Like dating a married man in any. Karmic consequences of a relationship with a married man

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The question of the implications of married man happens so often. Let's take a look at the issues that concern women. Why are such connections dangerous? Consequences of delusions on the male account for the woman? How to break these unpromising relationship? Tips on how to survive a breakup if you love a married man?

Relationships between men and women have been and always will be complex. But even more of them are added when a girl starts dating a married man. The consequences of a relationship with a married man will surely bring only problems and grief. Do not flatter yourself about them, they only need new sensations. And pink dreams and greed for flattery, in the end, lead a woman to despair and loss.

Any psychologist will tell you that relationships with married people have no future. A man by nature is not permanent. New emotions of impression are important to him, and if a woman can gradually come to terms with the routine, devoting herself to children, then a man will not burden himself. He will go to look for new impressions on the side, and what the consequences will be, he will think about it later.

The problem of a woman in quick attachment to a partner. Not everyone can fall in love at first sight. A woman loves with her ears, which is what notorious womanizers use. Single ladies fall into the category of particular risk. Those who have their own business or are simply so insecure that the manifestation of attention is already becoming an event in life. Such women want to find an outlet, and sometimes they find out about the marriage union of their chosen ones when they have already fallen in love.

Upon learning that a loved one is busy, smart and strong natures will immediately break off relations. But not everyone is like that, most believe in fairy tales told by married people regularly. As advice, it is better to immediately run away from such a man.

There is no guarantee that you are the first or the last. He can easily meet with others in parallel. But there is still a wife who also suffers from the adventures of her husband. Put yourself in her place, then you will understand the illusory nature of all his promises, he also swore eternal love to her when he got married, right?

Why does a man take a mistress

What guides a married husband when he starts looking for a mistress? Here is how the men themselves answer this question:

  • Looking for another partner is a natural instinct, you can't run away from it. That is why any of the friends will always cover for the unfaithful spouse if his wife starts asking questions.
  • The search for new sensations is an opportunity to know the forbidden, and best friends can incite this, putting pressure on the most precious thing, the pride of a man. Like: "You're a man, but it's weak to have an affair on the side?" And the like.
  • Tired of housework. The wife is always tired, with a sore head, too busy.
  • Family problems and scandals. Daily sawing and pressure from the wife do not contribute to strengthening the marriage.
  • Just because they can afford it. Sometimes prosperity makes men think that everything is allowed to them, and the wife will endure everything.

This is only a small part of the excuses that men themselves convince themselves. In fact, the main reason is male attitude to life in general. They are sick of looking for complicated ways to solve family problems, it is much easier to run away from them. And then, when they get tired of wandering, they return to the family, asking for forgiveness, someone sincerely, someone, afraid to end up alone.

A woman should be aware that a man is a big child who does not want to have only one toy. At first, he is interested, but how he plays enough, he wants another. And the fact that there are many more women than men plays into their hands. Do not flatter yourself about them, love yourself first of all, then you will force yourself to be respected.

Likes or dislikes, where is the truth

A woman wants to be loved. And a married man, knowing this, after all, already has experience, seduces with promises and assurances of eternal passion and love. And sometimes it is difficult to understand what is true and what is false.

Psychologists say that a man goes through several stages of love:

  1. Attraction, passion, desire. He feels these emotions for any girl who attracts his attention. This feeling, which men put on a par with love, lasts for a year at most two.
  2. Attachment - they begin to experience this only with very close people, with those who are told the most secret secrets, they ask for advice. This does not happen often, and happens mainly with wives. It is with them that a man spends more time, a mistress is only a temporary refuge.
  3. Habit, responsibility, care - such feelings awaken in a man after 5-7 years, it all depends on the individual. Of course, children make a significant contribution to the development of attachment. It is difficult to break such a relationship, especially a fleeting hobby.

If a man really loves a woman, he will not cheat. will take the right decision and quickly, there is no need to push, the initiative will come from him.

Of course, feelings can fade over time, and new ones appear for another person. Therefore, if you feel that you are falling in love with a married man, then it is better to talk to him directly right away. Real love will not be built on tricks and lies, you or your wife. The truth is cruel and painful, but better than wasting precious time in a relationship with the wrong person.

What problems arise in connection with a married man

Relations with an unfree man will give little joy. After all, being a lover means being constantly alone, and only furtively experiencing happiness. Only here is a logical question, is such happiness worth the loss of the best years of life?

Family for a man will always come first. And all the fairy tales told to you in private are just a distraction. To make you feel sorry for him. Therefore, men try to play on the biggest weakness of a woman, the maternal instinct. When a person dear to your heart feels bad, you instinctively try to get closer to him, thereby driving yourself further into the abyss of sadness and suffering that will come after his departure.

Tip: Give your love only to worthy men who will appreciate you.

Sooner or later, a woman begins to think about own family, children. A married man will not give you such a guarantee. You should not reassure yourself that you are an exception and your lover will definitely fulfill his promises. According to statistics, only 2 percent of men leave families, but even in this case, there is no guarantee that he will not return as soon as he gets tired of you.

An established marital relationship is a comfort zone from which no man wants to get out. At home, a delicious dinner is always waiting for him, a clean house, loving children, a forgiving wife whom her husband has known for many years. Well, what kind of a man would drop all this and go to an unfamiliar woman, not knowing what kind of life awaits him there.

The problem of women is that there is no solidarity between them, unlike men. Not a single mistress will put herself in the place of her wife in order to understand how she feels deceived. But after all, the husband deceives not only his wife, but also his mistress, showering her with promises that he is not going to fulfill. And at the first sign or talk about a joint future, he will simply leave and find another.

