We change the door lock cylinder. Entrance door lock cylinder: types, possible problems, how to choose and replace it yourself

Input reliability metal door There is no doubt for a long time that this is a durable design that successfully fulfills its safety function. But whatever one may say, without a high-quality lock, the chances of resisting breaking and entering are zero.

Not only the safety of your property, but also the comfort of your family depends on its quality and cost. The basis of security is the main part of the lock design - the cylinder, and the key to it.

A cylinder is a device that ensures the transfer of force from the key to the door lock mechanism and at the same time a secret element. In simple words: The cylinder is fixed inside or outside the housing, and can be turned only if the key is inserted into the hole. It is the precise mechanics of the cylinder that is responsible for recognition based on the “friend/foe” principle. Popularly, such a mechanism is called a “larva” because it has an elongated shape. In a professional environment, this is a cylinder security mechanism (CMS).

It is not difficult to guess that the cylinder or cylinder is the basis of cylinder (“English”) locks. They are quite popular today due to their ease of use and maintenance. The key is small in size, it does not require much physical effort to open the door, but the main advantage is that in case of breakdown or other reasons, it is enough to replace only the mechanism cylinder.

Why change the lock?

There are not many reasons to think about replacing an old lock, but they exist. It often happens that the key simply begins to jam in the cylinder, which can occur as a result of damage to the device by foreign objects or untimely care of the product. Another reason could be losing a key, moving to a new place of residence, etc.

But before you rush to purchase and install new castle, analyze the situation, it is possible to drill, disassemble and replace the lock cylinder front door it will be more than enough for a new one. Having spent money on a new and high-quality device, you will still save on the purchase of an entire mechanism.

Moreover, CMS in most cases is subject to the European standard DIN (Europrofile), which indicates versatility and interchangeability in the mechanisms of manufacturing companies.

To avoid getting into trouble, carefully determine the company and brand of your product, otherwise you will realize that you are the owner of a Chinese or Soviet mechanism when the money will have already been wasted.

Replacing the mechanism in this case will not be possible.

Types of lock cylinders

There are many types of lock cylinders; we will look at the typology of those that are used everywhere.

By locking type:

  • Key/key (double-sided).
    External and internal locking of metal doors occurs using a key. Most often, if a key is inserted into the cylinder from the inside, it will be impossible to open the door from the outside.
  • Key/spinner (single-sided).
    From the inside of the room, the door opens and closes using a turntable. Most often they are not equipped with a “dead center” system - the key opens the lock in any position of the turntable.

The length of the cylinder is determined by the width of the entrance door leaf. In the middle of the cylinder there is a rotary cam, the width of which is always 10 mm.

The cylinder offset for door locks is measured from the middle of the cam:

  • equilateral cylinder - two extreme parts are equal in length;
  • scalene cylinder - different lengths of two parts.

A product that is correctly selected in length will not protrude much beyond the plane of the door leaf.

To choose the right part for changing the mechanism, you should consider some requirements:

  • secrecy – number of combinations;
  • security – the degree of burglary resistance, which depends on the service life of the CMS.

Instructions for changing the cylinder

Replacing the core in the front door lock is a cheaper and more efficient repair method than replacing the entire product. Moreover, changing an entire lock on a metal door is expensive.

Replacing the main part of the structure will not take much time and will not require a whole set of different tools.

You only need 4 things: a tape measure, a screwdriver, a new mechanism and a drill (if you need to drill out the core).

Measuring the larva

Before replacing the CMS, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the door leaf and take the dimensions of the lock core to select the cylinder of the required length. Length that is too long or short is a design violation.

For correct measurements it is necessary to remove the lock cylinder. You need to unscrew the bolt that secures the part and insert the key into the hole to move the locking mechanism to the open state, the cam should protrude outward.

Next, the core of the lock can be easily removed by pressing reverse side. But sometimes it happens that it is not possible to get the CMS without difficulty (the mechanism is damaged or the key is stuck). The solution to the problem is a drill. Using a drill with a diameter of 10 mm, you need to drill out the core, disassemble it and stick it out.

Once you have the part in your hands, measure its length, width and diameter. Install the manufacturer and insert the cylinder into place. Now is the time to purchase a new cylinder and install it.

