Mr lc vnukovo notice zk. Mr Lts Vnukovo received a registered letter: what is it

Modern world literally filled with various abbreviations, incomprehensible designations and specific symbols - each service, even sometimes individual organizations, compose something similar for themselves. Such points are quite relevant, since they can significantly increase work efficiency by optimizing the time for assessing a particular concept.

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However, what should ordinary citizens do when they encounter strange signs for the first time? In such situations, they can only turn to competent specialists or independently get acquainted with the information on the Internet.

The Russian Post deserves special attention, in whose activities there are many completely different marks on correspondence and parcels. The recipient, when considering the notice, often simply does not understand what the contents of the shipment that came to his name are. In particular, 2019 is the most topical issue, what is MR LC Vnukovo on the postal notice.

This interest is due to the increased popularity of global online trading platforms. To understand the basic intricacies of the mail, it is recommended to study individual provisions with which you can obtain significant information from just one notification.

Decryption options

First, it’s worth understanding the decoding of the abbreviation. Thus, MR LC Vnukovo is an international Russian logistics center localized in Vnukovo. In other words, this is simply one of the divisions of the Russian Post, which processes international correspondence.

Interest in letters with this designation is especially relevant among citizens who regularly use the services of foreign trading platforms, such as EBay, AliExpress. Each correspondence from such resources has a corresponding mark indicating that it was processed in an international Russian logistics center.

Important information

The vast majority of parcels to Russia come from China. Obviously, the lion's share comes from purchases on special Internet sites.

It is also worth noting that the services of MR LC Vnukovo are often resorted to by government agencies and other legal entities Russian Federation, including financial institutions, commercial and non-profit companies.

In this case, the shipment can contain both simple printed correspondence and a weighty parcel post - you can clarify this point on the notice itself, where the weight of the shipment is indicated. Therefore, if the document states up to 25-30 grams, then it is a simple envelope.

It should also be noted that another abbreviation is quite often assigned to the MR LC Vnukovo - DTI or additional technological index.

This designation has its own purpose, which is actively used by federal government services:

  • The Federal Tax Service;
  • State Road Safety Inspectorate;
  • Federal Bailiff Service;
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Banks and individual structures may also be hidden under it. When you receive a letter with a DTI, you should not ignore it, as it usually contains important information.

As for another point that is quite relevant for many citizens - the duration of processing of parcels and correspondence, this indicator can be completely different at each individual point in time.

This is due to the fact that it is influenced by the following factors:

  • current workload of the logistics department;
  • availability of serviceable equipment used for sorting;
  • availability of sufficient personnel;
  • human factor.

As a result, the stay of shipments at the Vnukovo MR LC can be up to several weeks. Therefore, you should not panic if the parcel remains in place for 10-15 days.

Additionally, it is worth noting that if the weight designations have been changed after sorting, this does not always mean theft or loss of part of the object. It is quite possible that the operator made a mistake in the numbers.

Other nuances of correspondence

A postal notice marked MR LC Vnukovo informs the recipient that mail is awaiting him at the local service office.

As already noted, this is usually a package from other countries purchased on trading platforms world level. In this case, the recipient himself knows what he ordered and what he should receive.

In some situations, correspondence from domestic government agencies is possible - this is evidenced by the additional inscription DTI. Even though a registered letter with such a mark arrived from the territory of the country, it can still be processed by the international Russian logistics center in Vnukovo.

It is also worth noting that this additional technological index greatly facilitates the work of postal services, since due to its specific nature, processing takes significantly less time.

How to find out who the sender is

You can explain the distrust of people when they receive a notification with incomprehensible abbreviations instead of the usual address (especially if the parcel arrived in the child’s name). Therefore, Russian Post provides the opportunity to find out from whom correspondence with such notes came.

For this purpose, there is a special internal service on the official website of this service. To purchase up-to-date information, you must enter the set of numbers specified in the received notice (a unique 14-character identifier) ​​into the search bar. Then you need to wait a few seconds, after which the system displays the name of the sender, as well as the points that the parcel has passed through.

