How to boil condensed milk in an iron can. How to cook condensed milk in a can, slow cooker and pressure cooker: the best recipes

Sweet lovers will definitely love it boiled condensed milk, but in stores it’s some kind of “chemical”. Let's find out how to cook condensed milk in a jar ourselves?

Tender, sweet, with a characteristic caramel flavor, this condensed milk not only looks great as a cream for waffle cakes and a filling for “nuts”. You can eat it straight from the jar with a spoon, forgetting about your figure in the rush of enjoying the enchanting taste. Another question is what food industry often creates a characteristic color and taste chemically by mixing various harmful additives. So you have to learn to cook condensed milk in a can on your own stove.

Precautionary measures

Yes, yes, we will start today’s topic with them. Consequences Big Bang you can see in the picture, and it’s not so much about the dirty kitchen, but about what would have happened if someone had been in it at that time. After all, not only condensed milk was flying to the sides, but also fragments from an iron can! That's why Rule No. 1: set to cook - make sure that the water completely covers the jar, with a reserve. The cooking procedure takes several hours, so if you don’t have the time or desire to follow, use the “open” method.

Rule No. 2, no less important: do not try to cool the finished condensed milk in cold water , - these are not freshly boiled eggs! The jar will probably burst, although not so spectacularly. Wait until it cools down naturally, do not remove it from the water. It is ideal to cook in the evening: before going to bed, you turn off the gas and leave the pan on the stove, and in the morning you can take it out, open it and taste it.

"Closed" method

Place a can of condensed milk (buy with a fat content of at least 8.5 and GOST on the label) in a large saucepan, fill it with cold water so that the water covers it by at least 5 cm, turn on medium heat, wait until the water boils, reduce gas to low. Cover the pan with a lid, leaving a gap for air: then the water will evaporate more slowly, and the fire can be reduced to a minimum, creating a simmering effect. If you have a divider, you can cook on it - in terms of safety, this is even better.

How long does it take to cook condensed milk in a jar? Let's mark the time!

The pressing question is how long to cook condensed milk in a jar. It is especially important for novice cooks who strive to do everything in maximum accordance with the recipe.

Cooking time depends on what degree of cooking you want to achieve. Minimum time - 2 hours. You can cook for up to 6 hours, in which case you will get a fairly dark, thick nougat. In any case, look under the lid at the water level every half hour, adding boiling water as necessary.

How to cook condensed milk in a can: the “open” method

Don’t like to experiment, and besides, the renovation of your kitchen has cost you quite a lot? Let's find out how to cook condensed milk in a jar using the open method!

  1. Pour the condensed milk into a glass container (you can open several cans at once);
  2. Place the filled glass container in a pan of cold water, placing a small towel under the container (creating the effect of a water bath). If you have a divider, use it. The water should reach the neck of the container, although here its volume is not so critical;
  3. Turn on the heat, wait for it to boil, turn it down, and let it gurgle little by little. And cover the neck of the jar with a lid, tin or glass, turning it over and leaving a gap for air to flow in (if you don’t turn it over, it may slip and completely close the jar).

Cook for an hour and a half, still looking at the volume of water.

Did you know?

Some craftsmen have adapted to cooking condensed milk in the microwave - this is the most quick way. You need to pour it into a container suitable for use in microwave oven, and leave for 15 minutes, turning on medium power. Just a question: at the same time, they say, it needs to be stirred. How, I wonder?!

Or maybe you try to use exclusively healthy food? Then you can make your own condensed milk!

How to make condensed milk at home: recipe

After about 40 minutes, the milk will begin to darken and thicken, acquiring a yellowish tint. And if you keep it on the fire for one and a half to two hours, it will thicken so much that you can make toffee-type candies from it by pouring it into molds and putting them in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to cook condensed milk in a jar, and even how to cook it yourself from start to finish. And you probably won’t need advice on what exactly to do with the resulting product!

Not all housewives know how to cook condensed milk without a can. After all, most of them are accustomed to exposing this sweetness heat treatment right in the container in which it was sold. However, it should be noted that modern manufacturers of condensed milk often produce this product in plastic bottles or special bags. It is in such a situation that the question arises without a can. We will tell you about this below.

