Izyum city. The city of Izyum, Kharkiv region

In the Kharkiv region there is a "sweet" city - Izyum. On the map of Ukraine, you can see that it is located in the place where the rivers Sukhoi Izyumets and Wet Izyumets flow into the city, which is the center of the Izyum region. Near it are the villages of Donetsk, Dibrova, Kamenka, Kapitolovka, Pimonovka, Babenkovo. Izyum (city) has an advantageous geographical position. The map will show that on three sides the river blocks the path to it, and behind it is protected by Mount Kremenets (in colloquial speech - Kremyanets).

A bit of history

It is this position of the city that was the reason that in its history it has seen many battles. And although in official written sources one can find references to the city, or rather, to the watchman "Izyumskaya Sakma", only from 1571, scientists are inclined to believe that the age of this settlement should be counted from an earlier time. So, in the territory where it is now located, in the 11th - 12th centuries, wars were fought between the Polovtsians and Russian princes, and in 1111 the army led by Vladimir Monomakh won a victory on the Salnitsa River. This river is annalistic, and it cannot be found on the maps. However, historians are sure that it was a tributary of the Seversky Donets and flowed into it just not far from the place where Izyum is now located. The city as such was formed, of course, not immediately. In the 16th century, the Izyum sakma was one of the main roads along which the Tatars raided Russia. That is why guard fortifications were erected on Kremenets. And already in the second half of the 17th century, the Izyum fortress was built. The city began to grow gradually around, and from 1685 it became a regimental one.

The 20th century was also marked by bloodshed in this settlement. Denikin's brutal reprisals against almost a hundred political prisoners of the Izyum prison. In memory of this tragedy, a white-stone obelisk was erected, located on Mount Kremenets. Fierce fighting during the Great Patriotic War. It was here that the Kharkov operation was carried out. Izyum is a city that held back the advance of the Nazis for eight whole months. It was rightly considered the “door” to the Donbass, which is why it was so important for the enemy army to capture it.

Modern city

Now the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region is a picturesque small locality with a population (according to the 2001 census) of slightly more than 56 thousand people. There are still huts along the banks of the river. Walking around the city, you can meet the surviving county houses that were not destroyed by the war. Although five-story buildings predominate in the city. Very close - one of the largest forests in Ukraine. Predominantly pine forests occupy about 60,000 hectares of land, and 430 - within the city. The Chervonooskol reservoir is located 9 kilometers away - one of the largest in Eastern Ukraine. In the XIX - XX centuries. The industrial development of the city proceeded by leaps and bounds. The railway that passed through it was extremely important even in tsarist Russia, to say nothing of the times when mining was carried out in large volumes. Izyum became the first city in Russia where they began to produce optical glass. In 1916, the construction of a plant for its production began.

Polovtsian women

Despite the fact that Izyum is a small city, travelers history lovers, there is something to see. The most ancient monuments include the statues of the so-called "Polovtsian women". There is no consensus among historians about their origin. But there is one legend. According to her, these statues were once people who worshiped the god of the sun. An angry deity once turned them into stone. They did not always stand on the slope of Kremenets. The statues were collected from all over the county. The time of their appearance is approximately the XII century. If we leave aside the legends and talk about scientific hypotheses, then some historians believe that these are idols for worshiping the goddess of fertility. There is, however, another opinion: these stone statues are tombstones. Whatever it was, but if you study them, you can get an idea about the life, tools, jewelry, weapons of the ancient nomads.

to the 40th anniversary of the Victory

On the top of Mount Kremenets, a memorial was opened on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It can be seen from anywhere in the city. On the territory there is a monument "Grieving Mother" and the grave of the "Unknown Soldier". The road to the top passes through Victory Park. Somewhat unusual and amazing place. Even the urns in it resemble an exploding shell. There is also a monument representing soldered bombs. Also on the central alley are military equipment from the Second World War. There are artillery pieces, T-34, KV tanks and, of course, the legendary Katyusha. It is at this place that annually on May 9 are held festive events, and fireworks.

