K.r. children's reading

At one zoo farm, Praskovya worked. She took care of the foxes. On the eve of the holidays, the director of the farm, Nekrasov, did not give the woman a well-deserved bonus. Praskovya really hoped for this money, she wanted to help her relative, who was in a difficult situation. The worker was upset, such a turn of events was not part of her plans at all.

On this day, in the service, everything literally fell out of her hands. In such a depressed state, Praskovya forgot to close the cage with the foxes. When it was time for feeding, the woman saw that two especially important polar foxes were missing. One of them, nicknamed Napoleon, had a unique fur, the color of platinum. The second, under the name 116, was also considered rare. Both animals were highly valued, and if they were lost, the farm would suffer huge losses. Upon learning of this, Nekrasov was furious. Zoo farm workers decided to look for Arctic foxes.

The director and foreman made many attempts to find valuable specimens. Even the hound of a local hunter did not help, he simply lost the trail. All their efforts were in vain. The entire zoo farm was concerned about this event. Something urgently needed to be done. Nekrasov decided to let the fox out of the cage, named Marquis. He had already somehow escaped from the farm, but having squandered through the forests, hungry and ragged, he returned. Then he returned the escaped Arctic fox Riesling. This time, Nekrasov hoped that the Marquis would bring the two fugitives back.

The director's plan worked, the Marquis found the animals and took them to the zoo farm. Everything would have ended well if it were not for the freedom-loving nature of Napoleon. He did not want to go back to the cage, so he ran away from the Marquis, followed by 116.

When the animals were walking near the country road, 116 Shamov, who was passing by, caught him. He mistook the fox for a fox and took him to the farm. Delighted, Nekrasov issued the driver a reward in the amount of two chervonets.

Napoleon ran on. He tried to avoid crowded places. After some time, the fox ended up in the village of Kovylkino. There he got into a fight with local dogs. He was rescued and taken by the carpenter Merinov. He settled Napoleon along with his dog Palma. The fox liked his new home.

Part 2

The next day, mutts wandered into the Merinovs' yard. They saw Napoleon and started bullying again. The boy Lesha walked by, he saved the fox and took it with him. Lesha had not yet gone to school, so he had a lot of free time. The boy tied the arctic fox to a string and began to play with it in the school yard. Lesha presented himself as a great traveler, and the Arctic fox, whom he named Filka, was supposed to accompany the detachment on an expedition to the North.

At this time, the school was going training sessions. Vera, the daughter of the carpenter Merinov, saw the whole picture through the window. She recognized the polar fox that her father had brought yesterday. The girl, along with the teacher, went to save Napoleon. The animal was left at school for the night. They put him in a rabbit cage. The next day they decided to return the fox to the farm.

Napoleon had been wandering free for several days. His expensive platinum fur coat turned into a shabby faded fur, the fox itself became like a stray dog.

Morning came, the director of the school called the zoo farm. The children did not want to part with a funny animal, they were sure that a collar would be sewn from a fox. Lesha took Napoleon and hid. Nekrasov, director of the zoo farm, urgently arrived at the school. He informed the children about the need to return the fox to the farm. Nekrasov allowed the students to come to their zoo farm and take care of the animals. The guys decided to return the animal, but in the place where Lesha hid it, the fox was not there. The boy set Napoleon free to reach the North Pole. The children were upset and offended by Vera. After all, it was she who insisted that Lesha hide the animal.

Arriving home, Vera found Napoleon in a kennel near Palma. The girl was delighted and took the animal to Nekrasov. She then pondered for a long time whether she had done the right thing. The fox was returned to the zoo farm.

It was night, all the animals were sleeping, only two cages were restless. The Marquis and 116 rushed about their dwellings, looking with interest at the sleeping Napoleon.

A month later, Napoleon escaped again. No one knows where he fled this time. Maybe the North Pole?

This book teaches love for animals.

6 reviews

Rated the book

Yuri Koval is a unique phenomenon for me in Soviet literature. He wrote for children, but literary language his is so rich, original and pure that the feeling of childishness of literature does not arise at all. Even, on the contrary, sometimes you wonder if the children will be able to appreciate such an elegant verbal curtsy? However, kids can. Not at the analytical level, but at the level of sensations, because Yury Koval wrote, first of all, sincerely.

"Nedopesok" is a story about the delightful beauty of an arctic fox, which can teach a child to see behind any text not only a fascinating plot. although a fascinating plot, light humor and bright characters are also present here. "Nedopesok" can become a primer for entering more complex, no longer children's literature, in which it is not enough just to follow the story and imagine the movement. It is very difficult for Nedopyos-Napoleon not to empathize, but somehow you just get into his uncomfortable place, you understand that there is no way further without analysis and metaphors. Even if you are a child.

Nedopyosok-Napoleon the Third was born in captivity, was bred by human hands on a polar fox farm for the wonderful beauty of fur. And his fate is to go for someone's warm coat. But Napoleon the Third carried in his genes not only a magical fur, but also a fierce desire to break free, inherited from his ancestors. What freedom is, he imagines badly, because he has never seen it. And yet his sharp nose is steadily turned to the north, like a compass needle, and it is there that his paws and the call of the ancestors carry. The underdog runs away, they catch him, he runs away, they help him, they catch him, he ... Well, in general, you understand. It will not be boring in terms of action here, especially since there are not only leaf pioneers with a halo over their heads, but there are bunglers, and hooligans, and nasty adults.

