hope you enjoy the recipe!

Enjoy your tea!

Very tasty dough “like in a cafeteria”

My friend’s grandmother, who worked in a canteen all her life, shared this amazing recipe with me, oh, if only you knew how she cooks! And when my friend and I came to visit her, she always had homemade baking for tea, various pies, buns, fried pies or belyashi, she always treated us to such...

Required Products:

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 11 g instant yeast;
  • 1 kg of flour (+- 200 g);
  • about 1 tsp. salt.

For filling:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 1 onion (large);
  • 70 g butter;
  • salt - to taste.

Pour a packet of yeast and sugar into a bowl. Pour a glass of warm water. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Leave the yeast for 30 minutes until foam forms.

This is such a lush mixture.

Then add 1 kg of sifted flour and about 1 teaspoon of salt. Pour in the remaining glass of warm water.

Mix the dough. Cover it with a damp towel and put it in a warm place.

At this time, prepare the filling. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized pieces and set to cook. Chop the onion and fry in a small amount of oil.

Place the onion in a blender to prevent any remaining sunflower oil from the frying pan from getting into it. Puree the onion until pureed. Leave some water in the boiled potatoes. Add onion, butter and add a little salt. Mix all ingredients until pureed. The filling is ready!

Make a sausage from the dough and cut it into pieces. Roll each of them into a thin cake.

Place a tablespoon of filling in the middle. We form a patty and press it with the palm of our hand to make it thinner. Fry in a hot frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.

That's all, let's fry the rest of the blush using the same principle!

Bon appetit!

So the selection of recipes has come to an end, I hope you liked them and you will find your favorite and most tasty option preparations! Add the article to your bookmarks so that it doesn’t get lost and be sure to share it with your friends on social media. networks by clicking on the buttons..

Well, all we can do is wish you a pleasant tea party!

See you soon!

Making delicious potato pies baked in the oven at home is not at all difficult if you know a special recipe and some culinary tricks.

In fact, even beginners in the culinary business can master how to cook potato pies. Only at first glance one might get the impression that this is a long and complex process.

After reading the information below, you will understand that the first opinion is deceptive, and in order to make pies with potatoes in the oven you will need a minimum set of products that you can buy at the nearest market or modern supermarket.

Below I present to your attention a simple recipe on how to make potato pies with yeast dough. I hope that this information will be useful to you, and you will be happy to get down to business.

Pies with fresh potato filling

To bake dough for potato pies you will need the following set of products: 550 g. flour; 100 gr. sl. butter or margarine (be sure to soften before cooking); 1 pack dry yeast with instant properties; 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 200 ml of warm pre-boiled water; 4.5 tsp sugar and 1 tsp. salt. For the filling, you need to take the following ingredients: 1 kg St. potatoes; 2-3 tbsp. sl. oils; 4-5 tbsp. rast. oils; 3 pcs. Luke.

It should be noted that in order to bake delicious homemade pies in the oven, you should have one and a half to two free hours of time. In 100 gr. the product will have 152 calories.

Below I present an algorithm of actions with detailed photos, which will facilitate the cooking process:

  1. Separately, I mix all the components of the dough that are dry: sugar, salt, yeast and sifted flour. I put the words there. oil and mix with a couple of pcs. chickens testicles. I beat the mixture with a mixer to get fine crumbs.
  2. I add water and knead the dough very thoroughly. I leave the dough, covered with a napkin, in a warm place. This is necessary, the dough should rise, then the mixture will become at least 2 times larger.
  3. Let's start filling. I boil the potatoes and be sure to peel them beforehand. I cut the peeled onion into small cubes and sauté them. oil until the mixture turns golden brown. I boil the potatoes, drain the water, and mix the boiled potato mixture with a mixer to get a puree. By the way, a similar goal can be achieved by working as a pusher. I mix puree with sl. oil and then season with onions.
  4. During this time, the dough will rise several times, and therefore you can begin to create blanks. I beat 1 pc. chickens testicles. I lay out the blanks, with the outer part down, make a shape, coat with egg.
  5. I bake in the oven for about 40 minutes; as for the temperature, it should be about 185 degrees.

