What to eat on the white diet. White diet: what can be from products

Slim figure on your favorite products? Easily! Use the white diet and lose weight with pleasure.

Diets are of several types. Therapeutic is prescribed by a doctor for various diseases in order to improve the body. For weight loss focused primarily on weight loss. Some are calculated. These are the most stringent nutritional options that give quick results. Other methods are long-term. They can be called rather power supply systems. The diet is calculated in such a way as to reduce weight without harming the body.

Low-fat diets help to lose weight and improve the body. The main principle is the exclusion from the diet of fatty foods. By making it a rule to eat low-fat foods, you will quickly get rid of extra pounds and feel light.

Basic principles

White diet for weight loss - interesting and effective method lose weight.

She refers to fast diets, which is rather short.

As the name suggests, when following this diet, white-colored foods should be preferred.

Benefits of the white diet:

  1. Rapid weight loss (from 5 kg per week).
  2. Weight does not return after the end of the diet.
  3. Harmful substances are removed from the body.
  4. White foods contain a lot of calcium, so bones, teeth, hair, and nails are strengthened.
  5. The condition of the skin improves.
  6. The white diet has a positive effect on metabolism and normalizes digestion.

List of foods for the white diet:

  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • eggs;
  • white fish;
  • chicken breast;
  • white beans;
  • white fruits;
  • cabbage;
  • potato.

The white diet supplies the body with all the necessary substances. Products are low-calorie, contain a minimum of fat and cholesterol. It can be taken as a basis proper nutrition by varying the daily menu.

Important: With a white diet, fermented milk products should be introduced into the diet with caution. With gastritis and stomach ulcers, they are contraindicated.

Dishes from white products are tasty and healthy. You have to learn how to cook them right. It is necessary to exclude from the use of salt, sugar, vegetable and animal oils. Do not eat after 6-7 pm.

Before each meal, you need to drink a glass of boiled water or mineral water - this way you will eat a smaller portion of food, and the body will cleanse itself faster. Morning should start with a glass of non-carbonated water with the addition of a slice of lemon.

Slimming Methods

The white diet offers many options for weight loss. Each of them has a special menu and duration.

For healthy teeth

The white diet is good way keep teeth white after bleaching. The first 7-10 days you need to eat exclusively light natural products that do not contain natural and artificial dyes. During this period, the white product will help to consolidate the result of the dental procedure. After all, food coloring reduces the effect of whitening to nothing.

Important: The white milk diet is especially beneficial due to a large number calcium in the diet.

The enamel will thin out during the whitening process. Calcium from the inside will strengthen the teeth and make them less sensitive to external influences.

If you do not want to part with weight, then you should eat in the usual mode for you, just change the composition of the prepared dishes. If you want to lose weight at the same time, stick to a dietary restriction.


  • Black tea;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • ketchup, red sauce, tkemali and other spices and seasonings;
  • red wine;
  • colored fruits, vegetables and juices from them;
  • juices from the package - they may contain artificial dyes, and acids corrode the enamel;
  • berries;
  • acidic foods: citrus fruits, pickles, marinades;
  • jams, jams, jelly;
  • red fish (it may contain artificial colors);
  • carbonated drinks.

Nutrition rules and products for the white diet:

  1. Lean on milk, cottage cheese, kefir, cheese.
  2. From fruits, apples, bananas, pears, melon, watermelon are preferred.
  3. Vegetables must be white. There are quite a lot of them - white-headed, cauliflower, celery, skinless cucumbers, avocado.
  4. Almost all fish and seafood are allowed, they should be consumed boiled or baked.
  5. Chicken (breast) should be baked or boiled.
  6. From sauces, prefer mayonnaise, sour cream, garlic, cheese sauces.
  7. Smoking should be reduced or completely abandoned.
  8. Antibiotics are not recommended for the first week after teeth whitening.

On dairy products

White is the most popular, healthy and tasty. Week you have to eat mostly dairy products. The result is a loss of 5 kg or more.


  1. Dairy systems for weight loss are not suitable for people who do not have an enzyme for processing lactose contained in milk - lactase. If you suffer from milk protein intolerance, choose a different kind of white diet.
  2. If you have gastritis or stomach ulcers, do not consume dairy products.

Important: During the diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, make sure that during the diet your diet includes all the necessary foods for the health of the baby. Don't restrict food too much.