The persistence with which a young inexperienced arctic fox runs to no one knows where is amazing. And how relative beauty is in this world: two minutes ago it was an amazingly beautiful animal, and now it’s some kind of dirty mongrel, not even a fox, but smeared in I don’t understand what a spitz. By the way, it's funny that the publishers of that time saw in the desire to get to the north an analogy with Jewish emigration, in connection with which there were some difficulties in printing "Nedopeska".

The child has a lot to think about. Adults have a lot to be nostalgic about. I didn’t read Koval as a child, so for the first time I could enjoy his wonderful language. And that's great.

Rated the book

A very good children's story about a polar fox who grew up on a fur farm, but obviously did not want to decorate someone's fashionable coat with his fur. So Napoleon III (that's the name of the hero of the book) runs out of the cage at the first opportunity. It's just that he's still small. Yes, and he believes in people - he, in fact, did not see anything bad from them and did not know another life. And, although he spent his whole life in a cage, they fed and looked after him well. Wow what a handsome man. But bondage is bondage. And the animal feels it.
I was very disappointed in the final. For some reason, I wanted the fox to remain free. But the latest proposals just pleased. So be it! Well done Napoleon!
Koval writes wonderfully, simply wonderfully. For some reason I don't remember reading it as a child. Needs to be replenished! Moreover, the book is written in such a way that adults will also be interested.

Rated the book

From that moment on, I realized that I simply would not go into adult literature. It's bad there. It's rude there. They are fighting for a place. They lie there. They kill there. They won't give in for anything, they don't want a new name. They don't need new good literature. Need not. Understand. There is pressure. I would say so, I decided to hide in children's literature, go there

This is how the remarkable, most talented, surprisingly sensitive to the word Yuri Koval explained the reasons for his departure to children's literature. And it's good that he became a children's writer. For children, everything should be the best. I am glad that I remember "Underdog", and the book, and the film, in which everything is from this amazing person: both the plot and the songs that he performs very well!

And yet about the book. The language is amazing, bright, memorable, easily completing a picture in the imagination:

The aluminum basin clattered to the floor, whined, groaned, and rolled out of

can you really hear how this basin rumbled out of the hands of the unlucky Praskovyushka? And an ode to the beauty of a polar fox that escaped from a fur farm?

Oh, the underdog Napoleon III! Round ears, platinum fur!
Your majestic black muzzle is turned exactly to the north, and, like a compass needle, a white sparkling strip cut it from forehead to nose!
Beautiful, O Napoleon, your tail is light as poplar fluff, warm as eiderdown, and modest as dandelion fluff.
Wrap your neck with this tail alone, eternal wanderer, and go to the North Pole at least.
Oh tail of the underdog! Neither the fox nor the sable can boast of such a magnificent tail the color of a cloud that melts in the blue depths of the sky over a birch or aspen forest. A most solemn tail, shaped like an airship.

And with such beauty, the carpenter Merin also takes him for a Pomeranian! Spitz with the muzzle and tail of a polar fox, you have to come up with it! Yes Merinov, apparently, these Spitz and never seen!

And the wonderful preschooler Serpokrylov, ready to run with Nedopyosk even to the North Pole! Protecting Napoleon III, taking care of him, confident that the beast will be free!

And Vera, no, not the daughter of the carpenter Merinov, but the real belief that the Arctic fox will run away and get to the very North Pole really warms!

So read on! Look!
Listen! http://nashekino.narod.ru/nedopesok/nedopesok.html Koval himself sings this! And he sings sincerely and great!

Rated the book

There are no complaints about Koval - he is still a children's writer. True, he worked in Soviet times, when any work went through strict censorship. Who would have thought that a fox, striving for freedom, running to the North Pole, can be equated with a Jew dreaming of escaping the country to Israel. You will say stupidity - but it was so. The book could have ended up in the writer's archive for a long time, if the prudence of the censors did not prevail.

Readers are always divided into 3 camps. Some just read a book, others look at history without trying to find a secret meaning, the latter, like the notorious censors, are trying to find something. We will not search. For the simple reason that few of us have seen a live fox, let alone its young. There is such a white beast, somewhat similar to a fox, living somewhere in the north. From the book, the reader learns about the existence of fur farms, where arctic foxes are not only grown for fur, but they also try to breed a good breed with better fur.

One of these marvels of selection is main character books - the underdog Napoleon III, named so for a reason, because his father was Napoleon II, and he was the son of Napoleon I. The whole chain was nurtured by the chief director of the fur farm, who wants to breed a new high-quality breed and call it by its name. Of course, the escape of the rarity negates everything long years work. And it’s not so clear when the reader is torn between the desire to return the fox back to the farm, where he will be fed and not sent for fur soon, but the reader can take the other side - the fox really rushes north, even if he can be hit by a car or shot along the way the hunter, and he is not accustomed to the wild environment, can only, literally, slurp the master's cabbage soup. In any case, Koval presents to our attention a small animal, not yet quite intelligent, but with possible prospects. It is not our business to know about the future of the fox, because a fairy tale cannot be destroyed.

There is no escape from children in children's literature. From good Soviet children. So correct and positive. They do not cheat and do not seek personal dominance. Each child in the book is good, although they also split into two sides, when someone wants to return the fox to the cage, and someone can not wait to contribute to his free life. All characters are beautifully written. And the children, and both directors - fur farms and rural schools.

The desire for freedom is a central theme. The concept and necessity of freedom is another matter.

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Rated the book

"When a stone breaks off a mountain and then is dragged back - it's still all right. But when the mountain falls off the shoulders and suddenly climbs onto the shoulders again - this is no good anymore. It can knock a person down."

I guess I have become an adult, because in general and more often I return to children's books ...