Another important problem that can arise in a married relationship is a child. For a woman, this is happiness, but a married man will immediately see this as a huge problem. And it will do this:

  • Will leave her mistress to solve this problem on her own;
  • He will send him for an abortion because he does not need obligations, so he has his own family.
  • At best, he will support the child, occasionally seeing him.
  • Well, quite a rarity, he will take responsibility for telling everything to his wife. It is impossible to predict the consequences of such a decision, but one thing is clear, someone will suffer.

Can a relationship with a married man bring pleasure

Married people do not need problems, but they want new sensations that they are deprived of in the family. They are careful and will not call at the wrong time, it is easy to meet with them on the sly, there is no need to constantly give expensive gifts, because the husband may start asking uncomfortable questions. But there are still diseases that can be contracted by having promiscuous relationships.

Therefore, if a married man wants to start a relationship on the side, it is most convenient to look for a married woman. Smart people do just that. But not all are married, beautiful and young. Therefore, a man faces a dilemma: security or pleasure, which he values ​​​​higher.

Feminists are extremely scrupulous in matters of their own freedom. They value it more than family happiness. And the maternal instinct may wake up too late, if never at all. The destiny of such women is loneliness, surrounded only by pets.

Attention: How to build your life is up to you, but you should not believe that your own happiness, built on the grief of another person, can bring joy.

Women associate fate with married men for various reasons:

  • Naively, this is especially true of inexperienced young girls who believe that princes exist.
  • Fear of serious relationships and responsibility. This is inherent in notorious ladies whose childhood was problematic. So it is worth contacting a psychologist.
  • Complexes associated with many things: appearance, manner of speech, fear of men. In such cases, it is also worth consulting with a specialist and taking courses to improve self-esteem.
  • This is the easiest way to achieve success and prosperity at the expense of wealthy men.

Whatever your desire to date a married person is, stop for a moment and think about your future. What will it be like in two, three, five years? What guarantee can he give you?

The youth of a woman is not eternal, it flows through her fingers, and men always look at beauty, and only then they only try to look into the soul. Don't waste your time and energy on the unworthy. Not free guys are only able to promise, speak their teeth, put pressure on pity. Appreciate yourself, do not be content with the crumbs that a married man gives you.

How to cut ties with a married man

Breaking up with a married man is difficult. And the point is not only that it will be bad for you, your heart will begin to yearn and mental suffering become unbearable. The main problem is in the man himself, because if you break with him, then you hurt his pride and male pride. And this is worse than all your experiences.

Because social problems can also be added to them. A man will start insulting you in front of all the acquaintances he knows, trouble at work will begin. Even if the wife finds out, he will present the story in such a way that it was you who treacherously seduced his unfortunate man.

No man will ever admit his mistakes, trying to blame others for them. And the mistress, like no other, fits the role of an evil witch. If you decide to leave, get ready for the fact that he will not let you go just like that. He will start calling and again promising mountains of gold. Therefore, change your phone number, ideally, of course, work and city. Thus, you will minimize even casual meetings.

Most after a while will simply fall behind and find a new object. And you can start all over again and maybe meet your true love.

How to restore peace of mind after a breakup

Breakup always hurts. No matter how long you've been together, it's harder for a woman to bear the loss. Unlike men, a woman loves first of all with her heart and soul, and then with her body. Emotionally attached, then it's hard to get rid of feelings. A man experiences much easier by switching his attention to another object.

Take a break for something. Find an interesting hobby, delve into work, it helps not to think every minute about the betrayal and meanness of a loved one. Make new friends, do not close yourself off from the world, communication heals.

Instead of looking for businessmen, look for single promising guys. After all, a strong and successful man is brought up by a woman, with her support, advice, love and care. So is it worth wasting energy on someone who does not appreciate all this, already having a wife?

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When a woman is in love, any difficulties seem to be on her shoulder, she is sure: together you can overcome all troubles! Then the fog dissipates, and the pink lenses of the glasses lose their former charm. It turns out that the man next to him is not such a hero anymore, because he is afraid to admit to his wife that he has a “third extra”, because he does not want to change anything and shamelessly uses her. It is then that you have to put the question point-blank, what do you choose: to feed your heart with illusions, being content with the role of a “victim”, or to break the vicious connection, because self-respect is more expensive. The latter is chosen only by strong women, the pain lasts a long time, but the healing is worth it.

How to break up with a married man if you managed to become attached to him with your soul

To do this, we suggest doing 3 simple steps.

1 step. Reassessment of the situation and insight

What keeps a woman next to a married man? With her mind, she understands all the futility of her situation, but her heart does not want to let go of love so easily, which means that she needs to be convinced. Try to focus your thoughts on what you get out of this situation? Infrequent sex under the cover of lies for several years? Pathetic excuses of a man who tries to appease you with nothing in return? On holidays you are alone, in society you have to be known as a loner with an unenviable status. Look at the situation realistically, no matter how painful it may be.

Does your chosen one have negative sides? Maybe you can't rely on him? Or maybe he will cheat on you in the same way that he is cheating on his wife now? Age difference, bad habits, flaws in appearance, financial instability - do not be afraid to remind yourself that a man is not at all drawn to a "gift of fate", that this is just a temporary insanity of reason, a thirst for adventure, hopelessness. Anything but love! At least not from his side. At some point, common sense will outweigh, you will begin to see clearly and will be able to say a firm "goodbye."

2 step. Cutting off a man from the "power source"

Why does the stronger sex go to the side? There are many reasons: boredom in a relationship, sexual dissatisfaction, the search for a source of moral support or an outlet. The wife does not give something to the man, which you naively give away for free, helping the deceiver get a “dose” of euphoria and return home happy. Stop doing this - and the lover will leave you on his own, so you don’t have to torture yourself with explanations. Become such an unbearable and greedy bitch for him, like the women he hates - and he will be the first to escape, exposing his bastard insides.