It is worth understanding that information does not always get into the system in a timely manner, so you do not need to rely on real time. Although, with adequate consideration, the information still remains relevant.

The identification code is also available to the sender. After the parcel has left the first department, you can track its further progress in a special application or website.

How to Avoid Scams

When receiving a notice, special attention should be paid to the need to pay for postal transfer services. Important: if this service was not chosen independently when ordering the product, or nothing was ordered at all, then there is no need to rush and spend your money. Typically, such inconsistencies are the activity of scammers.

They will use every available means to persuade the citizen to transfer funds. But, in addition, unscrupulous persons want to receive copies of personal documents and any other personal information.

It should be understood that government agencies will not use mail to resolve financial issues– they only notify about the presence of debts or fines. This is especially relevant since scammers in most cases hide under a false mask civil service or other companies with a reliable business reputation.

Therefore, when indicating in correspondence the presence of debts and sanctions, such issues should be resolved in the local branch of the relevant authority.

Problems with delivery

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for problems to arise with parcel delivery. In this case, there are separate regulations regarding processing times, which depend on the delivery method and the location of the recipient in the country.

In case of delay, a person has the right to compensation. This point is specified in the rules for the provision of postal services, where the amount of waiting coverage is determined.

Thus, if the established time frames allotted for sending postal items and the implementation of money transfers aimed at satisfying personal, family and household needs (in other words, they are not related to business activities), telecom operators are required to pay a penalty. Its value is set at the rate of 3% of the fee for the forwarding service for each day of delay, but not more than the amount that was paid as payment.

If the violation concerns the shipment of the item by air, then the difference between the air and ground transportation fees serves as compensation.

In the final analysis, it turns out that if the parcel or correspondence was delayed for a period exceeding 33 days, then the recipient can count on full reimbursement of shipping costs.

Obviously, no one will pay anything just like that. Therefore, after receiving a parcel with a violation of the processing time, you need to fill out an appropriate application for compensation.

It is necessary to immediately clarify that the consideration of such requests takes a very long time, and the postal service will do its best to evade compensation. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the package packaging with all labels and marks.

Cases with a delay are much more preferable than situations where they do not arrive at all. First, you need to establish the fact of the loss itself. To do this, you will need to again write a statement about searching for the shipment, and then send it to any post office.

You will also need the following documents:

  • directly, statement;
  • internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • shipping receipt or a photocopy thereof;
  • power of attorney - relevant if the request is submitted by a person not associated with the shipment.

After submitting the application, all you have to do is wait. At the same time, the legislation establishes deadlines for the Russian Post to search for a lost item - they amount to a period of up to 2 months.

If a successful combination of circumstances occurs, the fact of the loss of correspondence is confirmed, after which the recipient can count on compensation, the amount of which is the total cost of shipping and the cost of the item itself. It is important that the real price tag of the parcel is established in advance.

However, many citizens neglect some rules. For example, when ordering products from foreign sites, individuals do this without tracking and without establishing the actual cost of the parcel - they are simply trying to save as much as possible. As a result, if it goes missing, they will not be able to get their funds back.

If a citizen has a very negative attitude towards the work of the Russian Post, and he has good reasons for this, then he can additionally punish this service. To do this, fill out a special application form on the official website of Roskomnadzor, indicating the reason and providing evidence.

After this, the Post Office will most likely be charged a fine for dishonest activity. The main convenience is that only information is required from the applicant; the rest is handled by the supervisory and control service.

If the Russian Post does not want to cooperate, does not accept or ignores the application, or simply brushes it off, then you can either leave everything as it is or file a claim with the courts.

It should be understood that litigation takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, if there are alternative ways to solve the problem, it is recommended to turn to them.

State postal services continue to function properly, therefore, very often, in your personal mailbox you can find a variety of notices that cannot be delivered in any other way.

Naturally, if a registered letter arrives, the person will have to waste his time visiting the post office indicated on the form. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that people want to get as much information about the sender as possible in advance. For example, what does the designation “Mr Lts Vnukovo” mean, and what exactly may the envelope contain.