Have you noticed how strikingly different the opinion of a book that you read at 10 years old or at 25??? I didn’t read this particular book when I was 10, but I’m sure that the impressions would be too different. After all, two completely different people read the book.

This book is for children. But with such unchildish thoughts... That it's just that my head is spinning from such a choice, from such pain.

The story tells us about a gray fox, an arctic fox that escaped from a fur farm. Just the word fur farm makes you shudder. They are grown, cared for, fed deliciously. And then once, and this fox turns into a collar. Only now the escaped arctic fox is not just another, but Napoleon the third himself! And they want to divorce him. His fur is very fluffy, soft, special. Yes, bad luck, a furry friend escaped.

The story tells about the wanderings of Napoleon. About people, good and evil, selfish and not very. And the main place here is occupied by children. Just second-graders who are ready to take almost everything at their word. And change this belief in a matter of seconds. And if your friend made a mistake, then immediately he will become a pariah.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov"

Pedagogy and psychology of childhood

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Kharkova Irina Anatolievna

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By discipline

Children's reading

"YU. Forger for children»

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(initials, surname)

Arkhangelsk 2015

1. Biography of Y. Koval.

2. Analysis of the work of Y. Koval "Undersand".

    The history of the creation of the work.

    Features of the composition of the work, the development of the plot.

    The system of heroes, their characteristics. Portrait.

    The main idea of ​​the work.

    Description of nature.

    Language features.

3. List of used literature

Yuri Iosifovich Koval was born on February 9, 1938 in Moscow in the family of a fairly high-ranking officer of the criminal investigation department; the writer's mother was a psychiatrist. He studied at the philological faculty of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin. Here he met and became friends with Yuli Kim, Yuri Vizbor, Ada Yakusheva, with the future theater director Pyotr Fomenko and the future children's poet Yuri Ryashentsev. During his studies, Koval became seriously interested in the author's song (he became a virtuoso guitarist), as well as the art of fresco, mosaic, sculpture, drawing and painting (he received a second diploma - a drawing teacher). Subsequently, he not only illustrated his books, but was a participant in art exhibitions. Koval's first publications appeared in the institute's newspaper. After graduating from the institute (1960), Koval worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature, history, drawing in a rural school in Tatarstan. He himself composed poetic texts for dictations. When the three-year term of work "by distribution" expired, Koval returned to Moscow. Until 1966, he taught Russian language and literature at the school of working youth, then worked for a short time in the magazine "Children's Literature". Gradually, Koval begins to become more and more professionalized as an artist and writer. In the magazines "Murzilka", "Pioneer", "Change", "Spark" his poems and stories for children are published. Some of the stories that were later included in the book "Pure Dor" were accepted with approval by the famous writer Boris Shergin, who gave Koval a recommendation to the Writers' Union of the USSR (1972). Koval lived for a long time in the village of Chisty Dor and on Tsypina Gora near the Ferapontov Monastery in the Vologda Region. One of his favorite genres was prose miniatures telling about animals, natural phenomena and villagers; many of them were included in the book "AUA", which was published after the death of the writer. About thirty of his books, mostly for children, were published during Koval's lifetime. The most famous of them are “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov” (1971), “Cap with crucians” (1974), “Undersand” (1975), “Five kidnapped monks” (1977), “Sagebrush tales” (1987). Editions made jointly with the artist Tatyana Mavrina became genuine works of art. According to Koval's scripts, two feature films and more than a dozen animated films were shot. Koval was awarded the diploma of A. Gaidar (1983), the honorary diploma of IBBY - International Council for Children's and Youth Literature (1986, for the book "The Lightest Boat in the World"), twice was the winner of the All-Union competition for the best work for children (1972, 1987 ). However, according to Koval's friend, the poetess Tatyana Beck, he was "tortured by editors and censors all his life"; This also applied to children's books. The general reader knew Koval exclusively as a children's writer; works for adults (“The lightest boat in the world”, memories of Shergin and Sokolov-Mikitov, cycles of stories) were much less famous. After Koval's death, the novel "Suer-Vyer" was published, on which he worked in the last years of his life; in 1996, this book won the Wanderer Award from the International Congress of Science Fiction Writers. Koval's works have been translated into English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Bulgarian, Norwegian, Danish, Japanese and Chinese. Yuri Koval died in Moscow on August 2, 1995.

Analysis of the work of Yu.I. Koval "Nedopesok".

1. The history of the creation of the work.

The writer loved nature, traveled a lot in central Russia, and the impressions of what he saw and experienced often formed the basis of his works. Animals, like humans, become the heroes of Koval's works. So it was with "Nedopesk". The story was born after a visit to a fur farm, where a friend, a foreman, told how foxes escaping to freedom are caught. "Undersand", released in 1975, aroused special interest of adult readers with a clear social orientation, a satire on the "camp" structure of society. The search for freedom is the main theme of the work.

The meaning of the work is an indestructible thirst for freedom, for the sake of which life's comforts are sacrificed. This is a work of kindness, nobility and justice. There are many children in the book, the whole of it is simply illuminated by the charm of childhood. And one of the main characters in this book is the preschooler Serpokrylov, who freed Napoleon the Third, who was striving for the North Pole. Yury Koval's books are permeated with humor, the image is subtly drawn in them. Motherland, kind attitude towards the elderly, children and Russian nature.