Transfiguration Cathedral

Izyum is a small town, as already mentioned. It has only three churches, but each of them is worthy of attention. Almost the same age as the city is the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in 1684, shortly after the foundation of the Izyum fortress. In 1751 it was repaired, and in 1886 the complex was supplemented with a bell tower and a vestibule. The next restructuring took place at the beginning of the 20th century. And as a result appearance temple has changed significantly. It began to resemble buildings in the style of Ukrainian wooden architecture. The Great Patriotic War did not spare the cathedral either. It was very badly damaged. However, already in the 50s of the last century, it began to be reconstructed. As a result, the temple almost regained its original appearance and interior. The walls were cleared of traces of all repairs. And even if it was necessary to restore part of the masonry, the bricks were made using old technologies.

Nicholas Church

In 1809-1823. Nicholas Church was built. Its other name is the Holy Cross Exaltation Church. Later, side aisles were erected. It is much smaller in size and built in a classic style. And although in terms of architecture it is not so interesting, but the painting of interior interiors is amazing.

Ascension Church and miraculous icon

Finally, the third temple is the Ascension Church (Holy Ascension Cathedral). It was built in 1792 on the site of an old wooden church. In 1903, side aisles appeared, and the bell tower increased by one tier and became a four-tier one. Each of them is made in its own style. The lower one is in harmony with the facade of the church. The second is square. It is limited by the cornice and window frames. The third has the shape of an octahedron and is decorated with flat porticos with pilasters, reminiscent of the style. Triangular pediments complete the design.

The Holy Ascension Cathedral is also known for the fact that a relic is kept there, which the city of Izyum is proud of. Ukraine honors the miraculous For the first time she appeared to St. Josaphat of Belgorod. And in 1999 she was found again. And then an unparalleled religious procession was held: for five days, the icon was carried by plane along the Russian borders.

Holy spring

One of the most beloved corners of the residents and guests of the city is Kirichenkova Krinitsa. It is located near the Holy Ascension Cathedral. People often come to the spring to draw healing water. A chapel-bath was built nearby. They say that by visiting this holy place, you can get rid of many ailments and wash away all sins. To take a dip in the bath, you need to take a cotton shirt with you. And inside you need to behave quietly, keep clean.

The city of Izyum, whose photos show its unusualness and beauty, is permeated with warmth and comfort.

Roads. Area - 43.6 sq. km; population - 53.7 thousand people.

Izyum is located on the banks of the river Seversky Donets, on the border of the forest-steppe and steppe zones, in the transition zone of the Central Russian Upland to the Donetsk Ridge. Krasnooskolskoye, one of the largest reservoirs in Eastern Ukraine, is located 9 km from Izyum.

There are several versions of the origin of the city's name: the first is that Izyum got its name from the modified Tatar word "guzun", which means "crossing"; Izyum ford or crossing was known long before the foundation of the city. According to the second version, Izyum is a modified Tatar word "uzyun", meaning "long elongated mountain", which can be associated with Mount Kremenets (Uzyun-kurgan), which is located in the most strategically advantageous place in this region. Mount Kremenets got its name from the Tatar fortification - "kermen", located on the top of the mountain in the XIV century; later this place was occupied by Russian patrols.

However, huge royal vineyards stretched on these lands, the border of which was at the Izyum settlement, so some scientists believe that the name of the city of Izyum (dried grapes) is associated with this delicious and useful product. On the coat of arms of Izyum, approved on September 21, 1781, “three vines with fruits are depicted in a golden field, showing the very name of this city and that this fruit will be born in the vicinity of this city.”

Izyum is located in the historical region called Sloboda Ukraine or Sloboda Ukraine; in the 11th-12th centuries, battles took place on the territory of the modern city between ancient Russian princes and Polovtsy nomads. Watchtower Izyum sakma is the eastern branch of the infamous Muravsky Way, first mentioned in chronicles in 1571. Later, until 1651, various sources described the Izyum trench as a small fortification. In the second half of the 17th century, a small group of settlers settled in these places; in the documents of 1680 this settlement was called Izium town.