How to do it? Turn on your brains. Start pestering him with your whims and tantrums on the topic “when will you leave your wife”? Become a rude and prudent woman who only thinks about her own enrichment - demand expensive gifts, gold rings, overseas trips, trips to restaurants. Refuse? Call him an insolvent impotent, redneck, sucker, in the end. No man will endure reproaches below the belt. And you can also play jealous hysterical, flirt with everyone you meet, call his colleagues or wife, punish the poor thing with a lack of sex. The tactic of complete disregard and selfishness also works well. Of course, you need to play believable, not using all the techniques at the same time.

3 step. hard knockout

If the man is still next to you, and it was not possible to make him run away, then you will have to cut him alive. Get ready in advance for the fact that all his oaths are empty words, because in 5 years he has not made a serious decision, what are you hoping for now? People change little, from the word "never". He will promise the moon, talk about his hopeless situation. Lies is everything, there is always a way out, you are both adults.

Stop crying, bending under his pressure and posing as " good girl", for which he was "a light in the window." Think only about yourself and your future, you already baked enough about it. Respect your time, heart, dreams, do not be fooled by provocations! Rehearse the speech ahead of time if needed. And cut the thread to the end, somehow you will get sick, you will suffer, but you will become stronger, make room for new relationships. No more torment.

How to live after a breakup and not yearn?

  • The first rule is not to keep emotions in yourself, not to close, but to give vent to all this pain. Watch sad movies, cry, dance, write swear letters to your ex and then burn them. Do not be afraid to drain everything that has boiled over the years, the pain cannot be left inside, it must be experienced. You can invite your friends for a glass of "hot" and together discuss the difficult lot of women, emancipated "princes" and the crisis of white horses. You can get on the forum and find free ears that will help you survive a difficult moment with music. The main thing is to let yourself speak out in order to calm down and accept the situation as it is.
  • The second stage is to redirect the released energy into business so that there is no temptation to return and destroy the remnants of pride. Are you experiencing financial difficulties? It's time to find a part-time job and take care of your future. A source of love and warmth can serve home pet, so seriously consider getting a “fluffy antidepressant” at home. And, of course, do not forget to fill your life with new experiences - sign up for courses foreign languages or in a group of oriental dances, participate in a running marathon, buy sexy lingerie, take makeup lessons. Load yourself, change your usual environment, meet new people - this will exhaust you, but it will not let bitter thoughts swarm in your head.

Parting is not the end, but a new round in life. It's time to improve relations with yourself, bring your body and thoughts into shape, fall in love with life again.

Romances with married men can be treated in two ways - for some they are non-committal entertainment, and someone is trying in every possible way to avoid such connections. Are there any advantages in such relationships, and how to end them with the least emotional loss?

How to find a married lover

If you have set yourself such a goal, then achieving it will not be difficult - you just need to register on a dating site. As a rule, on most of these resources, married men are trying to find a non-committal relationship. Consciously looking for connections with unfree men, most often women who themselves do not aspire to marriage. Also, such relationships do not exclude girls who need financial support, knowing that often married and wealthy lovers are particularly generous.

Where can you meet him if you are married?

Many women often seek out other men, even if they themselves are married. Just like the unmarried, they can meet a potential lover at work, on a dating site, at a resort, in a restaurant, and in many public places. Most often, such acquaintances of women are thrown by dissatisfaction with their own marriage. Nevertheless, not wanting, for some reason, to destroy the family, they are more willing to get in touch with a married man.

What are the advantages of such a novel:

1. A married man will not publicize your relationship. A free lover, sooner or later, may want to be the only one for his chosen one, and tell her husband about the betrayal, while a married person initially knows what he is doing, so he acts very carefully.

2. Usually you don’t expect unpleasant surprises from such men. They do not disappear suddenly, do not bother with calls and messages, well understanding the specifics of meetings with a non-free person.

3. You can be calm in terms of your health. Married men, unlike free men, most often do not go for casual relationships. If they already have a lover besides their wife, then they limit themselves to these two women. Accordingly, the risk of getting some kind of venereal disease is minimized.

How to behave in order to interest him

Married men differ little in the perception of women from unmarried men, so if he is interested in a connection on the side, then it will not be difficult to seduce him. However, in this case, one appearance is not limited. A man must understand that you do not consider him as your potential husband. Free women should be told that they do not plan to tie the knot anytime soon. In turn, married women should be mentioned that although there are problems in their family, divorce is unacceptable for them.

All the pros and cons when dating a married man


  • If you are an opponent of formal marriages and generally do not want to get involved in serious relationship, then this option may suit you perfectly.
  • You have problems in your marriage that you cannot solve, however, you are not ready to terminate it. In this case, a new romance can distract you from family troubles.
  • You are experiencing serious financial difficulties, and a married boyfriend promises to help you with solving financial problems, or you understand that this relationship will save you at least some difficulties of this kind.
  • You are unable to start an affair with a free man, it seems to you that you are not interested in the opposite sex, and a married admirer is trying in every possible way to achieve your location. A short relationship in this situation will help you boost your self-esteem.
  • You know that your husband is dishonest with you, and you want to take revenge on him. Some women in this case decide to cheat, and opt for a married man, realizing in advance that they do not count on a long-term relationship with him.


  • You can get used to a lover and wish to start a family with him. The chosen one, in turn, will not be ready to destroy his marriage, which will inevitably lead to stress.
  • If you are single and your lover is married, over time you will begin to feel more and more that you are wasting time with him. While a man lives a full life, you are forced to be content with fitful meetings.
  • It is likely that the lover's wife will be aware of your relationship. This can turn into a big scandal for you, which your friends, colleagues or relatives can find out about. Remember that some deceived wives are very creative in their revenge.
  • Having got used to a married man, gradually you will begin to torment yourself with jealousy for his wife. Instead of an easy romance, you will provide yourself with depressed mood and irritability.
  • Your self-esteem may drop. At first, meetings with a married man sometimes bring a certain "sharpness" to life, but gradually it becomes boring. You will want to be the only and beloved for your chosen one. In addition, the attitude towards mistresses in society is rather ambiguous, and you will want to be in a similar status less and less.