What kind of organization is this

“Mr Lts Vnukovo” stands for “International Russian Logistics Center”, located, as is clear, in the locality of the same name.

What it is? This is an organization that is responsible for receiving, sorting and further sending correspondence sent from other countries.

Most often this is exactly the case. But sometimes you can also find an additional technical index on the form. Or - DTI. If it is marked, then it may well be that some domestic organizations and structures decided to use the services of this institution.

What could be in the envelope

As already written above, if the postal notification does not contain additional identifiers, then most likely the letter will indeed be from abroad.

If a person sees a DTI, then inside there may well be:

  • Notification of fines or judgments;
  • Commercial offers or banal advertising;
  • Information about any important changes in activities pension fund, insurance company, banking structure;
  • Reminder about debts, demands of collectors.

Is it possible to accurately find out the sender?

Unfortunately, doing this is quite problematic. Yes, you can try to call a postal representative and ask him to read out the information from the letter. But the post office employee is not obliged to do this, so it is not a fact that he will agree.

Another option is to go to the official web resource of the Russian postal service and enter fourteen numbers into the search bar, which can be seen under the barcode on the notification. Sometimes this allows you to identify the sender, but extremely rarely.

Reasons why correspondence is sometimes delayed

Yes, sometimes a person is waiting for an important letter, tracks it in a special application, but sees that it is the Vnukovo logistics center that is delaying its movement. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • There is a large load on the capacity of this organization, in which some of the processes occur manually;
  • There are some problems with the information indicated on the envelope - LC employees are forced to waste time on clarification;
  • The packaging is damaged and needs to be replaced.

Why the fright did all the parcels (orders) suddenly begin to be delivered through customs, and the so-called “L/C” to Sharapovo? What kind of Monopoly is this, with discrimination??? Previously, all orders from Singapore (as well as from Asia in general) to the Republic of Belarus mainly went through Orenburg. Because, in terms of delivery, RossPost is much closer and faster. And everything was fine, and without delays. And people received their orders from 14 to 20 days. Now, not only do all orders recently go for some reason only mainly through Sharapovo, but also through some kind of l/c ? Which slow down and are in no hurry to release goods (s) to S/C - sorting centers? Why do we even need such a L/C if they don’t (as is done in ALL European and Asian countries) deliver in Russia??? The order arrived at customs, as well as in (Russia), on 07/09/17 (although the order itself left Singapore (as indicated by the link from "Alika") on the Asian website) on 07/06/17), and in the same day, has already been released by customs. For example, it is the central office as a whole that creates problems for many consumers. Since the main number of orders are either lost (stolen) or arrive with mechanical damage, it is the orders that pass “customs” at the central office. through Moscow and Moscow region. This also includes Sharapovo. But despite all these problems with delays and complaints, I still hope that I will receive my order, albeit late, but intact? Like my previous order. Which, for some reason, also ended up in Sharapovo first? Although it came from Hong Kong. It smacks of discrimination with a monopoly. Russia is big, and for some reason all orders from Asia and Southeast Asia deliberately and purposefully go through Moscow, or the Moscow region? Why not Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Vladivostok, Orenburg, Kazan, Ufa, and many others. the nearest cities of Russia? Where do they also exist? International Airports with customs??? They came up with the idea, From Asia to the Moscow Region Central District. Then wait until the order from Moscow will wander around the cities of the R/R/D in circles. From here the question; Whose whim is this??? And where is the Russian antimonopoly service looking??? Or are they only formally listed as the “antimonopoly service”??? To all those who complain about Russian Post. Basically, many goods - orders - disappear even before they reach the Sorting Centers of Russian Post. Once I was tracking one of the orders by weight. After I saw that the order, upon receipt sorting center, (or no matter where), I lost weight, didn’t bother with waiting, just refused on the site where I ordered the goods. And within 6 and 11 days they returned it to my card funds. Although, it is prescribed within 45 days. By the way; this is a good functionality for returning the entire amount if the argument or reason is justified. I hope that this advice will help some avoid problems with returning their funds. And it is advisable to do this before the order arrives at the final destination. Therefore, you can ask for a photo file(s), or simply message the seller with the weight of the sent order. Early weight of orders for example the same " Alika" was always and everywhere indicated during tracking. The exception is perhaps small and cheap orders. Now, for some reason, the weight cannot always be observed? Apparently this is the “policy” for the “scammers”. I will give a rating after receiving the order in proper form. Although, the delivery time does not automatically allow us to give 5 stars. The argument of delivery on time dates indicating from 25 - 45 - 60 days is not an argument. Because in general, the maximum period is taken when sending with a delay by the seller. Due to the lack of availability of goods at the time of order (which is not notified in advance). If the seller does not delay the shipment, as well as the country of dispatch, then the terms should be appropriate - accelerated. Something like this. I don’t really care about the work of our Russian Post. Sometimes you have to wait more than two weeks for your parcels from St. Petersburg. Because... some incompetent “employees” send, not only are they in no hurry, but also through, where and when it is convenient for them!? And not as it should be. Example From Arkhangelsk via Moscow, parcels arrive in 9-11 days. To the Republic of Belarus parcels from St. Petersburg , they’re coming, well, very good. for a long time??? And even through Samara - RT - Kazan then to Ufa and then to the destination? Although, there are shorter and faster routes along the same railway lines. This is how we “live”... It turns out that until you evaluate the message, the message is not sent!? Hmmm... Alas, but higher than 3 - three, yes, and even then with an advance payment, I can’t deliver. (The reason is stated above: 5 days the order was in the l/c. Why, and what did he do during these 5 days in the l/c ts??? It’s just like they “did an audit” - (they were talking) probably!? So, then think about how you need to quickly improve and establish the process of sending consumer orders. In order to gain trust with respect from citizens. Of which there is less than expected, and I would like to observe.