Insufficient sand - the white fox changes according to the seasons: - since spring, while staying in the hole, the fox has thin and almost black hair, being called norilka or norchik; - by August, Arctic foxes become cross-shaped with a gray back, crossed crosswise with gray stripes running along the ribs; - in October they take on a monochromatic gray appearance and are called cabbage rolls, bruises and NEDOPESKS; - around Nikolin's Day, in December, they become real Rosos with completely white hair. Encyclopedic Dictionary of F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron. In general, NEDESOK has become a household name, because, for example, dogs are called under-sands at an age when they are no longer a puppy, but not yet an adult.

3. Features of the composition of the work, the development of the plot.

On a November morning, they fled - a young arctic fox (undersand) named Napoleon the Third and blue arctic fox number 116. They escaped from unlocked cages and left the territory of the Mshaga fur farm through a hole in the fence. Artificially bred by man, grown in cages, foxes first entered the unknown world and headed north. Because that's where the North Pole is. Motherland.

This is a story about the will to freedom as the greatest gift of a living being. The writer does not compose a fairy tale about an "animated" beast, but reveals a living soul in a young arctic fox and carefully follows its development.

For three days and three nights, Napoleon explored this world alone. The world of people and things, the world of new spaces, the world of new smells and sounds.

“Who will understand the soul of an underdog?” One who sees in him not a fur collar or a future hat, but a being endowed with a certain task in this life.

The first to feel the soul of the arctic fox and unravel its desire for the North Pole was Alexei Serpokrylov, a preschooler. He tried to do everything in his power so that Napoleon continued his return to his homeland, but ... the "adult" world preferred to see only fur of a rare, platinum color in the under-sand.

Napoleon was returned to the fur farm, but the world managed to give him a lot of good things these days - the dog Palma provided the underdog with her kennel for the night, and he understood what a house warmed by the warmth of another creature means; the old well, dormant for twenty years, came to life and “muttered” to the arctic fox that “everything is all right”; the motorcycle glove has become a friend and playmate... Much of what he saw and heard in the wild will have to be comprehended by the arctic fox before a new trip to his homeland, because exactly in a month he will again run away from the Mshaga fur farm, and the writer believes that Napoleon the Third "surely got to the North Pole.

"Nedopesok" is a story about the delightful beauty of an arctic fox, which can teach a child to see behind any text not only a fascinating plot. although a fascinating plot, light humor and bright characters are also present here. "Nedopesok" can become a primer for entering more complex, no longer children's literature, in which it is not enough just to follow the story and imagine the movement. It is very difficult for Nedopyos-Napoleon not to empathize, but somehow you just get into his uncomfortable place, you understand that there is no way further without analysis and metaphors. Even if you are a child.

Nedopyosok-Napoleon the Third was born in captivity, was bred by human hands on a polar fox farm for the wonderful beauty of fur. And his fate is to go for someone's warm coat. But Napoleon the Third carried in his genes not only a magical fur, but also a fierce desire to break free, inherited from his ancestors. What freedom is, he has a bad idea, because he has never seen it. And yet his sharp nose is steadily turned to the north, like a compass needle, and it is there that his paws and the call of the ancestors carry. The underdog runs away, they catch him, he runs away, they help him, they catch him, he ... On his way he meets bunglers, hooligans, and nasty adults.

The persistence with which a young inexperienced arctic fox runs to no one knows where is amazing. And how relative beauty is in this world: two minutes ago it was an amazingly beautiful animal, and now it’s some kind of dirty mongrel, not even a fox, but smeared in I don’t understand what a spitz. By the way, it's funny that the publishers of that time saw in the desire to get to the north an analogy with Jewish emigration, in connection with which there were some difficulties in printing "Nedopeska".

4. The system of heroes, their characteristics. Portrait.

Consider the main characters of this work.

Nedosok Napoleon is a polar fox of “especially valuable color”, “a fox of extreme importance”, which escapes from the slavery of a fur farm to the North Pole.

In "Nedopeska" people and animals are depicted on an equal footing, so that the term "character" can be used in relation to the image of an animal with good reason.

In "Nedopeska" people and animals are equally the heroes of the work. The author talks about animals in the same way as about people: “Badgers settled on the hill from ancient times...”; “What an old badger was, but he couldn’t make out what kind of animal was in front of him - either a dog, or a fox, who will figure it out? The old man decided not to mess with him, rolled into the ravine, muttering something contemptuously. He muttered under his breath for a long time, scolding Napoleon.

The hero of the work


Half stool


“... a tailless creature jumped into a ditch and barked angrily


“Palma Merinova was actually a good-natured hostess, one of those who, having invited a guest, immediately put all sorts of gingerbread and shanezhki on the table. Under the kennel she had hidden various pieces and bits, and, having unearthed something from her stocks, Palma began to treat Napoleon. Rumbling, he pounced on bread crusts and cock heads, and Palma paced around him, grumbling affectionately, regaling. Yes, Palma Merinova was a hospitable hostess, and if she had a samovar in her kennel, she, of course, would have fired it up ”

Nedopesok Napoleon the Third


“And suddenly it seemed like an undersand that once, a long time ago, he stood in the same way in the middle of a sparkling field, licked his paws, and then even somersaulted, bathed in the snow. When it was, he could not remember, but he remembered exactly the cold sparks flaring under the sun, the taste of snow and the fresh, free smell that hit his head.

arctic fox Marquis


“For the first time, just like Napoleon, he fled and roamed the forests for three days. Hungry and skinned, he returned to the farm "," He never rushed around the cage, like other arctic foxes, and did not gnaw the bars. For days on end he slept wisely, and woke up only to spin the swill.