Traditional preparation of boiled condensed milk (in a can)

If you purchased the mentioned sweet in a tin can, then making the most delicious dumplings out of it is quite simple. To do this, remove the label from the product and then immerse it in a pan filled with water.

Place the pan over high heat and wait until the liquid boils. After this, the temperature must be reduced and the pan must be closed with a lid. At the same moment you should note the time.

Cooking time for condensed milk in a jar

To obtain semi-liquid condensed milk, it should be cooked for about 1.5 hours, and to make a thicker sweetness, heat treatment must be continued for 140 minutes. If you need thick and dark dumplings, then cook for 3 hours.

Is it possible to cook condensed milk without a can?

Few people know the answer to this question. Some housewives claim that cooking condensed milk this way is quite difficult. However, culinary experts report that this process is practically no different from the one described above.

So how to cook condensed milk without a can? Different ways heat treatment of this sweet will be presented right now.

Cooking a delicious dessert on the stove

How to cook condensed milk without a can on the stove? This is quite easy to do. The main thing is to use the right equipment and be patient.

So, to prepare the delicacy in question we will need:

  • deep enamel pan;
  • glass jar with a volume of 500-750 milliliters;
  • drinking water.

Those who prefer to purchase such sweetness in bags or plastic bottles know how to cook condensed milk without a can.

To begin with, the contents of the container should be poured into a glass jar with a volume of 500-750 ml. If possible, it is recommended to pre-sterilize it by scalding it with boiling water. This is necessary so that during the heat treatment the jar does not burst and its contents do not spill over the pan.

After filling the glass container, place it in the center enamel pan. For better stability, a waffle napkin or some other substrate is first placed on the bottom of a large dish.

After the described steps, pour into the pan plain water. In this case, it should only reach the hangers of the can. In this form, put it on high heat and wait until it boils.

As soon as the water begins to boil, cover the pan with a lid (not completely). In this form, condensed milk is boiled for about two hours. At the same time, its thickness is periodically checked. Also, as it boils, add water to the dishes.

After some time it should be completely cooked.

How to cook condensed milk without a can in the oven

Surprisingly, the sweetness in question can be cooked not only on the stove, but also in the oven. This is done in almost the same way as described above. Condensed milk is carefully poured into a glass container, which is placed in a deep heat-resistant form. Also pour into the dishes drinking water, which should reach the hangers of the can.

To prevent the condensed milk from becoming covered with a hard crust during this kind of “baking” process, the container with the sweetness should be covered with thick cooking foil.

Having built the structure, it is immediately sent to the oven. Having set the temperature to 195 degrees, the condensed milk is cooked for about two hours. At the same time, it should thicken noticeably and also change in color (turn brown).

It should be especially noted that hot condensed milk seems a little liquid. However, once it cools, it becomes very thick. Therefore, it is necessary to judge the quality of preparation of the delicacy in question only after it has been pre-cooled.

Making boiled condensed milk in the microwave

How to cook condensed milk without a can in the microwave? Not all chefs know the answer to this question. This is due to the fact that many of them are accustomed to the fact that the microwave oven is only used to heat various dinners. However, if handled correctly, this kitchen device can be useful for other purposes.

The considered method of preparing boiled condensed milk is considered the fastest and simplest. Therefore, it is very often used by those who do not have time to wait and cook sweets for a long time on the stove or in the oven.

To implement this method Condensed milk must be poured from the packaging into a container that is designed specifically for the microwave oven. This can be a glass or ceramic form without golden or reflective elements.

After placing the filled container in the microwave oven, it is immediately turned on to medium power. In this case, the timer is set for 15-20 minutes.

In order for the dumpling to cook completely and evenly, turn off the microwave every three minutes and stir the sweet milk thoroughly. This process will not allow the sweets to “escape” outside the container, and will also protect it from the formation of unpleasant lumps.

The readiness of boiled condensed milk should be determined by color. The browner it is, the thicker the treat will be.

