Workouts for weight loss: how to properly train in the gym to lose weight. How to properly create a training program? How to best train

Working out in the gym is, by default, good. True, not the weight and it is not always available. The question of price, lack of time, and perhaps a psychological moment arises: embarrassment and reluctance to train in front of others. A rational solution is to swing at home. Today we will tell you how to do this correctly at home on our website.

To begin with, let's note:

the myth that it is impossible to pump up at home simply does not stand up to criticism. It is not necessary to go to the gym and take supplements every time.

A little theory

In order for muscles to continually grow, they must constantly experience “stress.” You should regularly increase the load by increasing the weight of the barbell, thereby preventing the muscles from getting used to the heaviness. They, in turn, will respond with growth, provided that you eat right.

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  • Drying the body
  • Increased strength
  • Muscle gain
  • Weight loss
  • If there is no growth

The cutting training program is primarily offered to bodybuilders. This program gained the greatest popularity after the release of the film “300 Spartans”. And many men in gyms began to achieve increased definition. I want to tell you more about this program.

When you train intensely over a long period of time, you can expect to see visible results within just a few days. Maybe even larger than other trainees.

But after some time, you begin to feel weak, sore, tired, or simply lose motivation to exercise. And too many missed workouts can cause you to quit working out altogether. How not to quit training?

In fact, more than half of new trainees quit within three to six months. Why? The reasons for this may be different - emotional state, nutrition, sleep or many other factors. But it is possible to identify and overcome the reasons that make training unsuccessful.

In this article we will look at how to train correctly. Let's try to determine why the training may not have been successful and what can be done to get back to normal.

The most effective workouts

For training to be effective, it is very important to follow certain general rules. If you identify any training mistakes you may be making and correct them, your likelihood of quitting will be significantly reduced. So, let's look at 11 common mistakes that prevent you from training correctly:

1. The right workout should match your fitness level.

Try to set goals that are not so unrealistic that you give up on them before you achieve them. For example, pull-ups on a horizontal bar are a very tough workout. So, instead of trying to do a lot of them at once, start small - with one pull-up or even half a pull-up.

On the other hand, there is no need to be afraid of failure. As a rule, we want to do what we are good at. Therefore, you will need to put your ego aside and focus on your form, not the amount of weight or number of repetitions. Before training, it is important to warm up.

2. How to eat before training

Eating the wrong foods before a workout can be even worse than not eating anything. Eating foods that are too high in fat can make your stomach feel heavy, making your workout uncomfortable.

How to eat properly before training?

Eating immediately before starting exercise may cause nausea or stomach upset. If you plan to exercise after eating, allow about 4 hours for the food to digest.

After small snacks, a break of 30 minutes to an hour is sufficient. Before starting training, the body is not able to digest a lot of solid food - what should you eat before training? Liquid nutrition before exercise is beneficial as it is digested quickly and also provides fluid for hydration. You can make a drink that includes whey protein, fruit and water or milk. If you need more calories or protein, add peanuts or almonds.

3. Unhealthy diet affects your workout performance

Doing regular exercise requires fueling your body with nutrient-rich foods, not fast foods or junk food. Whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats give the body energy to live and perform physical exercises.

Just like if a car is constantly filled with the wrong fuel, the body will not function at a high level. Junk foods can make you feel tired and have no energy, especially when you're exercising. Additionally, poor nutrition can cause you to not have the strength or energy to even want to exercise. If the “fuel” is correct, it will affect the quality and effectiveness of training.

4. It is necessary to create a training plan for beginners

How to train correctly to achieve results? If your workout plan was just to move on the machine at the gym without knowing why you were doing it, then the workout will become boring or frustrating. Many people choose this or that exercise machine and do not get satisfaction from the exercises.

When you have a plan, such as targeting a certain amount of kilometers covered, you will get great satisfaction from achieving this goal when you finish. How to create a training plan - You can contact a qualified trainer to help you develop a program based on your goals.

5. Take a break between workouts

Exercising without a break does not allow time for recovery and can leave you feeling sore and tired. Rest between workouts and recovery are key to training effectiveness. In fact, they are just as important as the appropriate intensity, frequency and duration of training.

During recovery, muscle cells and fibers can refuel and also repair themselves. How much time between workouts is needed for recovery depends on the intensity of the workout. More intense workouts require more free time to rest. Be careful to watch for signs of overtraining, which include a general decrease in performance and increased muscle soreness.

6. Training after injury - it is important to fully recover

If you pull a muscle in your back or sprain an ankle trying to exercise too quickly, subsequent workouts won't be fun and may actually make the original injury worse. In addition, if you do not take enough time to heal the injury and continue to exercise, then the training will not be effective.