How to build such relationships

Don't make a scene. As a rule, people go into such relationships to solve some of their problems, and not add new ones to themselves. Surely, a married man who is not completely satisfied with his relationship with his wife will not meet with a woman for a long time, with whom everything is also not going smoothly.

Exercise caution. Over time, many lovers begin to lose vigilance, which turns out to be an exposure for them. If you do not want your novel to be declassified, avoid texting and social networking messages - they may be read by the wrong person. The same applies to dates - do not meet in places where acquaintances or friends can see you.

The man is married and the girl is free

Many married men choose to date girls who are not married or otherwise romantically involved. Being an owner by nature, such a man wants to be the only one for his mistress, despite the fact that he himself lives with another.

As a rule, such an affair runs the risk of turning into much bigger problems for the cheater than relationships with married girls. A free woman gradually realizes that she, too, would like her lover to belong to her alone. The status of a mistress is becoming less and less attractive, and nothing else is foreseen. Often the affair has to be kept secret, so when friends go somewhere with their boyfriends or celebrate holidays in pairs, a girl dating a married man is forced to feel slighted. She is no longer satisfied with secret meetings, and she begins to put pressure on her lover, hinting at a divorce, or even demanding it.

The outcome may be different. As a rule, if the relationship lasted for many years, that man may not decide on a divorce. If the romance began quite recently, parting with his wife does not threaten with major losses and the man is sincerely in love with a girl who is in many ways superior to his wife, then he can go for divorce.

Romance of a married woman with a non-free

In this case, lovers are less likely to decide on a divorce. The man and his mistress already have families of their own, so none of them are chasing a stamp in their passport. In addition, if people decide to start relationships on the side rather than divorce, then there is a very small chance that in the end it will still come to divorce. Often, if families break up, this happens when the spouses of lovers find out about the betrayal, and they themselves become the initiators of the divorce.

In general, such a relationship can last longer than when the girl is free. Firstly, a married girl already has the status of a wife and does not pursue him. Secondly, a married woman, like her lover, is more cautious and prudent than a free woman.

Married men who go into relationships with married women see many advantages in this for themselves. Usually, such a romance guarantees them pleasant meetings, and saves them from unnecessary requests. Free girls periodically need male help - with car repairs, household appliances and the like. married girls more often turn with these requests to the spouse. In addition, such a girl does not often need to give gifts. she doesn't want to arouse her husband's suspicions. In turn, free needs more attention.

What the statistics say, is marriage possible after such a relationship

The statistics in this case are rather fuzzy. However, it is worth noting that in most cases, if a man did not decide to divorce in the first year after a lover appeared in his life, then later it will be harder for him, because he will get used to the current state of affairs. A man who has only recently become interested in another and at the same time relationships with her bring him a lot of positive emotions is more malleable and easier to divorce.

fall in love with yourself

In this situation, you should act as with any other chosen one. If you want a man to fall in love, then you must always look well-groomed and seductive. Even if you have Bad mood, the lover should not feel this - let him always be pleased to be in your company.

Also pay attention to how you feel about it. Sincerely support a man, be his inspiration, rejoice in his success. He must understand that you are the woman who is truly interested in his personality, desires for hobbies.

You must arouse interest in other people or be a fairly versatile person. Take up a new interesting hobby. Pay attention to dancing - many men like girls who are passionate about some kind of dance direction. It intrigues them, excites the imagination. Try to live an exciting life so that the chosen one is interested in you.

Through pregnancy

If you decide to get pregnant from a married man, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to raise the baby yourself. If a man's family already has children, then your position will not make a big impression on him. Moreover, he may decide that the relationship has become too complicated and leave you. It is for these reasons that you must understand that while he is married, the responsibility for the decision to have a baby lies only with you.

Another case is if there are no children in the man's family. Perhaps the spouses did not manage to conceive a child, or the wife decided to postpone it - then your chances increase significantly. For many people, children are associated with family happiness, respectively, a man will begin to understand that not his current spouse, but you and your common child are his family. However, keep in mind that the situation may turn out differently if the man has not yet planned to become a father and this prospect causes him doubts.

In any case, it is better to discuss this topic with a man in advance. Ask him how events would develop if he found out about your pregnancy. Most likely, his answer will be close to the truth.

"In war, as in war - all methods are good"

1) If the spouse knows about your existence, or at least suspects, then at home the man regularly encounters conflict situations. You must act completely differently - support your beloved, say that you are ready to let him go if necessary. He should feel comfortable and at ease with you.

2) Don't pressure him. You should be superior to his spouse in many ways, but do not demand that he leave you. He himself must understand that you are a more advantageous option. If you want a man to become more active, it is better to report that you have a fan. Jealousy can make him make a choice in your favor.

3) Become a close person to him, and we are talking not only about the intimate side of the issue. Support your lover, cheer, show his high importance for yourself. Ask for his advice more often, praise him and admire him.

4) Don't try to get your spouse to know about you. Most likely, the lover will immediately understand who became the "source of information", even if you are careful. Your initiative, for sure, will push him away and put an end to this relationship.

5) Create favorable conditions for meetings. If the dates are at your place, make it comfortable for him to come to you. cook delicious food keep your home clean. Let the man have his own slippers, a favorite cup, bought especially for him. If you are meeting on neutral territory, also find an opportunity to show concern for your lover, he will pay attention to this.