Fox "One hundred and sixteen"


“One hundred and sixteenth trampled on the spot and reached for Napoleon ...”, “Tired One hundred and sixteenth - a blue two-year-old - from this stupid running around and now felt like a traveler who, after long wanderings, returned home.”, “Guilty whined One hundred and sixteenth, as if apologizing to the Marquis , and, like a dog after his master, trotted across the field after Napoleon III.

An important technique for creating characters in the story "Nedopesok" is the technique of duplicity. At the same time, not only people, but also animals act as doubles: the directors Nekrasov and Governors, the underdog Napoleon and the preschooler Serpokrylov. The first is in charge of a fur farm, dreams of “breeding a new breed with fur never seen before - “Nekrasovskaya””, has a fawn hat, without which the director “is like a general without shoulder straps and stripes”. The second one runs the school, dreams “to have more excellent students in the school”, does not have a fawn hat, but believes that this is “a real director's headdress. Solid and beautiful." The "hot" Nekrasov and the "terrible" Governors are filled with a sense of the significance and importance of the cause they serve. That is why they are so proud of the goal they have achieved: with the practiced methods of eloquence, promises, they persuaded the bewildered second-graders to tell where the underdog is hidden.

Until the end, only the preschooler Serpokrylov managed to resist them, who insisted that Napoleon needed to go to the North Pole, and not to a fur farm at all. The preschooler Serpokrylov and the underdog Napoleon are also a kind of twins. Both of them are still "before". One will only have to become a schoolboy, and the second a polar fox. Both of them immediately discover like-minded people in each other. Lost companion Napoleon finds in the face of a preschooler true friend: “Following the polar fox, the preschooler ran through the whole village. He tried not to pull the rope, and it even seemed to Napoleon that he was free again, and the little man was simply running after him as one hundred and sixteenth.

It is noteworthy that the people who met Napoleon could not determine what kind of animal it was. And the preschooler Serpokrylov, after some thought and verbal selection, realized that it was a fox, and decided that he was running to the North Pole: “Where is he running to? thought Serpokrylov. - Probably to the north. The northern beast must run north. To the pole!”

Both the underdog Napoleon the Third and the preschooler Lyoshka Serpokrylov have an amazing character trait - inner freedom, which not only allows the preschooler to be unbridled in his fantasies, but also gives everyone the strength to resist public opinion, to act contrary to established tradition, to refuse prosperity and peace for the sake of the idea. It is clear that both of them are doing all this naively, childishly. Lyosha is easily distracted with a wide, cheerful smile, because “when Serpokrylov was smiled, he usually did not remain in debt either,” and Napoleon trustingly returns to Palma’s kennel, where there was freedom, comfort, and a good attitude, not thinking about what may be caught. However, the preschooler and the underdog remain true to themselves. Serpokrylov after the capture of Napoleon is calm, because he knows: “He will run away again<...>You can't hold him now." And Napoleon “exactly one month later<...>fled again. This time he did not stay anywhere and certainly made it to the North Pole.”

5. The main idea of ​​the work.

The main thing is that the people live in captivity, even such a writer as Yu. Koval, by that time could not report anything essentially new. The story did not proclaim the camp, but reminded of its insignificance before the high sky and the free spirit. This is, ultimately, a book about the tragedy and joy of earthly destiny. From the first pages there you can hear Tyutchev's - between the lines - leitmotif:

Fight, fight, oh brave friends,

No matter how fierce the fight, how stubborn the struggle!

Above you are silent star circles,

Under you are dumb, deaf coffins...

6. Language features.

There is plenty of social satire in Nedopeska. Irony and pathos in various pictorial combinations - too. And heartbreak. And laughter. There are also a lot of details, each of which would be enough for another author to be proud of all his life.

But the main miracle is the effect achieved by the writer of the presence in the story of the eternal constellations and the hellish abyss (for a rotten well in a ravine is not as simple as it pretends to be). On this stage, wide open from the North Pole to Lermontov's palm tree, Napoleon's undersand did not become a vanishing small dot. This did not happen with other characters from the epically powerful spirit and terribly touching preschooler Serpokrylov to the most minor ones, like the hunter Frol Nozdrachev. Each figure in this story is not only distinguished by the expressiveness of features and the clarity of the silhouette, but also has its own “wheel” (“wheels” above the heads of fellow villagers with a prophetic eye sees the local sorcerer Karasev, who had never heard of the aura).

What, together with sadness, is a strange happiness - to remember that someone lives in this world whom you cannot “feed”!

But the most remarkable of all is the one who was born in a cage, who was raised and protected there, but he still ran away. With such a beast, it is appropriate to speak to “You”: “Oh, Napoleon the Third is underdog! Round ears, platinum fur! Your majestic black muzzle faces only north, and like an arrow. compass, a white sparkling strip cut it from forehead to nose! Beautiful, oh Napoleon, your tail ... ".

A quirk of a look, as if by chance from earthly affairs flying off to where the heavenly hunter Orion strains his bow, aiming at the forehead of the Taurus floating above the forest. Hearing deception - or the hypersensitivity of Napoleon's ears? - and a voice floats over the night ravine: "Do not forget to tighten the nuts ..." - The voice subsided and it was impossible to find out what kind of nuts they were, whether they were tightened or not.

The element of parody influences the genre and structure of Koval's works.

The "two worlds" of adults and children, which is usual for children's literature, is divided by Koval by a boundary decisively and clearly. The writer treats hopelessly adults with mockery: they are all “comrades” for him, they are destined to be forever “out of the game”, their existence is absurd, and their thoughts revolve around unnecessary, superficial:

“I should also get a fawn hat,” thought the Director of the Governors. “This is a real director's headdress. Solid and beautiful"<…>

Director Governors really wanted to try on a hat, but he did not dare to ask.