Daily menu

What can you do on a white diet? With some variations, use the following menu for a white diet for 5-7 days.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, oatmeal on milk or water, cocoa or kefir.
  • Lunch: yogurt, banana, apple.
  • Dinner:, for dessert - cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • Dinner: yogurt, fruits.

Many girls use the milk diet to lose weight gained during pregnancy.

It is especially loved by those who are not indifferent to dairy products. Especially during breastfeeding, their use is necessary. The duration of the milk diet is 5-7 days. For 3-4 days, you can arrange a fasting day - drink only milk.

By itself, milk is quite fatty. Therefore, low-fat dairy products should be preferred. If you are a supporter of all natural, drink goat's milk, but in small doses. Goat's milk speeds up metabolism, which contributes to weight loss.

The menu should be diversified with fruits, white meat and fish.

Important: During the diet, you can not eat fatty, floury, salty, sweet, drink alcohol and smoke.


On day 6, the diet should be reduced as much as possible. Last day add to the menu cottage cheese casserole, boiled eggs, fresh vegetable salad, white meat. After completion, observe the dietary restriction, do not forget to diversify the daily menu with dairy and sour-milk products.

On meat products

For those who do not like dairy products or cannot consume them due to congenital intolerance, a different type of white diet is recommended - on white meat. This method of shedding excess weight will delight meat-eaters. The diet is tasty, healthy, pleasant. Duration - 4-5 days. The basis of nutrition is chicken breast. With the help of a white meat diet, you can lose 3 kg or more.

Daily menu (can be varied):

  • Breakfast: chicken stewed with vegetables or baked chicken breast with vegetable salad.
  • Lunch: low-fat yogurt with apple, banana.
  • Dinner: rice, oatmeal porridge on the water, chicken fillet- baked, steamed, boiled.
  • Afternoon snack: With chicken breast.
  • Dinner: chicken soup with vermicelli.

on rice

Rice is a unique dietary product. In countries where rice is the basis of nutrition, overweight among the population is not observed. Therefore, they deservedly gained popularity. The secret is to eat clean boiled rice, without sauces, seasonings, spices. The duration of the diet is up to 7 days. The result is from 5 kilograms dropped or more.

Daily menu and recipes for the white diet:

  • Breakfast: rice with pieces of white fruit or boiled chicken breast, green tea, milk;
  • Lunch: yogurt or milkshake with fruit;
  • Lunch: rice, vegetable salad, baked white meat or fish, green tea;
  • Dinner: white fruit with yogurt, low-fat sour cream or cream.


Here are some recipes for the white diet that you can use to prepare meals while following it.


You will need:

  1. Greens.
  2. A bunch of radishes.
  3. 1 liter of kefir.
  4. 250 ml of mineral water.
  5. 2 cucumbers (fresh).
  6. Salt and pepper.

Cut the radishes and cucumbers into cubes or slices, finely chop the greens. Mix everything, arrange on portioned plates. Mix water, kefir and spices. Pour mixture over vegetables.

Oatmeal with milk

You will need:

  1. Milk 3 cups.
  2. Oatmeal 1 cup.
  3. Salt, some sugar.

Pour flakes into boiled milk, salt, add sugar. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly, over medium heat.

Braised chicken with vegetables

You will need:

  1. White chicken meat (breast) - 800 grams.
  2. Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  3. Onion - 2 pcs.
  4. Rust. oil - 100 ml.
  5. Water 150 - 200 ml.
  6. Garlic - 1 head.
  7. Salt, spices.

In addition to this set of products, you can add any cabbage.

Cut the chicken into small pieces, sprinkle with spices and salt. Onion cut into half rings. Chop potatoes into large chunks. Pour water into a saucepan, put chicken on the bottom, then garlic (divided into slices), onions, potatoes. Drizzle with oil and season with salt. Cook over low heat for 1 hour.

cucumber soup

You will need:

  1. 3 art. l. rast. oils.
  2. Juice of 1 lemon.
  3. 2-3 young cucumbers.
  4. A clove of garlic.
  5. 1 liter of kefir.
  6. Salt.

Cut cucumbers lengthwise, salt and leave for 2 hours. Then chop them finely and mix with crushed garlic and finely chopped onion. Then add all the other ingredients to the mass, beat the soup in a blender and put it in the cold.

How to get out

It is necessary in the first 2 weeks after the completion of the white diet with caution to eat foods that were prohibited during the diet. It is better not to return to some bad habits at all - to smoking, high-calorie foods, snacks, late dinners. Then the result will be the most effective.