It is important to clarify that baking time will vary. Pay attention to the capabilities of your oven. If a brown color forms on the baked goods, then it’s time to take out the baked goods.

Another tip from me: to keep the pies with boiled potatoes soft, after baking, cover them with parchment and a towel on top. That's all, you can pamper your family with delicious pies, as an addition to lunch or as a separate dish.

Oven pies with potato filling

I'm ready to offer you another one healthy recipe with a photo that will help you bake pies. In this case, you can use any dough that you like. I used yeast for pies.

  1. First, I prepare the food: peel the potatoes and onions. With potatoes, everything is very simple - we put them in a saucepan to cook, then mix the puree, and onions - we cut them smaller and fry them in a frying pan with a little heat. oil You can dilute the potatoes with milk if you happen to be at home.
  2. I mix onions with potatoes. I leave the filling aside for a while.
  3. I divide the dough into several parts, make flat cakes out of them, and place the filling along the edge of the flat cake. I wrap the dough so that I get a roll. I divide it into parts using the edge of my palm. The pies have received their shape, and therefore can be baked.
  4. I send neat pies, greased with egg, to bake on parchment at 180 degrees. for 30 min. Again, after baking in the oven, I let the treat with potatoes cool, covering with parchment and a towel. Only then do I treat my relatives.

In fact, that's not all, I have a recipe for those who love to eat mushrooms.

Pies stuffed with potatoes and mushrooms

You can prepare the dough from the following set:

300 ml milk (warm), preferably with 3.2% fat content; 600 gr. flour; 15 gr. dry yeast, quick-acting; 2 tbsp. rast. oils; 1 PC. chickens testicle; 1 tsp salt.
For filling you need to take: 500 gr. St. potatoes; 300 gr. forest mushrooms; 3 tbsp each rast. etc. oils; salt, onion.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. To stir up the good butter dough, worth dry yeast, plant. Dilute the butter in 300 ml of milk and season with salt. I add flour and mix. Cover the dough with a napkin. I leave it where it won’t be cold or draughty, it’s important that the yeast dough rises.
  2. I boil the peeled potatoes, drain the water, make puree and be sure to add salt. I'll definitely dilute it. oil I chop the onion into cubes and sauté into the mixture. oil I peel the mushrooms and add the onions. I overcook the mixture again. The mushrooms will need to be chopped into small cubes. I mix all the ingredients for the filling together.
  3. I'm making pies. I roll out a small piece of dough mass, put potatoes in the center, and pinch the edges. I coat the pieces with potatoes and mushrooms with egg and send them to bake for 40 minutes. in the oven, at 185 degrees.

When the dough on the potato pies turns golden brown, it’s time to take them out. As I said earlier, to keep the pies soft, you should cover them with a towel for a while.

This concludes the recipe, and therefore delicious fresh pies can be safely served to the table with your favorite hot drink.

Such a treat will appeal not only to adults; children adore baked goods and will devour them instantly. See this for yourself!

Pies stuffed with meat and potatoes

For the test you need to take the following set of products:

350 ml of kefir, if you want you can replace it with yogurt; 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 2 tbsp. rast. oils; 600 gr. flour; 1.5 tsp salt; 1 tsp soda and 500 gr. flour.
For filling you need to take: 600 gr. potatoes; 400 gr. minced meat; 3 tbsp. rast. oils; 1 onion; salt, spices.

To prepare the pies, as this recipe indicates, you need to have an hour and a half left. In 100 gr. product - 189 calories.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. I mix the dough ingredients, except flour. I work with the mixer, then carefully add the flour. I mix the dough.
  2. I mix finely chopped onion with minced meat and fry in a frying pan over low heat. oil During cooking, crush the minced meat with a fork to chop the pieces. I peel the potatoes, boil them and mash them. I mix it with potatoes. butter and minced meat.
  3. I make pies, rolling out a layer of 4-5 mm in thickness. Place the filling in the center, pinching the edges. Any form, whatever you like best.
  4. I send them to bake in the oven, brushing them with beaten eggs at 185 degrees. 40 min.