Selection of dairy raw materials

It’s not enough just to know how to cook condensed milk without a can. After all, if this product was not manufactured in accordance with GOST, then any heat treatment will only ruin it.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing sweet milk is the name. If it sounds like this - “Condensed milk with sugar” - or like this - “Whole condensed milk”, then this indicates a high-quality product that does not contain vegetable fats and palm oil.

If the label says “Varenka”, “Natural dairy product” or “Condensed milk”, then it is better not to buy such a product.

Your preference should be given only to the product that complies with GOST. As a rule, it has the following composition: cow's milk, water, cream, ascorbic acid, sugar, potassium and sodium derivatives.

The shelf life of natural condensed milk is usually one year. Longer storage periods indicate that it does not contain much useful supplements. Therefore, you should also refuse to purchase such a product.

Condensed milk is a favorite dessert of many people since childhood. Nowadays, it is easy to purchase a finished product in a store. But it will taste better if you cook it yourself. How long to cook condensed milk in a can and how long cooking will take, we will tell you in this article.

    1. Buy products that bear the inscription “GOST”, because they do not contain chemical additives.
    2. Check the freshness of the milk you buy.
    3. You should not buy dented cans, because bacteria form inside, leading to spoilage of the milk.

Read about how to choose the right condensed milk.

Cooking time

People wonder how long it takes to boil condensed milk. If the milk fat content is 8-8.5%, then cooking will last two hours. If the fat content exceeds 8.5%, then 2.5 hours. By the way, the higher the fat content, the longer the condensed milk takes to prepare.

Housewives want to know how long it will take for the delicacy to acquire a pleasant, brownish color. The answer to this question is simple:

  • After an hour of cooking, a shade of beige color is observed.
  • After two hours, light brown colors appear.

Standard cooking method

To prepare boiled condensed milk, do the following:

Cooking in a slow cooker

  1. Place a silicone cloth on the bottom, and place a jar on the cloth.
  2. Fill the slow cooker with ice water, but be aware of the water level. It should not reach the extreme value by one division.
  3. Close the lid tightly and turn on the “boil” function.
  4. As the water begins to boil, press the “Stew” function and start cooking the milk for 2.5 hours.
  5. After cooking, lift the lid and wait for the jar to cool.

Condensed milk at home turns out to be an amazing delicacy, because you prepare it yourself to the level you need. You have the right to choose the hours of preparation and give the delicacy the desired shade.

Why does a jar explode and how to avoid it?

Why does condensed milk explode? This has happened to many housewives. Similar troubles occur when:

  • a large number of bacteria enter the jar;
  • a person forgets about cooking and overcooks the product;
  • the jar is not completely immersed in water;
  • Condensed milk is cooked over high flame.

Use these tips to avoid a jar exploding:

  • cook over low heat;
  • completely immerse the jar in water throughout the cooking process;
  • If hot water starts to boil, slowly add more;
  • pour boiling water not onto the jar, but between it and the wall of the pan;
  • check the jar for defects. If it is damaged and wrinkled, it is better not to use it.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar. How long to cook a can of condensed milk: Video

Nowadays you can find almost everything in the supermarket, including ready-made condensed milk. And unfortunately, purchased condensed milk tastes far from the same as homemade condensed milk. No surprise, because homemade is always better! You can verify this once again by preparing condensed milk at home. Today our website will tell you how to cook condensed milk yourself. Simple, but at the same time best recipes condensed milk homemade for you!

How to cook condensed milk - traditional recipe

The first and simplest condensed milk recipe requires a minimum of ingredients. However, condensed milk prepared according to this recipe will have a pleasant creamy color, will become quite thick when cooled, and will taste yummy! So, if you don’t yet know how to cook condensed milk and this is your first attempt, this recipe is perfect.


  • fresh milk - 1 liter ( high percent fat content);
  • sugar – 500 gr.;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.


For cooking, it is better to take a pan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into it, add sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Over medium heat, bring the milk to a boil.

Stir the milk periodically until it has lost two-thirds of its original volume and has acquired a nice creamy color. After acquiring a creamy color and losing volume, the milk will become slightly thick, which indicates its readiness.