Important: You can repeat the course of the white diet again in 1.5-2 months.

Our childhood passes under the well-known motto "Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy!" But in relation to adults, not everything is so simple. What is the use of milk, who should drink it, and who should refuse it, we found out from nutritionist Svetlana Fus.

Sources of milk rivers

Milk has been valued and respected since time immemorial. In Egypt, Greece, the countries of the East, it was considered a healing agent and was treated with gout, diseases of the stomach and liver, and was used even for the bites of poisonous snakes. And according to the Indian teachings of Ayurveda, warm milk with the addition of cinnamon, saffron, turmeric and cardamom is a very effective remedy for getting rid of neuroses, unreasonable fears and depressions.

Academician Pavlov called milk an amazing food given to us by nature itself. Indeed, despite the consistency, milk is not a drink - it is food. Healthy, wholesome and nutritious. Perhaps no other product can be compared with milk in terms of the number of useful elements and, most importantly, the degree of their balance and easy absorption. These are vitamins A, E, C, PP and group B, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, more than 20 amino acids, as well as complete protein, milk fat and sugar (lactose). Milk perfectly satisfies hunger, gives energy, makes up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

In the laboratory of the same Academician Pavlov, it was found that the weakest gastric juice is needed for the digestion of milk. Therefore, even today, milk is often used for various gastrointestinal diseases, physical exhaustion, anemia, and in cases where meat or fish proteins need to be replaced.

Damned reputation

But, despite the many advantages of milk, its value is periodically questioned. The most popular argument "against" milk is that it is well absorbed only by a child's body, so all people from 12 and older need to remove it from the diet once and for all.

Indeed, there is a so-called lactose deficiency - a lack in the body of the enzyme necessary for the breakdown of lactose (milk sugar). In this case, any amount of milk causes bloating and indigestion. But this feature is inherent in about 30% of the world's population, it is congenital and has nothing to do with age.

Test for the brave

Determining if you have a milk intolerance is simple. To do this, on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of milk (without seizing anything). If bloating, rumbling, seething and upset begin, then white food is not for you.

Such a reaction can also follow the combination of milk with any other product, such as cereals. In this case, you need to try everything separately (milk and porridge on the water), then together, follow the reaction of the body and draw conclusions.

Test for the cautious

Pour into a glass of quality milk, bring it to your mouth and smell it. If the smell is very unpleasant for you, then there is no point in testing further.

Here's what you really should be careful with, so it's fresh milk. The fact is that it is very fatty, and milk fat is a saturated fatty acid, the excess of which provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. In addition, fatty milk is a heavy burden for the pancreas, digestive and biliary systems. Drinking it a lot and often is not recommended. Therefore, it is better to choose milk in a package labeled 1.5% or 2.5% fat, and homemade milk must either be diluted with water, or defended and skimmed.

How much, how and with what

When drinking milk, you must adhere to the principle of the "golden mean". It is not worth resolutely rejecting it, but it is not necessary to drink liters either. The daily norm is 200 grams per day. “According to the rules”, it is advisable to use milk separately, or add it to porridge, since the amino acids of milk and cereal successfully complement each other. You can also soften strong tea and coffee with milk. But nutritionists do not advise drinking cookies and pies with them.

Although the favorite example of product incompatibility “milk + herring” is not a joke at all, but a national Finnish dish. So the compatibility of products is a very relative thing.

And do not forget that, in addition to milk, there is also cheese, cottage cheese and a variety of sour-milk drinks that are no less useful. In addition, they can be safely consumed even in the presence of the notorious lactose deficiency. The resulting lactic acid, when cooked, is normally tolerated by almost everyone, promotes digestion and speeds up metabolism.

A matter of choice

Arriving at the store for milk, you can get confused at the sight of a variety of packs and inscriptions. You should not be afraid. In fact, milk differs from ... milk with a shelf life of five days to a year. Its safety, in turn, is affected by processing technology and packaging. As a rule, all store-bought milk is sterilized or pasteurized. This kills the dangerous micro-organisms that live in raw milk and prolongs the shelf life of the product.

Pasteurized milk in a T-pack is convenient because it does not turn sour and does not require boiling. Its manufacturers claim that their long-lasting product is absolutely natural, retaining all the beneficial substances. It does contain vitamins, but, as a rule, they are added to milk during processing and they report this with the inscription “fortified”.

Sterilized milk with a short shelf life still turns sour, confirming its naturalness. Because of this, it requires vigilance - if you did not have time to boil it in time, you will have to drink yogurt.

