Recalculated utility bills are not taken into account. How to recalculate utility bills

11:34 07.02.2017

Without a certificate of lack of technical ability to install IPU, recalculation for temporary absence will not be made

From January 2017, recalculation for temporary absence will be made only for consumers in residential premises in which installation individual devices Water metering is impossible for technical reasons. This change to the existing recalculation procedure was made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2016 No. 1498 “On issues of provision of utility services and maintenance common property V apartment building».

Recalculation for temporary absence from residential premises can be used by consumers who are absent from home for more than five calendar days in a row and whose apartments are not equipped with individual water meters. Recalculation is made for hot, cold water and sewerage, as well as gas. Previously, in order for consumers to receive a recalculation for temporary absence, it was enough to confirm the very fact of absence from the residential premises with the help of documents (“personalized” travel documents, travel certificate, certificate of being treated in a stationary medical institution or at a sanatorium-resort treatment, etc. .d.), then now it is necessary to submit a report stating that it is not technically possible to install an individual water meter in a residential area.

If the residential premises are not equipped with an individual water meter and the lack of technical ability to install it is not confirmed by an act, recalculation for temporary absence is possible only for the gas supply service.

An act on the lack of technical feasibility of installing a water IPU is drawn up and signed by the management organization based on an inspection of the residential premises. The form of the act and the criteria for the lack of technical feasibility of installing an IPU are approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 N 627.

It is not technically possible to install a metering device if the survey reveals the presence of at least one criterion:

Installation of IPU is impossible without reconstruction, overhaul existing in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment) and (or) without the creation of new in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment);

When installing IPU, it is impossible to ensure compliance with mandatory metrological and technical requirements to the metering device of the appropriate type, including the place and procedure for its installation, required in accordance with the law Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on technical regulation;

In the place where it is necessary to install the IPU, it is impossible to ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements for the operating conditions of the metering device, which are necessary for its proper functioning, including due to the technical condition and (or) operating mode of in-house engineering systems (in-house equipment), temperature mode, humidity, electromagnetic interference, flooding of premises, and (or) it is impossible to provide access to take meter readings, service it, and replace it.

The design characteristics of the MKD have vertical distribution of intra-house heating engineering systems.

The actual procedure for receiving recalculation for temporary absence has not changed. Upon return, the consumer must contact the district Public Services Center, write a statement, submit a report stating that it is not technically possible to install the IPU and documents confirming the temporary absence.

We remind you that in accordance with Federal law dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency” consumers were required to install individual metering devices in residential premises before July 1, 2013.


on the procedure for recalculation for temporary absence, in connection with the entry into force of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2016 No. 1498

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2016 No. 1498 “On issues of providing utilities and maintaining common property in an apartment building” amended the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 regarding recalculation for temporary absence.

In accordance with clause 92 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354, recalculation for the temporary absence of the owner is made on the basis of the submission:

1. Consumer Statements.

2. An inspection report to determine the lack of technical feasibility of installing individual or general metering devices in a residential area. An act on the lack of technical feasibility of installing an IPU for water (hereinafter referred to as the act) is drawn up and signed by the management organization based on an inspection of the residential premises in accordance with the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2011 No. 627.

3. Documents confirming the temporary absence of the consumer. Documents, with the exception of travel tickets, must be signed by an authorized person of the organization that issued them, and according to changes, certified by the seal of the organization (if there is a seal).

If the residential premises are not equipped with an individual or general metering device and the lack of technical ability to install it is not confirmed, recalculation for water consumption services is not made.

The recalculation procedure for the “gas supply” service remained the same (regardless of the submission of a report on the lack of technical feasibility of installing a water IPU).

In order to avoid mass appeals of the population to management organizations for an inspection report on the residential premises of the State Budgetary Institution “MFC of the City of Moscow”, the following procedure is recommended:

1. The management organization submits an address list to the district public services center apartment buildings, in which there is no technical possibility of installing IPU water in residential premises (with a list of apartments attached).

2. When a consumer from an apartment building listed on the list contacts, specialists from the District Public Services Center send a request to the management organization to submit a Certificate of the lack of technical feasibility of installing a water pump at a specific address, indicating the apartment.