How to end an affair with an unfree man

Most women who have at least once entered into a long-term relationship with a married man try not to repeat such an experience again, and such admirers become taboo for them.

Even if it turns out to “take away” a person from the family, this does not always bring the expected feeling of satisfaction. If a man decides to still stay with his wife, then the woman may feel used or become depressed. So, you understand that you have more negative emotions from these relationships than positive ones? It's time to finish this novel!

How to do it:

  • Realize that such a relationship most likely has no future. While a man lives a family life, and even spends time with his mistress, you are simply wasting time. You become attached to this person and begin to consider him the main man in your life. However, for him the main woman is the one with whom he lives, no matter what he tells you.
  • Understand that you are being used. A man who would love you would belong only to you - it's so natural and obvious. He would certainly find ways to solve all difficulties, and reunite with his beloved woman. Being in a relationship with you, he most likely wants to spice up his life, escape from the family routine, or just trying to increase his own self-esteem.
  • Having decided to leave such relationships in the past, do not delay it, because you have already lost a lot of time. Let your lover know that you are forced to end your relationship, not seeing any further prospects for yourself. Note that you are ripe for marriage, and the relationship with him takes you time and effort that you could use to find the right person for you.
  • Most likely, the lover managed to get used to you, so the prospect of parting is unlikely to please him. Be prepared for various promises and manipulations. He may say that he will divorce soon or say that he has already told his wife everything, but he needs some more time to leave her. All these are just words. Warn the man that something might work out for you when he shows you the divorce papers and finally separates from his wife. Voice him and remind yourself that you are worthy of an open relationship with a free person.
  • You need to get out of the habit of meeting with your lover, live a completely different life. Often, your desire to limit communication with a married man may not be immediately accepted by him, and for some time he will still remind you of himself. The best way to avoid this - to go on a trip for a while. Try to find such an opportunity. A change of scenery will allow you to look at the whole situation from the outside and make it easier to accept changes in your life.
  • Having warned your lover that you no longer want to meet and communicate with him, cut off all contacts. Block him in in social networks and blacklist his phone number. It is possible that you will have to change your number if the boyfriend is too persistent.
  • Determine for yourself why you went into such a relationship - you lacked male attention, you had financial difficulties, you were just bored. All these difficulties are completely solvable. male attention can be obtained by taking up different types of hobbies that interest guys. Become a football fan, often go to the shooting range, bowling, to car shows. Many women meet life partners on a dating site. To solve financial difficulties, find a suitable job, because a lover can leave you at any time, and financial difficulties you still have to decide for yourself. If a married man just filled your life with new experiences, then start scooping them up in a new place - take up active hobbies, meet friends more often, go to interesting crowded places.
  • Understand that by dating this man, you yourself are depriving yourself of the chance to create a full-fledged family. While you are waiting for his decision or spending your energy and nerves on trying to “take away” from the family, other people get to know each other, fall in love with each other and get married. Think about how you would feel being the only woman and beloved wife in the life of a worthy man? Surely, this is much more pleasant than sharing a lover with another woman, who, moreover, is clearly in a more advantageous position.
  • Chances are, you will always be unsettled in a marriage with a man who already has a history of adultery. You can convince yourself as much as you like that in your family life everything will be different, but this man has already made several conclusions that will be unpleasant for you. Firstly, he is used to running away from problems in the family or with his chosen one, plunging into other relationships. Secondly, he realized that, no matter what, you can share it with another woman, and if he becomes interested in someone else, it will not be new for you to realize that you are not the only one with him.
  • To less worry about parting with your lover, fill your time with work or new hobbies as much as possible. Do not follow his life and do not be interested in his affairs - take care of yourself. This can be a daunting task, so it makes sense to write out an action plan for the coming month. You need to occupy yourself so much that there is simply no time for sad thoughts and boredom.
  • If you have a free admirer, try giving him a chance at a relationship. You must again feel what it is - communication without humiliating conditions. You will not need to hide with your chosen one from casual acquaintances, you will be able to write messages and call him without fear, you will not have to share him with another woman or spend holidays alone.

Starting a relationship with an initially busy partner, every woman asks herself about the future fate of the union and the consequences of sympathy.

If love for a married man overtook, karma will not necessarily change, but it all depends on your specific role in the development of that family and your feelings. Let's talk about what an illegal union leads to, and if you are interested in the karma of a lover or a traitor, read the corresponding article on our website.

What to do if you find a karmic married husband

Sometimes it happens that a karmically destined man turns out to be not free. As a rule, this happens because for another woman this partner turned out to be life-changing. Such an epithet cannot be equated with the “man of fate”, because in the first case it is only meant that the spouse is a catalyst for some external changes for the lady. At the same time, he is not karmically connected with his wife, since it was originally conceived by fate that this man spiritually will change exactly the woman who has to be content with the role of a mistress.

Karmic punishment from such a turn of life is unlikely to come if you do not intentionally destroy someone else's family and actively interfere in your partner's relationship with his wife (or, even worse, with children). Usually, fate corrects its own mistakes, so that either the marriage of a loved one will still end and he will leave for you, or you will still receive from him the same wise experience and the life lesson you need, but in the position of a mistress. In the second case, the woman herself at some point understands that the union has exhausted itself, and decides to end the relationship.

The karmic connection with a married man in this situation will be rather healing, so the break will be natural and painless.

In such conditions, you can fight and you need to fight for your happiness, if you can tell yourself with confidence that you trust your partner, believe him, that you love each other mutually. If you allow even for a minute the idea that he is indifferent to your feelings about this situation or can even leave you, the relationship must be broken off. Don't be afraid to take the initiative, talk to the person.

Karmic relationship with a married man as a punishment

It also happens that a destructive relationship in which a woman finds herself in the status of a lover is already in itself a punishment for past karmic sins. A lady can repay a debt, for example, for the fact that in her former reincarnation she acted badly towards her cheating husband or his passion.