Homemade milk would be the perfect drink option. But: firstly, it is quite fat; secondly, such milk, unlike store-bought, no one checks for the presence of microorganisms unsafe for humans. Therefore, it is better to buy homemade milk from a well-known grandmother, whom you trust, and be sure to boil it. Of course, some of the vitamins will be destroyed, but protein, calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins will remain.

There are thousands of different diet programs that are classified according to various criteria, such as maximum daily calories, restrictions, food intake. There is even a diet based on the use of products in the same color scheme, for example, white.

The duration of this system is only 7 days, during which you can easily lose up to 5-7 kilograms of excess weight. As a result, a white diet allows not only to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, but also to accelerate metabolism to the maximum, strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

During the diet, only white foods are allowed. At its core, it is a program that contains a lot of protein and a minimum of fat and carbohydrates. Ideally, this nutrition system should consist entirely of protein products, which are so necessary to strengthen muscle fibers and the body as a whole.

Unlike the same, in this case it does not matter when and how much food you can eat. The most important condition is the observance of the color scheme.

Depending on which type of program is chosen, you can use the following products:

  • Sour-milk, dairy products.
  • White varieties of cheese.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Rice groats, oatmeal.
  • White fish.
  • Dry white wine.
  • White beans.
  • Cabbage.
  • Chicken, turkey.
  • Fruits and berries of light shades.
  • White bread (limited).

Basic rules of the white diet:

  • Salt / sugar and other flavor enhancers, additives are prohibited.
  • Eating clean drinking water, green tea in a volume of up to two liters. If it is difficult to give up sweets, then at first you can sweeten drinks with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Fractional nutrition - 5 meals at regular intervals.
  • Eat 4 hours before bed last time. During this time, the body will digest the incoming food and prepare for rest.
  • Drink 150 ml of water 15 minutes before meals.
  • Additional use of vitamin pharmacy complexes.
  • Adding to the schedule of physical activity. It is not necessary to go to the gym. It is enough to do exercises in the morning, make light jogs, walk, do yoga, go to the pool or gymnastics.

There are a lot of varieties of a diet on white foods, but the rule is the same for everyone - the duration is no more than 1 week. This time is enough to become slimmer. Among the most popular methods:

  • Dairy.
  • Curd.
  • On white dietary meat.
  • On white beans.
  • On coconuts.

There are plenty to choose from. If you want to lose weight, experiment, lose weight on white foods.

The menu can be very different, depending on the chosen method. But the principle is the same everywhere, so we offer a variant of the daily diet according to the rice weight loss method, by analogy with which you can make your own menu:

  • Breakfast - a portion of boiled rice and a small piece of baked chicken breast.
  • The second breakfast is a white fruit, a glass of milk or sour-milk low-fat drink.
  • Lunch - boiled rice cereal and vegetable salad of cabbage and canned corn.
  • Dinner - boiled rice, apple-peach salad with natural yogurt dressing.

In the table you can also get acquainted with an approximate menu option.

The white diet is one of the most effective methods with numerous advantages:

  • Due to the use of predominantly protein foods, bones and muscle tissue are strengthened.
  • An effective and long-lasting result is getting rid of 5-7 kilograms in seven days.
  • Normalization of work gastrointestinal tract, improvement of intestinal microflora.
  • Maximum acceleration of metabolism.
  • Excellent cosmetic effect - improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Skin cells are renewed, the process of rejuvenation takes place.

No matter how much positive sides weight loss on white products, there are some disadvantages that you need to remember all the time:

  • There may be problems with the stomach, intestines, for example, the occurrence of bloating, flatulence, etc.
  • Not enough intake of nutrients, nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • Excessive intake of calcium can provoke an increased deposition of toxins, a violation of protein absorption.

Nikolaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna


This article discusses dairy food ("white" food) and meat food ("black" food) of the Yakuts not only as a source of food, but also as a food code in the culture of the people. The author focuses on identifying the components of "white" and "black" food as components of the material culture of a given people on the example of folklore sources. It is determined that the nominations of mainly dairy products become a cultural center in folklore texts. Article address: www.gramota.net/materials/272016/7-2/42.html


Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice

Tambov: Diploma, 2016. No. 7 (61): in 3 parts. Part 2. C. 151-152. ISSN 1997-2911.