“And then there are also hats made of muskrat,” said director Nekrasov, as if he had guessed the thoughts of his companion, “but the best ones are made of arctic fox.

“Personally, I like the fawn,” the Director of Governors emphasized gently.

- No seriously? - exclaimed Nekrasov. - Me too!

The directors smiled at each other, rejoicing at such a wonderful coincidence.

Incidentally, director Nekrasov had noticed for a long time that director Gubernatorov was missing something, and only now did he realize what. Director Gubernatorov did not have a fawn hat. And what is a director without a fawn hat? It's like a general without shoulder straps and stripes. Director Nekrasov felt embarrassed for a moment that he had such a hat, but his companion did not. But at the same time, he felt some pride, realizing that only important directors have such hats.

On the contrary, all the actions of "children's" heroes find a logical justification. Some heroes build and rebuild the world according to their own game rules, while others interfere with them in every possible way - this is the general scheme of conflicts.

The writer's attention often shifts from the theme of life-building to the theme of struggle. The struggle is waged in the name of the right to live freely, according to one's own inclination and understanding, even if it is childish:

“... Vera looked after him and went home.

Different thoughts were spinning in her head, and most importantly, she was now deciding what she had done right in life and what was wrong.

As soon as I saw Napoleon, I immediately fed him. This, of course, is correct. Then tied with a rope. Also correct. Not to run away. But if he was in a hurry to the pole, then it's wrong. But she didn't know anything about the Pole. Okay, let the rope wrong. Putting on a rope is always wrong. But on the other hand, everything was right in the ravine, and Vera did a good job of calling Pavel Sergeevich. Then Napoleon was put in a cage. And now you don't know if it's right or not. As state property, he had to be put in a cage, but if he rushed to the pole, he had to be released. And then Vera failed. But she corrected herself - she decided to hide Napoleon. In general, she did some things right, some things wrong.

There were mistakes in life, there were successes.

"But now," thought Vera, "now I'm not responsible for him."

And Vera suddenly felt that a mountain had fallen off her shoulders. All! She is no longer responsible for the fox.

It turns out that Vera was carrying a mountain on her shoulders all day, and she didn’t even notice. It was not an easy day for her: she not only dragged a stone up the mountain, but also held another mountain on her shoulders.

Vera opened the gate and then felt that she was very hungry. The class meeting dragged on for a long time, probably, dinner had already cooled down in the stove. Well, the main thing is that the mountain fell off my shoulders.

Vera is no longer responsible for anything. Only for myself. How good and easy it is - not to answer for anything, for anyone. And lunch can be warmed up on the stove ... ".

In general, the pedagogy of Koval's books is based on the postulate of personal freedom on the condition: do not interfere with others. Such a system of education is in conflict with the generally accepted one, built on the ideas of obedience to adults, public duty, etc.

What is characteristic of Koval's writerly appearance is preserved in all his works: artistic vigilance is sharp, humor is ridiculous, irony and satire are unforgivingly fair, lyricism is modest, romanticism is sublime. And the most important thing remains unshakable for the writer: constancy in relation to the chosen topics. Loyalty to beloved heroes. Loyalty to yourself.

At the Mshaga fur farm, Praskovyushka usually took care of the Arctic foxes. Before the holidays, the director of the fur farm, Pyotr Erofeich Nekrasov, deprived her of her bonus. This turned out to be a real blow for the worker - she already had her own plans for the award, she wanted to help her sister with three children. All day she walked lost and, having fed the animals, she forgot to lock the cage behind two. When it was time for dinner, a metallic ringing sounded through the fur farm. It was the Arctic foxes who began to “play on cymbals” - to twist their drinking bowls. At this time, Praskovyushka discovered the loss of two foxes: Napoleon III, with very valuable platinum-colored fur, and blue fox number 116. Upon learning of what had happened, Nekrasov was furious - the escape of a rare fox promised big losses, it was decided to look for fugitives.

First, the director Nekrasov and the foreman Filin went in search. They themselves did not achieve anything and turned for help to the hunter Frol Nozdrachev, who had a hound dog Davilo. The dog did not like the smell of the fox, he only ran along the trail for a while, and then he discovered the hare and happily chased the animal. The fugitives were never found.

Meanwhile, Napoleon ran farther and farther away from the fur farm. He liked freedom, and nature seemed familiar, although he had previously seen it only from his cell. Napoleon confidently ran forward, to the north, and the 116th faithfully followed him. The foxes had to spend the night in a badger hole, but Napoleon could not sleep - he felt the danger and was ready to fight back if something happened.

It was restless at the fur farm: everyone was worried about the fugitives. It was decided to send the Marquis after them. Marquis, an adult, red fox, lived in a cage next to Napoleon. The Marquis was known as a wise and calm fox. “For the third time in his life, the Marquis turned out to be free. For the first time, just like Napoleon, he escaped and roamed the forests for three days. Hungry and skinned, he returned to the farm. A year later, another fox escaped, named Riesling. It was summer, and no trace of the fugitive could be found. It was then that director Nekrasov came up with the idea of ​​sending the Marquis after him. The director understood that the Marquis, having taken a sip of a free life, would definitely return to the farm. And sure enough, the Marquis was back for dinner, followed by an exhausted Riesling.”

And the director did not lose: the Marquis was able to find the fleeing foxes and bring them back to the farm, but Napoleon did not want to return, and the 116th was tormented by doubts for a long time. He wanted to eat, to be warm, but still he decided to follow Napoleon, who led him so confidently somewhere. The fugitives never returned to their cells.