In the last minutes of cooking the condensed milk, add vanilla sugar; when it dissolves, wait another 15 seconds and turn off the stove. Our condensed milk is ready!

Freshly cooked condensed milk will not be too thick and stringy, but this will change as it cools.

How to cook condensed milk - recipe two

The second differs from the first recipe for making condensed milk at home not only in the presence of one more ingredient, but also in the cooking method. In this case, the condensed milk is cooked in a “bathtub”, that is, water is poured into a large pan, and a smaller pan is placed in it, in which the condensed milk is boiled.


  • fresh milk - 250 ml;
  • powdered milk - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


We select two pans (smaller and larger) so that one fits into the other and there is still space for pouring water between them. Pour some water into a large saucepan and place it on the stove.

In a smaller saucepan, mix warm fresh milk, milk powder, sugar and vanilla sugar.

Place the smaller pan in the larger one, fill the space between the pans with water (not to the very top, so that the water does not run away during boiling).

When the water boils, reduce the heat slightly and cook, stirring the milk occasionally for about another hour. When the milk thickens, the condensed milk is ready. We have half a liter of delicious condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk - recipe with butter

The recipe for condensed milk with butter differs from all previous ones not only in the new ingredient, but also in a completely different preparation method. To cook condensed milk according to this recipe you need a minimum of time, however, in addition to cooking, it also needs to be left for long time in a refrigerator. More details below.


  • milk - 375 g;
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • butter— 40 g.


Pour milk into a saucepan, add butter and powdered sugar. Stir, put on the stove and bring to a boil.

After boiling, reduce the heat to medium and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

When these 10 minutes are up, turn off the stove and pour the condensed milk into a jar.

We wait until the jar cools down, then put it in the refrigerator overnight to thicken. In the morning we open the refrigerator, your condensed milk is already ready!

How to cook chocolate condensed milk - recipe with cocoa

At home, you can prepare not only regular condensed milk, but also chocolate. In this case, the preparation will hardly differ from regular recipe, we just need to add cocoa at a certain stage. So, let's find out how to cook chocolate condensed milk.


  • fresh milk - 1 l. (high percentage of fat content);
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. (good quality)


Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed pan and pour milk. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved and the milk is boiling. Continue cooking over low heat until thickened. Stir constantly while doing this.

When our condensed milk finally thickens and becomes creamy, you need to add cocoa powder through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Let our chocolate condensed milk simmer for a few more minutes and turn off the stove. Leave the condensed milk to cool.

  • Now you not only know how to cook condensed milk, but also know how to cook it according to different recipes, even chocolate. But I would like to give a few more tips that will help you successfully prepare condensed milk. Therefore, it is better to remember these tips.
  • To boil condensed milk, it is better to use a pan with a thick bottom and high walls, so you don’t have to constantly stand over it for fear that it will “run away”.
  • After the condensed milk has been cooked, you need to let it cool. This will make it thicker and more viscous.
  • Ideally, use only fresh homemade milk, and if store-bought, then high-fat milk from a good manufacturer.

Not only children love sweets, but also adults. Sweets, cakes, gingerbreads, pastries lift your spirits and bring pleasure. And the real taste from childhood is boiled condensed milk. Yes, supermarkets sell already boiled condensed milk - toffee. But the delicacy you prepare yourself is much tastier. Of course, many housewives know well how this process goes. It is important to follow all steps. Otherwise, it will take hours to clean the kitchen. After all, if cooked incorrectly, a jar of raw sweetness may simply burst. So, how to cook condensed milk in a jar yourself?