In this case, the application and documents confirming the temporary absence from the consumer are accepted, recalculation is made after receiving the act from the management organization.

To carry out a correct and timely recalculation for temporary absence, a report on the impossibility of installing an IPU must be submitted to the District Public Services Center as soon as possible.

3. In order to inform the population about changes in the procedure for recalculation for temporary absence, relevant announcements should be placed on the stands of the MKD:

At the stands of apartment buildings where it is possible to install an IPU: an announcement about the need to request an act from the management organization and independently submit it to the MFC of the region;

At MKD stands without the technical ability to install an IPU: an announcement about sending information about the impossibility of installing an IPU directly from the management organization to the district MFC without the participation of the consumer.

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Some time after a large-scale transfer to total accounting, the bills began to be inflated. What happened? After the majority of water utility customers switched to paying for actual consumption, utilities moved to the next stage of compensating for “their losses.”

Every house now has a water consumption meter. When summing up the results of the month, the following is implied: the difference between the readings of a common house meter by resource (for example, for cold water) and the total volume of subscriber readings is considered an expense for common house needs. The volume thus obtained is divided proportionally between residents in accordance with the occupied area of ​​residential premises and is added to the receipt, which arrives monthly (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354).

What can be the recalculation for water if there are meters?

And so, let’s figure out what is included in the general household cold water consumption in the city of Moscow:

  • Water consumption for washing the entrance;
  • Cold water, which was used to water the vegetation in the area adjacent to the house;
  • Water used for flushing the network water supply;
  • Losses in the water supply system related to the home network.

You will be charged for water when installed meters even for hot water:

  • The volume of water that is discharged into the sewer during repair work;
  • Hot water is considered spent for general house needs during pressure testing (creation of test pressure);
  • Losses in the hot water supply system related to the home network.
  • Technological work that is carried out during preparation for the heating season.

As can be seen from the Resolution, recalculation of water in the presence of meters may well take place. In this case, the surcharge appears on the receipt solely due to factors beyond the subscriber’s control. By the way, here it is worth adding the difference in consumption between the actual (not recorded) and standard value for subscribers who do not use meters. It turns out that the whole house pays for its neighbors. From the point of view of utility suppliers, this is quite fair.

How to recalculate your water meter downwards

If the subscriber has a duly registered water meter(s) in his apartment, he is given the opportunity to take the initiative. It consists of promoting the installation of meters to those neighbors who do not have them. It is quite clear that if there is no HOA in the house, it is difficult to carry out such work, and it is unlikely that such people will like the presence of means of metering real consumption in their house.

Currently, many subscribers use the average to their advantage. For example, most of the relatives may be registered in an apartment where there are meters, but actually live in a room that does not have meters. It turns out that at the rate of one person it is fashionable to spend as much water as you like. It will be paid for by dissatisfied neighbors who are constantly looking for answers to their questions on forums.

The next category of residents who are directly involved in the recalculation of water bills are subscribers who simply do not provide readings. According to regulatory documents, customer department Vodokanal will increase the existing debt at the point of consumption as the average value for the last three months. The figure is guaranteed to be far from the real one. Accordingly, the entire difference will go to the same household needs - all subscribers who have individual metering devices will receive additional charges for water at the meter.

The third method, which will reduce overbilling for consumed water, is again proactive. It is quite obvious that payment for losses of network water due to a faulty water supply system should not fall on the shoulders of the consumer. A reasonable action would be to contact the utility department with a request to check the quality of the water supply and eliminate violations of its integrity.

This is the direct responsibility of the water utility. Even the absence Money to carry out such work should not embarrass the subscriber. If you have an official refusal in hand, you can submit your appeal to the supervisory authorities for the water utility.

Recalculation for water after installing meters downwards

Those subscribers who for a long time did not provide meter readings, they can always contact the utility office for a new debt accrual. Often such cases occur in connection with a long departure to live in another area. At this time, the apartment can be rented out to tenants who simply do not think about such issues as the display of metering devices. They are instructed quite simply - to pay the receipts to reduce the rent. Everyone is happy, except the neighbors. In fact, there is only one registered per apartment, charges are made per resident, and consumption can be much higher.