Traditionally, I cover delicious finished pies with a clean cloth napkin. I serve warm to the table. They will be especially tasty with berry tea, despite the fact that the filling is with potatoes and meat.

Pies with chicken meat and potatoes

The ingredients for baking pies are simple:

For the test you need to take: 200 ml of water (warm); 550 gr. flour; 3 tbsp. Sahara; 2 tsp salt; 8 gr. dry yeast with fast-acting properties; 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 3 tbsp. rast. oils
To prepare the filling you need: 500 gr. potatoes and chickens. fillet; 2 pcs. Luke; pepper, salt.

To prepare the dish you will need to have an hour to an hour and a half available. In 100 gr. with potatoes and chicken pies there will be 167 calories.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. In a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients - flour, salt, yeast, sugar. I enter the plant. butter and chicken testicles. I turn the mixture into crumbs using a mixer.
  2. Pour warm water into the mixture and prepare the dough. To make it rise, I leave the dough in a warm place where there are no drafts. At this time I make the filling.
  3. I cut the potatoes and fillets into cubes, about a centimeter each, cut the onion into strips, pepper and salt.
  4. I knead the dough with flour and make any shaped pieces. I lay out the blanks on a sheet and grease them with chicken. egg, bake in the oven for 50-70 minutes at 180 degrees.

I take out the finished baked goods, cover them with parchment paper and a towel. Once cooled, I serve the pies to my family. Making pies is really not difficult, my recipe is very simple and affordable.

Beginner cooks will be able to master it, as well as those who have previously tried to cook pies, but failed.

Excursion into history

Did you know that potato pies were popular with our ancient ancestors? One day, historians found the first writing about this rich pastry in the diary entries of an overseas wanderer.

A traveler from the past tasted Russian pies and called them cookies with a filling like pate. He noted that in White Rus' it is customary to treat them only to kind, welcome visitors.

People greeted with this dish only those whom they were glad to see as guests. This is truly a wonderful tradition that is worth continuing. Your guests will be delighted if there are delicious, rich pies with fresh filling on the table.

Products for pies with potato filling

Having studied the name of the pies, it already becomes clear that the set of products will definitely contain potatoes. As a rule, the classic filling of this pastry is mashed potatoes and onions.

True, pies have some secrets, knowing which you can make the filling even more tasty and appetizing. Of course, according to tradition, I will tell these secrets to my readers.

  • For example, to make the filling tastier, the onion needs to be fried separately in a frying pan with a little heat. oil, and only then mix with mashed potatoes.
  • When preparing mashed potatoes, it is worth peppering and salting the potatoes to give the dish a pronounced aroma and taste. While cooking the potatoes, it is worth adding a couple of bay leaves.
  • To give the pies the shape you like, you should knead the dough without lumps while warm. To do this, I recommend mixing the dough with a mixer.

You can make pies with the whole family, this will make the dish even tastier and more appetizing, and therefore even the kids will gobble up the pastries.

Be sure to please your family with delicious baked goods! Bon appetit and good mood everyone!

My video recipe

Surely each of us in our distant childhood was not averse to tasting our grandmother’s delicious pies with potatoes. The taste, familiar to us from childhood, still remains in our memory, and now that we have grown up, we can independently prepare these wonderful pies, no less tasty than grandma’s. Of course, this dish will take a considerable amount of time to prepare, but it also has other advantages: it is very satisfying and inexpensive!

A little history

In general, pies gained their fame back in ancient Rus'. The first mention of pies can be found in the book of one of the ancient travelers Adam Olearius. The author of the book called Russian pies special cookies “like pate” and said that in Rus' they are served only to those guests who are welcome in the house.
Everyone knows that ancient Rus' has always been considered agricultural, where wheat, rye and other grains were always grown. Thanks to the fertile and generous land, people received a rich harvest of these cereals, as well as berries and other cultivated plants. Also in Rus', cattle breeding was widely developed, which allowed meat to occupy place of honor on the table. It was from then on that housewives began treating their households and guests to pies with various fillings.