In this situation, of course, there will be no additional punishment for such a relationship. But there is a lot of suffering, worries and emotional unrest for a woman, and this cross must be carried with dignity if you really love this person.

Of course, it is not worth giving birth to an illegitimate child, and it is unlikely to succeed, because the punishment may be accompanied by problems with reproductive function or be associated with the health of the baby. Do not tie your partner to you with children, because you are already so bad because of the circumstances, and if your offspring suffer, it will only get worse. If you have such a connection with a married man, karma can pass on to the next generation, because you will not repay the debt.

Usually, this karmic situation is resolved by itself, when a person has worked out the debt properly and for the right amount of time, showed humility and humility to fate. You can break off these relationships, but it is possible that your life will begin to develop in a spiral, and you will again come to the same round of illegal relationships, but with a different partner.

If this happened, then you could not get out of the past relationship correctly, and now you need to look for another solution to resolve the problem.

Relations with a married man: karma as a test

Sometimes this connection acts as a vital obstacle aimed at the spiritual growth of both partners. As a rule, the task of a person in such a situation is to gain courage and end mutual suffering, be honest with himself and draw the right conclusions. In such a situation, the punishment from the law of karma will befall you if you want to be cunning and still stay with this partner without changing yourself. There will be no happiness in such conditions.

Radical measures in the form of breaking the union are necessary here, since the endless negative emotions from the relationship will only build up new negative karma that passes into your next life. And the conscious overcoming of the problem, on the contrary, strengthens good karma and protects your future children by strengthening the generic energy.

Sometimes it also happens that a partner who is married is given by fate for the realization of a female karmic task. That is, his status does not matter, this person is needed only for a short time so that the lady can change and grow as a person. In such a situation, for example, a woman can become pregnant and be left alone.

If you have a child from a married man, karma will not get worse from this if you do not destroy someone else's family. It also does not mean that you are thus punished for the sins of past reincarnations. It was just fate that it was conceived that the girl realizes her destiny at the expense of this man, who then does not matter. Under these conditions, a woman, as a rule, does not worry that everything ended like this, she realizes that this is for the better, because she has become wiser.

Harmonious connection with a married man and karma

Imagine a situation in which a woman is a mistress and is quite happy with herself. The love triangle amuses her, she benefits from the union and does not suffer in any way. In such a situation, perhaps the partner herself is a karmic test or punishment for the legal wife or the spouse himself.

In this case, the relationship will end when someone from that family makes a certain right choice. It is also possible that neither side suffers at all. If everyone agrees with these conditions, then the karmic consequences of a relationship with a married man will not come at all, because no one suffers. At the same time, it is very important that children born in the family or already on the side do not suffer.

Why You Shouldn't Date a Married Man: Karma and Consequences

In some cases, unfortunately, none of the situations described above is relevant to reality. And communication with someone else's partner is a simple whim and whim of a woman who only makes things worse for herself, because she pollutes her karma, increases the chances of working off heavy debts in her next lives.

The lover lives in the illusion that this is her karmic partner, but she is mistaken and only destroys strong family ties, takes the man of fate away from his destined wife. Where does such a situation lead?

Strengthening the karma of a loner

Possessing a man who is not intended for her by the design of fate, a woman loses sight of her potential fateful partners and real karmic life partners. As a result, she may be left alone when the alliance with the unfree companion ends.

Depletion of pledged healthy karma

If there is a meeting with a married man, the karma of the female essence loses some of its healthy energy, since all the potential is spent on the realization of a partner. Historically, nature has developed in such a way that the karmic goal of the weaker sex is to help a man improve himself, get settled in life, find himself and, through this, find himself as a woman.

But a foreign partner can never become a participant in an equivalent energy exchange. As a result, the lady is not able to realize her true destiny, because she is exhausted at the energy-informational and spiritual levels. But as practice shows, a woman gives her energy not only to her lover herself, but also to his whole family, because she takes the received charge back to her house.

For the whole 7 years after the breakup, the mental connection of the partners is preserved, so the woman is still long years remains without energy and suffers.

Intercepting someone else's fate

Sexual contact with a strange man increases the likelihood of invading the wife's energy vibrations and taking over her karma. You can also accidentally take over your partner's karma.

Deformation of energy shells

Because of the negativity that can come to a mistress from a mother-in-law, mother, children and, of course, a partner's wife, breakdowns in the aura are guaranteed for a woman. As you know, in the subtle matter around a person there is also that layer that is responsible for previous lives.

If the negative information is so strong that it penetrates there, misfortunes are guaranteed for the lady in future reincarnations. A curse or lapel is perhaps the most dangerous karmic punishment for having a relationship with a married man.

Wives who are also mothers of 2-3 children have so much negativity towards other women that they can curse the whole family and clan, and then the karma of subsequent generations will be spoiled. This situation can be changed only by the repentance of the mistress and working off the karmic debt for the rest of your life.

Chakra problems

Since the energy system inside a person is closely connected with his external aura, many psychics notice, when diagnosing mistresses, a blockage of healthy life force flows in the solar plexus area. This affects not only the possibilities, but also the ability of a woman to start a family.

Changing the karma of the unborn child

Surprisingly, if a woman does not break strong karmic knots with a past married partner, she transmits information about his gender even to that baby who was born from another person 2-10 years later!

Of course, for this you need to be a mistress for a long time and stick to your partner, but still, the possibility of telegonia can never be ruled out. A child who has an energy connection with other men, and not his own father, has a very weak tribal and personal karma, his fate is not determined.