Some day we may find in our mailbox a notice containing a mention of “MR LC Vnukovo”. This usually signals that there is mail waiting for us at the local post office that we need to come and receive. In this material I will tell you what “MR LC Vnukovo” is, what the specifics of its work are, and what to do if you receive a mail notification with the mentioned line in it.

“Vnukovo International Logistics Center” is an important transit point in the logistics chain of many goods entering Russia. After passing through customs, various packages, parcels and other cargo enter the Vnukovo LC, where they begin to be sorted and subsequently sent to the appropriate links in the logistics chain.

The duration of sorting may vary significantly in each specific case. It is influenced by factors such as:

  • the workload of the logistics center at a particular moment (for example, before the holidays it is high);
  • serviceability of sorting equipment;
  • availability of sufficient staff;
  • and just the human factor.

The stay time of parcels at the Vnukovo MR LC can range from several days to several weeks, so there is no need to panic if the parcel is stuck there for 10-14 days.

Also, there is no need to panic if the parcel after the Vnukovo LC has significantly lost weight. This is usually explained by human errors, and the declared goods will reach the recipient safe and sound.

To roughly understand what Mr Lc Vnukovo is and how a logistics center works, I suggest watching this video:

What to do when receiving a notice from MR LC Vnukovo

If you find a notice from this LC in your mailbox, and the sender is not indicated on it, then you can try to get information about the latter on the Russian Post website. Enter the 14-digit number under the barcode in the mail notification you received in the appropriate field on the site, and click on the button with a magnifying glass. You can also call the indicated post office and ask the young lady-operator for information about the sender.

Track the sender using the Russian Post resource

What could this correspondence be about?

A postal notice from MR LC Vnukovo notifies the recipient that there is postal correspondence awaiting him at the local Russian Post office. This often happens with any parcel (especially if you have previously bought something on trading platforms at the Aliexpress level). Also, in some cases, this may be a registered letter from state or municipal authorities, with important information for you that you will need to familiarize yourself with.

If there is “ ” next to the inscription LC Vnukovo, then this means “Additional Technical Index”. The latter is used by Russian Post to facilitate the sorting of postal correspondence, allowing faster work with various enterprises with large postal turnover (PF, courts, banks, etc.). Therefore, it is recommended to go to the post office and receive the correspondence due to you.