Pies with potatoes, products

The traditional filling for potato pies is crushed potatoes mixed with onions. But there are several secrets, knowing which you can make the filling for pies more appetizing. Firstly, before mixing it with crushed potatoes, it is better to fry the onion in a small amount of vegetable oil. Secondly, when boiling potatoes, you need to not only salt them, but also pepper them to give them a little flavor. By the way, some housewives cook potatoes with several bay leaves in order to achieve the same effect.
When making pies, the filling should be warm, without lumps.
Required ingredients for filling:
  • 10-12 potato tubers;
  • 3-4 onions;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.

This dough recipe is very quick to prepare and reliable. It is suitable for both baking in the oven and frying in a pan. This dough can be used to make both small and large baked goods, such as large pies, rolls, etc.
Dough prepared according to this recipe, does not require additional “rising” time, so it should be used immediately after kneading.
Products for the test:
  • 1 kg flour;
  • 2 tsp. dry yeast;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Preparing the filling for potato pies

It’s most convenient to start with preparing the filling, since we use the dough immediately after kneading. Boil the peeled potatoes over medium heat, not forgetting to add salt and pepper.

While the potatoes are cooking, heat the milk over low heat. When it warms up, dissolve a couple of teaspoons of sugar and yeast in it. Leave the milk for 20 minutes.

At this time, we begin to peel the onion and cut it into small pieces. By the way, to prevent your eyes from watering when cutting onions, it is recommended to wet the knife in cold water.

Leave the onion to fry over low heat in a small amount of vegetable oil, remembering to stir it periodically.

Place the flour in a bowl and make a well in it. Next, pour in the blooming yeast and leave for 5-10 minutes.

By this time the potatoes should already be cooked. We strain it, after which we need to mash the potatoes, ultimately obtaining puree. Add the fried onion to it and mix the potatoes thoroughly until homogeneous mass. Let it cool.

Dough recipe

Beat a couple of eggs in a separate bowl and add salt to them.

Pour the eggs into the hole in the flour where the yeast was previously left to ferment. You can add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to make the dough more tender later.

All that remains is to knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Shape it into a ball.

The secret of some housewives' soft dough is that they ready dough beat on the table. Due to this, it becomes softer, all the air comes out of it, and it has a uniform, smooth consistency.

Making pies with potatoes

Lubricate the table and the sheet where we will place the potato pies with vegetable oil. Divide the dough in half. Make a rope 3-4 cm thick from each half. Cut into pieces.

Shape the pieces into balls.

Roll them out with a rolling pin into flat cakes 5 mm thick.

Place the filling in the center of each flatbread so that you can easily mold the edges of the flatbread.

Turn the products over, seam side down, and carefully place them on a greased sheet.

You should start frying the pies only when the last of them has been molded. Pour into a heated frying pan a large number of vegetable oil (about 2 cm). This is necessary so that in addition to two sides of the pies, the sides are also fried. And, in fact, we begin to fry the pies.

Place the pies in a deep bowl on paper towels. This is done to remove excess fat. The pies should be placed vertically in the bowl. This ensures that the finished potato pies cool evenly, while maintaining their crispy, tender crust.

Bon appetit!

Pie with potatoes is a favorite and familiar food to everyone.

Neither children nor adults will refuse this rosy product.

Especially if the pies are homemade and fried, fluffy and aromatic, prepared according to our recipes.

Shall we indulge in some delicious pies?

Pies with potatoes fried in a frying pan - general cooking principles

Most pie recipes use yeast dough. With it, the products turn out to be porous, airy, and if cooked correctly and allowed to dry out, they will remain soft for a long time. Nowadays pressed raw yeast is rarely used and almost all recipes are tailored to dry granules.

How to knead yeast dough:

Milk, kefir;

Mixtures of water and sour cream;

Based on a mixture of several ingredients.

Thrifty housewives make dough using soured milk and other stagnant products. You can also add a little butter and an egg. Flour is always sifted before adding to get rid of impurities and fill the product with oxygen, which yeast needs for normal development.

Fried pies can also be made from unleavened dough on water or kefir. For porosity and softness, baking powder is added to it.

For the filling, mashed potatoes are mainly prepared. Often they put in it: onions, meat products, vegetables, mushrooms, sausages. Fry the pies in vegetable oil in a frying pan in batches, several pieces at a time.