Replacing the larva

Replacing an old core with a new one is not a difficult process at all.

It is necessary to disassemble the core again if it was installed back after measurements. Next, insert a new cylinder into the hole, move the rotary cam to the “closed” position and tighten the bolt. The door lock cylinder has been replaced successfully.

When purchasing a security mechanism, it is not recommended to give preference to the cheapest one. This type of design is easy to break into, as it is made mainly of brass metal and does not have the proper strength.

In this case, replacing the mechanism will not make sense. The best option is to choose a cylinder from a similar manufacturer, if, of course, it meets all operational requirements, then changing the cylinder will be quick and safe.

The cylinder lock cylinder is a part of its mechanism in which a secret is hidden, consisting of a certain combination of parts and used to use the front door with a key. The cylinder is the most important removable element of the lock; if necessary, it can always be replaced. This is not difficult to do, since manufacturers sell such products in standard form and along with the keys. The larva can be bought at the market or at a hardware store. Replacing it does not require removing the lock from the door, and the whole process will take no more than twenty minutes.

How to pick a larva

When buying a new lock cylinder, you need to pay attention to its diameter and length. The lengths of the larvae may vary, since these products are designed for installation in doors of different thicknesses. In addition, the diameters of cylinders from foreign and domestic manufacturers may differ.

In addition to the size, you need to pay attention to the design of the larva and its color. It’s good if the shades of the ends of the cylinder and the door fittings match. Regarding the design of the cylinder, it can be made with two key holes on both sides of the front door, or with one hole. In this case, the iron door is locked from the inside with a “turntable”. You need to choose for yourself the best option for the lock cylinder of an iron or wooden door.

Don't buy cheap products. As a rule, such larvae are unreliable, their material is too soft, and the linings are weak.

You also need to pay attention to the placement of the hole on the cylinder body for the mounting bolt, its size and distance to the cylinder from the end of the door. If it is less than in the old secret, it will not be possible to replace the larva in the lock.

When choosing a door lock secret, it is worth considering its keys. If they are laser sharpened, then the cylinder has a complex and reliable system. The main thing is that the secret fits the lock of the iron door in size.

Before going to the store, you can take the old core with you as a sample, and if this is not possible, and the door must remain locked, it is worth taking the dimensions of the fixing screw and the cylinder body, and then installing it in place.

The cylinder kit must include keys. Usually there are at least five of them. To check the functionality of the new purchase, all keys are inserted into the secret one by one.

Replacing the lock cylinder

You can do this work yourself or call a specialist. The process of replacing the lock cylinder is short and consists of two stages: dismantling the old one and installing a new mechanism.

Dismantling the larva

To replace the lock secret, you will need a screwdriver with a cross-shaped tip and a tape measure.

At the long end of the open entrance door leaf there is a metal strip with three screws screwed into it. The middle screw holds the lock cylinder. You need to unscrew it and remove the core by turning the lock to the “open” position with the key.

But sometimes this procedure is not enough. The reason for this may be the flag, which, located in the center of the larva, blocks its removal. This device prevents drilling or knocking out the lock cylinder, thereby increasing the protective properties of the entire mechanism. Therefore, to remove the cylinder, this flag must be recessed into the lock body. Next, by turning the key in the keyhole while simultaneously pulling it towards you, the cylinder can be pulled out of the lock. The process can be helped by pressing on the cylinder on the other side of the door.

The released cylinder must be protected from falling. It is quite possible that it is working properly, and the problem lies in all other mechanisms of the lock. Then it will have to be replaced, and the old cylinder will be in reserve.

The task of removing a metal door lock cylinder can become more difficult if its mechanical lock is broken or the key is hopelessly stuck in it. In this case, the cylinder is drilled with a 10mm drill clamped into a drill chuck. A slot will open in the core of the cylinder, by turning it with a screwdriver you can easily open the door lock. The lock mechanism is moved by the cylinder through a special cam. He must go to her profile, then the secret can be extracted.

Installation of a new larva

After purchasing a new cylinder, all that remains is to install it in the lock. This process is performed in the reverse order of dismantling discussed above. The main point of the work is fixing the cylinder in the door locking mechanism. In this case, the screw must fall into the corresponding hole on the cylinder body through the lock bar installed at the end of the door. To do this, the cylinder must be installed in the lock, and the screw in the desired hole. By slightly moving these two elements, you need to ensure that the screw matches its threaded location on the secret body. After this, the screw can be easily tightened using a screwdriver.