However, upon arrival, such a subscriber has the right to request a new charge. Naturally, no one will have questions about how to recalculate water according to meters. A satisfied owner will pay less, but it is not a fact that the recalculation will affect the rest of the tenants.

How to recalculate water without a meter

Everyone knows about this method. To do this, you must provide the water utility's customer department with a certificate confirming the temporary absence of residents from the apartment. For example, such a document may be issued at work in the HR department before going on vacation.

As they say, saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. Not in water, of course, but in large charges for it. It is necessary to improve the quality of water supply networks and reduce the number of careless neighbors.

There are situations when the water meter verification has already been completed, but the management company refuses to recalculate. In this article we will tell you what to do in this case and what is the procedure for recalculating payments for water after checking the water meter.

What to do if recalculation is refused?

If we thoroughly examine this issue, it turns out that the management company’s refusal to carry out recalculation after verification is a lawful action on its part. After all, the water meter has been verified and is now in proper condition. It follows from this that there is no need to change meter readings, reconcile them with standards, or calculate the time of verification intervals before further verification is carried out.

The rules for providing utility services to homeowners are regulated by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 354 of May 6, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules):

clause 61. If, during the verification of the reliability of the information provided by the consumer about the readings of individual, common (apartment), room metering devices and (or) checking their condition, the contractor establishes that the meter is in good condition, including the seals on it are not damaged, but there are discrepancies between the readings of the metering device (distributors) being checked and the volume of the utility resource that was presented by the consumer to the contractor and used by the contractor when calculating the amount of payment for utility services for the billing period preceding the inspection, then the contractor is obliged to recalculate the amount of payment for utility services and send it to the consumer within the time limits established for payment of utilities for the billing period in which the contractor carried out an inspection, the requirement to make an additional charge for those provided to the consumer public utilities or notification of the amount of utility fees overcharged to the consumer. Excess amounts paid by the consumer are subject to offset when paying for future billing periods.
The amount of the fee must be recalculated based on the readings taken by the contractor during the inspection of the meter being checked.
In this case, unless the consumer proves otherwise, the volume (quantity) of the utility resource in the amount of the identified difference in readings is considered to be consumed by the consumer during the billing period in which the check was carried out by the contractor.

Clause 81 (12) of these Rules clearly stipulates that a meter whose calibration interval has expired is considered out of order. It follows from this that data for calculating water charges, which are submitted based on the readings of such a water meter, will not be accepted.


VI. Procedure for calculating and paying utility bills

81(12). The metering device is considered to be out of order in the following cases:

a) failure of metering devices to display measurement results;

b) violation of control seals and (or) verification marks;

c) mechanical damage to the metering device;

d) exceeding the permissible error of the meter readings;

e) expiration of the verification interval for verification of metering devices.

During the first 3 months after such a situation arises, the subscriber will pay for water according to average monthly readings, and after the expiration of this period - according to consumption standards (clauses 59, 60 of the Rules).


VI. Procedure for calculating and paying utility bills

59 b) in case of failure by the consumer to provide readings of an individual, general (apartment), room meter for the billing period within the time limits established by these Rules, or an agreement containing provisions for the provision of utility services, or a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building - starting from the billing period for which the consumer did not provide meter readings to the billing period (inclusive), for which the consumer provided the meter readings to the contractor, but no more than 3 billing periods in a row;

60. Upon expiration of the maximum number of billing periods specified in paragraph 59 of these Rules, for which the payment for a utility service is determined according to the data provided for in the specified paragraph, the payment for a utility service provided to a residential premises is calculated in accordance with paragraph 42 of these Rules in cases , provided for in subparagraphs “a” and “c” of paragraph 59 of these Rules, based on standards for the consumption of utilities using an increasing factor, the value of which is taken equal to 1.5, and in cases provided for in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 59 of these Rules, based on utility consumption standards.

After the expiration of the maximum number of billing periods specified in paragraph 59 of these Rules, for which the payment for utility services is determined according to the data provided for in this paragraph, the payment for utility services provided in non-residential premises, is calculated in accordance with paragraph 43 of these Rules.