However, the official date of foundation of the city of Izyum is considered to be 1681, when a large Izyum fortress was built under the leadership of the Cossack colonel Grigory Donets-Zakharzhevsky, which consisted of a "big" and a "small" city. Where there was a "big city" - now the central part of Izyum. For the construction of the fortress, a successful terrain was chosen - from three sides it was washed by the Seversky Donets River, and from the fourth it was covered by Mount Kremenets.

Soon, Izyum became the center of the region, and in 1685 it became a regimental city - the center of the Izyum Sloboda Cossack Regiment, to which 13 surrounding cities and settlements were subordinate (before that, Cossacks from Chuguev and Zmiev served in Izyum). The Izyum Sloboda Cossack regiment (since 1765 - hussar) took part in all military campaigns - the Northern War, the Russian-Turkish wars, stormed Ochakov, Bendery, Izmail under the command of A. Suvorov, fought near Borodino and entered the French capital Paris as a winner.

In 1765, after the liquidation of the regimental structure in Slobozhanshchina, the territory of the regiment was turned into the Izyum province of the Sloboda-Ukrainian province, and Izyum was transformed into a city. In 1780, the Kharkov governorate was formed, and the city of Izyum became the county center. In 1784 Grigory Skovoroda visited the city.

Due to its favorable geographical position, Izyum was also an important shopping center; At the end of the 18th century, the first manufactory-type enterprises were founded in the city. With the development of capitalism (the second half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century), industry developed intensively in Izyum. After the construction of the Kharkiv-Donbass railway, one of the most important in economic terms roads, which served regions rich in coal, metal and other valuable raw materials, and which in 1910 passed through Izyum, after which the city became an important transport hub.

In 1915, the German company "Karl Brand" built the Main Izyum railway workshops - a repair base for servicing the rolling stock of the railway. Over time, this enterprise was reorganized and reconstructed several times - today the Izyum State Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant is a modern, highly mechanized enterprise for the repair of diesel locomotives.

Izyum became the birthplace of optical glass in the Russian Empire - by order of Tsar Nicholas II in 1916, the construction of the country's first plant for the production of optical glass began in the city, the production of which began in 1923, marking the beginning of the development of domestic optical glassmaking.

In 1923, Izyum became the center of the district, after the liquidation of which in 1930, the Izyum district was subordinated directly to the center, and since 1932 it became part of the Kharkov region as a city of regional subordination.

During the Great Patriotic War, Izyum repeatedly became the scene of hostilities - from October 1941 to May 1942, the front line passed through the city, stubborn battles were fought in the city area. In May 1942, heavy fighting took place on the Izyum-Barvenkovsky ledge, known as the Kharkov operation of 1942, during which, west of the city of Izyum, many tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers and officers were surrounded and killed. In February 1943, the left-bank part of the city was liberated from the Nazis, and the fighting on the southern outskirts of the city continued for several more months.

By the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory in 1985 on Mount Kremenets, at the expense of the inhabitants of the city and the region, as well as relatives of the soldiers who died near Izyum, a memorial complex was built, which occupies 7.5 hectares. Also in 1985, the city of Izyum was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War, I degree; in honor of the city, one of the streets of Moscow in Yuzhny Butovo is named Izyumskaya.

Indeed, Izyum ford, or the crossing was known long before the foundation of the city. The third version is that Izyum is a modified Tatar word "uzun", meaning long, elongated, like the city of Kremenets. But whatever it was, the name of the city of Izyum today evokes associations with the sweetest city in Ukraine.

The first mention of the Russian watchman "Izyumskaya sakma" we find in written sources for 1571. In the documents of 1680, the settlement was called the Izyum town. In the 80s of the 17th century, a fortress was built on the site of the current Izyum, consisting of a "big" and a "small" city. In place of the "big" now - the central part of Izyum. The five-domed Transfiguration Cathedral is a preserved architectural monument of that time.