The correct operation of the larva can be checked using a key. To do this, you need to insert it into the keyhole and perform several simulations of unlocking and locking the door. Easy and silent operation of the lock means correct installation its larvae.

Caring for the lock cylinder

For long and reliable service of the lock cylinder mechanism in iron doors, it must be handled carefully. Do not use excessive force when turning or removing the key from the cylinder. In addition, reliable operation of the lock requires maintenance, which is carried out as follows:

  1. You need to inject a little cleaning agent into the keyhole until it flows out slightly from the hole;
  2. The larva must be wiped with a dry cloth, then insert the key and remove it without turning it. In this case, the dust does not disperse throughout the larva and the secretion does not jam.
  3. After removing the key, the cylinder is wiped again. The process is repeated until the removed key remains clean.
  4. After cleaning the locking device from dirt, you need to inject lubricating oil into the cylinder and turn the key in it several times.

That's all, we hope that you can now replace the cylinder in the lock. Good luck with your work!

Many people ask this question when they are faced with the problem of the lock jamming when opening and closing it, butIn the end, not everyone gets to change the lock cylinder themselves, because there are specialized organizations that can carry out quick and high-quality repairs even of such a small thing. However, such a trivial task can be solved by anyone.

What is a lock cylinder?

Almost every day a person encounters door locks. They exist on the doors of apartments, rooms, cars and in many other places. But no matter how careful you are when using them, sometimes the locks fail. One of the possible problems in a door lock is problems inside the mechanism, which entail the need to change the door cylinder.

What is the larva of the castle? This is part of the lock with a secret mechanism. The key is inserted into it and its compliance is checked when opening and closing doors. Is it possible to change the lock cylinder yourself? Yes, and this procedure is not complicated - it will take 10 minutes at most.

The process of replacing the lock cylinder

How to change the cylinder in a door lock? First you need to pick up a Phillips screwdriver and get to work. First, you should find the bolt on the end plate and unscrew it. It is located in the middle of the bar and unscrews counterclockwise. Having completely removed the bolt, you can find that the larva is already moving, but still cannot be pulled out. Then the question arises: “How to replace the cylinder in the door lock?” The extended flag on the secret lock mechanism prevents it from being removed.

In order to “sink” the flag, you will need to insert the key and turn it in the cylinder 15 degrees clockwise. After this, you can pull the key towards you or press on the secret from the back side. After this, the lock cylinder will be removed. Having taken possession of a sample cylinder for your castle, you can proceed to purchasing a new cylinder.

Criteria for choosing a new lock cylinder

How to replace the cylinder in a door lock? Having a sample, you can go purchase a new larva. Despite its inoperability, you can use it to select a new part. When choosing, you need to consider the length and diameter. These specifications may vary due to varying door thicknesses. The diameters of the larvae on foreign-made doors especially often differ.

It is worth paying attention to the mounting hole. It is necessary that the length from the end to the hole of the purchased larva coincides in size with the sample. It is allowed to be larger, but in no case smaller.

How to change the cylinder on a metal entrance door? In order for everything to go well when purchasing a new larva, you must consider the following:

If a situation arises in which it is not possible to leave the door open, then it is necessary to remember all the characteristics of the larva. To be sure, it is better to photograph or sketch it, and also write down all the dimensions.

Installation of a new larva

How to replace the core in a lock with your own hands? Having done all of the above, you can proceed to the final stage. The lock installation process is the reverse of the removal process. The main difficulty is getting the bolt into the hole. To eliminate this inconvenience, you can simultaneously move the larva.

If you encounter any problems or want to visually familiarize yourself with the process of replacing the larva, you can resort to the help of the Internet. Having found a video for the queries “how to replace a lock core on a video” or “how to change a cylinder in a door lock on a video”, you can familiarize yourself in detail with all the intricacies of the process.

Replacement if a key is missing

Replacing the lock cylinder without a key is also possible. The main action in this case will be to remove the broken part by turning the mechanism.