The foxes ran along the country road. A truck drove by. The driver Shamov mistook 116th for a gray fox, realized that it might be valuable, and caught it and returned it to the farm. He was extremely surprised when he received an award for a fox, a bonus of 20 rubles.

Now Napoleon became more careful, he was already running along the side of the road so that in case of danger he could hide. But still, two motorcyclists noticed him, again mistook him for a fox and wanted to catch him. Napoleon was able to escape from them, and at the same time steal the glove.

Not knowing how, Napoleon ran into the village of Kovylkino. There he fought with the mongrels, and the carpenter Merinov separated the dogs and saved the Arctic fox, mistaking him for an English Spitz. In the tavern, no one wanted to shelter such a rare animal, and the carpenter had to take it for himself.

Napoleon was introduced to the Merinov family - with his wife, Claudia Efimovna, with her daughter Vera, a second-grader, and with the dog Palma. Napoleon had to live in the same kennel with Palma, but they became friends, Palma cordially received her guest, treated him to the bones she had laid aside, and warmed him at night.

In the morning, the mongrels came to the palm tree, they recognized the Arctic fox. A fight ensued. Lesha Serpokrylov, a preschooler passing by, dispersed the dogs, and at the same time took Napoleon away. Lesha imagined himself as the head of the expedition, and Napoleon (he called him Filka) was supposed to lead people to the North Pole.

It was the last lesson, the preschooler kept running with the fox, trying not to feel the rope around his neck. At the drawing lesson, Vera looked out the window and saw Lesha with her Tisha (that's what she called the fox). After school, she, along with classmate Kolya and art teacher Pavel Sergeevich, ran to save her fox. It turned out that some man took the animal away from a preschooler and planned to kill Napoleon and make his wife a collar. But Napoleon was saved. It was decided to leave the animal at school for the night, in a rabbit cage, and return it to the fur farm in the morning. For the third night Napoleon was free - his hair was no longer platinum, and the beast itself was already more like a mongrel, and not like a proud fox.

In the morning, many children gathered in the school yard, everyone wanted to look at a rare animal, which the cleaning lady called Sikimora. The principal of the school, Governor, didn't like it. He dispersed the students, and from Kolya and Vera he began to find out what kind of animal it was and where it came from. It was decided to call the fur farm.

Vera and Kolya became real celebrities at school, incredible rumors began to spread about them and about the animal. The second-graders decided that it was impossible to give the fox to the farm - they would make a collar out of it. They instructed the preschooler Lesha to hide Napoleon in the bathhouse.

The loss of the polar fox was discovered when director Nekrasov arrived. Two directors, Nekrasov and Governors, had a serious conversation with the students. The director of the fur farm explained to the children that Napoleon is a rare fox, he lives to get a completely new look, and no one is going to make a collar out of him. The children were even allowed to come to the farm and take care of the animals. Everyone agreed to hand over the fox, but he was not in the bathhouse.

Lesha released the fox into the wild so that he could run to the North Pole. The guys were upset, but they went to look for the beast. And Vera in an instant turned from a good and diligent hero girl into an outcast: after all, she vouched for the preschooler.

Vera returned home and began to think, did she do the right thing when she fed the Arctic fox, tied him up, left him in her house? But soon all these thoughts were gone, and it was as if a mountain had fallen from my shoulders. And it was at that moment that the girl saw Napoleon coming out of Palma's kennel. The mountain again climbed onto Vera's shoulders. It turns out that the arctic fox did not run to the North Pole, he ran to warmth and comfort.

Faith led Napoleon to the director of the farm. The fox was returned to the cage. In the evening, Vera came to visit Lesha, the girl could not figure out if she had done the right thing.

“Evening dragged on for a long time, delaying, pushing back the night, but finally it flooded the earth, extinguished all the windows, and in the sky above a lonely pine tree, along a road woven from the smallest stars, Orion slowly rushed. A red star on his shoulder burned dimly;

The foxes have long since fallen asleep. Only the Marquis and the 116th rushed about the cages, scratched the bars and looked, without looking up, at Napoleon curled up in a ball.

This concludes the story of the underdog Napoleon III. There is nothing more to add, except that exactly a month later the undersand ran away again. This time he did not stay anywhere and certainly made it to the North Pole.”

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Summary of Koval's book "Undersand"

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At the Mshaga fur farm, Praskovyushka usually took care of the foxes. Before the holidays, the director of the fur farm, Pyotr Erofeich Nekrasov, deprived her of her bonus. This turned out to be a real blow for the worker - she already had her own plans for the award, she wanted to help her sister with three children. All day she walked lost and, having fed the animals, she forgot to lock the cage behind two. When it was time for dinner, a metallic ringing sounded through the fur farm. It was the Arctic foxes who began to "play on cymbals" - to twist their bowls-bowls. At this time, Praskovyushka discovered the loss of two foxes: Napoleon III, with very valuable platinum-colored fur, and blue fox number 116. Upon learning of what had happened, Nekrasov was furious - the escape of a rare fox promised big losses, it was decided to look for fugitives.

First, the director Nekrasov and the foreman Filin went in search. They themselves did not achieve anything and turned to the hunter Frol Nozdrachev for help, who had a hound dog Davilo. The dog did not like the smell of the fox, he only ran along the trail for a while, and then he discovered the hare and happily chased the animal. The fugitives were never found.