It's more likely that you'll then stop training altogether, which is something you want to avoid. For example, if you usually run but have an injury such as plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the tendon that runs along the bottom of your foot), you might want to switch your workouts to swimming, cycling, or another suitable cardio workout. It's better to miss a day or two than to re-injure yourself and stop training for a week or more.

7. Workout on an empty stomach

In an attempt to burn off more calories, training on an empty stomach can have Negative consequences. Eating the right foods before exercise provides fuel and energy for activity and improves overall well-being during exercise. It is recommended to have a snack containing both carbohydrates and protein 45 minutes before exercise. Good choice Snack options include almonds and whole grain crackers or Greek yogurt with berries and honey.

8. Dehydration - implications for training

Just a small level of dehydration can have a significant impact on physical performance. A two percent level of dehydration in the body corresponds to approximately a 10 percent decrease in performance. When you exercise while dehydrated, you may feel tired, sluggish and dizzy, or you may have a headache and muscle cramps.

To check how dehydrated your body is, pay attention to the color of your urine. Pale yellow urine means the body is well hydrated, but if the color is apple juice or darker, water is needed. Ideally, you need to drink 450 - 550 g of liquid 4 hours before training and another 300 g 10 - 30 minutes before starting work.

Lack of energy and muscle soreness can be a sign of an onset cold or worse. If symptoms are sore throat, mild headache or a runny nose, you can make some adjustments to your training.

You should avoid strenuous activities like running or weightlifting, but do exercises that require very little energy. If you are experiencing symptoms throughout your body, such as muscle pain, chills, nausea, gastrointestinal problems or fever, then it is better to stay home and fully recover.

10. Lack of sleep leads to weakness during training.

Lack of sleep can be a workout killer. If you don't get enough sleep, your circadian rhythm (your body's natural biological cycles) will become disrupted. This will make you feel weaker and less resilient during your workouts.

The study found that basketball players who increased their sleep time from six to nine to 10 hours showed a nine percent improvement in free throws and faster movement times. Adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night.

11. You need to have the right mindset for training at

You may be saying to yourself, “It’s time to take a break from working out.” If you're constantly thinking about how much you hate working out, your terrible attitude could ruin your entire workout. Instead of thinking that you're tired, need to relax, or just hate the whole workout, it's worth changing your thinking to a positive one.

For example, while doing cardio, think positive thoughts with every movement: “I feel good, I’m doing something very useful,” and you will begin to feel better. Focus on the quality of movement with each step and feel the results. This way, your workout performance and success will improve.

So, how to train correctly and what mistakes to avoid? Can you reflect on how you felt during your last workout? Was it comfortable and did it bring joy and satisfaction? By considering the above reasons for poor training and applying the tips, you can continue to train effectively and for a long time.

Let's talk about whether exercise helps in the fight against excess weight.

It would seem that everything is simple, go to the gym as often as possible, work out there until you lose your pulse, and you are guaranteed a great figure. Many people think that the more they exercise, the faster they will lose weight. How many people do you know who have achieved success following this formula?

In reality, things are a little different.

Working out triggers the process of burning fat, but you don’t lose weight directly during it. No, of course, if your classes last 3-4 hours and all this time you run, jump, exercise on exercise machines until you are completely exhausted, then a small part of your internal fat will be used up. But with a regular workout lasting a maximum of 40-60 minutes, which most of us can afford due to the fact that we still have to live and work, you will only lose water from the body - it will go away with sweat.

The main task of training is to use up glycogen reserves (read why this is important). Only after this the mechanism of burning internal fat is started. And in fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether you train in the gym, go to the gym, run on the track, or just walk and breathe fresh air. All these activities use up glycogen approximately equally.

There are really only two points that are important here: What time of day do you train? And What do you eat before and after training?

Training time and nutrition before and after

Let's figure out what time is more effective to train in order to get results, and not just waste time.

  • First option

Training before lunch. If you go to the gym in the morning, it will most likely be some time after breakfast. That is, your body has already processed into
glucose incoming carbohydrates, the blood is full of it, glycogen reserves are replenished. You train, but you don’t reach glycogen reserves; there is enough glucose in the blood to give us energy for exercise. Well, let's say you train really hard, spend 1.5 hours and still manage to use glycogen. And even if the process of fat oxidation had started. How much time will your body have to oxidize them if you went to lunch after class and loaded up on carbohydrates again? Hardly. It turns out that if you eat carbohydrates before and after training (for example, an hour before and an hour after), then from the point of view of weight loss, the training will be ineffective.