To accomplish this, several options can be proposed, one of which would be to remove the pins from the larva. If they fall out, the lock will turn without difficulty. Another possible option would be to drill the cylinder under the cylinder with a 3 mm drill. If the outcome is successful, the lock will turn without any problems.

Another solution to the problem may be to remove the door trim. Through the resulting gap you can see in which direction the lock cam is turned. Then, with a thin drill, it will be possible to drill out the entire lock body and remove the cylinder without turning. Which option to use must be determined based on the specific situation.

Many people have been faced with the question of how to change the lock cylinder of the front door. This is usually necessary if the lock begins to open or close poorly. You can replace the lock cylinder by contacting specialized organizations that provide repair and household services. But it will be much easier and cheaper to do it yourself.

Door locks in apartments or cars are used every day. Even if handled carefully, they may still need to be repaired or replaced over time. Problems with the cylinder refer to internal problems of the lock mechanism.

A cylinder with a secret mechanism is needed to insert a specific key. It must correspond exactly to it for subsequent normal opening and closing of the door.

The main reasons for changing the larva are:

  1. Wear of parts of the lock mechanism due to prolonged use. As a result, problems arise with the normal rotation of the key.
  2. Violation of integrity due to unsuccessful disassembly of the lock.
  3. Impact or attempt to break into a structure.
  4. Loss of keys, resulting in the need for immediate replacement of the secret part of the mechanism. This is necessary to prevent possible robbery and theft of property.

How to get the larva out of the lock?

Replacing the larva yourself is a simple process and will not take much time. Before you begin, you will need a Phillips screwdriver.

Then you will need to do the following:

It should also be noted that the larva should be removed smoothly and easily. If it stops, it means you haven't dismantled the lock or door enough. You need to take a sample of the old larva with you to the store to select a new version with exactly the same dimensions.

Selecting a lock cylinder

The new part is selected in exact accordance with the previous sample. The length and diameter of the cylinder may vary due to different thicknesses of doors, especially foreign ones. This factor is also worth considering when purchasing. The length from the end to the mounting hole must also be strictly identical in size. In extreme cases, it can be a little more, but not less.

Main key points to pay attention to:

  1. How many keys are required? Number of keys in different models is different.
  2. Do you need the type with key holes on both sides or just the outside?
  3. What shape are the keys? There are perforated, flat and other types.
  4. What color? Please note that the color of the cylinder matches the lock.

If you are afraid to leave the door open, you don’t have to take it with you, but simply take a photo of the larva. It would also be a good idea to sketch it and outline all the dimensions on a piece of paper.

Installing a new lock cylinder

To install a new sample, you will need to reverse the steps that were performed when removing the old larva. Before installation, check again that the new cylinder matches the dimensions of the old model.

What to do if you need to get the lock cylinder without a key

Sometimes situations arise when you need to replace the cylinder, but there is no key (it was lost or broken). In this case, you will need to completely disassemble the lock to remove the core. This is a more complex process, but it is completely doable.

There are several ways to get to the larva:

Important details:

  • If the key is broken and stuck in the lock, you will need to drill out the secret mechanism of the lock with a drill to remove the cylinder.
  • Before replacing the core, make sure it is necessary. Perhaps you should just lubricate the parts with a specially designed product.
  • It is important to keep the fastening parts strictly at right angles to the end. This will help avoid further problems when installing a secret mechanism.
  • Don't try to save money when buying a larva. Cheap copies quickly break down and can be easily hacked. Naturally, the cost of the stolen property cannot be compared with the amount you tried to save.

Thus, you can change the lock cylinder of the front door yourself. But only if all replacement rules are observed and making the right choice new copy.

It seems to many that replacement is a difficult and special process that only a specialist can handle, but in fact, anyone can perform this operation on their own at home. For this reason, knowing how to change the grub is very useful. So next time you won’t have to wait for repairmen to fix the problem, but you can start working on the lock yourself. The main thing is that not the entire structure is damaged, but that only the core needs to be replaced, with which a person will need to work.

When is a cylinder replacement required?

It often happens that the lock breaks at the most inopportune moment, and you simply cannot leave the door open, because then everything material assets will be freely available to third parties. The key may not turn or, conversely, may pass through and not engage the locking mechanism. In any of these cases, the malfunction is caused due to damage to the door lock cylinder.