Meanwhile, Napoleon ran farther and farther away from the fur farm. He liked freedom, and nature seemed familiar, although he had previously seen it only from his cell. Napoleon confidently ran forward, to the north, and the 116th faithfully followed him. The foxes had to spend the night in a badger hole, but Napoleon could not sleep - he felt the danger and was ready to fight back if something happened.

It was restless at the fur farm: everyone was worried about the fugitives. It was decided to send the Marquis after them. Marquis, an adult, red fox, lived in a cage next to Napoleon. The Marquis was known as a wise and calm fox. “For the third time in his life, the Marquis turned out to be free. For the first time, just like Napoleon, he escaped and roamed the forests for three days. Hungry and skinned, he returned to the farm. A year later, another fox escaped, named Riesling. It was summer, and no trace of the fugitive could be found. It was then that director Nekrasov came up with the idea of ​​sending the Marquis after him. The director understood that the Marquis, having taken a sip of a free life, would definitely return to the farm. And sure enough, the Marquis returned for dinner, and the exhausted Riesling ran after him.

And the director did not lose: the Marquis was able to find the fleeing foxes and bring them back to the farm, but Napoleon did not want to return, and the 116th was tormented by doubts for a long time. He wanted to eat, to be warm, but still he decided to follow Napoleon, who led him so confidently somewhere. The fugitives never returned to their cells.

The foxes ran along the country road. A truck drove by. The driver Shamov mistook 116th for a gray fox, realized that it might be valuable, and caught it and returned it to the farm. He was extremely surprised when he received an award for a fox, a bonus of 20 rubles.

Now Napoleon became more careful, he was already running along the side of the road so that in case of danger he could hide. But still, two motorcyclists noticed him, again mistook him for a fox and wanted to catch him. Napoleon was able to escape from them, and at the same time steal the glove.

Not knowing how, Napoleon ran into the village of Kovylkino. There he fought with the mongrels, and the carpenter Merinov separated the dogs and saved the Arctic fox, mistaking him for an English Spitz. In the tavern, no one wanted to shelter such a rare animal, and the carpenter had to take it for himself.

Napoleon was introduced to the Merinov family - with his wife, Claudia Efimovna, with her daughter Vera, a second-grader, and with the dog Palma. Napoleon had to live in the same kennel with Palma, but they became friends, Palma cordially received her guest, treated him to the bones she had laid aside, and warmed him at night.

Part 2

In the morning, the mongrels came to the palm tree, they recognized the Arctic fox. A fight ensued. Lyosha Serpokrylov, a preschooler passing by, dispersed the dogs, and at the same time took Napoleon away. Lyosha imagined himself as the head of the expedition, and Napoleon (he called him Filka) was supposed to lead people to the North Pole.

It was the last lesson, the preschooler kept running with the fox, trying not to feel the rope around his neck. At the drawing lesson, Vera looked out the window and saw Lyosha with her Tisha (that's what she called the fox). After school, she, along with classmate Kolya and art teacher Pavel Sergeevich, ran to save her fox. It turned out that some man took the animal away from a preschooler and planned to kill Napoleon and make his wife a collar. But Napoleon was saved. It was decided to leave the animal at school for the night, in a rabbit cage, and return it to the fur farm in the morning. For the third night, Napoleon was free - his hair had ceased to be platinum, and the beast itself was already more like a cur, and not like a proud fox.

In the morning, many children gathered in the school yard, everyone wanted to look at a rare animal, which the cleaning lady called Sikimora. The principal of the school, Governor, didn't like it. He dispersed the students, and from Kolya and Vera he began to find out what kind of animal it was and where it came from. It was decided to call the fur farm.

Vera and Kolya became real celebrities at school, incredible rumors began to spread about them and about the animal. The second-graders decided that it was impossible to give the fox to the farm - they would make a collar out of it. They instructed the preschooler Lyosha to hide Napoleon in the bathhouse.

The loss of the polar fox was discovered when director Nekrasov arrived. Two directors, Nekrasov and Governors, had a serious conversation with the students. The director of the fur farm explained to the children that Napoleon is a rare fox, he lives to get a completely new look, and no one is going to make a collar out of him. The children were even allowed to come to the farm and take care of the animals. Everyone agreed to hand over the fox, but he was not in the bathhouse.

Lyosha released the fox into the wild so that he could run to the North Pole. The guys were upset, but they went to look for the beast. And Vera in an instant turned from a good and diligent hero girl into an outcast: after all, she vouched for the preschooler.

Vera returned home and began to think, did she do the right thing when she fed the Arctic fox, tied him up, left him in her house? But soon all these thoughts were gone, and it was as if a mountain had fallen from my shoulders. And it was at that moment that the girl saw Napoleon coming out of Palma's kennel. The mountain again climbed onto Vera's shoulders. It turns out that the arctic fox did not run to the North Pole, he ran to warmth and comfort.

Faith led Napoleon to the director of the farm. The fox was returned to the cage. In the evening, Vera came to visit Lyosha, the girl could not figure out if she had done the right thing.

“Evening dragged on for a long time, delayed, pushed back the night, but finally it flooded the earth, extinguished all the windows, and in the sky above a lonely pine tree, along a road woven from the smallest stars, Orion slowly rushed. A red star on his shoulder burned dimly, a dagger sparkled, its star tip pointed to a pumping station marking the fur farm “Mshaga” above the black forests.

The foxes have long since fallen asleep. Only the Marquis and the 116th rushed about the cages, scribbled on the bars and looked, not looking up at Napoleon curled up in a ball.

This concludes the story of the underdog Napoleon III. There is nothing more to add, except that exactly a month later the undersand ran away again. This time he did not stay anywhere and certainly reached the North Pole.