Passing on your fate to offspring

When there is communication with a married man, the karma of a real woman worsens, as already indicated above. But if she did not manage to find a partner that was really suitable for her and did not even realize her mistake, could not learn any lesson from such a sad experience, then no matter who the child was born from, he would get part of the mother’s unsuccessful personal life. First of all, it concerns daughters.


If a married partner distracts a woman from fulfilling her true karmic goal, her energy will become weak, and this will lead to loosening of immunity. As a result, the body becomes a potential breeding ground for diseases, and besides, the lady's intuition is muffled.

Moreover, the presence of debts in karma caused by relationships with someone else's spouse leads to specific ailments not only for a mistress. So, in the body of deceived wives, the risk of mastopathy increases, and the 2nd chakra overflows in the traitor, which causes adenoma. When a person prevents true loving hearts from connecting and deceives others (in particular, a mistress), he has an increased likelihood of neurodermatitis.

It is worth noting that if women know about each other, during sex they put more aggression and destructive energy into their partner. It leads to disease genitourinary system both for a man (as a carrier of this negativity) and for ladies (as recipients of these vibrations).

Return of the boomerangs

Sometimes karma can work in such a way that a man who has left the family again begins to cheat on a new passion. This is a classic scenario of returning karmic debt for your mistakes, when the mistress has to endure the same unpleasant feelings that she provoked in the deceived wife.

How to clear karma: get out of your head with a married man

The first stage of liberation from the burden of unnecessary relationships is awareness. First you need to figure out that this is really not a suitable partner for you. To understand this, in general, is not difficult. If a woman has ceased to enjoy life, she is sick a lot, comes out of jealousy, does not feel support and help from a man, it means that the experienced feeling is difficult to call love.

When there are no common interests, there is only tension and fear, there is no financial security or spiritual intimacy, one must seriously think about what can be taken out of this union.

When it is established that the relationship does not bring any benefit, you need to understand that in maintaining it, you show dislike for yourself and children. You invade someone else's space and for this you will answer to fate in various forms of suffering, illness and problems. Then you need to cleanse your life from the external presence of this person. Change your phone number, change your place of residence, throw away all the reminders in the form of gifts and photos. You don’t need to remember past pleasant moments, it’s better to make plans for a happy future with another man.

In order for karma to be restored, a married man must return to his original family. Therefore, it is so important to mentally ask for forgiveness from his legal wife and children. If she knows about the betrayal, you need to apply personally. You can go to church to pray and forgive sin.

Many yoga masters advise women who have a relationship with someone else's partner to resort to an exercise to clear karma from someone else's energy. The loving man himself can use the same practice:

  • Stand up, connect your feet, lower your arms. Do the so-called pushes. during which the anus will tense up and raise your reserves of internal energy. It is necessary to raise the flow to the crown, for this the ladies repeat 5 pushes, and the men one less.
  • Between thrusts, the anus relaxes. You should feel the rising energy fill your head. At the end, you need to calmly exhale, imagining that the flows are spreading through the body. Do the practice twice a day after regular exercise. Borrow even after parting with a partner.

If you have sincere and strong love for a married man, karma will not change and will not suffer when it was intended by fate. In such a situation, mutual feelings and even existing suffering become fertile ground for self-improvement.

In other circumstances, it makes sense to be chaste. Remember, if you steal someone else's karmic partner, you will also take away about 1/16 of the wife's own negative karma.

A certain part of women is sure that her only betrothed lives somewhere, which is intended only for her. Often the fate of the villain presents an unexpected surprise, where the same “prince on a white horse” is already busy.

This stops some young ladies, but there are also those who spit on circumstances and are ready to achieve their goal in any way.

A lady, agreeing to be a mistress, should first of all think over this decision very well, since it has a number of negative aspects:

First, secret dates may not last long. After a couple of meetings, there is a chance that you will part forever.

Secondly, will it be possible to constantly be in a state of expectation. After all, you never know for sure when your loved one will make an appointment or call.

Thirdly, women very often torment themselves with questions about whether the chosen one will leave their spouse and children, how long this romance will last, and so on, because it is not always possible to consult with loved ones. Few will support adultery.

Misunderstanding and contradictions torment a woman who agreed to meet with a married man.

Only the representative of the fair sex, who decided on such a relationship, can understand the current situation. A psychologist from the outside will not give the right answer, but will direct thoughts in the right direction.

Often, a connection with an unfree man has no prospects. Psychologists recommend that unfree women be prepared for the fact that the love story will end abruptly. There is no need to build castles in the air, so the look at what is happening should be realistic.

The advice of a psychologist of the following kind will help build a relationship with a married man:

  • The right relationship strategy will help build relationships with your unfree loved one and extend the candy-bouquet period.
  • Anyone who wants to enjoy the relationship with a not free gentleman to the maximum, needs to carefully hide him from outsiders. You should not tell your friends, even if you are sure that they will keep the secret. In the future, this will turn into problems for you and for your lover.
  • The desire to hide the affair will have a positive effect on the extension of the novel, because the girl will show her lover that she can be trusted.
  • Under no circumstances should you criticize your lover's wife! No matter how trite it may sound this advice, but this is one of the secrets of how to build a relationship. During the conversation, it is desirable to support the chosen one.
  • Don't try to be better than your wife. It is necessary to compensate for those qualities that she does not have. She cooks badly, cook what he likes. She does not listen to her lover - become the best listener for him.
  • Submission and devotion to the beloved contributes to the extension of sympathy.
  • You can aggravate the situation if you make scandals, call your spouse and insist on a divorce. All these showdowns are enough for a lover at home.

You must be restrained, calm, well-groomed and passionate. These qualities will distinguish you from the missus.