Recipe 1: Potato pies fried in a pan made from yeast dough

A classic recipe for pan-fried potato pies. For aroma and a richer taste, onions are added to the puree.

0.5 liters of water (you can use whey or milk);

Spoon of sugar;

About 6 cups flour;

¼ spoon of salt;

40 ml oil.

0.8 kg potatoes;

0.15 kg of onion.

1. Pour heated water into a large bowl or pan, add sugar, yeast and half the flour. Leave the dough for thirty minutes.

2. Add salt and remaining flour. When kneading, add oil. Cover the pan (bowl) with a towel and leave until well risen. The dough should increase in size by three times.

3. For the filling, prepare regular mashed potatoes. Cut the onion into cubes, fry and add to it. Don't forget about spices. In addition to salt, you can add pepper, some herbs, paprika and other spices.

4. Take out the dough and cut it into pieces, put it on the table, let it rise a little. Flatten each into a flat cake, add the filling, and connect the edges.

5. Heat oil in a frying pan. The layer thickness should be at least 2 centimeters, otherwise the pies will bake unevenly.

6. Lightly flatten the molded pies so that they are not so round and fry on both sides. There is no need to cover the pan, since the filling is already ready, and the yeast dough is fried quickly.

Recipe 2: Potato pies fried in a frying pan made from unleavened dough

The special feature of these pan-fried potato pies is the thin unleavened dough, which is kneaded with kefir without adding yeast. For porosity, baking soda is added; you can replace it with ripper.

500 ml kefir;

Salt, sugar;

2/3 tsp. soda;

2-3 spoons of oil.

For the filling, prepare regular mashed potatoes, as in the previous recipe. Can be done with or without onions.

1. Add soda to warm kefir and mix.

2. Separately, beat 2 eggs with a spoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Pour into kefir, stir.

3. Pour in flour, pour in a couple of spoons of butter, and knead. Make an elastic but not too tough dough. Let him lie down, 15 minutes is enough.

4. Make balls from the dough, roll it out, put the filling and mold regular pies. The amount of filling and size is at your discretion.

5. Fry in a frying pan with butter until golden brown.

Recipe 3: Potato pies fried in a choux pastry pan

The main advantage of these potato pies fried in a frying pan is the dough. instant cooking, which does not need to stand for long. In general, it can be used with any filling, not necessarily only with potatoes. It is mixed with yeast, but using a special technology.

460 ml water;

0.6 kg flour;

11 grams of yeast;

1 tsp. salt;

1 tbsp. l. Sahara;

30-50 grams of butter.

The filling is mashed potatoes with onions or any other additives. Approximately it will take about 800 grams.

1. Divide the water in half. We heat one part until warm, and boil the second.

2. Dissolve sugar with yeast and salt in warm water.

3. Sift flour into a large bowl, make flour and pour in liquid, add butter. Mix a little with flour and immediately pour in boiling water. Stir vigorously with a spoon, then with your hands. If the dough is weak, you can add more flour.

4. You can immediately form the pies, but it is better to let the dough stand for 10 minutes so that the gluten swells, it levels out, becomes smooth and soft.

5. We cut, sculpt and fry the products in the classic way, as described in the recipes above.

Recipe 4: Potato pies fried in a puff pastry pan

The version of puff pastries with potatoes fried in a frying pan will especially appeal to those who are not friends with dough. It will also help out if you have leftover mashed potatoes from lunch or dinner and you urgently need to think of something for tea or a snack. It is better to use puff pastry with yeast; it makes fried products softer.

1 package of dough;

600 grams of puree;

1. For a more pronounced taste, add a little pepper to the puree, you can add chopped garlic, dried or fresh herbs. Mix.

2. Puff pastry Lay out on the table and roll out to three millimeters.

3. Now you can squeeze it out with a large cup to make circles. But this is not very profitable, since there will be a lot of trimmings. It is better to cut into rectangles or squares. The size is arbitrary.

4. Now place the filling in the center of each piece.

5. Take a brush (rag, sponge), moisten it in water and go along all the edges of the pieces, moisten it.

6. Let's make pies. They can be in the form of rectangles, triangles or envelopes. We do what we like or what works best.