When calculating fees for utility services in accordance with this paragraph, differentiation of tariffs by day zones and other criteria is not applied.

Only after completion of the water meter verification and official confirmation of its performance (verification certificate), payment is resumed based on the readings of the water meter. However, before this, it is necessary that the subscriber’s verified water meter be officially put into operation. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a Certificate of Commissioning of the water meter, after which the device is sealed (this procedure is described in detail in clause 81(6) of the Rules).


VII. The procedure for accounting for utilities using metering devices, the grounds and procedure for checking the condition of metering devices and the correctness of taking their readings

81(6). Based on the results of checking the metering device, the contractor draws up an act of putting the metering device into operation, which indicates:

a) date, time and address of putting the metering device into operation;

b) last names, first names, patronymics, positions and contact details of persons who took part in the procedure for putting the metering device into operation;

c) the type and serial number of the installed metering device, as well as the location of its installation;

d) a decision to commission or refuse to commission a metering device, indicating the grounds for such refusal;

e) in the case of putting the metering device into operation, the readings of the metering device at the time of completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation and an indication of the places on the metering device where control disposable number seals (control seals) are installed;

f) date of the next verification.

Refusal to recalculate: possible reasons

Based on the water meter data specified in the act of putting it into operation, payments for water begin after the meter has been verified. This is done according to the same procedure that is provided for installing a new water meter (when the calculation of payments for water starts from zero), and not by checking the old one.

In this case, it is worth writing an official complaint to the settlement center, in which you express your agreement with the requirements of the Rules for the procedure for putting the water meter into operation after its verification. This document must indicate that the current Rules do not provide for the possibility of recalculating payments for water “retroactively”, based on the readings of a water meter found to be in good working order based on the results of an inspection. On this basis, it is worth demanding that additional payments for water be cancelled.

If there is no response to your appeal, then you can send another one - to the housing inspectorate in your area or to the prosecutor's office (as a rule, they respond to requests related to housing and communal services).

Please note that such an appeal is only appropriate if you have all the required documents on hand, namely:

  • Act on verification of the water meter;
  • An act on putting a specific water meter into operation.

What is the purpose of water recalculation?

Let's consider the items that are related to general household consumption cold water in Moscow. These include:

  • Water consumption (cold) for cleaning entrances;
  • Using water to water plants that grow in the local area;
  • Water consumption for washing network type wires;
  • Presence of losses during transportation.

For hot water, recalculation is carried out even if the subscriber has a water meter installed:

  • Recalculation for the amount of water that is discharged into the sewer during repair work;
  • Hot water is considered to be used by residents during the pressing process in the house (when test pressure is created);
  • If significant losses of hot water are detected in water supply networks.

Frequency of water meter testing

As a rule, the calibration interval of a water meter depends on the specific manufacturer of water meters.

Currently, on average, this interval is 4-5 years for hot water supply systems and up to 6 years for cold water supply systems.

Thrifty owners try to check the water meter in advance. In this case, any hitches and delays will not lead to extra amounts in bills for water.

We recommend that you monitor the serviceability of your meters and do not miss the dates of the next verifications.

If there are controversial issues regarding payment for water consumption services - do not hesitate to defend your own interests, referring to legislative acts RF, regulating the rules for providing public services to the population.

This is the only way to pay not some ephemeral sums billed by the management company, but to pay exclusively for the amount of water (cold/hot) that you and your family actually consumed during the reporting period (according to meter readings).

Despite the fact that the calculation of payments for utility services is now carried out mainly by computerized systems (and this excludes the human factor), errors in receipts are still possible.

Therefore, it is important to monitor current tariffs and amounts in payments. If an error occurs in the direction of decreasing or increasing the utility bill, a recalculation is made.

Also, this action is carried out when a person does not live long time at the place of registration, when inaccurate metering data was provided and for many other reasons. The easiest way to recalculate water is when meters are installed in the apartment, but you can do it without them.

Recalculation for hot water is carried out according to Decree 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account latest changes in him. New data must be indicated on the receipt for the next month in a special column “recalculation”.