Journal address: www.gramota.net/editions/2.html

© Gramota Publishing House

Information about the possibility of publishing articles in the journal is available on the website of the publisher: www.gramota.net Questions related to the publication of scientific materials, the editors ask to be sent to: [email protected]

10.02.00 Linguistics

UDC 811.512.157

This article discusses dairy food ("white" food) and meat food ("black" food) of the Yakuts not only as a source of food, but also as a food code in the culture of the people. The author focuses on identifying the components of "white" and "black" food as components of the material culture of a given people on the example of folklore sources. It is determined that the nominations of mainly dairy products become a cultural center in folklore texts.

Key words and phrases: dairy food; meat food; traditional food; folklore text; material culture; Food; epic olonkho.

Nikolaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna, Candidate of Philology PhD, Associate Professor

Northeastern federal university SHI1aeua [email protected] taI gi


The article was prepared with the financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation. Project No. 15-14-14004.

Food as one of the most important aspects of the material culture of the people is of great interest both in terms of studying various forms adaptation of a person to the conditions of existence, interaction between man and nature, and in terms of determining the significance of the nominations of dairy, meat and other types of products in the spiritual culture of the ethnic group.

The food products characteristic of various peoples, the methods of their processing and preparation, storage and transportation, the traditions of preference, restrictions or prohibitions, the etiquette and ritual associated with them reflected the long ethnic and cultural history of this people and adjacent territories.

The proposed article attempts to consider YPW as - khara as ("white" food - "black" food) not only as the main components of the diet of the Yakuts, but also as mutually correlated nominations of aspects of the traditional being of the ethnic group, which carries an important cultural meaning.

In connection with the problem of the article, the works of L. L. Gabysheva should be mentioned, in one of which she writes that “the Yakuts divided food into white and black: YPYH" as - hara as, i.e. into dairy and meat, and this the lexical taxonomy of food in a certain way intersected with the mythological classification: “white deities” were sprinkled with “white food”, bloody sacrifices (hara as) were made to the black forces of the Lower World.

In another work, the author puts forward an assumption about the differentiation of sacrifices on the basis of "milk" - "bloody", which is probably explained by the prevailing ideas about the special sacred purity of dairy products and the impurity of blood.

Often, a skinny, sick animal was chosen for sacrifice to the spirits of the underground sphere, the meat of which in the Turkic and Mongolian languages ​​is called "black meat" (Turkish - kara e^ Yakut - hara borok et, Buryat - hara mehan).

Thus, the author of the articles writes about the actualization of the meanings of the words YYt, aryy, sYvgey, sya, khaan in the folklore text, which gives great opportunities for various kinds of associations and semantic increments, on the basis of which the deep meaning of the text is formed.

From the point of view of differentiating the nomination of products for YPYk as - hara as, it is advisable to refer to the interpretation of the dictionary by E.K. In turn, tar (Buryat tarak "sour milk", Mongolian tara § "whey, curdled milk") the author explains as sour milk (suorat) prepared from skimmed boiled milk, which, in the form fermented over the summer, is stored for the winter, or frozen curdled milk (Ibid., vol. 3, p. 2564).

Why was the tar called hara as? Perhaps this is due to the fact that pine sapwood was added to it, or, according to V. L. Seroshevsky, grits from pine sapwood. Milk spoiled during cooking, accidentally obtained yogurt and all sorts of milk residues are poured there, as well as cartilage, bones, bread crusts and edible roots. All this, even fish and bones, dissolves in lactic acid and forms a genus of jelly.

According to the dictionary of E.K. Pekarsky, hara as is considered as a derivative product from milk as a tar. We can assume that the expression "Byargyn YPYn" nee "(lit. "make the liver white") - "to kill the worm" (about the hungry) - given in the above dictionary, is associated with "white food", i.e. dairy food, which can be and quench your thirst, and eat plenty.

In the Yakut-Russian phraseological dictionary there is an expression "Byaryn kharalyyr" (lit. "makes the liver black"), which means "harany (these, balygy) er siebekke syldian, ahtan ram sir. After a long break, with great pleasure, eat meat or fish food".

In these expressions, the situation is read that, if you are hungry, you can refresh yourself with dairy products (YPYnnee) and meat, fish products (haralaa).

Knowledge of the realities of material life also suggests to the modern speaker of the Yakut language that YPYk as are dairy products, hara as are mainly meat products, sometimes fish products are also included here.

ISSN 1997-2911. No. 7 (61) 2016. Part 2

According to A. A. Savvin, at the beginning of the last century, the Yakuts made more than 20 types of various products from the milk of domestic animals.