7. Fry in oil until cooked.

Recipe 5: Potato pies fried in a pan from yeast dough with milk

Another version of the dough with yeast for fried pies. In this recipe it is richer, more tender, the products turn out ruddy and airy. We prepare the usual filling from puree.

0.8 kg flour;

300 ml milk;

Salt and sugar;

80 grams of butter; drained;

15 grams of yeast (dry).

1. Dissolve a spoonful of sugar with yeast in warm milk. Leave for 15 minutes. During this time, melt the butter and cool until warm.

2. Mix the egg with a little less than a teaspoon of salt and add to the milk. Stir.

3. Pour in the oil and add the flour. Knead soft dough. The lump should be homogeneous and smooth.

4. Place in a tall pan, cover with a towel and leave for an hour. Then knead it and let it sit for another half hour.

5. We start making regular pies and fry them in a frying pan.

Recipe 6: Pies with potatoes and meat fried in a frying pan

Potato pies fried in a frying pan will turn out especially aromatic and tasty if you add a little minced meat to the filling. We use any yeast dough.

1 kg of dough;

0.6 kg potatoes;

2 onions;

0.3 kg minced meat;


1. Cut the peeled potatoes into pieces and cook the puree in salted water.

2. Cut the onions into cubes and fry on butter just a minute.

3. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, add the minced meat and fry until tender. 7-8 minutes is enough.

4. Mix the fried minced meat with mashed potatoes, add more salt, pepper and other spices. Let the filling cool.

5. Make pies with cooked minced meat and fry until done.

Recipe 7: Pies with potatoes and cabbage fried in a frying pan

Potatoes and cabbage are an ideal combination, especially as a filling for fried pies. We will use sauerkraut, it turns out especially tasty. But you can also fry fresh in a frying pan. We use absolutely any dough, it turns out delicious with fresh dough.

Filling ingredients

500 grams of potatoes;

600 grams of sauerkraut;

1-2 onions;

Oil and spices.

1. Prepare classic mashed potatoes, add fried onions.

2. Sauerkraut squeeze it out, if it is too sour, you can rinse it.

3. Heat a little oil in a frying pan, add cabbage and fry until soft.

4. Now roll out the dough into flat cakes and put half a spoonful of mashed potatoes and the same amount of cabbage into each one. We seal the edges.

5. Fry the pies in oil until golden brown.

Recipe 8: Pies with potatoes and sausages fried in a frying pan

Just a couple of sausages will completely change the taste of these pies. The filling will be aromatic and more tasty. It is better to use yeast dough with milk or water.

1 kg of dough;

0.7 kg potatoes;

1 onion;

Salt pepper;

Oil and spices;

2-4 sausages.

1. Prepare regular mashed potatoes.

2. Finely chop the onion and fry in oil until the pieces are transparent.

3. Add chopped sausage and fry together. Instead of sausage, you can similarly take a sausage or a piece of sausage.

4. Mix the puree with sausages, season the resulting filling with spices.

5. Divide the dough into 14-15 pieces, make flat cakes, add the filling and connect the edges.

6. Fry like regular potato pies until the crust is browned.

Pies with potatoes fried in a frying pan - useful tips and tricks

You cannot add a lot of sugar to the dough for fried pies, otherwise they will quickly burn and remain raw inside.

Steep and hard dough is kneaded only for dumplings and other similar products. The pies do not tolerate it; they turn out tough and tasteless. They require soft and airy dough, even if a little sticky.

Many housewives cut the dough on a table sprinkled with flour. But when frying, the grains burn, soot forms in the pan, and the oil smokes. But all this can be easily avoided. It is enough just to use vegetable oil instead of flour. They lubricate the cutting surface, as well as your hands.

Fried pies They will turn out especially tasty if you mix vegetable oil with ghee. But you don’t need to add a lot, otherwise the mixture will burn quickly.

Place the pies on the frying pan only with the seam side down. If you do the opposite, there is a high probability that the product will break apart.

The pies are placed only in hot oil. If it is not heated enough, it will penetrate into the dough, the products will turn out oily, too greasy and tasteless.