The Izyum Sloboda Regiment, created in 1685, with its center in Izyum, included 13 cities and settlements. The regiment participated in the Russian-Turkish wars, stormed Ochakov, Bendery, Izmail under the leadership of Suvorov, fought near Borodino, and marched victoriously through the streets of Paris.

A wide paved road from the center of Izyum rises to Mount Kremenets. The mountain is the highest place in the Kharkiv region (218 m above sea level), is a geological monument of nature, interesting outcrops of Upper Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks with numerous remains of the organic world. At the same time, Kremenets is an interesting historical monument. "Izyumsky climb" - a convenient ford across the Seversky Donets at the foot of the mountain - many researchers associate with the campaign of Prince Igor's squad against the Polovtsians in 1185, which is sung in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - a masterpiece of ancient Russian literature. The famous battle on the Kayala River also took place in the vicinity of Izyum.

Centuries ago, through the mountain or bypassing it, the path of the Tatar raids on Russia passed. Izyum sakma is the eastern branch of the infamous Muravsky Way. In the Turkic languages, "long mountain" sounds like "uzyun-mound" (or "raisin-mound"). The height above the river gave the name to the Izyum Way, and later to the city. In the XIV century, on the top of the mountain, there was a Tatar fortification - "Kermen", the remains of which were still visible until the end of the last century. The name, apparently, was transformed into consonant Russian words "kremlin", "flint" and gave the name to Mount Kremenets. Later this place was occupied by Russian patrols. And in 1681, the construction of a "small city" began here - a fortress, the rampart and moat of which were preserved in some places.

In the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, industry was booming in Izyum. In 1910, a Railway Kharkiv-Donbass, and two years later the construction of railway workshops began. In 1917, an optical glass plant (now instrument-making) was founded. The working class of Izyum was distinguished by revolutionary sentiments. Soviet power in the city was established on December 22, 1917.

On June 22, 1941, the peaceful life of the inhabitants of Izyum was disrupted by the attack on our country by fascist Germany. Raisin for a long time was the scene of fierce fighting. Since October 1941, the front line passed through the city for eight months. Tragic events unfolded in the Izyum region in May 1942. After a failed operation, the 6th and 57th armies were surrounded Soviet troops. Few managed to escape from the enemy ring. The fate of their subordinates was also shared by the commanders: Generals A.I. Gorodyansky and K.P. Podlas, Major General L.V. Bobkin, Deputy Commander of the Southwestern Front F.Ya. Kostenko.

On June 23, 1942, the Soviet troops left Izyum, and the period of occupation began, which lasted almost 7.5 months. On February 5, 1943, thanks to the efforts of the 267th Streltsy Division, Izyum was liberated from German troops. At the same time, the left-bank part of the district was also liberated. But the further offensive of the Soviet troops was stopped. The German command attached great importance to Izyum, calling it "the door to the Donbass", so in the spring and summer of 1943 fierce battles broke out here. The last settlement of the Izyumsky district was liberated on September 10, 1943.

Dedicated to the blessed memory of those who fought on the Izyum land memorial on Mount Kremenets. On the territory of the memorial there is a monument "Grieving Mother" and the grave of the "Unknown Soldier". On the central alley, which leads to the memorial, military equipment of the period of the Great Patriotic War is installed. The crown of the memorial is the Square of Memory. Here, near the Eternal Flame, the most solemn city holidays are held.

Historians and local historians have not found a common point of view on the origin of the name of the city Raisin. Some argue that the city got its name from the river Izyumets (a tributary of the Donets) and the ancient Izyum ford, near which the settlement itself arose.

Raisin, the second largest and one of the oldest cities in the Kharkiv region, is located in the picturesque bend of the Seversky Donets, at the foot of the legendary Mount Kremenets. The road from Kharkov to Rostov-on-Don goes through the city.

Historians and local historians have not found a common point of view on the origin of the name of the city of Izyum. Some argue that the city got its name from the river Izyumets (a tributary of the Donets) and the ancient Izyum ford, near which the settlement itself arose.