How to build a relationship with a married man so that the romance lasts as long as possible? The behavior of a mistress plays a big role in maintaining a relationship with someone's husband. She should not be imposed and try to keep the chosen one by any means. It is allowed to hint after a while that this situation is not normal, so you are waiting for a decision from him. It is enough to do it once, and then just wait. If the lover's intentions are serious, then he himself will take the first step. While waiting, the mistress becomes only an observer, and not an active participant in the process of breaking up someone else's family.

If nothing changes during the year, then nothing will change in the future. The husband will not leave the family.

With a married man, the psychology of relationships is different than with a bachelor. Professionals advise creating a cozy nest at home, where the chosen one will rest and relax from work and life. Of course, this must be seasoned with great sex, which is so often lacking in married life.

Why is my husband looking for another

Men's initiative often serves as the beginning of an affair. A sign of female sympathy is a look or a slight smile, but the first step is taken by the representative of the stronger sex. Of course, in any case there are exceptions, but they only confirm the rule.

It happens that the relationship has gone far enough and only then the girl finds out that her chosen one is already married. Why didn't he say anything about it?

Psychologists agree that this situation is due to an unsettled life in the family. There are many reasons why a husband finds solace on the side. Here are some small examples:

  • A legal spouse is an imperious person who suppresses a legal spouse. He, in turn, in order to preserve his manhood, begins to search for a passion who will not put pressure on him.
  • The wife ceases to excite her husband as a sexual object. The family is harmonious, but there is not enough intimacy, this serves as a pretext for male infidelity.
  • Both spouses do not understand each other at all, and live together only because of the children.

The list can be continued indefinitely.

What motivates women

Becoming the mistress of a married man can force a desire for self-affirmation, especially for married ladies who have become sick of life with their spouse due to the constant solution of domestic difficulties. With a lover, everything is like the first time. He is gallant, courteous, respectable, knows how to compliment and present nice gifts. Hormones are pumping again, and the sex is just divine!

Sometimes psychological unrest comes from childhood, pushing for close communication with married men. Perhaps the girl grew up in an incomplete family, or her father was too immersed in work and did not pay due attention to her daughter. If so, according to psychologists, the young lady may be afraid to create her own unit of society, and therefore agree to be in the limbo of adultery.

Benefits of an extramarital affair

Intrigue with someone else's spouse will be useful if:

  • You want to maintain freedom and independence, but at the same time have a permanent partner for sex.
  • For young people, love with the unfree is a way to improve their material condition. The main thing is not to sell too cheap and settle only for expensive presents and substantial assistance.
  • A lady who has an affair with a married boyfriend can always find a suitable groom for herself. As long as she has a connection with another, she can look closely at the others and calmly choose, and not rush at the first person she meets.
  • Married women can also have a lover to confirm female attractiveness, as well as to get thrills that are not with a legal husband.

If you approach the current situation from the right side, you can see many advantages. But there are also disadvantages, which we have already partially discussed above.

Negative sides

Many ladies who were once with not free gentlemen, to the question: “Is it easy to be a mistress?”, Will answer in the negative. Extramarital affairs do not always work out perfectly, therefore, in order not to suffer in the future, it is undesirable for lovers to build illusions about a joint future.

With each passing day, it is usually more and more difficult to realize the fact that a loved one must be shared with his wife.

To imagine him in the arms of another is unbearable, as a result, you can get a nervous breakdown. Everything secret becomes clear, and someday the wife finds out about her husband's infidelity. And it certainly will not lead to anything good. Scandal, tears, painful breakup, broken hopes.

Short dates, holidays and weekends alone - this is exactly what awaits a woman who has agreed to become the lady of the heart of an unfree man. As a result, she will inevitably think about the prospects for her future life. Is it worth continuing?

boomerang law

Before agreeing to the role of a kept woman, think about whether you would like your spouse to be unfaithful? Probably not. Remember the boomerang law. Sooner or later everyone gets tired of playing love games and people get married. Here there may come a retribution for all the negative emotions that the lawful wife of a traitor husband experienced. Some believe that a woman, becoming a homeowner, predicts the future for herself. It is quite possible that an identical situation will happen to her.

It may also happen that after a certain time, the ringed lover will find himself a new sympathy. And the former lover is out of work. So there is a fee for communication with a married guy. To be as insured as possible from such a development of events, take a closer look at the gentleman and, if his character has a craving for adventure on the side, think carefully again.

To avoid an unfortunate fate, a girl on the first dates must definitely find out if her boyfriend is free. Yes, there is a risk that he will deceive, but if you ask a question at the wrong time and directly, the lie will be noticeable. After receiving the answer, you should think about this connection with such a person. It might be better to finish it before it even starts. So it will be possible to prevent not only their suffering, but also the members of the womanizer's family. Children suffer the most in a situation of infidelity when they see that disagreements and scandals occur between their parents.

sharp break

How does a relationship with a married chosen one end: a wedding or separation? In most cases, a break. If after a year he has not divorced his spouse and continues to find reasons why he does not, then you will need to take the first step to stop secret meetings.

Only after a break with the gentleman has occurred, you can begin to look for a suitable candidate for husbands and create your own family. Ladies who wish to free themselves from the shackles and move on must work on themselves. For this it is recommended:

  • cut off all ties with a lover;
  • change phone number;
  • remove from social networks;
  • change the lock on the door.

Going to a psychologist helps a lot. Girlfriends in this case will not help, because women often develop an inferiority complex and disbelief in their own strength during an extramarital affair. These are psychological problems that must be dealt with. Only by changing can one begin to live anew.

Do not get hung up on an affair with a not free gentleman, take it as a temporary phenomenon. You don't have to give up meeting new people.

With someone else's husband, it will hardly be possible to go out somewhere or spend a weekend together, but with a bachelor you can live openly, make phone calls at any time of the day, visit public places and not be afraid that someone will see and make a scandal. Enjoying life is much more pleasant than living in anticipation of the next arrival of a lover for several hours, and then a long silence.