  • Second option

Workout in the afternoon or evening. At the beginning, the picture is the same - you come to class full of glucose. During training, you spend it and may or may not reach the point of wasting glycogen. In any case, you don’t eat any more carbohydrates that day and your body has nowhere to replenish their supply. And it begins to oxidize internal fat. And he does this throughout the evening and all night. As you can see, the second option is much more promising.

Noticed important point? To start losing weight after a workout, under no circumstances should you eat food containing carbohydrates after it! If this rule is not followed, then your journey will be very, very long.

Is it possible to eat before training if you are losing weight?

There is one more nuance. If you train in the evening, then an hour before training you can still have a snack of fruit, chocolate or cookies - all this will burn during training and will not harm your figure. And if you train an hour or two after lunch and you can no longer eat carbohydrates after training, then it will be quite difficult for the body to work normally without carbohydrates for the rest of the day and night. And it’s not a fact that in an attempt to save energy, it will not begin to slow down its metabolism, which automatically means a slowdown in the weight loss process.

The conclusion is simple: Increased physical activity in any form (fitness, cardio training, walking) can speed up the process of losing weight, but only if after this activity the body is deprived of carbohydrates for a long time. And from this point of view, the most rational would be physical activity in the evening (from 17 to 21 - whichever is more convenient for you)

The perfect workout for fat loss

Now let’s look at how to competently structure the training itself.

Most often they say that the best exercises for quick weight loss are cardio exercises - an exercise bike, an elliptical, a treadmill. This is explained by the fact that while running, breathing increases and, accordingly, oxygen consumption increases noticeably.

It is oxygen that serves as a kind of catalyst for accelerating the oxidation of fat (that’s why this process is called that, because any chemical reaction in the presence of oxygen is called oxidation). But, as we know, before internal fat begins to oxidize, the level of glycogen in the blood must first decrease significantly.

Which workout is better? Cardio or strength

It is believed that in the first 30-40 minutes of running, glycogen is spent and only then does fat begin to be burned directly. And fat burns just as long as you continue to run. That is, to actually lose weight, and not just lose fluid, you need to run for at least one and a half to two hours. Very often we simply don’t have that much time.

Strength training for weight loss seems much more effective to me.

I'm talking about workouts that involve the whole body. This can be training in the gym or training at home. The main thing is to use as many muscles as possible. If you train your back and legs and chest and arms and abs, loading your muscles enough, you will start a very interesting process. Firstly, during such a workout you intensively spend glycogen stored in the muscles, Secondly increases the volume of blood pumped through the muscle.

And blood is a transporter for both oxygen and fat droplets that exit fat cells into the bloodstream for use as energy. If droplets of fat in the bloodstream (triglycerides) are not used after exercise, they will be trapped back into fat cells. But we intensely strained the muscles, the body requires a lot of energy to return to a state of rest, and we no longer give it light energy (since we do not eat carbohydrates after training). And he has to oxidize fat. And it travels through the bloodstream in an accessible form. Take it and oxidize it. This approach is very effective.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the most effective workout looks like this: the first 30-40 minutes work in progress with exercise equipment if you are in the gym, or using your own weight if you are doing home exercises (you can read about one of the options for home workouts), and after that you do cardio training for another 20-30 minutes.

As a result, in 1 hour you will give such an impetus to weight loss that others will not be able to get in 3 hours of regular training.

P.S. The main thing to remember is exercise machines first, then running. For some reason, people always do the opposite.

You spend several hours every day in the gym, know all the equipment inside and out, and feel at home among tons of hardware. But do you know how often you really need it? The answer may surprise you! Find out your optimal training frequency to make new gains.

You probably already guessed that the main mistake is with the wrong frequency. The most common training schedule is “three days a week”: you train on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If this is your case, there's good news: you can do much, much better!

Even if everything is going great for you - the number of reps and sets, the optimal weight, rest between sets and proper exercise execution - all of this can be useless if you do not train with the correct frequency.

Correct Frequency of Strength Training

Here little secret successful. A fixed training schedule, such as three days a week, is absurd. It may fail you in the long run. Here's why: as you progress, your workouts will become more strenuous and require more recovery time.

Recovery after physical activity demands a lot from most organs of the body, such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas. If you're doing a light workout, it's unlikely to have any effect on you. Your recovery will be rapid. But when you do grueling workouts with heavy weights and high-intensity overload, it can take several days to fully recover.