Others believe that Izyum got its name from a slightly modified Tatar word "guzun"- crossing. Indeed, Izyum ford, or the crossing was known long before the foundation of the city. The third version is that Izyum is a modified Tatar word "uzun", meaning long, elongated, like the city of Kremenets. But whatever it was, the name of the city of Izyum today evokes associations with the sweetest city in Ukraine.

The first mention of the Russian watchman "Izyumskaya sakma" we find in written sources for 1571. In the documents of 1680, the settlement was called the Izyum town. In the 80s of the 17th century, a fortress was built on the site of the current Izyum, consisting of a "big" and a "small" city. In place of the "big" now - the central part of Izyum. The five-domed Transfiguration Cathedral is a preserved architectural monument of that time.

The Izyum Sloboda Regiment, created in 1685, with its center in Izyum, included 13 cities and settlements. The regiment participated in the Russian-Turkish wars, stormed Ochakov, Bendery, Izmail under the leadership of Suvorov, fought near Borodino, and marched victoriously through the streets of Paris.

A wide paved road from the center of Izyum rises to Mount Kremenets. The mountain is the highest place in the Kharkiv region (218 m above sea level), is a geological monument of nature, interesting outcrops of Upper Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks with numerous remains of the organic world. At the same time, Kremenets is an interesting historical monument. "Izyumsky climb" - a convenient ford across the Seversky Donets at the foot of the mountain - many researchers associate with the campaign of Prince Igor's squad against the Polovtsy in 1185, which is sung in "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - a masterpiece of ancient Russian literature. The famous battle on the Kayala River also took place in the vicinity of Izyum.

Centuries ago, through the mountain or bypassing it, the path of the Tatar raids on Russia passed. Izyum sakma is the eastern branch of the infamous Muravsky Way. In the Turkic languages, "long mountain" sounds like "uzyun-mound" (or "raisin-mound"). The hill above the river gave the name to the Izyum Way, and later to the city. In the XIV century, on the top of the mountain, there was a Tatar fortification - "Kermen", the remains of which were still visible until the end of the last century. The name, apparently, was transformed into consonant Russian words "kremlin", "flint" and gave the name to Mount Kremenets. Later this place was occupied by Russian patrols. And in 1681, the construction of a "small city" began here - a fortress, the rampart and moat of which were preserved in some places.

In the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, industry was booming in Izyum. In 1910, the Kharkiv-Donbass railway passed through the city, and two years later the construction of railway workshops began. In 1917, an optical glass plant (now instrument-making) was founded. The working class of Izyum was distinguished by revolutionary sentiments. Soviet power in the city was established on December 22, 1917.

On June 22, 1941, the peaceful life of the inhabitants of Izyum was disrupted by the attack on our country by fascist Germany. Raisins have long been the scene of fierce fighting. Since October 1941, the front line passed through the city for eight months. Tragic events unfolded in the Izyum region in May 1942. After a failed operation, the 6th and 57th armies of the Soviet troops were surrounded. Few managed to escape from the enemy ring. The fate of their subordinates was also shared by the commanders: Generals A.I. Gorodyansky and K.P. Podlas, Major General L.V. Bobkin, Deputy Commander of the Southwestern Front F.Ya. Kostenko.

On June 23, 1942, the Soviet troops left Izyum, and the period of occupation began, which lasted almost 7.5 months. On February 5, 1943, thanks to the efforts of the 267th Streltsy Division, Izyum was liberated from German troops. At the same time, the left-bank part of the district was also liberated. But the further offensive of the Soviet troops was stopped. The German command attached great importance to Izyum, calling it "the door to the Donbass", so in the spring and summer of 1943 fierce battles broke out here. The last settlement of the Izyumsky district was liberated on September 10, 1943.

Dedicated to the blessed memory of those who fought on the Izyum land memorial on Mount Kremenets. On the territory of the memorial there is a monument "Grieving Mother" and the grave of the "Unknown Soldier". On the central alley, which leads to the memorial, military equipment of the period of the Great Patriotic War is installed. The crown of the memorial is the Square of Memory. Here, near the Eternal Flame, the most solemn city holidays are held.