Reasons why this need may arise:

  • due to wear of the cylinder, which often happens, so you need to try to constantly check the condition of the lock of the metal entrance door, because the mechanisms cannot last forever;
  • after trying to disassemble the lock, sometimes it breaks;
  • if you hit the castle, it will also not bring anything good;
  • when trying to break into or open without a key if it is lost.

Due to the reasons described above, a problem arises with the metal door lock, which must be solved by replacing the lock, otherwise you will have to purchase a new mechanism. If you make the replacement yourself, you won’t have to pay for a new lock or redo the connectors for a new security device. In addition, you also do not need to pay for the work of a specialist. But some systems will require a lot of work to fix, although most are not that difficult to work with.

Types of mechanisms

Replacing the door lock cylinder will depend on which metal door lock you have to work on.

  • Cylinder. This type of locking mechanism can be found in any home, because it is the most popular among all. It has earned its popularity and popularity due to the fact that it cannot be hacked. The cylinder locks themselves are also divided into several types: half-cylinder, gear, key-key and key-turner.

All except the gear are suitable for disassembly at home. The gear is complex due to its design, which a common person won't be able to put it back together unless he's lucky.

  • Level castle is not easy to replace, it is best to refer to the instructions, it should tell you how to replace the cylinder on this model. Although, by and large, a lever lock is disassembled in almost the same way as a cylinder lock, only the lining, handle and bolt are removed.
  • Pinned. Already a less common mechanism that could not gain enough popularity due to its weakness against robbers, because it is quite easy to hack. But there is one branch of pin locks, perforated ones - they are still found, because they can at least somehow protect the room from strangers. You can also disassemble and repair it yourself.
  • Disk. The name should already speak for itself - discs are used here, rather than the usual pins and pins. The easiest way is to simply replace such a lock with a new one, because parts for disk types are almost impossible to find due to the structural features.
  • Cross-shaped. It is also not advisable to repair it, because not only is it easy to break into, but in order to get to the core of the lock, you will have to disassemble it completely.
  • Special castles. The name should immediately indicate that they are unique and, accordingly, very complex. Replacing the lock cylinder of such a complex mechanism yourself is a risky business, so it is better to leave the work with professionals.

What to look for when buying a new larva

The most important thing is the size, so that the dimensions are identical to the one that broke. It is best to bring the original cylinder to the store, but if this is not possible, then you can take measurements of the cylinder. Based on them, the seller will be able to suggest a suitable option. Also, do not forget about the manufacturer of the lock for the metal entrance door, because if it is a common brand, then most likely the store will have a part that is ideal for the lock. If harmony is important to the buyer, then you need to pay attention to the color scheme so that it can be combined with the rest of the metal door. It is also worth purchasing a cylinder if your lever lock is broken.

It is worth choosing larvae of the middle price category and above. The fact is that cheap analogues will not be a long-term purchase. In addition, due to the cost of the material from which they are made, they are quite easy to hack. It is better to play it safe and purchase the type of cylinder that will be more expensive.

The replacement of the larva itself

It is best to consider this operation using the example of a cylinder door lock, which is the most common. So, it all starts with removing the iron cylinder from the metal door. The advantages of the cylinder type also lie in the fact that to carry out this operation you do not have to completely remove the lock. All you need to do is unscrew the screw at the end of the metal door lock. Next, you need to press on the cylinder and then pull it out completely.

The whole process is detailed in the following video:

The new larva must be completely identical in size to the original part. Otherwise, the operation will not be performed correctly. The new part is placed in place of the old larva. You also need to press on it, and then secure it with a screw. The process is completely the opposite of extraction. The last stage is a performance test. If everything is fine, the lock will work like new.

The closest type of lock in terms of the method of replacing the cylinder is pin locks. Here the process is completely identical, only with the exception of some details that complicate the extraction itself. But it is best to simply change the cross-shaped and disc types of locks. Repairing them may require much more effort and energy than it is worth.

It is generally better not to mess with special locks; due to the complexity of the mechanism, an unprepared person will simply get lost in all the many options for action. In addition, each of them is individual, because it costs a lot of money.

So the operation of replacing the cylinder is not that difficult, all you need is patience and also follow the instructions in order to change it efficiently.