If the amount in the receipt for water supply has been reduced, the supplier of this important resource will make a new calculation himself, without waiting for the consumer to act. But if an unreasonably large amount is charged, it is in the interests of the consumer to resolve the issue himself. To do this, you need to write an application to the Management Company.

ATTENTION! Recalculation is the difference between the amount that was accrued and the one that actually needs to be paid.

Recalculation for water

Resolution No. 354 allows recalculation for cold, hot water and other resources. The recalculation procedure itself depends on whether the apartment has a meter or does not.

If there is a meter, there may be several reasons for recalculation.

  • When accounting indicators were submitted incorrectly. Supplier representatives may periodically check the performance of individual metering devices. Perhaps the owner submitted incorrect data to reduce the amount of utility payments, or simply wrote down the numbers incorrectly. Recalculation can increase the payment amount (while hiding the correct indicators) or reduce it.
  • Recalculations for water are also carried out when the consumer has violated the rules for connecting to networks. To confirm the fact of connection with violations, a special commission is created and a report is drawn up. According to this act, the consumer is charged the amount to be paid for the unaccounted resource. And then the connection should be eliminated.
  • In the case of an illegal connection to the water supply, it is sometimes difficult to determine how long the consumer has been using the resource. In this case, Resolution 354 requires payment to be calculated for three months and according to standard consumption rates.
  • The basis for recalculation is also interference with the operation of the meter, damage to the seal, or missed deadlines for checking the device. A new amount is calculated for the time when the filling was installed (but not more than three months).
  • The reason for the recalculation may be the low quality of the services provided, interruptions in the supply of hot water in this case, or its supply at a low temperature. A supplier who has violated its obligations must, under Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, pay a fine to the consumer.

The basis for recalculation may be different; in the situation, both suppliers and consumers are to blame.

All new connections to engineering communications and home networks should be carried out with the help of specialists from the Management Company (another housing and communal services organization) and with permission.

Features of the procedure

Recalculation of the incorrectly accrued amount for hot water can be carried out:

  • at the request of the consumer;
  • on the basis of an inspection report, inspection or on the basis of a protocol.

In the first case, the homeowner submits an application to the company responsible for supplying water. It is important that this application be registered; you can also attach documents such as a conclusion on the quality of the service, an inspection report.

An application from a consumer is considered for no more than 5 days, this is established by law.

A positive result of the review can be considered recalculation in favor of the consumer and reimbursement of overpaid money. They can simply be counted towards future payments for hot water supplies.

What to do if the water supply company refuses to recalculate. If the consumer is confident that he is right, he can calmly contact the prosecutor’s office, the court, or Rospotrebnadzor.

Incorrect counter data

Incorrect data on cold or hot water supply transmitted to the resource supplier is one of the most common reasons for recalculation. If the consumer notices an overpayment, he can contact the Management Company and request a recalculation. There is a certain procedure.

  • The consumer calls specialists from the heat and water supply company so that they record the exact readings of the metering devices and draw up a report on this matter.
  • Such a document is attached to the application. The service provider needs to record documents and transfer them to the billing department.
  • If everything is done correctly, recalculation receipts should arrive next month.

The main document for recalculation for hot water supply is Resolution No. 354 and the Rules approved by it (clause 61).

It is important that the meters themselves are in good working order and meet all requirements. Only in this case will their indicators be taken into account by the billing department of the supplier company.

Low quality of services

Hot water is expensive, the payment for it is a significant part of the amount in the receipt. Therefore, it is important that the accrual for this utility service is made correctly.

Not only the indicator of resource consumption is important, but also the quality of the water itself, its temperature (it must meet the standards).

If these requirements are not met, there is a compelling reason for recalculation. According to SanPiN standards, the water in the hot water pipes must have a temperature of at least 65 degrees, deviations during the day should not go beyond 3-5 degrees.

Perhaps the temperature is only slightly below normal, then the payment should be reduced by 0.1% for every 3 degrees.

IMPORTANT! If the water in the hot water pipes is below 40 degrees Celsius, it should be considered cold when calculating payments.