Selecting condensed milk in a can for cooking

If you decide to make your own boiled condensed milk or condensed milk in a tin can, you need to pay special attention to the choice of this product. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. Thanks to such popularity, many manufacturers are trying to save on raw materials and reduce the cost of sweets. In the process of cooking such products, they turn into an incomprehensible mass, which is very harmful to human health.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to pay attention to some factors:

  • Can marking. A high-quality product must have an embossed marking, and not just a printed or written one. At the same time, it is knocked out on the lid or bottom of the jar from the inside. First, the letter symbol “M” and numbers are typed. If the last two characters are “76”, then the condensed milk is of high quality.
  • Standard marking. The highest quality and delicious condensed milk prepared in accordance with GOST. TU marking is allowed. In this case, plant components are used in production large quantities. This worsens the taste characteristics of the product.
  • Name. To cook delicious condensed milk, or to eat it raw, choose the name on the can “Sweetened condensed milk.” Some manufacturers write “Whole milk”. This option is also acceptable. Other products are not manufactured to the standard and may be harmful.
  • Storage period. Real, properly made condensed milk cannot be stored for more than one year. If the packaging indicates a longer shelf life, it means preservatives were added during production. When heated, they can turn into a real time bomb.

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Pay attention to the quality of the packaging itself. Treats in plastic containers are not suitable for either cooking or eating in their natural form. Real condensed milk is packaged only in tin cans. Only such packaging allows products to be stored for such a long time without the use of preservatives. Cracks and dents are unacceptable on a tin can.

How to cook condensed milk in a can in a saucepan?

To cook delicious sweets in a jar, you need to consider some points. First of all, the cooking time of the product is taken into account. How long does it take to cook condensed milk in a jar? If you want to get a delicate, beige shade, the cooking time will be only 1 hour. To obtain a dark brown color, you will have to cook the sweetness for about 3.5-4 hours.

Cooking time also affects the taste characteristics and consistency of condensed milk. The longer it cooks, the thicker it will be. As a rule, such masses are used not for direct consumption, but for making filling or cream for confectionery products. During the cooking process, the water in the pan will evaporate. It definitely needs to be added. But to prevent an explosion and condensed milk from ending up on the kitchen walls, only hot water is added.

Follow these cooking steps:

  • Peel the jar off the label;
  • Place the jar sideways in the pan;
  • Pour cold liquid over the condensed milk;
  • Bring condensed milk to a boil over high heat;
  • Reduce heat to low;
  • Cook the condensed milk for the prescribed time.

If you notice that milk has begun to flow out of the can, you should stop cooking. Otherwise, the jar will definitely explode. Do not immediately open the condensed milk when it is cooked. Wait until the product has cooled completely. So, the condensed milk will be tasty, and the container will not burst. Study the composition of condensed milk before cooking. The required consistency will only be achieved when the milk fat content does not exceed 8%.

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Cook condensed milk in a can in a slow cooker

Today, a multicooker is found in almost every kitchen. Using this device you can also cook delicious condensed milk. As in the previous version, you need to remove the label from the iron can and wipe it with a damp sponge. The multicooker bowl must be lined with a napkin (fabric) so that it does not get scratched by the tin.

The can of condensed milk itself can either be laid on its side or placed flat. You need enough water to cover a little higher than the jar. But, you must not exceed the maximum mark in the multicooker bowl. If the device has a steam valve, it should be closed. This way, the liquid will not evaporate and you won’t have to add it.

In the “Frying” mode, the liquid with the jar must be brought to a boil. After this, close the multicooker with a lid and set the “Stew” mode. As a rule, the temperature regime is set automatically. It should remain between 100-110 degrees. You won’t be able to cook condensed milk quickly even in a slow cooker. To obtain a thick, brown mass, at least 2.5-3 hours should pass.

How to make condensed milk yourself?

You can prepare condensed milk yourself. There is a universal classic recipe. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • Full-fat milk - 1.3 l;
  • Sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • Baking soda - 3 g;
  • Water - 0.1 l;
  • Vanillin - 20 g.

You can cook condensed milk yourself only in a pan with a special coating (non-stick), thick-walled. The combination of milk and sugar will first create foam and then begin to stick to the bottom of the pan. A bottom that is too thin will spoil the taste of the dish. If there is no suitable pan, the mass must be constantly stirred.

So, at the first stage, a mixture of vanillin, sugar, and water is prepared. Mix everything with a wooden spatula. Set the heat on the stove to below medium. The mixture is stirred with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the syrup is ready, you can slowly pour the full-fat milk into the mixture. As always, stirring the mixture until it comes to a boil. It is important to pour in the milk not cold, but at room temperature.