The essential key to improving your strength training performance is to find a way to train properly. This will increase the intensity of each workout, giving your body more time to recover.

The effectiveness of split training

Why won't split training help avoid overtraining? There is a practice of “dividing” workouts, for example: Monday - upper body, Wednesday - lower body. While this is a reliable tactic, it won't alone solve the problem of a fixed training schedule. The reason is that every day is kidney day.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re working on your chest, arms, or chest today, it doesn’t make the slightest difference to your kidneys. They still need to filter out all the metabolic waste coming from the blood so you can fully recover. And remember - until your body has fully recovered, you will not grow new muscles. This is a law of physiology. In this way, division reduces the amount of work the kidneys and other organs have to do, but as you get stronger and lift heavier weights, the kidneys will take even longer to do their job.

The most correct training frequency

Once you truly understand how often you need to train, your results will improve. Here is an example from life.

After the coach and bodybuilder discussed training and the lack of progress - in particular, the decision was made to take a break from training for three weeks. The bodybuilder said he couldn’t stop going to the gym for such a long period of time. This a common problem all serious bodybuilders. Psychologically, if you want to make progress, it is very difficult to do what seems like “doing nothing.” After all, if you don’t train, it’s like you’re admitting defeat. But in reality, your body needs time to recover. And this is the perfect time to think about how often to train next and create a new training plan. Time away from training is not wasted time; it is critical to the growth process. It took a lot of convincing to convince him, and he took a three-week break.

Two months later, he called the coach and told him about the results, which shocked everyone. His strength increased in all parts of his body and his shoulder power increased. The first workout after the break became his personal record. Now he trains once every nine days: 9 days pass between training the same body part. This schedule is used when dividing workouts for the upper/lower body. Before this adjustment in training frequency, the bodybuilder trained only four times in nine days. Look at the numbers, they clearly illustrate the example.

The bodybuilder did not include the time it took him to press, so his power factor or index is not known, but his total bench weight went from 6,940kg per workout to 11,460kg after doing nothing for three weeks. When you have last time was the three-week break so productive?

Think about it. Three weeks without training at all! Our hero has only been sitting at home for three weeks, but his progress is ahead of everyone he trained with! His partners couldn't believe their eyes. The same person who found 20 reps with a 180kg weight "very difficult" now lifts 230kg for 16 reps - after doing the exercise with 200kg for 20 reps! The next time he bench presses 270 kg in the gym. And don't let his goofball buddies worry that he's "missed" his last 20 workouts! Something to think about, isn't it? Maybe it's time to reconsider your training frequency?

How to exercise correctly and often to lose weight

The frequency of training when burning fat mass is subject to a slightly different law than the frequency for muscle growth. To lose fat and exercise every day, the main thing is to prevent the development of overtraining. High frequency of training dictates the need to use anti-catabolic drugs to protect muscle tissue from destruction. In this case, bodybuilders are advised to reduce the number of strength training sessions to 2 per week, and devote the rest of the time to aerobic training.

How to Avoid Overtraining

To avoid overtraining and find your optimal training frequency, you need to closely monitor the progress you make with each exercise in the program. Look for any signs of slowing or stalling progress. Lack of change in one exercise is a warning sign. And the lack of progress in two or more exercises is a danger signal, which means you need to rest a little.

3 signs of overtraining and how to solve them

  • The weight used in each exercise does not increase
  • Strength training is primarily about progressive overload. This means you should return to the gym fully recovered and lift slightly heavier weights than you lifted during your last workout.
  • The number of repetitions or static hold time in each exercise does not increase

If your exercise weight has not increased (see above), then the number of repetitions or static hold time should increase. Recent research shows that increasing the duration of a static hold to 12 seconds produces less benefit than increasing the weight with a shorter hold time.

Taking sports supplements - creatine, arginine, intra-workout, bcaa amino acid and pre-workout complexes will help you increase your strength. These sports nutrition products are specifically formulated to improve performance in sports and fitness for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go ahead to conquer new heights!

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When performing each exercise, multiply the number of repetitions by the weight with which you perform these repetitions. For example, if you lift 80kg 12 times, you will end up with a number of 960. The next time you bench press, see if that number has increased. If not, then you have not fully recovered, which means you need longer rest between workouts.

How long have you been exercising at the same frequency? Look for warning signs that indicate your training frequency is not optimal. Add an extra , and you can turn stale and boring workouts into fantastic gains in mass and bursts of strength.

The program was provided by Alexei Hernandez Ortega, an instructor at the Ant gym. (World champion in powerlifting among youth 2005, European and World champion 2006, Russian champion among men 2008)