The consumer can control the quality of hot water supplies himself; in case of violation of the contract with the supplier and SanPiN standards, submit an application to the housing and communal services company servicing the house. Employees of this company are required to come to the applicant’s address within 2 hours after submitting the application and check his information.

An inspection report must be drawn up, one copy of which must be in the hands of the consumer.

Not all management companies will want to admit to the poor quality of their work. If an application about low water temperature in the hot water pipes was refused, no one came to check the information, you can invite your neighbors and draw up a joint report.

As a result, the management company will receive a significant fine from higher organizations. But a conscientious company will send its specialist, he will confirm the fact cold temperature, this will become the basis for an application for recalculation.

In the application for recalculation, it is necessary to indicate in what period the service was provided of poor quality. Recalculation will allow you to return the amount that was unreasonably spent on paying for the service. But the money is not given to the consumer; it is credited to future utility bills.

Required documents

Basically, standard documents are always needed to resolve such an issue. This is an instrument inspection report carried out by a representative of the supplier, the Management Company, or another housing and communal services organization. As well as an act of measuring temperature (if recalculation is needed due to poor water quality), an act of lack of water supply, and a protocol for checking the quality of the resource.

Extracts from the organization’s statement books may also be included.

Responsible persons

As a rule, the Management Company is responsible for the supply of water directly to the consumer, and consumers make mutual payments with it.

ATTENTION! Heat supply companies are responsible for the quality of hot water supply only up to the point of separation between the centralized and domestic systems.

Such information may be useful to those consumers who want to apply for recalculation and do not know who the person responsible for the service is.

The application must be submitted to the registration department of the Management Company. You can write an application in any form; there is no exact sample. But you must indicate to whom the complaint is being submitted, your own data, the reason and justification for the recalculation.

It is assigned by the Housing and Communal Services or Management Company based on various factors and indications, and non-payment threatens with a variety of problems from fines to forced eviction. Payment of rent is required. But at the same time, its size must be fair. And if you have been charged the wrong amount, then you need to seek its revision, sometimes using very complex and serious methods. In this article we will tell you how and where to complain if you have been charged your rent incorrectly. Content:

  • Where to complain
  • To the Management Company and Housing and Communal Services
  • To Rospotrebnadzor and Housing Inspectorate
  • To the prosecutor's office or FAS
  • Lawsuit
  • Sample
  • How to win a case

Where to complain There is enough a large number of services capable of considering a complaint about incorrectly charged rent.

UC does not recalculate


Thank you. read answers (1) Topic: Housing question I installed a hot water meter in mid-May, but did not register it, for June I was charged at the general tariff, can I ask for a recalculation for June if I registered it in July? read answers (1) Topic: Payment for hot water We have an emergency in our house and the cold water has been turned off for a week. We have water meters in our apartment. The consumption of hot water increased several times due to the accident. read answers (1) Topic: Housing issue In December, water meters were installed in the apartment, but no information was provided until August.

Is recalculation possible and for what period? read answers (1) Topic: Housing law I haven’t lived in my apartment in the city of Sibay for a year. Moved to the city of Surgut.

Recalculation for water


It is possible and necessary to know how to recalculate payments for utility services, including cold and hot water, if they do not meet the standard or if there are inaccuracies and errors in the transmission of information from meters. Just don’t forget about the procedure for providing recalculation and confirm your requirements with relevant documents.

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Where can I complain about incorrect housing and communal services charges?

Where can I find out the correct rent and housing and communal services tariffs? To do this, you can contact the following authorities:

  • management company or homeowners association servicing an apartment building;
  • check the information on the official websites of local or regional authorities that are authorized to set tariffs.

If an error in the EPD was made due to the fault of the tenant himself (incorrectly indicated the meter data), recalculation will be made when contacting the management company or settlement center. In this case, a new receipt may be issued, or the overcharge may be applied to future pay periods.
In addition, in most regions there is hotline on housing and communal services charges. You can call about housing and communal services receipts not only if an error is identified, but also to obtain information about tariffs and current benefits.

Where can I complain if my rent is charged incorrectly?