All of them are distinguished by a significant calorie content, nutrient content, including vitamins, stable properties for long-term storage, transportation, which allowed the Yakuts to take them with them on a long journey in severe frosts, it was believed that dairy products, like fatty meat, protected a person. from frost.

"White food", i.e. dairy, dairy food, personifying abundance in food, spilling on the ground meant a sin, the loss of livestock could begin, it was better to pour it into the lake. The Yakuts claim that when dairy products are poured into water, lake fish become fatty [Ibid., p. 104].

Food, including YPYW as and hara as, as a value factor of being and an ethno-cultural component is verbalized not only in proverbs and sayings, in phraseological units of the Yakut language, but also in texts heroic epic- olonkho.

Despite the fact that the epic text - olonkho - is characterized by fantastic and hyperbolic descriptions of the storyline, there are still realistic descriptions of people's life in combination with the mythological background of what is being described. For example, in an excerpt from the text of the olonkho “Er Sodotokh (Lonely Man)” by A. Ya.

Takas butei ete kvstvr, Et butei unuo§a kvstvr, Unuoh butei silite kvstvr; Uruku ahaa6brna urukunen kvstvr, Kharany ahaa6brna haranan kvstvr, Khaampyt sire haha ​​buolar, Syppyt sire saal buolar, Surbut sire chogocho buolar, Kvrbut kiYte kulum gynar, Taarybyt kiYte toton haalar, Uummut orte diolu bierer.

Through the clothes one can see her body, Through the body - her bone, Through the bone - the marrow;

The white (dairy) products eaten by her are still seen as white,

Black food turns black

The place she walked

turns into internal horse fat,

The place where she lay down turns into horse neck fat,

The place she ran through is in the omentum,

The man she looked at smiles wide

The person she touched will eat his fill,

Her hand extended to a person gives happiness [Ibid., p. 129].

In this description of the heroine of the olonkho, food products of dairy and meat origin are presented, i.e. an additional explanation is given: YPYW ac are white (dairy) products. The author also mentions hara as as an accompanying component included in the diet of traditional food and non-mythological characters. Internal horse fat, horse neck fat, omentum are considered tidbits, which, as independent, separate dishes, are usually treated to guests, but in this context they are objectified both literally and figuratively.

Thus, it can be concluded that YPYW as and hara as as components of the people's diet are traditionally components of the material culture of the Sakha, and, as the analysis of the presented material shows, the nominations of mainly dairy products become the cultural center of folklore material.


1. Bötlingk O. N. About the language of the Yakuts / transl. with him. V. I. Rassadin. Novosibirsk: Nauka (Sib. department), 1990. 646 p.

2. Gabysheva L. L. Food code in the Yakut culture: semantics and functions // Ethnography, folklore and religious studies of Siberia and adjacent regions: materials of the I Alekseevsky readings “Ethnography, folklore and religious studies of Siberia and adjacent regions”. Yakutsk: Publishing house of IGIiPMNS SO RAN, 2013. P. 97-106.

3. Gabysheva LL Folklore text: semiotic mechanisms of oral memory. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2009. 143 p.

4. Nelunov A. G. Yakut-Russian phraseological dictionary. Novosibirsk: Publishing House of SO RAN, 1998. Vol. 1. 287 p.

5. Pekarsky E.K. Dictionary of the Yakut language. 2nd ed. L .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1959. T. I. 1280 p.; T. Sh. 3858 p.

6. Savvin A. A. Food of the Yakuts before the development of agriculture (an experience of a historical and ethnographic monograph). Yakutsk: IGI AN RS(Y), 2005. 376 p.

7. Seroshevsky VL Yakuts: an experience of ethnographic research. 2nd ed. M.: ROSSPEN, 1993. 736 p.

8. Uvarovsky A. Ya. Akhtyylar. Djokuuskay: Bichik, 2003. 208 p.


Nikolaeva Tat "yana Nikolaevna, Ph. D. in Philology, Associate Professor North-Eastern Federal University [email protected] en

The article considers dairy food (white food) and meat products (black food) of the Yakut as not only the source of subsistence but as a food code of the people"s culture. The author focuses main attention on revealing the components of "white "and "black" food as parts of the people"s material culture by the example of folklore sources. It is exposed that mainly the nominations of dairy products become a cultural and cumulative center in folklore texts.

Key words and phrases: dairy foods; meat products; traditional food; folklore text; material culture; foodstuff; epos-olonkho.