What is recalculation for water in a housing and communal services receipt? Depending on what amenities are provided in the living space, the consumer has to pay for cold and hot water, electricity, gas or solid fuel, water disposal (wastewater), garbage collection and removal (MSW). According to parts 4-5 of Art. 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the fee for a “communal apartment” includes water (cold and hot), energy, and sanitation spent on the maintenance of common property apartment building.


The total payment billed by the management company to the consumer-tenant (or owner) is calculated from the readings of individual meters (apartment) and common building meters. If there are no meters, payment is calculated according to utility consumption standards.

This procedure is also established for payments for water (Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 2011).

Where can I complain about incorrect rent calculations?

  • 1 What is recalculation for water in a housing and communal services receipt
  • 2 Grounds for recalculation
  • 3 Procedure for recalculation of utilities
  • 4 How to recalculate water using a meter
  • 5 Hot water does not meet the norm - how to recalculate
  • 6 Who is responsible for hot water
  • 7 Documents on the basis of which recalculation can be made
  • 8 Sample application for recalculation of hot water

Payments for utility services make up a significant share in the budget of Russians, often exceeding 1/5-1/4 of total income. That is why it is important to ensure that housing and communal services receipts include only the services actually consumed by the family (this also applies to water supply), and do not hesitate to demand a recalculation of payments.

When filing a complaint, be sure to keep one copy for yourself. You should receive an answer within a month, it will be in the form of a letter.

This letter should either indicate the exact amount of the payment, or an explanation of why you received exactly the amount indicated in the payments. If you are not satisfied with the answer or your request was ignored, then you can contact higher services.

To Rospotrebnadzor and the Housing Inspectorate The next step will be to contact supervisory services designed to monitor the quality of life of citizens, namely Rospotrebnadzor and the Housing Inspectorate. Rospotrebnadzor is a universal service; its responsibilities include monitoring all legal entities providing services to the population. But the Housing Inspectorate is a more narrowly focused organization that controls housing and communal services and management companies.

They don’t recalculate water costs, where can I complain?

If it is impossible to establish since when the incorrect connection has existed, additional fees will be charged for the three previous months (according to Article 354 of the Resolution, paragraph 62).

  • In case of interference with the operation of meters. Common reasons recalculation on this basis is the loss of seals, missed deadlines after checking meters, etc.

    Recalculation is made from the date of installation of seals and devices that allow recording unauthorized interference in the operation of meters, but no more than three months previous to the date in which the interference in the operation of devices was established.

  • When providing services (including cold water, hot water) with interruptions exceeding the standard duration, or of inadequate quality (for example, low temperature hot water). At the same time, the person guilty of providing low-quality services or their absence is obliged to pay a fine to the consumer (Part.

A year ago I installed water meters and registered them. And then I called the housing and communal services accounting department and refused. Read the answers (1) Topic: Housing law The situation is this: in an apartment, one owner.
We always paid for 1 person. There are no water meters. A week ago we found out that since July 2012, water has been charged for 3 people. read answers (1) Topic: Meter readings I have not submitted meter readings for over 3 months and they billed me for payment at the tariff; I submitted the readings; a reconciliation was carried out by the commission read answers (1 ) Topic: Operation of residential premises The three of us are registered in the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg (a total of 6 people are registered, and 2 live), and we live in Kalininsky (we rent apartments under an agency agreementread answers (1) Topic: Recalculation for hot water I have this problem: for six months now there has been no hot water The water comes out a little warm. You have to let it pass for an hour at a time.
Most often, management companies are responsible for delivering water to residents of apartment buildings, and heat supply organizations are responsible for the temperature and quality of water only up to the separation point (border) between the centralized system and the house system. Documents on the basis of which recalculation can be made If a housing utility consumer requests a recalculation of payments for water, hot or cold, supporting documents must be attached to the application. Such documents may include:

  • When clarifying the readings of metering devices - instrument inspection reports, verification document;
  • When supplying water of inadequate quality - a temperature measurement report, a report on the lack of water supply, water quality examination protocols, etc.

Extracts from the application books of housing and communal services, management companies (about applications, their elimination) can also serve as supporting documents.